Term Chapel Card

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Evensong services – Semester 2

Commence at 5pm

Trinity College Chapel | 100 Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3052

Enter via Gate C

Evensong services are also livestreamed via our YouTube channel. Scan the QR code to watch from home.

Sunday 28 July

Preacher: The Reverend Dr Scott Kirkland, Research Coordinator and the John and Jeanne Stockdale Senior Lecturer in Practical Theology and Ethics, Trinity College

Theological School

Introit: Rorem, Sing my soul

Preces & Responses: Shephard

Canticles: Lloyd, Peterborough Service

Anthem: Stanford, Beati quorum via

Sunday 4 August

Preacher: The Reverend Dr Luke Hopkins, Chaplain of Trinity College Melbourne

Introit: Tallis, O nata lux

Preces & Responses: Byrd

Canticles: Byrd, Third Service

Anthem: Parry, My soul, there is a country

Sunday 11 August

Preacher: The Right Reverend Alison Taylor AM, Bishop in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne

Introit: Lloyd, View me Lord

Preces & Responses: Martin

Canticles: Watson in E

Anthem: Parry, There is an old belief

Sunday 18 August

Preacher: The Reverend Heidintatha Kunoo, Assistant Curate of St Paul’s East Kew and Assistant Chaplain with the Mission to Seafarers – Victoria

Introit: Tallis, Hear the voice and prayer

Preces & Responses: Smith

Canticles: David Drury

Anthem: Parry, At the round earth’s imagined corners

Sunday 25 August

Preacher: The Reverend Cara Greenham Hancock, Assistant Curate of St Stephen and St Mary's Mt Waverley

Introit: Ralph Vaughn Williams, O taste and see

Preces & Responses: Shephard

Canticles: Murrill in E

Anthem: Stanford arr Leighton Jones, A closer walk

Sunday 1 September

Preacher: The Reverend Hollis Wilson, Minister of Uniting Church in the City, Perth

Introit: Tallis, In manus tuas, Domine

Preces & Responses: Byrd

Canticles: Howells, Collegium Regale

Anthem: Aija Draguns, Holy Dreaming

Sunday 8 September

Preacher: The Reverend Stuart Soley, Vicar of St Bartholomew's Burnley

Introit: Byrd, Beata viscera

Preces & Responses: Cecilia McDowall

Canticles: Joanna Forbes L’Estrange, King’s College Service

Anthem: Elsa Šušnjara, Mother Earth; gum tree grew

Sunday 15 September

Preacher: The Reverend Lydia Thangadura, Assistant Curate at St John's Toorak

Introit: Bairstow, Jesu the very thought of thee

Preces & Responses: Smith

Canticles: Moeran in D

Anthem: Lucy Blomfield, Creation sings your praise

Sunday 6 October

Preacher: The Right Reverend Dr Stephen Andrews, Principal of Wycliffe College, Toronto

Introit: Lloyd, Benedicta sit

Preces & Responses: Shephard

Canticles: Matthias, Jesus College Service

Anthem: Jonathan Dove, I will lift up mine eyes

Sunday 13 October

Choral Eucharist

Officiant: The Reverend Professor Dorothy Lee AM

Preacher: The Reverend Dr Alexander Ross, Vicar of St John's East Malvern

Mass Setting: Byrd, Mass for Four Voices

Communion Motet: Audrey Ormella, You spoke

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