22 minute read
For a Lifetime
by TriDelta
Paying your annual alumnae dues to Tri Delta is one of the easiest ways to continue to support our sisterhood for generations to come. It’s a once-a-year task that makes a huge difference!
With the generous support of duespaying alumnae, we are able to offer staff and volunteer support for all our collegiate and alumnae chapters; growth and development for all members through programming, leadership training and LEADDD events; The Trident, both in print and online; the Let’s Talk Tri Delta podcast and so much more. Thank you!
Visit My Tri Delta at tridelta.org to see if your dues are current. When you log in, check the “Annual Alumnae Dues” box for your status.
Don’t worry if your dues aren’t current! There are two easy ways to pay.
Join a local alumnae chapter. Dues paid through an alumnae chapter cover annual Fraternity dues along with fees to help with the operations, philanthropic efforts and events of your local chapter.
Don’t fret if there’s not a chapter near you! Member-at-large dues of just $33 a year can be paid right on our website.
Take advantage of all that your dues make possible. Visit LEADDDer.org for dynamic learning and development opportunities, selfpaced and on-demand. Check out upcoming events, including our LEADDD Keynote Series and LEADDD San Diego, at tridelta. org/events. Plus, watch your email and social media for even more that Tri Delta offers our dues-paying alumnae.
Don’t wait to make this small investment in yourself and in our sisterhood!
After 14 months of Zoom meetings, members of the San Jose Alumnae Chapter met at a beautiful park for an in-person dinner! The alumnae chapter president, Heather Pubols Rose, Pacific, presented her officers with lovely orchids to thank them for a remarkable year under unusual circumstances. The group deepened friendships through Zoom, emails, texts, cards and social media. New members were added, and old memberships were strengthened. The San Jose Alumnae Chapter proved that they can weather any storm with loyalty, dedication, kindness and love.
In March, the San Diego Alumnae Chapter participated in “Wags for Wishes.” Throughout the month, members of the chapter donated items to local animal shelters to make a PAWSitive impact in the community. San Diego Alumnae Chapter member Julia Viera, California/Los Angeles, was also named Coronado’s Hero of the Week on March 8, International Women’s Day! Congratulations, Julia!
Nancy Wagner, Boston, member of the San Gabriel/Crescenta Valley Alumnae Chapter, celebrated her 90th birthday on April 17 with more than 60 friends—and Tri Delta sisters—participating in a drive by birthday celebration. Nancy was also presented a letter from Fraternity President Megan Shaw James, Millsaps, to celebrate her special day.
On May 6, the Toronto Alumnae Chapter held Circle Degree virtually, welcoming four seniors from the University of Toronto’s Canada Alpha Chapter into alumnae membership: Allyson Webley, Monika Morcos, Gabriella Hermary and Micaela Pacheco.
The chapter also celebrated its first Pearl Circle ceremony with Shannon McKechnie, Toronto, marking her 10th year anniversary of Initiation. Silver Circle (25 years) honored Carly Klassen, Ottawa, and Christine Kralik, Toronto, and Golden Circle (50 years) was performed with five members: Arlene Chan, Jane Stephen, Susan Weston and Susan Armstrong Reid, all Toronto, with special guest Sally Briggs from Phi Delta Chapter, at the University of New Mexico. It was a lot of fun listening to their memories from when they were in the chapter and to hear that they still hang out together!
The chapter also celebrated its Diamond Circle member (75 years), Muriel Smart Masson, Toronto. She was unable to attend the event, but the chapter members sent their love and thanks for her continued sisterhood.
After utilizing Zoom exclusively for Book Club during the pandemic, Fort Myers alumnae reaDDDers were able to meet both in-person and on Zoom on June 29 with a discussion of “Little Fires Everywhere” by Celeste Ng. Incorporating both meeting methods allowed members who were away for the summer and those who were unable to travel to enjoy the fellowship of Tri Delta sisterhood while sharing their love of books.
Hugs, tears of joy and infectious smiles marked the coming together of the Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter for Pansy Brunch in the Park—and, there was much to celebrate!
Twenty-four members enjoyed the special event, with tables decorated with silver, gold and blue tablecloths and pansy centerpieces. Boxed lunches were served, and there was ample time for long-time and new members to get better acquainted after no in-person events for over a year.
Chrys Grafrath Hyde, Coe, former Tri Delta’s Foundation Trustee, headed up Pansy Palooza. Members made gifts to the Crescent Fund and Tri Delta’s Foundation to honor and remember Tri Delta sisters, and their efforts raised more than $1,500.
New Sarasota chapter member Jennifer Martin Cloutier, Florida, shared her experience becoming an Honor Initiate. Since joining Tri Delta, Jennifer has been

Photo, top: The Albuquerque Alumnae Chapter gathered at a local park for a Pansy Sidewalk Social. Photo, bottom: Sarasota Alumnae Chapter President Cindy Hicks Jeffers, Texas, (left) presents the Golden Circle pin to Toi Ahrens Estes, Florida. Toi celebrated 50 years of Tri Delta membership at the chapter's Pansy Brunch.

pearl circle
The Pearl Circle necklace was created to commemorate this special 10-year milestone and can be purchased through Herff Jones.
Interested in celebrating your 10 years of membership? Reach out to your local alumnae chapter, or be on the lookout for more details on Tri Delta’s next virtual milestone ceremony! Celebrating
10 Years of Membership In 2020, In 2020, Tri Delta’s Ritual Committee introduced a special new milestone ceremony, celebrating 10 years of Tri Delta membership: the Pearl Circle ceremony. It was designed as a way to recognize Tri Delta’s young alumnae with a 10-year milestone, consistent with the Silver (25-year), Golden (50-year) and Diamond (75-year) Circle ceremonies. Rather than having to wait until they’ve reached their 25th anniversary of Initiation, alumnae can now recommit to Tri Delta’s timeless Purpose, renew their Initiation vow and fully embrace lifetime membership by celebrating Pearl Circle. Tri Delta hosted its very first celebration of the Pearl Circle ceremony virtually last year following Convention and again this summer as part of our Summer of Sisterhood.

serving on the Crescent Fund committee and shared stories of how Tri Delta assists both collegiate and alumnae members. Another highlight was the presentation of the Golden Circle to Toi Ahrens Estes, Florida, conducted by Alumnae Chapter President Cindy Hicks Jeffers, Texas.
The Atlanta Alumnae Chapter received three awards from Atlanta Alumnae Panhellenic Association—an appropriate number for our brave, bold and kind Tri Deltas! April Mathis Voris, Alabama, received the Panhellenic Woman of the Year award, while Amber Simmons, rising senior at Brenau, is a Panhellenic scholarship winner for Tri Delta. And finally, the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter was named the Outstanding Alumnae Chapter! To celebrate, members of the chapter gathered at Brook Run Park in Dunwoody, Georgia, for a spring picnic.
At the beginning of summer, members of the Hawaii Alumnae Chapter got together for a pool party—the first time they’d seen each other in person as a group since before COVID-19. They brought snacks to share and spent time chatting and reminiscing outside by the pool. They even enjoyed an impromptu rendition of the “Gleaming White Pearl” song of recruitment—a special moment that showed what sisterhood is all about. No matter the age or chapter, each sister knew the song and it brought them all together in the moment.
Danielle DePriest, Kansas State, Amber Strohbehn, Iowa State, and Jacqueline Hansen, Arkansas, met and became friends in 2017 when they began veterinary medical school at Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine. On May 14, 2021, the three celebrated their graduation together! The Tri Delta sisterhood brought them together both as friends and as lifelong professional colleagues.

On June 5, 44 members of the Minneapolis St. Paul Alumnae Chapter gathered for the first time since the pandemic for their Pansy Picnic at Parkers Lake in Plymouth, Minnesota. On a beautiful sunny Minnesota afternoon, the sisters caught up after many months apart, installed new officers, and celebrated the Circle Degrees.
But, for three sisters, the fellowship of Pansy Picnic 2021 did not end as they headed home from Parkers Lake after a lovely afternoon of conversation, lunch and ritual. Within a few blocks of the park, Carol Brown-Mills and Jannette Paulu were jarred by a loud shudder under the floorboards of Carol’s car, which limped itself to the curb and
Chicago Loop Group celebrates its 125th anniversary next year.

2022 Chapter Anniversaries 25
ALUMNAE Moscow, Idaho 9/29/1997 Greensboro, North Carolina 10/30/1997
50 COLLEGIATE Beta Mu/Mississippi State 2/13/1972 Beta Xi/Stephen F. Austin 12/2/1972 ALUMNAE Conejo Valley, California 8/20/1972 Chicago North Suburban, Illinois 9/1/1972 Winston/Salem/Forsyth County, North Carolina 11/1/1972
ALUMNAE Boulder, Colorado 1/15/1947 Lawrence, Kansas 1/1/1947 Meridian, Mississippi 11/11/1947 Missoula, Montana 10/1/1947 Albuquerque, New Mexico 1/1/1947 Bryan/College Station, Texas 3/1/1947 Midland, Texas 1/1/1947
100 ALUMNAE Fort Collins, Colorado 2/1/1922 Manhattan, Kansas 3/1/1922
125 ALUMNAE Chicago Loop Group, Illinois 5/15/1897 Cincinnati, Ohio 9/2/1897
Sharing Our Sisterhood Through Honor Initiation
Did you know that women who were unable to join Tri Delta as collegiate members can still be welcomed into our sisterhood as alumnae? Tri Delta is always looking for amazing women who are interested in joining our brave, bold and kind members on a path of leadership, community service and friendship through Tri Delta’s Honor Initiate program.
So far this year, Tri Delta has welcomed 38 new alumnae members through Honor Initiation. We held a virtual initiation for 26 women in celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8, and 12 more women joined our sisterhood at our virtual Volunteer Leadership Conference on July 17! We will welcome more sisters on Nov. 7 during our International Founders' Day celebration.
Lisa Frenzel Remsikova, Texas, is Tri Delta’s honor initiate chair and is an honor initiate herself. When she attended the University of Texas in 1985, Lisa was focused on her figure skating career, leaving little time for sorority recruitment. Fast forward 24 years, and she was devoting much of her free time to volunteering, which led her to Tri Delta.
Lisa wanted to focus on an organization that aligned with her values where her time and energy would be valued, appreciated and put to good use. Tri Delta was a perfect match. Since joining Tri Delta in 2009, Lisa has continued to be involved as a volunteer and has enjoyed the opportunity to meet, work with and learn from her Tri Delta sisters. For her, honor initiation meant joining a diverse network of women who share the common goals of living the Purpose of our Ritual.
Do you know an outstanding woman who is active in their community, exemplifies Tri Delta’s values and would be a great fit for our sisterhood? Nominate them to be an honor initiate: tridelta.org/our-members/alumnae/honorinitiate.

Members of the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter gathered at Brook Run Park for a spring picnic in May. The chapter celebrated receiving the Atlanta Alumnae Panhellenic Association's Outstanding Alumnae Chapter Award!
collapsed. Luckily for them, at that moment Kim Beecham came up behind, pulled over and hopped out to see what the problem was. It was a major problem that required calls to Roadside Assistance and a long wait in the stifling heat for the tow truck. That was the miserable part.
But there was also a beautiful part. The car came to rest near a grassy bank where the ladies could wait safely and in the shade of a lone pine tree! They had lawn chairs and water and the company of each other. Kim drove to a nearby store to replenish water and bring back ice cream treats. The three sisters kept themselves and the wilting pansies from the picnic hydrated, and conversation flowed “at the foot of the pine tree” as the old Tri Delta song goes. Even in moments of distress, the bonds of sisterhood sustain us and can turn an adverse situation into an opportunity for deepening friendship.
Earlier this year, the Long Island Alumnae Chapter held “Pooling for St. Jude,” a Super Bowl box pool fundraiser. The pool was advertised on the chapter's fundraising Facebook page and shared with friends and family. After the initial pool closed out in less than 24 hours, and with demand from participants, the chapter decided to post another and then another. In just three weeks, six pools of varying box cost were posted and closed out. The pools brought in over 150 participants and helped the chapter raise $2,650 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
On Fat Tuesday, the Charlotte Alumnae Chapter celebrated Mardi Gras by acting out a Mardi Gras Masquerade murder mystery via Zoom! Members enjoyed 'getting into' character with costumes, props and dialects—and they learned that our sisters are good actors! It was a wonderful way to virtually “Let the Good Times Roll!”
Two more Tri Deltas have been named members of Southern Methodist University's 2021-2022 Alumni Board. Melanie Fish and Alice Viroslav have joined fellow sisters Elizabeth Emerson and Alison Ream Griffin, all Southern Methodist. This volunteer board helps create a thriving alumni community at SMU that meaningfully engages alumni and parents. Congratulations, sisters, and thank you for representing Tri Delta through your service!
Three years ago, four teachers—Trisha Harvey, Westminster, Arianna Klitsas, Texas A&M, Stacy Alexander, and Marisa Hurst, both Stephen F. Austin—were hired to open a new intermediate school (Hofius Hawks) in the suburbs of Houston, Texas. None of them taught the same subject, but eventually they found out they all have something in common: they are Tri Delta sisters!

75DIAMOND SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS ago, these women pledged loyalty and devotion to Tri Delta, and today they have held true CIRCLE to that promise. Join us in celebrating our Diamond Circle sisters! The fraternity has made a donation to Tri Delta’s Foundation in their honor. If you’d like to also make a donation in their honor, or in honor of a specific sister on this list, go to tridelta. org/donate or mail a check to Tri Delta 14951 Dallas Parkway, Ste. 500, Dallas, Texas 75254.

On July 9, 2021, members of the Boulder, Colorado, Alumnae Chapter gathered to celebrate Diamond Circle member Donna Robinson Meckley, Colorado, (pictured center) and her 75 years of Tri Delta membership.
ADELPHI Marguret Julien Gilchrist, Jane Carson Kirches, Carolyn Rand Langan, Shirley Maclean Thomas, Barbara Caffrey Walling, Margaret Cornell Wenk.
ALABAMA Martha Stoney Anderson, Carolyn Covington Branton, Sharon Smith Cutler, Jesse Yarbrough Jemison, Henriette Rowe Jordan, Jean Barnes Moffatt, Mary Alston Poellnitz, Mary Ann Bonney Riley, Jane Cason Simpson, Harriet Smith, Mary Williams.
ALBERTA Mildred Sigsworth Hunt, Enid Glauser Munford.
ARIZONA Rosemary Barker, Virginia Houghton Culhane, Geraldine Fergus Grant, Margaret Bell Munn, Lois Lane Nance, Barbara Parker Pinney, Barbara Moore Rider, Lorna Christian Strauch, Frances Bliss Wardell.
ARKANSAS Ruth Easterbrook Bertin, Rebecca Wright Chancey, Mildred Johnson Gallegly, Betty Parker Garrison, Kathryn Sayle Griffin, Adeline Baker Patterson, Mary Scurlock, Schumacker, Helen Sweet, Waldean Cooke Whitelaw. BAKER Joan Penley Detter, Theodora Christensen Dooling, Marjorie Bailey Marquis, Nancy Marquis Shepherd.
BELOIT Lucille Hubbell Anderson, Elizabeth Burt Baker, Betty Williams Davis, Shirley Gesme Erb, Audrey Schroeder Jackson, Marilyn Cate Larson, Phyllis Adolphson Schmitt, Kennette Glentzer Warnimont, Shirley Small Wray.
BOSTON Beverly Boyd, Shirley Smith Daly, Pauline Knott, Shirley Rhodes Lowe, Anna Rines Martin.
BRENAU Ruth Martin Atkinson, Virginia Cullom Corey, Barbara Smith Ditzel, Lois Sadler Durr, Doris Slack Larison, Mary Alexander Lingo, Pomeroy Huff Lowry, Ann Hasson Marble, Joan Longworth Smith, Elizabeth Fisher West.
BUCKNELL Shirley Schweiker Fagan, Carole Jackson Maudlin, Virginia Wier Thomas, Martha Chance Walgran.
BUTLER Barbara Lovelle Hanks. CALIFORNIA/BERKELEY Sharole Otis Atley, Jo Spindt Brean, Rosemary Pratt Crane, Suzanne Krebs Croudace, Joanne Cardiff Depuy, Mary Follen Hawley, Gene Croudace Hoyt, Jane Keeler Keller, Doris Petterson Mescher, Nancy Tomer Pickford, Bonnie Smith, Marion Jacobus Vogel, Elizabeth Bohart Wakefield.
CALIFORNIA/LOS ANGELES Leslie Abbott Barclay, Dorothy Sergel Carlson, Barbara Mulvehill Coyne, Marijeanne McClendon Crabtree, Amy Anderson Duling, Virginia Frazier Foster, Shirley Illo Gabel, Gale Michael Goldsberry, Helen Oppen Griswold, Mildred Locke Lane, Margot William, McCann, Donna Bell Parshalle, Brenda Ullman Schmida, Jane Pitts Welsh.
CARNEGIE-MELLON Beverly Huggler Braun, Wanda Forsythe Clay, Betsey Eunson Cooper, Jane Bates Fantaski, Patricia Ferguson, Virginia Rosendahl Huffman, Elizabeth Ogilive Kehew, Doris Moore Malter, Anita Mortimer Michael, Virginia Walsh Nichols, Dolores Beljan O'Reilly, Norma Maurhoff Pickard, Ruth Faulk Stambaugh, Margaret Will Stanford, Alice Haggerty Stewart, Sylvia Davis Stuckrath.
CHARLESTON Elizabeth Bargmann Hunter, Fenwick Kollock, Ann Stock Rhett, Elizabeth Bryan Sims.
CINCINNATI Nancy Koch Holterhoff, Catherine Stewart Katz, Nancy Nenninger Keating, Helen Lawton Koch, Ann Buford Mitchell, Jane Salisbury Pancero, Jeanne Daulton Reed.
COE Janice Reid Berg, Lucille Roberts Gregor, Barbara Seger Harris, Helen Davis Munday, Mary Hamblin Ovrom, Virginia Lagerstrom Rowe, Carolyn Doyle Skok.
COLBY Margaret Clark Atkins, Barbara Vanevery Bosworth, Virginia Cole Daggett, Martha Loughman Shepard, Haroldene Whitcomb Wolf.
COLORADO Betty Short Burnham, Kathryn Smith Corwin, Mary Boese Erskine, Jacqueline Snook Hatfield, Helen Henry Hicks, Mary Goedde MacDonald, Eleanore Gardner Matheson, Joanne Berkstresser Nielson, Patricia Rose Smither, Eva Peyton Steadman, Midge Gregg Tuttle.
COLORADO STATE Astrid Svedlund Brown, Pauline Prather Duffy, Violet Walton Johnson, Eloise Euwer Norton.
CORNELL Joyce Anderson, Jean Schultheis Brechter, Betty Murtaugh Eck, Mary Lou Dorward Erdman, Martha McKelvey Holdridg, Lucille Bast Koop, Elizabeth Jewett Neel, Adele Arnot Rasch, Dorothy Dye Spencer, Josie McKenrick Tobie, Joanne Halla Watkins, Betty Greening Wigsten, Norma Johnson Wiles.
DENISON Clara Mills Cain, Marilyn Wicks Contrada, Nancy Ball Hance, Jane Carstensen Heller, Martha Bowman LavieLombardi, Patricia Fagan Martin, Lois Fleck Mitzman, Janet Snyder Nagy, Elizabeth Fogg Scazzero, Dixie Campbell Utter.
DEPAUW Joanne Morrison Kramer, Dorothy Lami Magill, Joan Blakely Malcomson, Jean Wuerfel Morey, Joan Hoy Sampson, Edith Schmidt, Nancy Rockhill Walters.
DRURY Lu McCallon Bridges, Virginia Whipple Strathdee, Jane Zuegel.
DUKE Dorothy Harriss Brower, Elizabeth Beall Brueggemann, Patricia Messerly Bruner, Rowena Kuykendall Jones, Laurie Izlar Mullins, Eleanor Hunter Ross, Martha Rudy Wallace.
FLORIDA STATE Amante Semmes Carlquist, Margie Norris Holbrook, Marilyn Bassett McCown, Faith Adams Young.
FRANKLIN Ruth Riggs Brasaemle, Mary Baughman Fruth, Jean McAtee McKay.
GEORGIA Minnie Powell Bowers, Nancy Sorrells Brewer, Eleanor Hunt Florence, Mary Cline Lind, Dorothy Fechtel McCleskey, Jane Randall Nessen, Cornelia Frost Pilcher, Betty Ledbetter Thompson.
IDAHO Betty Young McIntyre, Jeanne Talbott Robinson.
ILLINOIS Jean Hansen Fogelsong, Madge Berkey Morgan, Betty Bryant Parsons, Dorothy Seeman Rice, Betty Pace Vertovec, Nicki Mack Weltzin.
INDIANA Jean Maddox Atkins, Margaret Willson Gale, Charmion Tooley Quick.
IOWA Jane Lord Cray, Phyllis Oltman Jones, Sally Quist Kamman, Barbara Allen Lockhart, Ruth Paul Lundstedt, Norma Haegg Pollock.
IOWA STATE Jeanne Peshek Farmer, Phyllis Thompson Harris, Joan Kilty O'Brien, Martha Ann Baschen Olson, Marjorie Allen Savage, Martha Pray Woodard.
KANSAS Bonnie Cunningham Arrowsmith, Marjorie Dinsmore Ewers, Barbara Meyer Kiskadden, Elizabeth Mallonee, Emily Berry Musselman, Eunice Carlson Rolfs, Mary Martin Rush, Anne Krehbiel Sauer, Shirley Grigsby Stallard.
KANSAS STATE Donna Diller Ballenger, Mary Alice Wolf Barr, Bette Schlotthauer Bossler, Georgi Gress Dawson, Alice Keefe, Roberta Royston Shelor.
KENTUCKY Caroline Palmer Bland, Betty Brooker Brothers, Jane Price Fowler, Josephine Trapp Hartfield, Mary Hornbrook Kirkpatrick, Elise Meyer, Joy Marsh Rice.
KNOX Mary Halvorsen Brandenburg, Jo Ann Nye Edwards, Helen Parker Hageboeck, Virginia Hawkins Jensen, Joanne Davis Johnson, Nancy Powelson McCormick, Mertyce Erickson Meyer, Yvonne Spielman Turnquist.
The Diamond Circle Pin
Awarded on your 75th Tri Delta Initiation anniversary. The first Diamond Circle pin was presented to Mary K. Wise Jensen, Butler, Past Fraternity President.
75DIAMOND CIRCLE LOUISIANA STATE Roberta Steele Eunson, Mary Willey Fite, Ann Jackson Love, Anna Standard Owen, Dorothy Voorhies Scobee.
MAINE Carol Smith Cervone, Janice Maxwell Franszen, Harriette Watson Litchfield, Gloria Dow Pelliteir.
MANITOBA Joyce McFee Sommers.
MARYLAND Johanna Donovan Bell, Jane Lynch Day, Elizabeth Maire Herndon, Eileen Simpson Turyn, Lucile Andrews Weldon.
MIAMI/OHIO Frances Pedrick Benz, Helen Hinchman Burley, Patsy Steketee Cortright, Lila Egan Dennis, Suzan Bland Dohner, Martha Vanduyn Looker, Phyllis Shuler Miller, Shirley Borkenhagen Romesberg, Sally Adams Schalles, Mary Peters Shackleford.
MICHIGAN Betty Estes Gnaegy, Marian Reus Jacobson, Jean Lyman Lanxner, Jane Wetmore Lichtwardt, Jeanne Thorne McLeod, Ginny Nicklas, Marjorie Reber Salata.
MILLIKIN Jacqueline Funk Canterbury, Ellen Quinn Petty, Joanne Hathaway Sullivan.

MINNESOTA Mary Palm Hoffman, Abby Amundson Howe, Dorothy Seifert Kropp, Janice Enger Kwiat, Eleanor Collier McWaters.
MISSISSIPPI Emily Russell Clark, Bonnie McCain Dalton, Frances Terry Gage, Mary Ann Brandon Jones, Dorothy Newsom Lochausen, Pauline Covington Merrell, Nancy Harton Washburn, Mary Andrews Wilkinson.
MISSOURI Ruth Beckemeier Mawdsley.
MOUNT UNION Helen Hanny Bircher, Elizabeth Herren Gorby, Eileen Nettro Hill, Marthajane Silver Hood, Betty Ritter Olson, Mary Silver Reto, Donna Day Shreve, Martha Scott Wheaton, Lois Zellers.
NEBRASKA Shirley McKenna Heinke, Patricia Ward Schaumberg, Jean Nicodemus Soennichsen, Rosemarie Grow Taylor.
NEVADA Mary Hanley Davison, Doris Hanssen Sinofsky.
NORTH CAROLINA Catherine Carlen Cox, Elizabeth Blunt Hall, Mary Jo Cain McLean, Dorothy Swain Meares, Audrey Johnson Pendergrass, Jeanne Neuling Reeder, Barbara Lynn Simons, Mary Helm Sisson, Alice Roberson Skinner, Nancy Waugh Spangler, Ruth Tompkins Stratton, Elsie Rhyne Thorne, Elise Wishar Tyree, Elizabeth Greve Warwick.
NORTH DAKOTA Hope Morwood Bakken, Alice Russell Fyten, Darleen Nasset Jackson.
NORTHWESTERN Marianna Freeman Bell, Janet Rademacher Bosworth, Betty Atterberry Chandler, Barbara Hosterman Clark, Patricia Nippe Hiester, Orleath Vogelaar Ingle, Irene Overman Kreer, Lois Pascoe Lindberg, Joan Patrie Milske, Alma Womble Price, Elizabeth Fulton Schaaf, Barbara Brownell Somers, Frances Strom Stock.
OHIO STATE Lee Vornholt Dresback, Tony Oelgoeta Loehnert, Joyce Merryman, Joanne Theado Skinner, Patricia Vandoren Thornton, Mary Hoover Wojno.
OHIO WESLEYAN Joan Mumma Blackwell, Sara Utz Croy, Helen Merker
75DIAMOND CIRCLE Gray, Shirley Sedlon Mathewson, Julia Oliver Pierson, Joan Guillod Stahlfeld.
OKLAHOMA Phyllis Hellar Brown, Margaret Geatches Curtiss, Joan Fisher Snodgrass, Sarah Scott Stidham.
OREGON Patrica Jolliff Blackley, Audrey Kullberg Giffen, Sara Bjorset Hamilton, Julia Graham McFadden, Janet Watts McLennan, Elizabeth Spangler Nolen, Elizabeth Basler Ross, Dawn Carson Sipe, Marjean McElvain Sprick, Shirley Kissling Taggesell, Marjorie Tate White, Altabelle Hoadley Wildish.
OREGON STATE Roberta Allen Beam, Kate Delistraty Gregos, Nancy Christensen Miles, Jane Acton Preiss, Joan Johnson Thompson, Margaret Badgley Vernon, Mary Perkins Wagner, Jean Wiegand Wiggins, Jean Graffenberger Wilson.
PENNSYLVANIA Kathleen Hazlet Boren, Dorothy McClatchy Borresen, Marie Pollock Cissel, Anne Zentgraf Hagan, Theresa Voncarlowitz Hunt, Patricia Reilly Jacobs, Nancy Boerner Smith.
PITTSBURGH Mary Stephenson Hagelin, Marian Rewbridge Ifland.
RANDOLPH-MACON Merle Tilley Carroll, Jean Bass Crawford, Martha Nichols Fisher, Mary Douglas King, Mary Lathram Love, Jo McClelland Morey, Marie Guy Smith, Jean Campbell Taylor. Peggie Nickels Yarbro.
RHODES Mignon Dunn, Ella Bailey Hay, Harriet Causey Kuykendall, Anne Love, Patricia Caldwell McKnight, Sara Elliott Newton, Margaret Vickers Ratcliffe, Rebecca McCall Stacy, Sue Henry Turner, Mary Grainger Wells.
ST. LAWRENCE Ann Leadley Bender, Barbara Sniffen Bennett, Martha Fiddler Ferguson, Yvonne Johnson Holzkamp.
SIMPSON Fern Payne Andrew, Mary Christian Chisman, Sula Laird Jordison, Patricia Allen Webb.
SOUTH CAROLINA Martha Parker Allison, Sarah Bull Clarkson, Mary King.
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Nancy Bassett Barrington, Mary Mohlengraft Basler, Paula Johnson Dickson, Nancy Vann Hersh, Olive Weber Jarvaise, Elizabeth Latimer Johnson, Jayne Wightman Megginson, Carol Drew Padgett, Adell Eaton Quilico, Joan Aita Scheel, Joan Gregg Zukin.
SOUTHERN METHODIST Helen Anderson Bearden, Colleen Blodgett Boswell, Blanche Webster Coker, Glynda Hawkins Conn, Barbara Hurley Gagnon, Marie Leahy Jenkins, Sharon Allen LaRue, Betty Russell Morton, Virginia Eckman Ray.
SOUTHWESTERN Mary Matlock Holtze, Sue Lane Tarpley, Margaret Comin Wallender.
STETSON Lois Wykoff Knight, Rosemary Johnston McDavid, Marjorie Williams Owens, Virginia Morris Snoddy, Iris Hart Young.
SYRACUSE Margaret Wind Barry, Nancy Collins Carlson, Joyce Wind McArdle, Betty Sanders Sills, Sally Swierstra Wisniewski.
TENNESSEE Betty Haaga Barnett, Carol Newman Biegler, Anne Goodloe Forrester, Mary Morris Heffernan, Marie Sharp Leonard, Dorothy Gracy Macaulay, Jeannette Hutchinson Underwood.
TEXAS Leta Garrison Eaves, Margaret Danforth Harp, Sue Wilkirson Hoffman, Mary Glass Langford, Ann Oden Lessig, Joan Fredley Minor, Jane Gillean O'Donnell, Patricia Clements Schoen, Betty Davis Willson, Gloria Jackson Wolfe.
TEXAS/EL PASO Maudie Vantrease Auvenshine, June Kraut Boutin, Dr. Elizabeth Flake, Jane House Howard, Helen Small Merriman, Karma Webb Odell, Diana Pattison Richter
TOLEDO Marjorie Hemsoth Ballard, Joanne Shank Boulton, Patricia Oatman Campbell, Jaclyn King Chapman, Virginia Klewer Church, Annis Henry Easley, Jean Heiing Geis, Joanne Merrill Gilmore, JoAnne Rauch Johnson, Nancy Barnett Kurr, Joanne Eckel Luettke
TORONTO Jean Howes Cameron, Noreen Cornish Evans, Mary Shiach Grasser, Marion McLean Hay, Muriel Smart Masson.

Jean Lyman Lanxner, Michigan, participated in the Diamond Circle ceremony virtually this summer.
TRANSYLVANIA Norma Cundiff Loew, Alma Bowles Naumann.
TULSA Ruth Mase Dick, Juanita Sittel Hardy, Eunice Knowland King, Jo Ann Johnson McMackin.
UTAH Jacqueline Anderson Eddington, Mildred Ogden Garrett, Patricia Synon Gnadt, Sue Stoddard Stevens, Jeanne Wiggill Taft, Joyce Woolley Wiley.
VANDERBILT Sarah Morrison Geron, Jean Whitson Hester, Margaret Rainey Kirk, Laura Lea Knox, Betty Driver Peeler, Betty Ward Stumb, Jane Harrison Sullivan. VERMONT Rose Sullivan Dolson, Jane Johnson Hazen, Betty Anne Scott Hunziker, Margery Grout Johnson, Eleanor Allen Miles, Beverly Hall Post.
WASHINGTON Donna Ford Callero, Merrillyn Goodnow Dow, Jean Lincoln Frankland, Sally Macdonald Hepler, Barbara Forsyth Hill, Helen Cleaver Hurd, Barbara Ross Mitchell, Barbara Blacksmith Monaghan, Lois Peck Peyton, Norma Martin Villiers, Jane Elliott Young.
WASHINGTON STATE Jacquelyn Hansen Basso, Suzanne Raymond Cahoon, Kay Sorensen Swanson.
WASHINGTON/ST. LOUIS Jules Stewart Bush, Hester Warfield Conrad, Mary Jacobs Darst.
WHITMAN Joan Hager Cochran, Ruth Staats Engle, Patricia Lowndes Jennings, Jean Latourette Medina, Barbara Sawyer Scott, Joyce Mulhair Seebart.
WILLIAM & MARY Eleanor Cooke Barnard, Gretchen Erb Bradley, Lucy Buran Cornett, Jane Uhlendorf Kempsell, Frances Pope O'Sullivan, Gene Griffin Wilson, Helen Demurguiondo Wineland.
WISCONSIN Polly Kendall Cumming, Helen Lund Dahm, Patricia Lyga Geraldson, Patricia Snell Hanson, Donna McKee Howes, Phyllis Frudden Meyer, Maxine Stehr Moore, Carol Levenick Rice, Dolores Westphal Roberts, Patricia Soellner Speicher, Jean Rowen Walker, Sabra Wales Wirth, Hermine Kollin Wirthlin.
WYOMING Charmaine Petrich Bailey, Doris Moran Cundall, Lucille Clarke Dumbrill, Esther Macleod Griffin, Aline Height Mankin, Donna Carroll McLachlan, Kathleen Hayes Pancratz, Dorothy Manley Wataha.