Zanshin issue #14

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Issue #14, May 2013

in focus

Newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA) Issue # 14 May 2013

on target


to Zanshin #14.

We hope you like its new look. >>>Read

It was

More pg.2

at the old arcade in

Trincity mall that I remember seeing Ryu hitting a big Russian guy to the jaw for the first time. Since then I loved karate.


Read More pg.3

White belts ready to move to yellow stripe at Grading, 7th April, 2013.


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Inside  Welcome  Reflections – Shotokan is the real deal  Feature Article  2013 Calendar  Camp and Tournament  Update: the K is on the Way  Grading 7th April, UWI  Training Schedule  PeeWee Profiles  Dojo News  Fund Raiser Event

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a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Issue #14, May 2013


Reflections – Shotokan is the Real Deal!

This 14th issue marks the start of the second quarter of 2013. We as the TKA have achieved quite a bit thus far; our various clubs remain active and committed to the goals of strengthening the physical (techniques and training) and developmental aspects of traditional Shokotan karate. We will continue to participate in major events, the most immediate one being the 11th IKD\CKC Caribbean Tournament which will be hosted by the Barbados Shotokan Karate Association. The last Caribbean Tournament was held in 2011 in Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago performed extremely well placing overall 3rd overall while our own Sensei Nicole Lambie received a trophy for most outstanding participant. We will intensify our team training to ensure that we maintain our current medal standing while aiming to capture even more medals. In this regard, our fund-raising activities are instrumental in enabling travel to overseas events. We ask for your continued generous support with our upcoming fund-raising activity to defray the travel expenses of our national team. More details are provided on the back cover (page 14). We again want to wish our SEA Kartekas ‘Good Luck’ on May 9th. Stay calm and focused and all will be well!

By Diana Francis If we do a simple online search, we will find numerous articles and perspectives on the superior benefits of traditional Shotokan karate verses other forms of martial arts, including mixed martial arts (MMA). As a very new1st Kyu brown belt, and knowing my own physical limitations (injured/constantly stiff knees & hips and totally afraid to be knocked off my feet), I sometimes ask myself, how did I make it this far, for so long! I came upon a December 2011 article by Paul Gale, of Paul Gale Network (PGN) which somewhat clarified a few issues for me. I have extracted the more insightful ones and offer a perspective from my young experiences in Karate training. PGN Article Extract

My Perspective

Karate can be a very effective tool in the world of mixed martial arts and even in simply “street fighting” or protecting one’s self against an attacker. It just has to be properly utilized for maximum effectiveness

I am sure that the experienced Karatekas would agree. But for the inexperienced like myself, I have not yet acquired the skill set or fitness level to allow me to use karate effectively. I have had people tell me that ‘all that training, fighting imaginary foes, is a waste of time’. I’m coming to my own conclusion that after a while, ‘imagination’ will turn into well-honed ‘instinct’. >>>Continued on pg.13

Interesting Book Find FYI!

I (Diane) was browsing in a book store in a mall and happened across an attractively illustrated children’s book on Karate. Could be a book that parents could buy for the beginner peewees to get them more interested in karate! Maybe?

And remember to send articles, comments and constructive criticism to Simone via email: Regards Shihan Wesley Dexter Shim Chairman & Chief Instructor TKA (IKD)

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a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Issue #14, May 2013

Feature Article: Discipline and the search for a dojo! Sempai Marc Anthony Phillip It was at the old arcade in Trincity Mall that I remember seeing Ryu hitting a big Russian guy a Shoryuken to the jaw for the first time. Since then I loved karate. From the simplicity of his movements to the determination in his stare to the magical blue water thingy he threw across the screen, I was hooked. Granted my understanding of karate has improved over the years, or not [still holding out on learning how to throw a hadoken]. It was a magical thing to me; I spent the rest of my years looking for schools trying to be like Ryu. My first ‘karate’ school I found at age 14, older than most, younger than some I ventured in and was awakened with the most brutal beating of my life….karate was hard. First day and I was being beaten by a guy exactly half my size, in front of people I don’t know laughing at me, worst yet in the view of a girl I liked and my mother, who properly laughed all the way home. But time went by, and I stuck with it; form getting better; ideas getting sharper; questions getting more confusing; but yet something was missing. It wasn’t Ryu. I decided to venture out to other schools to look for that something. My next school was that of a ‘secret’ kung fu style. Long story short it was the same thing just harder. More physicals, more fighting, more forms yet, something was missing. It was at this point I figured that I was not cut out to be like Ryu or to be in martial arts on the whole. During this time I went from school to school, dojo to dojo group to group just looking for that missing something. I then entered UWI, stubborn and blinded by what I thought I knew. I stumbled upon the UWISKC by accident training, I believe it was in the under croft at the time and I instantly wanted to challenge them, anyone. As it so happened, the two persons who I sparred with handed me back my ego good and proper. I noticed something between the two persons, two different fighters however there was a thread that they shared, I did not know what it was at the time but I showed up the very next day for training.

Aside from that very long intro, the topic at hand is discipline. It was what our young handsome protagonist was missing in his karate story. It is what he found in the two fighters he sparred with, and it was the thing that separated Ryu from other characters he had seen. I believe that there is nothing that you can master without discipline; you need to have confidence in yourself and be steadfast in your goals to accomplish that which you set out to do, and karate is mastery over oneself. Trying to define it is impossible, in the words of Ryu, it is everything, the way you train, the way you live, the way you breathe, it is the moment, it is the now, and it is everything. A way of life and such a thing to master requires discipline. Now I understand that we live in the modern age and we cannot act as persons did in ancient times [I have failed you sensei now I take my own life…] such ideas would be impossible. However, we must indeed have discipline in order to move forward in our art. From showing respect to your elders and ranked seniors, to learning the basics and rules or culture of the dojo you train in, even understanding the feelings of others, all of these are of a disciplined karate-ka. Days in which rain falling and it cold and my belly griping meh dey and I can’t find my slipper and I have to cook and I cyar spare a two hours cause I have to ‘study’ and it have people I don’t like dey and that man beat me up last week and I get loud up from sensei yesterday and this one coming to check meh and I tired and all sorts of excuse has no place in the heart of a disciplined karateka.

ME as a purple belt (l) and a black belt (r)

Zanshin 3

a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Issue #14, May 2013

This discipline unfortunately cannot be found in a crudely organised karate magazine excerpt, [although written by the coolest person ever], this discipline must be found within each and every one of us. It is within ourselves and what we define as our goals in karate, the meaning and reasoning for us continuing in our art. Without it sadly, we would simply be wasting our time. It is the difference between somebody who goes to the gym casually as a scene and that person who trains towards a goal, it is the difference between someone who stumbles through their studies and somebody who tears through it focused and ready, it is the difference between a week-end warrior and a ….world warrior [another Ryu reference]. And it is the difference between a true karate-ka and somebody who simply trains.

In the end I urge you to train my friends, train, train, train, train when you’re sick, when you’re happy, when you’re sad or angry, when you do not feel like training, train with your everything and your training will not let you down. Peace [gonna go play some Street Fighter dey] …… Sempai Marc Anthony Phillip, UWSKC Editor’s Note: Marc was voted Best Performer in the recently concluded TKA National Tournament held on 24th February, 2013 after having won the most gold, silver and bronze medals in the adult category male

2013 Calendar Month April May June






Event Grading. Shihan Woon-A-Tai - Chief Examiner CCCK Tournament Central American and Caribbean Championship Pan-Am Seniors PKF Seniors Championship Father’s Day Health and Fitness Extravaganza IKD International Camp, IKD Quebec Annual Camp Grading IKD Jamaica Camp IKD/CKC Camp and Tournament Taekajudo Junior Codrington OSKK PKF Junior - Cadet Championship TKA Instructor Camp and Retreat Pan-Am Juniors TKA Annual training Camp TTKU Invitational TKA Awards Dinner Shuko-Kai International T&T Pan Am Central American Championship Curacao Open Grading

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Date/Time Place 7th, 10:00am UWI SPEC Details to be announced later 16th - 21st Nicaragua 13th - 18th Buenos Aires 16th Woodbrook Youth Facility 14th-17th Toronto, Canada 20 – 26th Quebec, Canada th 4 To be announced 5th-7th Jamaica 10th- 15th Barbados 05th - 06th To be announced Cuthbert Hicks - Tacarigua 7th Indoor Arena 26th - 31st Colombia 6th-8th Tobago To be announced 11th-13th To be announced Tacarigua Indoor Arena 12th UWI 12th

Archie Leiba

2nd 21st

Curacao To be announced

a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Issue #14, May 2013

Camp and Tournament Camp The International Karate Daigaku will be holding its annual Camp at White Pine, Ontario Canada from June 14 -17, 2013. Tournament The Barbados Shotokan Karate Association formally invited the TKA to participate in the 11th IKD\CKC Caribbean Karate Championship & Camp which will be held from July 10-14, 2013. Training has already commenced for persons desirous of representing Trinidad and Tobago.

Events: Individual Kata and Kumite Events Brown & Black Belts Only  Youth and Teen Individual Participation is Unlimited.  8-10 years Female. 8-10 years Male.  11-13 years Female. 11-13 years Male.  14-16 years Female. 14-16 years Male.  17-19 year Female. 17-19 years Male.  Adult and Master four (4) individuals per country Team Events Kata Team / Bunkai Team / Enbu Team  One entry per country  8-13 years…..Female. 8-13 years…..Male.  14-17 years….Female. 14-17 years….Male.  18-44 years….Female. 18-44 years….Male.  45+ years…….Female. 45+ years…….Male. Kumite- Adults and Masters Only:  3 persons per team, two entries per country ‘A’ and ‘B’  18-44 Adult Female 8-44 Adult Male.  45+ Master Female 45+ Master Male

Update: the K is on the Way

A view of the official site ports, has a count of 37,342 votes in support of backing the Karate Bid for the 2020 Olympics. Take a look and log your support. You never knowyou may be on a TKA-2020 Team!

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a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Issue #14, May 2013

Grading – 7 April, UWI SPEC

Grading was held on April 7, 2013 at UWI SPEC. Shihan Woon-A-Ta, founder and of the IKD was the Chief Examiner. Congratulations to all those who got promoted The following Dans were also promoted: especially our new Shodans:  Simone Thorne-Mora- Nidan  Devin Norman  Ian Benjamin- Yondan  Michelle Lue Fatt  Gregory Placide- Godan  Isaac Cozier  Roshelle Lue Fatt  Terrell Taylor (Tobago)  Ricky Mangroo (Tobago)

In the beginning, we all lined up by rank. . .

. . and according to height!

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a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Memories of first Grading 2013

Getting the paper work ready; last minute calls; psyching-up with Zanshin; warming up the engine!

Issue #14, May 2013 the purple peewees . . .

Kick Frederick, KEE YIE!

3rd Kyu Bassai Dai Browns

The Peewee Dans-to-be showing their stuff!

Let’s show them young’uns how it’s done. . .

Zanshin 7

a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Memories of first Grading 2013

the blues and basics . .

Issue #14, May 2013

Senior Belts just chillin’ taking in the scene!

Some light sparring

Grading is serious business!

Zanshin 8

a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Memories of first Grading 2013

The big Dans taking in every move!!

Issue #14, May 2013

>> PeeWee Profiles: Name: Dominic Lue Fatt Age: 9 Rank: Shodan Geographical Location: Petit Valley Name of Dojo: Tora Profession: Student Number of years in Karate: 4-5 Years Karate Achievements: Gold and Silver medallist at First Shoto World Camp, July 2012, TTKU gold, silver and bronze medallist in Kata and Kumite. Current (2013)gold medallist in Kata and Kumite (8 – 9 yrs) Best Memorable Moments: Winning Gold medal in Kata in 8 to 10 age group at First World Shoto Camp in Canada in 2012 Likes: Swimming, playing cricket with friends Personal Philosophy: When I want something I will go after it Mentor: Shihan Dexter Shim Advice to Young Karatekas: Always make good stances when practicing

Age: 8 Rank: Shodan Geographical Location: Petit Valley Name of Dojo: Real Spring Profession: Student Number of years in Karate: 3-5 Years Karate Achievements: Silver and Bronze medallist at First Shoto World Camp, July 2012, TTKU Gold, Silver and Bronze medallist, Best Performer female youth, TKA Nationals, 2013, TTKU Certificate of Achievement 2012 Karate Goal: To win many tournaments Best Memorable Moments: Winning Kumite match against a girl who was almost twice my height in first World Shoto Camp, Canada in 2012 Likes: Reading, Gymnastics, Swimming, Doing Word Search Personal Philosophy: If you say I can’t do it, I will show you I can do it Mentor: Sensei Theo Advice to Young Karatekas: Always tighten your fists before make punches

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Name: Roshelle Lue Fatt

a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Issue #14, May 2013

Dojo News The UWSKC Club

An Aerobica-thon held in February

A Family Day for the TKA on Sunday 22nd April. It was a great day! The pictures tell 1000 words and are sure to bring back memories!

Zanshin 10

a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Issue #14, May 2013

UWI Fun and Family Day The first UWISKC organized TKA Family Day was very enjoyable and much thanks should be given to Sensei Deane and his group of Karatekas in organizing the event. Sempai Marc Anthony functioned under the big title of Event-Co-ordinator. He can now add this to his CV (lol). I must however thank him for publicly acknowledging on Facebook that I assisted in organizing the organizers of the event. Congratulations to winners such as Sensei Nigel on coming first in the Walking Race for seniors (he beat me by a fraction of a fraction so I am planning to not allow that to happen next year), Ethan- Boys 50 Metres race (that boy has speed), Marcus - Red Light Green Light race, Dominic - Bunny Hop race and of course myself and Roshelle in the Female Wheel Barrow race. This race incidentally was the fastest Wheel Barrow race ever run and history was created (lol again). The best part of the Wheel Barrow Race was the lack of rules so I was able to basically lift little Roshelle off the ground and run with her (hence the reason it was run the fastest ever (lol)). Sempai Maria was able to comfortably beat Sensei Ian in the walking race, who if that race provides evidence of reality is the slowest Senior Karateka when it comes to walking. At the end of the race he was still almost near the starting line (and there is a picture on Facebook to so prove). So imagine him when it comes to running. Luckily he is an accomplished Kumite Champ so he can defend himself if confronted. He will not be able to use a flight strategy and escape. Sensei Theo put up an excellent fight or should I say walk. A big shout–out to our MC Isaac Cozier who kept announcements flowing; and of course, our Photographer Sensei Sean and Chief Judge, Shihan Shim. Thanks for the after sports entertainment in which one young lady (I can’t recall who) egged Sempai Marcus and he retaliated and egged her back; great free entertainment seeing egg all over Sempai Marcus’ face. We did not officially tally points to determine who earned the title of Victor Ludorum, but I can safely say the race was between Marcus and Marc Anthony. They dominated the sport events and won lots of prizes. Incidentally, everyone got GREAT and VALUABLE prizes including cans of coca-cola, small boxes of fruit punch and small bottles of water (lol). These prizes were priceless. I think that those 2 goodly gentlemen got their week’s supply of drinks in prizes. I definitely look forward to next year’s Fun and Family Day. Sensei Simone [Note: This commentary was written in jest and no malice was intended. I apologize if I unintentionally offended anyone.]

Zanshin 11

a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Issue #14, May 2013

Training Schedule Day Time Rank - Belts TORA- Chinese Association, St. Ann’s Directors: Senseis Nigel Forde and John George 6.00 - 7.15pm All Ages, All Ranks Tuesday Team training- brown and black 7.15 – 8:15pm belts Thursday 6.00 - 7.15pm All Ages - All Ranks 7.15 – 8:15pm Dan Training (Shihan Shim) UWI Shokotan CLUB, UWI, St. Augustine President- Sensei Dean Avril Monday 6:00 - 7:30pm All ages - ranks - UWI SPEC SWAG Tuesday All ages - ranks 6:00 - 7:30pm No Gi required! Engineering Undercroft All ages - ranks Wednesday 6:00 - 7:30pm SAC All ages - ranks Friday 6:00 - 7:00pm SPEC All ages - ranks Saturday 3:00 – 5/6:00pm Engineering Undercroft Team Training brown and black Sundays 10:00 – 12:00pm belts (Shihan Shim & Sensei Andrew) Real Spring DOJO, Valsayn Community Centre Dojo Directors: Senseis Theophilus Faustin and Gregory Placide Wednesday 7:00 - 8:30pm Adults and Juniors- All ranks Saturday 10:00 - 11:30am Adults and Juniors- All ranks Sunday 8:00 - 9:00am Adults and Juniors- All ranks Tobago- Scarborough Secondary School Dojo Director: Sensei Arthur Morris Tuesday 5:30 - 7:30pm Adults and Juniors- All ranks Thursday 5:30 - 7:30pm Adults and Juniors- All ranks Saturday 9:30 - 12 noon Adults and Juniors- All ranks KAIZEN - 1 Primco Drive, Glencoe Dojo Director: Sensei Marc Mollentheil Wednesday 3:30 - 5:00 pm Adults and Juniors- All ranks Friday 3:30 – 5:30 pm Adults and Juniors- All ranks MUSHIN - Ritmo del Rey Dance Studio, Long Circular Road Dojo Director: Sensei Earl Wilson Monday 6:00 – 7:00 pm Adults and Juniors- All ranks Wednesday 6:00 – 7:00 pm Adults and Juniors- All ranks Black Belts Saturday 7:30 to 9:00am Invited Brown Belts only (Shihan Shim)

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Karate Humour

a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Issue #14, May 2013

Reflections – Shotokan is the real deal, continued from page 2 PGN Article Extracts

My Perspective

 All kick-boxers train to fight. They train repetitively to punch, kick, knee, and elbow and do so hard against each other, on pads, and so forth. It’s the reason why the artstyle gets a lot of credit and recognition as being effective, because those practitioners train for one reason: to fight!

The free sparring in grading, with gloves - no less, proved to me that I cannot fight – Yet! It also left me with a definite feeling that in the same way I have to learn the Kata, I need to learn to fight.

 the reason why Karate, & even the division of Shotokan itself gets disregarded as being effective, is because not all practitioners train with the goal of being a fighter in mind. You have Kata training, Kihon Ippon, Jiyu Ippon, Sanbon Kumite, Hapon Kumite, basics and Kumite point fighting as all different things to learn/do. Each one can be very useful in turning you into a fighter, but only if that’s your goal.

Do I think I can fight? Emphatically No! However, if confronted by some random bandit, I would sure hope that both my flight, and if blocked, then my fight reaction will kick in (no pun intended) almost automatically. Is it my karate goal to become a fighter? No. My reason for training is not even at all interesting – I joined initially to encourage my two young ones. I continue now, because it is one of the few physical activities that I can fit into my schedule. Is my goal to become a fighter? I wish! But realistically speaking that would require dedicated time which I don’t always have and a drive to train, train, train! So for me, karate training is a non-competitive activity. Is that an acceptable goal? I don’t know! Is that enough to make me want to get better at it? Yes! Whether or not it is in synch with the TKA’s philosophy, I suppose I will find out over the course of time.

Paul Gale shared some other interesting insights, in his article titled ‘My perspective on Shotokan Karate in MMA and the fight between Lyoto Machida and Jon Jones at UFC 140’. “There are certain, brilliant designs in Shotokan that if you apply them and use them in a real fight, after training to fight with those very movements, then a strong, fast karateka can be an extremely powerful force to be reckoned with. It’s like the common misconception of the outside world that sees a karate practitioner doing a kata by him or herself and thinking it’s just a silly dance or that “no fight every goes down like that”. That’s not the point. The point is that these moves, when repeated and visualized so many times in these possible situations will get you so prepared, that in the event you get attacked, your muscle memory and realization of what to do and how to react, will come in and you’ll counterattack and be successful.

It is however where a lot of people stop though when training in karate. There are those that learn the kata and stop. There are fewer that learn it and make it look good. Even fewer go as far as to learn it, make it look good, and know why/how to utilize it by demonstrating some possibilities through bunkai (application). And then there are the elite handfull out there that learn it, make it look good, know the whys/hows/demonstrate bunkai…but also, actually FIGHT and train hard with those moves. That’s what I’m talking about. That’s why it’s hard to find a Shotokan Karate guy or girl that exists in the world today that can take that artstyle and that artstyle alone and truly fight with those very movements and be devastating with it. I’m not talking about getting in and out and scoring 1 point in a “non-to-semi-contact” kumite match…I’m talking about utilizing real karate in a real fight.”

You better believe that Shotokan is the real deal. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Kinesiology and have studied the movements of Shotokan and other styles for a very long time and can say without a doubt that it has all of the necessary components to be effective in a fight.

Read full article on:

Zanshin 13

a newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association (TKA)

Look out for


Fund Raiser A grand fund-raising Father’s Day Health and Wellness Extravaganza will be held on June 16, 2013 to offset some of the costs associated with sending our national team to Barbados in July. We need volunteer caterers to provide healthy meals for this event as well as product donations for prizes for various items on the agenda so someone from the organizing committee will be approaching you for assistance. Details are as follows: Date:

Sunday June 16, 2013


Woodbrook Youth Facility, Hamilton Holder St.


12noon to 6.00pm. Lunch served between 12noon and 3.00pm


Healthy meals and drinks, free health services offered, lectures and demonstrations on health issues, fun aerobic competition, kids area

Contribution: $150.00 adults; $75.00 children Dr. Fuad Khan, Minister of Health, also a Shotokan Dan who used to train with many of our Senior Senseis has fully endorsed the health and wellness theme and is expected to attend.

Hampers, prizes, dance demonstrations, body building display, free health checks, aerobic competition and more! Dads, dress to exercise; this is your alternative Fathers' Day celebration for a worthy cause- to defray costs to send TKA members (your friends & associates) to represent Trinidad and Tobago in Barbados at the Caribbean Championships in July.


In our June ISSUE‌ A monthly newsletter of the Trinidad Karate Association Editor-in-Chief: Simone Thorne-Mora Layout: Diana Francis Proof-reading: Sensei Richie Robertson Photos: Sean Powell (Fun Day); Diana Francis (grading); others

- More Peewee profiles - details on the IKD

to our Peewee Karatekas with their SEA exams!! May they all pass for their 1st Choice!

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