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Changes in Worship for Lent
You will notice that our worship services during Lent will differ from our ordinary worship. Worship changes to reflect the solemn nature of the season so that we may reflect on our relationship with God in light of our imperfections–sin. The season’s color is violet, flowers do not appear on the altar, the tone of our music is more subdued, and we refrain from using the word “Alleluia.” These changes help us focus on the season and will be “lifted” on Easter morning.
Alleluia Sunday
Sunday, February 19
The Last Sunday before Ash Wednesday is traditionally called “Alleluia Sunday.” It is the last day we use the praise word alleluia until Easter. During Lent, we refrain from saying alleluia to honor this time of reflection. Our children will be part of our procession out of the church with our “Alleluia Banner,” exiting to bury it until Easter when they process back into the church with it.
The Reconciliation of a Penitent By Appointment
Not everyone realizes that the Episcopal church maintains the sacramental rite of reconciliation, or what is commonly referred to as “Confession.” You can find the service for this rite in the Book of Common Prayer on page 447. The seal of confession is absolute. The sacrament can be a balm for the spirit and the soul. The ability to share and ultimately release one’s imperfections–sin–with a priest who can pronounce God’s forgiveness is a grace of profound depth. It can be a significant part of one’s Lenten journey. If you wish to make your confession, please get in touch with one of Trinity’s clergy to make an appointment.
Tabletop Lent
The Faces of Easter
For families of children and youth | A take-home object lesson and devotional
Parents often ask how they can explore faith formation at home. Lent is a perfect opportunity to bring the story of Jesus into your home. We have a take-home lesson that is simple to do and visually impactful. We pray it assists all families in keeping a holy Lent.
In Godly Play, “The Faces of Easter” are the Lenten series of lessons that trace the life of Christ from birth through the crucifixion and resurrection. For our take-home Lenten devotional, we pair the familiarity of these images from the biblical story with a new way of presenting them.
On Sunday, Feb. 19th, there will be a long table in the Church Street Courtyard with purple bags for each family to take home (one per family). The pack contains everything you need for your family to observe the Lenten season together. Meet Beth and Debbie at the table to pick up one for your family.
Lenten Meditations
We are blessed to have a Lenten devotional booklet for the season of Lent written by members of the Trinity community. We will be sharing these devotions by email each day, and they will also be posted on our website. If you want to be on the email list, please get in touch with the church office at office@trinityasheville.org.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
February 21
Our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner will be held in Tuton Hall on Tuesday at 6:00 pm. The cost is $5.00 per person. Please join us in preparation for the start of Lent as we enjoy pancakes, sausage, and bacon, all prepared by the gentlemen of Trinity. No reservations are required. Trinity Men, your help is needed to set up, cook, and clean up! Please sign up on the bulletin board near the Conference Room or at debbie@trinityasheville.org.
6:00 pm -dinner and crafts for children
6:30 pm- Pancake race and other games!