4 minute read
From the Parents’ Association
A beautiful setting for a beautiful day!
As we begin the 2022 school year, on behalf of the Parents’ Association (PA), I extend a warm welcome to new families and to those families returning to another year at Trinity Grammar School.
Once again in 2021, we were separated from each other due to lockdowns and we have been reminded about the importance of human connection. Those of you who were able to volunteer your time at the Founders’ Day Fair provided our community with a feeling of belonging and offered comfort in tough times. The Fair demonstrated, by the incredible level of attendance, the importance of being together at community events.
OTGs, grandparents, parents, carers, students and staff were involved in both the preparation and the various activities throughout the day, as well as turning up and enjoying the many things that the Fair has to offer. A microcosm of all that goes on is the Fine Foods stall, whose organisers begin getting ready early in the year. Cooking days are planned when fabulous chutneys and pickles and jams are prepared using the fresh produce that is generously donated over many months. Look out for dates in the Trinity News. The 2022 annual Founders’ Day Fair will take place on Sunday 13 November. The Fair Committee looks forward to the involvement of all in our community, whether it is taking ownership of an existing stall or coming forward with the new ideas which make this community event different every year.
More than 125 mothers and carers from across all year levels were treated to a fantastic spring Oaks Day Luncheon. An enormous thank you to the committee: Louise Burnett, Melissa Gallace, Mandy Warren, Suzanne Smith, Fiona Evans and Jo Harris. The event evolved and the timeline was amended as they worked through the challenges of the pandemic. The opportunity for the community to come together was well received. Highlights of the day included door prize raffles, which were made possible by the generosity of our partners and Trinity family businesses. To top it all off, entertainment was provided by a fantastic DJ and a surprise Flash Mob!
Famous faces drop in to the Fair. North Melbourne player Todd Goldstein chats with Principal Adrian Farrer and some young fans
In 2022, we look forward to the Mother’s Day Breakfasts for Year 7 on 29 April and the Junior School on 6 May, both of which will be held in the South Room. Other annual events are the Green and Gold Ball which will be held on 21 May at the Park Hyatt, the Oaks Day Luncheon at Leonda on 21 October, and, of course, the Founders’ Day Fair on 13 November. All these wonderful events would not be possible without the partnership between the school and the parent and guardian volunteers – without their support the PA would not be able to operate.
The PA encourages the sense of community that exists within the Trinity Grammar environment. Activities throughout the year are aimed at providing opportunities for families to socialise and contribute to our school. The key fundraisers for the PA are the Green and Gold Ball and the Founders’ Day Fair.
Once a month during term time, the PA Committee meets. The agenda includes discussions on how to support the school; the Principal or sometimes the Deputy Principal provides updates on the school; and there are also regular contributions from the PA sub-committees. Meetings are online and in person – details are advertised in the Trinity News.
On behalf of the PA Committee, I warmly invite you to attend our meetings. There is an extensive range of sub-committees (listed here) and we would love you to get involved. Parents’ Association Subcommittees:
• Class Representatives • Communications
• Cowey Club – Rowing • Founders’ Day Fair • Friends of Music
• Friends of Visual Art
• Friends of Drama
• Friends of F1 in Schools
• Friends of Harambee
• Friends of Snowsports • Green and Gold Ball
• Oaks Day Luncheon • Second Hand Book Sale
• Second Hand Uniform Shop • Trinity Kayaking Supporters • Trinity TLC Community Support
There are many ways for parents and guardians to become involved in the life of Trinity if they choose to do so. Help is always welcome and received with gratitude. Please contact us at pa@trinity.vic.edu.au
Heidi Pfeffer
President of the Parents’ Association
Everyone’s a winner at the Trinity Fair Volunteers feed the hungry and are the oil in this machine