1 minute read
Zoom-Era Stardew Valley Love Poem
from TR 133.2
Zoom-Era Stardew Valley Love Poem
Mahaila Smith
We design our farm in the evening, inside. Snow-globe flakes glance through my window. We build cabins on a hill beside the tree-lined river. I plant parsnips on a raised bed. Maybe for good drainage, mainly to keep in the sun. We skip around town meeting new suburban neighbours. Practice fishing, pickaxing stones, breaking new paths. My hands get tired and I fall asleep in the deep dark, old locusts biting my face.
You kindly find me and carry me home. We stick to our own chores the next day. You haven’t come to bed yet, are you coming back? The neighbours send us an invitation to the children’s egg hunt. We trample over little kids to win and we tie, first place. Best to leave before there’s consequences (it’s been three hours). You ex the window to write the morning’s news.