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Donations to the College Library
Donations to the College Library
In the period from 19 September 2020 to 23 September 2021, the following members of the College gave the Library the books named, which they have written or edited or translated:
A Axon. Contemporary archive of the Islamic world. Volumes 1–4 / edited by Anthony Axon and Susan Hewitt. P S Chapman. A Tyneside heritage: South Shields, County Durham and the Chapman family, 1811–1963. G Corbett. Dante’s Christian ethics: Purgatory and its moral contexts. S C Davies. The drugs don’t work: a global threat / Professor Dame Sally C. Davies, Dr Jonathan Grant and Professor Mike Catchpole. S C Davies. Whose health is it, anyway? / Professor Dame Sally C. Davies and Dr Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard.
T Dunkelgrün. Bastards and believers: Jewish converts and conversion from the Bible to the present / edited by Theodor Dunkelgrün and Paweł Maciejko. P Elliott. Thomas Muir, ‘lad o’ pairts’: the life and work of Sir Thomas Muir (1844–1934), mathematician and cape colonial educationist. C Fonseca. Coronel Lágrimas. C Fonseca. The literature of catastrophe: nature, disaster and revolution in Latin America. C Fonseca. Natural history. D Frase. Law and regulation of investment management. 3rd edition. E J Hinch. Think before you compute: a prelude to computational fluid dynamics. M Hutchinson. Britain’s greatest Prime Minister Lord Liverpool. R C M Janko. Philodemus, ‘On poems’, Book 2; with the fragments of Heracleodorus and Pausimachus / edited with introduction, translation and commentary by Richard Janko.
D P Jones. The web handling handbook / Dilwyn P. Jones, David R. Roisum, Timothy J. Walker A J Kachuck. The solitary sphere in the age of Virgil. A Kardos-Nyheim and J Court. The Cambridge journal of law, politics, and art.
J Khalfa. The psychiatric writings from Alienation and freedom / Frantz Fanon; edited by Jean Khalfa and Robert J.C. Young; translated by Steven Corcoran. J Khalfa. The political writings from Alienation and freedom / Frantz Fanon; edited by Jean Khalfa and Robert J.C. Young; translated by Steven Corcoran. J Khalfa. The plays from Alienation and freedom / Frantz Fanon; edited by Jean Khalfa and Robert J.C. Young; translated by Steven Corcoran. J Khalfa. Sur la philosophie de Newton / Voltaire; preface, Jean Khalfa; illustrations, Remo Giatti. J Khalfa. En-feux / Jean Khalfa; illustrations, Henri Maccheroni. R Knight. Drawing and blurring the lines after National Socialism: Austria and West Germany compared. R Knight. Politik der Assimilation: Österreich und die Kärntner Slowenen nach der NS-Herrschaft / Robert Knight; translated by Peter Pirker. G Leadbetter. Maskwork.
A Leighton. One, two. J Marenbon. King’s Hall, Cambridge and the fourteenth-century universities: new perspectives / edited by John Marenbon. D McKitterick. The Philobiblon Society: sociability & book collecting in midVictorian Britain. A McMullen. The fruits of ambition. R Morris. Court festivals of the Holy Roman Empire, 1555–1619: performing German identity. D J Murray. The creation of scientific psychology / David J. Murray, Stephen W. Link.
D Nolland. Meaning-centred psychotherapy: Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy in theory and practice / Elisabeth Lukas, Heidi Schönfeld; translated from the German by Dr David Nolland.
R Paulin. From Goethe to Gundolf: essays on German literature and culture. A Phillips. Fighting Churchill, appeasing Hitler: how a British civil servant helped cause the Second World War. A Phillips. The king who had to go: Edward VIII, Mrs Simpson and the hidden politics of the abdication crisis.
M Pill. Public inquiries and other ventures: life at the bar. L Pollock. The book about getting older (for people who don’t want to talk about it). S Robertson. BC Before computers: on information technology from writing to the age of digital data. C Rollason. Read books, repeat quotations: the literary Bob Dylan. R Roschnik. Frontier fascination: adventures around the Swiss border on foot, by bicycle and kayak. A Rudolf. Journey around my flat: an essay of informal inventory. P-A Salvadori. Le nord de la renaissance: la carte l’humanisme suédois et la genèse de l’Arctique. K Scotland. Ken Scotland: the autobiography. D Seed. American travellers in Liverpool / edited by David Seed. S Singha. Future healthcare design. S Singha. Women in architecture / edited by Sumita Singha. P Smith. An introduction to formal logic. 2nd edition. P Smith. Gödel without (too many) tears. P Smith. An introduction to Gödel’s theorems. 2nd edition. B Spagnolo. Principle and pragmatism in Roman law / edited by Benjamin Spagnolo and Joe Sampson. N Thomas. A new voyage round the world / William Dampier; edited and introduced by Nicholas Thomas. N Thomas. Voyagers: the settlement of the Pacific. J Tusa. On board: the insider’s guide to surviving life in the boardroom. B Wardhaugh. The book of wonders: the many lives of Euclid’s Elements. D Woodman. Edward the Confessor.
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cambridge journal of law, politics, and art
TRINITY ANNUAL RECORD 2021 69 Sarah Claydon