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Adult Wellness


Hills & Drills


$56 members/$70 non-members

In this 45-minute cycling class you choose your level of intensity as you are led through hills, flat roads, and challenging mixed terrain. The class focuses on endurance, strength, intervals, accelerations and recovery while burning calories and riding to the beat of a new and exciting playlist each class. All levels welcome! Seven classes.

Spin & Strength

$40 members/$48 non-members

This class combines an amazing cardio and strength combination. The first half of class focuses on burning calories and cardiovascular health, working on sprints hills and endurance drills. The second half focuses on building stronger muscles, stronger bones and overall to enhance your quality of life! Four classes.

NEW! Strong Nation

$40 members/$48 non-members

STRONG Nation® combines body weight, muscle conditioning, cardio and plyometric training moves synced to original music that has been specifically designed to match every single move. Every squat, every lunge, every burpee is driven by the music, helping you make it to that last rep, and maybe even five more. Four classes.

Barre Above

$40 members/$48 non-members

Barre Above is a fusion of yoga, Pilates, strength training, and ballet. This Barre class uses the musicality method of teaching and incorporates specific sequencing patterns and isometric movements that target specific muscle groups. This pattern of exercise helps to improve strength, balance, flexibility, and posture all while synced to the beat of some of your favorite songs. Four classes.

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