Program for Weekend of Oct. 16

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October 16 - October 22, 2010 v i s i t u s at t r i n i t y to d ay . c o m or follow us on


welcOMe tO trinity church!

We are delighted to have you worship with us! Guests, please take a moment to complete the Connection Card located on the right side of the program and take it to the Guest Connections table in the west foyer to receive your gift.

~Senior Pastor Carl & Gloria service tiMes

Saturday | Contemporary - 6:30 pm Sunday | Classic - 8:30 am | Contemporary - 10:00 am & 11:30 am

OctOber is clergy AppreciAtiOn MOnth

It’s a special time that congregations set aside each year to honor their senior pastor, pastoral team, and their families for the hard work, sacrificial dedication and many blessings provided by these special people. During October show your appreciation with affirmation and prayer. The bible says

“Appreciate your pastoral leaders who gave you the Word of God. Take a good look at the way they live, and let their faithfulness instruct you, as well as their truthfulness. There should be a consistency that runs through us all. For Jesus doesn’t change—yesterday, today, tomorrow, he’s always totally himself” (Hebrews 13:7 msg)

new tO trinity...

To those who are new to Trinity and are interested in getting information on our Beyond Project, we will be having a gathering on October 17th @ 5:00 PM. RSVP to 806-792-3363 or email:

chilDren Are speciAl guests

We offer classes for children birth through fifth grade during all contemporary services. For more information please visit our Guest Connections booth. For a full listing of these events & schedules visit

trinity stuDent Ministries We offer life groups for students in grades 6 – 12 during the 10 am & 11:30 am Sunday services. We also offer a worship service Wednesday nights 7pm at The Edge/Practice Gym. For a full listing of these events & schedules visit or


MissiOnAry Of the week Rodney Groomer - Geobound Worldwide Missions

church Of the week

Marcus Murphy-Oakwood Baptist Church

syMpAthy tO the fAMily Of Gladys Evans

bOgOtÁ MissiOn trip MArch 11-19 $2500 DepOsit Of $250 Due Oct. 18 visit trinitytODAy.cOM/bOgOtA Or evOkewOrship.Org


a glaNCE IN advaNCE prAy & A.c.t

Sanctuary · October 17 · 6:00 p.m. · Pray · 40 day fast A.C.T. · Signing of the Manhattan Declaration... Affirming the Sanctity of Marriage & Liberty for more information visit

Jh - cOrn MAize

Saturday · October 23 · 6-9 pm · Cost: $7 + snacks Meet @ The Edge (6701 University) for more information visit

sh - cOrn MAize

Saturday · October 30 · 8-10 pm · Cost: $7 (immediately after Saturday night service) for more information visit

fAll festivAl

Sunday · October 31 · 6 - 8 pm · TAC (6701 University) for more information visit

the sOurce - Marriage

Wednesdays | 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. | University Campus Teaching by: Barry Moore & Rob Winkler

freeDOM Ministries

Wednesday | 7:00 p.m. | Main Campus (Ed.1 | Room 209 | Room 207) Sunday | 11:30 am | Main Campus (Ed.1 | Room 209) For a full listing of events visit or pick up a monthly 411 newsletter available in the north and west foyer

Visiting this weekend? Stop by our

Guest ConneCtions booth Need Child info? Visit our

Children’s ConneCtions booth loCated in ed 1 west foyer

DiscOvery clAsses christiAn fOunDAtiOns

Sunday Mornings | 11:30 am | Room 206

trinity 101 (MeMbership clAss) Sunday, October 17 |10:00 am | Room 206 Wednesday, October 20 | 7 pm | Chapel

trinity 201 (spirituAl gift AssessMent) Sunday, October 24| 10:00 am | Room 206 For a full listing of class information visit or email call 792.3363 x266

trinity Life grOups

God didn’t plan for us to live our lives alone – He created us for a relationship with Him and with others. We believe that lasting change takes place within a community. This community is called Trinity Life Groups! Visit our website at or pick up a 411 newsletter in the north or west foyer for current listings.

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