Initiatives booklet dec2013

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Trinity Christian School Foundation

The Trinity Christian School Foundation exists to financially undergird Trinity Christian School in order to ensure quality Christian education

for today, tomorrow, and generations to come. November 2013


Trinity Christian School embraces - Noun readiness to embark as a visional core value“training on a bold new adventure; up a child in the way he should go: introductory series of steps and when he is old, he will not taken to cause a desired result; an eagerness to do something depart from it” (Prov. 22:6) . Established in 1977, TCS has developed and succeeded in training emerging generations in academic, physical, relational, leadership, and spiritual excellence. Today’s student becomes tomorrow’s leader through an integrated biblical worldview and an exceptional academic foundation. Now in our fourth decade of existence, TCS continues to “Raise the Standard” of leadership through a biblical foundation and an excellent education. In the following pages, let me introduce you to our ongoing effort in “Raising the Standard” for the next decade of TCS. We are taking initiative, a readiness to embark on a great adventure, a series of steps taken to cause a desired result, and we invite your partnership. Together, we can expand our vision, enhance our present, and secure our future.

An Initiative

for Today, Tomorrow, Generations to Come!


Rob Winkler Superintendent

For ForToday Today

TCS TCS isis preparing preparing young young people people with with hearts hearts who who follow follow hard hard after after God, God, minds minds that that are are critical critical thinkers thinkersand andlives livesdedicated dedicatedto tothe thegreater greaterglory glory of of God. God. This Thisrigorous rigorouseducational educationalpreparation, preparation,with withaa biblical biblical worldview worldview integrated integrated into into every every area, area, isis essential essentialto tothe thefoundation foundationof oftomorrow’s tomorrow’s students students and andfaculty. faculty.Today’s Today’sTCS TCSstudent studentisisexpanding expandinghis hisor or her vision of of what what the the school school of of tomorrow tomorrow will will her vision offer. offer.

Tomorrow Tomorrow

For For 36 36 years, years, God’s God’s favor favor has has been been demonstrated demonstrated vividly at Trinity Christian School. vividly at Trinity Christian School. Students Students are are graduating graduating with with strong strong foundational foundational knowledge knowledge and andthe theability abilityto tothink thinkfor forthemselves themselves and and enrich enrich the the lives lives of of others others globally. globally. They They are are using using their their Trinity Christian education to excel and graduate Trinity Christian education to excel and graduate from from major major colleges colleges and and universities universities across across the the country, knowingwhat what they theybelieve believeand andwhy, why,and and country,knowing showing showingthe theworld worldChrist’s Christ’slove. love.

And Andgenerations generations to to come come

TCS TCSdesires desiresto toensure ensureits itscontinued continuedgrowth growththrough through the theyears yearsas asaa prominent prominent Biblical BiblicalFoundation Foundation –– Excellent Excellent Education Education school, school, focused focused on on God’s God’s Word Word as as found found in in Proverbs Proverbs 22:6 22:6 . . We We are are an an instuition that is decicated to continuing instuition that is decicated to continuing to to academically academically prepare, prepare, spiritually spiritually guide, guide, and and focus focus on on mission-minded mission-minded efforts efforts for for those those yet yet to to come. come. TCS TCS graduates graduates are are consistently consistently taking taking TCS’ TCS’ strong strong academics academics and and biblical biblical truths truths into into aa global global marketplace. marketplace.


For today

for our general operation budgetary needs which include:

The vision we have for our students is to integrate the biblical principles they learn into all levels of academics, fine arts, and athletics. This is achieved through a strong teaching and support staff who actively emphasize and model Godly values, character and practical skills. As a school family, we work to celebrate each other's strengths and provide support in areas of weakness. The end product is graduates who know how to think deeply and work effectively. To join our vision for today –you can become a TCS Foundation Partner or TCS Corporate Partner.

How can you be a TCS Foundation Partner? Annually: based on 10 month school year (Aug. - May)

$120 $500 $750 $1000 $2500 $5000 $10,000

( monthly $12 ) ( monthly $50 ) ( monthly $75 ) ( monthly $100 ) ( monthly $250 ) ( monthly $500 ) ( monthly $1000 )

Other Options: June & July Tuition or In-kind gifts

To become a family partner, visit us at and click on online giving or fill out the back page and turn into the TCS Foundation Office at 6701 University Ave.

During During2012-2013, 2012-2013,those thosewho whopartnered partneredwith withus usas as TCS Foundation or Corporate Partners, not only TCS Foundation or Corporate Partners, not only benefited benefitedour ourgeneral generaloperation operationbudget budgetfor forthe theyear, year, but butalso alsohelped helpedwith withimprovements improvementsin inthe thefollowing followingareas. areas.

. .Upgraded UpgradedState Stateof ofthe theArt Art

Computer ComputerTechnology Technology

. .Television TelevisionTechnology TechnologyIntegration Integration

on onAll AllCampuses Campuses

. .Purchased Purchased22Twelve TwelvePassenger PassengerVans Vans

for forthe theElementary Elementary

. .Full FullStage StageTheatrical TheatricalLighting Lighting . .Lions’ Lions’Den DenFoyer FoyerRemodel RemodelUpgrade Upgrade . .Practice PracticeGym GymEnhancements Enhancements . .Launching Launchingof ofProject ProjectLead Leadthe theWay Way

Engineering EngineeringProgram Program

Thank Thankyou youfor foryour yourcontinued continuedsupport support

Tobecome becomeaafoundation foundationpartner, partner,visit visit To tcslubbock.organd andclick clickon on us onlinegiving givingororfill fillout outthe theback backpage page online andturn turninto intothe theTCS TCSFoundation FoundationOffice Office and 6701University UniversityAve. Ave. atat6701

“Thank you to all our current Corporate Partners!”



Gold The Advisors Group | Beta Ag | Cotey Chemical |

Silver Allen Financial Agency, Inc. | First United Bank | Integrity Distributors, Kickn K Farms | Lam Vinson & Co. | McGavock-Nissan Dr. Stan Potocki, M.D.

Bronze Alderson Enterprises | Bryce Olson Physical Therapy Cardinal’s Sport Center | Coldwell Banker - Clay Enger First Bank & Trust | Merrill Lynch - Larry Bradley Merry Maids | Stephen & Ronda Cox Underwood Cotton Co.

See Corporate Sponsors & benefit online at or call the Foundation Office

day Menu from triplcate form

Corporate Corporate Partner Partner Benefits Benefits

As aaCorporate CorporatePartner, Partner,you youcan can As choose which whichlevel levelyour yourbusiness businesswould would choose like to to participate participatein inand andselect selectthe theoption option like that best bestfits fitsyou youand andyour yourbusiness. business. that

PLATINUM -- $10,000 $10,000 PLATINUM GOLD-- $5,000 $5,000 GOLD SILVER -- $2,500 $2,500 SILVER BRONZE -- $1,250 $1,250 BRONZE

Germblast Germblast

, Inc.


Broadcast Broadcast Banner in in Lions’ Lions’Den Den Banner Banner in in Practice PracticeGym Gym Banner Banner on on Baseball BaseballField Field Banner Banner on on Practice PracticeFootball FootballField Field Banner God and and Nation NationDay DaySponsor Sponsor God Grandparent Coffee CoffeeSponsor Sponsor Grandparent Fall Media Media Guide Guide Fall Winter Media Media Guide Guide Winter Spring Media Media Guide Guide Spring Golf Tournament TournamentSponsor Sponsor Golf Hole Hole Sponsor Sponsor Yearbook Yearbook Ad Ad Website Website (Athletic (Athletic&&School) School) Game Game Sponsor Sponsor Tile Tile in in Lions’ Lions’ Den Den

For For level level&&benefits benefitsfor forspecific specificsponsorships sponsorshipscontact contactus usat at

Your gift


For the year 2013-20 the necessary upgrad which would includ


tomorrow Make a priceless investment that will impact students and families who choose Christian education over the next 36 years by becoming a TCS Building for Tomorrow Partner.

To become a foundation partner visit us at and click on online giving or fill out the back page and turn into the TCS Foundation Office at 6701 University Ave.

. Campus-wide Technology Upgrade $150,000

. TLC & Elementary Playgrounds (Two Seperate Playgrounds)


. Performing Arts Center $7 million

. 1585 Athletic Complex Development

(Initial Phase work)

$1 Million

. Phase II

(Finishing of the Joyce Herron Elementary School would include classrooms for grades PreK-6th grade, cafeteria, gym, media center, and administrative offices)

$5-7 Million

A Development Team member would like to visit with you about the many opportunities at Trinity Christian School. If you would like to know more, contact the TCS Foundation Office at 806-791-6583 ext. 2113 or stop by and see us at 6701 University Avenue.

Building for Tomorrow Initiatives

014 our primary focus for gifts will be de of technology campus wide de:

generations & to come Bill & Joyce Herron Endowment Fund The

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.� ~ Prov. 22:6

How can you leave a LEGACY for generations to come? Choose to partner with The Bill & Joyce Herron Endowment Fund and choose to impact the countless lives of students and families here and around the world.

The Lord gave me a vision and a passion for a school where students would learn to fear, respect and honor God. They would become academically skilled and be students of exemplary character. The vision would be accomplished by a biblically integrated curriculum and strong parent and staff training.

~ Joyce Herron TCS Founder

If you would like to know more about


Bill & Joyce Herron Endowment Fund,

contact the TCS Foundation Office at 806-791-6583 ext. 2113 or stop by and see us at 6701 University Ave.


for today, tomorrow, generations to come


The Bill & Joyce Herron Endowment Fund was created as a legacy honoring the founder of Trinity Christian School. The endowment fund is used to supplement the cost of tuition on a long term basis and provides a way for any gift, whether large or small, to grow and assist families for generations to come .

How would you like to partner with TCS? FOUNDATION



Donation________________________ Project__________________________

CORPORATE Platinum Gold Silver Bronze

$10,000 $5,000 $2,500 $1,250

ENDOWMENT Donation_______________________ 3 year agreement 5% off 5 year agreement 10% off

Name_____________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________ Email_____________________________________________________________


Phone #___________________________________________________________

To set up monthly giving, visit us at and click on online giving. For more information about the TCS Initiatives, contact the TCS Foundation Office at 806-791-6583.

6701 University Lubbock, TX 79413 | 806-791-6583

Biblical Foundation. Excellent Education.

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