Bulats vocabulary 2016

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2016 Vocabulary 字 彙程度A2-B 2截取自博思官網

Culture 1. tolerance (n) 容忍度 It is essential that employers encourage tolerance for difference within their organizations. 2. conflict (n) 摩擦 There may be some potential for conflict over different habits or values. 3. ethnicity (n) 種族 No one should be denied an opportunity simply because of his or her ethnicity. 4. judge (v) 評斷 People should be judged on the basis of their ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. 5. prejudice (n) 偏見 Managers should be aware of their own cultural backgrounds in order to avoid prejudice when dealing with people from other backgrounds.. 6. inclusiveness (n) 包容性 Companies should work hard to build a culture of inclusiveness and acceptance.

Recruiting 1. talent (n) 人才 The success of your company depends on being able to attract and retain top talent. 2. prospective (adj) 有希望的 You need to consider how your company is perceived by prospective candidates. 3. competency (n) 能力;才能 You need to be very clear about the specific competencies a company is looking for. 4. referral (n) 推薦 Our best recruits are generally referrals from our existing staff or former employees. 5. weed out (phrasal verb) 淘汰 In the first round of interviews we expect to weed out applicants who are not really committed. 6. aspiration (n) 抱負;志向 Don't forget to highlight your career aspiration in the 'Objective' section of your resume.

Work Trends 1. post (n)(v) 發佈 We need to pay attention to the comments our customers post online. 2. tool (n) 工具 Social media provide a new set of tools for companies to interact with their customers. 3. account (n) 帳號 I have several social media accounts and they keep me quite busy. 4. maintain (v) 維持 It's my job to maintain the company's Facebook page. 5. login (n) / log in (phrasal verb) 登入 I am having difficulty logging in to my account. 6. sign up (v) 註冊 Click here to sign up for a new account.

Office Equipment 1.

reliable (adj) 可信賴的 One reason we chose this model was because it has a reputation for being reliable.

2. maintenance (n) 維護;維修 We have a maintenance agreement with the vendor, so they come check the machine every month. 3.

jam (v) / jammed (adj) 擁塞;卡住 There's a piece of paper jammed in the machine.

4. compatible (adj) 相容的 Our system is compatible with all major internet browsers. 5. rotate (v) 迴轉;輪流 This function allows you to rotate the image with a simple click. 6. convert (v) 轉換;變換 First you will need to convert your PPT to a PDF file.

2016 Vocabulary

Markets and Products 1. customize (v) 客製化 In order to appeal to the local market, you will almost certainly need to customize your offering. 2. accelerate (v) 加速 Online sales are one area in which activity has been accelerating rapidly in recent years. 3. digital platform (n) 數位化平台 We need to redesign the way in which our digital platform connects buyers and sellers. 4. spend (n) 花費 Don't underestimate the spend required to properly research a new market. 5. predominant (adj) / predominantly (adv) 優越的 Credit cards are the predominant method of payment in this market. 6. streamline (v) 精簡 The company has withdrawn from several markets in order to streamline its operations.

Employer and Employee Relations 1. communicate (v) 溝通 It is important for managers to communicate clearly with their staff. 2. trust (v) (n) 信任 Good relationships are built on trust. 3. respect (v) (n) 尊重 Not only do staff need to respect their managers, but managers need to respect their staff too. 4. particularly (adv) 特別是 It is difficult to finish work on time, particularly in the busy season. 5. strength (n) 強項、優勢 One of his strengths is that he can deal well with pressure. 6. weakness (n) 弱點 Managers need to help their team members work on their weaknesses.

Jobs and Responsibilities 1. demonstrated (adj) 能夠證明的 The successful applicant will have demonstrated experience in people management. 2. assist (with) (v) 協助 You will assist with payroll-related month-end tasks. 3. possess (v) 具備 To succeed in this role, you will need to possess outstanding communication and organizational skills. 4. deadline (n) 最後期限 You will be able to work independently and to deadlines. 5. base on (phrasal verb) 依據 Pay for this position is based on individual performance. 6. liaise (v) 聯繫 You will need to liaise between different departments.

Complaints and Service 1. file (v) 提出申請 What steps do I need to take if I wish to file a complaint? 2. irate (adj) 盛怒的 You need a great deal of patience when dealing with an irate customer. 3. valid (adj) 讓人信服的 All customers feel they are contacting you with a valid complaint. 4. measure (n) 措施、方法 Be clear about what measures can be taken to resolve the issue. 5. corrective (adj) 糾正的 It is important for the customer to be aware of the corrective measures you intend to undertake. 6. attentive (adj) 認真傾聽的 If you are sincere and attentive it is much easier to get the customer to a position where a mutually satisfactory solution can be found.

2016 Vocabulary

Business Travel and Plans 1. arrange (v) 安排 I am trying to arrange an earlier flight. 2. board (v) 登上 You will have a little time to do some duty-free shopping before you board your flight. 3. destination (n) 目的地 You will arrive at your destination at around noon. 4. transit (n)(v) 轉機 It's a cheaper flight but I need to transit in Hong Kong. 5. reach (v) 抵達 We reached the hotel just before dinner. 6. transfer (v) 轉移 Once you arrive you will need to transfer to the domestic terminal.

Hosting and Dining 1. manners (n) 禮貌 It's important to have good table manners when dining with clients or company guests. 2. etiquette (n) 禮儀 Dining etiquette differs from one culture to another. 3. dine (v) 用餐 I enjoy dining with colleagues and guests. 4. set menu (n) 套餐 If the hotel has a set menu, make sure it includes some vegetarian dishes. 5. hospitality (n) 熱情好客 People here are very welcoming and they are famous for their hospitality. 6. appropriate (adj) 合適的 You will need to select topics that are appropriate for a dinner conversation.

Orders and Logistics 1. link (A with B) 連結 We are now able to link local operations with those in Europe and the Americas. 2. freight (n) 運費 We will consider rail and air freight alternatives. 3. container (n) 貨櫃 We will be able to fill half a container, and another company will fill the other half. 4. reach (n) 範圍 We have managed to increase the reach and efficiency of our service. 5. hub (n) 樞紐;運輸中心 Singapore plays a key role as a transport hub. 6. clear (v) 結清 We will collect the goods once they have cleared customs.

Locations and Environments 1. rent (v)(n) 租借 / 租金 It's easy to find an apartment to rent in the central city, but it's expensive. 2. deposit (n)(v) 訂金 / 儲存 The apartment is nice, but how much deposit do you need to pay? 3. landlord (n) 房東 When you get an apartment, you will be expected to pay the landlord three months' deposit. 4. utilities (n – usually plural) 水電瓦斯費用 (通常使用複數形式) Does the rent include utilities or is that extra? 5. property (n) 房產 We've been looking at rental properties in the area. 6. surrounding (adj) 周邊的 There are lots of restaurants and shops in the surrounding area.

2016 Vocabulary

Shopping and Transactions 1. merchandise (n) 商品 We will exchange the merchandise or offer a refund. 2. return (n) 退貨 With your return please include a statement of why the return is being made. 3. selling price / sale price (n) 銷售價格 The total price will be the selling price plus local sales tax. 4. packing slip (n) 包裝單 When returning items ordered online, please include a copy of the packing slip. 5. defect (n) 瑕疵 We are trying to reduce the number of defects in our products. 6. apply (v) 有關、涉及 For overseas orders, click to see what additional charges may apply.

Current events 1. go under (phrasal verb) 倒閉 This is the first time a company of this size has gone under. 2. threaten (to) (v) 威脅 A decline in global trade threatens to slow down the recovery. 3. lengthy (adj) 漫長的 The two companies have been involved in a lengthy legal battle. 4. decline (v) 拒絕 One official who declined to be named said that this was not the first time this had occurred. 5. seize (v) 沒收、查封 The company's assets have been seized by creditors. 6. prospect (n) 可能性 The prospect of other companies filing for bankruptcy has the government concerned.

Transportation & Commuting 1. commute (n) 通勤時間 How long is your morning commute ? 2. delay (n) 延誤 You can listen to the traffic report to avoid delays on your commute to work. 3. lane (n) 車道 The road has two car lanes and one bicycle lane. 4. heavy traffic (collocation) 交通繁忙 (固定搭配用法) The traffic between here and the office is really heavy. 5. be/get stuck (phrase) 塞車 I'm stuck in traffic, so I'll be late to the office. 6. bumper-to-bumper (expression) 形容前後緊接而且行進緩慢的車陣隊伍 This morning, traffic on the highway is bumper-to-bumper.

Business Activities 1. essential (adj) 必要的 It is essential that companies manage their vendor relationships well. 2. quotations (n) 報價 We have received quotations from three vendors. 3. requirement (n) 要求、規定 Before we look for vendors, let's think carefully about our requirements. 4. party (n) 參與方、當事人 We need to work towards a contract that is good for both parties. 5. terms (n) 條款 We are quite clear about the terms of the contract. 6. negotiate (v) 談判、協商 You need to be flexible when you negotiate the terms of the contract.

2016 Vocabulary

Directions 1. allow (v) 預留(時間) Please allow between 20-25 minutes to get from the airport to the hotel. 2. you can‘t miss it (phrase) 你不會錯過它的 Go to the end of this road and turn left. The bank is on your left – you can't miss it. 3. depart (v) 出發 Buses depart from the main station every 20 minutes. 4. immediate (adj) 緊接的 Then take the road on your immediate right. 5. exit off / onto (verb phrase) 駛出 / 駛入 (高速公路) Take the Highway 156 North and then exit onto Highway 162. 6. proceed to (verb phrase) (朝特定方向) 前進 Proceed to the second road on the left. This is Cherry Lane.

Problems & Solutions 1. resolve (v) 解決 Resolve workplace conflicts as quickly as possible. 2. clash (v)(n) 分歧(意見上的) It is possible for team members to clash over differences in the way they think objectives should be achieved. 3. escalate (v) 擴大、惡化 Do not let small disagreements escalate into major conflicts. 4. inevitable (adj) 不可避免的 Disagreements between team members is inevitable, and managers need to be prepared to deal with it. 5. intervene (v) 調停 At times, supervisors need to intervene and help team members achieve a satisfactory resolution. 6. hostile (adj) 敵對 It can seriously affect a team's performance if members are hostile toward one another.

Arrangements and plans 1. invite (v) 邀請 We would like to invite you to an interview at our office on Friday at 2:00pm. 2. attend (v) 參加 Please let me know if you can attend both the meeting and the dinner afterwards. 3. make it (phrase) 趕上 I'm not sure if I can make it to the company dinner this evening. 4. I‘m afraid (that) … (phrase) 恐怕 I'm afraid I won't be able to join the meeting, because I will be out of town on that day. 5. arrangements (n)(pl) 約定 At the moment we are making arrangements for our annual conference. 6. possible (adj) 可能 Would it be possible to move the meeting time to the afternoon ?

Companies and structure 1. oversee (v) 監管 He oversees the marketing department. 2. operations (n) (pl) 運作 Ellie Chang is responsible for running the day-to-day operations. 3. subsidiary (n) 子公司 We are a wholly-owned subsidiary of FCB. 4. turnover (n) 營業額 The company has an annual turnover of USD14 million. 5. promote (v) 晉升 Last year she was promoted to department head. 6. ahead (adv) 前方的(未來的) These changes will help us prepare for the challenges ahead.

2016 Vocabulary

매일매일 한국어 大韓風每日一句

門市:台中市東區復興路四段50號1樓 (OK便利商店旁) 教室:台中市東區復興路四段231-2號5樓 (新時代購物中心對面) 試聽洽詢專線:04-2225-2188

字彙程度A 2-B2截取自


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