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Prefatory Note

The two lectures that make up this volume of Trinity Papers were delivered during the Revd Professor Keith Ward’s visit to Trinity College, the University of Melbourne, as the College’s Frank Woods Fellow for 2003.

Professor Ward, who was at the time of his visit the Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University, has had a distinguished career as a clergyman and academic theologian. Prior to his appointment to Oxford, he taught at the Universities of Glasgow, St. Andrew’s and London, and also held visiting professorships at Duke University, Claremont Graduate School and the University of Tulsa.

These lectures reflect two of Professor Ward’s principal areas of research and teaching: inter-faith dialogue, and the interface between science and religion. They also reflect his remarkable ability to infuse his teaching with vitality, warmth and erudition, irrespective of the audience. The first, delivered to a principally theological audience, nonetheless avoids the risk of allowing theology to become too serious. The second, for which the audience was rather more diverse, illustrates Professor Ward’s remarkable ability to foster dialogue and a commonality of purpose.

Simply put, the title of this volume—‘Christianity and…’ Possibilities for Dialogue—hopefully captures this very spirit of frank exchange and commonality which characterized Revd Professor Ward’s lectures and, indeed, his entire visit.

Dr Mark R. Lindsay Director of Academic Studies Trinity College

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