4 minute read
Early morning TRAINING
ID YOU KNOW that every Wednesday morning several TCA coaches huddle together in the Field House conference room from 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. to study God’s Word? This important time together undoubtedly feeds our coaches spiritually in order to more deeply pour into our Trojan athletes.
Coaches Outreach is an organization that produces Bible studies specifically made for coaches. Founded by former NFL player Tommy Maxwell, Coaches Outreach is designed to “impact communities through the Christ-like leadership of coaches transformed by biblical truth.” Currently there are over 5,000 coaches and 600 studies that meet across the country. Coaches Outreach has three simple goals: study the Bible from a coach’s perspective, create a more unified staff and help develop strong, moral character in coaches and studentathletes. Through the efforts of retired coaches and lay leaders like TCA parent Scott Polk, who willingly give of their time volunteering, hundreds of coaches have been impacted for the Kingdom of God. In turn, these coaches challenge their athletes to live and compete more like Jesus!
Thirteen years ago, Scott Polk began leading the TCA Coaches Outreach study and for the past decade has been leading a core group of eight coaches who have been faithfully studying God’s Word and discussing best methods of living it out through their coaching. A former Texas A&M football standout, Scott is married to Stephanie, a former TCA trustee, and is father to TCA senior Cody, Becca Polk Smith ’14 and Shelbi Polk ’11. Having coached youth football for many years, Scott genuinely identifies with coaches and has a keen understanding of the many challenges they face on a regular basis. He has a unique ability of knowing how to have fun yet unapologetically pushing his guys to new heights in their faith. His humility is evident in that he quickly admits to a weakness and consistently is willing to share a difficult moment in his walk with Christ. I can speak for our group and say that the key to our successful tenure is Scott’s enthusiasm and faithfulness each week.
This fall our group has been studying the book of Joshua, Moses’ successor, who faithfully led the children of Israel into the Promised Land. Like the Israelites, we are reminded that we have much to learn regarding God’s faithfulness and our obedience to a loving yet holy God.
Each fall we begin studying a book from the Old Testament and then transition to a New Testament book in the spring. Once a passage of Scripture is read, most of the hour is focused on discussing what we’ve learned, how we can apply what we’ve learned and ultimately how we can better teach, mentor and coach the student-athletes God has placed in our care. Each session ends with prayer for our kids, their families, our school and our great nation.
Robbie Rice, a TCA father, former TCA coach and husband of Middle School teacher Robin Rice, shares why he’s committed to the study: “Our group is a great weekly reminder of my need for other men in my life who remind me that my identity is in Christ, that I am not alone in my struggles and that my purpose is greater than a paycheck or human accolades. I also enjoy the laughter and banter!”
Scott Polk adds, “There is a difference between learning and knowing. It is great learning more of God’s Word, but it’s even more awesome to have the connection and fellowship with these other men! It has impacted me to know that the coaches leading our boys are godly men.”
Steve Mercer, longtime Upper School physics teacher and assistant head varsity football coach, shares, “Coaches Outreach Bible study has been a part of my weekly routine since I started working at TCA seventeen years ago. The Bible study lessons are great, the fellowship with the other coaches is excellent, and the accountability involved in helping each other stay in God’s Word is very helpful. We have deep conversations that encourage us to be become better coaches and better men because we can all share the wisdom and lessons that we have learned along the way.”
This fall as we studied Joshua, we kept coming back to the clear, concise and consistent theme of victory and have learned that victory requires courage, teamwork, faith, recalling God’s faithfulness and our identity in Christ, consistent obedience, discipline, comebacks, humility, vision, grit and purpose. Ultimate victory results from God’s presence, God’s promise and God’s planning! God still calls His people today to “be strong and courageous.” It’s encouraging to know that our strength and courage can grow incrementally from consistently submitting to a holy, sovereign and trustworthy God, and that He can use us mightily in the lives of others for their good and His glory!