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Parish Life
Patty Gotway, Nursery Coordinator Nursery care is always available as part of our welcome to our youngest members and their families. The Nursery offers a place where infants and young children can experience the love and care of this community, and it offers parents an opportunity to give their full attention to worship and other church activities. The Nursery was suspended in March 2020. We will restart when conditions become safe for our children and staff. On a happy note Tia and her husband, Don, welcomed their son, Jackson in July. All are doing well!.
Youth Ministry
Missy Roetter, Youth Coordinator Both youth groups (Rite-13 and J2A) were able to continue meeting throughout the pandemic via zoom. We even had a Christmas Trivia contest for our December Christmas on zoom. The J2A pilgrimage has been postponed due to the pandemic. They will be traveling to Rome and Assisi in June 2022. The most exciting news is that the new J2A youth room furniture was finalized and ordered. Bright green, blue and yellow chairs, coaches and such will be delivered in February. All of this new furniture along with new carpet will brighten up this basement room and be a place where teens will want to hang- out. I want to extend a huge thank you to the leaders of both groups. J2A: Bobby Bell and Katherine Smith, Rite-13: Lillian Crabb, Jim Maher and Fred Roetter. Their patience, dedication and love for the program is outstanding.
Missy Roetter, Parish Life Coordinator Despite the Covid restrictions Parish life continued to thrive in 2020. This is due in part to the newly formed Parish Life committee and their dedication to keeping the parish connected. Marlene Marchesani, Patty Gotway, Tricia McMath, James Cramer, Scott Whitaker and Missy Roetter met monthly via zoom throughout the year. Some of the new activities that they planned include: City Wide Scavenger Hunt, Senior Advent bags with a poinsettia, calendar and Advent readings delivered to all of Trinity’s seniors, and Altar flowers delivered to residents in nursing homes.
St. Francis Flowers in the church