2023 TC Annual

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I am delighted to provide the introduction to your Annual.

2023 has been a year of significant change for Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA), with the creation of EREA Colleges Ltd as part of a new governance model. EREA Colleges Ltd has governance responsibility for 18 Colleges and two standalone Early Learning Centres (ELCs) across South Australia, Tasmania, Queensland, Western Australia and the Australian Capital Territory. Our Colleges and ELCs are united through the common touchstones of liberating education, gospel spirituality, inclusive community and justice and solidarity. These touchstones provide each and every member of our community with a shared opportunity to enter into relationship with our God, whilst living in accordance with the values of our Church.

As I began my first months as CEO and attended each of the Colleges and ELCs, I was struck by the unique application of the four touchstones in each of the communities. Our Colleges and ELCs are dynamic learning environments reflective of the communities they serve. Central to all of our communities and at the heart of the formation of EREA Colleges as an entity is a commitment to the inclusivity and wellbeing of our students. In my initial months I was reminded of the words of Pope Francis, who wrote: “Education is not just about knowledge or lessons, but about using three languages: the head, the heart, and the hands... learning to think about what you feel and do, to feel what you think and do, and to do what you feel and think.

Unity within a person.” As CEO I recognise that families have made a decision to entrust us to partner with them to form their whole child. This partnership is one that challenges us – as educators and caregivers – to navigate increasingly complex landscapes, and on behalf of all Colleges and ELCs I would like to acknowledge the support parents and caregivers provide their child and the wider learning community.

As this year draws to a close, there will be many academic, musical, artistic and sporting successes to celebrate. We commend the achievements of students who have invested in their studies, co-curricular pursuits or social justice commitments and acknowledge that in doing so, these students model the ideal of a liberating education. I would like to thank the Principals, School Advisory Boards, leadership teams, and teaching and support staff of each College and ELC for their dedication to the formation of each student. We keep in mind those students and families who graduate from our Colleges and know that they are forever a part of the communities that their contributions shaped. We hold close those for whom 2023 has brought significant loss, challenge or struggle.

As we begin to turn our minds to the season that centres on the birth of Christ, we are reminded that from the vulnerability of this infant child was to become the saviour of all humankind. May we always hold tight to the hopefulness that our young people provide, and commit in return to the education of their head, heart and hands.

Live Jesus in Our Hearts, Forever.



Contents INTRODUCTION Principal’s Report 2 Advisory Council 4 COMMUNITY GROUPS TOBA 6 Parent Council 10 College Auxiliary 12 JUNIOR SCHOOL Head of Junior School Report 14 Presentation Night 16 Ignite Award 18 Student Leadership 19 Year 6 20 Year 6 Blue 22 Year 6 Green 23 Year 6 White 24 Year 5 25 Year 5 Blue 26 Year 5 Green 27 Year 5 White 28 Year 4 29 Year 4 Blue 30 Year 4 Green 31 Year 4 White 32 JUNIOR SCHOOL CURRICULUM Faith Education 34 Gifted and Talented 36 Art 37 Library 39 Music 40 Boys In Groove 44 JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORT House Athletics Carnival 46 House Cross Country Carnival 47 House Swimming Carnival 48 JPSSA Inter-school Athletics and Swimming 49 Basketball 50 Cricket 51 Football 52 Hockey 53 Rugby 54 Soccer 55 Tennis 56 Volleyball 57 Water Polo 58 CLASS OF 2023 Valedictory Address 60 Awards 2023 62 Year 12 Awards 64 Year 12 Report 65 Year 12 Class of 2023 69 Student Leadership 75 Year 12 PCG 76 Graduation 80 Year 12 Ball 82 SECONDARY SCHOOL Year 11 Awards 84 Year 11 Report 85 Year 11 PCG 87 Year 10 Awards 92 Year 10 Report 93 Year 10 PCG 95 Year 9 Awards 99 Year 9 Report 100 Year 9 PCG 102 Year 8 Awards 106 Year 8 Report 107 Year 8 PCG 109 Year 7 Awards 113 Year 7 Report 114 Year 7 PCG 116 Presentation Night 120 SECONDARY SCHOOL CURRICULUM Astronomy and Space Science 122 Aviation 123 Careers/VET 124 Design and Technology 125 Digital Technologies and Media Arts 127 English 129 Gifted and Talented Program 130 Health and Physical Education 131 Humanities 133 Italian 134 Learning Support 136 Mathematics 138 Outdoor Education 140 PL Duffy Library 142 Religious Education 143 Science 144 Visual Arts 146 Trinity College Mural ‘Three Crowns’ 150 MISSION AND IDENTITY Campus Ministry 154 Quest Retreat 156 Kairos Retreats 158 Christian Services 160 Kimberley Immersion 162 WELLBEING AND FORMATION Aboriginal Program 166 Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 168 Wellness Week 169 TCEC 170 SPORT AND CO-CURRICULAR 2023 Sports Awards 172 PSA Sport 173 Athletics 175 Badminton 178 Basketball 181 Chess 188 Cricket 189 Cross Country 195 Football 197 PSA Golf 204 Hockey 206 Rowing 209 Rugby 218 Soccer 222 Swimming 228 PSA Surfing and Body Boarding Competition 231 Tennis 233 Volleyball 237 Water Polo 241 PERFORMING ARTS Music 248 Music Groups 250 Catholic Performing Arts Shields 266 Catholic Performing Arts Results 268 Pipes & Drums 272 Dance 274 Drama 276 Pemulwuy Music Tour 278 DIRECTORY AND CONCLUSION College Staff 282 Roll Call 286 Graduating Class of 2023 295 Annual 2023 | 1

Principal’s Report

This Trinity College Annual wonderfully captures and faithfully records the many events, successes and student achievements throughout this year. Rather than catalogue them once again, I will share parts of my address from the College Presentation Night.

Earlier this year, I was reminded of the importance of our role as a Catholic College when one of our Year 9 students approached me to assist with a topic he had chosen for his English Class: How do schools produce good students? While I took some time to talk to him about instilling values, a well-rounded education and learning experiences, curriculum, leadership, service and opportunities, I also reflected with him on a visit I had to the Lamborghini factory while on a school trip to Italy several years earlier.

Ferrucio Lamborghini founded his car manufacturing plant in 1963. He established it as a luxury brand, a reputation it certainly maintains to this day, producing only a limited number of prestige cars each year. Within the factory in Bologna there are some 300 employees, and although technology abounds, there are no automated production stations. Everything is prepared, built and carefully assembled by talented, committed and proud workers. Within these ranks are people with positions of significant responsibility, engineers and designers, while others have specific tasks such as examining and attaching relatively minor parts of the car – but, most importantly, they all are contributing in some way to the production of each vehicle.

Significantly, there is another feature of the Lamborghini factory that makes it unique. Central within the foyer sits a fully assembled, gleaming Lamborghini. This magnificent V12 signature vehicle is quite an imposing sight as it rotates slowly on its raised platform. Of course, its specific placement is not by accident. It is representative of the Lamborghini brand and symbolises to all visitors the craftmanship and qualities of the finished product. However, its placement is also significant and strategic for the workers who must walk past it at the end of every working day. This display car serves as a powerful reminder

that, whether they are charged with turning a particular bolt, hand-stitching upholstery or polishing a fender, they are all contributing to the creation of something beautiful. They are reminded that without their contribution, regardless of the scale or perceived significance, this beautiful final creation would not be possible. It is a wonderful affirmation of their work.

Importantly, I would like to emphasise that at Trinity College we do not produce students, nor do we produce graduates, nor do we produce young men – as the word ‘produce’ assumes a model of manufacturing or production that is formulaic and achieves the same finished product. Rather, we all play our part, big and small, in helping to form and shape young men – each wonderfully unique, very special and much valued.

In journeying through College, and even as they leave as graduates, our boys are not a finished product, as they still have an exciting future of life experiences, various successes and failures, and important relationships that will continue to shape their person. I wonder how often as parents, teachers, coaches, mentors or extended family members we have truly understood and appreciated the importance of the small and large contributions we have made, and continue to make, in instilling authentic values, purpose and self-worth into our boys? Put simply, we help form young men.

There is no more important job than parenting, and as a College we look to complement parents and families in the formation and development of their sons. Student achievement and welfare is greatly enhanced when the College and the home enjoy a positive and meaningful partnership that is centred on the care and progress of every student.

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This is particularly evident at Trinity College, where the level of parental support, both formal and informal, is quite outstanding. It is always generous, always humble and always genuine.

Such parent support adds so much to the TC Spirit that we value so highly. The hopes and aspirations that parents have for their sons are the same hopes and aspirations we have for them – to be happy, responsible and respectful young men who display maturity in purpose, have a strong sense of self-worth and a healthy wellbeing, who are genuinely caring, considerate of others and generous in their outreach, and who become leaders in their own families and communities. To be good Men for Others.

To assist in this important task at Trinity College, we have as our guide the important Gospel values espoused by Jesus – as well as the very real example of Blessed Edmund Rice who, through his work, showed us all the importance of hope, compassion and the reward of reaching out to others. I am very grateful that our College is a faith community because it is within such a community that we learn to look out for each other, respect each other and care for each other.

Next year, we look forward to some significant developments at the College. Trinity Avenue will be reinstated as our entry, and after considerable negotiations and lobbying our College is likely to gain access to playing fields to be installed on the Waterbank site. An annual schedule of planned classroom refurbishments has just started and initial master planning of our campus has commenced, with a vision of tying into plans for the wider East Perth precinct. I would like to make special note of the extraordinary work and diligence provided by members of the Capital and Planning Committee, who have demonstrated both patience and perseverance in regularly meeting with all manner of authorities and stakeholders, steadfastly determined to position Trinity College for the future.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank several groups who have contributed to the life and ongoing development of our College throughout the year.

I wish to thank all members of the College staff for their continued hard work. Quite simply, the quality of a school cannot exceed the quality of the staff that work within it.

I begin by thanking the students of this College who so generously and consistently give of their time, energy and talents. I encourage you to maintain your enthusiasm and continue to strive for personal excellence and, in so doing, make the most of your many gifts.

I also wish to thank the parents and families of Trinity College and acknowledge your ongoing support of the College in all that we strive to do. I would like to make particular mention of those parents who have generously taken on formal support roles within the College – through their membership or assistance of the College Auxiliary, the Parent Council, through TOBA, or through any one of the many ‘Friends of Groups’ that exist throughout our College. This generosity of spirit and extraordinary sense of service adds much to Trinity College and sets a wonderful example for our students.

I wish to thank all members of the College staff for their continued hard work. Quite simply, the quality of a school cannot exceed the quality of the staff that work within it. At Trinity College, we are blessed to have a dedicated group of staff – teaching and support staff – who display genuine care and outstanding commitment to the students. The varied work of the College staff and their ability to make meaningful connections with the boys is at the heart of our College community.

I also wish to acknowledge Mr Peter Torre, members of the College Advisory Council and its respective sub-committees. I am extremely appreciative of the time, support and encouragement offered by the various council members and thank them for their discernment and genuine ambition for this College.

Finally, on a personal note, I would like to thank the Trinity community for the generous support that I continue to receive as College Principal. I am always humbled by the encouragement and good wishes from so many people. To all within our College community, I extend my prayerful best wishes and hope that you continue to Live Jesus in your Hearts.

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Advisory Council

As we end another academic year, it is with a profound sense of gratitude and reflection that I write this report as Chair of the Trinity College Advisory Council. During the past few years, our educators, students, parents and staff have faced unprecedented circumstances with remarkable fortitude. The commitment to academic excellence has remained unwavering, with our educators adapting and innovating to ensure that the educational journey of Trinity students continues to be enriching and impactful.

Like most years, 2023 has been a journey filled with challenges, achievements and moments that have strengthened the bonds that define our College community.

In last year’s report, I indicated that the Council had changed its focus from dealing with the issues brought upon by the Covid-19 pandemic, to forward planning to ensure Trinity remains at the forefront of the education of young men.

Our Capital and Planning Committee has worked extensively throughout the year to capitalise on the opportunities presented at the neighbouring Waterbank site. Several alternatives were explored and discussed with each of the relevant stakeholders. While not yet concluded at the time of writing this report, we are confident that the outcomes of those discussions and negotiations will benefit Trinity for many years to come.

Our Finance Committee has diligently guided the College to position itself to underpin further development. In doing so, the Committee and Council are cognisant of maintaining school fees at a level that ensures a Trinity education remains affordable for the typical demographic of the College. This is often difficult, and the Council is considering ways in which to bolster the College’s revenue streams from other opportunities. Trinity remains the most affordable school in the PSA, and we endeavour to ensure it remains as such.

The Risk and Governance Committee continues to monitor the ever-increasing compliance environment under which schools must operate. Detailed reviews and analysis of risks and policies consume a considerable amount of time for any council or board, and having this Committee provide specific focus on such matters is of great assistance.

Fundamental to all matters considered by the Council is the unwavering commitment to the values and principles that underpin our Trinity identity. The dedicated teachers, staff and students have exemplified the spirit of compassion, kindness and service that are central to our College ethos. The commitment to academic achievement and holistic education remains at the forefront of our mission, preparing Trinity students not only for academic success, but also for lives of purpose and service.

All of this is led by College Principal Mr Darren O’Neill, the College Leadership Team and a determined team of committee leaders. There is an increasing narrative about the difficulties faced by educators. The Council is cognisant of these challenges and we strive to guide and support Darren as he steers the College through such challenges with a view to the future.

In the realm of community engagement, the ‘Trinity Family’ has remained active and supportive. Our parents, guardians and Alumni have played a crucial role in maintaining a strong sense of community. I always encourage all Old Boys, parents, grandparents, students and extended families to become involved in the Trinity community to ensure it maintains the wonderful culture it has enjoyed for so many years.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each member of our College Advisory Council for their unwavering support, dedication and collaboration. In particular, I would like to thank Mr Scott Slater and Mr George Pampacos who have decided to step down from the Council at the end of 2023. Scott has chaired the Risk and Governance Committee for many years and has made a significant contribution to the enhancement of the College’s risk framework and reporting, and the efficient implementation of governance policies. George has been a member of the Capital and Planning Committee, which has seen an increase in workload beyond that of most other Council members. We thank George for his role in positioning the College to take advantage of the opportunities presented.

Earlier in the year Mr Chris Brockwell resigned as a Council member after many years of generous service to the College. Chris and his extended family have been outstanding contributors to Trinity since its move to East Perth. The Christian Brothers always held the Brockwell family in the highest regard, and our interaction with Chris provided us with insight into why such regard was held.

We thank Chris for his time on the Council.

Looking ahead, the Trinity College Advisory Council is committed to fostering continuous improvement and growth. We continue to ensure that Trinity students receive the best possible education in an environment that reflects the values we hold dear.

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I am very happy to say 2023 has been another busy year for TOBA, with a full schedule of events. There were some excellent highlights and a continuation of record attendances at popular events.

We kicked off the year with Golden Heritage Club members (past students who left the College 50-plus years ago) joining Year 12s for the first Mass of the year in the TC Chapel. The Golden Heritage Club has gone from strength to strength since its commencement in 2011.

More than 100 Alumni and friends registered for the 25th TOBA Golf Day in March, which was a wonderful community event. Players spanned the Class of 1963 to the Class of 2020.

We saw some fantastic competition at the Winter and Summer Sports Days. Our Alumni were triumphant in all Winter sports, with wins in football, soccer, rugby, hockey and cross country. Damian Throssell (’86) was the proud winner of the TC Spirit award. The Summer Sports Day was a tie, with students successful in cricket, rowing and tennis, and Old Boys winning basketball, volleyball and water polo. Thank you to everyone who arranged teams, umpired, cooked a snagger or just came along to have a laugh.

The TOBA Sportsmen’s Lunch is our major fundraiser of the year and was held in May. Due to the popularity and demand to attend this event, we reluctantly left the Duxton Hotel, which was the old CBC Perth site, and moved to a larger venue – the impressive Optus Stadium.

This event sold out in two days, with 400 attendees ranging from the Class of 1949 to the Class of 2022.

Four new Old Boys were inducted into the TOBA Sporting Hall of Fame including Craig Serjeant (’68) for cricket, Gary Malarkey (’70) for football, Henk Vogels (’90) for cycling and Stefan Szczurowski (’99) for rowing. The gentlemen honoured were warmly received by those in attendance. We were also delighted to formally award a TOBA Honorary Life Membership to Patrick Coward (’81) for his significant and outstanding contribution to TOBA and TC. Guest speaker Justin Langer didn’t disappoint, and Mark Readings (‘87) was once again outstanding as our MC.

We were delighted to host a reunion in Sydney this year that was well attended and very much appreciated by our Old Boys living in New South Wales. Several enthusiastic Alumni flew to Sydney for the gathering.

In September, TOBA held an event for R U OK? Day for the second time, and we’re happy to say that the event is gaining momentum.

Attendees had a choice of a personal training session or a walk around the bridges, followed by a guest speaker, Ms Marie Scott from Assure Programs, who gave us valuable insight into the ways we can support our colleagues, friends and families in terms of their mental health.

Golden Heritage Club – Tim Bailey (‘59) OAM with Year 12 students
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We welcomed 171 new Old Boys into the TOBA family at the 2023 Graduation Breakfast. This year, Tom Barns (‘18) was our guest speaker. Tom is a Commonwealth bronze medallist in wrestling and currently in training for the Paris Olympics. His words on reliance and respecting those around you certainly resonated with our graduating class.

We always close out the social calendar with the annual sundowner, where we thank all those involved with, or supportive of, TOBA. The event was well attended, and a personal highlight is seeing the diversity in age among the Old Boys that have served on the committee or supported the Alumni spirit over the year.

TOBA continues to support the College as much as possible. The Association continues to support many College associations and sporting teams. As always, we endeavour to support our Alumni professionally, socially and emotionally as much as we can.

At this time of the year, I publicly thank the TOBA Committee for their work throughout the past year. The 19 committee members have selflessly dedicated hours of their own time to the wide variety of events we sponsor and host.

They cook hundreds of sausages, dress up as Father Christmas, attend assemblies and Masses, and undertake lots of thankless tasks.

We also offer a warm thank you to the College Principal, Mr Darren O’Neill, and the Leadership Team for their ongoing and continued support of TOBA by granting access to the College facilities and having great patience with our passionate Alumni.

My final thanks for the year go to Ms Brooke Hornbuckle and Ms Di Millar – I thank them both for their constant and continued hard work, as well as their strong belief in TOBA and the TC Spirit. A special mention to Di, who celebrated her 15th anniversary with TOBA this year.

I’d like to take a moment to remember and honour the Old Boys in our community that have passed this year. These ambassadors and stalwarts have each contributed to this incredible community and will remain in our hearts.

We are looking forward to running another full calendar of events in 2024, plus the usual milestone reunions.

And of course, we will continue our involvement with the current young men of Trinity so that we, as Old Boys, can keep the TC Spirit alive.

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Winter Sports Day – TC and TOBA football teams Graduation Breakfast Sportsmen’s Lunch – Class of 1983 Patrick Coward (‘81) awarded TOBA Honorary Life Membership – pictured with Darren O’Neill and Glen Bartlett (‘81)
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Graduation Breakfast – Xavier, Paula and Jeremy Nicoletto (’91) Graduation Breakfast – guest speaker Tom Barns (‘18) with Luca Morelli, Dimitri Mazarakis and Christian Ludovico Summer Sports Day – TC and TOBA cricket teams Golf Day – Tim Hince, Dayne Whalan, Rhys Spedding and Ryan Lockyer
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Sydney Reunion Sportsmen’s Lunch – Gary Malarkey (’70) receiving his Hall of Fame award for Australian Rules Football from inaugural winner John O’Connell (’49)

Parent Council

2023 welcomed new parents into the Trinity College Parent Council (TCPC). Our core role continues to provide a channel of communication between parents and the College Leadership Team, and to deliver ideas and initiatives. Strong parent connections, relationships and engagement through social and fundraising events is the key motivation for the TCPC, and this year was no exception.

Our annual fundraiser, the Tuition Raffle, is a favourite, as you can imagine, and this year we had a record number of tickets purchased. Funds raised assisted in fulfilling our main initiative, with the installation of two meetpat-designed water fountains with bottle functionality, to reduce single-use water bottles.

In addition, we delivered a Mini Uniform Store located on the school campus for quick access to smaller essential items for the boys to purchase at short notice – a very handy addition.

The successful events for this year are as follows:

Guest Speaker Night – ‘Growing Good Blokes with a Healthy Sense of Masculinity’

Mike Dyson, from Good Blokes Co, delivered an enamoured keynote speech. It was well attended by more than 120 students, parents and friends.

Parent Council Sundowner

At the beginning of each school year, the Parent Council Sundowner brings the College and the parent community together in a great night of introductions and rekindling of friendships and connections. Mexican food truck bites and drinks made it a perfect evening along the Swan River, with parents and teachers from all year groups.

Trinity College Parent Ball – ‘Midnight in Paris –A Million Dreams’

This year’s Ball was another spectacular event. The hard work of the Year 12 parents in designing and decorating Gibney Hall makes it all too easy for the TCPC to host the Parent Ball each year, in style. Thanks for the dedication and generosity of all the parents, and for their efforts and love for the boys. The Ball never fails to build a sense of community and, in turn, create valuable memories.

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Year 7 Parents Information Evening

This was a great opportunity to welcome new and existing parents, and families, to showcase TCPC activities and to advise parents that we are another platform for representing their views and suggestions to College leadership.

Thanks to all Parent Council members for their efforts and commitments, including:

+ Departing members: Mrs Nancy Siciliano, Mrs Emilie Pitter, Mrs Jenny Carroll and Mr Greg Berinson

+ Continuing members: Mrs Sarina Latouche (Vice-chair), Mrs Rachelle Rose (Treasurer), Mr David Brockett (Secretary), Mrs Sandra Sceresini and Mr Justin Kwok

+ New members: Mrs Kris Maxwell, Mrs Lili Patino and Mr Ross Connell

+ Vice-principal Mrs Sabrina Hughes, for her unwavering support representing the College Leadership Team

+ Miss Melanie Dunn (Events Coordinator), for her time and experience.

Thanks also to the College Leadership Team, teachers, staff and parents for your support by attending events and engaging in conversations for the betterment of the College.

Ms Bernie Dimanlig-Rankin Trinity College Parent Council Chair

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College Auxiliary

“One of the marvelous [sic] things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn’t as individuals.” – Jean Vanier

As my first year as President draws to a close, I reflect on the many hellos, welcomes and conversations that were had by parents and friends of Trinity College. On many of these occasions, Auxiliary members were quietly in the background, clearing and serving, providing advice and support, and building the sense of community that we often take for granted. The Auxiliary has been an institution at this College since the early 1960s, and while it has changed from the early days of ‘cooking demonstrations’ and running the tuckshop, the provision of morning teas for the start of school, 97 Club, Prefects Investiture, Year 13 Breakfast, Graduation Breakfast, Open Days, interview days and sports days has continued.

Once again, the TC community joined together to connect and celebrate at our two special events:

+ Long Lunch, held at The Camfield – a day where new friends and old caught up over glasses of bubbles and sumptuous food. There was a large contingent of Year 12 mums who attended, some for the first time, who celebrated their final year at TC in style.

+ The Speaker Morning Tea, held in August – when more than 200 women were quiet as we were informed and educated about how to survive and thrive in menopause. Our heartfelt thanks to Hera Menopause clinic’s doctors, Dr Sunita Chelva and Dr Michelle Cotelessa who provided their expert knowledge with humour and grace. We were fortunate to be provided an outstanding piece of jewellery from Kailis to raffle, which significantly increased our fundraising efforts.

It would be remiss to not mention where our money goes. Apart from the many tea and coffee and food supplies, we were delighted to provide financial support for the Year 12 Ball, Art Awards for Secondary School and Junior School, barbecue boxes for use by all College groups, and more and more tablecloths! The Sports Centre kitchen has been stocked with morning tea items for sports groups, and Waterford Playfield Fields was topped up with mugs, glasses and jugs to assist at sports dinners and lunches.

Thank you to the merry band of women who serve as the Auxiliary Committee: Sarah Black (who leaves us this year as she returns home to Tasmania), Jo San Filippo, Cara Little, Cherie Murdoch, Heidi Allison and Julia Sertorio. A special thanks to Melanie Dunn, Trinity College’s Event Coordinator, who always goes above and beyond to support all things Auxiliary. We are truly grateful.

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Junior School

Head of Junior School Report

Trinity College Junior School is a place where students have not only gained knowledge, but also cultivated the values that shape them into well-rounded individuals. This year, as the world continued to change, students evolved as students and as people. Students learned that resilience is not just a word; it’s a trait we all possess, tested and strengthened by challenges we never thought we’d face. Our teachers, mentors and parents have shown us that resilience, kindness and adaptability are keys to overcoming life’s hurdles.

In 2023 our Year 4 students embarked on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and growth. This year, our young boys delved into the world of music, as they all learned to play a string instrument, uncovering their hidden talents and fostering a deep appreciation for the arts. Additionally, they were introduced to the exciting world of PSA sports through their participation in various Junior School teams. This experience not only honed their skills and knowledge of the game, but also allowed them to build lasting friendships and camaraderie with their peers in Year 4. It has been an inspiring year of exploration, learning and forging connections that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on these bright young minds.

One of the stand-out moments of our year was the Year 6 students’ camp to Forest Edge, in Waroona –an experience that left an indelible mark on our memories. The theme of this camp, Expand Your Paradigm, challenged the boys to step out of their comfort zones, embrace new experiences and build strong teams. The camp offered a range of activities that tested their limits, fostering personal growth and teamwork.

The boys were pushed to try activities they had never done before, from the challenging Pamper Pole to Crate Stack, where a student was harnessed and had to reach the roof of a building with limited crates. They learned to work together, support one another and persevere in the face of adversity. These experiences not only expanded their horizons, but also showed them the power of determination and camaraderie. The memories from this camp, captured in the photographs and stories within

these pages, serve as testament to our ability to adapt, learn and thrive in new and challenging environments. The lessons learned at Forest Edge are likely to remain with the students as they move forward into new horizons, reminding us of the importance of embracing change and facing adversity with courage.

The Year 5 boys truly had a fantastic time at Camp Kelly, despite the initial weather challenges. Camps like these often provide valuable opportunities for personal and social growth. What’s truly remarkable is the exceptional qualities the students displayed throughout their stay at the camp. Their ability to listen, work as a team, collaborate, show respect and embrace the Men for Others philosophy speaks volumes about their character and personal development. It’s clear that the camp was a resounding success, and the students were an absolute delight.

The formation of our students as Men for Others is an important part of being at Trinity College Junior School. As a part of the formation of our Year 6 students, this year we held our series of talks. These talks aimed to instil essential qualities and values that go beyond academic achievement, emphasising the importance of character, empathy and community to highlight some key aspects that are vital in shaping our students into responsible and compassionate individuals: ‘Vulnerability for Others’, ‘Mateship’,’Friendships and Standing up for What Is Right’.

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With the student at the centre of all that we do, we look forward to another year of growth, learning and achievements.

Our class teachers work diligently to ensure our boys get the very best education. Our Junior School team is outstanding – they have been dedicated to our professional learning community each week to ensure we have rigorous teaching and learning using best practices.

These teachers are the driving force behind the academic, personal and character development of our students. They understand that education is not just about imparting knowledge, but also about shaping the values and character of our young learners.

In this Annual, we celebrate our remarkable educators and staff in the Junior School team. Their passion for teaching and learning is evident in the growth and achievements of our students. They are not just educators; they are mentors, role models and dedicated individuals who invest their time and energy into nurturing the future leaders of our society.

As we move forward, we recognise that the success of Trinity College Junior School is a collective effort, and our staff, students and parents and carers are at the heart of it. Together, we will continue to provide the very best education, shaping young minds and instilling the values that will guide our students throughout their lives.

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Presentation Night

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Ignite Award

Ignite Award is a unique voluntary WA-based self-development program for Junior School boys. The program connects children to community through volunteering, which improves wellbeing through exercise and develops self-esteem through learning new skills and taking part in an adventure.

Trinity ‘ignites’ the boys in the Junior School to participate in this opportunity to discover their inner strengths, learn new skills, move beyond their comfort zone and make a difference in their local community.

Ignite Award is designed around the individual needs of each child, engaging and empowering them to discover their potential. Approximately 15 boys in the Junior School participate in the award, and the boys meet with me twice to three times a term to update me on their progress. We have boys participating from Level One-Four and the boys enjoy being part of the process.

Physical Activity

To encourage participation in physical activity and improve performance and fitness.


To encourage the development of personal interests and practical skills.


To develop and encourage a sense of community spirit and responsibility to others.


To encourage a spirit of exploration and increase confidence in unfamiliar places.

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Student Leadership

Junior School House Captains and Vice-captains

BACK ROW: Ms Jasmin Kenworthy, Adam Di Leo, Reuben Quinn-Smith, Ethan Reid, Leo Allen-Hackling, Vincent Tiller, Cael McLure

FRONT ROW: Peyton Brown, Jonah Marshall, Jaxon Gangemi, Alexander Costa, Kenneth Wu, Hudson Fay

Junior School Prefects

BACK ROW: Ms Jasmin Kenworthy, Luca Marocchi, Matthew Teo, Metha Skulmanayeunyong, Otis Brescacin

FRONT ROW: Liam Borck, Gabriel Little, Aidan Tyson, Albert Joseph, Adam Patrascu, Flynn Gant

ABSENT: Henry Martin, Ryley Parnham

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Year 6

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BACK ROW: Luca Marocchi, Griffin Lote, Clayton Sumich, Oliver Manning, Ethan Reid, Cooper Cross, Alexander Perry, Leo Allen-Hackling, Alistair Cosby, Matthew Teo, Vincent Tiller, Curtis Duff, Orlando Della Posta

FOURTH ROW: Hasan Mirza, Lucas Harold, Ethan Cross, Oliver Payne, Cael McLure, Caelan Evans, Jonah Beale, Reuben Quinn-Smith, Shevi Dissanayake, Adam Di Leo, Theo Shewell, Izack Di Nella, Christian Fisicchia, Jaxon Gangemi

THIRD ROW: Paul Sekulla, Isaac Harwood, Lemi Duku, Aidan Tyson, Lachlan Preedy, Toby van Someren, Otis Brescacin, Metha Skulmanayeunyong, Kenneth Wu, Bryce Manning, Albert Joseph, Jaxon Mansfield, Theo Lardicos, Alexander Costa, Luca Magistro

SECOND ROW: Xavier Fleay, Sam Blascetta, Elliott Field, Zavier Juricev, Leo Rakitic, Bastian Sluchniak, Peyton Brown, Michael Russo, Adam Patrascu, Sebastien Hew, Travis Whiteman, Flynn Gant, Jonah Marshall, Jacob Liew, Hudson Rodda, Thomas Bryson, Charlie Griggs, Nathanael Bull

FRONT ROW: Sohil Verma, Evan Vo, Finn Marchesani, Adam Le, Liam Borck, Gabriel Little, Mr James Quin, Mrs Matilda Roberts, Ms Jasmin Kenworthy, Mr Alex Paljetak, Joshua Scrivener, Mrs Michelle Rogers, Hudson Fay, Ethan Yii, Alexander Binetti, Ari Scaletti, Blake Quinn

ABSENT STUDENTS: Ryley Parnham, Benjamin Shaw, Ameer Ali Kheirkhah, Mason Bowman, Henry Martin, Anton Nikoloski

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Year 6 Blue

My highlight for 2023 was...

Sam Blascetta ...ski-biscuiting at camp.

Peyton Brown ...camp because of the ski-biscuiting, the food and the crate stack.

Thomas Bryson ...going ski-biscuiting in Term 1 at camp.

Alex Costa

...having the opportunity to play the state soccer tournament in Term 3.

Adam Di Leo ...playing in the Katich-Moody Shield at cricket when the crowd got into it.

Shevi Dissanayake ...playing basketball against other schools and moving up to A division.

Xavier Fleay ...getting the Endeavour Awards at the Athletics Carnival for Year 6.

Jaxon Gangemi ...camp, when it was raining and we went ski-biscuiting.

Adam Le

...coming second in the whole of Trinity for the Rubik’s Cube competition.

Jacob Liew

...having fun at Year 6 camp.

Gabriel Little ...playing in the regional soccer team and winning the competition (Term 3).

Jonah Marshall ...when Alistair Cosby took a wicket first ball of the Katich-Moody Shield.

Ryley Parnham

...when the Secondary School got involved with the Katich-Moody cricket game.

Lachlan Preedy

...going ski-biscuiting at camp.

Reuben Quinn-Smith ...doing the ski-biscuiting at camp. It was super quick!

Hudson Rodda

...kicking the first Trinity goal in the Ian MacRae Cup, and extension maths.

Michael Russo

...playing cricket on the oval with my friends at lunch.

Paul Sekulla ...going on the ski-biscuit at camp.

Ben Shaw ...watching the Katich-Moody Shield match and celebrating after with the team.

Theo Shewell

...my first TC footy game against Scotch and having fun with mates.

Toby Van Someren ...ski-biscuiting at camp.

Travis Whiteman ...playing in the Ian MacRae Cup and playing in As footy.

Kenneth Wu

...receiving the opportunity to go into GATE.

Ethan Yii ...playing in my first-ever sport fixture.

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Alex Paljetak, Peyton Brown, Michael Russo, Alexander Costa, Lachlan Preedy, Jaxon Gangemi, Paul Sekulla, Travis Whiteman, Jonah Marshall

FRONT ROW: Gabriel Little, Xavier Fleay, Thomas Bryson, Jacob Liew, Hudson Rodda, Sam Blascetta, Ethan Yii, Adam Le

ABSENT: Ryley Parnham, Benjamin Shaw

BACK ROW: Toby van Someren, Theo Shewell, Shevi Dissanayake, Alexander Perry, Reuben Quinn-Smith, Adam Di Leo, Kenneth Wu
22 | Junior School

Year 6 Green

My highlight for 2023 was...

Leo Allen-Hackling ...playing in the Katich-Moody Shield match and winning.

Jonah Beale

...being top of all my classes in English, Religion and HASS.

Liam Borck

...playing in the As for soccer.

Mason Bowman

...getting As in hockey and in volleyball, as well as going to camp at Forest Edge.

Alistair Cosby

...winning the Katich-Moody Shield and hitting my half-century in cricket.

Cooper Cross

...getting the Best and Fairest award and being Rugby Captain.

Christian Fisicchia

...going to camp with my friends and becoming a great As water polo goalie.

Flynn Gant

...getting into the 1st Volleyball team and becoming a Prefect.

Lucas Harold

...playing in the Katich-Moody Shield match with 22 runs and bowling out the last batter for Guildford.

Albert Joseph

...being a Prefect in the Junior School and doing assemblies.

Zavier Juricev

...going to Forest Edge and getting selected for As volleyball.

Theo Lardicos

...playing PSA basketball – I found it fun and very entertaining.

Griffin Lote

...going to Newman College for the Junior Vocal Ensemble Shield.

Oliver Manning

...having opportunities such as the Junior Vocal Ensemble and playing sport.

Luca Marocchi

...winning the Katich-Moody Shield by 150+ runs and getting two catches.

Henry Martin

...playing in the Katich-Moody Shield and getting two wickets and a catch.

Anton Nikoloski

...the day of squads, where I met Ely and gained a friend.

Blake Quinn

...going to Forest Edge because it was fun.

Leo Rakitic

...hanging out with my friends, playing As basketball and going to camp.

Ethan Reid

...when Chanel won the Rumble Cup and I got to receive the trophy.

Ari Scaletti

...that I tried for Prefect, even though I didn’t get it.

Metha Skulmanayeunyong

...being Head Prefect and giving speeches.

Bastian Sluchniak

...being in 6G with Mr Quin and also making a new friend.

Clayton Sumich

...competing in the MacRae Cup and the inter-school athletics and cross country.

Matthew Teo

...receiving my Prefect badge and going to Year 6 camp.

Evan Vo

...when we had Design and Technology class.

BACK ROW: Clayton Sumich, Oliver Manning, Ethan Reid, Cooper Cross, Leo Allen-Hackling, Alistair Cosby, Matthew Teo

MIDDLE ROW: Mr James Quin, Albert Joseph, Lucas Harold, Luca Marocchi, Jonah Beale, Griffin Lote, MethaSkulmanayeunyong,ChristianFisicchia, Theo Lardicos

FRONT ROW: Blake Quinn, Ari Scaletti, Leo Rakitic, Bastian Sluchniak, Flynn Gant, Zavier Juricev, Liam Borck, Evan Vo

ABSENT: Mason Bowman, Henry Martin, Anton Nikoloski

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Year 6 White

My highlight for 2023 was...

Alexander Binetti

...Year 6 camp, but I am also super excited for graduation.

Otis Brescacin

...the state soccer tournament, which we came second in, and playing in the Katich-Moody Shield.

Nathanael Bull

...doing PE and playing soccer in PSA sport.

Ethan Cross

...learning new things and having opportunities at school.

Orlando Della Posta ...Year 6 camp, when we went to Forest Edge.

Izack Di Nella

...going to Brisbane to sing at the Pemulwuy Music Festival.

Curtis Duff

...going to camp with my friends.

Lemi Duku

...playing PSA soccer, and playing against our rival opponents and representing TC.

Caelan Evans

...going on an excursion to Parliament House and learning about how it works.

Hudson Fay

...playing PSA basketball because I played really well in the Bs team.

Elliott Field

...making new friends and getting two Golden Honours.

Charlie Griggs

...Year 6 camp because it was so much fun.

Isaac Harwood

...playing with my friends, and art, because I am good at it.

Sebastien Hew

...improving on my cursive writing, and trying to improve in English and comprehension tasks.

Ameer Kheirkhah

...camp because of all the fun times we had, and I learned to use a kayak.

Luca Magistro

...camp because the activities were fun.

Bryce Manning

...spending time with my friends.

Jaxon Mansfield

...improving my grades and making new friends.

Finn Marchesan

...making lots of cool new friends and having fun with my mates.

Cael McLure

...going on Year 6 camp, competing in inter-school carnivals, and graduation.

Hasan Mirza

...going to the Pemulwuy Music Festival in Brisbane. We had so much fun!

Adam Patrascu

...winning soccer regionals and being the Captain of the state team.

Oliver Payne

...getting the TOBA award.

Joshua Scrivener

...definitely camp and making new friends.

Vincent Tiller

...sport because I am good at it.

Aidan Tyson

...going on camp and having lots of fun with my friends.

Sohil Verma

...the Year 6 camp! It was fun doing all the various activities.

BACK ROW: Jaxon Mansfield, Oliver Payne, Caelan Evans, Cael McLure, Vincent Tiller, Curtis Duff, Ethan Cross, Orlando Della Posta, Izack Di Nella

MIDDLE ROW: Mrs Michelle Rogers, Isaac Harwood, Bryce Manning, Lemi Duku, Hasan Mirza, Otis Brescacin, Aidan Tyson, Sebastien Hew, Luca Magistro, Mrs Matilda Roberts

FRONT ROW: Sohil Verma, Finn Marchesani, Nathanael Bull, Charlie Griggs, Adam Patrascu, Elliott Field, Alexander Binetti, Hudson Fay, Joshua Scrivener

ABSENT: Ameer Ali Kheirkhah

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Year 5

Year 5 Blue

My highlight for 2023 was...

Bondi Allen

Year 5 camp and Edmund Rice Day games.

David Berry doing GATE every Friday because it was really fun and challenging.

John Bianchini playing games at Edmund Rice Day.

Harley Blatchley ...Year 5 camp and the Athletics Carnival

Mitch Borman ...being able to see my friends and having a lot of fun on camp

Hunter Bumbak ...going on camp and experiencing lots of fun things

Patrick Clarke ...seeing that I made it into the second round of Prefect speeches

Lucas Cowton ...coming second in the state soccer tournament

Aiden Cue ...getting into As hockey for PSA

Valentino D’Angelo

...getting first prize in the rhyming category of the Br Gerry Faulkner writing competition

Novy Foy

...being surprised I made it into hurdles for the sports carnival

Kavi Garwood

...all the camp activities, especially flat-water rafting

Harry Healey

...my very first day starting at Trinity

Nicholas Jones ...the school camp, especially my dorm group

Patrick Jones

...my dorm at Year 5 camp because I had most of my friends

James Leslie ...Year 5 camp, especially flat-water rafting and Cassius making me laugh

Cristiano Magistro ...the Spelling Bee

Finlay Pentland

...camp, especially the amazing food and winning the quiz night

Arthur Pitter ...school camp because it had so many fun activities!

Levi Simmons

...camp, especially getting to spend time with all my friends

Harrison Smith

...making everyone laugh in the dorm at camp

Harry Spencer

...going to camp with all my friends and going in the water during flat-water rafting

William Tyson

...building rafts at camp. Mine failed, but it was fun

Noah Waldeck

...the Swimming Carnival

Zachary Will ...when I moved up to Bs in cricket, in Term 1

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Luke Thompson, Patrick Clarke, Novy Foy, Lucas Cowton, David Berry, Harrison Smith, Nicholas Jones, Hunter Bumbak, Mrs Holly Allen

FRONT ROW: Cristiano Magistro, Zachary Will, Valentino D’Angelo, John Bianchini, Bondi Allen, Arthur Pitter, Levi Simmons, Aiden Cue

ABSENT: Patrick Jones, Noah Waldeck

BACK ROW: William Tyson, Finlay Pentland, Harley Blatchley, James Leslie, Mitchell Borman, Harry Spencer, Harry Healey, Kavi Garwood
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Year 5 Green

My highlight for 2023 was...

Levi Agapitos

...going on the Year 5 camp, making our Swan River Colony settlers’ huts, hatching our chickens and all PSA sport

Jacob Al Janabi

...going on camp because there were so many fun things to do, and being in the winning TC Eastern Regional soccer team and scoring two goals

Hayden Ashdown

...going to camp, playing rugby for TC and making new friends

Arnav Bajaj

...going to camp Kelly and raising our class chickens. They were so cute (R.I.P. Elliot)

Michael Boyatzis

...the Year 5 camp, hatching our class chickens and PSA sport

Flynn Brereton

...going on Year 5 camp was cool, and making our Swan River Colony shelters in HASS

Christian Davies

...hatching the chickens, building our Swan River Colony settlements and meeting new people in 5 Green that I did not know

Max De Lima

...going on Year 5 camp at Camp Kelly and making new friends

Lawson Duffield

...going to Year 5 camp, going to inter-school sports and watching our eggs hatch

Grayson Garas

...hatching our class chickens and building our Swan River Colony huts

Ashton Hurwitz

...raising the class chickens, the Year 5 camp activities, being in Campion for the TC Rumble and all the help Mr Max gave me this year

Eli Ikosipentarhos

...going to camp Kelly, hatching our chickens (R.I.P. Elliot) and making our settlers’ huts for HASS

Nate Ismay

...going on Year 5 camp and hatching our chicken eggs (R.I.P. Elliot)

Alfie Ivicevic

...PSA sport and our Year 5 camp at camp Kelly

Benji Kornet

...building our Swan River Colony shelters, hatching our chickens and Year 5 camp

William Li

...hatching the chickens (R.I.P. Elliot), being in Junior Vocal Ensemble and having a great teacher, Mr Max

Joshua Lim

...Year 5 camp, hatching chickens and playing in the As cricket in the Katich-Moody Shield against Guildford Grammar

Ethan Marston

...going to camp Kelly and doing all of the activities, and hatching our class chickens

Riley Nugent

...going to Year 5 camp, hatching the class chickens (R.I.P. Elliot) and having Mr Max this year

Wyatt Otto

...going to camp Kelly and hatching our class chickens (R.I.P. Elliot)

Sonny Rowland

...hatching the class chickens, going on camp and having an amazing teacher, Mr Max

Samar Singh

...going to camp Kelly and building rafts there, presenting my Prefect Leadership Speech and everything about the Junior School

Eamon Soh

...raising our class chickens (R.I.P. Elliot), PSA sport, Art with Mrs Shanahan and swimming

Kit Turner

...hatching and looking after our chickens in class

BACK ROW: Joshua Lim, Lawson Duffield, Arnav Bajaj, Alfie Ivicevic, Ethan Marston, Samarveer Singh, William Li

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Tony Maxfield, Eamon Soh, Kit Turner, Michael Boyatzis, Eli Ikosipentarhos, Sonny Rowland, Flynn Brereton, Hayden Ashdown, Max De Lima

FRONT ROW: Jacob Al Janabi, Wyatt Otto, Ashton Hurwitz, Nate Ismay, Riley Nugent, Levi Agapitos, Christian Davies, Benji Kornet

ABSENT: Grayson Garas

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Year 5 White

My highlight for 2023 was...

Leo Arcus ...getting four wickets in one over in my PSA game.

Nic Arima ...making a new friend group.

Jackson Berne ...Edmund Rice Day because it was really fun.

Oscar Brockett ...having fun on Edmund Rice Day with my friends.

Seth Cass ...Edmund Rice Day.

Veer Chavda ...PSA tennis because of the good matches I played.

Ruari Day ...playing football in the Ian MacRae Cup.

Vaughn de Vries ...PSA football because we won most matches.

Austin Guild ...a double wicket maiden in As cricket.

Lyon How ...Edmund Rice Day because I got to play games, and Scitech.

Marcus Jonescu

...’Dot Time’ in class – it was like getting extra lunch!

Ari Lawrence ...playing tonnes of Dungeons and Dragons with my teacher and friends.

Josh Lim

...trying to guess who the secret student was each day, and Scitech.

Aiden Luo

...Year 5 camp. I’d never been on a camp before.

Jacob MacDonald ...representing Trinity As soccer at state level.

Nic Marrapodi

...Year 5 camp because of the fun activities like rock climbing.

Cassius McGovern ...playing PSA soccer games.

Campbell McLure ...making lots of new friends.

Lachlan O’Callaghan ...having fun at Dungeons and Dragons Club.

Ben Parsons ...Edmund Rice Day and scoring a 50 in the Katich-Moody Shield.

Thayaavan Pirabananthan ...getting to play As cricket.

Harley Rankine ...scoring the winning goal in As water polo and making good friends.

Dylan Starcevich ...improving my spelling.

Harry West ...going to Scitech – it was a lot of fun!

Hugo Wilson ...the school basketball hoop –it was epic!

BACK ROW: Aiden Luo, Jackson Berne, Ruari Day, Austin Guild, Harley Rankine, Hugo Wilson, Thayaavan Pirabananthan MIDDLE ROW: Mr David Penco, Harrison West, Oscar Brockett, Marcus Jonescu, Vaughn de Vries, Ari Lawrence, Campbell McLure, Nicholas Marrapodi, Leo Arcus
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FRONT ROW: Joshua Lim, Lachlan O’Callaghan, Veer Chavda, Jacob MacDonald, Seth Cass, Nicholas Arima, Lyon How, Cassius McGovern
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Year 4

Year 4 Blue

My highlight for 2023 was...

Oliver Barnett ...making new friends.

Giovanni Bianchini ...receiving a Golden Honour Award.

Koby Butler ...having a new teacher.

Oscar Cambouraki ...the zoo excursion.

Reuben Chok ...doing sports.

Isaac Cloud ...lots of ways to learn things.

Alexander Ellery ...trying out water polo.

Ethan Ferguson ...getting an art award.

Beau Hooper ...learning how to do division.

Joseph Liu ...moving to Trinity.

Marco Loiacono ...trying out cricket.

James McCrone ...moving to Trinity.

Daniel McCutcheon ...trying out rugby.

Blake Moskwiak ...making new friends.

Pratham Nayak ...trying out different sports.

Oliver Nguyen ...trying out rugby.

Jack Ramage ...moving to Trinity.

Cooper Scrivener ...trying out new sports.

Ethan Skidmore ...Junior School sport.

Leo Warner ...getting good grades in maths.

Elijah YII ...the Soccer Carnival.

ABSENT: Koby Butler

BACK ROW: Pratham Nayak, Joseph Liu, Daniel McCutcheon-Hill, Ethan Ferguson, Leo Warner, James McCrone MIDDLE ROW: Miss Alicia Raso, Beau Hooper, Blake Moskwiak, Jack Ramage, Oscar Cambouraki, Marco Loiacono, Giovanni Bianchini, Elijah Yii FRONT ROW: Oliver Barnett, Oliver Nguyen, Isaac Cloud, Reuben Chok, Alexander Ellery, Cooper Scrivener, Ethan Skidmore
30 | Junior School

Year 4 Green

My highlight for 2023 was...

Nicholas Almonte ...meeting new friends and teachers

Grayson Auvaa ...when we went to Fremantle Prison

Theo Bartlett-Day ...playing soccer and versing other schools in sport

Alexander Bowden-Jones ...sports because it was really fun and everyone tried their hardest

Jack Brockwell ...going to Fremantle Prison and getting an A in Art

Tyler Clay ...going to science and art lessons

Marcus Erceg ...having a good teacher who cares for me

Sebastian Fleay

...being at Trinity, so I could learn and become more educated

Charlie Francis

...meeting all my new friends and Mrs Filippone

Peter Gregory ...going to Europe and art classes

Kye Hughes ...playing sports and doing well in maths

Elijah Keane ...getting a Golden Honour card

Leo Machado-Stehlik ...playing soccer on the oval with my new friends, especially Loui

Daniel McKay

...getting Mrs Filippone as my teacher and the way she cares for me

Riley Misquita

...Edmund Rice Day and all the delicious food trucks

Luke Murdoch

...creating lots of friends and getting to know different types of people

Lucas Neves

...coming to Trinity and having a good time

Marcos Neves

...getting better at swimming and art

Loui Parkyn

...enjoying soccer with the boys, especially Leo and Marky

Adam Zurzolo

...the education and the teachers

Annual 2023 | 31
BACK ROW: Grayson Auva’a, Lucas Neves, Charles Francis, Tyler Clay, Riley Misquita, Nicholas Almont MIDDLE ROW: Mrs Jasmine Filippone, Adam Zurzolo, Peter Gregory, Jack Brockwell, Louis Parkyn, Luke Murdoch, Alexander Bowden-Jones, Kye Hughes FRONT ROW: Daniel McKay, Marcos Neves, Theo Bartlett-Day, Sebastian Fleay, Elijah Keane, Marcus Erceg, Leonardo Machado-Stehlik

Year 4 White

My highlight for 2023 was...

Reggie Bannister ...having the most amazing teacher in the world. Thank you, Miss C!

Jesse Beale ...playing the carnival games at Edmund Rice Day.

Alex Fielder ...the Swimming Carnival because my Dad and brother came to cheer me on.

Michael Fleming ...the Swimming Carnival.

Jack Healy ...getting to have a nice teacher and a really nice class.

Baseer Kheirkhah ...making friends!

Samuel Lukey ...making tonnes of new friends, all the new experiences, especially Camp Craft.

Christian Mathews ...being able to spend time with my friends every day.

Samir Munshi ...going to a new school with a great teacher, Miss C. She is kind and caring.

Samuel O’Connor ...when Xavier won the Sports Carnival.

Adrian Palazzo ...Edmund Rice Day – I had so much fun with my friends and brother.

Gideon Quinn-Smith ...getting to build bonds with new mates, all while knowing an amazing journey would await me.

Noah Richelieu

...Book Week and the Br Gerry Faulkner competition. I liked them both because I like books, art and writing.

Charlie Rivers ...my teacher, Miss Castricum.

Nate Scaletti ...having a great teacher and making new friends.

Isaak Sergeant ...Miss C, aka the best teacher ever.

Vance Stanley ...Edmund Rice Day – we had a sausage sizzle and got to play carnival games.

Chase Watson ...scoring goals in soccer at lunchtimes.

Eli Wise ...making new friends and having the best teacher.

BACK ROW: Eli Wise, Thomas Smith, Michael Fleming, Samuel O’Connor, Gideon Quinn-Smith, Charlie Rivers MIDDLE ROW: Miss Jacqueline Castricum, Noah Richelieu, Jesse Beale, Adrian Palazzo, Alexander Fielder, Samuel Lukey, Christian Mathews, Reggie Bannister
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FRONT ROW: Nate Scaletti, Samir Munshi, Chase Watson, Baseer Kheirkhah, Isaak Sergeant, Jack Healy, Vance Stanley
Annual 2023 | 33

Faith Education

Year 6 Sacrament of Confirmation and Retreat

Our Year 6 students participated in a full-day retreat run by 24:7 Youth Ministry. This was a day to reflect and prepare for their upcoming Sacrament of Confirmation. Many of our students then received the Sacrament of Confirmation at their local parish or at Perth’s St Mary’s Cathedral.

Year 4 Sacrament of First Eucharist and Retreat

Our Year 4 students participated in a full-day retreat run by 24:7 Youth Ministry. This was a day to reflect and prepare for their upcoming Sacrament of First Eucharist. Many of our students then received the Sacrament of First Eucharist at their local parish or at Perth’s St Mary’s Cathedral.

Year 6 Camp: Forest Edge, Waroona

Year 6 enjoyed a three-day leadership camp down at Forest Edge, in Waroona. Students focused on teamwork and how to treat others as Jesus did, leading through servitude and having fun!

Year 5 Camp: Camp Kelly, Dwellingup

Year 5 enjoyed a three-day camp at our very own Camp Kelly, in Dwellingup. After a frightful start with gale force winds and storms, the students got right into their activities to develop teamwork, resilience, leadership through serving and caring for our fellow peers, and caring for nature. Getting among the beautiful landscapes of Dwellingup provided a peaceful setting for students to contemplate their own values and beliefs as they head towards Year 6 as leaders of the school.

Christian Service

Our focus over the year was how we can help others. The year was filled with a variety of opportunities for students to learn about the challenges others face and also ways which they can help. Some of our Christian Service highlights for 2023 follow.

+ TAPITAS for Caritas fundraising project

+ India Fun Run and Edmund Rice Day Carnival Afternoon

+ Year 4 visiting Wheelchairs For Kids and fundraising through cake stalls and toy collections

+ Year 5 St Vincent de Paul Food and Care Appeal

+ Year 6 visiting The Shopfront and Christmas Food Appeal

Masses, Liturgies and Celebrations

Over the course of the year each class prepared and ran a liturgy or Mass for the school. Their preparation and participation in the Mass made each experience so special. We also had people take on special roles of altar servers, extraordinary ministers, readers, choral singers and much more. As anyone would testify, the sound of the entire Junior School singing their prayers through hymns is positive joy for the soul.

Mrs Holly Allen

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Gifted and Talented

36 | Junior School Curriculum


“A man who works with his hands is a labourer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist.”

Our Junior School boys are a delight to teach and they have, once again, embraced their Visual Art classes with great enthusiasm and energy. Their thirst to learn new techniques and work with new materials and subject matter is testimony to their inquiring minds. This year we have explored techniques related to drawing, painting, reduction prints, clay and sculpture – with inspiration taken from many contemporary artists, both Australian and international. We’ve studied flowers, bugs, dragons and portraits – just to name a few!

At Trinity College we often talk about the #tcspirit in relation to our amazing sportsmanship and physical endeavours, but the recent Trinity College Visual Arts and Design and Technology Exhibition highlighted our student spirit in a different dimension.

Not only did our art pieces demonstrate an outstanding degree of attention to detail and craftsmanship, but also the pride and love emanating from the artworks was palpable, and the result was a colourful display of a variety of techniques, materials, processes and ideas. The works were shining examples of hands, brains and hearts working together, and it was delightful to see the artistic growth from Year 4 to Year 12.

Trinity Junior School was again strongly represented at this year’s Catholic schools’ Angelico Art Exhibition. The artworks were viewed by more than 800 people. For many of our entrants this was their first time exhibiting. I encourage all the boys to seek every opportunity to display their talents.

Talent was certainly on display at this year’s Junior School Recycled Art Competition, with the theme of Flying Machines attracting many entries. Our congratulations especially to our joint winners, Samir Munshi (Year 4W) and Ethan Reid (Year 6G), and to our third-place recipient Mitch Borman (Year 5B).

Hundreds of artworks are produced in our classroom each year and I’d like to acknowledge the support of the Junior School leadership team and class teachers, the Art Coordinator Ms Rita Basilio, and our Art Technician Mr Kyron Milosavljevic, who works extremely hard behind the scenes to support both the students and the Visual Art teachers.

I’m excited about and dedicated to encouraging all the boys at Trinity College to embrace their artistic capabilities, and I look forward to supporting our many emerging artists over the coming year.

Thank you for your support and appreciation of the Visual Arts.

Ms Helen Shanahan Junior and Middle School Art Teacher

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As always, the 2023 CBCA Book Week was a hit with the boys as we celebrated ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’. We had many creative and fabulous costumes from students and staff! A special mention to the parents who encouraged and assisted the boys at home in creating such wonderful costumes.

As part of Book Week, our Junior School boys were also treated to an illustration workshop with renowned illustrator Mr Marc McBride. Of Marc’s extensive body of work, he is best known to our Junior School boys as illustrator of Emily Rodda’s New York Times Bestselling Deltora Quest series.

The Year 4s also participated in ALIA’s (Australian Library and Information Association) National Simultaneous Storytime.

A big thank you to our Head of Junior School, Ms Jasmin Kenworthy, for her fabulous reading of The Speedy Sloth, and to the Year 4 teachers for getting involved and helping to promote the value of reading and literacy.

Mrs Ella Spencer Junior School Library

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It is always a delight to watch the growth of the Junior School boys through a calendar year. 2023 has seen the boys go from strength to strength in their learning and performing abilities.

The year began with music classes and instrumental lessons, some boys taking on more than one instrument as their hunger for music grew. The Year 4s commenced their string lessons and can usually be seen enthusiastically racing up the stairs each week to get to their lesson. Every string instrument is well represented by the Year 4s, with viola and double bass students bursting at the seams. The Junior String Ensemble has performed well this year, gaining an ‘Outstanding’ award for their performance at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival. We are incredibly grateful to the string tutors who patiently guide and teach these boys.

The Junior Concert Band began the year with a smaller group, but one full of quality musicians and learners. These boys have gained knowledge and performance experience under the baton of both Mr Harmer and Ms Pitcher. Additionally, they received an ‘Outstanding’ award for their performance at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival this year.

In the choral department, all three junior choirs performed exceptionally well at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival this year, with the Junior Vocal Ensemble winning two shields for their performance in both the Sacred Choral and Primary Choral sections of the festival. The boys were fortunate to be able to perform at the closing concert of the festival, a memorable reward for their hard work and diligence.

With Covid-19 no longer a major issue in travel, the younger choral students were invited to participate in the Pemulwuy National Male Voice Festival, in Brisbane, during the July school holidays. Twenty-nine students and four teachers travelled across for the festival, which was packed full with rehearsals, performances and a culminating experience for the boys singing with more than 400 other males from around Australia.

The year has flown by as we celebrate many milestones of achievement and growth. This department of the school would not thrive without the input of so many instrumental teachers and the support of parents. The commitment and dedication of the staff is outstanding, and the boys continue to benefit from their guidance.

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BACK ROW: Otis Brescacin, Cooper Cross, Leo Allen-Hackling, Alistair Cosby, Cael McLure, Luca Marocchi

MIDDLE ROW: Mrs Ann Clarke, Sebastien Hew, Izack Di Nella, Mr Steve Harmer, Christian Fisicchia, Isaac Harwood, Ms Kate Pitcher

FRONT ROW: Joshua Scrivener, Leo Arcus, Hasan Mirza, Elliott Field, Jonah Marshall, Ethan Yii

Junior String Ensemble

BACK ROW: Oscar Brockett, Eamon Soh, Kenneth Wu, Ruari Day, Reuben Quinn-Smith, Adam Di Leo, Curtis Duff, William Li, Hasan Mirza, Michael Russo

MIDDLE ROW: Mrs Lena Bennett, Izack Di Nella, Evan Vo, Riley Nugent, Lachlan Preedy, Bryce Manning, Albert Joseph, Mason Bowman, Paul Sekulla, Joshua Lim, Otis Brescacin, Mrs Ann Clarke

FRONT ROW: Arthur Pitter, Valentino D’Angelo, Finlay Pentland, John Bianchini, David Berry, Sam Blascetta, Thayaavan Pirabananthan, Lyon How, Aiden Cue

ABSENT: James Leslie Junior Concert Band

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Year 4 Choir

BACK ROW: Lucas Neves, Thomas Smith, Ethan Ferguson, Tyler Clay, Charles Francis, Michael Fleming, Samuel O’Connor, Riley Misquita, Daniel McCutcheon-Hill, Gideon Quinn-Smith

FOURTH ROW: Luke Murdoch, Grayson Auva’a, Leo Warner, Pratham Nayak, Adrian Palazzo, Charlie Rivers, Joseph Liu, James McCrone, Oscar Cambouraki, Nicholas Almonte

THIRD ROW: Reggie Bannister, Christian Mathews, Jesse Beale, Jack Ramage, Marco Loiacono, Jack Brockwell, Louis Parkyn, Samuel Lukey, Noah Richelieu, Alexander Fielder, Alexander Bowden-Jones, Blake Moskwiak

SECOND ROW: Samir Munshi, Chase Watson, Baseer Kheirkhah, Jack Healy, Cooper Scrivener, Giovanni Bianchini, Kye Hughes, Mrs Ann Clarke, Peter Gregory, Adam Zurzolo, Isaac Cloud, Reuben Chok, Beau Hooper, Isaak Sergeant, Elijah Yii

FRONT ROW: Oliver Barnett, Oliver Nguyen, Theo Bartlett-Day, Marcos Neves, Sebastian Fleay, Vance Stanley, Alexander Ellery, Daniel McKay, Elijah Keane, Marcus Erceg, Leonardo Machado-Stehlik, Nate Scaletti, Ethan Skidmore

Years 5/6


BACK ROW: Samarveer Singh, Jonah Beale, Austin Guild, Reuben Quinn-Smith, Matthew Teo, Alexander Perry, Alistair Cosby, Leo Allen-Hackling, Oliver Manning, Curtis Duff, Cael McLure, Griffin Lote

FIFTH ROW: Izack Di Nella, Christian Fisicchia, Mitchell Borman, Lemi Duku, Jaxon Mansfield, Ethan Cross, Ruari Day, Oliver Payne, Harley Rankine, Kenneth Wu, Lucas Harold, Joshua Lim, William Li

FOURTH ROW: Sebastien Hew, Vaughn de Vries, Michael Russo, Paul Sekulla, Adam Patrascu, Hasan Mirza, Albert Joseph, Mason Bowman, Otis Brescacin, Alexander Costa, Jaxon Gangemi, Ryley Parnham, Jackson Berne, Dylan Starcevich

THIRD ROW: Sam Blascetta, Elliott Field, Thayaavan Pirabananthan, William Tyson, Jonah Marshall, Harry Spencer, Michael Boyatzis, Eamon Soh, Hugo Wilson, Sonny Rowland, David Berry, Kavi Garwood, Ari Lawrence, Harrison Smith, Campbell McLure

SECOND ROW: Mrs Ann Clarke, Evan Vo, Joshua Lim, Seth Cass, Nicholas Marrapodi, Veer Chavda, Xavier Fleay, Riley Nugent, Liam Borck, Oscar Brockett, Leo Arcus, Gabriel Little, Ashton Hurwitz, Wyatt Otto, Lyon How

FRONT ROW: Sohil Verma, Christian Davies, Patrick Clarke, Arthur Pitter, Bondi Allen, Nate Ismay, Jacob MacDonald, Lachlan O’Callaghan, Cassius McGovern, Patrick Jones, Valentino D’Angelo, Finn Marchesani, John Bianchini, Joshua Scrivener

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BACK ROW: Kenneth Wu, Ruari Day, Griffin Lote, Alexander Perry, Oliver Manning, Jonah Beale, Alexander Costa

THIRD ROW: Hasan Mirza, Hugo Wilson, Mason Bowman, Samarveer Singh, William Li, Albert Joseph, Lemi Duku, Izack Di Nella

SECOND ROW: Mrs Ann Clarke, Jonah Marshall, Michael Russo, David Berry, Ari Lawrence, William Tyson, Gabriel Little, Bondi Allen

FRONT ROW: Joshua Scrivener, John Bianchini, Patrick Clarke, Finn Marchesani, Lachlan O’Callaghan, Lyon How, Sohil Verma

ABSENT: Adam Patrascu, Harry Spencer, Vincent Tiller

Junior Vocal Ensemble
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Boys In Groove

THIRD ROW: Charlie Rivers, Wyatt Otto, Bondi Allen, Oscar Cambouraki, Riley Nugent, Grayson Auva’a, Louis Parkyn, Alexander Bowden-Jones, James McCrone

SECOND ROW: Mrs Paula Nicoletto, Arthur Pitter, Jacob Al Janabi, Max De Lima, John Bianchini, Ashton Hurwitz, Alexander Binetti, Lachlan O’Callaghan, Cassius McGovern, Valentino D’Angelo

FRONT ROW: Daniel McKay, Leonardo Machado-Stehlik, Samir Munshi, Alexander Ellery, Reuben Chok, Joshua Scrivener, Theo Bartlett-Day, Cooper Scrivener, Ethan Skidmore

ABSENT: Jesse Beale, Ruari Day, Finn Marchesani

BACK ROW: Lucas Cowton, Eamon Soh, Charles Francis, Eli Ikosipentarhos, Curtis Duff (Captain), Ethan Ferguson, Hayden Ashdown, Nicholas Almonte
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House Athletics Carnival

The final placings were:


Year 4

Champion Boy

Gideon Quinn-Smith Runner-up

James McCrone

Year 5

Champion Boy

Mitch Borman Runner-up

Bondi Allen & Hunter Bumbak

Year 6

Champion Boy

Reuben Quinn-Smith Runner-up

Alistair Cosby


Daniel McKay


Veer Chavda


Xavier Fleay

Place Xavier 2nd Place Queens
Place Campion 4th Place Chanel
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House Cross Country Carnival

The final placings were:

1st Place


2nd Place


3rd Place


4th Place



Year 4

Champion Boy

Gideon Quinn-Smith


Luke Murdoch

Year 5

Champion Boy

Mitch Borman


Hunter Bumbak

Year 6

Champion Boy

Reuben Quinn-Smith


Cael McLure

Endeavour Grayson Auvaa


Jacob Macdonald


Peyton Brown

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House Swimming Carnival

The final placings were:


Year 4

Championa Boy

James McCrone


Daniel McKay & Gideon Quinn-Smith

Year 5

Champion Boy

Lawson Duffield


Seth Cass

Year 6

Champion Boy

Cael McLure


Reuben Quinn-Smith


Leo Warner


Kavi Garwood


Adam Le

1st Place Queens 2nd Place Campion 3rd Place Chanel 4th Place Xavier
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JPSSA Inter-school Athletics and Swimming

Well done to all the boys involved in our JPSSA athletics and swimming teams. They represented Trinity fantastically by the way they competed, supported each other and by their great sportsmanship.

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2023 was a great year for basketball at TC, with many kids trying the sport for the first time and boys moving up divisions. This came with many great wins and losses to celebrate and to learn from. A huge part of the program is developing our game sense and learning how to work as a team.

All the boys loved to compete with other schools throughout both terms, with Term 4 starting off great! At the start of Term 4 we were versing Christ Church, with many teams winning but a few losing, too. On behalf of all the boys that played basketball this season, I would like to say thanks to the coaches and teachers for helping us train and cheering us on throughout both terms, and thanks to all the boys who played. I hope you all had a great season.

Shevi Dissanayake (6B)

Junior Basketball A

BACK ROW: Theodore Shewell, Reuben Quinn-Smith, Clayton Sumich, Cael McLure

FRONT ROW: Seth Cass, Leo Rakitic, Jaxon Gangemi, Alexander Costa, Harry Spencer

ABSENT: Mr Ryan Greaney

Junior Basketball C

BACK ROW: Mr David Penco, Nicholas Jones, Lemi Duku, Austin Guild, Jackson Berne, Travis Whiteman

FRONT ROW: Joshua Scrivener, Adam Le, Nate Ismay, Hunter Bumbak, Patrick Clarke

Junior Basketball E

BACK ROW: Mrs Holly Allen, Arnav Bajaj, Caelan Evans, Griffin Lote, Kenneth Wu

FRONT ROW: Joshua Lim, Jacob MacDonald, Luca Magistro, Flynn Brereton, Evan Vo

Junior Basketball B

BACK ROW: Mrs Matilda Roberts, Ruari Day, Shevi Dissanayake, Hugo Wilson

FRONT ROW: Hudson Fay, Lucas Cowton, Theo Lardicos, Harrison Smith, Gabriel Little

ABSENT: Vincent Tiller

Junior Basketball D

BACK ROW: Mr James Quin, Finlay Pentland, Oliver Payne, Jaxon Mansfield, Campbell McLure

FRONT ROW: Nathanael Bull, Dylan Starcevich, Elliott Field, Peyton Brown, Zavier Juricev

ABSENT: Ethan Marston

Junior Basketball F

BACK ROW: Mrs Holly Allen, Eli Ikosipentarhos, Marcus Jonescu, Ari Lawrence

FRONT ROW: Arthur Pitter, Valentino D’Angelo, Ethan Yii, Christian Davies, Blake Quinn

ABSENT: Ari Scaletti

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As the sun sets on our summer of cricket, we remember the highs, lows and the unforgettable moments, including the A team’s win of the annual Katich-Moody Shield cricket match.

Special thanks to the parents, supporters and the coaches, Mr Paljetak, Mr Maxfield and Mr Binning, for helping the boys to get better in all three aspects of the game. These three coaches have given their time to help the Year 5–6 students train on a Wednesday morning and for the Thursday afternoon matches.

The highlight was the Katich-Moody Shield game versing Guildford. The game was played at home and the team was inspired by the roaring crowds. Three of the boys hit 50s, all “with Glenn Maxwell-type speed”. The bowlers played their part, with a wicket on the first ball of the game. Trinity, with 4/266, led us to our eighth win.

Otis Brescacin (6W)

Junior Cricket A

Junior Cricket B

ABSENT: Mr Lachlan Sibosado

Junior Cricket C

BACK ROW: Mr Alex Paljetak, Luca Marocchi, Leo Allen-Hackling, Alistair Cosby, Adam Di Leo, Henry Martin FRONT ROW: Ryley Parnham, Joshua Lim, Otis Brescacin, Lucas Harold, Jonah Marshall BACK ROW: Harry Healey, Noah Waldeck, Albert Joseph, Michael Boyatzis, Hasan Mirza, Benjamin Shaw FRONT ROW: Liam Borck, Patrick Jones, Bryce Manning, Riley Nugent, Zachary Will BACK ROW: Mr Tony Maxfield, Flynn Gant, Cooper Cross, Samarveer Singh, Aidan Tyson, Paul Sekulla FRONT ROW: Leo Arcus, Harrison West, Bastian Sluchniak, Oscar Brockett, Sohil Verma
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The 2023 season was one of very mixed results. We started off the season strong, with a great win against Scotch. Christ Church was the benchmark team this season, and unfortunately we failed to defeat them three times in the season.

Wins were hard to come by, but we had a great season coming together as a team. Our Year 5s were strong and I’m sure that the teams next year will perform really well.

One of the highlights of the football season is the annual Ian MacRae Cup game against Aquinas. It didn’t go our way this year, but being selected and representing our College with pride is such a privilege and one I’m very proud of.

On behalf of the whole of Junior School Football we would like to say thank you to Mr Paljetak, Mr de Santos and Mr Maxfield for all your hard work.

Junior Football A

BACK ROW: Bondi Allen, Theo Shewell, Alfie Ivicevic, Clayton Sumich, Alistair Cosby, Reuben Quinn-Smith, Cael McLure, Ruari Day, Hudson Rodda

FRONT ROW: Levi Agapitos, Travis Whiteman, Jonah Marshall, Harry Spencer, Hasan Mirza, Michael Russo, Harley Blatchley, Seth Cass, John Bianchini

ABSENT: Henry Martin, Mr Alex Paljetak

Junior Football B

BACK ROW: Jaxon Gangemi, Adam Di Leo, Leo Allen-Hackling, Oliver Manning, Lucas Harold, Leo Rakitic

FRONT ROW: Nicholas Jones, Peyton Brown, Ethan Marston, Austin Guild, Joshua Lim, Harry Healey

ABSENT: Michael Boyatzis, Mr Jacob De Santis

Junior Football C

BACK ROW: Mr Tony Maxfield (Coach), Noah Waldeck, William Li, Lawson Duffield, Orlando Della Posta, Toby van Someren, Christian Fisicchia, Nate Ismay

FRONT ROW: Campbell McLure, Harrison Smith, Vaughn de Vries, Finlay Pentland, Dylan Starcevich, Patrick Jones, Zachary Will

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This year’s Hockey season was a great one. At first, the boys were facing losses during the season while getting to know each other and learning about what to improve. Despite our losses and hardships, we were able to push through.

Through this pushback, our A team won with an amazing 10-2 against Aquinas College, and the boys continued to improve throughout the rest of the season. We also made solid connections with our teammates and built a strong brotherhood that would lead us to victories during the season.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all our coaches for helping us develop this season: Mr Josh Kirkaldy, Mr Quin, Ms Allen and Mr Parsons.

Junior Hockey A



Ben Parsons, Bryce Manning, Mason Bowman, Aiden Cue

ABSENT: Alexander Binetti, Curtis Duff, Metha Skulmanayeunyong

Junior Hockey B

BACK ROW: Lachlan Preedy, James Leslie, Caelan Evans, Mitchell Borman, Isaac Harwood

FRONT ROW: Sohil Verma, Charlie Griggs, Eamon Soh, Thomas Bryson, Lyon How

ABSENT: Anton Nikoloski

Junior Hockey C


ROW: Kenneth Wu, Alexander Perry, Matthew Teo, Griffin Lote ROW: Matthew Teo (6G) BACK ROW: Mrs Holly Allen, Levi Simmons, Eli Ikosipentarhos, Jacob Liew, Evan Vo ROW: Benji Kornet, Nicholas Marrapodi, Harrison West, Wyatt Otto
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I would like to thank the whole Rugby 2023 team and our coaches, Lachie Sibosado, Colby Sibosado and Miss Garland for a great season of playing and training. With many boys being new to the program, we made so much progress this season, and by the end the whole squad was playing full contact games.

For me, the highlight of the season this year was pulling off a great last game win against Hale, who are traditionally very strong in Junior School Rugby. We were quick to the break down, forming lots of mauls and getting to do many scrums, which led to great scoring opportunities for us.

Junior Rugby

I am so proud of our team and how it didn’t matter how much we were losing by in any game. The boys never gave up, and that is what playing for the badge is all about.

Cooper Cross (6G)

BACK ROW: Oscar Brockett, Benjamin Shaw, Luca Magistro, Ameer Ali Kheirkhah, Shevi Dissanayake, Harley Rankine, Marcus Jonescu, Hayden Ashdown FRONT ROW: Max De Lima, Sonny Rowland, Elliott Field, Cooper Cross, Ethan Reid, Theo Lardicos, Novy Foy, Ashton Hurwitz ABSENT: Miss Adelaide Garland (Coach), Mr Lachlan Sibosado (Coach)
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The team attended training at 7.30am on Wednesdays to prepare for our game on Thursday against other PSA schools. We had some tough battles but kept fighting throughout the season, with Scotch College being our toughest opponent. We got to compete in the School Sport Regional event again this year.

We were lucky enough to win the event and qualify for the state finals. We made it into the grand finals against Lake Joondalup Baptist College, but sadly we lost. We all gave it our best shot, and I’d like to commend my teammates for the way they represented Trinity College.

BACK ROW: Mr Luke Thompson, Alexander Costa, Luca Marocchi, Otis Brescacin, Lucas Cowton

FRONT ROW: Jacob MacDonald, Hunter Bumbak, Liam Borck, Gabriel Little, Jacob Al Janabi

ABSENT: Ryley Parnham

BACK ROW: Mrs Matilda Roberts, Flynn Brereton, Albert Joseph, Arnav Bajaj, Samar Singh, Jaxon Mansfield, Ari Lawrence

Finally, I would like to thank Mr Thompson and all the coaches in the Soccer Program for this amazing opportunity. We all appreciate what you have done for us and all your hard work. We can’t thank you enough for this year. Good luck to next year’s soccer players.

Adam Patrascu (6W)

ABSENT: Lachlan O’Callaghan, Arthur Pitter, Ari Scaletti Junior Soccer A Junior Soccer D Junior Soccer E Junior Soccer B

FRONT ROW: Valentino D’Angelo, Veer Chavda, Paul Sekulla, Kavi Garwood, Sebastien Hew, William Tyson, Christian Davies

BACK ROW: Adam Le, Hugo Wilson, Thayaavan Pirabananthan, Izack Di Nella, Aidan Tyson, Riley Nugent

FRONT ROW: Joshua Scrivener, Patrick Clarke, Zavier Juricev, Sam Blascetta, Nathanael Bull, Hudson Fay

ABSENT: Mr Samuel Farnfield (Coach)

BACK ROW: Ethan Yii, Kit Turner, Grayson Garas, Nicholas Arima

FRONT ROW: Cristiano Magistro, Cassius McGovern, Blake Quinn

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There were so many good things that happened over the year for everyone – playing your first game, getting your first win or moving up a spot.

I know that when I got my first win I was very happy, and I am sure that everyone else was very happy when they got theirs. I would like to say thanks to the Bayswater Tennis Club for letting us train there, and if there was a bye to some match play there. I’m sure that when the Year 6s went off to camp, all of the Year 5s enjoyed playing against our rivals Aquinas and playing up a spot for a challenge.

On behalf of the As, Bs and the training team, I would like to thank our coaches and teachers, Mr Thompson and Ms Kenworthy, for enabling us to play all of our games.

Hudson Rodda (6B)

Junior Tennis A

BACK ROW: Mr Luke Thompson, Izack Di Nella, Anton Nikoloski, Adam Patrascu

FRONT ROW: John Bianchini, Hudson Rodda, Sebastien Hew, Michael Russo, Bondi Allen

Junior Tennis Training

Junior Tennis B

BACK ROW: Mr Josh Kirkaldy, Mason Bowman, Ethan Cross, Ethan Reid, Vaughn de Vries, Hayden Ashdown

FRONT ROW: Jacob Al Janabi, Alexander Binetti, David Berry, Charlie Griggs, Veer Chavda

BACK ROW: Sonny Rowland, Metha Skulmanayeunyong, Ameer Ali Kheirkhah, Matthew Teo, Jonah Beale, James Leslie, Toby van Someren

MIDDLE ROW: Ms Jasmin Kenworthy, Wyatt Otto, Thayaavan Pirabananthan, Kit Turner, Jacob Liew, Thomas Bryson, Nicholas Arima

FRONT ROW: Cristiano Magistro, Aiden Cue, Finn Marchesani, Max De Lima, Nicholas Marrapodi, Lyon How, Benji Kornet

ABSENT: Grayson Garas, Lachlan O’Callaghan

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This year in volleyball we sadly could not play in Term 1 because we did not have enough players. Thankfully, in Term 4 we had the numbers, and thanks to Mr Quin, our coach, we managed to quickly get up to scratch and start challenging the more advanced teams like Scotch and Aquinas with an A and B team.

Everyone wanted to be in As, so there was much competition at training and on match days. Both teams managed to win most of their games, with the A team’s best at 23 to 4 against Scotch in the second game.

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Water Polo

It was the start of Term 1 and we were all ready and eager to jump in the pool and train hard together, in preparation for our first game of the season.

Our first couple of games were a little rusty, as we were getting used to the new team. But each week we came together and worked hard on improving our skills, and as the season progressed so did our gameplay. At first, we didn’t win as many games as we had hoped; however, as we entered the fourth term, we came back stronger than ever, winning our first two games, against Hale and Guildford. With the experience and knowledge from our dedicated coaches, Mr Dane Mepham and Miss Adelaide Garland, each week we trained harder than the last. Thank you, Mr Mepham and Miss Garland, for coaching our team. We have had an amazing season together.

Orlando Della Posta (6W)

Junior Water Polo A

BACK ROW: Lachlan Preedy, Christian Fisicchia, Curtis Duff, Alexander Perry, Oliver Manning, Orlando Della Posta, Isaac Harwood

FRONT ROW: Sam Blascetta, William Tyson, Lawson Duffield, Harley Blatchley, Xavier Fleay

ABSENT: Miss Adelaide Garland

Junior Water Polo B

BACK ROW: Kavi Garwood, Mitchell Borman, Alfie Ivicevic, Harley Rankine, William Li

FRONT ROW: Cassius McGovern, Ashton Hurwitz, Eamon Soh, Levi Agapitos, Levi Simmons

ABSENT: Miss Adelaide Garland

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Class of 2023

Valedictory Address

An extract from Presentation Night speech

The year began with our first sense of normality after three straight years of Covid-19 struggles, with events such as assemblies, sport and general classes no longer adapted to suit Covid-related protocols. This finally allowed normal school service to resume, and an opportunity for our young men to really take flight after a prolonged period of being grounded due to restrictions.

This year, being one back to the standard routine, was a year set for our students to thrive – and thrive they did, as shown through their continued hard work, discipline and motivation to strive for their best, allowing us to see what we really have been missing for the past three years. It was a true reflection of our collective desperation in wanting to succeed, as this was the year where we could no longer rely on Covid limitations to aid our journey – it was a year where we needed true grit and determination to pursue our goals.

This grit was first shown in our rowers putting forth the most dominant season performance of any sport ever in the PSA, winning 10 out of the 12 races at the Head of the River alone and bringing the prized Challenge and Hamer cups back to their rightful home. Led by Captain of boats Xavier Nicoletto (12.7) and our team of remarkable coaches, Trinity Rowing in 2023 will always be remembered as the powerhouse of determination, passion and brotherhood that no school could overcome.

However, 2023 did not provide any surprise for our Music Program – with this year’s Catholic Performing Arts once again being a clean sweep for Trinity and the acquisition of the Zenith clock for the 19th consecutive year. Such an achievement is the collective effort of a combined 200 students across the entire College, led by our Head of Music Dr Robert Braham. The past 20 years’ worth of work he has committed to the Music Program of this College has ultimately culminated in a place of success, hard work and outstanding achievement. Dr Braham and the music programs he directs show that through a multitude of different forms and mediums, the dedication we sought to achieve this year comes in many forms, such as solo or large group performances, in singing, instrumental or dance. No matter what it may be, the Trinity men actively participating will always put forth their best exertion.

As a College in the Edmund Rice tradition, we at Trinity this year had a strong connection to our faith pillar, with numerous events and traditions highlighting our commitment to being men of God.

Such events included the annual Edmund Rice Day and India Fun Run, where this year our grounds were transformed into a concourse of stalls, laughs, sugar and generosity. The combined efforts of the College raised vital funds for the missions in India, continuing to provide support for those less fortunate. A number of our Year 12 students and teachers signed on to show their courageous devotion to helping those in need by embracing the ‘buzz cut’ for this year’s World’s Greatest Shave. Organised and run by students Noah Horgan (12.6) and Branson May (12.7), the day was a great success, with more than $35,000 raised to support victims of blood cancer. At the end of Term 2, 18 of our Year 11s participated in the Kimberley Immersion, where the boys had to take a daring step out of their comfort zone for two weeks to help the local Indigenous boys and girls of the rural Kimberley and the people of Broome. Their efforts show that faith at Trinity College in 2023 was defined by the young men who so effortlessly chose to push themselves to uphold the Men for Others mantra we place so much emphasis on, and who continually recognised our commitment to God as something that reflects all that we do here at the College.

On the academic front, Trinity was able to boast continually strong academic performance and standards throughout the year, from Year 4 all the way to Year 12. With such a strong academic legacy left by last year’s graduating class, it was up to all students this year to take on their own academic commitments with their highest of effort and determination to succeed.

It was Pope Francis who stated in one of his many powerful homilies that: “[One’s] love is not weighed in the balance of our human calculations, but unstintingly gives us the courage to start anew … and always to start over after our falls.” This quote beautifully expresses the mindset Trinity College embodied this year – that we will continue to try out hardest in all that we do. However, such a mindset is not achieved solely through the efforts of our young men, but also through the support of our teachers, staff and the wider Trinity community.

To Mr O’Neill and the College Leadership Team, thank you on behalf of all the students. Although all the work you undergo may go unnoticed among the busy life of high school students, we recognise you all as the leaders of this great mindset and College we adopt as Trinity men, and your continued effort to create a holistic environment that will raise boys into fine men of our world.

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To staff and teachers who never cease to place our learning at the forefront of their lives – though we may not always cooperate in the best possible manner, we value how you all provide us with the best possible environment to thrive, both academically and as good people. It is through your support, advice and knowledge that we can reach our potential and achieve our goals.

To our Head of Year, Mr Oliver, who for the past four years has provided us, the class of 2023, an amazing culture to grow and flourish – you have sacrificed so much and often go far beyond your job description to ensure we are provided with the best College environment to experience. The thanks we give you will never do justice to how you have influenced us and pushed us to be better men as we set off on this new stage of our lives.

To all of our parents who have supported us our entire lives to ensure we get the best possible upbringing – the endless sacrifices, love and opportunities you afford us are something that could never be entirely repaid, and we all appreciate all that you do for our lives. You are the sole reason we get to stand on this stage tonight as members of such a great College as this and be proud of our achievements thus far.

To Deputy Head Prefect Adam De Masi, the 2023 Prefects and the rest of the Year 12 cohort, I thank you all for the leadership you displayed throughout the year and the guidance and wisdom you show to the young students at the College. You have all acted as great representatives and role models of the Three Crowns and I am extremely proud to be a part of what we have created.

The day has now come that we make our way into the real world, and I cannot express how the benefits of a Trinity education will shine through as you all begin to lead your own lives as Men for Others. I know now that each time you pass the College, you will be reminded of the memories, good times and hard times that remain so vivid in your mind, and how the blue and green will never cease to coarse through your veins as long as you live, as we will always be proud to call ourselves Trinity men.

Push yourself until you can push no more. Make sure the day you reach your finish line you can be proud of your constant striving for personal excellence, and your resilience to never give up.

Mr Phil Jurjevich once told his rowers about the importance of “keeping your hand in the fire” – simply meaning, the determination of keeping your hand in that flame despite the heat, the sweat and burning you will encounter. This is what I would like all of you, no matter whether student, staff or parent, to take home tonight: that no matter what life throws at you, keep your hand in that fire. Push yourself until you can push no more. Make sure the day you reach your finish line you can be proud of your constant striving for personal excellence, and your resilience to never give up. Keep your hand in that fire, and encourage others too as well, so we can all be truly proud of what we have created for this world.

Thank you all, have a fantastic night and God bless.

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Awards 2023

Pinder Boor Medal Luke Perlini, Christian Ludovico, William Hall, Harrison Farmer, Joel Carcich and Pierce Edmonds Old Boys’ Prize Thomas McGrath
62 | Class of 2023
DUX OF THE COLLEGE Joel Carcich JP Ilich Award Sachin Tana Archbishop’s Prize For Christian Leadership Nathan Tobin Proxime Accessit Branson May
Annual 2023 | 63
Head Prefect Joel Carcich

Year 12 Awards

Thomas McGrath

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education (Religion & Life ATAR)

Branson May

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education (Religion & Life General)

Mathematics Applications ATAR (James Hutchinson Memorial Prize)

Declan Armour Basketball – 1st V

Kobee Beck

Cross Country – Senior School

Tom Boisvert

Curtin Uni-Ready

Joel Carcich Chemistry ATAR

Mathematics Methods ATAR

Mathematics Specialist ATAR Physics ATAR

Sebastian Carr Accounting & Finance ATAR

Contemporary Music (Outstanding Contribution)

Benjamin Cronin

Signum Fidei Art Award

Visual Arts General

Joshua Damianopoulos Volleyball – 1st VI

Adam De Masi

English General Football – 1st XVIII

Physical Education Studies General

Alvarez Dharma Applied Information Technology ATAR

String Orchestra (Outstanding Contribution)

Kundan Dharmapuri Economics ATAR

Harrison Farmer Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation

Swimming – Open Champion

Noah Horgan

Drama ATAR

James Kenwery

Mathematics Essentials General

Domenic Lamattina

Friends of Music Award for Outstanding Service to Music

Literature ATAR (Peter Henfry Memorial Prize)

Music ATAR (Heng Cheong Memorial Award)

Wind Orchestra (Outstanding Contribution)

Christian Ludovico

English ATAR

Geography ATAR

Robert Marchesi-Scott

Materials Design & Technology: Wood Context General

Gabriel Masbate

Design: Game Design General

James McCague Design: Technical Graphics ATAR

Lennox McGrath

Biology ATAR

Hockey – 1st XI

Bon Nastasi

Media Production & Analysis ATAR

Xavier Nicoletto Dance (Outstanding Contribution)

James Parker Applied Information Technology General

Media Production & Analysis General

Harrison Rogers Athletics – Open Champion

Deacan Seve

Rugby – 1st XV

Nicholas Siciliano Career & Enterprise General

Ted Smith

Modern History ATAR

Liam Stojan Swing Band 1 (Outstanding Contribution)

Sachin Tana Soccer – 1st XI

Jack Tanner

Materials Design & Technology: Metal Context General

Joshua Thomas Human Biology ATAR

Aden Thomson Physical Education Studies ATAR

Nathan Tobin Italian: Second Language ATAR

Lachlan Toomath Water Polo – 1st VII

Kyle Turner Aviation ATAR

John Van Beek

Senior Chorale (Outstanding Contribution)

Thomas Wrensted Politics & Law ATAR

Robert Marchesi-Scott General Courses/VET Award

Tom Boisvert ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award

Christian Ludovico Head of Year Award

64 | Class of 2023

Year 12 Report

The Class of 2023 entered their final year at the College with aspirations to involve themselves and excel in all aspects of Trinity College life. The students have demonstrated the qualities and characteristics required to be genuine Men for Others. With so many exciting opportunities and the real world on the boys’ doorstep, the year began with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The realisation of this being their final year at the College started to dawn on the group. Collectively, the cohort steeled themselves to work hard and finish their Trinity journey in the best possible way.


2023 was marked by a series of events that not only enriched the Trinity College experience, but also forged lasting memories for the graduating class. The Year 12 ‘Midnight in Paris’ Ball was a highlight enjoyed by all who attended. The Executive Ball Committee, led by Mrs Natalie Turner and Mrs Rachel Davies, turned the College grounds into a magical Paris-style evening, delighting the boys and their guests.

Graduation week started early, with the now annual College Guard of Honour piping out of the College gates at the end of week nine. The turnout by students and staff made the event a special occasion for all graduating students. The official final week began with a celebration of the Class of 2023 through Presentation Night, the TOBA breakfast and assemblies, before finishing off the school year with a beautiful Graduation Mass and Dinner held at Optus Stadium. The week was a fitting way to send off the graduating class, and the boys enjoyed every minute of the celebrations.

Christian Service

Trinity College places a strong emphasis on instilling a sense of social responsibility in its students, and the Class of 2023 embraced this concept wholeheartedly. Throughout the year, numerous students contributed to their Christian Service hours by attending communities outside of the College and working with people living on the margins. This is an extremely important part of the boys’ development and growth, and one that is central to the Trinity College ethos.

The Class of 2023 left a big mark at the College fundraising for Zonta House, the refuge for women who have suffered from domestic violence in our community. As a cohort, we participated in Pink Sock and Blue Tree Day, and Sock it to Sarcoma, which is a charity very close to the hearts of the students. The enormous $35,000 that was raised for the World’s Greatest Shave was by far the greatest demonstration of the Trinity Spirit. Seeing the community come together for such an important cause was extremely special.

2023 Prefects

A special thank you to Head Boy Joel Carcich (12.1) and the 2023 College Prefects for their efforts in engaging and working not just for the Year 12 cohort, but also for all members of the College community.

Their contributions to assemblies, fundraisers, socials and mentoring students across the College cannot be underestimated. They will leave a special legacy for future Prefects to follow.


The success of 2023 would not have been possible without the dedication and tireless efforts of the wonderful staff at the College. Their commitment to nurturing the potential within each student has been instrumental in shaping the Class of 2023 into the accomplished individuals they are today.

A special thank you to the Pastoral Care Leaders who have been a constant in the boys’ lives and a big influence on the young men they have become.

We extend our gratitude to the parents and guardians who have supported and encouraged their children throughout their journey at Trinity College. Your partnership with the College has played a crucial role in the success and wellbeing of our students. The boys’ generosity and willingness to help and be involved in all aspects of the College has enabled them to have so many rich and rewarding experiences.

Final Farewell

To the graduating class, we offer our heartfelt congratulations. Your achievements, both academic and personal, are a source of immense pride for Trinity College. As you take your next steps, remember that you are part of a community that believes in your potential and celebrates your successes.

As the members of the Class of 2023 prepare to embark on their post-College journeys, we are confident that they are well equipped to face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The values instilled in them – respect, resilience and responsibility – will undoubtedly serve as guiding principles, as they navigate the complexities of the world beyond high school.

As we bid farewell to the Class of 2023, we do so with a sense of pride and anticipation. Pride in their achievements, and anticipation of the positive contributions they will undoubtedly make to the world. Trinity College congratulates the graduating class and wishes them continued success in all their future endeavours.

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66 | Class of 2023
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68 | Class of 2023

Year 12 – Class of 2023

Annual 2023 | 69
Benjamin Cronin Joshua Damianopoulos Jai Da Silva Dylan Darmawan Nicholas Davies Jordan Allanson Harrison Bridgeman Damon Christianopoulos Thomas Blayney Levi Carle Bailey Allen Liam Bush Luke Cooley Lachlan Blyth Sebastian Carr Declan Armour Aiden Cannington Noah Cork Tom Boisvert Benjamin Carson Kobee Beck Finn Cappon Harry Costa Cale Boska Javier Chadinha Anthony Bellouard Joel Carcich Matthew Crock Alexander Bradley-Moore Qiyang Chen
70 | Class of 2023
Year 12 – Class of 2023
Isaac Heald Sebastian Herrington Joshua Henshall Max Hewitt Jehan Hopkins Edward Davis Adon Franchi Finn Halford Leon El-Said Coomerang Elay Gloozman Adam De Masi Efstratios Gavalas William Hall Patrick Fable Joshua Gomes Kundan Dharmapuri Lachlan Geange Alexander Hanjin De Filippo Harrison Farmer Nicholas Gordon Max Di Girolamo Liam Gearon Denver Havercroft Francis Flammer Maynard Gray Pierce Edmonds Jack Gillespie Kristopher Hayden Kieran Frame Andre Gulluni
Annual 2023 | 71
Xander MacDonald Pietro Mafrica James Mackenzie Nadev Mahatalagalage Don Matthew Maine Noah Horgan Christo Karageorgiou Jonathon Le Goueff Charles Johnson Zaiden Ladyman Damon James Benjamin Karelis Christopher Leppard Cohen Johnson Nam Lam Marcus James Sebastian Kelleher Justin Lim Finn Johnston Domenic Lamattina Toby James James Kenwery Christian Ludovico Alex Kaczmarczyk Madoc Lanfear Appleby Eddie Jia Matthew Koetser Dan Lutula Shungu Ryan Kaczmarczyk Trent Laufer
72 | Class of 2023
Year 12 – Class of 2023
Oscar Palermo Thomas Park Jacob Palmer Isaac Parker James Parker Patrick Mannion Luca Morelli Gianni Norrish Branson May Kai Murphy Robert Marchesi-Scott Miles Morgan Oliver Nutt Dimitri Mazarakis Thomas Murray Gabriel Masbate Carl Morrison Brandon O’Driscoll James McCague Luca Naseri Hugh Matar Clayton Mott Daniel Oatham Lennox McGrath Bon Nastasi Luke Matthews James Mulholland Dalvin Paki Thomas McGrath Xavier Nicoletto
Annual 2023 | 73
Theodore Stynman Sachin Tana Benjamin Sutherland Jack Tanner Ben Thomas Ethan Patman Oshay Riley Deacan Seve Llavan Pirabananthan Harrison Rogers Fraser Perkins Connor Roberts Nicholas Siciliano Jake Quick Jack Rundle Luke Perlini Lachlan Rodger Kyle Singh Talan Rankin Declan Ryan Isaac Phan Jordan Rodrigues Ted Smith Chat Reath Debadipti Sarkar Jackson Phillips Kaleb Rodriguez Liam Stojan Max Riggio Aodhan Seale

Year 12 – Class of 2023

74 | Class of 2023
Joshua Thomas Eric Van Noord Lachlan Toomath Fraser Yeo Benjamin Thompson Tilyard Max Van Noord Dylon Treasure Maxwell York Aden Thomson Harrison Watkins Jack Trumper Thomas Zinni Matthew Thomson Matthew Wilson Kyle Turner Nathan Tobin Thomas Wrensted John Van Beek

Student Leadership

Year 12 Prefects

Annual 2023 | 75
BACK ROW: Mr Peter Oliver, Liam Stojan, Sachin Tana, Thomas McGrath, Fraser Perkins, Liam Gearon, Marcus James, Matthew Maine, Isaac Parker FRONT ROW: Nicholas Gordon, John Van Beek, Harry Hansen-Knarhoi, Joel Carcich, Adam De Masi, Kaleb Rodriguez, James McCague, Thomas Blayney

Year 12 Pastoral Care Groups

BACK ROW: Marcus James, Joel Carcich, Miles Morgan, Deacan Seve, Liam Gearon, Chat Reath, Matthew Maine

MIDDLE ROW: Ms Su-Fen Chung, Jehan Hopkins, Declan Armour, Kai Murphy, Matthew Crock, Jai Da Silva, Eddie Jia, Declan Ryan

FRONT ROW: Kundan Dharmapuri, Matthew Koetser, Bon Nastasi, Sebastian Herrington, Luca Naseri, Jackson Phillips, Sebastian Kelleher, Pietro Mafrica

BACK ROW: Francis Flammer, James Mulholland, Fraser Perkins, Edward Davis, Harrison Rogers, Max Van Noord, Luca Morelli

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Séamus Gray, Alexander Hanjin De Filippo, Anthony Bellouard, Ted Smith, Dimitri Mazarakis, Christian Ludovico, Kyle Turner, Lachlan Geange

FRONT ROW: Madoc Lanfear Appleby, Max Di Girolamo, Brandon O’Driscoll, Xander MacDonald, Patrick Fable, Matthew Thomson, Daniel Oatham

ABSENT: Adon Franchi

76 | Class of 2023
12.1 12.2

BACK ROW: Eric Van Noord, Dalvin Paki, Thomas Park, Sachin Tana, Thomas Wrensted, Robert Marchesi-Scott

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Michael Slack-Smith, Jacob Palmer, Luke Perlini, Oliver Nutt, Jordan Rodrigues, James Mackenzie, Isaac Heald

FRONT ROW: Finn Cappon, Nicholas Gordon, Jack Trumper, Christopher Leppard, Christo Karageorgiou, Harrison Bridgeman

ABSENT: Aiden Cannington, Alvarez Dharma

BACK ROW: Harry Costa, Efstratios Gavalas, Fraser Yeo, Joshua Gomes, Jack Gillespie, Damon Christianopoulos

MIDDLE ROW: Miss Adelaide Garland, Tom Boisvert, Connor Roberts, Damon James, Maxwell York, Kristopher Hayden, Justin Lim

FRONT ROW: Gabriel Masbate, Jack Tanner, Oshay Riley, Maynard Gray, Aodhan Seale, Matthew Wilson

ABSENT: Javier Chadinha, Harry Hansen-Knarhoi

Annual 2023 | 77
12.3 12.4

MIDDLE ROW: Mrs Judy Dawson, Max Riggio, Alexander Bradley-Moore, Kieran Frame, Kobee Beck, Joshua Thomas, Trent Laufer, Isaac Parker

FRONT ROW: Liam Bush, Clayton Mott, Andre Gulluni, Jake Quick, Carl Morrison, Zaiden Ladyman, Jonathon Le Goueff, Benjamin Karelis


Domenic Lamattina, Dylon Treasure, Lachlan Blyth, Joshua Damianopoulos, Theodore Stynman, Benjamin Cronin, Nicholas Davies

MIDDLE ROW: Alex Kaczmarczyk, Thomas Zinni, Finn Johnston, Ethan Patman, Noah Horgan, Pierce Edmonds, Qiyang Chen

FRONT ROW: Elay Gloozman, Nicholas Siciliano, Lennox McGrath, Nadev Mahatalagalage Don, Llavan Pirabananthan, Lachlan Rodger, Nam Lam

ABSENT: Mr Chris Allanson

78 | Class of 2023
BACK ROW: Talan Rankin, Sebastian Carr, Hugh Matar, Benjamin Sutherland, Ryan Kaczmarczyk, Dylan Darmawan, Benjamin Carson ROW:
12.5 12.6

BACK ROW: Toby James, Harrison Farmer, Xavier Nicoletto, Lachlan Toomath, William Hall, Max Hewitt, Branson May

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Timothy Carslaw, Jack Rundle, Aden Thomson, Kaleb Rodriguez, James Parker, Thomas Murray, James McCague, Oscar Palermo

FRONT ROW: Bailey Allen, Cohen Johnson, Luke Matthews, Adam De Masi, Dan Lutula Shungu, Jordan Allanson, Isaac Phan

ABSENT: Debadipti Sarkar

BACK ROW: Cale Boska, Liam Stojan, James Kenwery, Kyle Singh, Thomas McGrath, Finn Halford, Patrick Mannion

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Gerard Theseira, Ben Thomas, Noah Cork, Benjamin Thompson Tilyard, Luke Cooley, Charles Johnson, John Van Beek, Thomas Blayney

FRONT ROW: Nathan Tobin, Harrison Watkins, Levi Carle, Denver Havercroft, Joshua Henshall, Leon El-Said Coomerang, Matteo Maremmi

ABSENT: Gianni Norrish

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12.7 12.8


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Year 12 Ball

82 | Class of 2023
Annual 2023 | 83

Year 11 Awards

Matthew Ryan

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education (Religion & Life ATAR)

Chemistry ATAR

Literature ATAR

Mathematics Methods ATAR

Mathematics Specialist ATAR

Physics ATAR

Yeabsera Fasil

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education (Religion & Life General)

Evan Alderslade Accounting & Finance ATAR

Torrey Benness

Materials Design & Technology: Metal Context General

Jac Beros

Visual Arts General

Angus Calder Aviation ATAR

Christopher Chan Human Biology ATAR

Benjamin Coleman Applied Information Technology ATAR

Benjamin Cranny

Cricket – 1st XI

Jamie D’Agostino Business Management and Enterprise ATAR (Year 12)

Lucas D’Angelo

Materials Design & Technology: Wood Context General

Hieu Dixon

Design: Technical Graphics ATAR

Max Edwards

Politics & Law ATAR

Sean Elliot Mathematics Applications ATAR

Joshua Gonzalez

Computer Science ATAR (Year 12)

Kade Hampson

Old Boys’ Award for Most Points Scored at PSA Athletics

Jack Hansen-Knarhoi

Rowing – Best Oarsman

Koby Harbrow

Certificate II in Sport & Recreation

Todd Hassett

Classical Guitar Ensemble (Outstanding Contribution)

Caleb Hu

Music Western ATAR

William Jones

Applied Information Technology General

Economics General

Taj Kulenovic Pipes & Drums (Outstanding Contribution)

Jonah Lindsell Biology ATAR

Adam Miller

Tennis – 1st VIII

Robert Moschilla

Badminton – 1st VI

Ryan Murphy Engineering Studies ATAR

William Norman

English ATAR

Physical Education Studies ATAR

Kato Pachioli

Geography ATAR

Isaac Quadros Economics ATAR

Taatama Rere

Mathematics Essentials General

Antonio Sanfilippo

Italian: Second Language ATAR

Corey Signal

English General

Virtue Ta

Physical Education Studies General

Leonardo Tomich

Media Production & Analysis General

Aaron Webb

Career & Enterprise General

Lucas Weston

Media Production & Analysis ATAR

Charles Whiteside Design: Game Design General

Noah Zafer

Modern History ATAR

84 | Secondary School
Lucas Weston Head of Year Award

Year 11 Report

For most Secondary School students, Year 11 is a time in their lives when the reality of adulthood begins to dawn on them, important decisions about pathways at school and beyond are made and a genuine application to their education grows in importance.

At Trinity College, as well as providing our Year 11s with valuable guidance during this challenging part of their Secondary School journey, we also provide them with further opportunities for personal growth, which will assist them in becoming well-rounded, accomplished, mature and compassionate young men once they leave the College at the end of Year 12.

The first of these experiences in 2023 was the Year 11 Christian Service week, whereby each student is assigned to attend one of a variety of organisations in the community which support those on the margins, or those who are vulnerable. The purpose is to gain valuable, worldly experiences in an unfamiliar context. Aged care facilities, an array of primary schools and schools for the disadvantaged, and second-hand retail outlets such as Good Sammy were just some of the places our students attended for a full week of service. In giving back to the community in this way, Christian Service week provides our students with an opportunity to foster their sense of empathy and gratitude, while also developing a keener sense of appreciation for the opportunities afforded to them in their own lives.

Christian Service week was followed by the Year 11 Encounter Retreat, where students were encouraged to reflect on their experiences, sharing with other students what they learned from their service placement and how they might apply those learnings to their own lives. The discussions at this retreat were very considered, thoughtful and insightful, and demonstrated the maturity that most of our students are growing into. Year 11 students also have the opportunity to serve our communities in the far north of our state on the two-week Kimberley Immersion. Eighteen fortunate students embarked on a week of service in outback communities such as Lombadina, Halls Creek and Wyndham, lending a hand at the local primary schools and in the community. The locals and young students of these communities love it when our students come to visit, and they repay their gratitude by taking the boys fishing and sightseeing in this remote part of our country, opening their eyes to the way other people live.

The second week of the immersion brought all 18 students back together in Broome. More assistance in the local primary school was complemented by further involvement in different parts of a community that is often seen as a paradise by tourists, but which also possesses a slightly darker side where people live on the margins.

A highlight for this part of the immersion was the assistance we were able to offer Feed the Little Children, a local organisation which prepares and delivers food to more than 500 children each night who would otherwise go hungry. Engaging with this invaluable service gave our students a very real, up-close experience of what it can be like to live with very little.

So impactful was this experience that these 18 students returned to Perth with a determination to raise much-needed funds for an operation which depends on the generosity of the general public. We subsequently saw the return of the annual Trinity College Winter Sleepout. Forty students from Years 11 and 12 gathered on a Friday night to hear stories about homelessness in and around Perth. They engaged in activities that helped them develop a deeper understanding and empathy for those living rough, before huddling together in the cold, concrete undercroft of the Sports Centre for an unsettled night’s sleep.

These efforts managed to raise more than $6,000 for Feed the Little Children; a sum which will ensure the smooth running of the organisation for many months ahead.

The social highlight of Year 11 was, as always, the Dinner Dance, held at Beaumonde on the Point. With a theme of Neon Nights, the students and their partners were dressed suitably bright and bubbly, with DJ Primz spinning the tunes and the glitterati adding further sparkle to the evening.

While it wasn’t quite the Ball that is much anticipated in Year 12, it was still a beautiful night filled with glitz and glamour, allowing our young men and their partners to break free of the child within and embrace their impending adulthood.

As the year drew to a close, the important process of choosing the 16 Prefects charged with leading the College in 2024 got underway. With more than 50 students applying for a position, the standard of applications was always going to be high. Congratulations needs to go not only to the successful 16, but also to every student who put countless hours into their application and speech. The whole process was testament to the high quality of young men we have in our cohort, and I’ve no doubt that the Class of 2024 will serve the TC community well in their final year at the College.

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86 | Secondary School

Year 11 Pastoral Care Groups

Year 11 Senior Mentor Team

THIRD ROW: Koby Harbrow, William Thomson, Evan Alderslade, Jack Blechynden, Ryan Murphy, Liam McDonnell, Jamie D’Agostino, Noah Zafer, Murphy Allen, Benjamin Coleman

SECOND ROW: William Naismith, Noah Killigrew, William Norman, Xavier Collins, Brynley Boros, Stefan Zirojevic, Alex Sowman, Hudson Foote, Benjamin Matuszkiewicz, Owen Hewitt, Lucas Weston

FRONT ROW: Lachlan Arnold, Sebastian Foti, Joshua Gonzalez, Jamison Hehir, Rocco Fowler, Antonio Sanfilippo, Declan Collins, Isaac Adamos, Nicholas Bowden-Jones, Lucas D’Angelo

Annual 2023 | 87
BACK ROW: Matthew Petagna, Carter Robertson, Lucas Cardaci, Jack Hansen-Knarhoi, Oliver Coates, Charlie Watson, Yeabsera Fasil, Callum Huppatz, Lachlan Brown

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Daniel Hribernik, Benjamin Filear, William Naismith, Nicholas Peca, Murphy Allen, Xavier Collins, Jack Edmondson, Jamison Hehir

FRONT ROW: Isaac Hoang, Sebastian Foti, Joshua Gonzalez, Xavier Audino, Zahn Celedin, Julian Lamattina, Caleb Hu, Luka Prophet

ABSENT: Zach Christiansen, Finn Dougherty

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Paul Presser, Lucas Weston, Naoki Walker, Aiden Helean, Jett Rodgers, Jack Sawkins, Joshua Wormald, Taatama Rere

FRONT ROW: Lucas D’Angelo, Isaac Adamos, Alessandro Hipolito, Riley Gott, Jacob Partington, Srithan Puttagunta, Kato Pachioli, Lachlan Arnold

ABSENT: Kael Paul

88 | Secondary School
BACK ROW: Jac Beros, Marcus Cassidy, Mendel Erftemeijer, Oliver Coates, Jonathan Draper, Jarrdi Tass, Liam McDonnell BACK ROW: Evan Alderslade, Ryan Murphy, Judd Ingleton, Callum Huppatz, Saxon Duplock, Jetson Cook, Corey Signal, Lachlan Bird
11.1 11.2

BACK ROW: Ethan Reynolds, Luke Cotellessa, Benjamin Williams, Jack Hansen-Knarhoi, Lucas Cardaci, Robert Moschilla, Benjamin Coleman, Kade Hampson

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Dan Quartermaine, Yianni Sarris, Alex Miragliotta, Nicholas Day, Xavier Short, Kobe Browne, Quinn Hamilton, Mrs Eliza Knapman

FRONT ROW: Parker MacDonald, Isaac Quadros, Max Leyonhjelm, Mackenzie Lowe, Raphael Masbate, Brodie Mahauariki, Euan Gardiner, Hudson MacDonald

ABSENT: Jack Scacchia-Maher

BACK ROW: John Rigby, Angus Calder, Jack Blechynden, William Akec, Hieu Dixon, Lucas Blair, Bryce Flammer

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Galvin Francisco, Conor Boland, Antonio Sanfilippo, Jason Wang, Benjamin Cranny, Anton Di Carlo, Gabriel Pereira

FRONT ROW: Aaron Le, Kan Sweetman, Lucas Hanna, Daniel Miller, Marcus Colonico, Noah Gleadhill, Adam Miller

ABSENT: Beau Hart, Todd Hassett, William Jones 11.4

Annual 2023 | 89

BACK ROW: Kane Creado, Luka Bishop, Zakriya Khan, Charlie Watson, Carter Robertson, Lachlan Brown, Christopher Chan, Charles Pope

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Nick Kros, Charlie Black, Tawana Maruta, Xavier Rawlings, Theo Mistilis, Leonardo Tomich, Jaxon Artemis, Liam McAlister, Rhys DeCelis

FRONT ROW: Pathawi Edwards, Nicholas Bowden-Jones, Jonah Lindsell, Virtue Ta, Matthew Ryan, Torrey Benness, Campbell Bradley, Tyson McGuire

BACK ROW: Luke Tranter, Blake Kulenovic, Yeabsera Fasil, Leo Sumich, Jonah Adamson, Taj Kulenovic, Matthew Petagna

MIDDLE ROW: Mrs Helen Shanahan, Rylan Candy, Noah Killigrew, Caleb Loveland, Dominik-Mykola Kokoiachuk, Koby Harbrow, Matthew Jenkins, Luke Scotford

FRONT ROW: Andre Adams, Jack Miocevich, Jonathan Arwandi, Marc Pepenar, Maathavan Pirabananthan, Declan Collins, Liam Quartermain, Aryan Gupta

ABSENT: Owen Hewitt

90 | Secondary School
11.5 11.6

BACK ROW: Cole Trinder, Jamie D’Agostino, Riley Ford, Braxton Buktenica, Charles Whiteside, Miles Cass, Joseph Sykes

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Stephen Leahy, Deakin Tran, Jhy Casselton, Cruz Harber-Connell, Jake Collingwood, Alessio Musbah, Joshua Sharp, Elliot Budrovich

FRONT ROW: Roberto Galipo, Joseph Chapman, Fallon O’Reilly, Rocco Fowler, Noah Ieraci, Jackson Theobald, Hayden Theobald, Michael Suseno

ABSENT: Matthew Martin 11.7

BACK ROW: Aaron Webb, Noah Zafer, Samuel Periz, Hamish Elder, Zac Ransom, Jake Manson, Stefan Zirojevic

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Ben Mitchell, Alex Sowman, Hudson Foote, Charles Gorski, William Thomson, Brynley Boros, Benjamin Matuszkiewicz

FRONT ROW: Sean Blampey, Riley Pearson, Izaya Silva, William Norman, Joshua Braunstein, Hugo Lustig, Rohan Patel

ABSENT: Max Edwards, Sean Elliot, Ntai Rodoreda 11.8

Annual 2023 | 91

Year 10 Awards

Noah Bosio

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education

Academic Achievement Humanities – Economics

Academic Achievement Science

Zachary McLean

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education

Finn Stenning Alexander

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education

Academic Achievement English

Academic Achievement Mathematics

Engineering Studies Yearlong

Luke Chapman

Academic Achievement English

Academic Achievement Humanities – Geography

Academic Achievement Humanities – History

Academic Achievement Mathematics

Academic Achievement Science

Music Advanced

Julian Crognale

Adelphe King Prize for Drawing

Julius D’Amelio

Italian Yearlong

Christian Di Biase

Academic Achievement English

Academic Achievement Mathematics

Academic Achievement Science

Owen Fuge

Computer Science ATAR (Year 11)

Zachary Gosatti

Academic Achievement Humanities – Civics

Samuel Howard

Materials Technology Yearlong

Seamus McHugh Psychology Yearlong

Aleksandar Podias

Physical Education

92 | Secondary School
Aleksandar Podias Head of Year Award Noah Bosio ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership & Teamwork Award

Year 10 Report

2023 – the year we all became Trinity College Secondary School students.

In what has arguably been our most successful year, I wanted to start with a focus on the positive shift in attitude and maturity the Class of 2025 have demonstrated this year. In meeting with the boys early in February, I outlined a few expectations and challenged the nature of what our capabilities can be.

The way the boys have addressed their attitudes, motivation, engagement and how they treat others has resulted in a major improvement in the whole nature of how this year group is perceived. It is positive and progressive, and I am proud to witness this in their journey here at TC.

There has been a strong focus on The Resilience Project (TRP), where students have engaged with topics such as emotional fitness, empathy, gratitude and mindfulness. Through TRP, students are now practising these key behaviours, which is ultimately helping to guide their progress in a positive way. This, in conjunction with the Personal Development and Wellbeing Program – where students focus on life skills, Christian Service, wellbeing, food tech, driving skills and careers – have combined to provide the students with a strong pathway through the pastoral care and foundation programs. I would like to thank all the TC staff involved in presenting these key initiatives and the guest speakers throughout the year to help guide us all. These initiatives impact on spiritual awareness, academic achievement and a holistic approach to the level of education we provide at TC.

Each year, we rely on the care and support of eight Pastoral Care leaders who provide daily support and guidance for their PCG. These important pastoral leaders contribute a unique set of qualities in the classes they oversee. I would personally like to thank Mr McKenna, Mrs Bryant, Mr Alexander, Miss Mariotti, Mr de Clerk, Mr Baumann, Mr Adams and Mr Migro who have done a wonderful job of providing each student in their care with the utmost respect and support. As Head of Year 10, I would like to thank these staff members for the engagement and care provided each day. I would also like to thank Mr Julian Fritz (Deputy of Student Wellbeing) for his ongoing leadership and guidance throughout the year.

It has been interesting to see the shift in the importance of leadership this year. Towards the end of Semester 1, students have been focused on the leadership roles available in 2024. The response to programs such as the Peer Minister Team and the Senior Mentor Team has been overwhelming and highlights the importance of always being your best – year in, year out. We have many wonderful leaders in Year 10, and I am excited to see what they can all produce in some capacity in the future.

It has also been a successful year on the dance floor, with multiple opportunities to socialise throughout the year. Social events with Mercedes College and Iona Presentation College have been well attended, culminating in the TC Disco, where the live band provided the tunes to entertain the crowds. These social events are important and pave the way for key events in the years to come. They are events that often define a year and provide another outlet of education for the students.

On a personal note, I am extremely proud to be able to stand as the Head of Year 10 and highlight the positive progress of this group. It has been a very rewarding and engaging year. I have particularly enjoyed getting around the College to witness the development in academics, sport, music and extra-curricular activities. I have been pleased with the nature exhibited in general from the Class of 2025, as there has been a real swing to moving out of the middle school mentality. We will continue to strive for excellence and ask each student to see what is possible in their final two years at TC. As always, our motto continues to be: “Take pride in what you do and always be the best you can be.”

2023 has been one of the busiest years for all of us. From the programs run within the College, to the day-today classes and activities, this year has opened a few more doors. Students have been involved in the Zero2Hero Youth Leadership Seminars, the City After Dark walk and participated in the P.A.R.T.Y Program run by Royal Perth Hospital. These three activities have enhanced the representation of the wider community to those who attended or helped to facilitate the pathway ahead. Their importance is invaluable and one we will continue to engage in the future.

The Class of 2025 is starting to demonstrate what it takes to be Men for Others. The students are not only heading in the right direction, they are also leading others to follow.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the College Leadership Team and you all for a positive and fulfilling year.

God Bless.

Annual 2023 | 93
94 | Secondary School

Year 10 Pastoral Care Groups

Year 10 Student Leaders

ABSENT: Isaak Boston, Henry Gebauer, Zachary Gosatti, Lucas Hancock, Samuel Kemp, Jacob Leahy, Lachlan Locantro, Luca Palmero, Joshua Papenfus, Blake Partington, Zachary McLean, Jai Seinor, Finn Stenning Alexander, Cuba Williams

Annual 2023 | 95
BACK ROW: Rhys Davey, Harrison Johnson, Christian Di Biase, Louis Burnett, Cooper Harrison, Felix Cooper, Evan Berson MIDDLE ROW: Harvey Pyett, Luke Chapman, Noah Hugo, Oliver Cruskall, Lewis Murabito, Aleksandar Podias, Luca Fowler, Thomas Coles FRONT ROW: Matthew Collins, Aurelio De Mattia, Samuel Tranter, Noah Bosio, Kaiden Edmonds, Aarav Bhandari, Julius D’Amelio

BACK ROW: Seamus McHugh, Thomas Sinclair, Finn Stenning Alexander, Felix Cooper, Rhys Davey, Christian Beor

MIDDLE ROW: Ms Bree Villella, Bryce Blatchley, Daniel Morrison, Thomas Smith, Luca Palmero, Michael Hall, Keanu Chady

FRONT ROW: Samuel Howard, Harvey Pyett, Jack Clarey, Hayden Trinh, Samuel Tranter, Vens Patel, Kristian Karigambe

ABSENT: Alex Ando, Zachary Gosatti, Mr Barry McKenna

BACK ROW: Xavier Kelly, Troy Taylor, Oliver Bradley-Moore, Roman Hube, Lewis Murabito, Henry Gebauer

MIDDLE ROW: Ms Rebecca Bryant, Liam Chandler, Matthew Blyth, Dominic O’Hagan, Archie Brescacin, Abishek Sureshkumar, Noah Bosio

FRONT ROW: Daniel De Mattia, Alexander Parolo, Joshua Lee Cuthbertson, Thomas Coles, Blake Partington, Levi Gosatti, Anthony Milner

ABSENT: Ollie Fennell, Raphael Javed

BACK ROW: Luke Chapman, Reilly Cooper, Beau Bellekom, Louis Burnett, Andres Zavarce Hultzsch, Sebastian Park, Samuel Shipton

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Troy Alexander, Byron Blatchley, Charlie Loughnan, Cale Reuben, Oliver Kingdom, Travis Puertollano, Charles McDonald

FRONT ROW: Julian Crognale, Joshua Papenfus, Jack Uhlmann, Patrick Carroll, Harry Rahman, Kaiden Edmonds, Cooper Murphy

ABSENT: Luke Boudames, Mitchell Christianopoulos

96 | Secondary School
10.1 10.3 10.2

BACK ROW: Casey Berne, Euan Barker, Cooper Harrison, Lucas Hancock, Jai Seinor, Ngor Athoi, Remy Soanes

MIDDLE ROW: Mrs Amanda Mariotti, Jack Browne, John du Plooy, Matthew Kerr, Cooper Thompson, Oscar McManus, Aidan Pontre, Bentley Rogan

FRONT ROW: Matthew Collins, Jake Ieraci, Stefan Andony, Andre Letizia, Archie Jarvis, Samuel Kemp, Riley Keen

ABSENT: Mason Lyons

BACK ROW: Henry Owen, Evan Berson, Charlie Hampson, Alexander Carson, Jonah Cartwright, Eli Walsh, Zach Gangemi

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Gareth de Klerk, Westlee Terrell, Nicholas Borck, Aleksandar Podias, Joshua Bairstow, William Curtis, Alex Patrascu, Declan O’Brien

FRONT ROW: Jacob Leahy, Andrew Zinni, Keshav Tewari, Andrew Fortey, Blake Peyman, Maximillian Collins, Quinn Hellemons

ABSENT: Nikhil Bisnath, Joshua Morosini

BACK ROW: Sanko von Boehm, Hudson Ding, Noah Hugo, Flynn Sawkins, Oliver Cruskall, Matthew Plummer, Luca Fowler

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Alex Baumann, Kobe McCormack, Julian Metcalf, Alexander Santoro, Niall D’Silva, Leo Klein, Nicholas Wiinschl, Daniel Brandenburg Jnr

FRONT ROW: Aarav Bhandari, Owen Fuge, Aurelio De Mattia, Cuba Williams, Brendan Rigby, Leone Musca, Hugh Murphy, Harry Dillon

ABSENT: Jacob Allison

Annual 2023 | 97
10.4 10.6 10.5

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Alexander Waldren, Alexander Kin-Maung, Myles Guazzelli, Eamonn Pearson, Cohen Andrzejczak, Bill Smith, Harry Murphy, Christopher Candeias

FRONT ROW: Julius D’Amelio, Giacomo Vinciguerra, Zachary McLean, Anton McChord, Alessio Salvia, Vanden Howard, Lithum Wickramanayake

ABSENT: Xavier Bernard, Ryan Holland

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Mitchell Migro, Hudson Mott, Jeremy Spanjich, James Watkins, Deng Wuor, Ben Muller, Lachlan Allanson

FRONT ROW: Sonny Simeon, Preetham Kamath, Jamie Kim, George Murphy, Finn Taylor, Rohan Ercegovich, Taj Hawkins

ABSENT: Isaak Boston, Jackson Lestone, Thomas Teo

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BACK ROW: Thomas Shackles, Harry Howes, Christian Di Biase, Hamza Abdi Elmi, Callum Pugh, Harrison Johnson, Daniel Godfrey BACK ROW: Levi McGrath, Samuel Quarmby, Connor Chok, Lachlan Locantro, Michael Carney, Cameron Doyle, Ari Tasma
10.7 10.8

Year 9 Awards

Ashton Callus

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education

Academic Achievement Humanities

Academic Achievement Mathematics

Academic Achievement Science

Thibault Martin

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education

Academic Achievement Humanities

Bowie McCabe

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education

Academic Achievement English

Academic Achievement Humanities

Academic Achievement Science

Jaxon Beale

Academic Achievement Mathematics Health Education

Joel Brouwer Materials Technology Yearlong

Brendan Carrabba Music Advanced

Thomas Downey Astronomy & Space Science Yearlong

Tyson Franklin Wind Ensemble (Outstanding Contribution)

Michael Grassi Middle School Chorale (Outstanding Contribution)

Luca Misiun Italian Yearlong

Felix Properjohn Network & Cyber Security Yearlong

Nikhil Thambiran

Academic Achievement English

Academic Achievement Mathematics

Physical Education

Axel Walsh

Tom Leishman Memorial Award – Middle School Sport

Jamie Wilson

Academic Achievement English

Academic Achievement Science Music Yearlong

Jamie Wilson Head of Year Award

Annual 2023 | 99

Year 9 Report

The Class of 2026 enjoyed another busy year, focused on self-development and taking on the array of opportunities the College has to offer. In what is said to be one of the most challenging years of schooling for boys, the cohort managed to display a sense of newfound maturity in how they met adversity and in their interactions with the Trinity community.

Term 1: Understanding and Managing Emotions

The Class of 2026 began the school year by further developing their Emotional Literacy through their participation in Resilience Project lessons. This year saw the creation of the Buddy Up Program, a formal partnership between Year 5 and Year 9 students at the College, whereby students in both year groups were partnered together to build and foster a meaningful connection.


+ Year 9 Swimming Carnival – Winner: PCG 9.6

+ Buddy Up Program Session #1 – ‘Get to Know You’

The Year 9 Becoming Men Program commenced with students looking to better understand themselves, their families and their mentors. Throughout the term, students were supported in their reflections by Becoming Men teachers, Trinity Old Boys Lochie Taylor (’16) and Daniel Vos (’20) and special guest Mr Greg Hire.

Significant Events

+ Year 9 Reflection Day at The University of Western Australia (UWA)

+ Year 9 ‘Beginning of the Becoming’ Ceremony

+ Year 9 Father-Son River Walk

+ Year 9 Mentor Movie Night

Term 2: Gratitude in Action

The concept of gratitude was explored in Term 2, giving students knowledge and strategies to implement it in their day-to-day lives. The Class of 2026 also worked with their sister school Mercedes College in the ever-popular ballroom dancing lessons!


+ Year 9 Ballroom Dancing Lessons/Social

+ Indigenous Education Session (led by Year 9 Indigenous students)

+ Buddy Up Program Session #2 – ‘Shared Vulnerability’

The Becoming Men Program in Term 2 focused on ‘Empowering Women, Educating Men’, whereby students were exposed to the importance of gender diversity, relationships and etiquette skills, culminating in a night spent with their mother/significant female.

Special thanks must go to Mrs Annika Holland, Miss Amanda Marocchi and Mrs Michelle Cowan for their involvement and important messages passed on.

Significant Events

+ Year 9 Night to Shine

Term 3: Mindfulness and Stress Reduction

Semester 2 focused on developing an understanding of mindfulness and the positive impact it can have on stress. A big thank you must go to Mrs Amanda Mariotti, who did an amazing job supporting the year group as Head of Year.


+ Year 9 Amazing Race Social

+ Year 9 Tug-o-War Inter-PCG Competition – Winner: PCG 9.7

+ Buddy Up Program Session #3 – ‘Goal Setting’

Becoming Men introduced the topic of leadership to the Class of 2026, with much focus on the notion that leadership comes from within rather than from a position. Students were given opportunities to regularly engage in sharing and leading conversations with their peers, while participating in thoughtful reflection. Sessions were led by Mr Joel Shinkfield, supported by Becoming Men teachers and many Trinity Old Boys.

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Term 4: Developing Empathy

The final term encouraged students to use their understanding of empathy to better enhance relationships in their life, again through the support of their PCG leaders and the Resilience Project.


+ Year 9 Galilee Retreat

+ Buddy Up Program Session #4 – ‘Reflection and Gratitude’

Year 9 Becoming Men culminated in students undertaking their own personal leadership project. Students chose a meaningful goal to strive towards, supported by workshops coordinated by Becoming Men staff and Mr Joel Shinkfield in gaining skills and strategies to be successful.

Significant Events

+ Year 9 Reflection Day #2 at UWA

+ Year 9 ‘The Return’ Ceremony

Class of 2026 Support Team

A big thank you to all the amazing staff who have positively influenced and supported our Year 9 students throughout the course of the year.

+ Year 9 PCG leaders

+ Mrs Donette Firkins / Miss Bree Villella (9.1)

+ Mrs Amanda Ristovsky (9.2)

+ Mr Anthony D’Ignazio (9.3)

+ Miss Gabrielle Ietto (9.4)

+ Mr Chris Brennan (9.5)

+ Miss Jessica Mullahey (9.6)

+ Mrs Tahlia Peacham (9.7)

+ Mr Ciaran Johns (9.8)

+ Year 9 Becoming Men teachers

+ Mrs Donette Firkins / Miss Bree Villella (9.1)

+ Mr Stephen Leahy (9.2)

+ Ms Jesse McGinn (9.3)

+ Mr Julian Fritz (9.4)

+ Mr Peter Oliver (9.5)

+ Miss Jessica Mullahey (9.6)

+ Mr John Abordi (9.7)

+ Mr Andrew Jenkin (9.8)

+ Mrs Amanda Mariotti (Acting Head of Year 9, Term 3)

+ Mrs Laura Maloney (School Psychologist)

+ Mrs Leah Rogers (Year 9 Learning Support)

+ Miss Joanna Creighton (Student Services)

+ Mr Julian Fritz (Deputy Principal of Student Wellbeing)

Final Thoughts

It has again been my absolute privilege to work with each of the positive, unique and amazing individuals that make up the Class of 2026. I look forward to supporting their journeys again next year, as they take on the challenges that come with Year 10.

Corey Miskiewicz

Head of Year 9

Annual 2023 | 101

Year 9 Pastoral Care Groups

BACK ROW: Angus Hegarty, Daniel McDonnell, Joshua Bradbury, Campbell Mundy, David Shanahan, Luke Stubbs, Jon Fisicchia

MIDDLE ROW: Mrs Donette Firkins, Riley Hannah, Massimo Salvia, Jaxon Beale, Jacob Parker, Ashton Callus, Arnav Dakhane, Nate Dodgson

FRONT ROW: Isaac Postma, Usman Riyazi, Brodie Kornet, Lachlan Wisby, Thomas Moore, Joel Zuiderduyn, Calvin Teo

ABSENT: Ben Elder, Jackson Scarparolo, Campbell Wehr

BACK ROW: Derell Corunna, Mitchell Brown, Kyan Tremain, Marco Sertorio, Nicholas Stewart, Ewan MacLean, Cuba Day, Kyle Skidmore

MIDDLE ROW: Mrs Amanda Ristovsky, Kieran Heslop, Jordan Marocchi, Azura Akbar, Henry English, Taj Distefano, Luke Robinson, Joel Brouwer

FRONT ROW: Tom Quartermain, Sebastian Nicholas, Declan Hornbuckle, Alexander Abbott, Hayden Chady, Tyson Franklin, Liam Reynolds, Alexandros Gavalas

ABSENT: Zack Hately

102 | Secondary School 9.1 9.2

BACK ROW: Hugo Willing, Alexander Hanna, Casper Sim, Nikhil Thambiran, Axel Walsh, Kyan Monterosso, Emrys Connell, Antony Ludera

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Anthony D’Ignazio, Xavier Bracey, William Gray, Lucas Topping, James Naismith, Dane Thomson, William Eames, Daniel Poli, James Jurjevich

FRONT ROW: Jean-Paul Marion, Hudson Little, Jeremiah Locke, Luke Williams, Denzel Wibowo, Elijah Erceg, Isaac Scott

ABSENT: Hudson Armour

BACK ROW: Sebastien Tiller, Archie Thomas, Luca Travaglini, Riley Ferguson, Robert Bonney, Tom Lindegger, Dhungala Briggs

MIDDLE ROW: Oliver Nicoletto, Dylan Cadogan, Felix Properjohn, Nicholas Borman, Jake Afkos, Lincoln Andrews, Cooper Little

FRONT ROW: Chase Williams, Murray Yarran, Daniel Russo, Isaac Giancola, James Lake, Aris Mazarakis, Jacob Borck

ABSENT: Harry Jenkins, Damon Pelpola, Jonah Rose, Ms Gabrielle Ietto

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MIDDLE ROW: Mr Christopher Brennan, Cooper Poustie, Max Rees, Evan Chok, Ashtyn McDonald, Oscar Simpson, Lachlan Mammana, Banjo Morris-Luck, Joshua Cordova

FRONT ROW: Mateo Rea, Ethan Turner, Isaac Bull, Robert Hall, Jaxon Banton, David Hunter, Levi Berry

ABSENT: Li Chung Choi

MIDDLE ROW: Ms Jessica Mullahey, Oliver Gebauer, Archie Santella, Jamie Wilson, Adam Di Girolamo, Lucian Lamattina, Xavier Celedin, Joshua Karelis, Sebastian Cowan

FRONT ROW: Benjamin De Santis, William Marsell, Samuel Chua, Hudson Bown, Liam Murray, Sachin Natraj Kalale, Jax Baljic, Kai Collins

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BACK ROW: John Chatzimichail, Lukas Van Niekerk, Brendan Carrabba, Mark Jakowetz, Isak Manning, Hudson Chambers, Griffin Carpenter, Royce Williams BACK ROW: Nate Lindquist, Thomas Downey, Oliver Rowney, Thibault Martin, Ryker Knott, Declan Hope, Ryan Tindall, Hudson May

BACK ROW: Nemanja Savic, Michael Grassi, Brashen de Vries, Ethan Taylor, Isaac Bellis, James McGinty, Dante Latouche, Levi Braunstein

MIDDLE ROW: Mrs Tahlia Peacham, Leonardo Tanner, Jacob Nicholls, Bowie McCabe, Tieg Maher, Phoenix Buktenica, Bailey Thomas, Thomas McEachran, William Killigrew

FRONT ROW: Hamish Rajmohan, Christian McFarland, Luca Misiun, Nathan du Plooy, Joseph Kelleher, Bailey Coates, Parker O’Brien

ABSENT: Benjamin Maine, Thomas Vuleta

BACK ROW: Maksim Lackovic, Taj Randall, Tobias Hailand, Owen Mouchemore, Leo Periz, Johannes van der Westhuizen, Cooper Widdowson, William Taboni

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Ciaran Johns, Alexander Di Carlo, Thomas Parker, Jett Edwards, Brandon Bird, Jayden Cole, Ryan Yeo, Thomas Secker

FRONT ROW: Christian Gavin, Jaxon Kowal, Sebastian Santoro, Dillan Campbell, Jack O’Neil, Reuben Tran, Owen Schneider

ABSENT: Max Radica, Edward Ryan

Annual 2023 | 105 9.7 9.8

Year 8 Awards

Ben Beros

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education

Alphons Joseph

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education

Academic Achievement English

Academic Achievement Humanities

Academic Achievement Science

Health Education

String Ensemble 1 (Outstanding Contribution)

Edward McLean

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education

Jonah Clarke

Academic Achievement Mathematics

Academic Achievement Science

Trent D’Alessio

Academic Achievement Humanities

Harrison Day

Academic Achievement Mathematics

James Ho

Academic Achievement English

Academic Achievement Humanities

Academic Achievement Mathematics

Academic Achievement Science

Italian Yearlong

Music Advanced

Stefen Manfredini

Materials Technology Yearlong

Chase Oosterweghel Music Yearlong

Oliver Pontre

Academic Achievement English

Physical Education


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Nicholas Di Biase of Year Award

Year 8 Report

In the vibrant tapestry of our school year, a number of standout events brought joy, connection and community spirit to the forefront.

Term 1

The collaborative venture with Mercedes College exemplified creativity and camaraderie as our boys took the reins in designing lawn games and activities. The social interaction between our students and those from Mercedes not only showcased their inventive minds, but also fostered bonds that transcended academic boundaries. The synergy of shared experiences resulted in a memorable occasion that echoed laughter across the grounds.

The pool came alive during the PCG Swimming Carnival. Boys from all grades dove into the water, their competitive spirits aflame. Cheering echoed through the bleachers as they raced, splashed and pushed their limits. The sense of belonging was palpable, as each swimmer contributed to their PCG’s success.

On a serene Saturday, the boys embarked on a spiritual journey during the Quest Retreat. Led by the Peer Ministers, they explored their faith, connecting with one another and with something greater. Discussions, reflections and moments of quiet contemplation filled the day. Bonds deepened and hearts opened, as they discovered the strength of their shared beliefs.


+ Picnic on the Swan Social with Mercedes College

+ Year 8 Swimming Carnival

+ Quest Retreat

Term 2

Equally heartwarming was the Grandparents Morning Tea, a cherished tradition that epitomised the essence of family and heritage. The boys, with pride, hosted their grandparents for a morning filled with meaningful moments. Commencing with a heartwarming Mass, the event unfolded into a personalised tour of the College, where the boys proudly showcased their academic pursuits and cherished spaces. The morning culminated in the gathering in Gibney Hall, where generations intertwined over tea and treats and wonderful musical performances by some of the students, forging connections that spanned the years. These events encapsulate the ethos of our College – a place where creativity flourishes and bonds are nurtured, creating a lasting legacy for all who call this institution home.

Special thanks to the Auxiliary for facilitating morning tea, Mrs Ann Clarke for the musical accompaniment and Mrs Rosa West for organising the Mass.

In a year marked by personal growth and communal bonding, the spotlight shines on the transformative impact of the HumanKIND workshops. This series of four sessions became the heartbeat of our collective wellbeing, emphasising resilience and fostering meaningful connections. Students engaged in practices that transcended the academic arena, delving into the realms of emotional intelligence and self-care.

Through guided activities and insightful discussions, the workshops nurtured a culture of compassion and understanding. HumanKIND wasn’t just an event; it was a journey towards a healthier, more connected community, leaving an indelible mark on our shared experience and the wellbeing of each participant.


+ Grandparents Morning Tea

+ HumanKIND Presentations

Term 3

The year continued with a dazzling blend of nostalgia and inspiration during the Quiz Night Social, a collaborative extravaganza with Mercedes College. The event exceeded the ordinary, capturing the essence of the 1980s with vibrant costumes, neon lights and an infectious spirit of camaraderie. Laughter echoed through the halls as students showcased their knowledge in a riveting quiz, creating memories that will endure like the neon hues of that unforgettable era. Adding depth to the year’s narrative, we were privileged to host Mr Brad Ness, a four-time Paralympian in Men’s Wheelchair Basketball. Brad’s poignant mental health presentation resonated with the audience, transcending sport to deliver a powerful message about resilience and wellbeing. He seamlessly blended fun and substance, underscoring the multifaceted nature of our College experience.


+ Year 8 Quiz Night Social with Mercedes College

+ Brad Ness four-time Paralympian Men’s Wheelchair Basketball Mental Health Presentation

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Term 4

As the academic year reached its crescendo in Term 4, students embraced a proactive approach to learning, with focused study skills lessons and exam preparations. The collective dedication to academic excellence echoed through the classrooms, as teachers imparted valuable strategies for effective study habits. The anticipation of exams was met with resilience and determination, uniting the student body in a shared pursuit of success. Amid the academic fervour, a refreshing break was found at the Rollerskating Social with Perth College, where laughter and camaraderie provided a welcome respite.


+ Rollerskating Social with Perth College

PCG Staff

I wish to express gratitude for the substantial efforts invested by the Year 8 PCG staff throughout this year. They serve as a consistent presence for the boys on a daily basis, demonstrating exceptional commitment, care and consideration in fostering the pastoral development of each student in their PCG. Alongside the PCG staff, I extend appreciation to Miss Kayla Scantlebury (School Psychologist) and Mrs Donette Firkins for their valuable support of the Class of 2027.

Final Thoughts

I look forward to 2024 and the significant steps that the class of 2027 will take on their journey to becoming Men for Others through the extensive Becoming Men Program that occurs in Year 9.

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Year 8 Pastoral Care Groups

MIDDLE ROW: Ms Leah Rogers, Jarvin Pinesi-O’Brien, Max Lyle, Kai Bulner, Calvin Trinh, Tyson Cass, Justin Le, Benjamin Leahy, Finlay Jennings

FRONT ROW: Oscar Del Paggio, Lochlan Cowton, Matthew Knezovic, Riley Moskwiak, Jack Lindegger, Oliver Pontre, Jacob Cloud, Jordan Matthes

MIDDLE ROW: Mr John Abordi, Salih Kisla, Benjamin Lohman White, Liam Breakingbury, Larston Dharma, Mackenzie Theobald, Henry Scholz, Kirian Novatsis, Ethan Zappavigna

FRONT ROW: James Locke, Stefen Manfredini, Joseph Palazzo, Riccardo Colicchio, Daniel Gandy, Oliver Farrimond, Andre Musca, Felix Sui

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8.1 8.2
BACK ROW: Max Secker, Fletcher Cosby, Temitayo Adebayo, Charlie Denniston, Sebastian Harbridge, Henry Clarey, Marcus Jamieson, Akain Ranawaka BACK ROW: Felix Palmer, Mohit Malviya, Jonah Clarke, Louis McMurtrie, Blake Hampson, Henry Pearson, Luca Sorci, Nikolaos Papaspiropoulos

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Harry Nesbit, James Parsons, Xavier Allison, Beau Partington, Conor Thompson, Julian Manfredini, James Berinson, Jett Mison

FRONT ROW: Tom Kerwin, Reef Brendon, Marcus Dawes-Requejo, Michael Zurzolo, Ethan Vo, Xavier Collins, Lucas Fuge

ABSENT: Alexander Credaro, Caeden Olowoyo, Reuben Panaia

MIDDLE ROW: Ms Kath Licciardello, Antony Trinh, Max O’Neil, Dillon McDaid, Winn Vayler, Christian Odorisio, Tynuka Reed, Xavier Damhuis

FRONT ROW: Aashutosh Deval, Alexander Newsom, Alexander Jurjevich, Hassan Samura, Cooper Brown, Miles Cowan, Chilli Lawless

ABSENT: Tully Ryan, Riley Thompson

110 | Secondary School 8.3 8.4
BACK ROW: Tadhg McElligott, Austin Rose, Milan Sertorio, Caden Stillman, Jack Holland, Hamish Mundy, Ryan Harold BACK ROW: Jaxon Davey, Alphons Joseph, Ethan Wolfe, George Blaikie, Mason Montgomery, Lachlan Bell, Henry Bennetts

BACK ROW: Edward Jones, James Ho, Robin Buxton, Roman Ismay, Marley Marshall, Isaac Bosio, Nicholas Seghezzi

MIDDLE ROW: Ms Lissa Coleman, Lachlan Nicolaou, Miles Pounder, Lachlan Reid, Joel Petrillo, Ben Beros, Owen Breakingbury

FRONT ROW: Finn Hodder-Ryan, Matthew Hodge, Nathan Liew, Luke Patino, Nathan Colley, Harrison Day, Oliver Little

ABSENT: Kazeem Matsumoto, Hunter McCombie, Matthew Murdoch

BACK ROW: Sebastian Ricciardello, Levi Rhodes, Thomas Naismith, Edward McLean, Denzel Seneviratne, Adrian Faraone, Ryan Cassidy

MIDDLE ROW: Mr James Jesson, Joshua Websdale, Charles Nyoni, Zavier Leone, Oliver Parsons, Roman Lawrence, James Curtis, Trent D’Alessio

FRONT ROW: Jeremiah Santelli, Christopher Roebuck-Baxter, Thomas Shaw, Stefan Veselinovic, Curtis Locke, Orlando La Falce, Ethan Schneider, Casey Hellemons

ABSENT: Blake Ferguson, Neil Singh

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BACK ROW: Roman Smolic, Mitchell Dwyer, Chase Oosterweghel, Denim Siwek, Jackson Kounis, Chanon Sutton, Hudson McLoughlin, Mason Welsh

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Jason O’Malley, Sonny Giddings, Nikolas Vasilas, Zenneth Ker, Dhrish Bhatia, James Del Paggio, Ethan Boytt, Juwane Miller, Harley Dickie

FRONT ROW: Tyler Wehr, Blake Johnson, Phoenix Trott, Stephen Williams, Oliver Cork, Connor Rodda, Coby Gonzalez

ABSENT: Thomas Carlos

BACK ROW: Brodie Robinson, Sebastian McManus, Luke Websdale, Thomas Wright, Nicholas Di Biase, Marley Wirrpanda, Angus Brown

MIDDLE ROW: Mrs Melissa Rosso, Samuel Keys, Gus Panizza, James Felsner, Joseph Di Ciano, Luca Gardiner, Zac Lucano, Jacob Connolly, Beau Paterson

FRONT ROW: Archie Fulford, Ned Sargent, Zane Del Paggio, Harry Bellamy, Maxwell Castalanelli, Oliver Watkins, Zackery Paolo

ABSENT: Alexander Carney

112 | Secondary School 8.7

Year 7 Awards

Frederick Brockett

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education

Academic Achievement English

Academic Achievement Humanities

Louis Daniel

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education

Aidan Kiely

Edmund Rice Award for Religious Education

Cash Allen

Academic Achievement English

Roan Becker

Academic Achievement Science

Ethan Byrne

Health Education

Italian Yearlong

Fletcher Easthope

Academic Achievement Science

Blake Francis

Academic Achievement English

Academic Achievement Humanities

Oskar Harris

Academic Achievement Science

Elias Luu

Academic Achievement Mathematics

Tye Mammana

Academic Achievement Mathematics

Michael Masbate

Academic Achievement Mathematics

Music Advanced

Remi Merenda

Physical Education

Joel Murabito

Academic Achievement Humanities

Chayse Pitt

Old Boys’ Award for Highest Points at PSA Swimming

Annual 2023 | 113
Tye Mammana Head of Year Award

Year 7 Report

Trinity College welcomed the arrival of the Class of 2028, marking the commencement of a new chapter. This time brought forth a mix of enthusiasm, challenges, apprehension and myriad diverse experiences for our students. The young men swiftly adapted to the heightened responsibilities and unique challenges synonymous with high school life, immersing themselves in various facets of the Four Pillars that define College life.

While mastering the intricacies of combination locks posed a longer learning curve for some, students soon realised that organisational skills are paramount for thriving in a school like Trinity College. They embraced the multitude of co-curricular activities offered including Campus Ministry, Debating, Drama, Sports, Music, Performing Arts and Pipes & Drums. Simultaneously, students enthusiastically delved into traditional subjects and explored a rotating array of elective courses that resonated well with the boys. The journey of the Class of 2028 at Trinity College has been marked by adaptability, engagement and a zest for both the conventional and the new opportunities presented to them.

The Year 7 Becoming Brothers camp offered a diverse program filled with a mix of small and large group activities. These activities included hiking sections of the Bibbulmun Track, constructing rafts along the Murray River and daring attempts to kayak down the high waters. The camp aimed to provide students with a rich tapestry of experiences that would contribute to their understanding of our Christian community at Trinity College. This understanding is fostered by witnessing the embodiment of goodness and love in our Trinity College Brothers.

Throughout their time at Trinity, it is our hope that students will learn to accept each other wholeheartedly. This acceptance creates a space for freedom, allowing each individual to grow and become the best version of themselves, both individually and collectively. Witnessing this transformation is a source of immense pride.

I am exceptionally proud of how the boys embraced this transformative experience in such a brief period. They willingly took on new challenges, explored their personal limits, forged new friendships and gained insights into the tangible sense of Christ that exists within each of us in our ordinary, everyday lives. The Year 7 camp not only offered adventure and camaraderie, but also served as a powerful catalyst for personal and collective growth.

The Year 7 students exhibited commendable academic growth and achievement throughout the year. Their dedication to learning, curiosity and resilience in the face of challenges has been truly inspiring. We have witnessed significant progress, which makes for a very exciting future. Beyond academics, our Year 7 students have shown tremendous growth in their personal and social skills.

They have embraced the values of respect, responsibility and kindness, creating a positive and inclusive learning environment. Peer collaboration, effective communication and problem-solving skills have flourished, laying a strong foundation for success in high school.

Gatherings such as year group Masses and congregations of students, parents and teachers from the College community are always special occasions. Socially, our Year 7s initiated their lasting connection with the girls of Mercedes College through two significant events. The first was an introductory meet-and-greet TikTok dance-off held on campus, followed by a bootscooting Year 7 Social held at Mercedes.

Dressed to impress, in their best checked shirts and cowboy hats, the boys displayed a remarkable standard of attire and behaviour, and an impressive attitude that perfectly embraced the theme. Their efforts left a lasting impression on both the staff and students at Mercedes College. The event not only provided an opportunity for making new friends, but also for re-establishing connections with old ones, marking the beginning of a vibrant and interconnected social journey. It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge our amazing Year 11 Senior Mentor Team, which played a pivotal role in guiding the Year 7 transition process throughout the students’ first year of high school. The ‘mentorship’ between the senior students and the Year 7s was evident across all areas of College life, and I have no doubt the Year 7 boys are indebted to their Year 11 mentors for their support and friendship.

I extend my gratitude to the dedicated pastoral leaders, support personnel and parents who have played a pivotal role in the success of our Year 7 students. Their collaborative efforts have contributed significantly to the positive and nurturing learning environment that defines our College community.

As the Class of 2028 embark on their high school journey, I encourage the boys to approach challenges with determination, curiosity and an open mind. College will undoubtedly present new and exciting opportunities for growth, both academically and personally, and I am excited to hear all about the boys’ future successes. I wish the Class of 2028 every success and am sure they will flourish within the Trinity College community.

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Year 7 Pastoral Care Groups

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Ben Russell, Ji Richardson, Ryder Hanna, Tye Mammana, Maclaren Ogg, Alexander McFarlane, Michael Masbate, Reuben Lang’At, Rhys Du-Mathews

FRONT ROW: Mani Townsend, Alek Gonzalez, Oscar Hudson, James Bianchini, Jasper Nutt, Jobe Hegarty, Rhys Tan, Zachery Yau

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Fletcher Cooke, James Clark, Joel Sanford, Fletcher Easthope, Eli McPherson, Mason Helean, Jai Litis, Samuel Quinn-Smith, James Dellow

FRONT ROW: Cooper Harris, Christian Nicholas, Jack Graham-Arho, Dev Chavda, Spencer Hathrill, Harry McLean, Ethan Byrne, Jacob Tran

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BACK ROW: Morgan Yates, William McInerney, Frederick Brockett, Hadley Walker, Peter Jakob, Fraser Rose, Jag Nugent, Kobe-Jackson Peppin BACK ROW: Hansen Qin, Roan Becker, Cameron Andrews, Fabian Latouche, Blake Huppatz, Chayse Pitt, Connor Tiley, Jackson Lang
7.1 7.2

BACK ROW: Eamon Day, Matthew Cardaci, Swaka Arkangelo Lako, Alexander Martin, Louis Daniel, Orlando Martino Da Fonseca, Ben O’Driscoll

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Damien Hansen, Luke Bradley, Mason Priolo, Matteo Redolatti, Thusheivan Pirabananthan, Deon Afkos, Chenxi Shi, Tyler Ainslie

FRONT ROW: Owen Thompson, Christian Roberts, Thomas Lodge, Augustus Weir, Aiden Lobegeier, Damien Ouwendyk, Zac Italiano

ABSENT: Tomas Lackovic, Paul Liu, Harvey Tewman

BACK ROW: Thomas Haughey, Joaquin Nunes, Samuel Lawrance, Herbie Miles, Maxim McCamish, Alexander Scott, William Buttsworth

MIDDLE ROW: Ms Jesse McGinn, Oskar Harris, Nash Styles, James Spencer, Riley McDermid, Joel Murabito, Nicholas Pritchard, Samson Birt

FRONT ROW: Sebastian Maher, Benjamin Muller, Lucas Hall, William Bavington, Francesco Condo, Daniel Arnasiewicz, Henry Charles, Riley Hall, Curtis Ieraci

ABSENT: Brett Maston

Annual 2023 | 117
7.3 7.4

MIDDLE ROW: Miss Tayla Wilson,

Hugo, Jett Murphy, Marc D’Cruz, Elias Luu, Dexter Pereira, Mason Chambers, Michael Borman

FRONT ROW: Joshua Parise, Sebastian Manchego, Jonathan Fuge, Jasper Morris-Luck, Phi Nguyen, Harry Chua, Tyler Davies

ABSENT: Nate D’Costa, Thomas Menchetti

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Bernard Le Tessier, Cash Allen, Levi Casson, Zakaria Southern, Jackson Lange, Luke Reeves, Joshua MacDonald, Luca Di Fulvio, Matthew Lucano

FRONT ROW: Marc Jacob, Patrick Seale, Jerard Vincent, Reilly Bruce, Jacob Nardi, Eli Wirrpanda, Blake Francis, Archie Blatchley, Jordi Faulkner

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BACK ROW: Jack Katich, Aidan Kiely, Lucas Le, Jonathon Hine, Elijah Councillor, Bryce Kyte, Rozen Ghimire, Jaxon Bluntish Alexander BACK ROW: Oscar Carpenter, Oliver Beale, Liam Jarvis, Remi Merenda, Elijah Kelly, Ethan Kingsbury, Oliver Gruber, Vethum Wickramanayake
7.5 7.6

BACK ROW: Lucas Bentley, Tace Rankin, Carl Morrison, Zander Oldham, Christian Parola, Elliot Flaherty, Thomas Willing, Benji Palmer

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Callum Walley, Gabriel Sceresini, Jaxon Franklin, Reuban Hegarty, Daniel Cadogan, Eamon Deshon, Arnav Panday, Thomas Batten

FRONT ROW: Lucas Ting, Tayton Calgaret, Jack Johnson, Ethan Pantany, Sean Shanahan, Callum Quinn, Tobias Sykes

ABSENT: Jonathan Spadanuda

BACK ROW: Matthew Prosser, James Gambitta, Taj Da Silva, Robert Naysmith, Nate Cass, Jacob Juricev, Shayne Loller, William Gover

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Michael Murphy, Mitchell Thompson, Cullen O’Brien, Arch Langer, Ethan Smith, Gyle Sta.Rosa, Samuel Williams, Joel McKie, Eli Lazarte

FRONT ROW: Max Scarparolo, Jet Wilson, Julian Barbas, Matthew Campbell, Joshua Agapitos, Benjamin Howard, Aren Masilamani

ABSENT: Oliver Bowen

Annual 2023 | 119
7.7 7.8

Presentation Night

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Astronomy and Space Science

The 2023 academic year has been a stellar one for our astronomy elective, with student engagement and enthusiasm reaching astronomical heights. Students have embarked on a journey of exploration, curiosity and discovery that has broadened their horizons beyond the confines of our planet.

The interest in astronomy among our students has been remarkable this year. We’ve witnessed a surge in participation and engagement, with a growing number of students actively seeking to understand the mysteries of the universe.

Our students have delved into the fascinating realms of our solar system and the vast galaxy we call home. They’ve been captivated by the wonders of the universe, exploring celestial bodies and phenomena that extend beyond Earth.

A highlight of the year was the Year 9 students’ educational excursion to the Perth Observatory. This remarkable opportunity allowed them to experience astronomy in action and engage with real-life science. Students had the privilege of observing the sun through solar telescopes, witnessing the powerful beauty of our star up close.

In a hands-on practical session, students were tasked with creating and launching their own rockets. Mann Oval transformed into a launch pad for our budding astronomers. This activity not only honed their practical skills, but also provided an unforgettable experience of applied science.

Our students have embraced the chance to expand their minds and venture into the unknown realms of the universe. Astronomy has ignited their imaginations and encouraged them to think beyond the boundaries of our planet, cultivating a sense of wonder and curiosity.

“I really enjoyed my astronomy experience. I loved learning about aliens and building my model rocket!”

Henry Bennetts (8.4)

“Astronomy at Trinity College is an amazing elective where boys are able to increase their knowledge of space and the science of astronomy. We do this through both research assignments with friends, as well as practical assignments such as launching rockets that we made, or building a landing vessel.”

Tom Downey (9.6)

“The universe is something we can never understand fully, so with the unknown sparks curiosity, and with curiosity comes the desire to learn, which is why learning in the astronomy class is a deep passion for many, including myself. The universe is unique and strange and the astronomy class is the seal to that gap of curiosity, making this class one I and many others look forward to. Who knows? – one day one of us could be the next Brian Cox, or the next Neil deGrasse Tyson.”

Arnav Dakhane (9.1)

“I really enjoy astronomy, as I love discovering the vast universe and learning about the celestial objects and phenomena that take place there. I also love it when we make and launch rockets. Astronomy is great, as there is always more to be discovered.”

In 2023 our astronomy elective has sparked a profound interest in the cosmos among our students. With practical experiences, educational excursions and an enriching curriculum, we have ignited the flames of curiosity and exploration. As our students continue to gaze at the stars, they are sure to carry the passion for astronomy with them as they journey beyond the realms of our Earth.

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Our mission with the Aviation Program is to inspire that young boy who looked up at the sky whenever he heard an aircraft, or pretended his hand was a wing as he stuck it into the airflow out the back window of his mum’s car… to let that young mind realise that flying isn’t just a childhood dream he needed to let go of when he got older.

The oversubscribed nature of our middle school aviation courses and the continuing pipeline of Year 11 and Year 12 students taking up the subject at ATAR level is evidence that our broad mission is succeeding.

Pivotal to the success of Trinity’s Aviation Program is the advanced flight simulation equipment utilised in the virtual reality (VR) labs. The state-of-the-art hardware and software gives students an unprecedented taste of controlled flight in a safe and non-threatening environment.

Some highlights from 2023 include:

+ Moving to the new VR lab space in the library, providing an enhanced base of operations.

+ Upgrading our simulation hardware and software to now give an unrivalled aeronautical experience at school. Students are able to use authentic visual navigation techniques and flight plans to fly in simulation as they would in real life.

+ The Year 11/Year 12 excursion to Jandakot Airport – referred to by students as “THE best one-day excursion they ever got to go on” – has always been a highlight for the senior program, as it allows students to interact with real aircraft and real people from industry, such as the Royal Flying Doctor Service, and flight training organisations. This excursion now includes a small aircraft flight experience for our students, where they take off on a scenic flight around the city and travel up the WA coast, before heading out for an orbit of Rottnest Island. (This flight experience will be available to Year 10 students in 2024 who undertake the new Year 10 Aviation – Advanced course.)

A further highlight extending into 2024 is the introduction of Year 8 Aviation courses in an effort to engage more Trinity students earlier with this exciting specialty subject.

Congratulations must go to current Year 12 student Kyle Turner (’23), who has been accepted into the Diploma of Aviation Course with integrated Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)/Instrument Flight Rating at Airflite Flying College for 2024. The course will see Kyle graduate in 2025 with a CPL, a Command Instrument Rating and type rating to fly multiengine aircraft. It will no doubt fast track his eventual goal to be a next generation airline pilot.

With a continual number of our Year 12 ATAR students entering into integrated CPL courses after leaving school, the connection between Trinity and entry into the aviation industry continues to grow stronger as we move into the future.

This bodes well for job prospects within the industry, given the shortfall of airline pilots and aircraft maintenance engineers expected over the next 20 years.

Overall, Aviation had a very successful year in 2023, and with the continued enthusiasm and support from the TC community, our upward trajectory is set to continue.

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Careers/ VET

In a world where career choices are more diverse than ever before, students often find themselves at a crossroads, trying to discover their true passions and talents. At Trinity College, we believe in empowering students to make informed decisions about their future. Students at Trinity can engage in one-to-one meetings in Years 10, 11 and 12 to discuss their pathway and transition from school.

Students can access ONSITE to participate in an external specialist program hosted by North Metropolitan TAFE (NMTAFE), ONSITE General, and attend a workplace at least once a week or access other providers to find a program that will best suit their needs. Several Aboriginal students have also undertaken school-based apprenticeships.

Year 10 students have also had the opportunity to be involved in the Try-A-Trade Program, which is designed to provide students with a hands-on experience in various trades, helping them to explore their interests and unlock their potential. Under the guidance of experienced professionals, students get to work with tools and materials, mastering essential skills in these trades. In 2023 students attended the painting and plumbing and bricklaying and carpentry options.

The Careers Expo this year had some 40 exhibitors. All exhibitors provided a wealth of information on the different career pathways within specific industries and the large array of job opportunities in each of those organisations, allowing students to develop a greater understanding of what is available. Students and parents were also able to attend lunchtime events to learn more about options at university, specific trade areas, the Australian Defence Force and other employment programs.

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Design and Technology

The Design and Technology Department experienced significant success throughout 2023, evidenced by the growth across all subjects, both in middle and senior school. A noteworthy showcase of this success unfolded in November, with the annual Visual Art & Design and Technology Exhibition, where an impressive array of student projects from various academic levels wowed attendees. Notably, the Year 12 General Wood and Metal classes once again demonstrated exceptional standards, featuring impeccably finished wooden hall tables, functional firepits and a large array of custom bikes. The printed visual display from the Design and Engineering Studies students was also particularly impressive this year, creating a large central wall of striking images and showcasing the range of creative skills Trinity students have to offer. The event had a vibrant atmosphere, seeing the highest attendance of parents and students so far.

The Trinity Design courses experienced another year of increased student numbers across all year levels, showcasing a promising influx of talented young creatives. The senior Year 12 ATAR Design students once again produced portfolios of an exceptional standard, reaching some new heights in creativity and conceptual development. The Year 11 ATAR Design students tackled a new and exciting ATAR Design Syllabus in 2023, where students chose their own design problem to solve, through a new Double Dimond design process model. Student architecture projects from all year groups were particularly well finished this year. Access to the College’s virtual reality room and a new professional rendering program enabled students to finish their projects to a realistic visual standard.

Materials retained its status as the department’s most popular subject, drawing high numbers of students across all year groups. Mr Glenn Christiansen and Mr Nick Kros dedicated themselves to ensuring the senior General Wood projects were executed to a high standard, as always. Mr Christiansen’s Year 12 hall tables were particularly beautiful this year, across both classes he taught. With Mr Daniel Hribernik now in his second year of teaching at the College, he was able to further refine his senior General Metal courses, allowing students to produce a greater number of exciting projects. Mr Hribernik’s guidance and motivational teaching style really helped the students produce well-constructed final projects that they can be proud of. The entire Design and Technology team were on board teaching the middle school Materials classes this year. However, Mr Chris Brennen in particular taught most of the middle school classes to great success, and his students certainly benefited from his highly organised and energetic lessons.

Finally, Engineering Studies, led by Mr Nick Kros, went from strength to strength in 2023. Building on the subject’s best ATAR results in 2021, Mr Kros continued to refine his already excellent course. A new year-long Year 10 Engineering Studies class was introduced this year, focusing on increasing students’ engineering theory knowledge earlier, in readiness for the ATAR course in Year 11. This was a huge success and will continue in 2024. Mr Kros prepared his senior students thoroughly for their final exams, overseeing the development of well-designed engineering projects, tests and study sessions all year. Mr Christiansen, Mr Hribernik and Mr Brennen also supported Engineering Studies at Trinity this year, by teaching many of the engaging middle school courses the College has to offer.

The Design and Technology teaching team expresses its gratitude to students, parents and administrative staff for their support throughout this busy year. As a department, our commitment is to provide a safe and engaging learning environment for all, ensuring that the students we teach leave motivated and well prepared for the future. Anticipating the opportunities that 2024 will bring, we look forward to another year of exciting learning experiences.

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Digital Technologies and Media Arts

“Technology is best when it brings people together.”

2022 showed the strength of the Information Technology students at Trinity College, again with superior results across the board. Trinity was an acknowledged leader in Computer Science, Aviation and Applied Information Technology, with scores well above the state average for another year. This sustained success of the students is only maintained by the expert and dedicated teaching staff. Mr Chan, Mr Harper and Mr Gage supervised and guided the students at the College to some of the highest results in the state. I congratulate the students and the teachers for another outstanding year in the learning area.

Mr Chan has been terribly busy this year developing ATAR and general pathways for the boys in Aviation. This will see the department introduce Aviation in Year 8 for the first time next year. The interest in aviation is growing yearly, with two Year 9 and two Year 10 courses already full for the next academic year. With the relocation of the Virtual Reality Computer Lab and the investment of new aviation flying equipment for the area, it will be exciting to see what new heights the program can reach over the next few years.

A new group of gifted and talented students were chosen by Mr Harper for the advanced Cyber Security Course. These Year 9 students make their start on the accelerated pathway in Computer Science, which will see them complete the Year 12 course in Year 11. Azura Akbar (9.2) and Ashton Callus (9.1), members of Mr Harper’s Cyber Security course, competed in the beginner division of the Capture the Flag Cyber Challenge competition. They used a lot of the skills from the course and learned many new skills from their participation. Azura and Ashton finished in 63rd place overall, which is a great result considering that the competition is for Year 10 and above, and teams from all over Australia completed. Well done boys! Mr Harper has been investigating and coordinating with the other PSA schools the possibility of developing a new statewide competition in cybersecurity where the boys can demonstrate their elite hacking skills.

Mr Blakeley left us early in the year to take up a position with the mandate of developing media studies at his new school. I would like to thank him for his excitement and the passion he demonstrated for his subject area. While all the boys were sad to see Mr Blakeley leave, the Thursday afternoon Dungeons and Dragons Club particularly felt the loss. On a brighter note, we were incredibly lucky to find and welcome Ms Rebecca Bryant to the department as the new Media Studies expert teacher. Coming to Trinity College with years of experience and a vast range of skills and knowledge, she has had a positive and productive impact on the media students.

Lastly, thank you to Mr Gage for his engaging teaching and leadership during his time at Trinity College. His enthusiasm and immense interest in everything technology saw the department adopt new subjects and investigate new techniques and technologies as soon as they were available. After more than a decade at the College, Mr Gage has taken on the challenge of developing Information Technology as the Head of Learning Area in a new school. We wish him the best in this new role and hope that he can deliver the success that he helped develop and foster at Trinity College.

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A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies ... The man who never reads lives only one.”



In 2023 the English Department has remained committed to fostering a lifelong love for the English language and the joy of reading among our students. The students delved into diverse texts, exploring the marvels of the human spirit, while also honing their writing skills and ability to critically analyse texts.

In Years 11 and 12, students continued to develop their understandings of key concepts from the English syllabus through the study of various engaging and relevant texts. These included the classic novel Fahrenheit 451, iconic Australian play The Club and contemporary graphic novel Long Way Down for our ATAR English students, and the beautiful poetry of the Romantic period, the humorous play

An Ideal Husband and iconic Australian novel The Drowner English General students enjoyed a more hands-on approach to English, creating promotional videos of the College, designing album covers for their own band and studying graphic novels transformed into TV shows and the 2018 film The Merger. In delving into these texts, students were challenged to explore complex notions of identity and voice, to expand their understanding of the creative endeavour of writing, and to effectively deconstruct and discuss texts they have studied in detail and depth.

Students across Years 7–10 experimented with poetry, revisited old film favourites The Princess Bride and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, developed their understanding of sustainability through the film Avatar and engaged in the world of Romeo and Juliet. They have also written and produced picture books, compared class novel Between Us and picture book Home and Away, and viewed some thought-provoking documentaries like Blackfish and 2040 Additionally, our Year 9 and Year 10 extension students also rose to the challenge of extending themselves – grappling with more complex concepts through texts like the documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop and classic novels To Kill a Mockingbird and Animal Farm. By developing a deeper understanding of and familiarity with common concepts explored in the latter years, we hope students have embraced every opportunity to develop a strong foundation in English as they progress through each year at Trinity College.

Finally, across all year levels, the boys also continued with their visits to the College Library for some well-deserved reading and relaxation time, as College Librarian Mrs Maranne Purnell introduced them to new and interesting additions to the Library’s collection.

Reading for pleasure is still the best and easiest way for our students to improve their literacy, develop an appreciation for the creative spirit, and consider their own thoughts and opinions on the issues and ideas that will impact the world they are growing up in. We hope our boys will eventually leave the College as lifelong readers.

It has been a pleasure to witness the enthusiasm and joy our boys have demonstrated for English this year. The English Department has always endeavoured to deliver courses that are engaging and relevant to our students, and we hope that this year has been no different.

I extend my personal thanks to my amazing, dedicated and passionate English staff. They have worked tirelessly to imbue their own love for English into each of their lessons, and I believe this incredible work ethic and passion is a key factor in the successes our students have experienced this year. I have been blessed to work alongside them this year and look forward to celebrating more successes in English in 2024.

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Gifted and Talented Program

It was another exciting year and students in our Gifted and Talented Program performed at the highest level in recent history.

Our first competition of the year began in early May with the Senior Ethics Olympiad, which saw seven boys from Years 10 and 11 compete against students from local and international schools. Some of the topics discussed included: Lookism and free cosmetic surgery; National Service; Death and taxes; and Bullfighting: art or not?

The Olympiad was followed by the da Vinci Decathlon at UWA, which included four teams of eight students from Years 7–10. The theme for the competition was unity, and students completed tasks in 10 disciplines. Our Year 7 team came third in both the Engineering and Science rounds. The Year 9 team came first in the General Knowledge section, while the Year 10 team came second in English.

On Tuesday, 19 September at UWA, a team of six boys from Year 7–11 performed exceptionally well at the Perth Philosothon. Topics discussed were: Is Australia still the King’s country; Should Chat GPT be banned in schools?; Gamification – is it just ‘clever’ marketing – or are there more sinister ideas at hand?; and Do colours exist outside the brain?

Our Year 7 boys, Matteo Redolatti (7.3) and Fred Brockett (7.1), presented some logical statements, which were informed by historical knowledge. Our other competitors, Lachlan Reid (8.5), Ashton Callus (9.1) and Sebastian Foti (11.1) also conducted themselves well in their rounds.

However, our standout performer was Westlee Terrell (10.5). He came third among the Year 10 students (behind two female competitors) and took out the Miller and Tapper award for the highest scoring male competitor on the night. This is the highest award any individual male student can receive in the competition, and the only time a Trinity student has won it. It was a fantastic way to end the term for Trinity College. Well done boys!

On Tuesday, 14 November, our brilliant Middle School Ethics team, consisting of Ashton Callus (9.1), William Marsell (9.6), Alex DiCarlo (9.8), Arnav Dakhane (9.1), Martin Thibault (9.6) and Reuben Tran (9.8), came together to participate in community of enquiry discussions with schools from Perth and Singapore.

The students discussed topics such as: Is there a difference between getting money by accident or stealing it?; Eating Duck: in China some people eat dogs. In France some people eat horses. Is it any more disgusting than eating cows or pigs?; and Is it ever right to lie?

Many thanks to the boys for taking this opportunity to expand their thinking and being so enthusiastic. They received an honourable mention from the judges.

Mrs Donette Firkins Gifted and Talented Coordinator

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Health and Physical Education

The Health and Physical Education (HPE) learning area takes great pride in providing an environment for the boys to thrive in evolving their skills and understanding, where students are encouraged to seek challenges and grow in confidence by ‘learning to do’.


+ 2023 saw the inclusion of T-Ball and Cricket for Years 8–9 students, which allowed them to establish improved knowledge in how to utilise their body segments more effectively to impart optimal force. The importance of applying strategies and tactics was also commonplace in the middle school program, as students appreciated the need for key biomechanical and physiological principles in enhancing performance.

+ Into its third installation, TC Fit in Years 7–10 continued to develop student overall fitness and particularly their awareness of necessary standards and methods to enhance various components of fitness. It was fantastic to see the introduction of Aquatics and Conditioning for Junior School students (Years 4–6), where HPE staff delivered activities aimed at developing student aerobic capacity through fun and challenging modified games and sporting/aquatic activities.

Senior Courses

+ Physical Education Studies (PES) ATAR was recognised as a ‘Top Performing School’ for yet another year (10 of the past 11). Students and staff are to be congratulated on the results being more than 12 per cent above state average. The course has been a leading subject at the school for many years, one in which students routinely complete key learning goals. It has enabled more than 70 per cent of students to benefit, with PES being their highest ATAR subject mark. The five course units are taught in practical ways (using laboratories, for example), where students effectively use their own sporting contexts to enhance their learning.

+ Year 11 and Year 12 PES ATAR students visited the Western Australian Institute of Sport for a hands-on experience relating to the course units studied. They were led on the experience by elite athletes, and the boys thrived using the facilities to reinforce their learning in a practical context. Students had the opportunity to assess their VO2 Max (aerobic capacity) and participate in an experiment in the Heat lab, among other activities.


+ Inaugural Trinity Cross Country Championships – Tuesday, 2 May

Trinity’s endurance runners turned out in force to compete in the College’s first-ever Cross Country Carnival. Open to all students by nomination, its aim was to serve as an opportunity for students to further demonstrate the TC Spirit of Excellence. Along a fast and flat 3 km course encompassing Mann Oval and across the Matagarup Bridge, student runners enjoyed perfect conditions. It was fantastic to see so many students challenge themselves and demonstrate outstanding athleticism. Congratulations to the top-placing students for each group, and a special mention is deserved for 2023 School Champion Kobee Beck (12.5), who was the initial recipient of the Perpetual Trophy for the fastest runner across the course on the day (9.49 minutes).

+ Year 10 students doing the Sports Science elective course were fortunate to have benefited from the teachings and expertise of martial arts instructor Rocco Capolingua. Prior to working with our students, Rocco had returned from England as the newly crowned World Champion in Taekwondo. Rocco worked with the boys over six weeks, as students studying the course are interested in learning what it takes to make the elite level in their chosen sport. More specifically, Rocco developed the boys’ skills in self-defence and enhanced their technique through improved power and muscular endurance.

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+ I would like to pay tribute to Mr Tim Carslaw, who has made a lasting impression during his time at the College, especially in his role as Outdoor Education Coordinator. Tim has been a fantastic role model for students over the years and, as he moves into a new role down in Cape Naturaliste, we sincerely thank him for his dedication and expertise.

Earnest thanks and well done to the exceptional staff of the HPE learning area. Each lead teacher and member of the team strives for excellence in providing the best possible education for the boys of Trinity College.

Mr Andrew Jenkin

Head of Learning Area – Health and Physical Education

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“Geography has made us neighbours. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners. And necessity has made us allies.” – John F Kennedy

One of the best things about being in a Humanities classroom is the opportunity for our students to learn all about where we live, how we live and how world events impact our lives. The constantly changing and evolving nature of our turbulent world means that every lesson is an opportunity for our students to empathise, gain perspective and appreciate the significance of these events and how they shape our lives as active global citizens.

During 2023, we witnessed many global events that have provided teachable moments in our classroom. The Voice to Parliament vote provided our Year 8 students with the opportunity to observe the actions of pressure groups and the strategies used to influence voters. The recent Israeli/ Palestinian conflict challenged our Year 10 students to explore the ongoing implications of the Holocaust, a key part of our Year 10 History Program. Our Economics students have been regularly assessing the ongoing implications of rising interest rates and the soaring cost of living. They are fast understanding that economics underpins all aspects of society. In our classrooms, we thrive on developing life-long inquisitive learners. Knowledge is only a part of what we share with our students. It is through the delivery of our Humanities skills that our boys will be equipped with the tools they require to be successful students, employees and Men for Others.

+ We teach our boys to write – because writing is the primary form of interacting and connecting with others.

+ We teach our boys to research – because research allows us to solve real-world problems, learn from the past and make informed decisions in the future.

+ We teach our boys to be critical thinkers – because questioning ideas and assumptions and identifying inconsistencies allows us to be better decision-makers in the future.

+ We teach our boys to be creative – because often problems require out-of-the-box thinking to produce optimal results.

+ We teach our boys to communicate – because communication and interpersonal skills are critical in the work environment.

+ We teach our boys to collaborate – because asserting opinions constructively and incorporating the contributions of others allows us to develop deeper connections with one another.

Bringing our subject to life through out-of-class learning experiences is crucial for connecting our learning to the real world. This year our students:

+ Visited the Francis Burt Law Education Centre and witnessed a trial in action to support our learning of the Year 9 Civics course.

+ Participated in the Just Start It business start-up program as part of the Year 10 Business elective and were awarded first prize for their ‘Skill Spark’ Educational Gaming Platform Initiative.

+ Embarked on Geography Field Trips for our ATAR courses to support the curriculum delivery of globalisation, natural hazards, urban planning and land-cover change.

+ Participated in the Water Corporation’s Waterwise experience to support our learning in Year 7 Geography.

+ Visited the Australian Stock Exchange and brokerage firm Shaw and Partners to learn about the opportunities provided by the financial sector in Western Australia.

+ Attended the Constitution Convention as part of our ATAR Politics and Law course.

A big thank you to everyone in our wonderful dedicated and inspirational Humanities teaching team who has worked tirelessly this year to ensure that our students are curious, empathetic and challenged in our lessons.

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During the academic term, Trinity College welcomed two Italian assistants, Michela, from Lombardy, in Term 1 and Erika, also from Lombardy, in Term 3. Both assistants provided exceptional support to the students and contributed to the creation of fantastic learning resources. The College extends its gratitude to the host families for their hospitality in accommodating the Italian assistants, fostering a cultural exchange experience. We look forward to hosting more language assistants in the future.

Exchange Program

The College’s commitment to cultural exchange was further exemplified through the participation of two Italian students, Pietro and Matteo, who joined Trinity families for an eight-week period from the end of June to the end of August. This experience allowed the boys to immerse themselves in the Australian lifestyle, explore Western Australia, make new friends and, notably, improve their English skills. Trinity College looks forward to hosting more students in the coming years and eagerly anticipates reciprocal opportunities for its own students to explore Italian culture abroad.

Cooking Lessons

Italian culinary experiences were brought into the classrooms, as students in various year levels, including Years 4, 5, 9, 10, 11 and 12, had the opportunity to participate in Italian cooking lessons. The younger students in Year 4 enjoyed making and savouring pesto, while the Year 5s expressed their creativity through the Italian tradition of La Befana cookie painting.

Focaccia Excursion

In Term 3, the Year 9 students embarked on a unique excursion to Mister Focaccia, in Leederville, where they immersed themselves in an authentic Italian food experience. This outing allowed the students to practise their Italian language skills in a real-world setting and relish the flavours of authentic focaccia, following the traditions of the Puglia region.

Quiz Afternoon for Years 10–12

In a collaborative effort, students from Aquinas and CBC Fremantle hosted an Italian quiz afternoon for students in Years 10 to 12 at Penrhos College, in Term 3. The event encompassed a wide range of topics, from grammar to food, culture and geography. The friendly competition was marked by mixed groups of students answering questions, concluding with pizza and socialising.

Italian Week

Italian Week stood out as a highlight of the school year, offering a rich tapestry of cultural events. Frank, the piano accordion man, kicked off the week, entertaining students and teaching them the tarantella dance. The Italian car display, alongside gelato, pizza and pasta vans, added to the festive atmosphere. Various competitions such as the Giro di Trinity scooter race, pasta-eating competition and a new addition, the soccer penalty shootout between staff and students, made Italian Week a vibrant celebration of cultural exchange and camaraderie.

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Learning Support

A year to remember!

As the sun sets on another academic year, it is time to reflect on the incredible journey we have enjoyed in the Learning Support Department. 2023 was filled with many exciting school events, where our students showcased their determination and excellence across various domains.

The Inclusive Sports Carnival events were a true testament to the students’ spirit of sportsmanship and teamwork. Trinity College was represented in the ISP Swim Carnival, Fun Run, Soccer, Athletics and Ten Pin Bowling carnivals. All carnivals witnessed fierce competition and camaraderie, with students pushing their limits to claim personal bests.

Camping experiences are an integral part of the holistic education at Trinity College. Our annual Mary Rice Centre (MRC) Camp provided students with the opportunity to learn and grow in the unique and tranquil bush surroundings of Camp Kelly, in Dwellingup, where bonds were strengthened over several games of ten pin bowling and mini golf, a hotly contested quiz night, and bushwalking. The MRC Camp also provides opportunities for students to discover and develop their personal potential when working on their independent living skills in a caring and supportive environment.

Pushing oneself in academic learning, no matter what ability, has always been a hallmark of our department and 2023 was no exception. Our students excelled in various subjects such as the ASDAN Transition Challenge, Protective Behaviours Program, Literacy Enhancement and Assessment Program (LEAP) and MacqLit (Macquarie Literacy Program). Each program saw students grow in their knowledge and understanding, further developing literacy and study skills which will continue to assist them across all curriculum areas.

Our social events on the calendar are always a highlight. This included our weekly recess Thursday Fun Day, where we welcomed students of various year groups to mingle and play board games while enjoying a cup of Milo and a biscuit. This was a time for fun, friendship and competition, and Mr O’Neill was always the one to beat! Throughout the year, Trinity and Mercedes College not only joined forces in the sporting arena, but also met up for afternoon tea as part of a Community Access Program.

As we close the chapter on 2023, we are filled with pride and gratitude for the incredible events and accomplishments created during this academic journey. We look forward to 2024 with a promise of even greater achievements, and always look to create new and exciting and innovative learning opportunities which empower our young men to realise their full potential. Here’s to a bright and promising future as we continue to nurture and celebrate their talents.

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At Trinity College, our Mathematics Department had an extraordinary year, brimming with exciting developments, outstanding student achievements and a whole lot of mathematical fun.

Throughout this academic year, our mission was clear: to ignite a love for mathematics and create an inclusive learning atmosphere. Our passionate team of maths teachers worked tirelessly to unveil the enchanting world of numbers, shapes and equations to our students.

Here are some of the year’s highlights:

For Maths Week 2023, our school was abuzz with daily maths challenges, puzzles that stretched our minds, speed cubing competitions and a variety of other engaging activities. This week was all about experiencing the sheer joy of learning and using mathematics.

Embracing the digital age, we expanded our online resources. This move made maths learning more accessible and enjoyable for our students. From tutorial videos to interactive practice quizzes and handy study guides, we had it all.

Our students made us proud in various maths competitions. Whether it was the Australian Mathematics Competition, the Maths Challenge, the Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad, or APSMO (the Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads), they gave it their all. Many of our students achieved top rankings, showcasing their dedication to honing their maths skills.

Two Year 7 students, Michael Masbate (7.1) and Oscar Carpenter (7.6), have been offered a place in the Mathematical Association of WA Problem Solving Program for 2024.

Matthew Ryan (11.5) has been selected to attend the annual National Mathematics Summer School. This is an exciting program designed to nurture the mathematical talents of gifted students entering Year 12. Held at the Australian National University, in Canberra, from 7 to 20 January, this two-week residential summer course offers an immersive experience like no other. We look forward to hearing all about it next year.

Behind all our achievements is our extraordinary team of teachers and support staff. They have consistently gone the extra mile to inspire students and create an environment where maths is not just accessible, but also genuinely engaging.

Looking ahead, we’re excited to continue nurturing a passion for maths. In the coming year, you can expect more interactive events, a greater embrace of technology and continued engagement with our community. We’re thrilled to announce that in 2024 we’ll be launching the first-ever Maths Mindstorm elective for Year 9 students – an exciting addition to our journey of mathematical exploration.

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Australian Maths Competition


Year 7 | Oscar Carpenter

Year 7 | Michael Masbate (Best in School)

Year 8 | Jonah Clarke

Year 9 | Jacob Nicholls

Year 10 | Finn Stenning Alexander

Year 11 | Christopher Chan

Year 12 | Harry Hansen-Knarhoi

Maths Challenge


Year 10 | Luke Chapman

Year 10 | Christian Di Biase

Year 10 | Finn Stenning Alexander

Have Sum

Fun Online


Year 10 Team 1

Luke Chapman

Finn Stenning Alexander

Christian Di Biase

Cale Reuben

Daniel De Mattia

Noah Bosio

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Outdoor Education

Our Outdoor Education students experienced 2023 with a range of activities which challenged their skill acquisition and resilience both inside and outside of the classroom.

Middle School Electives (Years 8–10)

In the middle school semester electives, we continue to make use of the resources we have to encourage learning of skills and development of the individual in our classes. We are lucky to not only have first-class equipment at our disposal, but also the amazing location on the banks of the Swan River to deliver our lessons.

Overnight camps are always a highlight in Outdoor Education and our students have two opportunities to get away from usual programming while in middle school:

+ Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp – a three-day expedition at Camp Kelly, in Dwellingup. Activities include mountain biking the Marrinup Trail, a navigational hike, a high-ropes course and an Indigenous cultural session.

+ Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp – a four-day camp in the Karridale area. This camp is run by The Outdoor Education Group and students test their roping skills at a high-ropes course as well as the Wilyabrup Sea Cliffs. Students also get to experience additional activities such as caving in Giants Cave and bush camping in various camp sites in the area

Senior School Certificate Courses (Years 11–12)

Students are given the opportunity to continue their Outdoor Education journey in the Secondary School through certificate courses. These certificate courses are externally recognised qualifications which provide students with a base for employment post-College, while also satisfying WACE requirements in the form of four C grades.

In Year 11, students complete their Certificate II Sport & Recreation, focusing on the fundamental skills required to organise, facilitate and review recreation sessions. On top of the Certificate course, students complete two other external qualifications in Year 11: Provide First Aid and the Recreational Skipper’s Ticket. These qualifications have core skills which can be useful later in life and are integral to students’ preparation for their Dampier Camp expedition.

The Year 11 Dampier Camp is a six-day expedition in the Pilbara region, exploring the Dampier Archipelago. Students learn to assess weather forecasts, including winds and tide, to formulate a route plan, and then navigate between the islands by motoring or under sail in small universal boats. Beach camping while snorkelling and fishing are highlights of the trip in a truly different environment from what the boys are used to.

Year 12 Outdoor Education students complete their Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation. Having completed some of this course in Year 11, students are able to focus on the practical skills required in outdoor environments. This course focuses on paddling, aquatic rescue techniques as well as navigation, mountain biking and bike maintenance.

The Year 12 Outdoor Education Camp is run wholly by the Year 12 students. They plan, navigate and ride their way through various trails on the Munda Biddi mountain bike trail in Dwellingup. They also plan, cook and eat all of their own meals throughout the camp, making it a truly selfsufficient experience.

This year in Outdoor Education we have focused on two main attributes to accompany our practical learning throughout the curriculum. The goal has been for these attributes to complement our pastoral and formation programs and focus on educating the whole student, rather than simply teaching skills. These areas of focus for 2023 have been the ability to work in a team and resilience, with the hope that Outdoor Education students can build on their experiences in class and on expedition and transfer these attributes to their everyday lives.

A big thank you must be extended to all teaching staff who impacted Outdoor Education students in 2023. This ranged from classroom teachers conveying their skill and imparting these skills on our students, to the many teachers who have mentored and nurtured students while on camps and excursions.

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PL Duffy Library

In the heart of our town, where stories take flight, Our library shines with a radiant light.

Let’s gather around, for it’s time to express, The year’s grand adventures, in verse, we confess.

The Br Gerry Faulkner Award, a brilliant display, Inspiring young writers in such a grand way.

More than 50 entries, Year 4 to Year 12, Creativity soaring, students challenge themselves.

Fortnightly book clubs, what a wonderful treat, For students to discuss which books can’t be beat.

With biscuits in hand, they gathered to read, Discovering new stories, fulfilling their need.

Our annual Book Club Morning Tea, what a delight, A pastry fest for friends, such a heartwarming sight. With badges of pride, they celebrate the year, Mateship and curiosity, ever so clear.

The 100 Club challenge, Year 7s grand quest, To read 100 points, they gave it their best. Their first year of Senior School, they did strive, For a love of reading that’ll last throughout life.

Year 8s Genre Challenge, diverse tales they pursued, 22 books in total, their love for books renewed. Exploring different genres, broadening their view, With each page they turned, their knowledge it grew.

The Class Reading Challenge, Year 9s’ friendly race, Reading books at a very quick pace.

With pages turning, excitement unfurled, As they competed, adding books to their world.

Book Week, a celebration, a yearly delight, With Lunchtime Storytime and PCG quizzes so bright.

A flash reading mob on Centenary Park, Staff and students together, igniting the spark.

Book Blokes and Literature Lads, Chapter Chicks too, Story Señoritas, all ages they drew.

Bookopoly, the staff’s reading quest, Banned Books Week, celebrating literary protest.

Regular sessions with students in Years 7 to 9, Fostering a love for books, oh, so fine.

In this library, stories bloom and grow, A place where young minds continue to glow.

So here’s to our library, a haven so grand, Where reading and learning go hand in hand.

In this Annual, we joyfully state, Our year of library adventures, so truly great!

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Religious Education

Religious Education teachers have the privilege of witnessing the joy that emerges from encountering Jesus through prayer, storytelling and meaningful conversations. Despite our inclination to believe that we can engage students individually, it is imperative to recognise the diversity of each student’s journey in understanding the teachings of Christ. Every student has their own unique way of connecting with these teachings, emphasising the need for them to hear diverse voices and experiences. This inclusivity aligns with the realisation of Pope Francis’s vision for a Church that remains open to contemporary realities.

Religion and Life General courses provide students with valuable opportunities to explore the intricate connections between religion, society and individual lives. The school year commenced with a Respectful Relationships incursion for Year 12 students, focusing on the discovery, cultivation and navigation of healthy and secure relationships, presented by guest speakers Katie and David Kobler, from Your Choicez.

The Year 11 General Religion and Life course enabled students to delve into the essence of religion and its role in providing individuals and communities with a thorough understanding of the world. The Places of Worship excursion included visits to the Perth Mosque and the Perth Hebrew Congregation’s synagogue. We look forward to adding this enriching dimension to the students’ learning experiences in the years ahead.

The Year 11 Religion and Life ATAR New Norcia excursion provided students with opportunities to understand the interplay between religion, societies and people. Students gained insights through a walking tour of the town, museum exhibits, and Abbott John Herbert’s enlightening presentation about Benedictine Rosendo Salvado and the founding of the community, while sitting in the pews of St Ildephonsus’s Chapel.

In Year 7, students embarked on a journey to identify how the Church continues the mission of Jesus and deepens people’s connection with God. The exploration of the life of Blessed Edmund Rice, coupled with the significance of faith-filled communities, culminated in an excursion to St Mary’s Cathedral in Term 1. There, students participated in a tour and attended midday Mass, celebrated by Archbishop Costello.

Year 9 students explored the intricacies of human experience, the pursuit of truth and its role in spiritual growth. The Developing a Healthy Sexuality incursion in September provided a platform for thoughtful discussions around how students’ online choices can affect their friendships and current or future relationships.

Year 10 students identified how human desires can lead people to contemplate the meaning and purpose of life through coming to know God. Students were informed about the issue of problem gambling through a presentation by Centrecare counsellors. Addressing broader societal issues, a 2017 Victorian study confirmed the correlation between student gambling and social influences, exposure to gambling environments, and advertising.

In Year 8, students delved into how the Catholic Church’s Scripture and Tradition addresses people’s yearnings, deepening connections with God, themselves, each other and Creation. The Passover Seder Meal, in Gibney Hall, further enriched their understanding. Simon Lawrence, Director of Jewish Studies and Hebrew at Carmel School, led students and staff on a journey through Jewish history to the Last Supper and its connection to the Mass celebrated today.

Each individual possesses a unique set of talents and gifts, bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit. Understanding and harnessing these gifts with the guidance of the Holy Spirit enables us to contribute to the wellbeing of others. Nothing speaks more of individual talents and gifts than those of the dedicated Religious Education teachers at the College. I thank them for their collaboration and their willingness to work together for the good of the students.


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Astronomy Courses

Astronomy and Space elective science courses offered to Years 8–10 have continued to be popular, increasing the size of the classes. The observatory hardware and associated software were replaced and updated last year, and it was ready to be utilised in 2023. Ms Ietto has enthusiastically continued to develop the course and the observatory further. The topics covered in Years 8 and 9 are digital astrophotography and rocket science. Students build multi-stage and multi-engine rockets, designed using RockSim (software for building rockets). In Year 10, students examined the formation of the universe and associated theories such as the Big Bang, string and multiverse theories. They also launched a high-altitude weather balloon to the near-space zone (stratosphere) to explore and perform investigations, using data collected from the balloon’s data recorder.

Year 10 Science Experimentation – Project-based Learning

This course was offered to Year 10 students in 2022 and 2023. The elective allows more capable science students to conduct longer term investigations in a project-based learning environment. Students also develop relationships with external organisations, increasing their awareness of STEM careers, future pathways and the profile of STEM subjects within the College. The course improves students’ academic standards and enriches the College’s learning culture.

Year 10 Psychology

Students at Trinity College in Year 10 had the opportunity to study a new elective course, Psychology, for the first time this year. This course focuses on several concepts that enable students to understand how and why people behave the way they do. Students are introduced to the human brain, focusing on the significant parts and lobes of the cerebral cortex, and review case studies illustrating the link between the brain and behaviour. They also explore the impact of external factors, such as physical activity and psychoactive drugs, on individuals’ behaviour. Furthermore, students examine different types of relationships and look at the role of verbal and non-verbal communication in initiating, maintaining and regulating relationships.


During the year, Astronomy students in Years 8, 9 and 10 attended a tour of the Gingin Astronomical Collective. There they experienced world-class astronomy including a fully retractable roof, state-of-the-art telescopes and a unique dark-sky class. Unfortunately, excursions to launch and recover a high-altitude balloon at Dowerin and launch different sizes of rockets at the Perth Advanced Rocketry Club, in Toodyay, were cancelled due to bad weather conditions.

Year 7 Incursion – Sustain Our Swan

Students examined the water quality of the adjacent Swan River, using data-logging equipment. This course was facilitated by the Department of Parks and Wildlife and coordinated by Mr Michael Slack-Smith. It was an excellent introduction to environmental awareness, where students developed a sense of stewardship of the river for the future.

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Science Week Activities

Several discussion forums were organised, in which speakers and presenters from UWA and Chevron were invited to the College. Students showed interest and were engaged in these opportunities. In addition, students participated in the following activities to celebrate Science Week:

+ During PCGs students solve a science mystery and win a prize.

+ During lunchtimes, students enjoy rocket launches.

+ During science lessons, one lesson is assigned to Science Week to inspire students with an exciting experiment.

+ Amazing facts: ‘Did you know?’ questions – a daily email to staff.

+ Using the PASCO sound sensor to see who has the loudest voice – good to get the boys’ attention.

Pivot Survey Results

Two cycles of Pivot surveys were completed by students in 2023. Science teachers obtained a high rating for all the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership standards on both surveys. Pivot is a short and targeted online perception survey. It allows teachers to identify their teaching strengths and leverage these to guide their professional growth. The teachers’ observation of each other is integral to self-evaluation and professional development, which requires further promotion and practice among Science staff.

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Visual Arts

In 2023, the whole Trinity community experienced first-hand how art can engage and inspire, as they watched internationally acclaimed artist Fintan Magee produce a large-scale mural on the wall facing Centenary Park. This experience reflected more than ever how our world can become a canvas to our imagination, bringing art to the forefront and advocating art, in all its diversity, as an important and essential component of a comprehensive education.

This year many of our talented art students were recognised for their outstanding artwork. Year 12 Visual Arts student Benjamin Cronin (12.6) had his artwork selected by a panel of judges for inclusion in the West Australian Pulse 2024 This highly prestigious exhibition will be held at the Art Gallery of Western Australia from 6 April to 29 July 2024. We congratulate Benjamin on this outstanding achievement. Benjamin Cronin was also the recipient of the prestigious Signum Fidei Art Award, receiving his prize on stage during Presentation Night. This award was initially sponsored by Mr Patrick Coward (’81) and is intended to acknowledge talented young and emerging artists, promote artistic excellence and encourage further art-related studies. This year, the College held a retrospective to commemorate 25 years of the Signum Fidei Art Award. It was a successful event and a fantastic opportunity to connect with former art students, many of whom have continued to pursue their passion for art through art-related careers.

Several of our art students were award recipients at the opening night of the Angelico Art Exhibition, a prestigious Catholic schools exhibition which showcases outstanding student artworks. A group of Year 8 boys received an Angelico Art Award for their Group Submission titled, ‘In Harmony’. This was an outstanding achievement and we congratulate these art students – Edward Jones (8.5), Henry Clarey (8.1), Zenneth Ker (8.7), Max Secker (8.1), Aashutosh Deval (8.4), Henry Scholz (8.2) and Hunter McCombie (8.5).

In addition, we congratulate Year 9 Visual Arts student Xavier Celedin (9.6), who won an Angelico Art Award for his mixed media artwork titled ‘Human Nature’. Adding to this talent, we had artworks showcased in this exhibition by Oliver Beale (7.6), Stefan Veselinovic (8.6), Ryan Harold (8.3) and Luca Misiun (9.7).

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From left to right; Angelico Art Award Winners (Group Submission Prize) - Henry Clarey (8.1), Edward Jones (8.5), Aashutosh Deval (8.4), Henry Scholz (8.2), Zenneth Ker (8.7) and Max Secker (8.1). Absent: Hunter McCombie (8.5).

The opening night of the Visual Arts and Design and Technology Exhibition, on 9 November, was highly successful, showcasing the impressive work of our talented students and providing an opportunity to acknowledge their achievements. We thank our Trinity parents and families for attending this event, which continues to grow every year.

The artworks showcased in this exhibition reflected the students’ engagement in a range of art projects in varied forms such as drawing, painting, textiles, printmaking, ceramics, mixed media and sculpture. Among the art projects, our Year 11 and Year 12 students produced vibrant and dynamic paintings inspired by the local area in East Perth, and the Year 10 students created highly skilled pen drawings of animals from the Museum of Natural History.

Our impressive sculptural projects included Year 9 Mad Max-inspired vehicles and Year 8 Monsters.

The annual Year 10 Adelphe King Prize for Drawing was awarded to Julian Crognale (10.3). We thank former art teacher Mrs Adelphe King for continuing to sponsor this drawing prize. In addition, Luca Misiun (9.7) was the recipient of the Auxiliary Art Award, an award sponsored by the College Auxiliary in support of a talented and emerging young artist. The Visual Arts Department is very grateful for the generous support of all our sponsors.

As usual, prizes were awarded for the best entries in our annual Trinity College Art Competition. The theme for this year’s competition was ‘My Favourite Video Game Character’. We received some excellent entries from students from a range of year levels. Congratulations to the winner of the art competition, Vanden Howard (10.7).

We thank Visual Arts teacher Mrs Helen Shanahan and Art Technician Mr Kyron Milosavljevic, we are so fortunate to have such amazing and dedicated art staff. Finally, we also thank our art students for their efforts and contribution during the year.

Benjamin Cronin (12.6) with his artwork, selected for inclusion in the West Australian Pulse 2024
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Xavier Celedin (9.6) with his Angelico Art Award.
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Aashutosh Deval (8.4) Benjamin Sutherland (12.5) Xavier Celedin (9.6) Benjamin De Santis (9.6) Benjamin Cronin (12.6) Justin Le (8.1)
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Hudson McLoughlin (8.7) Arch Langer (7.8) Jac Beros (11.1) Nicholas Di Biase (8.8) Ryan Harold (8.3) Joshua Websdale (8.6) Lucian Lamattina (9.6)

Trinity College Mural ‘Three Crowns’

This year, world-renowned Australian artist Fintan Magee painted a large-scale mural for the College.

The artwork, titled ‘Three Crowns’, is located on the back of the science building and depicts three generations of students of different ages and cultural backgrounds. The three students represent the past, present and future. The two boys in the background represent the past and future. They have been painted behind modelled glass, so they are blurred and abstracted to reflect the passing of time and motion. The figure in the foreground represents the present and is carrying three floating crowns, an important symbol for the College, symbolising the Holy Trinity: as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, while also reflecting the carrying of memory, learning and experience. The artwork reflects the artist’s sentiments, that students will carry their education and experiences with them, shaping their personal growth and leaving a lasting impact on their lives.

The mural painting took approximately two weeks to complete. It was painted using mainly blue and green (symbolising the College colours) and sepia tones. Students and staff were able to see the development of the artwork, from start to finish, as the artist produced the work using paint brushes, paint rollers and a paint sprayer, with the aid of a scissor lift.

Thank you to Old Boy Patrick Coward (’81), who is a constant supporter of the visual arts at Trinity College.

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Artist Fintan Magee
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Campus Ministry

“I give you a new commandment: love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34).

Eucharistic Celebrations

When visitors see our Chapel for the first time, they are struck by its beauty, its shape and the sense of peace it offers. The circular shape reminds us of the circle of life and that we are all one community that prays, loves and cares for others.

Many staff, parents and students have used this sacred space to pray and reflect on their own personal needs and be thankful for our blessings.

Fra Oscar Aguilera OSM has a special gift of translating the scripture readings into something more digestible and practical. We appreciate his ability to achieve this. We have also been blessed to have the Redemptorist Monastery priests and the Very Reverend Fr Vincent Glynn support us while Fra Oscar was abroad on his own pilgrimages this year.

The Year 12 Extraordinary Ministers have demonstrated such humility and a strong sense of faith as they guided us at all our Masses. A special thank you to all the young men who have also altar served at our various Year Group and Friday Community Masses. It takes courage and conviction to practise your faith in front of your peers, and that is why they are so dearly respected.

Retreat Programs

Retreats offer students and staff an opportunity to move away from the busyness of school life and be provided with time to look inward. I would like to sincerely thank the generosity of students, staff and parents who have continuously supported many projects in Campus Ministry including our retreat programs from Years 7–12, the staff and student leaders for the various Kairos Retreats, the Year 12 Cadre, Year 11 Peer Ministers and the incidental events that our TC community has assisted with.

Year 9 Retreat

This year we engaged the Youth Mission Team to deliver a retreat program that focused on ‘Self Image and My Relationship with God’. The Year 9 students were divided into two groups, over two days, and were accompanied by the Year 9 PCG teachers and Head of Year, Mr Corey Miskiewicz. A special thank you to Mr Byrne and Mrs Stewart who attended and supported me during these two days. The students were exceptionally behaved and their engagement and participation was impressive. Some positive feedback when the students were asked, ‘What inspired them today?’ included:

+ “The last play you see that God is always there for you. Reflecting time helped me really think about my life.”

+ “I was inspired to be proud of my relationship with God and to be myself around people.”

+ “Just to admire and love yourself and don’t change who you are to get into a friend group.”

+ “No matter how many times I push God away he’s always with me and I should talk to him more.”

+ “Having the time to think about who I actually am and how I view myself.”

+ “This project helped me understand the deeper meanings of things, as well as how I have related with others and with struggles.”

+ “I was inspired to be open to Jesus and let him help make my life happier.”

+ “I was inspired by the candle-lighting and the prayer to God after the lighting.”

To the Trinity Community

I always feel blessed to work in such a positive, faith-filled Trinity community. To observe students stepping out of their comfort zone to be witnesses to their own faith, and helping others achieve their best, is a such a privilege.

Thank you to all our talented members of our Trinity community and Campus Ministry staff. We also welcomed Mr Bernard Le Tessier as the Quest Coordinator for 2024. He is a breath of fresh air. Campus Ministry would not run efficiently without the generosity of current students, Old Boys, staff and families. We wish you all a blessed, safe and holy Christmas and enjoyable summer break.

I leave you with this message from Pope Francis: “Educating is an act of love; it is like giving life” (2023).

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Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Year 11 and 12 Altar Servers

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BACK ROW: Harry Hansen-Knarhoi, Noah Horgan, Joel Carcich, James Kenwery, Fraser Perkins, Marcus James, Thomas McGrath, Xavier Nicoletto, Matthew Crock FRONT ROW: Joshua Henshall, Adam De Masi, John Van Beek, Mrs Rosa West, Jack Rundle, Pierce Edmonds, Daniel Oatham BACK ROW: Antonio Sanfilippo, Fraser Perkins, William Hall, Lachlan Brown, James Kenwery FRONT ROW: Daniel Oatham, Declan Collins, Mrs Rosa West, Nicholas Bowden-Jones, Jamison Hehir

Quest Retreat

Peer Ministers

Year 11

BACK ROW: Matthew Petagna, Blake Kulenovic, Lachlan Brown, Yeabsera Fasil, Carter Robertson, Charlie Watson, Oliver Coates, Jack Hansen-Knarhoi, Callum Huppatz, Lucas Cardaci, Jetson Cook, Riley Ford, Marcus Cassidy

THIRD ROW: Stefan Zirojevic, Charles Gorski, Bryce Flammer, Liam McDonnell, Angus Calder, Jamie D’Agostino, Max Edwards, Ryan Murphy, Jack Blechynden, Noah Zafer, Luka Bishop, Murphy Allen, Jac Beros, Owen Hewitt

SECOND ROW: Lucas Weston, Xavier Collins, Quinn Hamilton, Benjamin Matuszkiewicz, Alex Sowman, Brynley Boros, Benjamin Filear, Benjamin Coleman, Noah Killigrew, William Thomson, Hudson Foote, Jake Collingwood, Nicholas Day, Zach Christiansen, William Naismith, Matthew Ryan

FRONT ROW: Lachlan Arnold, Sebastian Foti, Declan Collins, Antonio Sanfilippo, Kan Sweetman, Zahn Celedin, Isaac Adamos, Mrs Rosa West, Mr Bernard Le Tessier, Rocco Fowler, Torrey Benness, Jamison Hehir, Todd Hassett, Joshua Gonzalez, Nicholas Bowden-Jones, Lucas D’Angelo

ABSENT: Evan Alderslade, Charlie Black, Lucas Blair, Saxon Duplock, William Norman

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Year 12 Cadre BACK ROW: Liam Stojan, Thomas McGrath, James Kenwery, Fraser Perkins, Marcus James, Joel Carcich MIDDLE ROW: John Van Beek, Ted Smith, Harry Hansen-Knarhoi, Isaac Parker, Xavier Nicoletto, James McCague, Lennox McGrath FRONT ROW: Pierce Edmonds, Thomas Blayney, Declan Ryan, Mrs Rosa West, Mr Bernard Le Tessier, Ethan Patman, Jordan Rodrigues, Noah Horgan

Kairos Retreats

BACK ROW: Zaiden Ladyman, Dimitri Mazarakis, Domenic Lamattina, Oliver Nutt, Marcus James, Sebastian Carr, Xavier Nicoletto, Liam Gearon, William Hall, Fraser Perkins, Alexander Bradley-Moore, Liam Stojan, Finn Halford, Trent Laufer, Eddie Jia, Declan Ryan, Aden Thomson, Oscar Palermo

MIDDLE ROW: Madoc Lanfear Appleby, Alvarez Dharma, Bon Nastasi, Cohen Johnson, Luke Perlini, Harrison Watkins, Adam De Masi, Dan Lutula Shungu, Andre Gulluni, Oscar Aguilera, Liam Bush, James Mackenzie, Max Di Girolamo, Nathan Tobin, Daniel Oatham

FRONT ROW: Craig Adams, Amanda Marocchi, James Kenwery, Kyle Turner, John Van Beek, Thomas Blayney, Noah Horgan, Rosa West, Jessica Mullahey, Julian Fritz, Peter Oliver

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BACK ROW: Dalvin Paki, Kobee Beck, Miles Morgan, Benjamin Cronin, Harrison Rogers, Kyle Singh, Lachlan Toomath, Deacan Seve, Lachlan Blyth, Thomas Park, Matthew Maine, Thomas McGrath, Dylan Darmawan

MIDDLE ROW: Matthew Wilson, Noah Cork, Connor Roberts, Ethan Patman, Harry Hansen-Knarhoi, Cale Boska, Nicholas Davies, Christian Ludovico, James McCague, Oshay Riley, Luke Matthews, Nicholas Siciliano, Nam Lam

FRONT ROW: Fra Oscar Aguilera, Mr Anthony Byrne, Mr Mark Allen, Joel Carcich, Fraser Perkins, Marcus James, Nathan Tobin, Mr Darren O’Neill, Ms Lissa Coleman, Mr Galvin Francisco


BACK ROW: Nicholas Bowden-Jones, Noah Killigrew, Benjamin Coleman, Stefan Zirojevic, Max Edwards, Jamie D’Agostino, Carter Robertson, Yeabsera Fasil, Oliver Coates, Lachlan Brown, Jetson Cook, Ryan Murphy, Noah Zafer, Jac Beros, Evan Alderslade, Hudson Foote, Hayden Theobald

MIDDLE ROW: Isaac Adamos, Joseph Chapman, Isaac Hoang, Torrey Benness, Matthew Ryan, Zach Christiansen, Lucas Weston, Antonio Sanfilippo, Fra Oscar Aguilera, Jamison Hehir, Alessandro Hipolito, Euan Gardiner, Lucas Hanna, Sebastian Foti

FRONT ROW: Mr Clint Testa, Mr Nick Kros, Mr Anthony Byrne, Domenic Lamattina, Harrison Watkins, Harry Hansen-Knarhoi, Thomas McGrath, Xavier Nicoletto, Mrs Rosa West, Ms Rebecca Bryant, Mr Darren O’Neill, Mr Fletcher Cooke

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Christian Service

The words of Pope Francis are often an inspiration for the work of Christian Service. In a little book I have of some of his thoughts, I came across this statement: “What does evangelize mean? To give witness with joy and simplicity to what we are and what we believe in.”

At every year level of Trinity College, students are encouraged to give witness to their faith through involvement in Christian Service. By engaging with others whose needs are greater than their own, and discovering the joy of doing something for others, our students begin to understand what it truly means when they sing In Nomine Domini and to become Men for Others.

The Red Cross Soup Patrol is a great example of this because students often express how much they enjoy the experience of serving a simple meal to people in need. Recently, Jacob Leahy (10.5) visited Campus Ministry to tell me how much he learnt from his first Soup Patrol and how he would like to have the opportunity to attend again soon.

At least once per term, Year 10 students prepare a meal for the Salvation Army Street Outreach, which feeds homeless people over the weekend. What a joy it is to work with 24 boys cooking up a storm, not for their own benefit, but to provide a meal for people in need.

The Senior Project is an opportunity for students to make a commitment to Christian Service beyond their involvement in the Year 10 Experience Counts and Year 11 Sharing Gifts programs.

Nathan Tobin (12.8), who volunteered in numerous projects to achieve 426 hours for his Senior Project, wrote these reflections on his time with Edmund Rice Camps for Kids: “Simply having someone be there to look up to and be around is enough for many of the kids on camp. Being someone who they can talk to and open up with is the least I can do, and yet this is what made the most difference to them. I had to step outside of my comfort zone on multiple occasions to accommodate the needs of the children. Having my hair drenched in paint, in order to convince one kid to be involved in activities, was one of the weirdest things I had to do, but it was also so satisfying to see him join in at last.”

Connor Roberts (12.4) also volunteered as a leader on Edmund Rice Camps for Kids: “I have had the chance to make the world a better place by making sure I was there to listen to the kids on camp, to support them and not judge them. By making them feel special, talking to them about their good qualities and teaching them to be good sports and not sore losers, I helped them see how to care for others and be helpful.”

A personal experience for Noah Horgan (12.6) was when “a girl who was in my group made a bracelet for me.

I was shocked, as it was unexpected because the girl was very quiet and independent. I had shown her how to make a bracelet earlier in the day. The experience showed me that just a small token of kindness can bring someone so much joy. This is a lesson I can apply to all people I create friendships with”.

Adam De Masi (12.7) summed up his Chrisitan Service in these words: “It has shown me that if everyone dedicated a small part of their life to Christian Service, the world would become a more peaceful and inclusive place.”

Whenever students volunteer their time and energy to serve people in need outside or within the College community, it is a clear sign of witness to what we are and what we believe in, as a Catholic College in the Edmund Rice tradition.


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Kimberley Immersion

The Kimberley Immersion is an experience designed to take our students outside their comfort zone into the world of Indigenous people. It was a privilege to have the opportunity to learn from our First Nations people, whose ancestors have inhabited this area for thousands of years.

We spent more than a week in Indigenous communities in the Kimberley, where we worked with students in schools and interacted with members of the local community, learning about the language, culture and traditions of people and the challenges their communities face.

Halls Creek Group

Torrey Benness (11.5), Nicholas Bowden-Jones (11.5), Jamie D’Agostino (11.7), Rocco Fowler (11.7), Jonah Lindsell (11.5), Carter Robertson (11.5), Mr Michael Slack-Smith and Mrs Marya Stewart spent the week at Halls Creek District High School and Warlawurru Catholic School. Highlights from students follow.

Jonah Lindsell: “One of the highlights for the week was an excursion to China Wall, where we learnt about the creation story of this natural feature, climbed parts of the wall and touched the pale, shiny quartz rock, before attempting charcoal drawings of the site. Then we went to Burk’s Park Station, where we played games with the children before a delicious lunch of damper and kangaroo stew.”

Carter Robertson: “It was an early start each morning, helping out with the Breakfast Club, early football games, and then a full day in the classroom helping students. Nicholas and Rocco were at Warlawurru each day. On one of the days, Nicholas was lucky to help umpire games for the Dockers Cup, a local school’s football competition.”

Nicholas Bowden-Jones: “Every day after school we visited local places, like Palm Springs and Yarliyil Art Centre, and often ended the day kicking the football with local young people.”

Wyndham Group

Lachlan Brown (11.5), Jetson Cook (11.2), Jack Hansen-Knarhoi (11.3), Benjamin Matuszkiewicz (11.8), Will Thomson (11.8), Lucas Weston (11.2), Ms Gabrielle Ietto and Mr Clint Testa were based at St Joseph’s Catholic School but were very fortunate to accompany the Years 5–6 class on a two-day camp to El Questro. Highlights from students follow.

Jetson Cook: “Learning how much the [Indigenous people] value and connect to their culture. If you treat the land with respect, it will respect you. Meeting the Elders at El Questro really touched me.”

Lachlan Brown: “Meeting Busta, having conversations with him and being invited into the Indigenous community to learn about how they live has changed my view on how to approach life.”

Will Thomson: “Realising we couldn’t stay there forever, we were sad to leave and the children were so sad to see us go. Then I really knew that it had been worthwhile and that we had made a difference.”

Lombadina Group

Evan Alderslade (11.2), Jake Collingwood (11.7), Jamison Hehir (11.1), Callum Huppatz (11.2), Antonio Sanfilippo (11.4), Alex Sowman (11.8), Ms Adelaide Garland and Mr Michael Murphy stayed in accommodation at Lombadina and travelled each day to One Arm Point Remote Community School or Sacred Heart School, Beagle Bay.

By Thursday the boys at both schools felt like superstars. Highlights from students follow.

Evan Alderslade: “What a surprise! As we entered school we were greeted by excited children, all wanting to play games with us before school. We had a lot of great cultural experiences hosted by local Elders, and we enjoyed playing football with locals after school, but my favourite moments were in the classroom. Today I spent time with one of my favourite students, using domino blocks to build houses, and we were just sharing stories. It was so great!”

162 | Mission and Identity

Broome Time

In the second week we were based in Broome, Yawuru land. There, we worked with students at local schools, volunteered to serve people with Feed the Little Children and the Centacare Breakfast Program meal for homeless people and attended Kullarri NAIDOC events. We experienced a range of cultural activities.

Jamison Hehir wrote in the Group Journal: “This morning started off with our group serving breakfast at McMahon Place, while the Wyndham and Halls Creek Group went to the Nyamba Buru Yawuru Exhibition. Both activities were eye-opening experiences. Serving breakfast to more than 80 needy people was a fast-paced event with many challenges. The exhibition was a confronting and raw exposure to the atrocities and struggles that First Nations people faced in their early interactions with European settlers.”

Kimberley Immersion

We were challenged to open our hearts and minds, to use our energy and goodwill, to give of ourselves: our time, our energy, our love and our patience. Although we thought that we had so much to offer, we were the ones who learnt most. Those of us who come from a more privileged position can learn so much from people on the margins and what it means to be a Man for Others.

FRONT ROW: Jamison Hehir, Torrey Benness, Benjamin Matuszkiewicz, Antonio Sanfilippo, Alex Sowman, Lucas Weston, Rocco Fowler, Jonah Lindsell, Nicholas Bowden-Jones

ABSENT: Miss Adelaide Garland, Miss Gabrielle Ietto, Mr Michael Murphy, Mr Michael Slack-Smith, Mrs Marya Stewart, Mr Clint Testa

Annual 2023 | 163
BACK ROW: Jamie D’Agostino, Carter Robertson, Lachlan Brown, Jack Hansen-Knarhoi, Callum Huppatz, Jetson Cook, William Thomson, Jake Collingwood
164 | Wellbeing and Formation
Annual 2023 | 165

Aboriginal Program

The Trinity College Aboriginal Program had a successful and busy 2023. This year, we welcomed 11 new students into the program. Term 1 kicked off with a smoking ceremony and Welcome to Country performed by Mr Jayden Boundry and Mr Dylan Stack, followed by an afternoon tea for parents.

During National Reconciliation Week we had the privilege of hearing from current Fremantle Dockers captain and Palawa man Mr Alex Pearce, who shared his journey and insights on reconciliation with the students. We also had an art incursion during the week, and we would like to extend our gratitude to Mrs Raylene Blatchley for her generous donation of paint, canvas and tools. Our gratitude also goes to Mrs Helen Shanahan and Ms Rita Bisilio for providing the art room.

The highlight of this year’s NAIDOC Week was the NAIDOC dance performed at the College Assembly. The dance, titled ‘The WAVE’, transitioned from the spirit of the Kangaroo and Emu to the wave itself and concluded with the Gnumby (celebration circle). Special thanks to Mr Olman Walley, our didge and dance teacher, for his exceptional choreography and music for this year’s NAIDOC performance, and to Ms Jena McDowall for her assistance in crafting the dwlups (traditional Noongar clothing). The other highlight of NAIDOC Week was the annual staff versus student basketball game. Once again, the students were no match for the staff, with Most Valuable Player Mr Callum Walley hitting a three-pointer on the buzzer to send the crowd into raptures.

In line with our commitment to sharing knowledge, the Boorloo Boys performed at Orana Catholic Primary School, Mount Hawthorn Primary School, Durham Road School and the Catholic Performing Arts, receiving outstanding feedback for their performance. We also enjoyed an afternoon tea and a game of dodgeball with Mercedes College.

Congratulations are in order for our outgoing Year 12 students: Carl Morrison (12.5), Leon El-Said Coomerang (12.8), Kris Hayden (12.4), Oshay Riley (12.4), Ben Sutherland (12.5) and Kaleb Rodriguez (12.7).

Finally, I’d like to express our gratitude to the entire Aboriginal Education team for their unwavering support of the Aboriginal students in 2023. We extend our thanks to Mr Chris Mayne, who is embarking on his teaching degree, and Mr Lachlan Sibosado (‘19), who is pursuing his physiotherapy degree. We are forever appreciative of your hard work and dedication to the program.

Mr Dustin Aylmore Aboriginal Education Coordinator

*Aboriginal denotes both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

166 | Wellbeing and Formation

BACK ROW: Luke Websdale, Carl Morrison, Jarrdi Tass, Benjamin Sutherland, David Shanahan, Kaleb Rodriguez

THIRD ROW: Murray Yarran, Beau Hart, Kristopher Hayden, Dhungala Briggs, Elijah Councillor, Leon El-Said Coomerang, Derell Corunna

SECOND ROW: Connor Rodda, Juwane Miller, Carl Morrison, Marley Wirrpanda, Jayden Cole, Tyson Franklin, Joshua Websdale, Christopher Roebuck-Baxter

FRONT ROW: Tyler Davies, Finn Hodder-Ryan, Mr Mitchell Walley, Mr Dustin Aylmore, Mr Chris Mayne, Mr Callum Walley, Eli Wirrpanda, Tayton Calgaret

ABSENT: Jaxon Franklin, Elijah Kelly, Tyson McGuire, Kazeem Matsumoto, Robert Naysmith, Harry Rahman

Annual 2023 | 167

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

In 2023 Trinity College entered its fifth year endorsing the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The aim of the program is to provide students at the College with an opportunity to take on the challenge of an experiential program – ‘learning by doing’ – and the responsibility that comes with completing the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is open to all students in Years 9–12, with currently 84 active participants split into 6 Gold, 14 Silver and 64 Bronze students. The award is available at three levels: Gold, Silver and Bronze. The levels are differentiated by age, longevity and detail. Many students completed an award in 2023 and applied to start the next level straight away, with some completing two award levels in the same year. A special mention goes to Luke Alderslade (’21), who became the first student to complete their Gold award under the Trinity College Award Centre and continues to support the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award while studying at university.

Each Duke of Edinburgh Award is broken into four categories: Physical Recreation, Skill, Service, and Adventurous Journey. A participant must take on an activity within each of the Physical Recreation, Skill and Service areas and show commitment as well as development in their chosen activity. The Adventurous Journey component requires students to help design and undertake their own expedition.

To fulfil the requirements of the Adventurous Journey, the College offers camps within the current Outdoor Education electives. The Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp is a navigation expedition in Dwellingup, at our Camp Kelly camp site. The Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp is a rock climbing and abseiling expedition through Augusta. The Year 11 Outdoor Education Camp is a sailing exploration from the Dampier Archipelago, and the Year 12 Outdoor Education Camp is a bike riding exploration through the Dwellingup area. A special thank you to Outdoor Education Coordinator Mr Tim Carslaw, who organised and facilitated all Trinity College camps in 2023, and for his continued support of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award program.

Thank you to all Youth Award Leaders who commenced at the start of the year to continue to assist new participants:

John Van Beek (12.8), Evan Alderslade (11.2), Matt Petagna (11.6), Declan Collins (11.6) and Giacomo Vinciguerra (10.7). These students were instrumental in the promotion and support of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at Trinity throughout the course of the year. The leadership and maturity they have shown in supporting other students has been acknowledged and is very much appreciated. A special congratulations is awarded to John Van Beek for receiving the prestigious Gold Award at Government House this year.

In 2024 the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award will be open to any student in Years 9–12, and I encourage more boys to take advantage of this opportunity with the support of the award leaders here at the College.

Mr Jason O’Malley Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Leader

John Van Beek (12.8) with His Excellency The Honourable Chris Dawson AC APM, Governor of Western Australia

168 | Wellbeing and Formation

Wellness Week

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“The environment is everyone’s responsibility, and in our hands it can be a wonderful opportunity to contribute to the common good and to build a society founded on justice, equality, and respect.” – Pope Francis

Throughout the year, The Trinity College Environmental Committee (TCEC) remained steadfast in its commitment to environmental sustainability.

Containers for Change Program and Environmental Education

The dedicated TCEC boys continued their commitment to the Containers for Change (C4C) Program throughout the year. These bins, strategically placed around the College campus and at various College events, serve not only as recycling points, but also to generate funds for future environmental projects. The success of this program owes much to the TCEC boys’ commitment to sorting through and decontaminating the C4C bins, and removing rubbish and food scraps that were carelessly thrown in. A 2024 initiative for the TCEC will be to look at ways of encouraging the students to use these bins correctly, urging them to consider where their rubbish ends up before disposal – ensuring they “don’t feed the fill”.

School Waste Sorted – Schools Student Meet at St Norbert College

For the first time in June this year, the TCEC group attended the School Waste Sorted – Schools Student Meet at St Norbert College. We had the opportunity to learn from various schools about their projects, aimed at enhancing waste management and sustainability practices.

Witnessing St Norbert’s approach to waste management, including their successes and failures, was particularly insightful. During the event, we actively engaged with organisations like Oz Harvest, Waste Sorted, C4C and many others. Through enjoyable activities and valuable information sessions, we gained knowledge which will be beneficial to our own school environment.

Swan River Clean-Up During India Fun Run – Continued Success

During the India Fun Run, the TCEC ran at the back of the pack, engaging in a simultaneous rubbish collection to clean up the Swan River. With our College’s proximity to the river, this endeavour goes beyond mere clean-up: it involves embracing our responsibility as guardians of the river and fostering a deep sense of environmental stewardship through College-led initiatives. Despite returning with numerous bags of rubbish, the boys maintained a positive outlook, understanding that their efforts played a part in reducing waste in our precious waterways.

The active participation of the TCEC and the broader TC community in these initiatives reflects a collective commitment to making a positive impact on our shared home – Earth.

Ms Katherine Licciardello Mathematics Teacher

FRONT ROW: Jeremiah Locke, Thusheivan Pirabananthan, Aarav Bhandari, Jacob Leahy, Ms Katherine Licciardello, Winn Vayler, Ben O’Driscoll, Connor Tiley, Felix Sui

ABSENT: Zachary Gosatti, Joshua Papenfus, Finn Stenning Alexander

170 | Wellbeing and Formation
BACK ROW: Zachary McLean, Declan Collins, Hudson Ding, Luke Chapman, Lucas Cardaci, Westlee Terrell, Liam Chandler, Matthew Cardaci, Eamon Day

Sport and Co-curricular

Annual 2023 | 171

2023 Sports Awards


































172 | Sport and Co-curricular

PSA Sport

Participating in sports is a crucial component of a well-rounded education at Trinity College. Physical activity holds significant importance in a student’s life, offering enduring benefits that resonate throughout their entire lifetime. Engaging in sports imparts valuable life lessons, contributing to the development of a young individual and influencing the person he evolves into upon graduating from Trinity.

Having navigated the challenges of Covid-19 in 2022, the year 2023 brought a renewed focus on normality. The primary goal was to enhance and develop the Trinity College sports program. This effort aims to offer students ample opportunities for growth in their chosen sports and, equally important, to ensure an enjoyable Trinity sporting experience for all involved.

Once again, Trinity Rowing were outstanding at the annual Head of the River regatta, winning both the Challenge Cup for the first time since 2016, and the Hamer Cup for an amazing fourth year in a row. Congratulations to Mr Phil Jurjevich (’85), Liam Dee (’07), Luca Rossi (‘20) and Mr Mat Doyle for overseeing a great program and continuing to provide a strong culture that the students excel in.

In the 2022/23 season, Trinity’s Volleyball Program achieved a notable fifth place for its 1st VI team, demonstrating the sport’s increasing popularity, with a substantial enrolment of middle school students. Both middle school and Year 10 teams delivered impressive results, emphasising the program’s commitment to talent development at all levels. The success of the season suggests a bright future for Trinity Volleyball, supported by a synergy between experienced players and emerging talents. Meanwhile, in Water Polo, Trinity secured a commendable fourth place for the 1st VII, with the middle school team also showing promise. Callum Pugh’s selection for the 16s Australian team highlighted individual dedication. Trinity’s Cricket season concluded with the 1st XI in fifth place, but the program’s strength lies in Alumni involvement, fostering mentorship and skill-sharing.

Basketball underwent changes, with coach Carlin Hughes fostering a culture of hard work and dedication. Tennis started strong but faced setbacks, finishing third. Despite challenges, Trinity’s commitment to continuous improvement and growing student engagement remains a defining feature across all sports programs.

Thank you to all the summer sporting captains who led by example and held the highest standards of integrity to be role models for the students in their respective sporting programs

Sport Captain






Water Polo

Aiden Cannington (12.3)

Thomas McGrath (12.8)

Xavier Nicoletto (12.7)

Benjamin Thompson Tilyard (12.8)

Joshua Damianopoulos (12.6)

Edward Davis (12.2)

Annual 2023 | 173

Trinity’s Badminton Program in the 2023 season displayed promising growth, despite finishing sixth. The commitment of the 1st VI students and sustained high participation levels boded well for the sport’s future. Middle school students showed determination, laying a foundation for continued success. Trinity’s Cross Country Program, in the same season, delivered pleasing results, despite a sixth-place finish, showcasing exceptional team spirit and a positive culture. The AFL Program witnessed a remarkable turnaround, with the 1st XVIII securing fourth place, challenging champions Scotch twice. The middle school program maintained strength, particularly the undefeated 7A team.

In Hockey, despite challenges, the 1st XI’s late-season surge resulted in a respectable sixth-place finish, while the middle school division exhibited promising potential. Rugby faced challenges, with the 1st XV securing a respectable fourth place; however, middle school teams showed remarkable growth and victories. Soccer soared with optimism, securing a remarkable second-place finish for the 1st XI, while the undefeated 8As marked a stellar season for the middle school division, emphasising Trinity’s enduring excellence and vibrant potential.

Thank you to our winter Captains who have competed in the blue and green for the last time. I hope you continue to stay connected to the College sports program as a coach or spectator.

While the weekly highlights and scores typically centre on the outcomes of the 1st teams, it’s important not to overlook the consistent dedication of our middle school students who tirelessly strive for improvement in their chosen sports. Though it’s not possible to cover all the noteworthy moments each week, it’s commendable to acknowledge the impressive seasons these boys have had.

Sport Captain

Football Adam De Masi (12.7)

Badminton Chi Chi Chen (12.6)

Soccer Christian Ludovico (12.2)

Rugby Taatama Rere (11.2)

Cross Country Kobee Beck (12.5)

Hockey Lennox McGrath (12.6)

Trinity College can take pride in the promising students who will, in the future, embody the TC Spirit at the highest level.

My sincere thanks and gratitude are extended to everyone involved in the College sporting program. To the ground staff, teachers, coaches, TC Old Boys, parents and especially the students who represent the ‘three crowns’ every week – your time and effort are greatly appreciated.


174 | Sport and Co-curricular


The PSA athletics season at Trinity once again started with the College Athletics Carnival at the WA Athletics Stadium. In its second year of running, it was fantastic to see an increase in students nominating themselves to compete against their peers and use this as an opportunity to produce results that would gain them selection in the athletics squad. This has been a valuable addition to the athletics season, which allows more students to be identified as possible competitors for the PSA Athletics Inter-school Carnival.

Student attendance at training was consistent throughout the four weeks; however, it took until the last two weeks of training for student numbers to reach a level that is required to compete for the Alcock Shield. A tri-meet with Wesley and Christ Church produced some promising results, and spirits were high in the squad that Trinity could surpass our 2022 finishing place of fourth.

Highlights of the day included our Under 15 and Under 16 age group who were the highest scoring Trinity age groups and won their respective divisions. Our hurdles squad finished first over the hurdles events for the second year in a row, and our 100 metres and 200 metres runners, and discus throwers, finished second.

Our top individual athletes were:

Elijah Councillor (7.5) Under 13 36.5 Pts

Jonah Clarke (8.2) Under 14 50 Pts

Axel Walsh (9.3) Under 15 54 Pts

Euan Barker* (10.4) Under 16 60 Pts

Kade Hampson (11.3) Under 17 76 Pts

Robert Marchesi-Scott (12.3) Open 40 Pts

Harrison Rogers (12.2) Open 40 Pts

Declan Ryan (12.1) Open 40 Pts

*Euan Barker was also named the Under 16 Age Group Champion

With so many competitors racing, throwing and jumping at the same time, the overall score often overshadows the individual performances. It would be remiss of me not to recognise our athletes who set new PSA records.

Congratulations to the following students who can now proudly say they own a PSA record:

When reflecting on the 2023 athletics season, as well as previous seasons, it has become evident that Trinity has the talent required to finish among the top schools in the pursuit of the Alcock Shield. However, the school that holds the shield at the end of the carnival is the school that has the greatest depth of athletes throughout the 143 events. A greater commitment to training and competing is needed from all students to achieve the ultimate success in athletics.

Ultimately, it was a very close day between the top four schools, and with Trinity in the mix for a top-three finish, excitement grew throughout the day. However, Scotch College once again proved that they are the supreme school in athletics, winning the Alcock Shield for an amazing sixth year running! Trinity once again finished in fourth place; however, the gap between the top four schools has closed, with only 211 points separating them.

Thank you sincerely to all staff, in particular Mr Damien Hansen, who assumed a greater role in managing the athletics season, and to the coaches for their time and effort in preparing the students as best as possible during the season.

Annual 2023 | 175
Age Group Event Student New Record Old Record Under 16 400 metres (Div 1) Ngor Athoi (10.4) 50.84 seconds 51.18 seconds Open Shot Put (Div 1) Robert Marchesi-Scott (12.3) 19.32 metres 16.90 metres Open Discus (Div 1) Robert Marchesi-Scott (12.3) 54.94 metres 54.88 metres

BACK ROW: Marcus Cassidy, Sachin Tana, Lachlan Brown, Harrison Rogers, Jack Hansen-Knarhoi, Judd Ingleton, Axel Walsh, Charlie Watson, Ryker Knott, Liam Gearon, Joel Carcich, Charlie Hampson, Chat Reath, Matthew Petagna, Max Van Noord

SIXTH ROW: Nikhil Bisnath, Euan Barker, Ngor Athoi, Benjamin Matuszkiewicz, Ulrich Van Der Westhuizen, Archie Thomas, Carl Morrison, Charles Gorski, Felix Cooper, Brashen de Vries, Jack Sawkins, Matthew Jenkins, Evan Berson, Hudson Chambers, Cohen Johnson, Luke Boudames

FIFTH ROW: Oscar McManus, William Taboni, Adam De Masi, Riley Pearson, Jack Edmondson, Deng Wuor, Zack Hately, Noah Hugo, Kade Hampson, Maxwell York, William Naismith, John Van Beek, Aryan Gupta, Cameron Doyle, Phoenix Buktenica, Jonah Clarke, Henry English

FOURTH ROW: Zavier Leone, Max Rees, Jayden Cole, Lincoln Andrews, Ryan Cassidy, Temitayo Adebayo, Elijah Councillor, Charlie Denniston, Thomas Carlos, Remi Merenda, Lachlan Mammana, Nicholas Di Biase, Henry Clarey, Declan Collins, Hudson McLoughlin, Xavier Bernard, Riley Hannah, Harvey Pyett

THIRD ROW: Julian Barbas, Jasper Nutt, Samuel Keys, Owen Breakingbury, Chayse Pitt, Liam Breakingbury, Fabian Latouche, Daniel Russo, Archie Jarvis, Lucas Le, Eamon Day, Pathawi Edwards, Samuel Tranter, Nate Cass, Orlando Martino Da Fonseca, Aidan Kiely, Blake Ferguson, Jett Mison, Zakaria Southern, Nash Styles

SECOND ROW: Mr Mikolaj Goscicki, Mrs Tahlia Peacham, Mr Stephen Leahy, Mr Mark Allen, Mr Daniel Matuzskiewicz, Mr Alex Baumann, Robert Marchesi-Scott, Kobee Beck, Mr Ryan Lockyer, Declan Ryan (Captain), Mr Damien Hansen, Aden Thomson, Christian Ludovico, Mr Xavier Walsh, Mr Mitchell Migro, Mr Stephen Kernutt, Mr Clint Testa, Mr Kenny Chan, Mr David Borrello

FRONT ROW: Archie Blatchley, Jasper Morris-Luck, Oliver Pontre, Trent D’Alessio, Cullen O’Brien, Fletcher Easthope, Oliver Bowen, Benjamin Howard

176 | Sport and Co-curricular
Athletics Team
Annual 2023 | 177


In 2023 our 1st Badminton team experienced significant changes due to the departure of our outgoing Year 12 players. Naturally, we anticipated a transitional year as our new team members adjusted to the demands of the 1st team. Surprisingly, this transition was swift, with many players adapting to the rigours of 1st-team competition remarkably quickly. They achieved numerous victories in both singles and doubles matches, ultimately securing three wins and a joint fifth-place finish overalll.

The success we enjoyed this year is testament to the positive culture and effective coaching programs that have been instilled throughout the College across all year levels. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our Head Coach, Mr Ryan Lim, and our dedicated coaching staff – Ms Su-fen Chung (3rd and 4th teams), Mr Galvin Francisco (5th and 6th), Mrs Judy Dawson (7th and 8th), Mr Anthony D’Ignazio (Middle School A and B teams), Mr Michael Slacksmith (Middle School C and D teams) and Ms Leah Rogers (Middle School E and F teams) – for their unwavering commitment during training sessions.

Our squad’s depth in both the 1st and 2nd teams presented a delightful challenge during team selections, as we had many capable players vying for spots in both line-ups.

Chi-Qiyang Chen (12.6), our 1st team’s number one player, set the tone, with consistent success throughout the season. His leadership was instrumental. He was well-supported by our 1st team members, all of whom contributed valuable wins: Llavan Pirabananthan (12.2), Cale Boska (12.8), Dylan Darmawan (12.5), Nicholas Day (11.3), Robert Moschilla (11.3), Alvarez Dharma (12.3) and Harrison Watkins (12.8).

LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr Mark Dodd (Manager), Llavan Pirabananthan, Nicholas Day, Dylan Darmawan (Vice-captain), Cale Boska, Qiyang Chen (Captain)

ABSENT: Alvarez Dharma, Robert Moschilla, Harrison Watkins

Our team Captain, Chi-Qiyang Chen, exemplified leadership on and off the court, setting a positive example for the 1st team and serving as a role model for our 2nd team. We extend our gratitude to our Vice-captains, Llavan Pirabananthan and Dylan Darmawan, for their invaluable support and mentorship of our younger players.

Kudos to our 2nd team, comprising Branson May (12.7), Oliver Nutt (12.3), Nam Lam (12.6), Alexander Santoro (10.6), Luke Chapman (10.3), Blake Peyman (10.5), Isaac Hoang (11.1) and Virtue Ta (11.5) who consistently improved throughout the season and put the pressure on our 1st team.

We also wish to acknowledge the consistent effort and standard of play displayed by our 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th teams throughout the season.

Lastly, I extend my gratitude to all the parents for their unwavering support throughout the season and their dedicated efforts in preparing and supervising our morning teas.

Mr Mark Dodd Badminton Team Manager

BACK ROW: Mr Mark Dodd (Manager), Harrison Watkins, Branson May, Oliver Nutt, Virtue Ta

FRONT ROW: Alvarez Dharma, Isaac Hoang, Luke Chapman, Alexander Santoro, Blake Peyman


178 | Sport and Co-curricular
1st XI Badminton 2nd XI Badminton

3rd VI Badminton

BACK ROW: Ms Su-Fen Chung, Thomas Wrensted, Benjamin Carson, Eddie Jia

FRONT ROW: Jonathon Le Goueff, Matthew Kerr, Thomas Park, Srithan Puttagunta, Pietro Mafrica

ABSENT: Noah Cork, Sebastian Park

5th VI Badminton

BACK ROW: Mr Galvin Francisco, Debadipti Sarkar, Hieu Dixon, Zach Christiansen

FRONT ROW: Torrey Benness, Deakin Tran, Matthew Ryan, Hayden Theobald

ABSENT: James Parker

7th VI Badminton

BACK ROW: Mrs Judy Dawson, Ryan Holland, Luca Palmero

FRONT ROW: Levi Gosatti, Conor Boland, Niall D’Silva, Preetham Kamath

ABSENT: Xavier Audino, Sean Blampey, Lewis Murabito, Westlee Terrell

4th VI Badminton

BACK ROW: Ms Su-Fen Chung, Robert Marchesi-Scott, Alexander Carson, Gabriel Pereira

FRONT ROW: Lewis Murabito, Jake Manson, Alessandro Hipolito, Matthew Koetser

ABSENT: Liam Bush, Patrick Carroll, Reilly Cooper, Callum Huppatz, Samuel Shipton

6th VI Badminton

LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr Galvin Francisco (Coach), Thomas Teo, Joshua Sharp, Theodore Stynman, Alessio Salvia, Cuba Williams

ABSENT: Rhys Davey, James Kenwery, Henry Owen, John Rigby, Leo Sumich

8th VI Badminton

BACK ROW: Mrs Judy Dawson, Mitchell Christianopoulos, Jett Rodgers

FRONT ROW: William Jones, Jason Wang, Joshua Bairstow, Sonny Simeon

ABSENT: Raphael Masbate, Denver Havercroft, Ethan Reynolds

Annual 2023 | 179

Middle School Badminton E/F

Middle School Badminton A/B

BACK ROW: Mr Anthony D’Ignazio (Coach), Kyle Skidmore, Brendan Carrabba, Oliver Rowney, Michael Grassi, Kyan Monterosso, Neil Singh

FRONT ROW: James Locke, Hamish Rajmohan, Sachin Natraj Kalale, Zenneth Ker, Larston Dharma, Jax Baljic, Denzel Wibowo

Middle School Badminton C/D

BACK ROW: Mr Michael Slack-Smith, Justin Le, Azura Akbar, Kyan Tremain, Ethan Taylor, Milan Sertorio, Arnav Dakhane, Alphons Joseph, Roman Lawrence

FRONT ROW: Jacob Cloud, Lochlan Cowton, Ethan Boytt, Calvin Trinh, Angus Brown, Liam Reynolds, Maxwell Castalanelli, Felix Sui

ABSENT: Ethan Zappavigna

BACK ROW: Roan Becker, Maxim McCamish, Robert Naysmith, Lucas Le, Christian Parola, William Gover

MIDDLE ROW: Ms Leah Rogers (Coach), Luke Bradley, Elias Luu, Matthew Prosser, Ben O’Driscoll, Thusheivan Pirabananthan, Joel Sanford

FRONT ROW: Lucas Ting, Benjamin Muller, Henry Charles, Nicholas Pritchard, Jacob Tran, Lucas Hall, Joshua Agapitos

ABSENT: Sebastian Maher, Ethan Smith

180 | Sport and Co-curricular


The 2022/23 1st V Basketball season presented as a series of ups and downs. As the final buzzer sounded on our last game against Scotch College, signalling the close of the season, it was time to reflect upon the journey that brought with it some great wins, close losses and a promising future that lies ahead.

The most significant development of the season for the 1st V Basketball team and Trinity College basketball was the mid-season change in coaching staff. Coach Aaron Trahair, a respected figure within the basketball community and a positive presence at 1st-team level, decided to step down for personal reasons. His departure marked the end of an era and left the boys feeling a sense of uncertainty. However, change can often be the catalyst for growth, and it was in this spirit that we welcomed our new head coach, Mr Carlin Hughes. Coach Hughes came with an impressive record of success at his numerous coaching positions, along with a fresh perspective and a determination to bring out the best in our boys. His leadership style is hard, but he has quickly won over the senior boys, and the players responded with resilience and enthusiasm. Coach Hughes’s emphasis on fundamentals, a renewed focus on player development and his dedication to building a strong team culture has made a significant impact in a very short period. We witnessed our players’ growth, both individually and collectively, as the season progressed. The 1st V Basketball team finished the season strongly.

As we close this chapter, we would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to our Year 12 graduating students for their outstanding contributions to our Basketball Program and for representing our College with pride and honour.

1st V Basketball

We wish them the very best in their future endeavours and hope they continue to carry the values of teamwork and sportsmanship with them wherever they go.

A special mention must go to Declan Armour (12.1), who represented Western Australia in the State U/18 team at the Nationals, and Cale Reuban (10.3), who represented Western Australia in the State U/18 team at the Nationals.

In conclusion, the 2022/23 basketball season has been a journey marked by change and growth. Our boys have faced adversity with resilience, and our new coach brought fresh energy to the team. TC Basketball looks forward to the bright future that awaits us on the court and off it, with the reinvigorated Trinity Basketball Program and Friends of Basketball Committee. With the unwavering support of our dedicated staff and parents, the continued hard work of our young men and the strategic guidance of Coach Hughes, we are ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities of the seasons to come.

Thank you for your untiring support. We can’t wait to see you next season, when we embark on a new and promising basketball journey.

Ms Amanda Marocchi 1st V Basketball Manager

Annual 2023 | 181
BACK ROW: Mr Peter Oliver, Marcus Cassidy, Riley Ford, Hamish Elder, Jack Gillespie, Mr Carlin Hughes FRONT ROW: Maxwell York, Chat Reath, William Akec, Aiden Cannington, Jonathan Draper, Talan Rankin, Dan Lutula Shungu ABSENT: Declan Armour, Ms Amanda Marocchi

Basketball 10A

BACK ROW: Mr Troy Alexander, Christian Di Biase, Roman Hube, Hamza Abdi Elmi, Andres Zavarce Hultzsch, Noah Hugo

FRONT ROW: James Watkins, Cale Reuben, Cooper Harrison, Evan Berson, Joshua Morosini

Basketball 10C

BACK ROW: Mr Alex Baumann, William Curtis, Travis Puertollano, Oliver Bradley-Moore, Harry Howes, John du Plooy, Benjamin Muller

FRONT ROW: Julius D’Amelio, Mason Lyons, Jack Browne, Vanden Howard, Cooper Murphy

ABSENT: Mitchell Lynch

Basketball 9A

BACK ROW: Ms Melissa Ierace, Ewan MacLean, Robert Bonney, Ben Elder, Brendan Carrabba, Murray Yarran

FRONT ROW: Hudson Armour, Jamie Wilson, Max Radica, Cooper Poustie, Mateo Rea

ABSENT: William Taboni

Basketball 10B

BACK ROW: Ms Jessica Mullahey, Deng Wuor, Euan Barker, Beau Bellekom, Ngor Athoi, Cooper Thompson, Daniel Morrison

FRONT ROW: Brendan Rigby, Maximillian Collins, Aidan Pontre, Lachlan Allanson, Jack Uhlmann

ABSENT: Cohen Andrzejczak

Basketball 10D & 10E

BACK ROW: Mr Clint Testa, Keanu Chady, Nicholas Borck, Eli Walsh, Oscar McManus, Nikhil Bisnath, Ms Melinda Italiano

FRONT ROW: Kristian Karigambe, Lithum Wickramanayake, Hayden Trinh, Jeremy Spanjich, Alexander Kin-Maung, Samuel Kemp, Jake Ieraci

Basketball 9B

BACK ROW: Ms Melissa Ierace, Tom Lindegger, James McGinty, Leo Periz, Dhungala Briggs, Isaac Giancola

FRONT ROW: Hamish Rajmohan, Thomas McEachran, Tyler Murphy, Benjamin Maine, Jean-Paul Marion

182 | Sport and Co-curricular

Basketball 9C

BACK ROW: Jax Baljic, Zack Hately, David Shanahan, Campbell Mundy, Xavier Celedin

FRONT ROW: Campbell Wehr, Sebastian Nicholas, Derell Corunna, Christian Gavin, Isaac Scott

ABSENT: Harry Jenkins, Mr Dylan O’Connor

Basketball 9E

BACK ROW: Ms Gabrielle Ietto, Adam Di Girolamo, John Chatzimichail, Ryker Knott, Riley Ferguson, Thomas Parker, Thomas Secker

FRONT ROW: Joshua Cordova, Archie Santella, Ashtyn McDonald, Levi Braunstein, James Naismith

Basketball 8A

BACK ROW: Mr Mitchell Migro, Kazeem Matsumoto, Luke Websdale, Thomas Wright, Caeden Olowoyo, Mr Taj Ingleton

FRONT ROW: Joshua Websdale, Xavier Allison, Ryan Cassidy, Jack Holland, Austin Rose, Benjamin Lohman White, Lachlan Nicolaou

ABSENT: Riley Thompson

Basketball 9D

BACK ROW: Ms Julianne Blair, Jacob Parker, Nate Lindquist, Oscar Simpson, Jake Afkos

FRONT ROW: Benjamin De Santis, Reuben Tran, Damon Pelpola, Lachlan Wisby, Levi Berry

ABSENT: Lucas Topping

Basketball 9F

BACK ROW: Ms Nicole Benn, Lucian Lamattina, Griffin Carpenter, Dylan Cadogan, Joshua Karelis

FRONT ROW: Hayden Chady, Taj Distefano, Isaac Postma

ABSENT: Jackson Scarparolo, Robert Hall

Basketball 8B

BACK ROW: Mr Mitchell Migro, Charles Nyoni, Temitayo Adebayo, Mason Montgomery, Hamish Mundy, Tyson Cass

FRONT ROW: Finlay Jennings, Luca Gardiner, Kai Bulner, Stephen Williams, Tyler Wehr

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Basketball 8C

BACK ROW: Mr Christopher Brennan, Cooper Brown, Roman Smolic, Sebastian Harbridge, Roman Ismay, Julian Manfredini, Miles Cowan

FRONT ROW: Jack Lindegger, Reef Brendon, Angus Brown, Salih Kisla, Alexander Credaro, Connor Rodda, Marcus Dawes-Requejo

Basketball 8E

BACK ROW: Max Lyle, Marley Wirrpanda, Sebastian Ricciardello, Milan Sertorio, Max Secker, Jordan Matthes

FRONT ROW: Oscar Del Paggio, Dillon McDaid, Ethan Boytt, Alexander Jurjevich, Ethan Schneider

ABSENT: Andre Musca, Brodie Robinson, Ms Rita Basilio, Mr Colby Sibosado (Coach)

Basketball 7B

BACK ROW: Thomas Haughey, Ethan Kingsbury, Blake Huppatz, Peter Jakob, Hadley Walker, Paul Liu

FRONT ROW: Jasper Nutt, Jai Litis, Oliver Gruber, James Spencer, Ryder Hanna, Rhys Tan, Nate D’Costa

ABSENT: Xavier Walsh (Coach)

Basketball 8D

BACK ROW: Mr Colby Sibosado, Jonah Clarke, Caden Stillman, Tully Ryan

FRONT ROW: Antony Trinh, Juwane Miller, Nikolas Vasilas, Coby Gonzalez, Christopher Roebuck-Baxter

Basketball 7A

BACK ROW: Mr Mark Allen (Coach), Tace Rankin, Lucas Le, Elijah Councillor, Nate Cass, Christian Roberts, Alek Gonzalez

FRONT ROW: Eli Wirrpanda, Nash Styles, Aidan Kiely, Kobe-Jackson Peppin, James Bianchini

Basketball 7C

BACK ROW: Mr Andrew Jenkin, Jack Katich, Swaka Arkangelo Lako, Liam Jarvis

FRONT ROW: Eamon Deshon, Dexter Pereira, Tomas Lackovic, Benji Palmer, Christian Nicholas

ABSENT: Reilly Bruce, Fraser Rose

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Basketball 7D

BACK ROW: Fletcher Easthope, Alexander Scott, Carl Morrison, Louis Daniel, Zander Oldham, Riley McDermid

FRONT ROW: Jacob Tran, Tayton Calgaret, Matthew Lucano, Jett Murphy, Deon Afkos, Oliver Bowen, Patrick Seale

ABSENT: Ethan Byrne, Shayne Loller, Jacob Nardi, Mr Jack Portaro (Coach)

Basketball 7F

BACK ROW: Mason Priolo, Samuel Williams, Robert Naysmith, Zakaria Southern, Tye Mammana

FRONT ROW: Oscar Hudson, Chenxi Shi, Zac Italiano

ABSENT: Mitchell Thompson, Lucas Ting, Max Scarparolo, Matthew Sta.Rosa, Mr Beau Allanson

Basketball 7H

BACK ROW: Cooper Harris, Vethum Wickramanayake, William Buttsworth, Aiden Lobegeier

FRONT ROW: Michael Masbate, Elijah Kelly, Taj Da Silva

ABSENT: Alexander Martin, Christian Parola, Mr Dion Primerano

Basketball 7E

BACK ROW: Mr Chris Mayne, Jag Nugent, Shayne Loller, Harvey Tewman, Chayse Pitt, Hansen Qin

FRONT ROW: Jack Johnson, Gabriel Sceresini, Luke Reeves, Jacob Nardi, Ethan Byrne

ABSENT: Joaquin Nunes

Basketball 7G

BACK ROW: Alexander Hugo, Callum Lynch, Matthew Cardaci, Oliver Beale, Daniel Cadogan

FRONT ROW: Jordi Faulkner, Ethan Pantany, Harry Chua

ABSENT: Rhys Du-Mathews, Mason Helean, Joel Sanford, Mr Seb Sciliano

2nd V Basketball

BACK ROW: Mr Jamaan Peters, Mendel Erftemeijer, Deacan Seve, Samuel Periz

FRONT ROW: Quinn Hamilton, Jaxon Artemis, Zac Ransom, Damon James, Naoki Walker

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3rd V Basketball

BACK ROW: Mr Mark Allen, Carl Morrison, Jake Manson, Noah Zafer, Isaac Hoang

FRONT ROW: Lucas Weston, Aiden Helean, Benjamin Coleman

ABSENT: Huey Dixon, Max Edwards, Brandon O’Driscoll, Mr Ryan Greaney

6th V Basketball

BACK ROW: Toby James, Jai Da Silva, Patrick Mannion, Luca Naseri

FRONT ROW: Patrick Fable, Christopher Leppard, Matthew Thomson, Jackson Phillips, Gianni Norrish

ABSENT: Mr John Abordi (Coach)

8th V Basketball

BACK ROW: Mr Ben Mitchell, Elliot Budrovich, Zakriya Khan, Benjamin Williams, Tawana Maruta, Jhy Casselton

FRONT ROW: Max Leyonhjelm, Brodie Mahauariki, Campbell Bradley, Hugo Lustig, Aaron Le

ABSENT: Joshua Wormald

4th V Basketball

BACK ROW: Mr Gerard Theseira, Anthony Bellouard, Declan Ryan, Carl Morrison, Bailey Allen, Nadev Mahatalagalage Don

FRONT ROW: James McCague, Andre Gulluni, Trent Laufer, Isaac Parker, Ben Thomas

ABSENT: Dylon Treasure

7th V Basketball

BACK ROW: Mrs Amanda Mariotti, Thomas Murray, Xavier Short, Max Van Noord, Ted Smith

FRONT ROW: Jacob Partington, Nicholas Peca, Levi Carle

ABSENT: Oliver Coates, John Rigby, Oshay Riley

9th V Basketball

BACK ROW: Zahn Celedin, Angus Calder, Jonathan Arwandi

FRONT ROW: Conor Boland, Saxon Duplock, Finn Dougherty

ABSENT: Anton Di Carlo, Joshua Gonzalez, Jamison Hehir, Caleb Hu, Mr Ciaran Johns

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10th V Basketball

11th V Basketball

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BACK ROW: Samuel Farnfield, Sebastian Carr, Benjamin Cronin, Jack Trumper, Euan Gardiner FRONT ROW: Cohen Johnson, Joseph Sykes, Bon Nastasi ABSENT: James Mackenzie, Hugh Matar BACK ROW: Mr Cyrus Naseri, Kane Creado, Ethan Reynolds, Leonardo Tomich FRONT ROW: Gabriel Masbate, Luka Prophet, Mackenzie Lowe, Marc Pepenar, Alex Miragliotta


In the world of chess, 2023 has proven to be an exceptional year for Trinity Chess, marked by remarkable achievements and a bright outlook for the year ahead.

Success in 2023: Rising to the Top

The highlight of this year’s chess journey is our impressive second-place finish in the PSA competition. This accomplishment is a significant improvement over previous years, highlighting the dedication and growth of our chess team. We displayed strategic prowess and resilience, losing just one round throughout the competition – an achievement that showcases our progress and potential.

Additionally, we proudly secured the fourth position in the Chess Association of Western Australia State Final. This achievement reinforces our consistency and competitive spirit, proving that we can hold our own at a high level.

The Heart of Trinity Chess: A Welcoming Haven

Our Chess Club has truly blossomed into a safe and welcoming haven, where students find joy, camaraderie and enrichment. Both lunchtime and after-school sessions provide an enjoyable space for chess enthusiasts of all skill levels. Here, they not only play the game, but also forge meaningful friendships, develop strategic thinking and find a sense of belonging.

Looking Forward to 2024

As we reflect on our successes in 2023, we can’t help but feel a sense of excitement for what lies ahead in 2024. Trinity Chess is poised for a year of growth and innovation, with new tournaments, special events and more opportunities to enhance our chess skills on the horizon. We invite you to stay tuned for updates and be a part of our exciting journey.

In conclusion, Trinity Chess in 2023 has been a year of achievement and improvement. The dedication and hard work of our team members, along with the support of our coaches and chess enthusiasts, have been instrumental in our success. With 2024 just around the corner, we eagerly anticipate new challenges and opportunities to further strengthen our presence in the world of chess. Here’s to a successful year behind us and an even brighter year ahead for Trinity Chess!

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1st XI

The 2022/23 season saw many new faces represent the Trinity 1st XI for the first time and provided some challenging and rewarding experiences. Regardless of the result, it was a privilege to coach the 15 players who represented the 1st XI, with the support of Mr Jason O’Malley, Mr Michael Murphy and Mr Bret Mulder.

Season Highlights

The players below are commended for their outstanding achievements throughout the season:

+ Ben Cranny (11.4) compiled 453 runs @ 37.75 and took 14 wickets in a fantastic season of 1st XI cricket.

+ Charlie Watson (11.5) took 21 wickets @ 23.34 to lead the wickets for the team.

+ Jake Collingwood (11.7) made 373 runs (including a century!) and took 10 wickets in a brilliant first season. The team, with the support of other senior cricketers, continued the tradition of running Year 7 fielding training, nurturing and supporting the 13th Man on game day. The players learned much about the standards and expectations of Trinity cricketers. Under the guidance of 1st XI Captain Tom McGrath (12.8), the 1st XI should be proud of their efforts to encourage the cricketers at the school to strive for excellence. I look forward to seeing the team build upon such standards in the upcoming season.

Junior School Awards

+ Junior School Cricketer of the Year

– Alistair Cosby (6G)

+ 5/6 A Champion Cricketer – Otis Brescacin (6W)

+ 5/6 B Champion Cricketer – Michael Boyatzis (5G)

+ 5/6 C Champion Cricketer – Flynn Gant (6G)

Middle School Awards

+ Middle School Cricketer of the Year

– Ryan Harold (8.3)

+ 7A Champion Cricketer – James Clark (8.3)

+ 7B Champion Cricketer – Jack Graham-Arho (7.2)

+ 7C Champion Cricketer – Tyler Ainslie (7.3)

+ 8A Champion Cricketer – Akain Ranawaka (8.1)

+ 8B Champion Cricketer – Hassan Samura (8.4)

+ 8C Champion Cricketer – Alexander Carney (8.8)

+ 9A Champion Cricketer – Riley Hannah (9.1)

+ 9B Champion Cricketer – Bowie McCabe (9.7

Senior Cricket Awards

+ Senior School Cricketer of the Year – Benjamin Cranny (11.4)

+ 2nd XI Champion Cricketer – Hudson Foote (11.8)

+ 3rd XI Champion Cricketer – Julian Crognale (10.3)

+ 4th XI Champion Cricketer – Joel Carcich (12.1)

+ 5th XI Champion Cricketer –Damon Christianopolous (12.4)

Aboriginal Artwork Middle Stump Initiative

The second annual Middle Stump Initiative ran this season. Noongar man Mr Clint Dann, who founded the initiative, hopes to see all middle stumps featuring Indigenous Australian artwork, representing the First People of our Country, used at a national level. A Noongar Whadjuk middle stump was used at Mann Oval this season.

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Thank You

I would like to thank the following people and groups for their commitment to the Cricket Program:

+ Friends of Cricket Committee – Mr Laurie Crock (President), Mr Brad Foote (Vice-president), Ms Michelle Shackles (Treasurer), Ms Danielle Hannah, Mr Kim Shackles, Mr Stephen Siciliano and Mr Johnny Colonico (General Committee Members)

+ Old Boys who have returned to the College in a coaching capacity

+ Current staff and external coaches

+ Ground staff, led by Mr Dayne Whalan, who prepare some of the best facilities in the PSA.

We also extend our gratitude to coach Bret Mulder –the vision and development he has provided to our students and the Cricket Program as a whole has been magnificent. We wish Bret all the best for his coaching journey in the Netherlands.

We look forward to the continued success of our Cricket Program as we develop and guide cricketers for the future.

1st XI Cricket

FRONT ROW: Lachlan Geange, Jake Collingwood, Matthew Crock, Thomas McGrath, Harry Costa, Adam De Masi, Benjamin Cranny

ABSENT: Kaiden Edmonds, Hudson Foote

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BACK ROW: Mr Jason O’Malley, Cruz Harber-Connell, Evan Alderslade, Max Hewitt, Charlie Watson, Ryan Kaczmarczyk, Matthew Jenkins, Rhys DeCelis, Mr Corey Miskiewicz

2nd XI Cricket

BACK ROW: Mr Andrew Jenkin, Xavier Rawlings, Hudson Foote, Max Hewitt, Louis Burnett, Lucas Hancock, Matthew Martin, Rylan Candy

FRONT ROW: Kaiden Edmonds, Isaac Quadros, Jack Edmondson, Alex Kaczmarczyk, Nicholas Day, Marcus Colonico, Noah Gleadhill

3rd XI Cricket

BACK ROW: Keshav Tewari, Connor Roberts, Oliver Cruskall, Thomas Shackles, Harvey Pyett

FRONT ROW: Daniel De Mattia, Aurelio De Mattia, Julian Crognale

ABSENT: Louis Burnett, Jack Clarey, Mr Fletcher Cooke (Coach), Bret Mulder (Coach)

4th XI Cricket

BACK ROW: Mr Barry McKenna, Liam McAlister, Damon Christianopoulos, Cole Trinder, Joel Carcich, Kyle Singh, Alexander Bradley-Moore, Lachlan Bird, Dimitri Mazarakis, Thomas Zinni

FRONT ROW: Nicholas Siciliano, Joshua Braunstein, Luke Perlini, Maathavan Pirabananthan, Pierce Edmonds, Jordan Allanson, Adam De Masi, Liam Quartermain, Nicholas Gordon

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5th XI Cricket

BACK ROW: Mr Dan Quartermaine, Liam Quartermain, Maathavan Pirabananthan, Damon Christianopoulos, Mitchell Christianopoulos, Samuel Shipton, Abishek Sureshkumar

FRONT ROW: Taj Hawkins, Keshav Tewari, Vens Patel, Owen Fuge, Riley Keen

ABSENT: Aodhan Seale, Liam Stojan

Cricket 9A

BACK ROW: Mr Jacob Wilkie, Tieg Maher, Daniel Russo, Nicholas Borman, Owen Mouchemore, Angus Hegarty, William Killigrew, Cooper Little, Liam Murray

FRONT ROW: Parker O’Brien, Usman Riyazi, William Eames, Riley Hannah, Samuel Chua, Tom Quartermain, Hudson Little

ABSENT: Mr Ryan Redfern

Cricket 9B

BACK ROW: Mr Preston Campbell, Jordan Marocchi, Bowie McCabe, Lachlan Mammana, Luke Stubbs, Kyle Skidmore, Sachin Natraj Kalale, Hudson Bown

FRONT ROW: Elijah Erceg, Luke Williams, Jack O’Neil, James Lake, Jaxon Banton, Daniel Poli, William Marsell

ABSENT: Cooper Little, Hudson Little

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Cricket 8A

BACK ROW: Mr Jarrad Wood, Henry Scholz, Mohit Malviya, Denim Siwek, Thomas Carlos, Neil Singh, Akain Ranawaka, Ryan Harold, Mr Rod Rainer

FRONT ROW: Jeremiah Santelli, Nathan Colley, Trent D’Alessio, Edward Jones, Xavier Damhuis, Phoenix Trott, Harrison Day

Cricket 8B

BACK ROW: Mr James Breust, Hunter McCombie, Henry Pearson, Blake Hampson, Jackson Kounis, Jaxon Davey

FRONT ROW: Hassan Samura, Daniel Gandy, Mackenzie Theobald, Fletcher Cosby, Mason Welsh, Conor Thompson, Tom Kerwin

Cricket 8C

BACK ROW: Mr Joel Blakeley, Henry Bennetts, Robin Buxton, Ethan Wolfe, Chanon Sutton, Luca Sorci, James Felsner, Alexander Carney, Mr Lachlan Eames

FRONT ROW: Lucas Fuge, Oliver Farrimond, Matthew Knezovic, Jarvin Pinesi-O’Brien, Luke Patino, Matthew Hodge, Jacob Cloud

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BACK ROW: Alexander McFarlane, James Dellow, Jaxon Bluntish, Remi Merenda, William McInerney, Levi Casson, James Clark

FRONT ROW: Curtis Ieraci, Damien Ouwendyk, Samson Birt, Jobe Hegarty, Arnav Panday, Spencer Hathrill, Mani Townsend

ABSENT: Mr Taylor Hannah (Coach), Mr Bernard Le Tessier Cricket 7B Cricket 7A

BACK ROW: Mr Lachlan Sibosado, Levi Casson, Jackson Lange, Fabian Latouche, Marc D’Cruz, Maclaren Ogg, Luca Di Fulvio

FRONT ROW: Blake Francis, Sean Shanahan, Jack Graham-Arho, Francesco Condo, Jonathan Fuge, Owen Thompson, Callum Quinn

Cricket 7C

BACK ROW: Mr Jacob De Santis, Eli McPherson, Thomas Menchetti, Rozen Ghimire, James Gambitta, Cameron Andrews, Luke Bradley, Ji Richardson

FRONT ROW: Tobias Sykes, Thomas Lodge, Reuban Hegarty, Lucas Bentley, Tyler Ainslie, Harry McLean, Tyler Davies

ABSENT: Morgan Yates

194 | Sport and Co-curricular

Cross Country

We have had a season of great effort from our senior runners, and with a result of sixth place it was impressive that this effort did not fade.

Ms Roberta Lawrence, Mr Geoff Jamieson and Mr Phil Jurjevich kept the focus on self-improvement, with every runner achieving significant improvements in their fitness, hard racing and support for each other. A unique aspect to the Trinity team is the jog-backs, which we continued to employ.

Declan Collins (11.6) and Captain Kobee Beck (12.5) made the state team for cross country and Harvey Pyett for middle distance. We had a group that was made up of senior athletes from Years 10, 11 and 12. Most other schools have filled their team with junior athletes that play football, rugby or soccer on Friday and race on a Saturday in cross country.

This is the changing nature of the competition, and we wish them well. We responded and invited our juniors to join us for our Aquinas fixture, and went within three points of defeating the eventual second-place team. For this race we had 28 junior runners respond to the invitation for ‘Rohirrim’ the Horsemen to arrive and join the team. The response was a highlight of the season, with Nicholas Stewart (9.2), Daniel Russo (9.4), Lucas Bentley (7.7), Michael Borman (7.8), Xavier (8.3) and Matt Collins (10.4), Marcus Jamieson (8.1), James Ho (8.5), Thibault Martin (9.6), Tobias Hailand (9.8), Banjo (9.5) and Jasper Morris-Luck (7.5) and Nikhil Bisnath (10.5) responding and making the top 15 runners. Ryan Cassidy (8.6) (who would go on to be one of our top five runners) also joined the team.

There is enormous talent in the College. We will look to match the other schools in attracting the younger runners and make it an opportunity for everyone to let the ‘horses out of the corral’. We don’t want to lose our senior runners, though, as they are our spirit and epitomise having balance between all demands of life. As academics become

more demanding, the benefits of a 15 to 40-minute run mean you can have a healthy balance that can stay with you through life. This was epitomised by Eli Walsh (10.5) achieving a six-minute personal best on the Trinity course over the season.

Other examples we are proud of include Owen Hewitt (11.6), who trained for the swimming nationals and swam 6 kms on a Saturday, before rushing to the race to forget the fatigue and race – always in our top four runners. Jack Hansen Knarhoi (11.3), trying for selection in the Australian team for rowing, would turn up to training and race after doing his WAIS squad training. Pierce Edmonds (12.1), was our best Team Man and Declan Collins (11.6), was our most improved.

We had a great team of great blokes. All experimented to varying degrees with keeping their ‘hand in the fire’ and should be proud of their season.

On a sad note, we lost Mr Don Spiers in November this year. Don and his three boys – Stephen, Damon and Clayton – established Trinity College as a force in running in the 1980s and 1990s. Don won the City to Surf and had an approach of never asking his athletes to do anything he wouldn’t do. He adopted this approach from Coach of Olympic gold medallist Herb Elliot and Percy Cerutty and used it to set records in every middle distance event from his sons and squad members. His runners, under John Bird, won the cross country for the first time in the 1980s.

We look forward to building on our efforts of this year and ask our runners to keep the engine running with three to five runs a week.

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Senior Cross Country

Eli Walsh, Benjamin Coleman

THIRD ROW: John Van Beek, Jehan Hopkins, Alex Sowman, Dominic O’Hagan, Owen Hewitt, Thomas Murray, Ted Smith, Brynley Boros, Tom Boisvert, Pierce Edmonds, Javier Chadinha

SECOND ROW: Mr Phil Jurjevich, Declan Collins, Thomas Blayney, Luke Matthews, Jack Edmondson, Matthew Blyth, Jordan Rodrigues, Maynard Gray, Ryan Cassidy, Harvey Pyett, Mrs Roberta Lawrence

FRONT ROW: Xavier Collins, Lucas D’Angelo, Ollie Fennell, Thomas Coles, Kobee Beck, Sebastian Kelleher, Andrew Zinni, Jacob Leahy, Anthony Milner, Matthew Collins

ABSENT: Luke Cooley, Harry Howes, Roman Hube, Hudson Mott, Stefan Zirojevic

Middle School Cross Country

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Michael Murphy, Nikolaos Papaspiropoulos, Joel Zuiderduyn, Jacob Connolly, Jacob Borck, Daniel Russo, Louis Daniel

FRONT ROW: Riley Hall, Michael Borman, Xavier Collins, James Jurjevich, William McInerney, Zac Italiano, Marc Jacob

ABSENT: Tobias Hailand, Miss Adelaide Garland

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BACK ROW: James Ho, Xavier Celedin, Jamie Wilson, Jon Fisicchia, Nikhil Thambiran, Marcus Jamieson, Bowie McCabe BACK ROW: Christopher Chan, Xavier Nicoletto, Liam Gearon, Lucas Cardaci, Jack Hansen-Knarhoi, Benjamin Sutherland, Hugh Matar, Jack Blechynden,


The AFL football year at Trinity College has been nothing short of spectacular, marked by positive growth across the program and numerous highlights that underscore the resilience and dedication of our teams. From the undefeated Year 7A squad to the 1st XVIII’s thrilling come-from-behind victory against arch rivals Aquinas, the season has been testament to the hard work and commitment of our players and coaching staff.

The year kicked off with a sense of determination and ambition that resonated throughout the entire AFL Program at Trinity. Under the guidance of our dedicated coaching staff, players at all levels demonstrated remarkable growth in their skills, teamwork and strategic understanding of the game. This positive development was evident not only in the victories on the field, but also in the camaraderie and sportsmanship displayed by our athletes.

Year 7A Undefeated Season

A standout achievement for Trinity College was the remarkable performance of the Year 7A team, which navigated the entire season undefeated. This achievement speaks volumes about the talent and potential within our junior ranks. The coaching staff’s focus on skill development, discipline and fostering a love for the game has undoubtedly laid a strong foundation for future success. The undefeated streak not only brings pride to the players and their families, but also serves as an inspiration for younger athletes entering the program.

1st XVIII Triumphs

The pinnacle of the season was certainly the success of the 1st XVIII, which secured victory in seven games. However, it was the clash against arch rivals Aquinas that will be etched in the memories of players and fans alike. Trailling by three goals at three-quarter time, the team showcased remarkable resilience and determination in a thrilling come-from-behind victory.

Come-From-Behind Victory

The match against Aquinas was a true test of character for the 1st XVIII. Facing a deficit and the pressure of the rivalry, the team displayed exceptional skill and composure in the final quarter.

A 10-point victory not only secured bragging rights, but also showcased the mental fortitude and strategic prowess instilled by the coaching staff. The atmosphere was electric and the post-match celebrations echoed the unity and spirit that defines Trinity College.

Impact of Coaching

Central to the success of Trinity College this year has been the outstanding coaching staff. Their commitment to player development, tactical acumen and emphasis on character-building has been pivotal in shaping the positive trajectory of the program. The coaching team’s ability to instil a sense of pride, discipline and passion for the game has undoubtedly contributed to the remarkable outcomes witnessed this season.

Looking Forward

The AFL football year at Trinity College has been a resounding success, marked by positive growth, memorable victories and the undeniable spirit of unity within our teams. From the undefeated Year 7A squad to the thrilling triumphs of the 1st XVIII, every level of the program has contributed to a season that will drive success for years to come. As we celebrate the achievements of the past year, we also look forward to building on this success and setting new benchmarks for excellence in the seasons to come. Trinity College stands as a beacon of sporting prowess, teamwork and character development, and we can all take pride in the accomplishments that have defined this extraordinary year.

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XVIII Football

THIRD ROW: Cole Trinder, Murphy Allen, Kaleb Rodriguez, Luke Cotellessa, Jack Sawkins, Isaac Parker, Maxwell York, Rylan Candy

SECOND ROW: Mr Julian Fritz (Manager), Mr Nick Kros (Assistant Coach), Declan Ryan, Jaxon Artemis, Mr Chris Mayne (Head Coach), Andre Gulluni, Kade Hampson, Mr Callum Walley (Assistant Coach), Mr Michael Soares Poeira (Assistant Coach)

FRONT ROW: Tyson McGuire, Jordan Allanson, William Norman, Ben Thomas, Adam De Masi (Captain), Zaiden Ladyman, Benjamin Matuszkiewicz, Aleksandar Podias, Liam McAlister

ABSENT: William Akec, Jack Gillespie

2nd XVIII Football

BACK ROW: Carl Morrison, Noah Zafer, Luka Bishop, Oliver Coates, Lucas Blair, Matthew Jenkins, Kristopher Hayden

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Brett Hassett, Carter Robertson, Jhy Casselton, Noah Killigrew, Hudson Foote, Joshua Braunstein, Benjamin Thompson Tilyard, Mr Anthony Byrne

FRONT ROW: Riley Pearson, Beau Hart, William Naismith, Koby Harbrow, Jake Quick, Jake Collingwood, Leon El-Said Coomerang, Benjamin Filear, Todd Hassett

ABSENT: Lachlan Rodger, Jack Sawkins, Kan Sweetman 1st

198 | Sport and Co-curricular
BACK ROW: Talan Rankin, Matthew Petagna, Riley Ford, Zac Ransom, Judd Ingleton, Liam McDonnell, Marcus Cassidy, Trent Laufer

3rd XVIII Football

BACK ROW: Marcus James, Joel Carcich, Fraser Perkins, Charlie Watson, Benjamin Williams, Matthew Maine (Captain), Kai Murphy

THIRD ROW: Nicholas Davies, Max Edwards, Ryan Kaczmarczyk, Max Hewitt, Sebastian Carr, Luka Bishop, Harry Costa, Matthew Crock

SECOND ROW: Mr Michael Soares Poeira, Jacob Palmer, Anthony Bellouard, Matthew Martin, Mr Taylor Hannah, James McCague, Quinn Hamilton, Lachlan Geange, Mrs Chanel Fenwick

FRONT ROW: Patrick Fable, Oscar Palermo, Luke Perlini, Kyle Turner, Alex Kaczmarczyk, Cohen Johnson, Nicholas Gordon

ABSENT: Xavier Rawlings

4th XVIII Football

BACK ROW: Jackson Phillips, Harry Hansen-Knarhoi, Harrison Rogers, Luke Tranter, Finn Johnston, Max Van Noord

MIDDLE ROW: Jamison Hehir, Brynley Boros, Nicholas Peca, William Thomson, Aiden Helean, Luca Naseri, Kobe Browne

FRONT ROW: Liam Quartermain, Patrick Fable, Levi Carle, Antonio Sanfilippo, Bailey Allen, Nicholas Gordon, Kan Sweetman

ABSENT: Jonah Adamson, Benjamin Cranny, Rhys DeCelis, Fallon O’Reilly, Isaac Quadros, Mr John Black

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10A Football

BACK ROW: Aleksandar Podias, Evan Berson, Jai Seinor, Thomas Smith, Isaak Boston, Ngor Athoi, Seamus McHugh, Travis Puertollano

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Dustin Aylmore, Luke Boudames, James Watkins, Eamonn Pearson, Cale Reuben, Byron Blatchley, Samuel Tranter, Jack Clarey

FRONT ROW: Julian Crognale, Archie Jarvis, Daniel Morrison, Bryce Blatchley, Ben Muller, Sanko von Boehm, Lachlan Allanson, Cooper Murphy

ABSENT: Euan Barker, Louis Burnett, Zach Gangemi, Mr Aiden Wedge

10B Football

BACK ROW: Mr Daniel Hribernik (Coach), Harry Rahman, Joshua Morosini, Jackson Lestone, Beau Bellekom, Charlie Loughnan, Julian Metcalf, Declan O’Brien

FRONT ROW: Samuel Howard, Vanden Howard, Thomas Secker, Cohen Andrzejczak, William Curtis, Samuel Quarmby, Bentley Rogan, Harry Dillon

ABSENT: Nicholas Borck, Julius D’Amelio, Jamie Kim, Matthew Plummer, Brendan Rigby, Jeremy Spanjich, Cooper Thompson

10C 5th XVIII Football

BACK ROW: Lucas Weston, Jonah Cartwright, Declan Armour, Connor Roberts

FRONT ROW: Riley Keen, Kael Paul, Ms Rebecca Bryant, Jonah Lindsell, Mason Lyons

ABSENT: Noah Bosio, Aiden Cannington, Miles Cass, Harry Dillon, Alexander Hanjin De Filippo, Damon James, Charles Johnson, Jackson Lestone, Lachlan Locantro, Kobe McCormack, Clayton Mott, Bon Nastasi, Gianni Norrish, Jack Periz, Ntai Rodoreda, Bentley Rogan, Aodhan Seale, Kyle Singh, Jarrdi Tass, Naoki Walker

9A Football

BACK ROW: Nate Lindquist, William Taboni, Ryan Tindall, David Shanahan, James McGinty, Angus Hegarty, Zack Hately, James Naismith

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Jason O’Malley (Coach), Jett Edwards, Mitchell Brown, Max Rees, Jaxon Beale, Riley Hannah, Tieg Maher, Mr Taylor Hannah (Coach)

FRONT ROW: Kai Collins, Daniel Russo, Isaac Giancola, Thomas McEachran, Lachlan Mammana, Ethan Turner, Tom Quartermain

ABSENT: Mr Ben Russell (Coach)

200 | Sport and Co-curricular

9B Football

BACK ROW: Nicholas Borman, Daniel McDonnell, Hudson Chambers, Owen Mouchemore, Campbell Mundy, Archie Thomas, Dhungala Briggs, Hudson May

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Fletcher Cooke, Thomas Parker, Joel Brouwer, Benjamin Maine, William Eames, Cooper Little, James Lake, Liam Murray, Ashtyn McDonald

FRONT ROW: Parker O’Brien, Jean-Paul Marion, Campbell Wehr, Jack O’Neil, Sebastian Nicholas, Elijah Erceg, Isaac Scott

9C Football

BACK ROW: William Gray, Jake Afkos, Lucian Lamattina, Maksim Lackovic, Ryker Knott, Isaac Bellis, Leo Periz, Oscar Simpson, Derell Corunna, Lucas Topping

FRONT ROW: Luke Williams, Jaxon Kowal, Hudson Armour, Lachlan Wisby, Luke Robinson, Hudson Bown, Luca Misiun, Bailey Coates, Mateo Rea

ABSENT: Mr Preston Campbell, Mr Noah Egitto

8A Football

BACK ROW: Henry Clarey, Ryan Cassidy, Blake Hampson, Thomas Carlos, Edward McLean, Jack Holland, Denim Siwek, Henry Pearson

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Jarrad Wood (Coach), Jackson Kounis, Hudson McLoughlin, Miles Pounder, Benjamin Lohman White, Benjamin Leahy, Mohit Malviya, Jonah Clarke, Mr Ryan Redfern (Coach)

FRONT ROW: Jeremiah Santelli, Lachlan Nicolaou, Samuel Keys, Finlay Jennings, Trent D’Alessio, Tyler Wehr, Dillon McDaid, Orlando La Falce, Zackery Paolo

8B Football

BACK ROW: Zavier Leone, Hamish Mundy, Fletcher Cosby, Riley Thompson, Thomas Wright, Luke Websdale, Mason Montgomery, Marley Marshall, Kazeem Matsumoto

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Mitchell Migro, Tom Kerwin, Tully Ryan, Ryan Harold, Henry Scholz, Jaxon Davey, Tyson Cass, Edward Jones, James Parsons, Mr Lachlan Eames

FRONT ROW: Harrison Day, Oliver Watkins, Connor Rodda, Kai Bulner, Xavier Allison, Xavier Damhuis, Sonny Giddings, Matthew Murdoch, Nathan Colley

Annual 2023 | 201

8C Football

BACK ROW: Akain Ranawaka, Sebastian Ricciardello, Levi Rhodes, Caden Stillman, Charlie Denniston, Chanon Sutton, Roman Ismay, Chase Oosterweghel

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Bernard Le Tessier (Coach), Conor Thompson, Mitchell Dwyer, Dhrish Bhatia, Brodie Robinson, Max Secker, Henry Bennetts, Max Lyle, Julian Manfredini

FRONT ROW: Oliver Little, Archie Fulford, Reef Brendon, Jarvin Pinesi-O’Brien, Casey Hellemons, Christopher Roebuck-Baxter, Finn Hodder-Ryan, Thomas Shaw, Ned Sargent

ABSENT: Alexander Credaro, Matthew Murdoch, Roman Smolic

7B Football

BACK ROW: Fraser Rose, Jai Litis, Alexander Scott, Samuel Lawrance, Aidan Kiely, Jaxon Bluntish, Riley McDermid

MIDDLE ROW: Mr John Black, Jackson Lange, Maclaren Ogg, Lucas Bentley, Cash Allen, Benji Palmer, Kobe-Jackson Peppin, Mitchell Thompson

FRONT ROW: Ethan Byrne, Francesco Condo, Jacob Nardi, Jobe Hegarty, Ethan Pantany, Tyler Ainslie, Oliver Bowen

ABSENT: Jack Graham-Arho, Mr Jacob De Santis

7A Football

BACK ROW: Tace Rankin, Hadley Walker, Liam Jarvis, Nate Cass, Remi Merenda, Elijah Councillor, Bryce Kyte, Elliot Flaherty, Chayse Pitt

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Andrew Jenkin (Coach), Nash Styles, Levi Casson, Fletcher Easthope, James Spencer, Jack Katich, Tye Mammana, Zakaria Southern, James Bianchini, Xavier Walsh (Assistant Coach)

FRONT ROW: Curtis Ieraci, Blake Francis, Damien Ouwendyk, Ryder Hanna, Jasper Nutt, Matthew Lucano, Eli Wirrpanda, Tayton Calgaret, Archie Blatchley

7C Football

BACK ROW: Joshua MacDonald, James Dellow, James Gambitta, Peter Jakob, Harvey Tewman, Carl Morrison, Thomas Haughey, Dexter Pereira

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Mark Allen, Thomas Batten, Oscar Hudson, Jasper Morris-Luck, Alexander McFarlane, Mason Chambers, Reilly Bruce, Arnav Panday

FRONT ROW: Jordi Faulkner, Callum Quinn, Jack Johnson, Benjamin Howard, Christian Nicholas, Patrick Seale, Tyler Davies

ABSENT: Samson Birt, Shayne Loller, Joel McKie

7D Football

BACK ROW: Oliver Gruber, Samuel Williams, Thomas Menchetti, Elijah Kelly, Zander Oldham, Oscar Carpenter, Cullen O’Brien

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Jacob Wilkie, Luke Reeves, Ji Richardson, Mason Priolo, Eli McPherson, Augustus Weir, Chenxi Shi, Jet Wilson

FRONT ROW: Mason Helean, Nate D’Costa, Owen Thompson, Daniel Cadogan, Samuel Quinn-Smith, Alexander Hugo, Harry McLean

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PSA Golf

After coming a close and disappointing second to Scotch College in 2022, the 2023 team reclaimed the PC Anderson Cup with a commanding seven stroke victory at Sea View Golf Course, in Cottesloe. Our team was strong, with six of the eight players having a handicap below 15.

The determination within the team to reverse the 2022 result was evident, with a number of boys turning up at Sea View to start their preparation and warm-up at 6.30am, when it was dark and the course still closed.

The format of the competition changed this year from an individual stroke format to a two-ball ambrose format. Each school had a total of eight players in their team who were then divided into four pairs for the game. The scores from the best three out of the four pairs were used to determine the winning school. This change was instigated to make the competition more of a team event, in line with other PSA sports, and feedback from the players confirmed this format made for an excellent and enjoyable contest. The standard of play throughout the day was high, with some outstanding ball-striking. However, in the end, it was the consistency of the Trinity team and their ability to make critical shots which resulted in the win.

Our record of winning the PC Anderson Trophy now stands at four titles over the last five years. There being no Year 12 boys in the team, all eight players who played this year will be returning to the College in 2024, so they would be rated a strong chance to challenge again for the Cup.

Our pairings and results were as follows:

+ Christopher Candeias (10.7) and Jonah Adamson (11.6): 66 strokes

+ Judd Ingleton (11.2) and Ben Cranny (11.4): 69 strokes

+ Riley Gott (11.2) and Rhys DeCelis (11.5): 71 strokes

+ Evan Alderslade (11.2) and Hudson Foote (11.8): 80 strokes

Congratulations to all the boys who represented the College, for their excellent sportsmanship and conduct over the course of the day.

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After a concerted effort in 2022 to build a culture within the Hockey Program that championed togetherness and teamwork, 2023 was a year dedicated to growth and improvement.

Our quest to improve over the year was validated by none other than Australian Kookaburras’ record games holder and current captain, Eddie Ockenden. After exchanging pleasantries following a hard-fought 4-1 loss to Christ Church, Ockenden (CCGS 1st XI coach) enquired as to how many players we were missing from the first round of fixtures. When told we fielded identical teams, he quite genuinely praised the improvement of our squad – meaningful words from a man under no obligation to give them and a sentiment that captures the success of Season 2023.

Senior Hockey experienced many trials and tribulations in Season 2023. For the 1st XI, comfortable wins came against Guildford Grammar School in each fixture and a constant dedication to bring our best was evident in narrow losses to Wesley College, Aquinas College and Scotch College. What was extremely noticeable in the development of this side was the players’ intent at the contest and desire to fulfil their role for the benefit of the team. Unfortunately, as a young team, periods and quarters of inconsistency within games tended to cost us victory.

The 2nd XI comprised a range of skill levels, from boys who played club hockey to players that were picking up a stick for the first time. As such, there were some challenging games against the traditionally stronger schools in the PSA competition. Nevertheless, most impressively, each player committed wholeheartedly to improving their skills and their gameplay. Their dedication culminated in great improvement, with a strong last game against Wesley College testament to all their hard work.

There is no doubt that the future of TC Hockey is bright, judging from the numbers and results of our Middle School A, Middle School B, Middle School C and 7A teams. The group had the highest number of hockey players we have seen for years, and although results on the scoreboard were inconsistent, each team reported great improvement over the year and, more importantly, enjoyment of the sport.

I wish to acknowledge the coaches, staff and Old Boys of the College who contributed greatly to the running of the hockey season and who undoubtedly enhanced the season’s experience for all players. Without the following people, a successful season would not have been possible: Ms Sharon Marwick, Mitch McGrath (’21), Lleyton Ardagh (’22), Michael Lamborn (’22), Callum Lee (’21), Mr Damien Hansen, Ms Kerry Dasborough, Ben Fels (’21), Joshua Kirkaldy (’21) and Ms Eleonore Brown. Our sincere thanks go to every one of them for their assistance.

I would also like to thank all the members of the Friends of Hockey for their support of their club this year. Their initiatives and hard work culminated in the hockey community turning out in massive numbers to our end-of-season wind-up. It was great to see the Staff Lounge full of hockey families gathering to celebrate the season, and it fills me with great optimism for the years ahead.

Our quest for improvement continues next year, and I am very much looking forward to watching the green and blue take the field once again in 2024.

Mr James Jesson 1st XI Manager

206 | Sport and Co-curricular

1st XI Hockey

BACK ROW: Jack Rundle, Charlie Hampson, Lachlan Brown, William Hall, Harrison Johnson, Levi McGrath

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Callum Lee, Nathan Tobin, Luca Sorci, Lennox McGrath, Xander MacDonald, Daniel Oatham, Mr James Jesson

FRONT ROW: Parker MacDonald, Madoc Lanfear Appleby, Kaiden Edmonds, Jackson Theobald, Hudson MacDonald, Lachlan Arnold

ABSENT: Nate Dodgson, Mackenzie Theobald

2nd XI Hockey

BACK ROW: Quinn Hellemons, Liam Chandler, Daniel Godfrey, Eric Van Noord, Ethan Patman, Sebastian Herrington, Finn Taylor, Kaiden Edmonds

FRONT ROW: Michael Suseno, Hudson Ding, Michael Lamborne, Ms Sharon Marwick, Mr Callum Lee, Joseph Chapman, Taj Hawkins

ABSENT: Henry Gebauer, Isaac Heald, Giacomo Vinciguerra

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Middle School Hockey A

BACK ROW: Mr Damien Hansen (Coach), James Curtis, Jacob Nicholls, Brandon Bird, Griffin Carpenter, Cuba Day, Nate Dodgson, Luca Sorci, Mackenzie Theobald

FRONT ROW: Oliver Farrimond, Daniel Gandy, Beau Paterson, James Felsner, Jeremiah Locke, Reuben Panaia, Matthew Hodge

Middle School Hockey B

BACK ROW: Ben Fels (Coach), Declan Hope, Isak Manning, Nicholas Stewart, Tom Lindegger, Royce Williams, Mr Damien Hansen (Manager)

FRONT ROW: Zane Del Paggio, Marcus Dawes-Requejo, Xavier Bracey, Levi Braunstein, Ryan Yeo, Jack Lindegger, Harry Bellamy

ABSENT: Tyson Franklin

Middle School Hockey C

BACK ROW: Ms Eleonore Brown, Oliver Gebauer, Thomas Downey, Emrys Connell, Felix Palmer

FRONT ROW: Lucas Fuge, Ethan Vo, Aris Mazarakis, Daniel Poli, Riley Moskwiak, Nathan Liew

ABSENT: Miss Kerry Dasborough

7A Hockey

BACK ROW: Mr Josh Kirkaldy, Hansen Qin, Arch Langer, Jacob Juricev, Alexander Martin, Ethan Kingsbury, Eamon Day, William Buttsworth, Jackson Lang

FRONT ROW: James Clark, Eamon Deshon, Jaxon Franklin, Morgan Yates, Joel Murabito, Reuban Hegarty, Thomas Lodge, Phi Nguyen

208 | Sport and Co-curricular


The 2023 rowing season has been our most successful ever, winning the coveted Challenge Cup and our record-equalling 15th Hamer Cup with a record score. Taking out 9 of the 12 races on the day, we also had athletes make the state-based Schools Pathway VIII and win medals at the National Championships, here in Perth. Dr Matt Doyle, the Olympic team BioMechanist, joined our team of coaches and added significantly. It has been a year to remember!

We were led by Xavier Nicoletto (12.7), our Captain of Boats, and Javier Chadinha (12.4) with Marcus James (12.1) and Fraser Perkins (12.2) as Vice-Captains, and Nathan Tobin (12.8) as Captain of Coxswains.

This whole year has been amazing. We thank the efforts of the parents, and the Auxiliary and kitchen led by Damon and Sally Hansen-Knarhoi.

Penrhos College and Mercedes Ladies College both made training more enjoyable, with combined rowing sessions and barbecues.

The January camp included the St Vincent de Paul’s fashion parade, bringing a little bit of Paris to the East Perth summer heat, along with some great planning and goal-setting with frank discussions.

We achieved exceptional results the whole way through the season. The Trinity regatta was one-sided, as only one other school won one race – Aquinas. We congratulate them on that event in the 1st VIIIs and our boys for a fierce display.

On 19 March, at the Head of the River, Trinity College won the Hamer Cup with a committed and passionate display. The races won were the 1st VIII, 2nd VIII, 3rd VIII, 4th VIII, 10AVIII, 10BVIII, 10 Quad, the 9B Quad and 9C Quad. The crews that didn’t come first still made the day ours by improving on their previous place and securing the Hamer Cup. This provided a record score for the Hamer Cup and was won by an 80-point margin to the next school.

To the racing, and the 1st VIII showed great character to fight back from two narrow losses under one second to Aquinas and the State Youth VIII.

The crew set an aggressive approach, racing with great character. Cox Kato Pachioli (11.2), Stroke Marcus James (12.1) (7) Alex Sowman (11.8) (from last year’s 10B 8) (6), Jack Hansen-Knarhoi (11.3) (5), Lachlan Blyth (12.6) (4), Harry Hansen-Knarhoi (12.4) (3), Javier Chadinha,(12.4) (2), Luka Bishop (11.5) (also from last year’s 10B 8) and Bow Joshua Gomes (12.4). With Jack Blechynden (11.4), Xavier Nicoletto (12.7), Lachlan Brown (11.5), Lucas Cardacci (11.3) and Liam Gearon (12.1) all racing in the VIII through the season. Coached by Luca Rossi (‘19) (the youngest ever winning 1st VIII coach) and Liam Dee (‘07), Lachlan Brown was our highest ranked rower but was unable to row due to an injury until the National Championships. He went on to row in the Pathway VIII for WA, along with Kato Pachioli (11.2), Jack Hansen-Knarhoi (11.3), Harry Hansen-Knarhoi (12.4), Javier Chadinha (12.4) and Marcus James (12.1).

Jack Hansen-Knarhoi also represented WAIS in the 4; he won a bronze in the scull and a silver in the 4 at the nationals, which preceded the selection regatta.

The spirit on display this year was brilliant, with the 3rd VIII, 2nd VIII, 4th VIII, 10As, 9Bs and 10 Quad going through undefeated – the 10 Quad by six lengths. A highlight of this character was the 10B VIII’s race.

Winning their first race by clear water, a protest saw a re-row. This was due to a broken rudder on the Aquinas boat, which saw them take on the challenge in indefatigable spirit to win the re-row by clear water. The 2nd VIII, 10 As and 1st VIII were seriously challenged by Christ Church, Hale and Aquinas respectively. They all showed the spirit to establish a lead and never give it back.

Josh Hicks (‘08), Alex Rossi (‘19), Jack Cleary (‘12) and Alex Baroni (‘20) all made the national team and are all a chance for the Paris Olympics in 2024, with Josh and Jack already selected.

In this fine season our ergo Champions were:

+ Year 8: Edward McLean ( 8.6)

+ Year 9: Lincoln Andrews (10.4)

+ Year 10: Isaak Boston (10.8)

+ Year 11: Jack Hansen-Knarhoi (11.3)

+ Year 12: Javier Chadinha (12.4)

+ Our Sculling Champions were:

+ Year 8: Charles Denniston (8.1)

+ Year 9: Nikhil Thambiran (9.3)

+ Year 10: Isaak Boston (10.8)

+ Year 11: Lachlan Brown (11.5) (Jack Hansen-Knarhoi (11.3) was our best performer at the nationals, with a bronze medal) The re-match is to come.

+ Year 12: Javier Chadinha (12.4)

In a club of champions, the best club man was Thomas Blayney (12.8).

We thank Mr O’Neill and Mr Lockyer for their support. The Trinity Spirit was evident in this great season.

Annual 2023 | 209

1st VIII Rowing

2nd VIII Rowing

210 | Sport and Co-curricular
LEFT TO RIGHT: Coach Mr Luca Rossi, Lachlan Brown, Marcus James, Alex Sowman, Jack Hansen-Knarhoi, Lachlan Blyth, Luka Bishop, Javier Chadinha, Harry Hansen-Knarhoi, Joshua Gomes, Kato Pachioli, Coach Mr Liam Dee LEFT TO RIGHT: Coach Mr Damian Pisano, Lucas D’Angelo, Rocco Fowler, Xavier Nicoletto, Liam Gearon, Jack Blechynden, Lucas Cardaci, Fraser Perkins, William Norman, Liam McDonnell

3rd VIII Rowing


4th VIII Rowing

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LEFT TO RIGHT: Coach Mr Sam Keenan, James Kenwery, Charles Black, Charles Gorski, Jetson Cook, Harry Watkins, Luke Scotford, William Thompson, Luke Mathews, Sebastian Kelleher, Nicolas Bowden-Jones, Coach Mr Dejan Bouwhuis LEFT TO RIGHT: Nathan Tobin, Benji Matuszkiewicz, Brynley Boros, Kobee Beck, Thomas Blayney, Oscar Palermo, John Van Beek, Declan Collins, William Naismith Coaches Mr Joseph Dawson, Mr Kenzie Bu
212 | Sport and Co-curricular
LEFT TO RIGHT: Coach Ms Olivia Torre, Kobe McCormack, Jonah Cartwright, Finn Taylor, Anton McChord ABSENT: Harry Dillon 10A 4X Rowing
5th VIII Rowing
LEFT TO RIGHT: Coach Mr Sam Keenan, Zach Christiansen, Kael Paul, Jackson Theobald, Ryan Murphy, Taj Kalenovic, Blake Kalenovic, Jonah Lindsell, Stefan Zirojevic, Michael Suseno, Coach Mr Dejan Bouwhuis

10B VIII Rowing

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LEFT TO RIGHT: Blake Partington, Giacomo Vinciguerra, Thomas Coles, Christian Beor, Mathew Plumer, Ollie Fennell, Jackson Lestone, Declan O’Brien, Xavier Kelly, Coach Mr Tim Kelly ABSENT: Coach Mr Tennessee Buti LEFT TO RIGHT: Coach Mr Philip Jurjevich, Stroke Luca Fowler, 7 Jai Seinor, 6 Charles Hampson, 5 Harry Johnson, Cox Matthew Collins, 4 Isaak Boston, 3 Tom Sinclair, 2 Samuel Tranter, Bow Seamus McHugh, Coach Mr Thomas Tranter 10A Quad Rowing

10 Reserves Rowing

LEFT TO RIGHT: Hugh Murphy, Benjamin Coleman, Stefan Andony, Mathew Blyth, Charles Metcalf, Jacob Leahy, Archie Brescacin, Dominic O’Hagan, Andre Letizia, Coach Mr Matthew Watson

9As Rowing

LEFT TO RIGHT: Tobias Hailand, Nikhil Thambiran, Hudson Chambers, James Jurjevich

ABSENT: Lachlan Moroney, Joely Patterson, Lincoln Andrews

9Bs Rowing

LEFT TO RIGHT: Banjo Morris- Luck, Joel Zuiderduyn, Luca Misiun, Thomas Downey, Coach Mr Alex Cartwright

ABSENT: Jayden Cole

214 | Sport and Co-curricular

9Cs Rowing

LEFT TO RIGHT: Xavier Bracey, Daniel McDonnell Casper Sim, Brashen de Vries, Jackson Beale, Coach Mr Sam Attwater

9Ds Rowing

LEFT TO RIGHT: Branden Bird, Phoenix Buktenica, Edward Ryan, Coach Mr Nicholas Biundo

ABSENT: Jett Edwards

9Es Rowing

LEFT TO RIGHT: Nicholas Stewart, Alexander Di Carlo, Sebastian Cowan, Oliver Nicoletto, Coach Mr Nicholas Biundo

ABSENT: Nate Dodgson, Coach Mr Lucas Siciliano

Annual 2023 | 215

9Fs Rowing

Year 8 Rowing

THIRD ROW: Ben Beros, Lachlan Reid, Benjamin Leahy, Miles Pounder, Chase Oosterweghel, Dhrish Bhatia, Marcus Jamieson, Blake Ferguson, Joel Petrillo, Owen Breakingbury, James Del Paggio, Liam Breakingbury

SECOND ROW: Xavier Collins, Samuel Keys, Orlando La Falce, Joseph Di Ciano, Oliver Watkins, Ned Sargent, Jett Mison, Mitchell Dwyer, James Berinson, Max O’Neil, Curtis Locke, Matthew Murdoch, Zane Del Paggio, Finn Hodder-Ryan

FRONT ROW: Riccardo Colicchio, Miss Sarah Renee, Mr Bjork Alia, Mr Chris Gardiner, Mr Phil Jurjevich, Thomas Naismith, Zavier Leone, Mr Damien Lawrence, Mr Rei Poon, Mr James Watkins, Mr Michael Slack-Smith, Oliver Little

ABSENT: Lachlan Bettridge, Tex Gorski

216 | Sport and Co-curricular
BACK ROW: Christian Odorisio, Hudson McLoughlin, Levi Rhodes, Marley Marshall, Sebastian McManus, Edward McLean, George Blaikie, Charlie Denniston, Nicholas Di Biase, Adrian Faraone, Henry Clarey LEFT TO RIGHT: Coach Mr Ben Tucker, Mark Jackowetz, Bailey Thomas, Royce Williams, Arnav Dakhane
Annual 2023 | 217


Throughout 2023 I have been privileged to witness firsthand the indomitable spirit, commitment and passion displayed by our players, coaches and the entire support system behind the scenes of Trinity Rugby. As we completed another season, it’s only fitting to express gratitude to those who made it all possible.

First and foremost, a heartfelt thanks to our incredible coaches. Every practice session, every strategy discussion and every motivational talk has your imprint. Your dedication goes beyond teaching the techniques of the game; you instil values of discipline, teamwork and perseverance in the heart of every player. It’s evident in how our teams face challenges head-on, both on and off the field. Your expertise, patience and guidance have been the backbone of our Rugby Program, and we are eternally grateful for your contribution.

To our dedicated staff – from those who maintain our pitches to those who ensure our kits are always ready and those who manage countless administrative details – thank you. The smooth functioning of any team is a collective effort, and your relentless work behind the scenes ensures that our players have the best environment to train and excel. Your hard work does not go unnoticed.

Parents, your unwavering support has been our strength. Whether it’s braving the cold to cheer for your sons, ensuring they’re well-fed and rested for practice, or even helping with logistics during the season, your involvement has been invaluable. It’s not just the physical presence or the tangible assistance; it’s the faith you place in the teams, the belief that every player can do their best and the love you shower on these young athletes.

The sidelines, filled with proud parents and friends, is a sight to behold and testament to the kind of community you have fostered here at Trinity College. A special thank you to the Rugby Committee, led by Ms Astrid Bierer-Cooper, for without the tireless efforts behind the scenes events such as the season launch, quiz nights and Presentation Dinner do not occur.

Lastly, to our phenomenal boys – the players who have given their blood, sweat and tears to uphold the pride and reputation of our College – thank you. This year you’ve demonstrated resilience, skill and an unwavering commitment to the game and each other. Every tackle made, every try scored and even the lessons learned from every defeat has made you stronger and more cohesive as a unit. The values of rugby extend beyond the pitch, and I am confident that the qualities you’ve honed here will stand you in good stead in every aspect of life.

A special thanks to the Year 12 students who have given their all in a Trinity jumper over a number of years – your contributions have been significant, and I hope to see you at some games or training sessions next year.

Looking Forward

As we close this chapter and look forward to the next, let’s carry with us the memories, the lessons and the camaraderie. The essence of rugby lies not just in the game itself, but also in the bonds formed, the challenges overcome and the collective spirit that drives us forward.

In the years to come, when you flip through this Annual and reminisce about these times, remember not just the matches won, but also the journey undertaken.

Remember the huddles, the post-match celebrations and the resolve to come back stronger after a tough game. Remember the unity, the passion and the family that is the Trinity College Rugby Club.

Here’s to another year of excellence, team spirit and cherished memories.


218 | Sport and Co-curricular

BACK ROW: Patrick Mannion, Chat Reath, Lachlan Blyth, Edward Davis, Braxton Buktenica, Taj Kulenovic, Benjamin Cronin, Lachlan Bird

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Phil Oddie, Jacob Partington, Xavier Short, Cooper Harrison, Dalvin Paki, Felix Cooper, Thomas Zinni, Christo Karageorgiou, Mr Harry Nesbit

FRONT ROW: John du Plooy, Oshay Riley, Dimitri Mazarakis, Taatama Rere, Deacan Seve, Aaron Webb, Noah Horgan, Finn Cappon

ABSENT: Mrs Eliza Knapman, Mr Gavin Laycock

1st XV Rugby Shield Rugby

BACK ROW: Cameron Doyle, Noah Hugo, Xavier Kelly, Oliver Bradley-Moore, Blake Kulenovic, Charles Gorski, Charlie Black, Oliver Cruskall

MIDDLE ROW: Mr David Allen, Aidan Pontre, Leo Klein, Ari Tasma, Bill Smith, Thomas Sinclair, Harry Murphy, Andre Letizia, Mr Dirk Gleghorn

FRONT ROW: Hugh Murphy, Daniel Brandenburg Jnr, Keanu Chady, Euan Gardiner, Blake Partington (Captain), Nicholas Wiinschl, Kato Pachioli, Stefan Andony

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Middle School Rugby A

BACK ROW: Hunter McCombie, Dante Latouche, Cooper Widdowson, Brashen de Vries, Joshua Bradbury, Mark Jakowetz, Casper Sim, Thomas Naismith

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Timothy Carslaw (Coach), Sebastian Cowan, Phoenix Buktenica, Henry English, Nicholas Di Biase, Lincoln Andrews, Jayden Cole, Leonardo Tanner, Dane Thomson

FRONT ROW: Levi Berry, Tynuka Reed, Kieran Heslop, Nathan du Plooy, Nikolas Vasilas, Max O’Neil, Oliver Pontre

ABSENT: Sebastien Tiller, Johannes van der Westhuizen, Mr Jamie Kinninmont (Coach)

Middle School Rugby B

BACK ROW: Marley Wirrpanda, Hunter McCombie, Thomas Naismith, George Blaikie, Cooper Widdowson, Louis McMurtrie, Nicholas Di Biase, Caeden Olowoyo

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Stephen Leahy, Tynuka Reed, Lachlan Reid, Mason Welsh, Tadhg McElligott, Christian Odorisio, Jordan Matthes, Mr Lachlan Sibosado

FRONT ROW: Alexander Newsom, Luca Gardiner, Nikolas Vasilas, Joshua Websdale, Beau Partington, Max O’Neil, Oliver Pontre

Year 7 Rugby

BACK ROW: Mr Gareth de Klerk (Manager), Connor Tiley, Brett Maston, Cameron Andrews, Frederick Brockett, Mr Lachlan Sibosado

FRONT ROW: Aiden Lobegeier, Christian Roberts, Rhys Du-Mathews, Jett Murphy, Jerard Vincent

ABSENT: Jag Nugent

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The 2023 winter season promised to be one of great hope for the 1st XI squad, with several talented Year 12 players rejoining the squad for their graduating year. Coupled with the experience the Year 11 students gained, playing last year meant the squad had strength and depth not seen in years. The team, led by Captain Christian Ludovico (‘23), remained in the hunt for the Lawe Davies Cup the entire season but unfortunately fell agonisingly short. Trinity ended the season finishing in second place to eventual winners Hale. Season highlights included two fantastic wins over Scotch College and an emphatic final fixture ‘away’ victory over Aquinas, where Trinity had previously failed to win in more than five years.

Our Middle School teams had continued success, which is expected given Trinity has such a vast amount of young talent to call upon. However, I must make special mention of the 8A squad coached by Mr Joe Gonzalez. With a goal to better their performance as Year 7s having only lost one fixture, the 8As went through the entire 2023 winter season undefeated. This feat is made even more incredible by the fact they did not concede a single goal. It was an amazing achievement by the squad and in particular goalkeeper Ethan Wolfe (8.4), who kept 10 clean sheets including several penalty saves.

Going forward, I encourage all the younger players to continue to commit to TC Soccer. Trinity is awash with fantastic talent, easily the best in the PSA. I understand that the pull of the National Premier Leagues can be seen as a reason to not play for the College, but you only need to ask the likes of Christian Ludovico and his Year 12 teammates what it means to play for College as a senior and the memories they have made on the soccer field representing TC.

Representing your College may not generate the same allure among those on the outside, but it provides you with an opportunity to make memories in a way that many other young men don’t encounter. Your external clubs will all be there once you leave College, and you will always be good enough to make it.

Finally, I would like to extend my gratitude to the parents who gave up their Friday afternoons or Saturday mornings to support their son. I would particularly like to thank those parents who volunteered their time for our morning tea at Waterford Playing Fields or those who donated items to raffle at our Presentation Night.

The generosity of the soccer community has again made my job as 1st XI Manager a much smoother one, and I look forward to seeing you at the game in 2024.

222 | Sport and Co-curricular

1st XI Soccer

BACK ROW: Dan Lutula Shungu, Luca Morelli, Jamie D’Agostino, Thomas McGrath, Jai Da Silva, Aden Thomson

MIDDLE ROW: Mr Lawrence Lewis, Joshua Gonzalez, Matthew Thomson, Anton Di Carlo, Deng Wuor, Christopher Leppard, Mr Ben Kriszyk (Manager)

FRONT ROW: Hayden Trinh, Marcus Colonico, Christian Ludovico (Captain), Toby James, Sachin Tana (Vice-captain), Aryan Gupta, Sebastian Foti

2nd XI Soccer

BACK ROW: Ms Lissa Coleman (Manager), Jonathan Arwandi, Luke Scotford, Bryce Flammer, Angus Calder, Francis Flammer, Maathavan Pirabananthan, Izaya Silva, Joseph Gonzalez (Coach)

FRONT ROW: Pathawi Edwards, Max Leyonhjelm, Max Di Girolamo, Hugo Lustig, Zahn Celedin, Finn Dougherty, Noah Gleadhill

3rd XI Soccer

BACK ROW: Daniel Miller, Matthew Wilson, Joshua Gomes, Joshua Damianopoulos, Saxon Duplock, Fraser Yeo, Jac Beros, Jack Miocevich

FRONT ROW: Adam Miller, James Mackenzie, Justin Lim, Evan Alderslade, Brodie Mahauariki, Luka Prophet, Nicholas Bowden-Jones

ABSENT: Nadev Mahatalagalage Don, Caleb Hu, Yianni Sarris, Mr Séamus Gray (Coach, Manager)

4th XI Soccer

BACK ROW: Mr Samuel Farnfield, James Mulholland, Liam Stojan (Captain), Miles Morgan, Ryan Murphy, Alex Miragliotta, Mackenzie Lowe

FRONT ROW: Gabriel Masbate, Campbell Bradley, Tawana Maruta, Elliot Budrovich, Roberto Galipo, Lucas Hanna, Aaron Le

ABSENT: Hamish Elder, Alessio Musbah, Zakriya Khan, Charles Pope, Mr Nick Marston

Annual 2023 | 223

BACK ROW: Alexander Christodoviakis (Coach), Alex Ando, Myles Guazzelli, Oscar McManus, George Murphy, Leone Musca, Mr Rohan van Dongen (Manager)

FRONT ROW: Daniel De Mattia, Archie Brescacin, Keshav Tewari, Charles McDonald, Anton McChord, Luca Fowler, Samuel Kemp

ABSENT: Alexander Parolo, Andres Zavarce Hultzsch, Casey Robertson (Coach)

10B Soccer

BACK ROW: Antonio Galipo (Coach), Jack Browne, Michael Hall, Connor Chok, Alexander Kin-Maung, Christopher Condeias, Kristian Karigambe, Mr Rohan van Dongen (Manager)

FRONT ROW: Lithum Wickramanayake, Owen Fuge, Abishek Sureshkumar, Vens Patel, Maximillian Collins, Aarav Bhandari, Jack Uhlmann, Joshua Papenfus

ABSENT: Rohan Ercegovich, Lucas Hancock, Raphael Javed 10A Soccer

9A Soccer

BACK ROW: Evan Chok, Luke Stubbs, Riley Ferguson, Luca Travaglini, Thibault Martin, Adam Di Girolamo

MIDDLE ROW: Taki Nicolaidis, Sebastian Santoro, Robert Hall, Banjo Morris-Luck, Massimo Salvia, Thomas Secker, Mrs Melissa Rosso

FRONT ROW: Christian Gavin, Damon Pelpola, Alexander Di Carlo, Joshua Cordova, Samuel Chua, Reuben Tran, Alexandros Gavalas

9B Soccer

BACK ROW: Cooper Poustie, Li Chung Choi, John Chatzimichail, Ewan MacLean, Oliver Nicoletto, Felix Properjohn, Hugo Willing

FRONT ROW: Benjamin De Santis, Chase Williams, Declan Hornbuckle, Jordan Marocchi, Jacob Parker, Usman Riyazi, William Marsell, Hudson Little

ABSENT: Taj Distefano, Ms Rita Basilio (Manager), Anton McChord (Coach)

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9C Soccer

BACK ROW: Brodie Kornet, Isaac Bull, Joshua Karelis, Dylan Cadogan, Ashton Callus, Lukas Van Niekerk, Dillan Campbell, Thomas Vuleta, Alexander Abbott

FRONT ROW: Calvin Teo, Bailey Thomas, Jonah Rose, Hayden Chady, Antony Ludera, Alexander Hanna, Christian McFarland, Isaac Postma

ABSENT: Thomas Moore

8A Soccer

BACK ROW: Mr Jaxon Illman, Zac Lucano, Owen Breakingbury, Ben Beros, Temitayo Adebayo, Blake Ferguson, Joel Petrillo, Liam Breakingbury, Joseph Gonzalez (Coach)

FRONT ROW: Andre Musca, Stefen Manfredini, Hassan Samura, Ethan Wolfe, Jett Mison, Antony Trinh, Coby Gonzalez

ABSENT: Joseph Di Ciano, Kirian Novatsis, Miss Gabrielle Ietto (Manager)

8B Soccer

BACK ROW: Mr Jaxon Illman, Stephen Williams, Curtis Locke, James Del Paggio, Denzel Seneviratne, Alexander Carney, Stefan Veselinovic, Riccardo Colicchio, Chilli Lawless

FRONT ROW: Oscar Del Paggio, Joseph Palazzo, Matthew Knezovic, Sebastian McManus, Charles Nyoni, Isaac Bosio, Oliver Cork

ABSENT: Zac Lucano, Miss Gabrielle Ietto, Mr Caleb Meleca

8C Soccer

BACK ROW: Alexander Jurjevich, Salih Kisla, Sebastian Harbridge, Robin Buxton, Oliver Parsons, Michael Zurzolo

FRONT ROW: Miles Cowan, Cooper Brown, Winn Vayler, Aashutosh Deval, Ethan Schneider, Harley Dickie, Luke Patino

ABSENT: Ms Nicole Benn

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7A Soccer

BACK ROW: Mr Lawrence Lewis (Coach), Jonathan Fuge, Taj Da Silva, Orlando Martino Da Fonseca, Herbie Miles, Swaka Arkangelo Lako, Fabian Latouche, Spencer Hathrill, Mrs Donette Firkins (Manager)

FRONT ROW: Harry Chua, Deon Afkos, Alek Gonzalez, Reuben Lang’At, Thomas Willing, Rozen Ghimire, Luca Di Fulvio, Mani Townsend, Aren Masilamani

7B Soccer

BACK ROW: Mrs Donette Firkins (Manager), Gabriel Sceresini, Paul Liu, Joaquin Nunes, Matthew Cardaci, Oliver Beale, Matteo Redolatti, Matthew Campbell

FRONT ROW: Zachery Yau, Rhys Tan, Julian Barbas, Blake Huppatz, Daniel Arnasiewicz, Dev Chavda, Cooper Harris

7C Soccer

BACK ROW: Mrs Donette Firkins (Manager), Michael Masbate, Vethum Wickramanayake, Jonathon Hine, Marc D’Cruz, Matthew Sta.Rosa, Eli Lazarte

FRONT ROW: Max Scarparolo, Sebastian Manchego, Sean Shanahan, Jonathan Spadanuda, William Bavington, Tobias Sykes, Joshua Parise

ABSENT: Oskar Harris

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The 2023 swim season concluded on 9 March with great success, following a meticulously planned and executed 23-week preparation.

Throughout 11 competitions, including the PC meet, Aquinas meet, Penrhos meet, Age Championships, PCG Carnivals, internal time trial meets, Quads and Inter-schools (Inters), our swimmers achieved an impressive number of personal bests (PBs) in all strokes. This remarkable feat culminated in a three-week streak of more than 350 PBs, encompassing the PC meet, Quads and Inters.

The key to enabling such impressive personal achievements lies in the quality coaching provided to the team. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr Adam Koprowski, Mr Dane Mepham, Benjamin Heslop (‘22) and Lachlan Versace (‘22) for their dedication in preparing a team that exhibited unwavering commitment to improvement.

During Inters night, Trinity dominated the event, maintaining the top position for a significant portion of the competition. This considerable feat highlighted the exceptional calibre of our best swimmers. Unfortunately, we experienced a gradual decline during the relays, ultimately finishing the night in fourth place.

Inters night showcased several outstanding highlights:

+ The 2023 swim team officially became the fastest team ever assembled by the College.

+ Trinity emerged as the top point-scoring team in both freestyle and breaststroke.

+ Xavier Collins (11.1) shattered the U/17s 100 metres freestyle PSA record with an impressive time of 52.77 seconds. Xavier also secured victories in the U/17s Division 1, 50 metres butterfly and the Open Division 1, 200 metres freestyle.

+ Captain Harrison Farmer (12.7) claimed victory in the Open Division 1, 100 metres breaststroke and Open Division 2, 200 metres freestyle events.

+ Emerging talent Chayse Pitt (7.2) won the U/13 Division 1, 50 metres freestyle by a remarkable 0.01 seconds and secured second place in all other events.

Despite the herculean efforts of more than 70 per cent of the team, who displayed unwavering dedication throughout the season, we once again faced challenges arising from the lack of broader student buy-in for the swim team and the failure to comprehend the honour bestowed upon those selected to represent our College.

This issue persists due to our relatively lower student numbers, enabling certain individuals to maintain their involvement without having to put any ‘skin in the game’.

That said, it was truly inspiring to witness the exceptional attendance and enthusiasm displayed by the majority of our students during swim training. We express our sincere gratitude to the parents, staff and supporters who tirelessly contribute their time and effort, whether it be through preparing breakfasts or organising swim meets. Our support group stands as an exemplar to other schools and is deeply cherished by our swimmers.

I would like to personally extend my sincerest appreciation to Miss Adelaide Garland, who assumed the role of manager and made an immediate and impressive impact on the team. Adelaide, your contributions were truly valued and acknowledged. Additionally, I offer a heartfelt thank you to the coaches, Mr Adam Koprowski, Mr Dane Mepham, Benjamin Heslop (‘22) and Lachlan Versace (‘22) for their instrumental role in making training and racing such a rewarding experience.

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Swimming Team

BACK ROW: Campbell Mundy, Benjamin Cronin, Matthew Petagna, Carter Robertson, Edward Davis, Jai Seinor, Louis Burnett, Lachlan Toomath, Charlie Watson, Axel Walsh, Callum Pugh, Isaac Bellis, Jack Hansen-Knarhoi, Riley Ford, Joel Carcich, Corey Signal, Thomas Wright

FIFTH ROW: Hudson Chambers, Joshua Bradbury, Francis Flammer, Declan Ryan, Felix Cooper, Charles Gorski, Bryce Flammer, Lucas Blair, Joshua Gomes, Sachin Tana, Owen Hewitt, Aaron Webb, Harry Hansen-Knarhoi, Harrison Johnson, Andre Gulluni, Maynard Gray, Edward Ryan, Maxwell York

FOURTH ROW: Todd Hassett, Mitchell Brown, Sanko von Boehm, Lincoln Andrews, Bryce Blatchley, Edward McLean, Benjamin Filear, Luke Chapman, Clayton Mott, Ryan Tindall, Hudson May, Tom Boisvert, Hudson Foote, Xavier Collins, Cameron Doyle, Jamie Wilson, Byron Blatchley, Aidan Pontre, Jacob Palmer

THIRD ROW: Kieran Heslop, Kato Pachioli, Pathawi Edwards, Samuel Tranter, Banjo Morris-Luck, Fletcher Cosby, Oliver Parsons, Kan Sweetman, Hudson Mott, Fallon O’Reilly, Alexander Santoro, Leonardo Tanner, Archie Jarvis, Hamish Mundy, Lucas Le, Joel Brouwer, Marley Marshall, Henry Clarey, Zavier Leone, Samuel Howard

SECOND ROW: Kobe-Jackson Peppin, Chayse Pitt, Samuel Keys, Jeremiah Locke, Jack Katich, Liam Jarvis, Angus Brown, Winn Taylor, Elliot Flaherty, Samuel Lawrance, Benjamin Maine, Tyson Cass, Blake Peyman, Bryce Kyte, Nate Cass, Jett Mison, Cameron Andrews, Frederick Brockett, Matteo Redolatti, Kai Collins, Riley McDermid, James Spencer

FRONT ROW: Archie Blatchley, Benjamin Howard, James Bianchini, Jasper Morris-Luck, Benji Palmer, Samuel Quinn-Smith, Fletcher Easthope, Madoc Lanfear Appleby, Mr Benjamin Heslop, Mr Lachlan Versace, Mr Dion Mepham, Mr Adam Koprowski, Miss Adelaide Garland, Harrison Farmer, Matthew Maine, Joshua MacDonald, Oliver Pontre, Rhys Du-Mathews, Dexter Pereira, Spencer Hathrill, James Locke

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PSA Surfing and Body Boarding Competition

On Friday 18 August 2023, the Trinity PSA surfing team descended on Scarborough beach to compete in the annual PSA competition.

Fourteen students represented the College in surfing and bodyboarding in beautiful conditions. The competition was scheduled for the middle of Term 2, but due to insufficient swell it was postponed for a term. While the later date brought a colder morning, making it difficult for competitors to put on their wetsuits, offshore winds provided clean conditions and a decent swell, bringing head-high sets rolling through. This gave our students ample motivation to suit up.

A special mention to Year 12 competitors

Tom Biosvert (12.4), Harry Hansen-Knarhoi (12.4) and Harrison Watkins (12.8) who represented Trinity for the final time at this event. Unfortunately, the team was not able to live up to the strong performance of 2022 and relinquished the Inland Cup to arch rival Aquinas. This did not hinder their experience, however, with most competitors enjoying some memorable waves and the ocean reminding everyone that it always wins.

The future is bright, as many of our participants were competing against older students from other schools and they will be richer for the experience. Finishing a respectable fifth place provides a great platform for these young surfers and bodyboarders to build on in the future. A big thank you to Mr Ben Russell for assisting in the logistics and enabling this event to happen.

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For the second year in a row, the 1st Tennis team began the competition in great form. After the first six fixtures the team was in equal top position, with five victories. However, after the summer break the results took a turn for the worse. After working his way to become our number one player, Nemanja Savic was again sidelined for all Term 1 matches due to injury.

The loss of your number one player has an unsettling effect on the whole team. Not only do you not have the benefit of his winning performances, it means all players have to move up one position in the playing order, putting them under more pressure and causing changes to the established doubles pairings, resulting in the need to bring in a reserve player.

Our first fixture in Term 1 was against Hale School. While we were reasonably confident of a win in this fixture, it didn’t turn out that way, as Adam and Daniel Miller (11.4) returned to school from overseas a week late. So we were now without our top three players. That set the scene for the whole of Term 1 and we only managed two more winning fixtures.

I would like to commend all players who represented the College this year in the 1st VIII team. Our matches were always characterised by the boys displaying a very high standard of sportsmanship, playing to the best of their ability and never surrendering. A special mention to Adam Miller who, after being given a chance at playing number one in the team with the absence of Nemanja Savic, became our most valuable player this season.

The Captain this season was Ben Thompson Tilyard (12.8). Ben put in some great Captain’s performances during the season and I really appreciated his support.

I must recognise the performances of Adam and Daniel Miller when playing together in doubles. They went through the whole competition without dropping a set, at all. This is a notable achievement given the high standard of the overall competition.

The big change this season was having Brandon Porcaro (’14) as an assistant coach. Brandon is a TC Old Boy and a great performer during his time in the 1st Tennis team. I know the boys related very well to having Brandon as part of the group.

I would like to thank Mrs Kylie Harbrow for her support and organisation this season. Kylie had all the parents of the team members organised on a roster basis to provide morning tea for the boys so that they had the energy to perform to the best of their ability in the second-round matches for each fixture.

Next season we will still have the same top six players, and it promises to be an interesting season. Hopefully, injury will not be a problem, as we will need all six of these players to be fit, healthy and in good form if we are to seriously challenge for the number one position.

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Mr Geoff Jamieson 1st VIII Coach

1st VIII Tennis

BACK ROW: Mr Geoff Jamieson, Cale Boska, Jehan Hopkins, Aleksandar Podias

FRONT ROW: Reuben Panaia, Charles McDonald, Benjamin Thompson Tilyard, Koby Harbrow, Daniel Miller

ABSENT: Adam Miller, Nemanja Savic

2nd VIII Tennis

BACK ROW: Matthew Ryan, Jamie D’Agostino, William Hall, Oliver Nutt, Alexander Hanjin De Filippo

FRONT ROW: Sebastian Foti, Hayden Theobald, Lachlan Arnold

ABSENT: Hudson MacDonald, Mr Paul Presser

3rd VIII Tennis

BACK ROW: Ms Katherine Licciardello, Antonio Sanfilippo, James Mulholland, Deakin Tran, Jack Miocevich

FRONT ROW: Joseph Chapman, Aryan Gupta, Kan Sweetman

ABSENT: Xander MacDonald

4th VIII Tennis

BACK ROW: Ms Maranne Purnell, Eddie Jia, Jett Rodgers, Thomas Wrensted, Benjamin Carson

FRONT ROW: Yianni Sarris, Jordan Rodrigues, Jonathon Le Goueff

ABSENT: Noah Cork, Pietro Mafrica, Isaac Phan, Jason Wang

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Tennis 10A

BACK ROW: Mr Josh Kirkaldy, Connor Chok, Lewis Murabito, Ms Tahlia Peacham

FRONT ROW: Aarav Bhandari, Levi McGrath, Luke Boudames, Michael Hall, Christopher Candeias

ABSENT: Daniel Godfrey

Tennis 10B

BACK ROW: Mr Josh Kirkaldy, Patrick Carroll, Hudson Ding, Andrew Fortey, Alexander Parolo

FRONT ROW: Leone Musca, Joshua Papenfus, Westlee Terrell, Anthony Milner, Alessio Salvia

ABSENT: Mr Stephen Kernutt

Tennis 9A

BACK ROW: Mr Anthony D’Iganzio, Cuba Day, Thibault Martin, Evan Chok

FRONT ROW: Declan Hornbuckle, Jacob Nicholls, Hugo Willing, Massimo Salvia, Christian McFarland

Tennis 9B

BACK ROW: Ms Donette Firkins, Thomas Vuleta, Isak Manning, Isaac Bull

FRONT ROW: Calvin Teo, Joseph Kelleher, Antony Ludera, David Hunter, Liam Reynolds

ABSENT: Brodie Kornet, Chase Williams

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BACK ROW: Sonny Giddings, Michael Zurzolo, Isaac Bosio, Tynuka Reed, Reuben Panaia

FRONT ROW: Aashutosh Deval, Harley Dickie, Blake Johnson

ABSENT: Kirian Novatsis, Mr Fletcher Cooke (Coach)

BACK ROW: Matteo Redolatti, Frederick Brockett, Thomas Willing, Thomas Batten

FRONT ROW: Sebastian Maher, Samuel Quinn-Smith, Jackson Lang, William Bavington, Zachery Yau

ABSENT: Jasper Morris-Luck, Mr Damien Hansen

ABSENT: Jet Wilson, Mrs Leah Rogers Tennis 8A Tennis 8B Tennis 7A Tennis 7B

BACK ROW: Mr Caleb Meleca (Coach), Roman Lawrence, Winn Taylor, Nicholas Seghezzi, Casey Hellemons

FRONT ROW: Felix Sui, Ethan Zappavigna, Oliver Cork, Lochlan Cowton, Chilli Lawless

BACK ROW: Jaxon Franklin, Arch Langer, Herbie Miles, Joel Murabito, Michael Borman

FRONT ROW: Oskar Harris, Henry Charles, Nicholas Pritchard, Lucas Hall, Jerard Vincent

ABSENT: Daniel Arnasiewicz, Jonathan Spadanuda, Mr Josh Kirkaldy

Tennis 7C

BACK ROW: Phi Nguyen, Eli Lazarte, Elias Luu, Maxim McCamish, Ethan Smith, Julian Barbas

FRONT ROW: Marc Jacob, Dev Chavda, Joshua Agapitos, Ben Muller, Joshua Parise

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Thank you to all the players, parents and coaches for a successful and enjoyable 2022/23 Volleyball season.

Teams and Coaches

Our 1st VI team was led by Captain Joshua Damianopoulos (12.6) with Vice-captains Justin Lim (12.4) and Callum Huppatz (11.2). Thank you for the way you have led our 1st VI team to represent our sport with honour and mentor our younger players.

The 1st VI team worked hard at consistently producing their best volleyball and competed strongly against the more fancied teams; however, some disappointing close losses saw us finishing in fifth position. Our season highlight came in Term 1 with a stirring 3-0 win against Wesley.

Sadly, this season was the last as 1st VI coach for Peter Fitzgerald (’13). We thank Peter for his tireless work on and off the court, leading our coaching program over the last three seasons. His enthusiasm and expertise will be sorely missed by the volleyball community.

Mr Bobby Emmanuel also left, after establishing volleyball as a PSA sport at Trinity and working tirelessly for the club over so many years.

We warmly welcomed back several of our Old Boys from 2022: Max Scali, Alistair Carlson, Jordi Stewart and 1st VI Captain Martin Murphy in coaching roles. It is so important for our players to see TC Old Boys willingly give of their time, and it was heartening to see how they worked with our staff and current coaches at training and during games.

Thank you also to our hard-working staff and external coaches for all their efforts developing our senior teams:

Mr Mikolaj Goscicki and Mr Tim Hince with our 2nd VI;

Ms Tayla Wilson and Alex Pagano (‘19) with our 3rd VI;

Mr Edward York and Alastair Carlson (‘22) with our 4ths; and Ms Josephine Hutcheson and Max Scali (‘22) with our 5th VI team.

Mrs Michelle Hilbrands took our middle A team in Term 4, and then guided our 10As to a most successful season. With such a great grounding in skills and teamwork, we look forward to seeing many of the boys from this team compete for a place in our first VI.

A big thank you to Mr Gareth de Klerk, Miss Eleonore Brown, Miss Kerry Dasborough, Jordi Stewart (’22) and Alex Pagano (’19) for their work with nurturing and mentoring our younger boys.


Once again, many of the opportunities we provide for our players would not happen without the support and drive from our wonderful parents. Your efforts go to improving facilities, hosting teams from other schools, running our pre-season skills sessions and subsidising entry to tournaments. Our annual awards night and dinner is always a team effort and a great way to celebrate together.

Representative Players

Congratulations go to the following players for taking their volleyball to the next level:

+ Callum Huppatz (11.2): WA U/18 State Team

+ Jacob Allison (10.6): 15yrs and Under School Sports WA State Team and WA U/15 State Team

+ Josh Damianopoulos (12.6): National Development squad and Captain of WA U/18 State Team

+ Reilly Cooper (10.3): WA U/15 State Team

Extra Competitions and Events

We continue to provide opportunities outside the regular PSA season that build skills, confidence and connections for our players. These include hosting other schools, the WA Schools Cup each August and the Volleyball WA Beach Cup in March and November.

We look forward to building more success on and off the court as we strive to provide an environment in which our young men grow to understand and live the TC Spirit.

Mr Craig Adams 1st Team Manager

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1st VI Volleyball

BACK ROW: Mr Craig Adams, Christian Ludovico, Callum Huppatz, Joshua Damianopoulos, Thomas Park, Dalvin Paki, Virtue Ta

FRONT ROW: Matthew Wilson, Aden Thomson, Nam Lam, Jac Beros, Justin Lim

ABSENT: Mr Peter Fitzgerald (Coach)

3rd VI Volleyball

BACK ROW: Mr Craig Adams, Ethan Patman, Adon Franchi, Theodore Stynman, Robert Moschilla, James Parker, Liam Bush

FRONT ROW: Torrey Benness, Alessandro Hipolito, Sebastian Herrington, Izaya Silva, Gabriel Pereira

ABSENT: Mr Alex Pagano, Ms Tayla Wilson

Volleyball 10A

BACK ROW: Cameron Doyle, Matthew Kerr, Jacob Allison, Reilly Cooper, Luca Palmero

FRONT ROW: Noah Bosio, Sebastian Park, Archie Jarvis

ABSENT: Ryan Holland, Henry Owen, Mr Kenny Chan

2nd VI Volleyball

BACK ROW: Mr Tim Hince, Branson May, Luke Tranter, Dylan Darmawan, Lennox McGrath

FRONT ROW: Qiyang Chen, Alvarez Dharma, Daniel Oatham

ABSENT: Harrison Rogers, Jack Sawkins, Fraser Yeo, Mr Mikolaj Goscicki (Coach)

4th & 5th VI Volleyball

BACK ROW: Mr Edward York, Mr Alistair Carlson, Llavan Pirabananthan, Mr Max Scali, Ms Josephine Hutcheson

FRONT ROW: Lucas Hanna, Joshua Sharp, Roberto Galipo, Denver Havercroft, Srithan Puttagunta

ABSENT: Sean Blampey, Harrison Bridgeman, Miles Cass, Luke Cotellessa, Maynard Gray, William Jones, Julian Lamattina, Raphael Masbate, Robert Moschilla, Rohan Patel, Gabriel Pereira, Charles Pope, Jack Scacchia-Maher, Izaya Silva, Aaron Webb, Charles Whiteside

Volleyball 10B

BACK ROW: Mr Martin Murphy, Henry Owen, Alexander Carson, Ryan Holland, Michael Carney, Ari Tasma

FRONT ROW: Blake Peyman, Liam Chandler, Nicholas Wiinschl, Thomas Teo, Kamath Preetham

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Volleyball 10C

BACK ROW: Mr David Borrello, Flynn Sawkins, Zach Gangemi, Finn Stenning Alexander, Eamonn Pearson, Niall D’Silva

FRONT ROW: Sonny Simeon, Julian Metcalf, Harry Murphy, Leo Klein, Cuba Williams

ABSENT: Liam Chandler

Volleyball Middle B

BACK ROW: Ms Eleonore Brown, Bailey Coates, Oliver Rowney, Kyan Tremain, Oliver Pontre, Mr Gareth de Klerk

FRONT ROW: Jacob Borck, William Gray, Aris Mazarakis, Jeremiah Locke, Denzel Wibowo

Volleyball Middle D

BACK ROW: Mr Jordi Stewart, Zenneth Ker, Alphons Joseph, Miss Kerry Dasborough

FRONT ROW: James Curtis, Larston Dharma, Justin Le, Tadhg McElligott, Thomas Shaw

ABSENT: Lachlan Bell

Volleyball Middle A

BACK ROW: Mr Max Scali, Ethan Taylor, Ryan Tindall, Mr Gareth de Klerk

FRONT ROW: Dane Thomson, Henry English, Sebastian Santoro, Michael Grassi, Ethan Turner

Volleyball Middle C

BACK ROW: Ms Eleonore Brown, Lukas Van Niekerk, Declan Hope, Azura Akbar, Miss Kerry Dasborough

FRONT ROW: Jonah Rose, Li Chung Choi, Felix Properjohn, Tyson Franklin, Alexander Abbott

ABSENT: Oliver Gebauer, Thomas Moore

Volleyball Middle E

BACK ROW: Mr Jordi Stewart, Zac Lucano, James Ho, Calvin Trinh, Mr Alex Pagano

FRONT ROW: Jacob Connolly, Nathan Liew, Joseph Palazzo

ABSENT: Finn Ferguson-Wieman, Ethan Vo

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Volleyball Middle F & G
BACK ROW: Mr Alex Pagano, Roan Becker, Matthew Prosser, Jonathon Hine, Eamon Day, Oscar Carpenter, Ben O’Driscoll, Mr Phil Oddie FRONT ROW: Riley Hall, Reuben Lang’At, Thusheivan Pirabananthan, William Gover, Connor Tiley, Joel McKie, Sebastian Manchego

Water Polo

Water polo at Trinity is developing at a great pace – as we lose some great players, we are gaining and developing new ones. The support from water polo managers Ms Sonia Scordo, Mr Chris Allanson and Mrs Amanda Ristovsky is beyond reproach, and their input has been truly valuable. Thanks must go to Mr Ryan Lockyer, who keeps all of us well advised and is readily contactable for any concerns.

Dr Hannah Seymour (Eddie Davis’s mum) has been amazing, particularly in arranging the 1st team players’ end-of-season gifts. In fact, all the parents have been fantastic in supporting me and 2nds coach Mr Griffin Woodhouse throughout the season.

The 1st team Captain, Eddie Davis (12.2), has led from the front with outstanding leadership, and Lachlan Toomath (12.7) was a standout across all fixtures. However, to single out every player would be impossible, so I would like to thank them all for their efforts. The TC Spirit is alive and well with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd teams, as all the boys support and encourage each other during training sessions and at the games. We have good depth with Callum Pugh (10.7) being selected for the Australian Juniors team at age 15 – a reward for his hard work. I have no doubt Callum will one day (in the near future) become an Olympian.

Personally, the reward of coaching such great young men outweighs the success of winning. Seeing them develop and align together is my reward. Parents always welcome me and Griffin with open arms and allow us to speak and guide their sons in this great sport. As mentioned, we have tried to develop some depth with upcoming players and we’ll always welcome new students who can come along to training sessions with a ‘have a go’ attitude. Some 3rds players had the opportunity to play in a 1sts fixture, and the support they received from the senior boys is admirable. This is exactly what Griffin and I strive to achieve.

The highlights would have to be post-training sessions, during breakfast. Yes, you may laugh, but that’s when you can truly get to know these fine young men – what their interests are and what motivates them. I really enjoy these 30 minutes of banter, during which I learn from them, just as they learn from us.

I have spoken to senior staff members at Trinity and have received great motivation and advice on students, so I feel certain that the College is developing amazing young men who will become outstanding community, academic and business-minded members in whatever field they choose.

A notable game was against Christ Church where we were under-manned due to the Rottnest Channel Swim. We played some 2nd and 3rd players against a strong and experienced team. The physical side of the game was demonstrated and our senior boys responded with support and a ‘never say die’ attitude which, as a coach, makes me very proud of the way our boys conducted themselves and played.

Again, I would like to give special mention to Ms Sonia Scordo, for keeping us well informed and in line with the rules at training and game day. Thank you, Sonia. Another thank you goes to Mr Chris Allanson, who was absolutely brilliant at early morning training – his input and banter is fantastic.

Our training may be unorthodox at times, but I’m trying to achieve a vibe that circulates at the College, enticing others who may want to have a go at water polo, but mostly so that our TC boys have fun and will remember their time as part of Trinity water polo. There may be a future star out there!

1st Team Coach

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1st VII Water Polo

BACK ROW: Mr Gregory Jones (Coach), Bryce Flammer, Matthew Maine, Lachlan Toomath, Callum Pugh, Sachin Tana, Joshua Thomas, Lucas Blair

FRONT ROW: Madoc Lanfear Appleby, Todd Hassett, Owen Hewitt, Edward Davis, Francis Flammer, Benjamin Filear, Fallon O’Reilly

ABSENT: Ms Sonia Scordo (Manager)

2nd VII Water Polo

BACK ROW: Mr Gregory Jones (Coach), Corey Signal, Matthew Maine, Benjamin Sutherland, Carter Robertson, Kai Murphy

FRONT ROW: Madoc Lanfear Appleby, Tom Boisvert, Noah Horgan, Sanko von Boehm, Alexander Santoro

ABSENT: Mr Chris Allanson (Manager), Mr Griffin Woodhouse (Coach)

3rd VII Water Polo

BACK ROW: Noah Horgan, Lachlan Locantro, Remy Soanes, Luke Chapman, Charlie Loughnan, Bryce Blatchley, Ms Amanda Ristovsky

FRONT ROW: Bentley Rogan, Sanko von Boehm, Bill Smith, Byron Blatchley, Daniel Brandenburg Jnr, Samuel Howard

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Water Polo Middle A

BACK ROW: Mr Ben Russell, Joshua Bradbury, Hudson May, Isaac Bellis, Axel Walsh

FRONT ROW: Mr Kieran Haslop, Max Rees, Ashton Callus, Leonardo Tanner, Kai Collins

Water Polo Middle B

BACK ROW: Mr Ben Russell, Dillan Campbell, Dante Latouche, Denzel Seneviratne, Jon Fisicchia, Samuel Lawrance, Beau Paterson

FRONT ROW: Beau Partington, Luke Robinson, Oliver Parsons, Alexander Hanna, Kyan Monterosso, Gus Panizza, Riley Moskwiak

Water Polo Middle C

BACK ROW: Mr Tim Carslaw, Stefan Veselinovic, Felix Palmer, Emrys Connell, Louis McMurtrie, Nikolaos Papaspiropoulos, Alexander Newsom

FRONT ROW: Archie Blatchley, Benjamin Howard, Harry Bellamy, Joshua MacDonald, James Locke

Water Polo Middle D

BACK ROW: Mr Tim Carslaw, Matthew Campbell, Elliot Flaherty, Orlando Martino Da Fonseca, Brett Maston, Mason Chambers

FRONT ROW: Aren Masilamani, Maxwell Castalanelli, Jacob Juricev, Augustus Weir, Cash Allen

ABSENT: Mr Harley Jennings

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246 | Performing Arts
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2023 felt like a normal start to the year, after the Covid-19 interruption of the past few years.

Instrumental and Choral rehearsal weekends with dinners in Carrigg Court returned. For the Friends of Performing Arts, this was going to be a full year of catering for all our after-school rehearsals and concerts. It was great to get on top of repertoire early and to set the year up for all our senior ensembles. A full-scale Quarry Concert ensued in ideal weather. My thanks particularly to Mrs Claire Waterhouse, who stepped in to rehearse and perform with the Senior Chorale for this event.

Our large-scale concerts held in Term 2 for junior, middle and senior ensembles and choirs were played to full houses. The support provided by families for these concerts, as well as the myriad chamber concerts held across the year, is testament to the success of music at Trinity. The collaborations with Mercedes College are another reason for the strength of our combined departments and the high calibre of performances of challenging musical repertoire. A good example of meeting such a challenge was the performance by the Wind Orchestra of Cry of the Last Unicorn

The Badlands concert for contemporary bands was a night of high-energy rock and jazz music. This was our last performance at this venue. Next year will see a new venue for this gig in Lynott’s Lounge, Northbridge. The return of the Rosemount Hotel performance was also welcomed by enthusiastic parent supporters.

The Trinity Percussion Program has been for a long time second to none in WA schools. This reputation was reinforced with TC Concussion winning the first-place Open-Class Ensemble Prize, competing against other international tertiary-level percussion ensembles at Marimbafest. Isaac Adamos (11.2) also featured as a soloist with three awards: second-place A-Class Solo Prize; the People’s Choice Award; and Best Interpretation of the Set Work Award. The premiere of two of Domenic Lamattina’s (12.6) compositions, Fantasy No. 1 for solo marimba and STAND for percussion ensemble, was the icing on the cake at this year’s Percussion Soirée. Congratulations to Mr Joseph Eng for his initiative and wonderful leadership of the Percussion Program in his first year teaching at Trinity. The Trinity/Mercedes Classical Guitar Ensemble was also recognised with a guest performance, as part of the 2023 UWA Guitar Studio’s end-of-year concert, playing Nebulae by Olga Amelkina-Vera.

The Mercedes Showcase concert in Winthrop Hall, at UWA, arguably saw some the best performances of the year as everyone hit their peak. Some highlights of the evening included Liam Stojan’s (12.8) solo clarinet work with the Wind Orchestra in a performance of Adagio e Tarantella by Ernesto Cavallini, and Domenic Lamattina once again thrilled audiences with a cinematic composition titled Kosciuszko for Wind Orchestra. This concert gives all our combined ensembles a chance to perform in the same concert in Winthrop Hall.

As usual, the dedication of the senior Year 12 musicians to multiple ensembles is to be commended. The ability and leadership of students such as our music captains Domenic Lamattina (percussionist and composer) and Liam Stojan (clarinettist) placed the year in good hands. Both Domenic and Liam led from day one with their commitment to their ensembles and the quality of their playing. Having two contemporary ATAR vocal students in John van Beek (12.8) and Nadev Don Mahatalagalage (12.6) was also a boon, particularly when it came to the massed choir song at Presentation Night. A hard act to follow for 2024.

A big thank you to all our music tutors, ensemble directors and classroom teachers, many of whom teach across the different facets of our music programs and challenge our boys to achieve wonderful musical outcomes.

Catholic Schools Performing Arts Festival

This year’s festival saw similar success to 2022 for our combined ensembles, with the Trinity/Mercedes Chorale winning the secondary choral section, and the Trinity/Mercedes Wind Orchestra, the concert band section. The eight-part choral writing of Ešenvald’s Across the Vast Eternal Sky and a leap into music theatre with Singing in the Rain, complete with colourful umbrellas, as sung by the combined chorale were the most outstanding performances in the secondary choral section. Bound for the Promised Land and a stirring rendition of Z Randall Stroope’s Homeland, sung by the Senior Chorale, also achieved Outstanding in all the criteria assessed by the adjudicator on the same night. The Middle School Chorale and vocal ensembles and the Brisbane tour choir rounded out a stellar night of choral music, once again showcasing the large number of boys involved in choral music at Trinity.

The Performing Arts Playoffs again showed the depth of our ensembles, with representation from the Trinity/Mercedes Classical Guitar Ensemble, a very promising middle school string quartet, the Senior Percussion Ensemble and the Trinity/Mercedes Brass Ensemble who showed professional polish with their performance of Cool from West Side Story to win the section. This was the most significant performance by a brass ensemble at the College for many years.

Liam Stojan, Julian Lamattina (11.1) and Isaac Adamos were very strong representatives in the solo instrumental playoffs won by Year 11 classical guitarist Todd Hassett (11.4), with his performance of Capricho árabe

248 | Performing Arts

Percussion duets continue to set the standard in this section, with Isaac Adamos and Caleb Hu (11.1) wowing the adjudicators. Inspiring duets by Lachlan Arnold (11.2) and Julian Lamattina, and Jimmy Jurjevich (9.3) and Brendon Carrabba (9.5) again showed the depth of our department. Liam Stojan was also the recipient of the Catenian Association Woodwind Solo Scholarship, while Lucas Le (7.5) was awarded the piano solo Vera Chidlow Scholarship. A full list of all Performing Arts Festival Awards is printed in this Annual

Dr Robert Braham OAM Director of Performing Arts, Head of Music

Annual 2023 | 249

Music Groups


250 | Performing Arts
LEFT TO RIGHT: Michael Grassi, James Kenwery, Liam Stojan (Head of Ensemble), Jordan Rodrigues ABSENT: Mr Shane O’Neill, Thomas Murray BACK ROW: Owen Hewitt, Thomas Smith, Jonah Cartwright, Sean Elliot FRONT ROW: Bowie McCabe, Zahn Celedin, Dr Melissa Fitzgerald, Todd Hassett, Alexander Carney ABSENT: Brendan Carrabba Clarinet Ensemble Classical Guitar Ensemble

Classical Guitar Ensemble II

BACK ROW: Dr Melissa Fitzgerald, Jett Mison, Dylan Cadogan, Brendan Carrabba, Bowie McCabe, Hadley Walker

FRONT ROW: Luke Patino, Cameron Andrews, Reuben Tran, Alexander Carney, Matteo Redolatti, Zane Del Paggio

ABSENT: Jasper Morris-Luck, Robert Naysmith

Middle School Chorale

BACK ROW: James Ho, Kyle Skidmore, Robin Buxton, Henry Pearson, Jamie Wilson, Charlie Denniston, Brendan Carrabba, Thibault Martin, Nicholas Stewart, Ethan Taylor, Oliver Rowney, Michael Grassi, Milan Sertorio, Azura Akbar, Dylan Cadogan, Felix Properjohn, Emrys Connell, Oliver Parsons

FOURTH ROW: Daniel Poli, Luca Misiun, Roman Lawrence, Larston Dharma, Declan Hornbuckle, Aris Mazarakis, Dhrish Bhatia, Henry Bennetts, Chase Oosterweghel, Fletcher Cosby, Bowie McCabe, Bailey Thomas, Oliver Nicoletto, Isaac Bosio, Felix Palmer, Zenneth Ker, Joel Brouwer, Luke Robinson, Xavier Bracey

THIRD ROW: Ji Richardson, Daniel Cadogan, Matteo Redolatti, Thusheivan Pirabananthan, Marc D’Cruz, Hansen Qin, William Buttsworth, Cameron Andrews, Louis Daniel, Herbie Miles, Blake Huppatz, Lucas Le, Ethan Kingsbury, Oliver Beale, Ben O’Driscoll, William Gover, Michael Masbate, Vethum Wickramanayake, Joel Murabito, Ryder Hanna

SECOND ROW: Thomas Batten, Joseph Palazzo, Cooper Brown, Riccardo Colicchio, Oliver Pontre, Ethan Vo, Christian Gavin, Jarvin Pinesi-O’Brien, Jeremiah Locke, Sonny Giddings, Ben Beros, James Felsner, Alexander Carney, Conor Thompson, Reuben Tran, James Jurjevich, Xavier Collins, Zane Del Paggio, Luke Patino, Oliver Watkins, Jeremiah Santelli, Rhys Du-Mathews

FRONT ROW: Marc Jacob, James Locke, Harry Chua, Harrison Day, Sebastian Manchego, Rhys Tan, Mani Townsend, James Clark, Jasper Nutt, Mrs Ann Clarke, Dr Robert Braham, Ms Kate Pitcher, James Bianchini, Lucas Hall, Riley Hall, Phi Nguyen, Jacob Tran, Felix Sui, Jet Wilson, Jacob Cloud, Zachery Yau

ABSENT: Frederick Brockett, Aashutosh Deval, Jackson Lang

Annual 2023 | 251

Trinity Symphonic Brass Ensemble


FRONT ROW: Arnav Panday, Calvin Teo, Casey Hellemons, Ben Beros, Dylan Cadogan, Ethan Byrne

ABSENT: Griffin Carpenter, Daniel Gandy, Declan Hope, Hamish Rajmohan, Neil Singh, Nicholas Stewart

Middle School Vocal Ensemble

THIRD ROW: Reuben Tran, James Felsner, Declan Hornbuckle, Felix Palmer, Oliver Nicoletto, Joel Brouwer, Luke Robinson

SECOND ROW: Jacob Cloud, Riccardo Colicchio, Zane Del Paggio, Jeremiah Locke, Christian Gavin, James Jurjevich, Oliver Pontre, Joseph Palzazzo

FRONT ROW: Zachery Yau, Mani Townsend, James Clark, Mrs Ann Clarke, Joel Murabito, Sebastian Manchego, Jacob Tran

ABSENT: Eamon Day, Aashutosh Deval, Michael Grassi, Jackson Lang, Oliver Little, Max Scarparolo, Milan Sertorio

252 | Performing Arts
BACK ROW: Tyson Franklin, Li Chung Choi, Emrys Connell, Tobias Hailand, Brandon Bird, James Ho, Henry Bennetts ROW: Ms Tracey Harris, Phi Nguyen, Oliver Pontre, Oliver Nicoletto, James Curtis, James Bianchini, Mr Steve Harmer BACK ROW: Zenneth Ker, Alphons Joseph, James Ho, James Curtis, Nicholas Di Biase, Oliver Parsons, Henry Bennetts

Percussion Ensemble I


FRONT ROW: Caleb Hu, Harrison Watkins, Liam Bush, Sebastian Park, James Watkins, Noah Bosio, Isaac Adamos

ABSENT: Rhys Davey, Theo Mistilis, Matthew Wilson No

Annual 2023 | 253
LEFT TO RIGHT: Jeremiah Locke, Isaac Bosio, Lewis Murabito, Julian Metcalf, Noah Bosio, Cuba Williams ABSENT: Mr Jesse Byrom-Carter ROW: Mr Joseph Eng, Samuel Shipton, Jamie D’Agostino, Jetson Cook, Branson May, Domenic Lamattina (Instrumental Captain)), Christian Beor
Clu Rock Band

Percussion Ensemble II

Cult of Personality Rock Band

254 | Performing Arts
BACK ROW: Mr Joey Eng, Declan Hornbuckle, Oliver Rowney, Nicholas Stewart, Felix Properjohn, Henry Clarey FRONT ROW: Oliver Watkins, Luca Misiun, Henry Scholz, Jarvin Pinesi-O’Brien, James Locke ABSENT: Neil Singh LEFT TO RIGHT: Oliver Little, Jarvin Pinesi-O’Brien, Julian Manfredini, Bailey Thomas, Conor Thompson, Stefen Manfredini ABSENT: Mr Todd Byrom-Carter

Saxophone Duo

Lewis Murabito, Louis Burnett

ABSENT: Ms Kate Pitcher

Senior Chorale

BACK ROW: Xavier Nicoletto, Jamie D’Agostino, Fraser Perkins, James Kenwery, William Hall, Theodore Stynman, Louis Burnett, Jack Hansen-Knarhoi, Jetson Cook, Matthew Petagna, Liam Stojan

FOURTH ROW: Jehan Hopkins, Domenic Lamattina, Finn Stenning Alexander, Eli Walsh, Max Hewitt, Evan Alderslade, Jac Beros, Stefan Zirojevic, Cale Boska, Lewis Murabito, William Thomson, Harry Hansen-Knarhoi

THIRD ROW: Todd Hassett, Rocco Fowler, Luca Fowler, Hudson Ding, Connor Chok, Pierce Edmonds, William Norman, Luke Perlini, Llavan Pirabananthan, Luke Chapman, Denver Havercroft, Antonio Sanfilippo, Declan Collins

SECOND ROW: Nicholas Bowden-Jones, Caleb Hu, Bon Nastasi, Abishek Sureshkumar, Michael Hall, Patrick Carroll, Torrey Benness, Alexander Santoro, Zachary McLean, Joseph Chapman, Alvarez Dharma, Isaac Adamos

FRONT ROW: Michael Suseno, Aarav Bhandari, Lucas D’Angelo, Giacomo Vinciguerra, Samuel Tranter, Cuba Williams, Mrs Ann Clarke, Dr Robert Braham, Gabriel Masbate, Kaiden Edmonds, Aurelio De Mattia, Anthony Milner, Daniel De Mattia, Matthew Collins

ABSENT: Jack Clarey, Mendel Erftemeijer, Daniel Godfrey, Zachary Gosatti, Nadev Mahatalagalage Don, Thomas Murray, Luca Palmero, Gabriel Pereira, John Van Beek

Annual 2023 | 255

Senior Vocal Ensemble

BACK ROW: Liam Stojan, James Kenwery, Louis Burnett, Jetson Cook, Max Hewitt, Evan Alderslade, Eli Walsh

MIDDLE ROW: Dr Robert Braham, Stefan Zirojevic, John Van Beek, Finn Stenning Alexander, Cale Boska, Lewis Murabito, Jehan Hopkins, Hudson Ding, Mrs Ann Clarke

FRONT ROW: Michael Suseno, Lucas D’Angelo, Nicholas Bowden-Jones, Isaac Adamos, Nadev Mahatalagalage Don, Denver Havercroft, Patrick Carroll, Zachary McLean, Joseph Chapman, Anthony Milner

ABSENT: Daniel De Mattia, Zachary Gosatti

Social Experiment Rock Band

ABSENT: Christian Gavin, Mr Jesse Byrom-Carter

256 | Performing Arts
LEFT TO RIGHT: Jarvin Pinesi-O’Brien, Sebastian Santoro, Jeremiah Locke, Thomas Downey, Jamie Wilson, Conor Thompson, Oliver Little, Bailey Coates

String Quartet I

Annual 2023 | 257
BACK ROW: Gabriel Sceresini, Michael Masbate, Alphons Joseph, Griffin Lote, Max Scarparolo FRONT ROW: Lyon How, Albert Joseph, Kenneth Wu, Paul Sekulla, Sohil Verma ABSENT: Mrs Jacinta Jakovcevic LEFT TO RIGHT: Mrs Lena Bennett, Aurelio De Mattia, Ethan Taylor, Anthony Milner, Michael Suseno
St Mary’s Cathedral Choir

Swing Band I


ABSENT: Mr Daniel Hart, Kane Creado

Swing Band II

ABSENT: Ethan Byrne, Griffin Carpenter, Aiden Lobegeier, Alexander Kin-Maung, Nicholas Di Biase, Mr Daniel Hart

258 | Performing Arts
BACK ROW: Thibault Martin, Liam Stojan, Jetson Cook, Louis Burnett, Jack Hansen-Knarhoi, Xavier Nicoletto, Domenic Lamattina FRONT ROW: Tom Boisvert, Kato Pachioli, Cuba Williams, Lewis Murabito, Jamie D’Agostino, Westlee Terrell, Giacomo BACK ROW: Chase Oosterweghel, Tobias Hailand, Lewis Murabito, Rhys Davey, Ashton Callus, Brandon Bird FRONT ROW: Spencer Hathrill, Xavier Bracey, Marc D’Cruz, Louis Daniel, Oliver Nicoletto, Nash Styles

Vacate Palace Rock Band


Oscar Palermo, Cuba Williams, Bon Nastasi, Sebastian Carr

ABSENT: Mr Todd Byrom-Carter

Trinity/Mercedes Wind Ensemble

BACK ROW: Emrys Connell, Felix Properjohn, Nicholas Di Biase, Edward McLean, Michael Grassi, Tobias Hailand, Mark Jakowetz, Thibault Martin, Oliver Rowney, Griffin Carpenter, Ashton Callus, Charlie Denniston, Fletcher Cosby, Henry Clarey

THIRD ROW: Xavier Bracey, Jacob Nicholls, James Curtis, Henry Bennetts, Luca Misiun, Tyson Franklin, Li Chung Choi, Brandon Bird, Dylan Cadogan, James Ho, Oliver Parsons, Chase Oosterweghel, Zavier Leone, Larston Dharma, Ben Beros, Joseph Kelleher, Declan Hornbuckle

SECOND ROW: Ms Kate Pitcher, Jacob Cloud, Matthew Hodge, Oliver Pontre, Xavier Collins, Calvin Teo, Ethan Byrne, Nash Styles, William Buttsworth, Henry Scholz, Louis Daniel, Marc D’Cruz, Jackson Lang, Riley Hall, Bailey Coates, Stephen Williams, Casey Hellemons, Daniel Gandy, Oliver Watkins, James Locke, Mr Steve Harmer

FRONT ROW: Avyukta Balaji, Estelle Engering, Madeleine McFerran, Scarlett Capes, Claudia Coates, Jessica Ryan, Phi Nguyen, Aiden Lobegeier, Rhys Tan, Amethyst Francis, Scarlett Hill, Marcella Palermo, Sarah Munckton, Abbey Stefanelli, April Dillon

ABSENT: Dev Chavda, Declan Hope, Sachin Natraj Kalale, Liam Murray, Kobe-Jackson Peppin, Jarvin Pinesi-O’Brien, James Spencer

Annual 2023 | 259

Trinity/Mercedes Classical Guitar Ensemble

Trinity/Mercedes String Orchestra

THIRD ROW: Torrey Benness, Alvarez Dharma, Neil Singh, Matthew Ryan, Luke Chapman, Nikhil Thambiran, Patrick Carroll, Nicholas Bowden-Jones, Jamison Hehir

SECOND ROW: Antony Milner, Zenneth Kerr, Hansen Qin, Michael Suseno, Aris Mazarakis, Jimmy Jurjevich, Gabriel Sceresini, Alexander Kin-Maung, Jeremiah Locke

FRONT ROW: Faith Baltov, Emilie-Grace Lotsos, Mr Steven Harmer, Miranda Di Camillo, Sannidhi Rao

ABSENT: Mrs Lena Bennett, Aurelio De Mattia, Rhys Du-Mathews, Mendel Erftemeijer, Kyle Singh

260 | Performing Arts
BACK ROW: Dr Melissa Fitzgerald, Alexander Carney, Brendan Carrabba, Harry Hansen-Knarhoi, Todd Hassett, Alvarez Dharma FRONT ROW: Sienna Soraine, Siena Marchesi, Billie-Rose Francis, Talia Collins, Neave Buttigieg BACK ROW: Asha Cook, Eli Walsh, Jetson Cook, William Hall, Ethan Taylor, Louis Burnett, Finn Stenning Alexander, Renata Palermo

Trinity/Mercedes String Ensemble I

BACK ROW: James Felsner, Michael Masbate, Alphons Jospeh, Emrys Connell, Ruby Lorimer, Milan Sertorio, Arnav Dakhane, Frederick Brockett, Matteo Redolatti

THIRD ROW: Daniel Godfrey, Chanon Sutton

SECOND ROW: Madeleine Shaw, Amanda Real, Neve Poustie, Thomas Willing, Acacia Takoniatis, Callie O’shea, Ethan Vo, Poppy Barlett, Esther Coates, Riccardo Colicchio

FRONT ROW: Mani Townsend, Zane Del Paggio, Serena Ooi, Ms Kate Kitcher, Ms Erica Ketterer, Mia Chhetri, Harrison Day, Zachery Yau

ABSENT: Daniel Cadogan, Sophia Mcmillan

Trinity/Mercedes Wind Orchestra

BACK ROW: Liam Stojan, Jack Hansen-Knarhoi, Louis Burnett, Fraser Perkins, Xavier Nicoletto

FIFTH ROW: Eloise Edman, Samuel Shipton, Domenic Lamattina, Kane Creado, Tom Boisvert, Oliver Cruskall, Lewis Murabito, Jehan Hopkins, Inika Laurent

FOURTH ROW: Imogen Oliver, Abishek Sureshkumar, Harrison Watkins, Westlee Terrell, Jordan Rodrigues, Connor Chok, Llavan Pirabananthan, John Van Beek, Alexander Santoro, Finn Taylor, Isla Mouchemore

THIRD ROW: Oliver Nicoletto, Isaac Adamos, Tahlia Carbone, Abigail Woodhouse, Alessandro Hipolito, Kato Pachioli, Sarah Felsner, Gabrielle Mcferran, Caleb Hu, Hugh Murphy

SECOND ROW: Rohan Ercegovich, Josephine Lukasik, Sophia Herrington, Maya Bogoyev, Annabelle Di Ciano, Giacomo Vinciguerra, Caitlin Felsner, Alexis Harvey, Emily Cirillo, Meghan Hayward, Daniel De Mattia, Julian Lamattina

FRONT ROW: Alexia Petrillo, Stephanie Hackwill, Lucy Ward-Dickson, Mrs Ventia Webber, Ms Catherine Clarnette, Vrinda Dudeja, Emma Orunesu-Preiata, Ela Kowalczyk

ABSENT: Lachlan Arnold, Oliver Coates, Declan Collins, James Kenwery, Nadev Mahatalagalage Don, Theo Mistilis, Harry Murphy, Sebastian Park, Lithum Wickramanayake, Laila Arnold

Annual 2023 | 261

Trinity/Mercedes Chorale

BACK ROW: Cale Boska, Stefan Zirojevic, Eli Walsh, Liam Stojan, Jamie D’Agostino, James Kenwery, Matthew Petanga, Harry Hansen-Knarhoi, Louis Burnett, Theodore Stynman, Mendel Erfemeijer, William Hall, Fraser Perkins, Jetson Cook, Xavier Nicoletto, Max Hewitt, Evan Alderslade, Jac Beros, Jack Hansen-Knarhoi, Lewis Murabito, Domenic Lamattina, Connor Chok, Patrick Carroll, Abishek Sureshkumar, Joseph Chapman, Cuba Williams, Kaiden Edmonds

THIRD ROW: Zachary McLean, Denver Havercroft, Michael Hall, Rocco Fowler, Antonio Sanfilippo, Nadev Mahatalagalage Don, Luke Chapman, Hudson Ding, Torrey Benness, Jehan Hopkins, Thomas Murray, William Thomson, Finn Stenning Alexander, Daniel Godfrey, Pierce Edmonds, John Van Beek, Luke Perlini, Llavan Pirabananthan, Declan Collins, Todd Hassett, Alvarez Dharma, Nicholas Bowden-Jones, Anthony Milner, Aarav Bhandari, Michael Suseno, Daniel De Mattia, Matthew Collins, Dr Robert Braham

SECOND ROW: Imogen Oliver, Clarissa Lim, Gabrielle McFerran, Olive Marando, Bianca Algeri, Georgia Maguire, Abigail Woodhouse, Nicola Matthews, Inika Laurent, Imogen Wares, Heidi Graves, Gabriella De Nuccio, Samuel Tranter, Jack Clarey, Isaac Adamos, Caleb Hu, Aurelio De Mattia, Gabriel Masbate, Lucas D’Angelo, Giacomo Vinciguerra, Asha Cook, Sophi Steel, Renata Palermo, Stella McMurtrie, Lara O’Brien, Rhiannon Jones, Isla Mouchemore, Daisy Holder, Rahel Karo Karo, Grace Thomas, Mrs Ann Clarke

FRONT ROW: Katie Neal, Ela Kowalczyk, Sophia McMillan, Aishlin Fritz, Taya Cicanese, Celina Wyder, Domini Foss, Rosanna Boylen, Ariel Baker, Xavia Paddon, Emily Cirillo, Meghan Hayward, Lily Walsh, Annabelle Di Ciano, Sarah Felsner, Amelia Vinciullo, Ruby Raso, Stephanie Bottega, Stefanie Scott, Diana Gavril, Kayla Lim, Kate Bourne, Eloise Benness, Laila Arnold, Eve Sharpham, Surabi Kiran, Poppy Bartlett, Faith Baltov, Aleisha Loh, Indigo Whincup, Charlotte Woods, Caitlin Felsner, Ms Catherine Clarnette

ABSENT: Selemana Amato, Emma Biundo, Cassandra Buxton, Luca Fowler, Zachary Gosatti, Mia Horgan, Bon Nastasi, Emily Neal, William Norman, Luca Palmero, Chelsea Rimington, Alexander Santoro, Lara Tucker

262 | Performing Arts

Trinity/Mercedes Symphonic Brass

BACK ROW: Ms Tracey Harris, Isaac Adamos, Julian Lamattina, Domenic Lamattina, Eloise Edman, Connor Chok, Harry Murphy, Kato Pachioli, Mr Steven Harmer

FRONT ROW: Josephine Lukasik, Daniel De Mattia, Stephanie Hackwill, Lucy Ward-Dickson, Imogen Oliver, Abigail Woodhouse, Lachlan Arnold, Alexia Petrillo

ABSENT: Rhys Davey

Trinity/Mercedes Wind Band

BACK ROW: Charlotte Fielder, Ben O’Driscoll, Matthew Prosser, Bryce Kyte, Christian Parola, Alexander Martin, Lucas Le, Eamon Day, Jack Katich, leen Asward

THIRD ROW: Mitchell Thompson, Luke Bradley, Morgan Yates, Neve Denniston, Thusheivan Pirabananthan, Kelsey Van Heemst, Indiana Benson, Ji Richardson, Joel Murabito, Joshua Macdonald

SECOND ROW: Arnav Panday, James Bianchini, Samara Duff , Daniel Cadogan, Alexander Scott, Cash Allen, Jasper Nutt, Spencer Hathrill

FRONT ROW: Harry Chua, Sebastian Manchego, Lucinda Rea, Ms Kate Pitcher, Mr Steven Harmer, Ms Tracey Harris, Emma Caporn, Harry Mclean, Jet Wilson

ABSENT: William Bavington, Oliver Bowen, Oscar Carpenter, Oliver Gruber, Alexander Hugo, Curtis Ieraci, Aidan Kiely, Brett Maston, Connor Tiley, Lucas Ting, Charlotte Smith

Annual 2023 | 263

Pemulwuy Music Tour 2023

MIDDLE ROW: Ms Kate Pitcher, Joseph Palazzo, Adam Patrascu, Izack Di Nella, Alexander Perry, Oliver Manning, Joel Murabito, Lucas Harold, Riccardo Colicchio, Mrs Ann Clarke

FRONT ROW: Michael Russo, Zachery Yau, Jonah Marshall, James Clark, Jacob Cloud, Mani Townsend, Hasan Mirza, Jacob Tran, Sohil Verma

ABSENT: Eamon Day, Declan Hornbuckle, Max Scarparolo, Liam Stojan, Vincent Tiller, John Van Beek

Percussion Ensemble III

BACK ROW: Oscar Carpenter, Mr Joey Eng, Fabian Latouche

FRONT ROW: Lucas Ting, James Bianchini, Jasper Nutt, Curtis Ieraci

ABSENT: Alexander Hugo, Alexander Scott

264 | Performing Arts
BACK ROW: Mr David Penco, James Felsner, Henry Bennetts, Oliver Parsons, Milan Sertorio, James Ho, Alphons Joseph, Felix Palmer, Mr Steve Harmer

String Quartet II

LEFT TO RIGHT: Mrs Lena Bennett, Gabriel Sceresini, Hansen Qin, Rhys Du-mathews, Zenneth Ker

String Trio

LEFT TO RIGHT: Mrs Lena Bennett, James Jurjevich, Jeremiah Locke, Aris Mazarakis

Trinity Concussion

BACK ROW: Mr Joseph Eng, Branson May, Jamie D’Agostino, Liam Bush

FRONT ROW: Isaac Adamos, Harrison Watkins, Domenic Lamattina, Caleb Hu

ABSENT: Theo Mistilis, Matthew Wilson

Annual 2023 | 265

Catholic Performing Arts Shields

Trinity College Junior Vocal Ensemble: Archbishop Foley Award (Sacred Choral Primary)

Trinity College Junior Vocal Ensemble: Brigidine Sisters’ Award (Choral Singing Primary)

Trinity/ Mercedes Chorale: Christopher Waddell Award (Choral Singing Secondary)

Trinity College Year 12 ATAR Drama: Dr Carmen Lawrence Award (Drama Ensemble Scripted or Devised)


266 | Performing Arts
Caleb HU (11.1) & Isaac ADAMOS (11.2): Peter Tannock Award (Instrumental Duet Secondary)

Todd HASSETT (11.4): Oblates of Mary Immaculate Award (Instrumental Solo Secondary)

Liam STOJAN (12.8): The Catenian Association Scholarship (Instrumental Solo Secondary)

Trinity/Mercedes Symphonic Brass Ensemble: Premier of Western Australia Award (Instrumental Ensemble Secondary)

Trinity/Mercedes Wind Orchestra: University of Notre Dame Award (Concert Band Secondary)

Lucas LE (7.5): The Vera Chidlow Scholarship (Secondary Piano Forte)

Trinity College: The 2023 Zenith Award for Metropolitan Secondary Schools and Colleges

Annual 2023 | 267

Catholic Performing Arts Results 2023





Trinity College Year 5/6 Choir

Primary Choral (Class Choir)

Trinity College

Junior Vocal Ensemble

Primary Choral (Select Choirs)

Trinity College Junior Vocal

Ensemble – Sacred Choral (Primary) (Select/Auditioned Choir)

Trinity College String Quartet II

Instrumental Ensembles (Secondary Strings)

Trinity Year 5/6

Chamber String Ensemble

Instrumental Ensembles (Primary Strings)

Trinity/Mercedes Classical Guitar

Ensemble - Instrumental Ensembles (Acoustic/Classical Guitar)

Trinity Classical Guitar Ensemble I Instrumental Ensembles (Acoustic/Classical Guitar)

TC Year 12 ATAR Drama Item 1

Secondary Play or Excerpt

TC Year 12 ATAR Drama Item 2

Secondary Play or Excerpt

Trinity/Mercedes Symphonic Brass

Ensemble - Instrumental Ensembles (Secondary Brass)

Trinity Percussion Ensemble I Instrumental Ensembles (Secondary Percussion)

Trinity Percussion Ensemble II Instrumental Ensembles (Secondary Percussion)

Trinity College

Senior Vocal Ensemble

Sacred Choral (Secondary) Two Contrasting Songs

Trinity College Senior Chorale

Sacred Choral (Secondary) Two Contrasting Songs

Trinity/Mercedes Chorale

Sacred Choral (Secondary) Two Contrasting Songs

Trinity/Mercedes Chorale Choral Singing (Secondary)

Trinity Middle School Vocal Ensemble Choral Singing (Secondary)

Trinity Senior Chorale Choral Singing (Secondary)

Trinity Mercedes Wind Orchestra Concert Band (Secondary Years 7–12)



Trinity College Year 4 Choir Primary Choral (Beginning Choir)

Trinity/Mercedes Wind Ensemble Concert Band (Junior Years 4–10)

Trinity College

Junior Concert Band Concert Band (Primary Years 1–6)

Trinity College String Trio Instrumental Ensembles (Secondary Strings)

Trinity/Mercedes String Orchestra

Instrumental Ensembles (Secondary Strings)

Trinity Year 5/6 String Ensemble

Instrumental Ensembles (Primary Strings)

Trinity Classical Guitar Ensemble II Instrumental Ensembles (Acoustic/Classical Guitar)

Trinity College Symphonic Brass Ensemble – Instrumental Ensembles (Secondary Brass)

Trinity College Clarinet Ensemble

Instrumental Ensembles (Secondary Woodwind)

Trinity Concussion

Instrumental Ensembles (Secondary Percussion)

Trinity/Mercedes String Ensemble Instrumental Ensembles (Secondary Strings)

Trinity Middle School Chorale Choral Singing (Secondary)

Trinity Touring Choir Choral Singing (Secondary)


Trinity College Year 6 Clarinet Trio Instrumental Ensembles Primary Woodwind

Trinity College String Quartet I Instrumental Ensembles

Secondary Strings

Trinity College Swing Band I Big Band Secondary

No Clu Rock Band

Contemporary Band


Trinity College Year 7 Clarinet Trio

Instrumental Ensembles (Secondary Woodwind)

Trinity College Middle School

Vocal Ensemble

Sacred Choral (Secondary)

Two Contrasting Songs


Secondary Dance

Boys in Groove

Primary Dance

Trinity/Mercedes Vocal Ensemble Choral Singing (Secondary)

Trinity Senior Vocal Ensemble Choral Singing (Secondary)

268 | Performing Arts



Isaac ADAMOS (11.2)

Instrumental Percussion

Secondary Solo

Tom BOISVERT (12.4)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Louis BURNETT (10.3)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Louis BURNETT (10.3)

& Lewis MURABITO (10.2)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Duet

Alexander CARNEY (8.8)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Solo

Brendan CARRABBA (9.5)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Solo

Brendan CARRABBA (9.5) & Jimmy JURJEVICH (9.3)

Instrumental Two Different Instruments Secondary Duet

Zahn CELEDIN (11.1) & Owen HEWITT (11.6)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Duet

Louis DANIEL (7.3)

Piano Secondary Solo

Alvarez DHARMA (12.3)

& Todd HASSETT (11.4)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Duet

Mendel ERFTEMEIJER (11.1)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Mendel ERFTEMEIJER (11.1)

& Gabriel PEREIRA (11.4)

Piano Secondary Duet

Todd HASSETT (11.4)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Solo

Denver HAVERCROFT (12.8)

Year 12 Vocal Solo

Jamison HEHIR (11.1)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Owen HEWITT (11.6)

& Todd HASSETT (11.4)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Duet

James HO (8.5)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Caleb HU (11.1)

& Isaac ADAMOS (11.2)

Instrumental Percussion Secondary Duet

Caleb HU (11.1)

Instrumental Percussion Secondary Solo

Sebastian KELLEHER (12.1)

Scripted Drama Secondary Solo

Domenic LAMATTINA (12.6)

Instrumental Percussion Secondary Solo

Julian LAMATTINA (11.1)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Julian LAMATTINA (11.1)

& Lachlan ARNOLD (11.2)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Duet

Lucas LE (7.5)

Piano Secondary Solo

Nadev MAHATALAGALAGE DON (12.6) & John VAN BEEK (12.8)

Years 7–12 Vocal Duet


Primary Piano Solo

Bowie MCCABE (9.7)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Solo

Jett MISON (8.3)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Solo

Lewis MURABITO (10.2)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Robert NAYSMITH (7.8)

& Hadley WALKER (7.1)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Duet

Gabriel PEREIRA (11.4)

Piano Secondary Solo


Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Matteo REDOLATTI (7.3)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical

Guitar Solo

Alexander SANTORO (10.6)

Piano Secondary Solo

Gabriel SCERESINI (7.7)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Liam STOJAN (12.8)

Instrumental Woodwind

Secondary Solo

Reuben TRAN (9.8)

Piano Secondary Solo

John VAN BEEK (12.8)

Year 12 Vocal Solo

Giacomo VINCIGUERRA (10.7)

Instrumental Woodwind

Secondary Solo

Hadley WALKER (7.1)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Solo


Cameron ANDREWS (7.2)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Solo

Lachlan ARNOLD (11.2)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Henry BENNETTS (8.4)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Nicholas BOWDEN JONES (11.5) & Matthew RYAN (11.5)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Duet

Noah BOSIO (10.2)

& Rhys DAVEY (10.1)

Instrumental Percussion Secondary Duet

Louis BURNETT (10.3)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Dylan CADOGAN (9.4)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Solo

Ashton CALLUS (9.1)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Brendan CARRABBA (9.5)

& Neave BUTTIGIEG (Mercedes College) Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Duet

Jonah CARTWRIGHT (10.5)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Solo

Li CHOI (9.5)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Jacob CLOUD (8.1)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Annual 2023 | 269

Riccardo COLICCHIO (8.2)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Jetson COOK (11.2)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Fletcher COSBY (8.1)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Oliver CRUSKALL (10.6)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

James CURTIS (8.6)

& Casey HELLEMONS (8.6)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Duet

Jamie D’AGOSTINO (11.7)

Instrumental Percussion Secondary Solo

Louis DANIEL (7.3)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Marc D’CRUZ (7.5) & William BUTTSWORTH (7.4)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Duet

Zane DEL PAGGIO (8.8)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Solo

Aurelio DE MATTIA (10.6)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Daniel DE MATTIA (10.2)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Daniel DE MATTIA (10.2)

& Jacob NICHOLLS (9.7)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Duet

Charlie DENNISTON (8.1)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Charlie DENNISTON (8.1) & Fletcher COSBY (8.1)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Duet

Nicholas DI BIASE (8.8)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Rhys DU MATHEWS (7.1)

Instrumental Strings

Secondary Solo

Tyson FRANKLIN (9.2)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Tobias HAILAND (9.8)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo


Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo


& Kato PACHIOLI (11.2)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Duet

Denver HAVERCROFT (12.8)

Scripted Drama Secondary Solo

Jehan HOPKINS (12.1)

Instrumental Woodwind

Secondary Solo

Noah HORGAN (12.6)

Scripted Drama Secondary Solo

Mark JAKOWETZ (9.5)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Jimmy JURJEVICH (9.3)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Jimmy JURJEVICH (9.3)

Year 9 Vocal Solo

James KENWERY (12.8)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Zenneth KER (8.7)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Julian LAMATTINA (11.1)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Lucas LE (7.5)

Instrumental Woodwind

Secondary Solo

James LOCKE (8.2)

Instrumental Percussion

Secondary Solo

Jeremiah LOCKE (9.3)

Instrumental Strings

Secondary Solo

Antony MILNER (10.2)

Instrumental Strings

Secondary Solo

Luca MISIUN (9.7)

Instrumental Percussion

Secondary Solo

Jasper MORRIS-LUCK (7.5)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Solo

Harry MURPHY (10.7)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Thomas MURRAY (12.7)

Instrumental Woodwind

Secondary Solo

Jacob NICHOLLS (9.7)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Xavier NICOLETTO (12.7)

Instrumental Woodwind

Secondary Solo

Oliver NICOLETTO (9.4)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Oliver NICOLETTO (9.4)

& Tobias HAILAND (9.8)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Duet

Oliver PARSONS (8.6)

Instrumental Woodwind

Secondary Solo

Luke PATINO (8.5)

& Jett MISON (8.3)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical

Guitar Duet

Thusheivan PIRABANANTHAN (7.3)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Oliver PONTRE (8.1)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Hansen QIN (7.2)

Instrumental Strings

Secondary Solo

Matteo REDOLATTI (7.3)

Instrumental Strings Primary Solo

Jordan RODRIGUES (12.3)

Instrumental Woodwind

Secondary Solo

Matthew RYAN (11.5)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Henry SCHOLZ (8.2)

Instrumental Percussion

Secondary Solo

James SPENCER (7.4)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Michael SUSENO (11.7)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Neil SINGH (8.6)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Ethan TAYLOR (9.7)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Nikhil THAMBIRAN (9.3)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Mani TOWNSEND (7.1)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Reuben TRAN (9.8)

Instrumental Acoustic/Classical Guitar Solo

Eli WALSH (10.5)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

270 | Performing Arts

Cuba WILLIAMS (10.6)

Instrumental Electric Guitar Secondary Solo

Matthew WILSON (12.4)

Instrumental Percussion Secondary Solo

Jet WILSON (7.8)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo


Torrey BENNESS (11.5)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Ben BEROS (8.5)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Brandon BIRD (9.8)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Xavier BRACEY (9.3)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Xavier BRACEY (9.3)

& Griffin CARPENTER (9.5)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Duet

Frederick BROCKETT (7.1)

& Zachary YAU (7.1)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Duet

William BUTTSWORTH (7.4)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Ethan BYRNE (7.2)

& Nash STYLES (7.4)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Duet

Daniel CADOGAN (7.7)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Dylan CADOGAN (9.4)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Griffin CARPENTER (9.5)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Connor CHOK (10.8)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Li CHOI (9.5) & Tyson FRANKLIN (9.2)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Duet

Emrys CONNELL (9.3)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Emrys CONNELL (9.3)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Kane CREADO (11.5)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

James CURTIS (8.6)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Arnav DAKHANE (9.1)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Harrison DAY (8.5)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Marc D’CRUZ (7.5)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Larston DHARMA (8.2)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Elliot FIELD (06W)

Primary Piano Solo

James FELSNER (8.8)

& Zane DEL PAGGIO (8.8)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Duet

Michael GRASSI (9.7)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Riley HALL (7.4)

Instrumental Woodwind

Secondary Solo

Spencer HATHRILL (7.2)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Casey HELLEMONS (8.6)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Declan HOPE (9.6)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Declan HORNBUCKLE (9.2)

Instrumental Percussion Secondary Solo

Blake JOHNSON (8.7)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Alphons JOSEPH (8.4)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Julian LAMATTINA (11.1)

& Westlee TERRELL (10.5)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Duet

Jackson LANG (7.2)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Nadev MAHATALAGALAGE DON (12.6) Year 12 Vocal Solo

Thiabault MARTIN (9.6)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Edward MCLEAN (8.6)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Zachary MCLEAN (10.7)

Year 10 Vocal Solo

Joel MURABITO (7.4)

& Sebastian MANCHEGO (7.5)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Duet

Phi NGUYEN (7.5)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Phi NGUYEN (7.5)

& Rhys TAN (7.1)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Duet


Instrumental Woodwind

Secondary Solo

Sebastian PARK (10.3)

Instrumental Percussion

Secondary Solo

Kato PACHIOLI (11.2)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Arnav PANDAY (7.7)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Kobe-Jackson PEPPIN (7.1)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Kobe-Jackson PEPPIN (7.1)

& James SPENCER (7.4)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Duet

Fraser PERKINS (12.2)

Instrumental Woodwind

Secondary Solo

Matthew PROSSER (7.8)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Matthew PROSSER (7.8)

& Cooper HARRIS (7.2)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Duet


Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Ethan SMITH (7.8)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Eamon SOH (05G)

Primary Piano Solo

Luke STUBBS (9.1)

Instrumental Strings Secondary Solo

Abishek SURESHKUMAR (10.2)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Abishek SURESHKUMAR (10.2)

Piano Secondary Solo

Rhys TAN (7.1)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Finn TAYLOR (10.8)

Instrumental Woodwind

Secondary Solo

Calvin TEO (9.1)

Instrumental Brass Secondary Solo

Stephen WILLIAMS (8.7)

Instrumental Woodwind Secondary Solo

Annual 2023 | 271

Pipes & Drums

It is encouraging to see the continuing growth of the Trinity College Pipes & Drums. 2023 has seen a change in repertoire from not only performing traditional music, but also introducing more modern contemporary suites.

Our Pipe Band, although small in numbers, has stepped out proudly and represented the College not only on the stage for College events, but also in the greater community, with several engagements. This year the band completed numerous performances, either as a full band in social settings or as requested soloists at private functions.

Community events included:

+ Rugby and Football nights

+ The University Club of WA – The Graduate Management Association of UWA Annual Black Tie Dinner

+ Commemoration of Indigenous Veterans’ Service

+ The Spirit of Arts Festival Closing Concert

+ WA State Solo Competitions

+ TPDVWA Solo Piping and Drumming Contest

It is also great to see the Trinity College Pipes & Drums be invited to join the ranks with the Coastal Scottish Pipe Band; to take part in the Perth Anzac parades; and to have the opportunity to participate in the Alinta Energy Christmas Pageant.

The band had four students represent the College to compete in the WA State Championships and achieve places:

+ Blake Kulenovic (11.6) – 1st D Grade Bass

+ Taj Kulenovic (11.6) – 2nd D Grade Snare

+ Torrey Benness (11.5) – 3rd D Grade Snare

+ Taj Kulenovic (11.6) – 3rd C Grade Snare

It was even more encouraging to see Jack Graham-Arho (7.2) compete in Beginner Snare, this being his first year of tuition. We look forward to seeing more band members competing in 2024.

This year we farewelled Mr Charles Barblett and welcomed a new piping tutor, Mr Callum Griffiths. We look forward to seeing what wonderful music Mr Griffiths can assist us in creating with his talent in putting together contemporary sets. We also welcomed back a familiar face to the band, Mrs Maureen Barnett, who has come back onboard to assist with maintaining and issuing our band uniform.

Some of our new students who commenced this year have now started rehearsing with the band members, and we look forward to seeing them progress to join the ranks of the Pipes & Drums in 2024.

On behalf of Trinity College Pipes & Drums, I extend our thanks to the Music Department, Friends of the Performing Arts and to our Pipes & Drums parents for their support throughout the year.

Mrs Sarah Satie

Trinity College Pipes & Drums

272 | Performing Arts

ABSENT: Mr Timothy Sewell Pipes

Annual 2023 | 273
BACK ROW: Mr Callum Griffiths, Deakin Tran, William Hall, Taj Kulenovic, Luke Scotford, Michael Hall, Mrs Sarah Satie FRONT ROW: Felix Palmer, Isaac Heald, Seamus McHugh, Lachlan Bird, Blake Kulenovic, Torrey Benness, Leonardo Tanner, Giacomo Vinciguerra
& Drums


Dance holds a special place at Trinity College for its multifaceted benefits, impacting physical fitness, social development, emotional expression and personal growth. It goes beyond challenging stereotypes, fostering creativity and promoting inclusivity; it becomes an integral part of the all-boys educational experience.

In 2023 we witnessed the formation of two new dance groups. Trilogy, comprising three talented individuals, set out to break dance boundaries with an emotionally charged routine to Dean Lewis’s How Do I Say Goodbye Their performances at various events, including the Quarry Concert, Performing Arts Assembly, “School to Stage” (third place) and the Performing Arts Festival, showcased their commitment to excellence. Another group of seven young men, combined with the skills of two Mercedes College students, delivered a thrilling jazz piece to Birdland, incorporating lifts and jumps to add excitement to their collaboration.

Our established auditioned group, Imperium, continued to shine, receiving a National Award at the Wakakirri Festival for their performance titled Industrial Revolution Festival Director Adam Loxley praised Trinity College’s creativity and quality, with Wakakirri Ambassador Libby Hammer commending the powerful message conveyed about human advancements since the industrial revolution.

Participation in the Performing Arts Festival is a yearly tradition for Trinity College dance students. GIG’s piece drew inspiration from the movie Oceans 11, portraying an elaborate jewellery heist at the Bellagio Hotel. Navigating their way past an elaborate security system, they managed to make their way to the heavily guarded diamond – protected by our year 7s’ yielding green laser torches. Meanwhile, the Junior School students (BIG) brought the pirate world to life, with a spirited performance full of daring sword fights, flags and exciting music.

September marked a milestone, as the annual dance and drama showcase moved off-campus to the Subiaco Arts Centre. This provided students with an intimate platform to display their talents, ranging from elective groups to ATAR students, resulting in a successful and entertaining evening.

The seniors bid farewell with a poignant performance at Presentation Night, featuring the innovative piece Hallelujah. John Van Beek’s (12.8) rendition of Leonard Cohen’s iconic song, complemented by the tapping of Xavier Nicoletto (12.7) and contemporary dance by Zach Gosatti (10.1), Zach McLean (10.7) and Oli Nicoletto (9.4), created an emotionally charged experience.

John’s rendition, shaped by years of practice and a profound connection to the song’s lyrics, harmonises with the dancers’ display of strength, grace and unity. The choreography reflects the struggles and triumphs of life, mirroring the themes of Hallelujah, with each dancer representing a different facet of the song’s emotional journey, from despair and heartbreak to resilience, redemption and even loneliness.

Hallelujah served as a tribute not only to the song, but also to the unwavering dedication and hard work of Trinity College’s talented young men. It showcased the transformative power of perseverance and passion in creating moments of profound beauty that resonate deeply with the soul.

The world of dance at Trinity College has made an indelible mark on hearts and minds. From Trilogy’s emotional routines to Imperium’s accolades and the mesmerising Hallelujah performance, these achievements underscore the power of dance as a medium for personal and collective expression. Trinity stands proud, celebrating the dedication and artistry of its talented young men, proving that dance is not just a physical art form, but also a transformative journey through the tapestry of emotions.

Mrs Paula Nicoletto Dance Teacher

274 | Performing Arts

BACK ROW: Julian Lamattina, Milan Sertorio, Finn Stenning Alexander, Luke Stubbs, Bill Smith, Liam Chandler

MIDDLE ROW: Mrs Paula Nicoletto, Samuel Tranter, Zachary McLean, Xavier Nicoletto (Captain), Liam Chandler, Oliver Nicoletto, Kaiden Edmonds

FRONT ROW: James Jurjevich, Harry Dillon, Declan Hornbuckle, Joel Brouwer, Ethan Vo, Harrison Day

ABSENT: Zachary Gosatti, John Van Beek

THIRD ROW: Harry Dillon, Kaiden Edmonds, Oliver Nicoletto, Zachary McLean, Joel Brouwer, Declan Hornbuckle, Samuel Tranter

SECOND ROW: Mrs Paula Nicoletto, Kobe-Jackson Peppin, James Jurjevich, Eamon Day, Xavier Bracey, Ethan Vo, Dexter Pereira, Cash Allen, James Dellow

FRONT ROW: Mani Townsend, Lucas Hall, James Clark, Xavier Nicoletto (Captain), Daniel Cadogan, Harrison Day, Riley Hall

ABSENT: Zachary Gosatti, John Van Beek

Annual 2023 | 275
BACK ROW: Bill Smith, Luke Stubbs, Luke Chapman, Finn Stenning Alexander, Milan Sertorio, Julian Lamattina
Imperium Guys in Groove


It has been another busy and exciting year for Drama at Trinity which saw plenty of amazing opportunities for our Years 7–10 middle school Drama students and our Year 12 ATAR Drama students. Students have covered a range of drama forms and styles including clowning, realism, melodrama, multi-formed devised drama, youth theatre, children’s theatre, presentational theatre and poor theatre. Selected 2023 highlights follow.

Incursions and Excursions

Students have participated in several workshops including improvisation, sound, lighting and set design, monologue preparation and physical theatre training, run by industry professionals from theatre companies such as The Black Swan Theatre Company and The Big HOO-HAA! These workshops aim to further challenge and develop students’ skills and provide them with networking opportunities.

The Year 12 ATAR Drama students represented Trinity proudly in the annual PSA theatre sports competition; an initiative aimed at expanding opportunities for PSA students to interact as a community beyond sport. This improvisation-based evening required students to respond spontaneously and creatively to live prompts – it was a night full of laughter.

The boys have also seen some fantastic live theatre including Cosi, produced by The Midnite Youth Theatre Company, which helped them immensely when studying the text as part of the Year 12 course. They also attended ‘Perspectives’, which is an important and inspiring educational event on the annual calendar of Year 11 and Year 12 Performing Arts students.

Senior School Drama Production

Earlier in the year we welcomed a full house to a night of fun, intrigue and audience interaction, with the Senior School Drama Production The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens, written by Billy St John and directed by Ms Jesse McGinn. Seven Trinity students from Years 10–12, along with six girls from various Perth colleges, showcased their talents as a murder mystery unravelled, which kept the audience guessing ‘who dunnit?’. While these productions require a lot of dedication and hard work from everyone involved, they can also mark one of the highlights of a student’s schooling journey.

Dance and Drama Showcase

For the first time this year we took our annual Dance and Drama Showcase off campus, to the Subiaco Arts Centre, offering both our College community and our students a night of intimate theatre.

It was a rewarding experience for a selection of our talented Year 8 and Year 10 students who performed several contemporary Australian scripted drama scenes, which had our audience in stitches. It was also a big night for our Year 12 ATAR students, who performed ensemble items and solo monologues in preparation for their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) practical examinations. The standard of work was impressive and very well received by their audience.

Catholic Performing Arts Festival

Our Year 12 ATAR Drama students were proud to have received ‘Outstanding’ and ‘Excellence’ awards for their ensemble drama and solo monologues at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival this year. The students also became Shield recipients, taking home the Dr Carmen Lawrence award for the Drama Ensemble Scripted or Devised section – testament to their passion, commitment and dedication to their craft.

My thanks is extended to the following people and groups for their commitment in 2023.

Mr Ben Mitchell for his hard work and the many extra hours he has contributed towards the Drama Department.

Our Drama Captain, Mr Noah Horgan, who has demonstrated excellent leadership. We recognise Noah for his ongoing commitment to the arts at the College and in particular, to Drama.

The Performing Arts team, FOPA (Friends of the Performing Arts) and the amazing parents for all their support and loyalty to the performing arts.

And finally, to our drama students – we congratulate you on being part of the Drama curriculum at Trinity College and for sharing your creativity with us.

276 | Performing Arts
Annual 2023 | 277
LEFT TO RIGHT: Ms Jesse McGinn, Denver Havercroft, Noah Horgan, Oshay Riley, Sebastian Kelleher
Year 12 ATAR Drama

Pemulwuy Music Tour

The July school holidays saw 29 students and four staff members travel to Brisbane to take part in the Pemulwuy National Male Voice Festival, the Voices of Birralee.

The festival ran for three days from 7 to 9 July and male choirs of all ages (9–99) travelled from all over Australia to take part. As part of the festival, the boys spent each day rehearsing in large groups of similar voices (treble, youth or adult), learning songs that the choirs would sing in the final massed festival performance. In the late afternoon and evening each day, the choristers were treated to performances by different choirs attending the festival. The Trinity College Tour Choir performed on the first night of the festival and, along with the Bunbury Men of Song, were the only representatives from Western Australia. Our boys were split into two rehearsal groups, children’s and youth choirs. These groups were conducted by internationally renowned choral conductors including Jenny Moon and Chris Burcin, who made the rehearsal sessions witty, engaging and challenging as the boys learned four new songs in two days.

For the final massed performance, the students performed in the incredible Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC), alongside approximately 400 other male voices. The culmination and highlight of the concert was performing Pemulwuy! by Australian composer Paul Jarman. Singing with so many other voices was an unforgettable experience.

The Pemulwuy tour was a great success, with many memories being made and some incredible experiences of high-quality singing. This success doesn’t happen without a great deal of hard work and planning, and thanks are due to Mr Steven Harmer, Ms Kate Pitcher and Mr David Penco who all assisted in so many ways. Additionally, thanks to Ms Lisa Krogh, who coordinated so much of our administrative duties and made sure everything ran smoothly.

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280 | Performing Arts
Annual 2023 | 281
Directory and Conclusion

College Staff

282 | Directory and Conclusion
Kathryn Agar Dustin Aylmore Timothy Carslaw David Borrello Fletcher Cooke Melanie Dunn Troy Alexander Rita Basilio Jacqueline Castricum Robert Braham Anthony D’Ignazio Caiden Eaton Chris Allanson Alex Baumann Paul Catalanotto Christopher Brennan Kerry Dasborough Chanel Fenwick David Allen John Black Su-Fen Chung Alexander Brown Gareth de Klerk Jasmine Filippone Holly Allen Philip Bloomfield Ann Clarke Rebecca Bryant Jessica Donovan Donette Firkins Mark Allen Ricki Boe Lissa Coleman Anthony Byrne Suelem dos Santos Pistorello Galvin Francisco
Annual 2023 | 283
Evan French Jodie Green Jess Kelly Sabrina Hughes Nick Kros Callum Lee Julian Fritz Callum Griffiths Jasmin Kenworthy Josephine Hutcheson Willem Lamers Kath Licciardello Adelaide Garland Steven Harmer Eliza Knapman Jaxon Illman Michelle Laurent May Lim Dirk Gleghorn Tim Hince Ray Kosovich Melinda Italiano Rebecca Lawson Ryan Lockyer Violet Gohr Brooke Hornbuckle Ben Kriszyk James Jesson Bernard Le Tessier Laura Maloney Séamus Gray Daniel Hribernik Lisa Krogh Ciaran Johns Stephen Leahy Amanda Mariotti

College Staff

284 | Directory and Conclusion
Amanda Marocchi Diane Millar Fiona Pagano Rebecca Neveldsen Dan Quartermaine Matilda Roberts Sharon Marwick Kyron Milosavljevic Alex Paljetak Paula Nicoletto James Quin Leah Rogers Chris Mayne Ben Mitchell Tahlia Peacham Jason O’Malley Alicia Raso Michelle Rogers Jesse McGinn Jessica Mullahey Kerri Pollett Darren O’Neill Debra Renfrey Melissa Rosso Zane Meleca Michael Murphy Paul Presser Phil Oddie Sonia Rheinlander Ben Russell Mitchell Migro Harry Nesbit Maranne Purnell Peter Oliver Amanda Ristovsky Sarah Satie


John Abordi, Craig Adams, Oscar Aguilera, Lisa Battalis, Nicole Benn, Lena Bennett, Paul Bolton, Kenny Chan, Janelle Chapman, Glenn Christiansen, Joanna Creighton, Judy Dawson, Liam Dee, Matthew Dixon, Mark Dodd, Matthew Doyle, Kelly Fagents, Wyatt Gordon, Thomas Green, Taylor Hannah, Damien Hansen, Peter Harper, George Hatton, Shaq Herath, Gabrielle Ietto, Andrew Jenkin, Robyn Jennison, Phil Jurjevich, Stephen Kernutt, Donna Langton, Roberta Lawrence, Terri-Ann Lennox, Judy Mackintosh, Nick Marston, Tony Maxfield, Tracey McCarthy, Jena McDowall, Barry McKenna, Corey Miskiewicz, Roseanne Musca, Cyrus Naseri, Stacey Nielsen, David Penco, Kate Pitcher, Michael Radice, Ryan Redfern, Kayla Scantlebury, Geoff Searle, Colby Sibosado, Johanna Stalley, Marya Stewart, Rhiaan Tannahill, Gerard Theseira, Luke Thompson, Ugyen Tshering, Rohan van Dongen, Shazia Vapiwalla, Ventia Webber, Joshua Weymouth, Jacob Wilkie

Annual 2023 | 285
Sonia Scordo Tyron Smallwood Dayne Whalan Joshua Strohmeier Timothy Sewell Michael Soares Poeira Susan Wheeler Clint Testa Helen Shanahan Rhys Spedding Tayla Wilson Bree Villella Olga Shulman Ella Spencer Stephen Winter Alexander Waldren Lachlan Sibosado Petra Spencer Edward York Callum Walley Michael Slack-Smith Vinicio Spina Rosa West

Roll Call

ABBOTT Alexander [Y09]

ABDI ELMI Hamza [Y10]

ADAMOS Isaac [Y11]

ADAMS Andre [Y11]

ADAMSON Jonah [Y11]

ADEBAYO Tayo [Y08]

AFKOS Deon [Y07]

AFKOS Jake [Y09]

AGAPITOS Joshua [Y07]


AINSLIE Tyler [Y07]

AKBAR Azura [Y09]

AKEC William [Y11]

AL JANABI Jacob [Y05]


ALLANSON Jordan [Y12]

ALLANSON Lachlan [Y10]

ALLEN Bailey [Y12]

ALLEN Bondi [Y05]

ALLEN Cash [Y07]

ALLEN Murphy [Y11]


ALLISON Jacob [Y10]

ALLISON Xavier [Y08]

ALMONTE Nicholas [Y04]

ANDO Alex [Y10]

ANDONY Stefan [Y10]

ANDREWS Cameron [Y07]

ANDREWS Lincoln [Y09]


ARCUS Leo [Y05]

ARIMA Nicholas [Y05]


ARMOUR Declan [Y12]

ARMOUR Hudson [Y09]


ARNOLD Lachlan [Y11]

ARTEMIS Jaxon [Y11]

ARWANDI Nathan [Y11]

ASHDOWN Hayden [Y05]

ATHOI Ngor [Y10]

AUDINO Xavier [Y11]

AUVA’A Grayson [Y04]

BAIRSTOW Joshua [Y10]

BAJAJ Arnav [Y05]

BALJIC Jax [Y09]

BANNISTER Reggie [Y04]

BANTON Jaxon [Y09]

BARBAS Julian [Y07]

BARKER Euan [Y10]

BARNETT Ollie [Y04]


BATTEN Thomas [Y07]

BAVINGTON William [Y07]

BEALE Jaxon [Y09]

BEALE Jesse [Y04]

BEALE Jonah [Y06]

BEALE Ollie [Y07]

BECK Kobee [Y12]

BECKER Roan [Y07]

BELL Lachlan [Y08]

BELLAMY Harry [Y08]


BELLIS Isaac [Y09]

BELLOUARD Anthony [Y12]

BENNESS Torrey [Y11]

BENNETTS Henry [Y08]

BENTLEY Lucas [Y07]

BEOR Christian [Y10]

BERINSON James [Y08]

BERNARD Xavier [Y10]

BERNE Casey [Y10]

BERNE Jackson [Y05]

BEROS Ben [Y08]

BEROS Jac [Y11]

BERRY David [Y05]

BERRY Levi [Y09]

BERSON Evan [Y10]

BHANDARI Aarav [Y10]

BHATIA Dhrish [Y08]

BIANCHINI Giovanni [Y04]



BINETTI Alexander [Y06]

BIRD Brandon [Y09]

BIRD Lachlan [Y11]

BIRT Samson [Y07]

BISHOP Luka [Y11]

BISNATH Nikhil [Y10]

BLACK Charlie [Y11]

BLAIKIE George [Y08]

BLAIR Lucas [Y11]

BLAMPEY Sean [Y11]


BLATCHLEY Archie [Y07]



BLATCHLEY Harley [Y05]

BLAYNEY Thomas [Y12]


BLUNTISH Jaxon [Y07]

BLYTH Lachlan [Y12]

BLYTH Matthew [Y10]


BOLAND Conor [Y11]

BONNEY Robert [Y09]

BORCK Jacob [Y09]

BORCK Liam [Y06]

BORCK Nicholas [Y10]

BORMAN Michael [Y07]

BORMAN Mitch [Y05]

BORMAN Nicholas [Y09]

BOROS Brynley [Y11]

BOSIO Isaac [Y08]

BOSIO Noah [Y10]

BOSKA Cale [Y12]

BOSTON Isaak [Y10]


BOWDEN-JONES Alexander [Y04]

BOWDEN-JONES Nicholas [Y11]

BOWEN Ollie [Y07]

BOWMAN Mason [Y06]

BOWN Hudson [Y09]

BOYATZIS Michael [Y05]

BOYTT Ethan [Y08]

BRACEY Xavier [Y09]


BRADLEY Campbell [Y11]

BRADLEY Luke [Y07]

BRADLEY-MOORE Alexander [Y12]







BRENDON Reef [Y08]

BRERETON Flynn [Y05]

BRESCACIN Archie [Y10]


BRIDGEMAN Harrison [Y12]

BRIGGS Dhungala [Y09]


BROCKETT Oscar [Y05]


BROUWER Joel [Y09]

BROWN Angus [Y08]

BROWN Cooper [Y08]

BROWN Lachlan [Y11]

BROWN Mitch [Y09]

286 | Directory and Conclusion

Roll Call

BROWN Peyton [Y06]

BROWNE Jack [Y10]

BROWNE Kobe [Y11]

BRUCE Reilly [Y07]

BRYSON Thomas [Y06]

BUDROVICH Elliot [Y11]

BUKTENICA Braxton [Y11]

BUKTENICA Phoenix [Y09]

BULL Isaac [Y09]

BULL Nathanael [Y06]

BULNER Kai [Y08]

BUMBAK Hunter [Y05]

BURNETT Louis [Y10]

BUSH Liam [Y12]

BUTLER Koby [Y04]

BUTTSWORTH William [Y07]

BUXTON Robin [Y08]

BYRNE Ethan [Y07]

CADOGAN Daniel [Y07]

CADOGAN Dylan [Y09]

CALDER Angus [Y11]

CALGARET Tayton [Y07]

CALLUS Ashton [Y09]


CAMPBELL Dillan [Y09]

CAMPBELL Matthew [Y07]

CANDEIAS Christopher [Y10]

CANDY Rylan [Y11]


CAPPON Finn [Y12]

CARCICH Joel [Y12]

CARDACI Lucas [Y11]

CARDACI Matthew [Y07]

CARLE Levi [Y12]

CARLOS Thomas [Y08]

CARNEY Alexander [Y08]

CARNEY Michael [Y10]

CARPENTER Griffin [Y09]


CARR Sebastian [Y12]

CARRABBA Brendan [Y09]

CARROLL Patrick [Y10]

CARSON Alex [Y10]

CARSON Ben [Y12]


CASS Miles [Y11]

CASS Nate [Y07]

CASS Seth [Y05]

CASS Tyson [Y08]


CASSIDY Marcus [Y11]

CASSIDY Ryan [Y08]

CASSON Levi [Y07]



CELEDIN Xavier [Y09]

CELEDIN Zahn [Y11]

CHADINHA Javier [Y12]

CHADY Hayden [Y09]

CHADY Keanu [Y10]

CHAMBERS Hudson [Y09]

CHAMBERS Mason [Y07]

CHAN Chris [Y11]


CHAPMAN Joseph [Y11]

CHAPMAN Luke [Y10]

CHARLES Henry [Y07]


CHAVDA Dev [Y07]

CHAVDA Veer [Y05]

CHEN Chi Chi [Y12]

CHOI Li [Y09]

CHOK Connor [Y10]

CHOK Evan [Y09]

CHOK Reuben [Y04]




CHUA Harry [Y07]

CHUA Samuel [Y09]

CLAREY Henry [Y08]

CLAREY Jack [Y10]

CLARK James [Y07]

CLARKE Jonah [Y08]

CLARKE Patrick [Y05]

CLAY Tyler [Y04]

CLOUD Isaac [Y04]

CLOUD Jacob [Y08]

COATES Bailey [Y09]

COATES Ollie [Y11]

COLE Jayden [Y09]


COLES Thomas [Y10]

COLICCHIO Riccardo [Y08]

COLLEY Nathan [Y08]


COLLINS Declan [Y11]


COLLINS Matthew [Y10]


COLLINS Xavier [Y11]

COLLINS Xavier [Y08]

COLONICO Marcus [Y11]

CONDO Francesco [Y07]

CONNELL Emrys [Y09]

CONNOLLY Jacob [Y08]

COOK Jetson [Y11]

COOLEY Luke [Y12]

COOPER Felix [Y10]

COOPER Reilly [Y10]

CORDOVA Joshua [Y09]

CORK Noah [Y12]

CORK Oliver [Y08]

CORUNNA Derell [Y09]

COSBY Alistair [Y06]

COSBY Fletcher [Y08]

COSTA Alexander [Y06]

COSTA Harry [Y12]



COWAN Miles [Y08]

COWAN Sebastian [Y09]

COWTON Lochlan [Y08]

COWTON Lucas [Y05]

CRANNY Benjamin [Y11]

CREADO Kane [Y11]

CREDARO Alexander [Y08]

CROCK Matthew [Y12]

CROGNALE Julian [Y10]

CRONIN Benjamin [Y12]

CROSS Cooper [Y06]

CROSS Ethan [Y06]

CRUSKALL Oliver [Y10]

CUE Aiden [Y05]

CURTIS James [Y08]

CURTIS Billy [Y10]


DA SILVA Jai [Y12]

DA SILVA Taj [Y07]

D’AGOSTINO Jamie [Y11]

DAKHANE Arnav [Y09]

D’ALESSIO Trent [Y08]

D’AMELIO Julius [Y10]

DAMHUIS Xavier [Y08]


D’ANGELO Lucas [Y11]

D’ANGELO Valentino [Y05]

DANIEL Louis [Y07]

DARMAWAN Dylan [Y12]

DAVEY Jaxon [Y08]

Annual 2023 | 287

Roll Call

DAVEY Rhys [Y10]

DAVIES Christian [Y05]

DAVIES Nicholas [Y12]

DAVIES Tyler [Y07]

DAVIS Eddie [Y12]


DAY Cuba [Y09]

DAY Eamon [Y07]

DAY Harrison [Y08]

DAY Nicholas [Y11]

DAY Ruari [Y05]

D’COSTA Nate [Y07]

D’CRUZ Marc [Y07]

DE LIMA Max [Y05]

DE MASI Adam [Y12]

DE MATTIA Aurelio [Y10]

DE MATTIA Daniel [Y10]

DE SANTIS Benjamin [Y09]

DE VRIES Brashen [Y09]

DE VRIES Vaughn [Y05]

DECELIS Rhys [Y11]

DEL PAGGIO James [Y08]

DEL PAGGIO Oscar [Y08]


DELLA POSTA Orlando [Y06]

DELLOW James [Y07]

DENNISTON Charlie [Y08]

DESHON Eamon [Y07]

DEVAL Aashutosh [Y08]

DHARMA Alvarez [Y12]

DHARMA Larston [Y08]


DI BIASE Christian [Y10]

DI BIASE Nicholas [Y08]

DI CARLO Alexander [Y09]

DI CARLO Anton [Y11]

DI CIANO Joseph [Y08]

DI FULVIO Luca [Y07]



DI LEO Adam [Y06]

DI NELLA Izack [Y06]

DICKIE Harley [Y08]

DILLON Harry [Y10]

DING Hudson [Y10]



DIXON Hieu [Y11]

DODGSON Nate [Y09]


DOWNEY Tom [Y09]

DOYLE Cameron [Y10]

DRAPER Jonathan [Y11]

D’SILVA Niall [Y10]

DU PLOOY John [Y10]

DU PLOOY Nathan [Y09]

DUFF Curtis [Y06]

DUFFIELD Lawson [Y05]

DUKU Lemi [Y06]


DUPLOCK Saxon [Y11]

DWYER Mitchell [Y08]

EAMES Will [Y09]

EASTHOPE Fletcher [Y07]

EDMONDS Kaiden [Y10]

EDMONDS Pierce [Y12]


EDWARDS Jett [Y09]



ELDER Ben [Y09]

ELDER Hamish [Y11]

ELLERY Alexander [Y04]

ELLIOT Sean [Y11]


ENGLISH Henry [Y09]

ERCEG Elijah [Y09]

ERCEG Marcus [Y04]



EVANS Caelan [Y06]

FABLE Patrick [Y12]

FARAONE Adrian [Y08]

FARMER Harrison [Y12]

FARRIMOND Oliver [Y08]

FASIL Yabe [Y11]

FAULKNER Jordi [Y07]

FAY Hudson [Y06]

FELSNER James [Y08]

FENNELL Ollie [Y10]

FERGUSON Blake [Y08]

FERGUSON Ethan [Y04]

FERGUSON Riley [Y09]


FIELD Elliott [Y06]

FIELDER Alex [Y04]

FILEAR Benjamin [Y11]

FISICCHIA Christian [Y06]


FLAHERTY Elliot [Y07]

FLAMMER Bryce [Y11]

FLAMMER Francis [Y12]

FLEAY Sebastian [Y04]

FLEAY Xavier [Y06]

FLEMING Michael [Y04]

FOOTE Hudson [Y11]

FORD Riley [Y11]

FORTEY Andrew [Y10]

FOTI Sebastian [Y11]

FOWLER Luca [Y10]

FOWLER Rocco [Y11]

FOY Novy [Y05]

FRAME Kieran [Y12]

FRANCHI Adon [Y12]

FRANCIS Blake [Y07]

FRANCIS Charlie [Y04]

FRANKLIN Jaxon [Y07]

FRANKLIN Tyson [Y09]

FUGE Jonathan [Y07]

FUGE Lucas [Y08]

FUGE Owen [Y10]

FULFORD Archie [Y08]

GALIPO Roberto [Y11]

GAMBITTA James [Y07]

GANDY Daniel [Y08]

GANGEMI Jaxon [Y06]

GANGEMI Zach [Y10]

GANT Flynn [Y06]

GARAS Grayson [Y05]



GARWOOD Kavi [Y05]

GAVALAS Alexandros [Y09]

GAVALAS Stratos [Y12]

GAVIN Christian [Y09]

GEANGE Lachlan [Y12]

GEARON Liam [Y12]

GEBAUER Henry [Y10]

GEBAUER Ollie [Y09]

GHIMIRE Rozen [Y07]

GIANCOLA Isaac [Y09]

GIDDINGS Sonny [Y08]




GODFREY Daniel [Y10]

GOMES Joshua [Y12]



GONZALEZ Joshua [Y11]

288 | Directory and Conclusion

Roll Call

GORDON Nicholas [Y12]

GORSKI Charles [Y11]

GOSATTI Levi [Y10]

GOSATTI Zach [Y10]

GOTT Riley [Y11]

GOVER William [Y07]


GRASSI Michael [Y09]

GRAY Maynard [Y12]

GRAY Will [Y09]

GREGORY Peter [Y04]

GRIGGS Charlie [Y06]

GRUBER Oliver [Y07]


GUILD Austin [Y05]

GULLUNI Andre [Y12]

GUPTA Aryan [Y11]

HAILAND Tobias [Y09]

HALFORD Finn [Y12]

HALL Lucas [Y07]

HALL Michael [Y10]

HALL Riley [Y07]

HALL Robbie [Y09]

HALL William [Y12]

HAMILTON Quinn [Y11]

HAMPSON Blake [Y08]

HAMPSON Charlie [Y10]

HAMPSON Kade [Y11]

HANCOCK Lucas [Y10]


Alexander [Y12]

HANNA Alexander [Y09]

HANNA Lucas [Y11]

HANNA Ryder [Y07]

HANNAH Riley [Y09]




HARBRIDGE Sebastian [Y08]

HARBROW Koby [Y11]

HAROLD Lucas [Y06]

HAROLD Ryan [Y08]

HARRIS Cooper [Y07]

HARRIS Oskar [Y07]

HARRISON Cooper [Y10]

HART Beau [Y11]

HARWOOD Isaac [Y06]

HASSETT Todd [Y11]

HATELY Zack [Y09]

HATHRILL Spencer [Y07]

HAUGHEY Thomas [Y07]



HAYDEN Kris [Y12]

HEALD Isaac [Y12]

HEALEY Harry [Y05]

HEALY Jack [Y04]

HEGARTY Angus [Y09]

HEGARTY Jobe [Y07]

HEGARTY Reuban [Y07]

HEHIR Jamison [Y11]

HELEAN Aiden [Y11]

HELEAN Mason [Y07]



HENSHALL Joshua [Y12]

HERRINGTON Sebastian [Y12]

HESLOP Kieran [Y09]

HEW Sebastien [Y06]

HEWITT Max [Y12]

HEWITT Owen [Y11]

HINE Jonathon [Y07]

HIPOLITO Alessandro [Y11]

HO James [Y08]

HOANG Isaac [Y11]


HODGE Matthew [Y08]

HOLLAND Jack [Y08]

HOLLAND Ryan [Y10]

HOOPER Beau [Y04]

HOPE Declan [Y09]


HORGAN Noah [Y12]


HOW Lyon [Y05]

HOWARD Benjamin [Y07]

HOWARD Sam [Y10]

HOWARD Vanden [Y10]

HOWES Harry [Y10]

HU Caleb [Y11]

HUBE Roman [Y10]

HUDSON Oscar [Y07]

HUGHES Kye [Y04]

HUGO Alexander [Y07]

HUGO Noah [Y10]

HUNTER David [Y09]

HUPPATZ Blake [Y07]

HUPPATZ Callum [Y11]

HURWITZ Ashton [Y05]

HUTCHINGS Benjamin [Y10]

IERACI Curtis [Y07]

IERACI Jake [Y10]

IERACI Noah [Y11]




ISMAY Nate [Y05]

ISMAY Roman [Y08]


IVICEVIC Alfie [Y05]

JACOB Marc [Y07]

JAKOB Peter [Y07]


JAMES Damon [Y12]

JAMES Marcus [Y12]

JAMES Toby [Y12]

JAMIESON Marcus [Y08]

JARVIS Archie [Y10]

JARVIS Liam [Y07]

JAVED Raphael [Y10]

JENKINS Harry [Y09]

JENKINS Matthew [Y11]

JENNINGS Finlay [Y08]

JIA Eddie [Y12]

JOHNSON Blake [Y08]

JOHNSON Charlie [Y12]

JOHNSON Cohen [Y12]

JOHNSON Harry [Y10]

JOHNSON Jack [Y07]


JONES Edward [Y08]

JONES Nicholas [Y05]

JONES Patrick [Y05]

JONES Will [Y11]

JONESCU Marcus [Y05]

JOSEPH Albert [Y06]

JOSEPH Alphons [Y08]

JURICEV Jacob [Y07]

JURICEV Zavier [Y06]





KALALE Sachin [Y09]

KAMATH Preetham [Y10]


KARELIS Benjamin [Y12]

KARELIS Joshua [Y09]

KARIGAMBE Kristian [Y10]

KATICH Jack [Y07]

Annual 2023 | 289

Roll Call

KEANE Elijah [Y04]

KEEN Riley [Y10]

KELLEHER Joseph [Y09]

KELLEHER Sebastian [Y12]

KELLY Elijah [Y07]

KELLY Xavier [Y10]

KEMP Samuel [Y10]

KENWERY James [Y12]

KER Zenneth [Y08]

KERR Matthew [Y10]

KERWIN Tom [Y08]

KEYS Samuel [Y08]

KHAN Zakriya [Y11]


KHEIRKHAH Baseer [Y04]

KIELY Aidan [Y07]



KIM Jamie [Y10]

KINGDOM Oliver [Y10]


KIN-MAUNG Alexander [Y10]

KISLA Salih [Y08]

KLEIN Leo [Y10]

KNEZOVIC Matthew [Y08]

KNOTT Ryker [Y09]

KOETSER Matthew [Y12]

KOKOIACHUK Dominik [Y11]

KORNET Benji [Y05]

KORNET Brodie [Y09]

KOUNIS Jackson [Y08]

KOWAL Jaxon [Y09]



KYTE Bryce [Y07]

LA FALCE Orlando [Y08]

LACKOVIC Maksim [Y09]

LACKOVIC Tomas [Y07]

LADYMAN Zaiden [Y12]

LAKE James [Y09]

LAM Nam [Y12]

LAMATTINA Domenic [Y12]

LAMATTINA Julian [Y11]

LAMATTINA Lucian [Y09]


LANG Jackson [Y07]

LANG’AT Reuben [Y07]

LANGE Jackson [Y07]

LANGER Arch [Y07]


LATOUCHE Dante [Y09]

LATOUCHE Fabian [Y07]

LAUFER Trent [Y12]

LAWLESS Chilli [Y08]



LAWRENCE Roman [Y08]


LE GOUEFF Jonathon [Y12]

LE Aaron [Y11]

LE Adam [Y06]

LE Justin [Y08]

LE Lucas [Y07]

LEAHY Benjamin [Y08]

LEAHY Jacob [Y10]

LEE Joonpyo [Y04]

LEONE Zavier [Y08]

LEPPARD Chris [Y12]

LESLIE James [Y05]

LESTONE Jackson [Y10]

LETIZIA Andre [Y10]


LI William [Y05]

LIEW Jacob [Y06]

LIEW Nathan [Y08]

LIM Joshua C [Y05]

LIM Joshua J [Y05]

LIM Justin [Y12]




LINDSELL Jonah [Y11]

LINES Max [Y05]

LITIS Jai [Y07]

LITTLE Cooper [Y09]

LITTLE Gabe [Y06]

LITTLE Hudson [Y09]

LITTLE Oliver [Y08]

LIU Joseph [Y04]

LIU Paul [Y07]


LOCANTRO Lachlan [Y10]

LOCKE Curtis [Y08]

LOCKE James [Y08]

LOCKE Jeremiah [Y09]

LODGE Tom [Y07]

LOHMAN WHITE Benjamin [Y08]

LOIACONO Marco [Y04]

LOLLER Shayne [Y07]

LOTE Griffin [Y06]

LOUGHNAN Charlie [Y10]

LOVELAND Caleb [Y11]

LOWE Mackenzie [Y11]

LUCANO Matthew [Y07]

LUCANO Zac [Y08]

LUCIOLI Leonardo [Y04]

LUDERA Antony [Y09]

LUDOVICO Christian [Y12]

LUKEY Samuel [Y04]

LUO Aiden [Y05]

LUSTIG Hugo [Y11]


LUU Elias [Y07]

LYLE Max [Y08]

LYNCH Callum [Y07]

LYNCH Mitchell [Y10]

LYONS Mason [Y10]

MACDONALD Hudson [Y11]


MACDONALD Joshua [Y07]

MACDONALD Parker [Y11]

MACDONALD Xander [Y12]



MACLEAN Ewan [Y09]

MAFRICA Pietro [Y12]

MAGISTRO Cristiano [Y05]



Nadev [Y12]


MAHER Sebastian [Y07]

MAHER Tieg [Y09]

MAINE Ben [Y09]

MAINE Matt [Y12]

MALVIYA Mohit [Y08]

MAMMANA Lachlan [Y09]


MANCHEGO Sebastian [Y07]



MANNING Bryce [Y06]

MANNING Isak [Y09]

MANNING Oliver [Y06]

MANNION Patrick [Y12]


MANSON Jake [Y11]



MAREMMI Matteo [Y12]

290 | Directory and Conclusion

Roll Call

MARION Jean-Paul [Y09]

MAROCCHI Jordan [Y09]


MARRAPODI Nicholas [Y05]

MARSELL William [Y09]

MARSHALL Jonah [Y06]

MARSHALL Marley [Y08]

MARSTON Ethan [Y05]

MARTIN Alexander [Y07]

MARTIN Henry [Y06]

MARTIN Matthew [Y11]

MARTIN Thibault [Y09]


Orlando [Y07]

MARUTA Tawana [Y11]

MASBATE Gabriel [Y12]

MASBATE Michael [Y07]

MASBATE Raphael [Y11]


MASTON Brett [Y07]

MATAR Hugh [Y12]

MATHEWS Christian [Y04]

MATSUMOTO Kazeem [Y08]

MATTHES Jordan [Y08]



MAY Branson [Y12]

MAY Hudson [Y09]


MAZARAKIS Dimitri [Y12]


MCCABE Bowie [Y09]

MCCAGUE James [Y12]

MCCAMISH Maxim [Y07]

MCCHORD Anton [Y10]

MCCOMBIE Hunter [Y08]


MCCRONE James [Y04]


MCDAID Dillon [Y08]

MCDERMID Riley [Y07]

MCDONALD Ashtyn [Y09]

MCDONALD Charlie [Y10]

MCDONNELL Daniel [Y09]




MCFARLAND Christian [Y09]


MCGINTY James [Y09]

MCGOVERN Cassius [Y05]

MCGRATH Lennox [Y12]

MCGRATH Levi [Y10]

MCGRATH Thomas [Y12]

MCGUIRE Tyson [Y11]

MCHUGH Seamus [Y10]


MCKAY Daniel [Y04]

MCKIE Joel [Y07]


MCLEAN Harry [Y07]

MCLEAN Zach [Y10]


MCLURE Cael [Y06]

MCLURE Campbell [Y05]

MCMANUS Oscar [Y10]

MCMANUS Sebastian [Y08]




MCQUILLAN Xander [Y12]

MENCHETTI Thomas [Y07]

MERENDA Remi [Y07]

METCALF Julian [Y10]


MILES Herbie [Y07]

MILLER Adam [Y11]

MILLER Daniel [Y11]

MILLER Juwane [Y08]

MILNER Antony [Y10]



MIRZA Hasan [Y06]

MISIUN Luca [Y09]

MISON Jett [Y08]

MISQUITA Riley [Y04]




MOORE Thomas [Y09]

MORELLI Luca [Y12]

MORGAN Miles [Y12]

MOROSINI Joshua [Y10]


MORRIS-LUCK Jasper [Y07]



MORRISON Daniel [Y10]

MOSCHILLA Robert [Y11]

MOSKWIAK Blake [Y04]

MOSKWIAK Riley [Y08]

MOTT Clayton [Y12]

MOTT Hudson [Y10]



MULLER Ben [Y10]

MULLER Ben [Y07]

MUNDY Campbell [Y09]

MUNDY Hamish [Y08]

MUNSHI Samir [Y04]


MURABITO Lewis [Y10]

MURDOCH Luke [Y04]

MURDOCH Matthew [Y08]

MURPHY Cooper [Y10]

MURPHY George [Y10]

MURPHY Harry [Y10]

MURPHY Hugh [Y10]

MURPHY Jett [Y07]

MURPHY Kai [Y12]

MURPHY Ryan [Y11]

MURPHY Tyler [Y09]

MURRAY Liam [Y09]

MURRAY Thomas [Y12]

MUSBAH Alessio [Y11]

MUSCA Andre [Y08]

MUSCA Leo [Y10]

NAISMITH James [Y09]

NAISMITH Thomas [Y08]


NARDI Jacob [Y07]

NASERI Luca [Y12]


NAYAK Pratham [Y04]

NAYSMITH Bobby [Y07]

NEVES Lucas [Y04]

NEVES Marcos [Y04]

NEWSOM Alex [Y08]

NGUYEN Ollie [Y04]

NGUYEN Phi [Y07]

NICHOLAS Christian [Y07]

NICHOLAS Sebastian [Y09]

NICHOLLS Jacob [Y09]

NICOLAOU Lachlan [Y08]

NICOLETTO Oliver [Y09]

NICOLETTO Xavier [Y12]


NORMAN Will [Y11]

NORRISH Gianni [Y12]

NOVATSIS Kirian [Y08]

Annual 2023 | 291

Roll Call

NUGENT Jag [Y07]

NUGENT Riley [Y05]

NUNES Quin [Y07]

NUTT Jasper [Y07]

NUTT Ollie [Y12]

NYONI Charles [Y08]

OATHAM Daniel [Y12]

O’BRIEN Cullen [Y07]

O’BRIEN Declan [Y10]

O’BRIEN Parker [Y09]

O’CALLAGHAN Lachlan [Y05]

O’CONNOR Sam [Y04]

ODORISIO Christian [Y08]


O’DRISCOLL Brandon [Y12]

OGG Maclaren [Y07]

O’HAGAN Dominic [Y10]

OLDHAM Zander [Y07]

OLOWOYO Caeden [Y08]

O’NEIL Jack [Y09]

O’NEIL Max [Y08]


O’REILLY Fallon [Y11]

OTTO Wyatt [Y05]

OUWENDYK Damien [Y07]

OWEN Henry [Y10]


PAKI Dalvin [Y12]

PALAZZO Adrian [Y04]

PALAZZO Joseph [Y08]

PALERMO Oscar [Y12]

PALMER Benji [Y07]

PALMER Felix [Y08]

PALMER Jacob [Y12]

PALMERO Luca [Y10]

PANAIA Reuben [Y08]

PANDAY Arnav [Y07]


PANTANY Ethan [Y07]

PAOLO Zackery [Y08]


PAPENFUS Joshua [Y10]

PARISE Joshua [Y07]

PARK Sebastian [Y10]

PARK Thomas [Y12]

PARKER Isaac [Y12]

PARKER Jake [Y09]

PARKER James [Y12]

PARKER Thomas [Y09]

PARKYN Loui [Y04]

PARNHAM Ryley [Y06]

PAROLA Christian [Y07]

PAROLO Alex [Y10]


PARSONS James [Y08]

PARSONS Oliver [Y08]




PATEL Rohan [Y11]

PATEL Vens [Y10]


PATINO Luke [Y08]

PATMAN Ethan [Y12]



PAUL Kael [Y11]

PAYNE Oliver [Y06]

PEARSON Eamonn [Y10]

PEARSON Henry [Y08]

PEARSON Riley [Y11]

PECA Nicholas [Y11]

PELPOLA Damon [Y09]

PENTLAND Finlay [Y05]

PEPENAR Marc [Y11]

PEPPIN Kobe [Y07]

PEREIRA Dexter [Y07]

PEREIRA Gabriel [Y11]

PERIZ Jack [Y12]

PERIZ Leo [Y09]

PERIZ Sam [Y11]

PERKINS Fraser [Y12]

PERLINI Luke [Y12]

PERRY Alexander [Y06]

PETAGNA Matt [Y11]


PEYMAN Blake [Y10]

PHAN Isaac [Y12]

PHILLIPS Jackson [Y12]





PIRABANANTHAN Thusheivan [Y07]

PITT Chayse [Y07]

PITTER Arthur [Y05]

PLUMMER Matthew [Y10]

PODIAS Aleksandar [Y10]

POLI Daniel [Y09]

PONTRE Aidan [Y10]

PONTRE Oliver [Y08]

POPE Charlie [Y11]

POSTMA Isaac [Y09]

POUNDER Miles [Y08]

POUSTIE Cooper [Y09]

PREEDY Lachlan [Y06]

PRIOLO Mason [Y07]

PRITCHARD Nicholas [Y07]


PROPHET Luka [Y11]

PROSSER Matt [Y07]


PUGH Callum [Y10]

PUTTAGUNTA Srithan [Y11]

PYETT Harvey [Y10]

QIN Hansen [Y07]

QUADROS Isaac [Y11]

QUARMBY Samuel [Y10]



QUICK Jake [Y12]

QUINN Blake [Y06]

QUINN Callum [Y07]

QUINN-SMITH Gideon [Y04]

QUINN-SMITH Reuben [Y06]

QUINN-SMITH Samuel [Y07]

RADICA Max [Y09]

RAHMAN Harry [Y10]

RAJMOHAN Hamish [Y09]


RAMAGE Jack [Y04]

RANAWAKA Akain [Y08]


RANKIN Tace [Y07]

RANKIN Talan [Y12]

RANKINE Harley [Y05]

RANSOM Zac [Y11]

RAWLINGS Xavier [Y11]

REA Mateo [Y09]

REATH Chat [Y12]

REDOLATTI Matteo [Y07]

REED Tynuka [Y08]

REES Max [Y09]

REEVES Luke [Y07]

REID Ethan [Y06]

REID Lachie [Y08]

RERE Taatama [Y11]

REUBEN Cale [Y10]

REYNOLDS Ethan [Y11]


292 | Directory and Conclusion

Roll Call

RHODES Levi [Y08]




RIGBY Brendan [Y10]

RIGBY John [Y11]

RIGGIO Max [Y12]

RILEY Oshay [Y12]

RIVERS Charlie [Y04]

RIYAZI Usman [Y09]

ROBERTS Christian [Y07]

ROBERTS Connor [Y12]

ROBERTSON Carter [Y11]

ROBINSON Brodie [Y08]


RODDA Connor [Y08]

RODDA Hudson [Y06]

RODGER Lochie [Y12]

RODGERS Jett [Y11]


RODRIGUES Jordan [Y12]



Christopher [Y08]

ROGAN Bentley [Y10]

ROGERS Harrison [Y12]

ROSE Austin [Y08]

ROSE Fraser [Y07]

ROSE Jonah [Y09]

ROWLAND Sonny [Y05]

ROWNEY Oliver [Y09]

ROY Ben [Y05]

RUNDLE Jack [Y12]

RUSSO Daniel [Y09]

RUSSO Michael [Y06]

RYAN Declan [Y12]

RYAN Edward [Y09]

RYAN Matthew [Y11]

RYAN Tully [Y08]

SALVIA Alessio [Y10]

SALVIA Massimo [Y09]

SAMURA Hassan [Y08]

SANFILIPPO Antonio [Y11]

SANFORD Joel [Y07]

SANTELLA Archie [Y09]

SANTELLI Jeremiah [Y08]

SANTORO Alexander [Y10]

SANTORO Sebastian [Y09]


SARKAR Debadipti [Y12]

SARRIS Yianni [Y11]

SAVIC Nemanja [Y09]

SAWKINS Flynn [Y10]

SAWKINS Jack [Y11]




SCARPAROLO Jackson [Y09]


SCERESINI Gabriel [Y07]



SCHOLZ Henry [Y08]


SCOTT Alexander [Y07]

SCOTT Isaac [Y09]

SCRIVENER Cooper [Y04]

SCRIVENER Joshua [Y06]

SEALE Aodhan [Y12]

SEALE Patrick [Y07]

SECKER Max [Y08]

SECKER Thomas [Y09]

SEGHEZZI Nicholas [Y08]

SEINOR Jai [Y10]

SEKULLA Paul [Y06]


SERGEANT Isaak [Y04]

SERTORIO Marco [Y09]

SERTORIO Milan [Y08]

SEVE Deacan [Y12]


SHANAHAN David [Y09]


SHARP Joshua [Y11]

SHAW Ben [Y06]

SHAW Thomas [Y08]

SHEPHERD Oscar [Y08]

SHEWELL Theo [Y06]

SHI Chenxi [Y07]


SHORT Xavier [Y11]

SICILIANO Nicholas [Y12]

SIGNAL Corey [Y11]

SILVA Izaya [Y11]

SIM Casper [Y09]

SIMEON Sonny [Y10]

SIMMONS Levi [Y05]

SIMPSON Oscar [Y09]


SINGH Kyle [Y12]

SINGH Neil [Y08]

SINGH Samar [Y05]

SIWEK Denim [Y08]

SKIDMORE Ethan [Y04]



Metha [Y06]

SLUCHNIAK Bastian [Y06]

SMITH Bill [Y10]

SMITH Ethan [Y07]

SMITH Harrison [Y05]

SMITH Ted [Y12]

SMITH Thomas [Y10]

SMITH Tommy [Y04]

SMOLIC Roman [Y08]

SOANES Remy [Y10]

SOH Eamon [Y05]

SORCI Luca [Y08]

SOUTHERN Zakaria [Y07]

SOWMAN Alex [Y11]

SPADANUDA Jonathan [Y07]

SPANJICH Jeremy [Y10]

SPENCER Harry [Y05]

SPENCER James [Y07]

STA.ROSA Matthew [Y07]

STANLEY Vance [Y04]


STEFANINI Pietro [Y11]


STEWART Nicholas [Y09]

STILLMAN Caden [Y08]

STOJAN Liam [Y12]

STUBBS Luke [Y09]

STYLES Nash [Y07]

STYNMAN Theodore [Y12]

SUI Felix [Y08]

SUMICH Clayton [Y06]

SUMICH Leo [Y11]


SUSENO Michael [Y11]

SUTHERLAND Benjamin [Y12]

SUTTON Chanon [Y08]


SYKES Joe [Y11]

SYKES Tobias [Y07]

TA Virtue [Y11]

TABONI Will [Y09]

TAN Rhys [Y07]

TANA Sachin [Y12]

TANNER Jack [Y12]

Annual 2023 | 293

Roll Call

TANNER Leonardo [Y09]

TASMA Ari [Y10]

TASS Jarrdi [Y11]

TAYLOR Ethan [Y09]

TAYLOR Finn [Y10]

TAYLOR Troy [Y10]

TEMPRA Ari [Y06]

TEO Calvin [Y09]

TEO Matthew [Y06]

TEO Thomas [Y10]

TERRELL Westlee [Y10]

TEWARI Keshav [Y10]

TEWMAN Harvey [Y07]

THAMBIRAN Nikhil [Y09]

THEOBALD Hayden [Y11]

THEOBALD Jackson [Y11]

THEOBALD Mackenzie [Y08]

THOMAS Archie [Y09]

THOMAS Bailey [Y09]

THOMAS Ben [Y12]

THOMAS Joshua [Y12]


THOMPSON Conor [Y08]

THOMPSON Cooper [Y10]

THOMPSON Mitchell [Y07]


THOMPSON Riley [Y08]

THOMSON Aden [Y12]

THOMSON Dane [Y09]

THOMSON Matthew [Y12]

THOMSON Will [Y11]

TILEY Connor [Y07]

TILLER Sebastien [Y09]

TILLER Vincent [Y06]

TINDALL Ryan [Y09]

TING Lucas [Y07]

TOBIN Nathan [Y12]

TOMICH Leonardo [Y11]

TOOMATH Lachlan [Y12]

TOPPING Lucas [Y09]


TRAN Deakin [Y11]

TRAN Jacob [Y07]

TRAN Reuben [Y09]

TRANTER Luke [Y11]

TRANTER Samuel [Y10]


TREASURE Dylon [Y12]

TREMAIN Kyan [Y09]

TRINDER Cole [Y11]

TRINH Antony [Y08]

TRINH Calvin [Y08]

TRINH Hayden [Y10]

TROTT Phoenix [Y08]

TRUMPER Jack [Y12]

TURNER Ethan [Y09]

TURNER Kit [Y05]

TURNER Kyle [Y12]

TYSON Aidan [Y06]

TYSON William [Y05]

UHLMANN Jack [Y10]

VAN BEEK John [Y12]



VAN NOORD Eric [Y12]



VASILAS Niko [Y08]

VAYLER Winn [Y08]

VERMA Sohil [Y06]


VINCENT Jerard [Y07]


VO Ethan [Y08]

VO Evan [Y06]

VON BOEHM Sanko [Y10]

VULETA Thomas [Y09]

WALDECK Noah [Y05]

WALKER Hadley [Y07]

WALKER Naoki [Y11]

WALSH Axel [Y09]

WALSH Eli [Y10]

WANG Jason [Y11]

WARNER Leo [Y04]

WATKINS Harrison [Y12]

WATKINS James [Y10]

WATKINS Oliver [Y08]

WATSON Charlie [Y11]

WATSON Chase [Y04]

WEBB Aaron [Y11]

WEBSDALE Joshua [Y08]


WEHR Campbell [Y09]

WEHR Tyler [Y08]

WEIR Augie [Y07]

WELSH Mason [Y08]

WEST Harry [Y05]

WESTON Lucas [Y11]

WHITEMAN Travis [Y06]

WHITESIDE Charlie [Y11]

WIBOWO Denzel [Y09]



WIDDOWSON Cooper [Y09]

WIINSCHL Nicholas [Y10]

WILL Zachary [Y05]

WILLIAMS Benjamin [Y11]

WILLIAMS Chase [Y09]



WILLIAMS Royce [Y09]

WILLIAMS Samuel [Y07]

WILLIAMS Stephen [Y08]

WILLING Hugo [Y09]

WILLING Thomas [Y07]

WILSON Hugo [Y05]

WILSON Jamie [Y09]

WILSON Jet [Y07]

WILSON Matthew [Y12]


WIRRPANDA Marley [Y08]

WISBY Lachlan [Y09]

WISE Eli [Y04]

WOLFE Ethan [Y08]

WORMALD Joshua [Y11]

WRENSTED Tommy [Y12]

WRIGHT Tom [Y08]

WU Kenneth [Y06]

WUOR Deng [Y10]

YARRAN Murray [Y09]

YATES Morgan [Y07]

YAU Zachery [Y07]

YEO Fraser [Y12]

YEO Ryan [Y09]

YII Elijah [Y04]

YII Ethan [Y06]

YORK Max [Y12]

ZAFER Noah [Y11]



ZINNI Andrew [Y10]

ZINNI Thomas [Y12]

ZIROJEVIC Stefan [Y11]


ZURZOLO Adam [Y04]

ZURZOLO Michael [Y08]

294 | Directory and Conclusion

Graduating Class of 2023

Annual 2023 | 295


296 | Directory and Conclusion
Trinity College 2 Trinity Avenue, East Perth Western Australia 6004 T (08) 9219 1100 E reception@trinity.wa.edu.au

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