Ware k tremor therapy

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Introducing a Novel (very effective) Therapy for Programming and Reprogramming the Central Nervous System; “Ware K Tremor” Therapy – A Health Trigger Process “A Mild, Self-Initiated Sensory/Motor Stimulation Therapy, that Exploits and Enhances the Natural Chaotic Rhythms of the Human Nervous System” Signifying a “Very Import ant Discov ery Off ering New Research Opportun ities” Please accompanying video foot age of the nonl inear neural dynamical ev ents described –



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Researchers: Ken Ware, Katrina Robertson, Victor Popov , Leo Young:

Department of Neurotricional Sciences , Genera ti ons Hea lthy Life Centre, Emerald, QLD, Australia; This research is assisted through funding fr om AusInd ustry; An Australian Govern ment I nitia tive.


Abstract: Researchers around the world are extensively studying the role that 'Chaos' plays in our physical and emotional health and wellbeing. Chaos, Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, attracts significant attention in many fields - such as sociology, physics, biology and engineering. The research primarily focuses on applications in neural networks, biological and social systems, secure communications and information science. We introduce a dynamical, ‘self-initiated’ novel therapy, which exploits the natural chaotic rhythms of the human nervous system. The therapy has been successfully utilized for more than 25 years*, to assist patients with often critical disorders; regain control over their physical/emotional health and wellness futures. The ‘present day’ clients highlighted in this presentation have overcome long term debilitating neurological restraints/conditions within very small (unprecedented) time scales. Accomplishments such as these are representative of programing and reprogramming/plasticity, recalibrating the central nervous system on a global scale, positively affecting all of the systems sub systems simultaneously. We have utilized EMG, EEG, and ECG simultaneously to observe these positive global transitions to the therapy. Whilst these data provides substantial evidence of enhanced neurological complexity, the real data are in the positive results that the clients obtain from this unique therapy. This poster/video presentation will propose the mechanisms at work relating to the success of the therapy and emphasize the significance of ‘arousal control’ by the Clients to optimize reprograming, reprograming/plasticity potential; while they initiate the prescribed, very slow mild resistance exercises, in a super relaxed state. A ‘self-organizing’ chaotic tremor emerges that evolves over time, rapidly enhancing the systems complexity – Programming and Reprogramming and/or Reorganizing the Central Nervous System . The re-established or enhanced neurological complexity of the system, enables the client to perform desirable physical tasks that had previously been thought of as impossible; not likely to be accomplished because of lesion; or dramatically impaired. Most commonly, long term attempt to acquire same through all other forms of therapy have failed. .* It must be noted that the significant positive effects of this therapy were accidentally discovered more than 25 years ago by Ken Ware. Clients attending the original centre (The Pioneer Valley Hospital in Mackay, Queensland Australia) were significantly benefiting from these techniques long before we had a scientific framework to begin to explain how the therapy worked. This will remain a work in progress.


Introduction We introduce novel exercise techniques which quite visibly expose the natural chaotic rhythms within the human nervous system (Chaotic response to stimulus = 100% x several thousand samples). Exposed nonlinear neural dynamics reveal sensory motor deficits that relates to the presence of physical/emotional instabilities/disease/disorder within the Clients system. The clients disorder/disease is sensitively dependent upon these initial

conditions. An unpredictable chaotic neural tremor is observed in 100% of clients (tens of thousands of clients have utilized these techniques successfully over the last 25 years), while performing exercises that deliver a very mild stimulus to their system - within the confines of a controlled, non-threatening, supportive environment. The more the client relaxes as they perform the movements and the slower they move the mild loads - the more visible the chaotic tremor becomes. The chaotic tremor always increases in intensity and randomness, relevant to the degree of disorder in the clients system. There is usually an accompanying level of unjustifiable emotional anxiety or sensations of fear. The assessable variable chaotic tremor will appear in every Client under these unique parameters; However the nervous systems of clients who are in a good state of physical/emotional health - will display highly organized global neural activity under these parameters within a day or two, accomplishing an ever higher level of control over their physical/emotional health. Those clients who display ‘extreme sensitivity to these initial conditions’, because of the presence of physical/emotional disease/disorder in their system, often require much more support and encouragement. However significant measurable functional and cognitive benefits are noted within a few days and improve exponentially from there. The ‘extreme’ stochastic neural dynamics observed within vulnerable clients systems, relate to physical/emotional disruptions. However the Clients rapidly improves physical/emotional health at all levels – once these disoriented vulnerable regions of their system’s sensory motor integration feedback loops are recalibrated to internal and external environmental stimuli.


The recovery rate of clients from even the most hard to conventionally treat physical/emotional diseases/disorders is at unprecedented time scales. Most importantly, the client manages this process themselves with ‘hands off’ support and advice. We have developed a comprehensive program that enables assessment of the client’s responses to (all) external/internal environmental stimuli; recalibrate sensory/motor deficits and continue to add value to the clients control over their physical/emotional futures.

The “Ware K Tremor” Health Trigger Process, highlights the “Self Organizing” ability of the unrestrained human nervous system to recalibrate itself to an orderly state; It is proposed that under the prescribed parameters, the mild stimulus or environmental signal, enables ‘Vital’ Information maintained in neural networks, relating to the normal structure and function of the Clients system to emerge - prompting dynamical neural bifurcations to relay this information, which ultimately Reprograms, Programs, Recalibrates the Central Nervous System; And/or Re-organize existing or remaining neural networks to compensate for, or bypass lesions; And/or promote Neurogenesis within the Central Nervous System as required.








physical/emotional benefits to the Clients. The cognitive (Executive) commands by the Clients are vital to the success of the therapy: The composed planning and initiation of the movement; along with other initiatives, i.e. to stay calm and not react to anxieties; Maintain sound posture to enhance information processing; control the speed to super slow; Allow the tremor to evolve when is becomes apparent and maintain a sense of ‘flow of information’ through the system; Enable the tremor to migrate throughout the system - which synchronizes/recalibrates the system, physically/emotionally to internal/external stimuli. In relation to Spinal Cord Injury; The initial application of these techniques, affords assessments of the true functional values of all existing self-organized reorganization, reprogramming or programming. Ongoing therapy then exploits and enhances complexity of these assembles. E.g. Short and long Propriospinal Interneurons (PN’s), Central Pattern Generators (CPG’s), Neurogensis and Glia.


Client1: History: Aggressive Sarcoma resulted in the removal of the complete Posterior Compartment of her thigh + ¾ of Adductor/Abductor Process ( Complete Sciatic Nerve and many Peripheral Sensory and Motor Projections were removed) on the 15th of March, 2013.

Client began Ware K Tremor therapy 18th March, 2013 There was no sensation below her left knee and her movements were very restricted. All other therapies had proven to add little value to these conditions. There was no initial indication that she could illicit a leg curl or adduction. Her compensatory limp was extreme and causing crisis to distant regions of her body. Left: Seated leg curls. Right: V Squat Below: Leg Press

The Client is now able to perform movements that were considered by her surgeon impossible to effect, due to the severity of the surgical procedure. She now demonstrates sound bilateral stability when doing difficult exercises involving both limbs, as above. The clients ‘gait’ has dramatically improved and she now has constant sensation in her left leg. See attached full report. It is proposed that Ware K Tremor Therapy and the cognitive maintenance of the prescribed parameters, enables ‘Vital’ Information (memory) maintained in neural networks, relating to the normal structure and function of a clients system to emerge - prompting dynamical neural bifurcations to relay this information, which in this case, re-organized, reprogrammed and axonally and synaptically enhanced remaining neural networks to compensate for, or bypass lesions; And/or promoted Neurogenesis within the Central Nervous System as required. Note: The exercise photos and accompanying video footages were taken 44 sessions post her first visit to the centre. See attached Psychologist report by Katrina Robertson.


Client 2 World Renowned Highly Accomplished Paraplegic Wheelchair Athlete; "I'm a T12 incomplete paraplegic. Injuries from accident 27/06/88 - broke back in 3 places T5/6 burst T12 Pelvis R in 4 places; broke right arm in 2 places & humerus and ulna; fractured sternum, broken ribs, Right punctured lung, etc. Resulting in loss of abduction R loss of plantar and dorsi flexion, almost zero glute activation. Can walk short distances with Canadian crutches - everything else wheelchair."

Client began Ware K Tremor therapy 16th -20th on May, 2013. After just 4 days of this therapy he was able to take a few stable, unassisted steps. He was also able to perform exercises (as demonstrated in accompanying photos) that were considered inconceivable by previous medical and therapeutic supports. He is noticing very small sensations in his lower legs, which he considers to be a massive start. The evolved focus and character of this client, dramatically optimized the global reprograming, reprograming/plasticity potential of his nervous system to manifest such amazing results in such a small time scale. Ongoing therapy will now further enhance his potential to walk unassisted.


The Ware K Tremor therapy assessment period; as the tremor evolved, there were initially significant stochastic sensory motor deficits. However, as the chaotic neural tremor further evolved, it became apparent, during highly chaotic phases, that regardless of whether it was a upper or lower body exercise that was being initiated and executed by the client, his nervous system revealed it was capable of globally responding to the afferent stimulus – dissipating the incoming sensory information freely throughout his whole system – observed as motor responses. That is, during the initiation and execution of a super slow/emotionally composed chest exercise for example, Ware K Tremor would emerge in the lower body, legs and feet - even before he could relax his upper body to the full requirements of the techniques. On his second day of Ware K Tremor therapy, the velocity and coordination of the neural dynamics quickly became multi stable and highly organized – meaning that they were in synch. It is acknowledged that the nervous system has to self-organize collectively (as a whole) to produce such highly organized dynamics For example, while the arms exhibited ‘in phase’ dynamics, the legs were exhibiting ‘anti-phase’ dynamics. Then the arms would shift to ‘antiphase’ and the legs would alternate mirroring patterns. There was no difference in the frequency and velocity of left to right dynamics: See relative Video

Propriospinal Interneurons Synchronising *Central Pattern Generators The high velocity and synchronization of upper and lower limb dynamics indicated strongly that there were intact neural pathways that had self-organized and circumvented offensive lesions, way in advance of the clients first Ware K Tremor therapy assessment and perusing sessions. Previous studies by many other researchers have clearly identified that PN’s synchronise sensory motor activity between Cervical and lumber CPG’s – important for the maintenance of synchronized motor outputs - movements like walking or running. Researchers also noted that lesion insult (sugar blockade) of propriospinal circuitry between these regions, doomed previous time locked motor output of CPG’s in these regions. Sensory motor activity in these two regions becomes totally independent, unsynchronized and completely out of phase: PNs also contribute to plastic reorganisation of spinal circuits and PN’s are capable of significantly circumventing an incomplete spinal cord lesion and recoordinating locomotor CPG’s. However this could sometimes take many years and during that period of time people with SCI’s may simply give up on any chance of walking 7|Page

unassisted and abandon the idea and any relative practices. It is apparent in this case that Ware K Tremor therapy simply activated these existing self-organized post lesion circuits and provided the stimulation that facilitated the this system, reprogramming the clients system globally and harmoniously. Ongoing therapy will now further enhance and strengthen relative feed forward and feedback loops in the Spinal Cord, Brain Stem, Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia, Thalamus, Limbic System, Pre-motor and Sensory Motor Cortex’s. :The image below highlights the cervical and lumber regions projections and the degrees of separateness which rely on PN’s to synchronize CPG’s in these regions - to enable synchronized motor outputs that are required for voluntary movements such as walking or running.

There are possibly thousands of people around the world who like this client have everything structurally in place, ready for the right stimulus to reactivate these circuits - to enable them to either walk again, or dramatically enhance their independence….Ware K Tremor therapies non-invasive dynamical assessment process, provides us with reliable and indicative information relating to the structural and functional status of any clients system – which is of particular interest to SCI clients. It also provides us with dynamical information that is indicative of the presence of physical/emotional disease and or disorder in any client. Read attachments. 8|Page

EMG Samples; Verifying Effectiveness of Ware K Tremor for Programming, Reprogramming and or Re-organizing the Central Nervous System.

These data below were derived from clients at various stages of Ware K Tremor Therapy. Electrodes were placed on the left and right trapeze (the top 2 signals); The left and right abdominals (the middle 2 signals) and the left and right leg adductors (the bottom 2 signals).

See next page: 9|Page

The level of resistance of the exercise is always the same each client. Each client initiates and executes the movement in a super slow, emotionally composed as possible fashion. The data reveals the synchronicity between these three regions. The top data is from a client who is known to be healthy. Note that changes in amplitude and frequency are represented at each level simultaneously. This is not the case with the data from other clients, who had recently began using Ware K Tremor Therapy to program, reprogram, or reorganize their systems to effectively overcome debilitating physical/emotional disease and or disorder: Middle Data; Hyper anxiety disorder, with occasional seizures. Bottom Data; Chronic lumber pain and Irritable bowel syndrome (2 non associated clients demonstrate a chosen exercise for EMG data analyses).

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Client 3 History: 6 years severally impaired movement and lifestyle due to Chronic lower back pain; 2006 Prolapsed Discs L5/S1 and L4/L5; July 2011 - Discectomy

performed at

(L5/S1); November 2012 – Revised Discectomy (L5/S1): Diagnosed with Graves’ disease in 2010 . Client began Ware K Tremor therapy 29th Jan; 2103. In the 13 weeks since beginning Ware K Therapy this client has now worked her way through to Program 7. She is able to Leg Press and Hack Squat 100kg in a composed and controlled manner without discomfort. Ware K Tremor therapy stimulated the self -organizing processes



reprograming/plasticity potential;


The dramatically

enhanced complexity of her system enabled her to experience a range of improvements, including highly diminished stress, depression and anxiety symptoms; Highly diminished pain levels; Restoration of hope for long-term health and future; Improved and sustainable focus and concentration; increased mobility and capacity to perform all daily tasks (including managing maintenance of 5 acres where she lives, including mowing, gardening and fencing, walking long distances, driving for long periods, tying shoelaces; and all other household responsibilities; Return to full-time work (10 – 12 hours/day – 5 days/week);less irritability and agitation; Increased social activities; Enhanced emotional and physical strength.

See Psychologist – contributing researcher Katrina Robertson’s comprehensive attached report on this client:.

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Client 4 History: Current (2012) Hawaiian Ironman World Champion; Chronic right hip trauma; Nerve Impingement tightening psoas, QL, and obliques - significantly impairing ongoing training efforts. His condition was worsening after 6 Weeks of other forms of intensive therapy.

Client began Ware K Tremor therapy on the 13th – 16th April, 2013. In only 3 days the client was able to do 3 x 100 metre sprints with zero warm-ups or stretching – his hip was completely unrestrained. Again, the evolved focus and character of this client dramatically optimized reprograming, reprograming/plasticity potential affords his nervous system to manifest such amazing results in such a small time scale. Client’s comments: “I had run a few steps over the last month to test my hip, and every step had felt unnatural, painful, and restricted. My right psoas, QL, and obliques had freed up completely in the first two days –something that countless massage from several different people from all fields could not do over 6 weeks – so I knew things had changed. Sprinting flat out, with no warm up is the epitome of what you learn through the process, and how we should feel in a chaotic (natural) state. There is no tightness and no restrictions when there is no thought or control. I took off and sprinted. There was no discomfort, imbalance or hesitation. xxxxx felt the same. Walking back with our eyes closed to further keep our minds unaware, and seeing what the body does on its own as Ken watched to keep us from going way off track into a building. In the second sprint I felt the energy flow from around me, through me, let all control go and I lifted for the best sprint I’ve ever done. The feeling of running with no control, as a kid, as an animal, it was awesome.” See Physiotherapist – contributing researcher Victor Popov’s comments on this client’s pre - Ware K Tremor therapy – condition in the handout for this conference.

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Ware K Tremor Therapy: Applications to Sports Injury Rehabilitation.

Victor Popov:

Victor Popov is one of Australia’s leading Sports Physiotherapists. He has worked extensively with Elite sport in Australia- including on 2 Olympic Teams, at the Australian Institute of Sport, and with elite football teams such as the Brisbane Lions. He has also worked extensively internationally- as a physiotherapist with the Russian Olympic team in London, and consultant to professional cycling teams in France and Belgium. His clients include many Olympic Medallists, World Champions in Swimming and Cycling and elite cyclists, swimmers, cricketers and triathletes, as well as organisations such as QAS, AIS and British Swimming.

As a Sports Physiotherapist with 27 years’ experience working with athletes of all levels (elite to recreational) I have been exposed to many treatment modalities, therapies and types of rehab principals. No single modality or type of therapy has struck me as having such a universal application as Ware K Tremor Therapy. As I develop an appreciation and understanding of the principals of this unique therapeutic process, it facilitates my understanding of how many ‘mechanically based’ therapies (physiotherapy, chiropractic and osteopathy) actually achieve the results we observe: i.e. by influencing nervous system function rather than having purely mechanical effects on joints, muscles and other soft tissue. I have referred a number of clients of varying age, function and ability to ‘Generations Health & Wellness Centre’, Neurotricional Sciences therapy based wellness centre over the last few months with a significant improvement of their symptoms- both on a time scale and in some cases to a level that was extremely surprising. In each case, some degree of chronic pain or mechanical dysfunction that was persistent or resistant to treatment has resolved and the athlete has resumed full activity. In one instance (a current World Champion long-course triathlete) complete resolution of a 6 month old neurally driven problem was achieved in 3 days. My assessment and treatment of this athlete by conventional methods (I saw him on 3 occasions) led me to believe that the self-organizing ‘neural re-setting’ effect of the Ware K Tremor Therapy would significantly 13 | P a g e

impact on my treatment efficacy- the reality was that within 3 days the problem was fully resolved, and the athlete has resumed full training and competition (see case study 4 of this document). In another case (an 40 year old ex-world champion triathlete) an athlete who suffered from repeated calf/hamstring issues who had been extensively managed with modalities including epidural cortisone, lysis of sciatic nerve gluteal entrapment and conventional therapy was able to resume training symptom-free after an 18 month period of recurrent injury. This occurred after 3 days of Ware K Tremor therapy application. Another less-elite but enthusiastic age-group cyclist who also had a chronic history of gluteal, hip and lower back problems was able to resume full training after 6 weeks of Ware K Tremor therapy. This athlete had undergone hip surgery and other extensive management with no resolution of her symptoms. These symptoms had been present for 18 months prior to seeing me, and I managed her for a number of months with slow progress before referring her to Generations Health and Wellness Centre. She has now resumed full training with little symptomology. In all of these cases, and others, it appears that the Ware K Tremor therapy was able to elicit a strong positive effect on the neural component of the athletes’ injury. My belief that many overuse sports injuries actually stem from training error leading to overload of the CNS has been reinforced by the positive effects of Ware K Tremor therapy- and by the explanations and rationale provided in the accompanying documents. Developing an understanding of the influence of the CNS on both injury and performance has had a number of positive effects on my ability to practice Sports Physiotherapy- and ultimately on the welfare of my clients. Ware K Tremor therapy principals have altered my exercise prescription methods, improved my diagnostic and prognostic skills and introduced a powerful clinical tool that ultimately puts the control of the rehabilitation process with the athlete themselves. The gym-based nature of the program, and the incorporation of the psychological component of the injury by engaging the neuro-psychological systems of the CNS, make it a very attractive therapy with high compliance.

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The other remarkable effects that I have observed with both neurologically challenged (stroke, spinal cord injury) as well as emotionally challenged (chronic pain, anxiety) clients who have undergone Ware K Tremor therapy only strengthen my belief that this therapy is a truly ‘wholistic’ treatment modality- and is so because it provides a reliable and practical way of influencing the most remarkable and powerful systems in the body- the human nervous system.

Clients of Victor Popov: World Champion Athletes ; Robbie McEwen, Jonathon Brown Shane Watson, Susie O’Neil, Peter Jacobs 15 | P a g e

Ware K Tremor Therapy and Sports Science Applications Leo Young: B.App.Sci.(Sports Physiology);B.Bus.;Grad.Dip.Clin.Nutr.;C.S.C.S.

Leo Young inspires a 14 year old Stoke survivor. Leo Young has 35 years’ experience in the Sports, Wellness and Health and Fitness industries. He is the primary shareholder and CEO of Synergy Fitness, Australia’s largest commercial equipment designers, manufacturers and suppliers, as well as being the fitness industries premier consultancy service. Leo has successfully coached some of Australia’s finest Olympic and world class athletes in a wide range of individual and team sports. He has personally competed at international and national level in several sports and still currently holds multiple world open records in in a wide range of sports and distances, including rowing, kayaking and cycling. Leo is co-author of the textbook ‘Fitness – a systematic approach’, used widely in tertiary education nationally…… As Sports Scientist, I have worked closely over the last 35 years with many world and

Olympic champions and elite athletes in a wide variety of individual and team sports, as well as having personally set world open records in a wide variety of sports, I can confidently attest that the ‘Ware K Tremor Therapy’ and associated ‘Neural Dynamic Training’ stands out as the most revolutionary, unique and effective method for sports performance enhancement that I am aware of in the world today. Ken Ware’s own outstanding achievements in sport, with a Mr Universe bodybuilding title and Australian Powerlifting records, achieved by employing his own ‘Ware K Tremor Therapy’ and ‘Neural Dynamic Training’ are a powerful testimony in themselves as to the efficacy of his methods. The ‘Ware K Tremor Therapy’ is a very simple and efficient, yet an extremely powerful wholistic process, that very effectively facilitates the re-calibration and whole body synchronisation of the Central Nervous System (CNS) , in a way that no other process to 16 | P a g e

date has been capable of doing. That CNS re-calibration, together with the associated whole body system synchronisation, has been repeatedly proven incredibly effective in resolving a wide range of both chronic and acute physical and emotional disorders, in both athletes and general health and fitness clients; essentially freeing them up to not only begin training again without their previous physical and mental/emotional limitations, but also to be able to train with a significantly higher level of effectiveness, resulting in measurably improved performance. Once that initial re-calibration and synchronisation process has been completed, then athletes, as well as all other health and fitness clients benefit hugely from carrying over the principles learned from the ‘Ware K Tremor Therapy’ to their ongoing training, via Ken Ware’s associated ‘Neural Dynamic Training’ process, which employs slow, relaxed resistance training movements, performed in a ‘centred state of being’, even with very heavy loads. To achieve the optimal results from the ‘Ware K Tremor Therapy’, clients very quickly and critically learn to truly ‘let go’ and trust to simply ‘go with the flow’, whilst they perform the prescribed very slow and very light resistance training movements. The movements are initially performed bilaterally, in a very relaxed manner whilst maintaining appropriate posture, on ‘Synergy’ resistance machines which facilitate unilateral movement with limited degrees of freedom. When later performing ongoing and more advanced ‘Neural Dynamic Training’, in movements with greater degrees of freedom (and) with heavier loads, the client effectively learns how to ‘operate from their centre’ in a relaxed manner, predominantly working sub maximally in order to not overload the CNS. These focuses and concepts are then easily carried over into the real everyday world, where clients handle functional loads and stresses more effectively, and athletes are capable of effortlessly getting ‘into the zone’ when performing in competition. One concept that has become clearly evident from the processes described above is that the effectiveness of any physical training regime or individual session is directly proportional to the amount of information that the body, as a whole, is able to effectively garner and retain from the training session. This provides the body/system with the means and impetus to effectively recover, adapt and super-compensate from the stress it has incurred.

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Furthermore, those potential adaptive benefits will only be effectively achieved if the CNS in not inappropriately overworked during the training process. Importantly, when compared with pre-therapy data, or compared to subjects who are not employing Ken Ware’s methods whilst performing the same movements; EMG and ECG measurements have clearly demonstrated that subjects undergoing the ‘Ware K Tremor Therapy’, as well as those performing ‘Neural Dynamic Training’ (post re-calibration)have many times greater information density, heart rate and EMG variability; greater specific muscle and total body activity, as well as muscle to muscle synchronisation, left to right synchronisation (bilateral stability) and system to system synchronisation occurring.

Examples of Synergy Equipment used in Ware K Tremor Therapy

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New Avenues for Brain Repair: Programming and Reprogramming the Central Nervous System Comprehensive report: Client (1); by Katrina Robertson – Psychologist. Kylie is a 30-year-old Dental Practice Administrator who lives in Emerald After tearing her Left Hamstring in November 2010, Kylie developed a large Haematoma that would not resolve and was eventually diagnosed with a Pleomorphic Sarcoma in December 2011. Kylie initially received 6 weeks of Radiation Treatment followed by surgery to remove the whole posterior compartment of left thigh, including sciatic nerve. History of Injury and Surgery March 15 – 2012 

Kylie was relieved to wake up with both legs – was told “sciatic nerve had to be sacrificed” and “they took out everything that made the knee work”. In addition to this Kylie would have no neurological activity below the knee or have powerful flexion of the knee.

Kylie had no feeling in her leg, which was bandaged and splinted. Within 24 hours there were 2 pressure areas on heal and top of foot.

The following week Kylie describes as the worst of her life with increasing pain and distress. Especially with the knowing that if any sensation were to return it would take 2 years.

Commenced Physiotherapy starting with a walking frame and progressing to crutches. Kylie was fitted with a foot drop splint, but was unable to use it because of pressure sores and swelling of foot.

March 23 – 2012: Discharged from Hospital. – Discharge Summary: Elective admission for excision of sarcoma left posterior thigh – Pleomorphic sarcoma Histology from excision:-specimen 330x195x135mm -clear of margins, closest margin 3m summary = residual pleomorphic sarcom with extensive necrosis. Complications: Nil

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Procedure Performed: (p1) EXCISION SARCOMA LEFT POSTERIOR THIGH– Patient prone posterior approach, with elliptical excision of biopsy site Sharp dissection, with in toto removal on tumour. No apparent gross breach of lesion distally, sciatic nerve sacrificed Hamstring tendons distally incised and taken with tumour. Careful dissection out of anterior neurovascular structure anteriorly. With good haemostasis 2 drains on surgical bed redundant skin present and excised for satisfactory closure No deep fascia as taken with lesion. Interrupted fat suture S/C continuous suture Clips to skin Bandages and Richard Splint. Recommendations to GP; Thank you for your ongoing care of this patient. The patient is currently on therapeutic clexane for a DVT in Dec 11. She needs to be converted to warfarin for continued treatment of her recent DVT. She also currently has an IVC filter, which was inserted 2 days prior to her sarcoma excision so that her clexane could be ceased pre-operatively. We will develop an ongoing plan for the filter when we see her in outpatient’s clinic on Friday 30.03.12. On returning home Kylie experienced intense pain which she described as ‘stabbing’, stinging’, ‘burning’ sensations in her lower leg which she struggled to deal with. Also described experiencing many depressive and anxiety symptoms. March 30 – 2012: Visited Ortho Clinic for staple removal and would check. Advised IVC Filter would be removed on 16th May, 2012. Dr explained that pains Kylie described were ‘Phantom Pains’ (like you have lost a limb) and that they would reduce with time. Asked to return in 6 weeks. April 2 – 2012: Commenced Physiotherapy (with mostly student Physios) sessions at Bundaberg Hospital. Given exercises to do at home including Glute squeeze, hip abduction, and calf stretch. April 11 – 2012: Admitted to Bundaberg Hospital with a query -wound infection. Confirmed Psuedomonas infection. Transferred to PAH in Brisbane for a week of IV antibiotics.

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April 15 – 2012: Discharged from PAH with continuing oral antibiotics into care of GP in Bundaberg. Medications changed to Gabapentin 1000mg 3 times per day and recommenced on Clexane. Reviewed by Lymphoedema Service prior to discharge ongoing oedema management for left below knee region with Occupational Therapist at Bundaberg Hospital. April 27 – 2012: Review at PAH Ortho Oncology – Wound was healing slowly and would take some time. Referred to Bundaberg wound clinic for ongoing daily dressings, combined with oral antibiotics. May 12 – 2012: Kylie started reducing medication as it didn’t reduce pain as expected and was causing her to sleep all day. In first week she continued Gabapentin and reduced Oxycontin to 1/night. May 15 – 2012: Admitted to PAH for removal of IVC. After discharge and returning home started to drive herself around to appointments. May 28 -2012: Consult with Lymphoedema clinic – in an attempt to reduce oedema it was decided to do a week of bandaging and massage. Leg responded well to treatment and reduced considerably. Continued to wear medium compressions stocking daily, and continue massage twice weekly. Purchased a foot drop splint from USA over the internet, as one provided was too large and fitted when leg was swollen. Ceased taking Ocycontin. June 7 – 2012: Wound still open and requiring attention. Stabbing Pain with spasms in posterior thigh. Duller but similar pain in calf and foot, intermittent but more frequent. Pins and needle felt in ankle this week. Told that this is Phantom Pain. Kylie says she tried to weight bear on leg and was afraid it might give way. Knee continues to be swollen. Is unable to wear full leg tube stocking because of thigh muscle wasting. June 25 – 2012: Attended job interview at Dental Surgery for Administration Assistant. Attended the interview on crutches. Ceased clexane injections and commenced on Aspirin 100mg/day.

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July 6 – 2012: Started work at Dental Surgery still on crutches and requiring twice daily dressings. Over the next couple of months dressing changes reduced incrementally to once/week, and started to limit the use of crutches at home. August – 2012: Review appointment PAH – Chest X-Ray clear for Secondaries. Kylie decided to ceased taking all medications September – 2012: Started Physiotherapy to try to improve gait, strength and balance. Physiotherapist tried to stimulate nerves in left leg by roughly brushing front of tibia and with Kylie moving her foot manually. Nerve sensations did not begin as a result of this stimulation. November – 2012: Ceased to use crutches and began to use a walking stick for distances. Review at PAH – Chest X-Ray clear. Purchased a treadmill to practice walking as Kylie didn’t feel confident walking outside, and was afraid of falling over if on her own. January – 2013: Stopped using walking stick, despite still not being confident walking without support. February – 2013: Review appointment at PAH – Chest X-Ray clear. 3 monthly reviews to continue. Doctors said that Kylie would need to do much more practice with her gait, but that would improve. March 18 – 27 May 2013:First visit to Generations Health and Wellness Centre. Kylie had been an active person prior to hamstring injury, however this was her first ever visit to a gym. Kylie presented as a very timid woman who was overwhelmed at the thought of performing exercises in the gym following her traumatic journey of last 2 ½ years. Despite this Kylie committed to attending the gym every day with the occasional day off. Over the last 11 weeks Kylie has progressed through to Program 3 and 4, and is performing new levels of physical integrity on the Leg Press, Hack Squat, Leg Curl and Leg Adductor. Kylie is Leg Pressing and Hack Squatting 20kg. As Kylie has progressed through the subtle changes in the program she also reports new and continuing sensations throughout her leg and foot. Kylie has found this very encouraging after being told that she would have no neurological activity below her left knee.

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Kylie has been mentored and supported through the program by the Psychologist who assisted with the transition through the process of Ware K Tremor therapy, adjustment to injury, traumatic stress, lifestyle changes and stages of recovery. As Kylie has progressed through the program she has been challenged to trust the process of performing exercises that she believed her surgery would preclude her from doing. As her system has developed new awareness, recalibrated and established new pathways the following changes have occurred: Reduced stress, depressive and anxiety symptoms; improved confidence and social interaction; improved focus and concentration; restoration of hope for the future; improved physical and emotional integrity and strength; increased capacity to perform tasks which require greater strength and endurance. Summary Kylie is a 30 year woman who was an administrator for a Mechanic workshop and RACQ contractor, before her hamstring injury. Kylie was a very active person, however, had never been to a gym before now. She tore her left hamstring in November 2010. It took 13 months, multiple hospital admissions, and consistent pain and discomfort before the diagnosis of Pleomorphic Sarcoma (Left Hamstring Mass) in December 2011. Treatment initially was 6 weeks of Radiation followed by the removal of the whole posterior compartment of Left Thigh including Sciatic Nerve. This resulted in mobility difficulties with no neurological function below the knee and foot drop. The stress of the journey up to this point has manifested in depressive and anxiety symptoms, which adversely affected confidence and hope for the future. When Kylie attended her first appointment she was very timid, had difficulty making eye contact, and was overwhelmed by the challenge of performing exercise in the gym with her severely compromised leg. In the 11 weeks that Kylie has attended the program she presents to the gym as a strong, confidence, and engaging woman who is regaining her life. Kylie is working full-time (in administration at a Dental Practice) and not experiencing any difficulties with workload at home or work.

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The Ware K Health Trigger Process is a client driven therapy; A commitment to the program is essential to gain the benefits that are possible. The benefits that Kylie has realized and will continued to realize is a reflection of her commitment to developing a robust system of health and well-being. The changes in Kylie’s presenting condition in 11 weeks are a practical example of the Ware K Tremor therapy re-establishing and enhancing the neurological complexity of the system. The mild stimulating effects of the exercises combined with the cognitive maintenance of the prescribed









lesions/restraints. Despite the fact that her sciatic nerve had been completely removed, Kylie’s system has reorganized remaining structures to super compensate for any deficits. It is anticipated that Kylie will soon be able to walk relatively normal and that sensation will progressively be beneficially restored. Ware K Tremor therapy undoubtedly creates “New Avenues for Brain Repair: Programming and Reprogramming the Central Nervous System”

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New Avenues for Brain Repair: Programming and Reprogramming the Central Nervous System Comprehensive report on Client (3) by contributing researcher; Psychologist Katrina Robertson

Sara is an active 44 year old Woman and is a Senior Environmental Advisor with a Multinational Mining Company. Sara has a 6 year history of lower back pain and was referred to Generations Health and Wellness Centre by a friend who had told her “that her life was being defined by her pain�. Medical History: Diagnosis of Graves Disease in 2010 - in remission Back Injury and Surgical History: 2006 - 2009 Prolapsed Discs L5/S1 and L4/L5 picking up a 40kg dog. Pain and discomfort resolved after rest and pain relief medication. Each year following had experienced persistent lower back pain for approximately a month, which required time off work. 2010 Acute Back pain while lifting a small machine which did not resolve with rest and pain relief. Some relief occurred if activities varied ie sitting, small walks. Back started to spasm if there was any jarring or tensing. Some tingling sensation in the soul of right foot, and back of right knee. Pain steadily increased over the next couple of months and visited a different GP. A thorough examination detected poor reflexes and atrophy of right ankle, with some loss of sensation around foot and ankle. Emergency referral to Spinal Surgeon in Brisbane. In the following days, increased loss of sensation in right foot and ankle and unable to walk for more than about 10 metres. Reported to GP that back was in constant spasm and prescribed valium to control pain. At this stage Sara was bedridden most of the time and needed assistance to dress, shower and could not perform any usual duties. Her surgeon

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recommended immediate discectomy because of the rapid deterioration of condition. She was advised that possible implications of Discectomy are paraplegia and incontinence. Surgery was postponed for a week to organize family in Emerald and travel back to Brisbane. 2011 July: Discectomy (L5/S1) performed by Spinal Surgeon as “day surgery”. Directed to stay in hotel close to hospital in case of any complications that would require immediate action. The hotel in question had access to an “emergency button” linked to the public hospital. Able to get around slowly but spent most of the time on bed resting; Follow up appointment with surgeon before going home which also involved short visit with Physiotherapist. Discharged from Hospital, with a booklet from Physiotherapist “Discectomy Surgery Activity Guide and Rehabilitation Program”;

Returned home and

commenced physiotherapy program at PCYC Gym. Rehab Program continued on unassisted with self -regulated progression through exercises with no clear understanding or guidelines; Returned to work gradually after 6 weeks. However as more work hours were expected physio/rehabilitation exercises became less and less until ceased. Follow up visit 6 weeks after surgery with surgeon and given the all clear and to return to normal routine and activities. 2012 August: Lower Back Pain returned without any obvious reason. Discussed with GP and was commenced on strong multiple pain medications valium, codeine, endone, tramadol, and various anti-depressants. The result was limited pain reduction, decreased cognitive performance and exacerbation of anxiety, depressive and stress symptoms. This treatment continued with various medications being tried and ultimately ceased because of the side effects. - Reduced capacity to fulfil home and work responsibilities continued which coupled with the consistent pain, resulted in the perpetuation of stress, anxiety and fear for the future. Following driving to work (45 minutes to site) and working for several hours back went into spasm and required treatment by paramedic. Sent home from work with further pain killers, and over next week atrophy of right ankle returned, as well as pain and tingling along back of right leg and loss of feeling in upper sections of right foot. 2012 October: Surgeon recommended an MRI scan and organised a CT Guided Nerve Root Sheath Block – Sara described as a traumatic procedure which did not reduce pain

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and discomfort. Due to inflammation in the spinal cord Sara experienced severe pain and was held down by several nurses throughout the procedure until she lost consciousness. Back Pain was reduced considerably for 24 hours and returned soon after with increased in intensity. Revision of Discectomy suggested. Sara reported some traumatic stress as a result of above procedure and experience nightmares related to this event for some time after. Pain and discomfort continued, as did inability to perform basic tasks with real concern for capacity to work and maintain responsibilities. 2012 November: Revision of L5-S1 Discectomy performed by Spinal Surgeon and discharged home with the same booklet from Physiotherapist - “Discectomy Surgery Activity Guide and Rehabilitation Program”. Pain reduced but still present. Sara did not seem to be progressing at all and again had numerous phone calls to surgeon regarding pain. There was an increase in sciatic type pain. On a follow up visit 6 weeks post surgery & MRI. Surgeon advised the disc had prolapsed again and that further surgery would be required, probably in 6 months to remove the remaining disc, insert a replacement, remove areas of the vertebrate that were now becoming deformed and then fuse them. Pain increased consistently over the following month to pre surgery levels. Sara became very focused on her pain, prognosis and incapacity. She was unable to perform any household activities and relied upon her children for assistance. Medication was not offering any relief, and she was concerned about the impact on her children. This was exacerbated by limited options for restoration of health and recovery apart from medication and further surgery. Sara had attempted many other therapeutic options including; Physiotherapy, Reiki, Bowen Therapy, Massage and Acupuncture without success. 2013 – January 29th – May 21st:1st visit to Generations Gym (January 29th 2013). In the 13 weeks since beginning Ware K Tremor therapy Sara has now worked her way through to Program 7. Sara is able to Leg Press and Hack Squat 100kg in a composed and controlled manner without discomfort. Sara is mentored and supported through the program by a Psychologist who assisted with - the transition through the process of Ware K Tremor therapy; reduction of difficulties associated with chronic pain; stages of recovery; and resetting goals for the future. 27 | P a g e

As Sara progressed through the programs she did experience some difficulties as her system exposed the existing vulnerabilities. As her system recalibrated and self-organized to higher states of desirable complexity, Sara began to experience a range of improvements including: Diminished stress, depression and anxiety symptoms; diminished pain levels; restoration of hope for long-term health and future; improved and sustainable focus and concentration; increased mobility and capacity to perform all daily tasks (including managing maintenance of 5 acres where she lives, including mowing, gardening and fencing, walking long distances, driving for long periods, tying shoelaces; and all other household responsibilities; return to full-time work (10 – 12 hours/day – 5 days/week); less irritability and agitation; increased social activities; enhanced emotional and physical integrity and strength SUMMARY Sara is a 44 year old Environmental Scientist who had managed a 6 year history of chronic back pain which has resulted in 2 surgeries (which were unsuccessful). At the time of presenting to the gym Sara was facing her 3rd Spinal Surgery without any guarantee of success or reduction in pain. In the 13 weeks since beginning the Ware K Health Trigger Process Sara’s lifestyle has progressed from experiencing chronic debilitating pain, being unable to perform basic daily tasks or fulfil her work commitments to being mostly pain free, performing all daily activities required of a mother of 2 teenage children and returning to full-time work. The Ware K Health Trigger Process is a client driven therapy – meaning a commitment to the program is essential to gain the benefits that are possible. Sara’s commitment to the program has been almost every day for 13 weeks. The immense benefits that Sara has realised and will continued to realise is a reflection of her commitment to developing a robust system of health and well-being. It is not uncommon with chronic pain that an overlay of psychological issues develop, as the fear stress and anxiety responses dominate patterns of behaviour. The changes in these patterns of behaviour as well as changes in Sara’s presenting physical condition in 13 weeks is a practical example of the Ware K Tremor therapy re-establishing and enhancing the neurological complexity of the system. Ware K Tremor therapy undoubtedly creates “New Avenues for Brain Repair: Programming and Reprogramming the Central Nervous System” 28 | P a g e

Katrina Robertson; Psychologist:World Record & Champion Athlete: Department of Neurotricional Sciences; Emerald, QLD, Australia Personal and Professional Account of the Value of “Ware K Tremor”(health trigger therapy)

Background: I introduced myself to Ken Ware at Starbodies Gym in Mackay (Queensland Australia) in 1994. Ken invited me to train with him. Three years later, at the age of 37, I was standing on top of the dais at the Women’s World Powerlifting Championships in Capetown, South Africa. To be standing in that position I had to break 3 World Records, one of these a 262.5kg deadlift, the equivalent weight of three fridges; something that no woman had previously attempted. What makes these feats even more remarkable is that when I walked into the gym to meet Ken, my intention was to ask for his assistance to heal and recover from a serious motorbike accident, 16 years earlier. When I was 18 years old, I suffered multiple injuries, the most serious being a compound fracture of my right tibia and fibula, fracture of left ankle, with marked head, facial, and internal injuries and multiple contusions. The right leg fractures were so extensive; a consent form was ready and signed in preparation for the leg to be amputated. After multiple, surgeries (approx 20), hospital admissions and rehabilitation setbacks, lasting two years, I took the first steps to walk without crutches. My right leg was 1.5 inches shorter than the left and medical opinion was to find a sedentary job. They advised, never to participate in sport again and to prepare for a lifetime of complications, pain and discomfort as my right leg was permanently compromised with reduced neurological activity and circulation.

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I consider myself one of the first Ware K Tremor Health Trigger Process successes. It maybe difficult for some to envisage this withered neurologically compromised leg I walked into the gym with in 1994, being able to support me joyfully and confidently squatting 260kg, and deadlifting 263.5kg. It was a proud moment for Ken and me when I was ceremonially inducted into the Powerlifting Australia Hall of Fame in Melbourne in 2011. I finished my Psychology Degree several years before I met Ken, and had previously completed a Nursing Degree. As a person with firstly, a personal experience of the Ware K Therapy, secondly as a Registered Nurse and thirdly as a Registered Psychologist, I have witnessed over the last 20 years the continued development of Ken’s discovery from each of these perspectives. Through this extensive experience, I have seen demonstrated that this therapy, which is brilliantly simple in it’s application, far out performs any other method I have encountered. Intrinsic to the Ware K Therapy is a client (self) managed, non-intrusive process (physically or psychologically) that offers the greatest possibilities for short medium and long-term sustainable health outcomes. I have worked in a number of rehabilitation settings over my 22 years in Psychology, and have not witnessed such consistent and significant health benefits within short timeframes. My role in the team centers on facilitating the rehabilitation of clients through the Ware K Tremor Therapy. I play an accompanying role to Ken’s specific and sophisticated instruction and observation of clients performing their exercises and respond to client needs as they arise. This dual focus on a client’s physical and mental rehabilitation assists them to acknowledge and overcome emotional challenges associated with their illness or injury. This in turn hastens the client’s return to an integrated system of health and wellness. The beauty of this therapy is the client is able to allow his/her system to authenticate its own priorities and questions without any external interference or judgments. Therefore making the therapy a uniquely genuine process to that individual, in which each person has the opportunity to participate and take charge of their journey towards optimum health. In my experience there are particular timeframes within the program where certain transitions and/or changes occur which may require some augmentation. I have also found that working within the gym environment allows for a greater degree of interaction and communication, and capacity to build relationship as the client progresses through the changing demands of the 30 | P a g e

program. This is such an important but often overlooked aspect to a clients rehabilitation, particularly for those clients with a history of traumatic and/or chronic injuries/experiences. The gym environment offers many overt and subtle ways to be able to engage, contain and be supported in a safe and secure environment. This allows the Dept of Neurotricional Sciences / Generations staff to take full advantage of these opportunities to maximize the benefits for the client. As the Psychologist I take on a number of roles, such as Therapist, Counsellor, Mentor, Educator and Supporter of the client. Similar assistance is also provided to the significant others in their lives such as partners, children, siblings, mothers, fathers, etc. In working as part of the Department of Neurotricional Sciences / Generations team, there is recognition of the significant role environment (home, work, social and community) plays in sustainable health and wellness outcomes. That is, each person presents at Generations Gym with their own unique history and acute or chronic set of obstacles which requires the abandonment of prescription, in favour of a collaborative, interactive approach through the stages and transitions of this self-healing neural dynamic therapy. Each day I am constantly amazed, inspired, humbled and privileged to work with the people who are courageous enough to seek new possibilities for health, by finding their way through the doors at Generations Health and Wellness Centre and trusting an unfamiliar, unconventional but highly successful therapy such as the Ware K Tremor Therapy (Health Trigger Process) Katrina pictured below @ Right to left; with 2012 Hawaiian Ironman champion; Pete Jacobs, Ken & Nickie Ware, Professor Sara Nora Ross and Jaimielle Jacobs.

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