1 minute read

David's Column

Ice cream. Sunshine. Freshly mown grass. The crack of a baseball bat at McCormick Field. The Beach Boys on vinyl. The blur of feral children running around without a care in the world.

Ah, summertime.

The mad dash of cobbling together child care and day camps that cripple bank accounts. Thirsty mosquitoes. The everpresent hum of air conditioners and fans. Heat and humidity. Tourist traffic.


Whatever your reaction to this freewheeling, sundrenched, afternoon-thunderstorming, traffic-jammed season in Asheville, one thing remains a reassuring and comforting constant. Ministry doesn’t take a break at Trinity. The work of God’s kingdom doesn’t stop during these summer months. Worship, study, and mission continue to thrum with steady energy and excitement at our parish. Just take a look at the summer issue of Trinity Commons. It is brimming with vitality, with mission, with care for our neighbors and friends both near and far, with formation, fellowship, and activities for all ages.

The rhythm of the year, of course, means that many of us will find ourselves away for a week or two during these summer months, including myself and most of our staff. Rightfully so. Sabbath rest is a glorious and holy thing during the summer. So we grab some watermelon and fresh berries. We chill out and unwind a bit. We vacate and relax. We practice our canonballs in the pool or hone our talents for afternoon naps. We enjoy God’s bounty and creation. We take a little time to breathe and remember we are God’s beloved. The soul unfurls, like a sail hoping to catch the wind.

And then we share that gift with renewed energy and rekindled life. Because the rhythm of God’s kingdom continues its steady march and witness for God’s love and mercy in the midst of a world that is too often unjust, cold, and uncaring, and, as this issue makes clear, Trinitarians remain in lock-step with the drumbeat of God’s grace in every season, even during summertime.

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