3 minute read

College Choir

College Choir

Paul Nicholson


After a relatively normal summer, which had given some respite from the worst of the pandemic, the Choir welcomed nine new singers for the start of the Michaelmas term. Although COVID restrictions were still in place, we were again able to welcome congregations to Chapel for services, albeit with reduced numbers to allow for extra spacing and with the wearing of masks.

A highlight of the Michaelmas term, as it always is, but especially so this year having not been possible in 2020, was the Advent Carol Service. This was well attended by Fellows, students and staff, and watched around the world by thousands on our YouTube channel.

Over the term, the Choir had been working on Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, in preparation for our usual performance with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in the St John’s Smith Square Christmas Festival. Right up until the last moment this looked possible, but sadly the arrival of the Omicron variant meant that it had to be cancelled for a second year.

In January 2022, the Choir was able to travel to Ely Cathedral to make a recording of 20th century British masterworks with organ. Despite the freezing conditions recording each evening in the Cathedral, the Choir were in excellent spirits,

Paul Ashley

Singing on the River 2022.

enjoying singing in such a wonderful space accompanied by the Harrison and Harrison organ, which was perfect for the repertoire.

Unfortunately, due to ill health, our Director of Music, Stephen Layton was away during much of the Lent term. Michael Waldron, who was Stephen’s first organ scholar at Trinity, was kindly able to step in and, alongside the organ scholars, led the services.

The Easter term felt like the first completely normal term since the start of the pandemic, with the return of the annual Singing from the Towers and Singing on the River concerts. For many of this generation of undergraduates, it was the first time these events had been able to take place during their time. Special services during the term included an Evensong with brass on Sunday 5 June, with music to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, and a joint service with the Choir of Gonville and Caius College on 7 June.

We were also able to welcome back over 100 Choir alumni to sing with the current Choir in a service on Saturday 2 July, as part of the delayed celebration of Stephen Layton’s 15 years (now 16 years) as Director of Music. The sound of so many generations of choral scholars filling the Chapel was remarkable and those attending enjoyed a fine dinner in Hall afterwards.

Recording Duruflé Requiem in St Eustache, Paris.

In the summer, the Choir travelled to Bremen in Germany for a week of concerts, and then on to Paris for a recording in the church of St Eustache, in the heart of the city. The first half of the project was an audio recording of the music of David Briggs and the second half a video production of the Duruflé Requiem, repertoire chosen to make good use of the extraordinary organ and acoustics in the building. The Choir then departed for a summer break with everyone hoping for a normal academic year ahead. All are welcome at our regular services in Chapel, which are also streamed live on YouTube and available to listen again. Full details of the Choir’s recordings, forthcoming concerts, webcasts of services and YouTube videos can be found at www.trinitycollegechoir.com.


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