Special Section
Editor’s Note : Whether you’re a first year who just got to campus or a seasoned senior, everyone can relate to this list of 101 things you should do before you graduate. Some are a given, because they’re tradition (like climbing Murchison tower or getting thrown in Miller Fountain on your birthday), but others are more out of the box. From campus to classroom to city, we’ve got you covered. Here’s what we think you should do, what you should eat and who you should do it with in the coming year or years. Better get started. Read The Trinitonian Dance in Diwali
Show off in one of the talent shows like Fall Frolics or Spotlight or Trinity Idol Go to a Senior Roast
Attend a Fiesta event Float the Guadalupe River
Show off at one of the talent shows: Fall Frolics, Spotlight or Trinity Idol Attend ACL or SXSW
Sign your name on a brick inside Murchison tower Eat Tex-Mex
Go to President Ahlburg’s office hours Bike ride through the San Antonio missions Go on an O-REC trip
Volunteer with TUVAC Go to Nacho Hour
Network at “Making Connections”
Be featured on “Overheard at Trinity”
Take a silly Mirage yearbook photo
Experience first-year P.O.T. Attend a lecture series
Study by the Magic Stones
Go to a San Antonio profesional sporting event
Road trip to another city in Texas
Ride the bull at Cowboy’s Dance Hall Visit the Alamo
Stargaze from the McLean or Prassel roofs Go to First Friday
Become friends with an alumnus during Alumni Weekend
Use your Tiger Card to get in free to a San Antonio Symphony Concert See a show at the White Rabbit Go to Sea World
Play frisbee golf on the Trinity course
Walk the Incarnate Word bridge Go to an Open Mic night
Be a tourist on the Riverwalk Have a milkshake from the P.O.D.
Take a picture on the LeeRoy statue in front of the Bell Center
Watch a football game from a residence hall balcony Pull an all-nighter Actually watch Channel 14
Go to Tiger Fest
Befriend a first year Study abroad
Go on the pub run
Watch the sun rise over San Antonio Step on the Trinity seal before graudation Prepare for your future by going to Career Services
Make friends with the Aramark staff Get thrown in the Miller Fountain on your birthday (or half birthday)
Make your own “Trinimeme”
Party on 6th St. in Austin
Participate in the Rocky Horror Picture Show Be serenaded by a mariachi band Watch a movie at Feature at the Fountain Eat Texas BBQ
Venture into the Murchison Cave Participate in First Amendment Week
Go on a Senior Bar Crawl
Wear/make your own toga Attend a frat party
Attend a game for each Trinity team and cheer on the Tigers
Go to a Loon-E-Crew show Start an event/bring a club to campus Play hide-n-seek in the library
Feed the Trinity Cats with the CAT alliance
Do a keg stand
See a broadway show at the Majestic Theatre downtown
Satisfy your sweet tooth at the Chocolate Festival Go shopping at the Oulet Mall in San Marcos Get your picture taken with our mascot, LeeRoy
Go to Schlitterbahn
Make a late-night Taco-C run
Be featured in the Sidewalk Symposium of The Trinitonian
Go to a rush event, even if you’re not Greek or don’t plan on going Greek Go to Coates Caper
Make friends at Playfair
Live off-campus
Be invited to dinner at a professor’s house Make an appearence on TigerTV
Write a guest column for The Trintionain