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Parish Life

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Rector’s Address

Rector’s Address

Missy Roetter, Parish Life Coordinator

2021 began with the Burning of the Greens at the First annual Epiphany Bonfire on the south lot. It was the first time in several months that parishioners gathered together, in-person, outside with masks on. In February the church came together to support MId-North food pantry for the Souper Bowl of Caring. The Parish Life Committee (Marlene Marchesani, Patty Gotway, Scott Whitaker, James Cramer, Tricia McMath, and Missy Roetter) delivered Lenton bags to members of Trinity’s senior community. These bags contained a beautiful flowering plant, Lenten readings, an activity book, and a blessed wooden cross. For the start of Pentecost, Trinity celebrated outside on St. Richard’s soccer field followed by a picnic. During the summer months, we hosted Wednesday night light bites and beverages once a month in the Lemler Garden. We kicked off the Fall season with our annual ministries fair on the St. Richard’s playground. All of the different ministries were there to showcase their groups and answer questions for those interested in learning more. The start-up Sunday included a yummy pitch-in picnic with Trinity providing the fried chicken. We celebrated the Feast of St Francis with a pet blessing on Sunday, October 3. The pets were blessed inside the sanctuary and outside in the Lelmer Garden. At the end of October, Trinity hosted their fall retreat at Waycross Camp in Brown County. Over 60 parishioners attended this weekend of fun, prayer, and community. The highlight of the weekend was the Trinity Trivia contest on Saturday night. During Advent the parish life committee delivered Advent bags to Trinity seniors consisting of beautiful red poinsettias, advent reading materials, bags of cookies, and scented lip balm. The greening of the church was very successful this year. We even had a family all the way from Ecuador assist in decorating the sanctuary with beautiful greens.


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