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A message from your chairman Bob Winter

Hope this update finds everyone well.

This is one on my favourite times of the year, when we embark on the new season with hope, expectation and certainly excitement. As you will be aware, there have been some significant changes on the playing side – at all levels. I must say how impressed I’ve been with the way Ryan has pulled together the First Team squad, and it’s a squad full of promise.


We shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that, whilst there are elements from last season, this is largely a new squad. It will take time for this squad to gel and reach their potential, and it’s important we are patient and fully supportive during the inevitable bumps in the road that will come – and I’m sure we will be. I’m taking a long term view of this ‘project’ we have initiated and am sure Ryan and the team will deliver success. Be sure to enjoy the journey – I certainly intend too.

I’ve been equally impressed with the way Churchy, supported by Butts, has pulled together the Reserve squad, blending youth with experience and they have played some good stuff pre-season – I’m sure their season will be a good one as well. Also, very exciting on the Youth side of things with our U18’s & U16’s completing in the Eastern Junior Alliance League – a very high standard indeed. This builds on our strategy to develop clear and defined player pathways from the early stages of youth football, right up to the First Team. A warm welcome to the club to both Daryl Craft and Si Roffey who have joined the club to run the U16’s – they both bring a wealth of experience and I’m very happy to have them at the club.

Things continue at pace off the pitch. We’ve started refurbishment of the Boardroom to create The Ralph Griffths Media Suite, which will look stunning when complete. This is the next phase of our infrastructure investment plan, and will provide the springboard to develop the social media side of the club and the opportunities that brings. Look out for post-match interviews from Ryan, his management team, players and even myself (if I’m unable to avoid it!) –these will go out on the club’s YouTube Channel and promoted via social media. See page 10 for links to our channels.

In my last updated I hinted at a new First Team strip, and work on this has been ongoing. It’s taken a little longer than planned to finalise but the wait will be worth it I can assure you. We will be planning a big ‘reveal’ event with Sponsors and Members – another one to watch this space. Finally, I’d like to say a few words regarding volunteering. With the new season starting, we really could do with some additional help running match days. There are a number of small jobs where we could do with some help with – from putting a team sheet up, to writing a match report. Please do let me know if you can spare some time to help, it really would be appreciated. Without some help there will be some tasks that we will be unable to do, so please do step forward

That’s probably enough from me at the moment. Do enjoy the new season. As ever, please either call or email me with any questions or ideas – I’m always happy to talk. Onwards and upwards! Cheers Bob

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