2 minute read
Trinity's program offerings extend outside Sunday morning.
Mom’s Bible Study
AM Mom’s Bible Study meets Wednesdays 8:00am in the Moore Library
PM Mom’s Bible Study meets Thursdays 1:30pm in the Moore Library
Gather with other mothers for a weekly touchpoint of prayer, practice, sharing and connecting.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:45am in the Parish House
This group gathers for a home-cooked breakfast and Bible study with the rector, until 8:00am.
Rector’s Drop-In Bible Study Wednesdays, 8:00am in the Board Room
All are invited to drop-in for this weekly rector-led Bible study, ending at 9:00am.
Intercessory Prayer Group Wednesdays, 1:30pm in the Board Room
Gathers weekly to hold confidential prayers of healing, guidance and enfolding for those who ask.
Spiritual Seekers Discussion Group Every other Sunday, 7:00pm - 8:15pm September 8 and 22
Explore some of the biggest questions of faith, informed by short readings from recent theologians such as Marcus Borg, Richard Rohr and others.
Future fall dates include October 6 and 20, November 3 and 17, and December 8.
The Music makes it.
Choral Evensong Saturday, September 14 4:00pm in the Church, reception to follow
The Feast of the Holy Cross, Music of Thomas Tallis
Organ and Labyrinth Tuesdays, 6:00pm in the Church
Our labyrinth is a meditative tool, wherby one is invited to walk on a traceable path that is placed on the floor of the sanctuary, while listening to music performed on the pipe organ.
Trinity Artist Series: Sundays, 5:00pm in the Church
This music program has been ongoing at Trinity for the past 30 years. The concerts are free and open to the public. Visit www.trinityartistseries.com/schedule
Connect at Events.
Coffee and Croissants with Clergy: Thursday, September 5, 8:00am in the Board Room
All are invited to gather and visit with Trinity’s clergy in an informal setting. Presented by WOTC.
Yappy Hour and Simple Eucharist: Thursday, September 12, 5:30pm - 7:30pm at Coliseum Square Park
Bring your furry friend and your human friends! There will be food to share and snacks for pups, but please bring your own beverages (BYOB). The event will conclude with an outdoor simple Eucharist, open to all.
Clergy Book Club: Wednesday, September 25, 6:00pm - 8:00pm, at the Kearney’s
All are invited to this potluck and book discussion on Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others, by Barbara Brown Taylor. Please bring a dish to pass and thoughts to share; discussion will be led by The Reverend John M. Pitzer. The book is available for purchase at Trinity Treasures.
Enneagram Workshops So . . . what's your type?
Enneagram Resource Points Mini-Workshop Thursday, September 26, 1:30pm - 5:30pm
This mini-workshop is shaped to deepen self-awareness by exploring the influence of our Enneagram type’s resource points (wings and connecting lines). Cost is $75.00 a person. Prior experience with the Enneagram is helpful.
Enneagram Nine Panels Two-Day Workshop Friday, Sept. 27, 2:00pm - 5:30pm and Saturday, Sept. 28, 9:00am - 4:30pm
Participants will learn an overview of each Enneagram type, including fears, filters, motivations, as well as strengths and gifts that support growth. Cost is $175 per person and includes Saturday lunch. No prior experience necessary.
Register at https://www.trinitynola.com/2019-enneagram-workshops