Trinity College Annual Record 2020

Page 6

Stephen Bond


When I was appointed as Editor back in January, the hot topic of debate was unquestionably the likely impact of Brexit on the College and wider University. External funding, collaborative research and even the global standing of Cambridge were – and still are – under huge threat. This threat has for me, like so many colleagues, a strong personal dimension: my research involves a large-scale editorial collaboration with scholars from the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany. A straightforward example of the changes that Brexit will bring to Trinity is the inevitable reversal of the fourfold increase in the College’s T R I N I T Y A N N UA L R ECOR D 2020



It is with some diffidence that I introduce myself as the new editor of this journal. As a musician more accustomed to expressing himself in performance or in often arcane forms of musical notation, I am conscious that I am following on from a succession of wordsmith historians – most recently David Washbrook – who have skilfully brought together reports of the College year within the context of a broader historical narrative. David was Editor for four years, and his always highly readable editorials combined erudition with an expert eye for the more global ramifications of the year’s events within College. Although lacking a historian’s instinctive grasp of the larger picture, I have over the last thirty years at least amassed a sufficiently diverse portfolio of College roles that a relatively large proportion of readers will have had some contact with me at Trinity. I have been a Director of Studies in Music throughout my time here, was Tutor for Side A for nearly fourteen years and am currently standing in once again as a Tutor for Side G. Many of you will during your time here have received letters from me as Emoluments Secretary about grants from the College’s eclectic array of student funds; and, of course, in my twelve years as Tutor for Admissions I had the happy task of signing the offer letters to around two and a half thousand of you!

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