Spring 2012 Life Group Catalog

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SPRING SEMESTER 2012 Sunday 8:30am Precept (Romans 1-5) - Dee & Linda Sweeney Ed1 Room 211 - 8:30am - Discussion dee_sweeny@sbcglobal.net Romans 1-5 explains the foundational doctrines of our faith - original sin, justification, redemption, and propitiation. Find out what these words mean and gain an excellent understanding of the doctrine of salvation! 10:00am Freedom Ministries (Foundations) – John & Nita Kuehn University Campus - Room 102 - 10am freedom@trinitytoday.com This video series will open your eyes to new ways of looking at your belief system and how it affects your decisions. Join us and accelerate your discipleship in Christ. Fear Exposed-False Evidence Appearing Real (Women’s Group) (Grace Fox Study) – Gloria Toti University Campus - Room 104 - 10am mmitchell@trinitytoday.com Women of all ages struggle with fear. If left unchecked, it can rob us of life’s full potential. Dealing with it appropriately, however, brings personal freedom and fulfillment beyond our wildest imagination. Eliminating Strongholds – David Haladay University Campus – Room 105 - 10am dhaladay@tcslubbock.org The battleground for obtaining joy and peace in life is the mind. The devil and the world work hard at influencing our minds and causing destruction. Join us as we discover the “the truth that will set us free!” Single Living (Ages 30+) - Betty Hitch University Campus - Room 106 - 10am tlg@trinitytoday.com Join us as we journey together into God’s Word and everyday life. Life’s Puzzles – Team Led University Campus - Room 107 - 10am trich12@aol.com Join us as we solve life’s puzzles...together.

Prime Timers - David Savage University Campus - Stage II - 10am savage@trinitytoday.com A dynamic group for those who are 60 plus. Join us for coffee, fellowship, Gaither-style worship and Bible study. 11:30am He Speaks to Me (Priscilla Shirer Study) – Anne Zachary (Women’s Group)

University Campus-Room 104 -11:30am jakkz@suddenlink.net The Lord desires to speak to us personally. He wants to meet us where we are. Despite who we are, He longs to reveal His will for our lives. Join this group and discover how easy it really is. Victory in Hard Times – David Haladay University Campus - Room 105 - 11:30am dhaladay@tcslubbock.org Join us as we discover the Biblical keys for handling stress. Jesus never said we will go through life without problems. He did say we will have many problems come our way in this world but He also said “be of good cheer” because He has promised us victory in every circumstance. Precept (Romans 1-5) - Dee & Linda Sweeney University Campus – Room 106 -11:30am – Video dee_sweeny@sbcglobal.net Romans 1-5 explains the foundational doctrines of our faith - original sin, justification, redemption and propitiation. Find out what these words mean and gain an excellent understanding of the doctrine of salvation! The Adventurers Class – Gary Light & Jimmy Hill University Campus - Room 107 - 11:30am Join us as we view and discuss: • James Sire’s “Why Should Anyone Believe Anything at All?” • Michael Bauman’s “The Problem of Pain” and “The Dangerous Samaritans” • Frances Beckwith’s “Political Correctness”

Marriage Toolbox - Tee & Karen Thomas University Campus - Room 108 - 10am kthomas@trinitytoday.com Sometimes saying “I’m sorry” just isn’t enough. The need for apologies impacts all human relationships. Join us this semester as we study “The Five Languages of Apology” by Gary Chapman.

Marriage Prep – Pat & Rhonda McMahan University Campus - Room 108 - 11:30am tlg@trinitytoday.com This 8-week discussion class covers many areas to prepare couples for marriage or remarriage. Discussion of finances, how to handle conflict, child rearing, and personality types will assist in building a marriage that will last a lifetime! Choose one: Session 1: January 15-March 4 Session 2: March 18-May 20 *Engaged couples who complete this course will receive a certificate to waive the fee for their marriage license.

Financial Peace University – Steve & Lela Moore University Campus – Room 109 – 10am trinitytoday.com/fpu This 13-week study, by Dave Ramsey, will help you learn how to beat debt and build wealth. This is a comprehensive class that addresses all areas of personal finance.

Family Matters – Stephen & Ronda Cox University Campus - Library - 11:30am rcox@tcslubbock.org Come join us in learning to practically apply God’s principles in life, marriage, and parenting. (This class is mainly geared towards couples with children.)

Sunday Afternoon Opportunities:

Let’s Do Lunch Off Campus - 1pm 806.241.1251 A single’s group that meets Sunday after church for lunch at a local restaurant. It’s our time to get to know each other and enjoy a meal together. There’s always room at the table. Men’s Flag Football Kastman Park Email tlg@trinitytoday.com for dates and times. For men 16 and up. Family Fractions - Jay & Maria Akridge Off Campus - Every 2nd Sunday - 4pm 806.336.2293 Whether you are a single mom, divorced dad, or blended group, God never intended for you to see yourself as less. By discovering and applying His truths you can see yourself through His eyes. The Gathering – Tommy & Lauriena Cruz Off Campus -2nd & 4th Sunday – 4pm sonshineonus@hotmail.com Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Him. Join us as we experience Him in a powerful and fresh way. Keys to Spiritual Breakthrough - David & Annette White Off Campus- Every 4th Sunday - 4pm 806.535.6886 God has specific principles in His Word that can help us gain victory in life. Join us as we discover and discuss how to find and stay on the winning track. Parenting Home Group – Thomas Mandry & Ramon Neufeld Off Campus - 1st & 3rd Sunday - 6pm molly_mandry@yahoo.com Better understand your calling of a Godly parent. Join the fellowship and be encouraged by other parents of young children. The Word – Lorenzo Martinez (Bilingual group) Off Campus - 1st and 3rd Sunday - 6pm lorenzo.martinez@ttuhsc.edu

Join us for fun, fellowship & the Word of God.


The Jubilee Choir (Prime Timers Group) University Campus- Stage 2- 6pm 806.792.3363 x3370 Join with us as we spread God’s message through song. Brotherhood – Javier Lomeli (Men’s Group) Off Campus – 7pm lomeli.javier@gmail.com If you are looking to surround yourself with a group of men who are in pursuit of Christ and desire Godly fellowship, look no further. Join us as we grow in our relationship with Christ as well as with each other.


Friend to Friend: Daniel (Beth Moore Study) – Renee Hargrove (Women’s Group) Off Campus - 10am – Noon srhargrove@suddenlink.net Just as the prophet Daniel faced unbelievable pressure to compromise his faith in a hostile culture and was constantly confronted by temptations and threats, today’s believers face similar trials. Facing trials with friends by your side makes a difference. Abortion Recovery – Robin Exum (Women’s Group) Off Campus - 5:30pm 806.788.0500 Unite with us through the journey to freedom from abortion. Faith and Fitness - David Strain Off Campus - 6pm dstrain3@gmail.com Join us each week to exercise spiritually and physically. A time of devotion will be followed by various physical activities such as running, biking, calisthenics and games. All activities will be conducted outdoors. Each week will present a different physical challenge as well as an opportunity to grow spiritually. Don’t forget your water! Men’s Fraternity (Men’s Group) The Edge (6701 University) – 7pm men@trinitytoday.com Men’s Fraternity’s purpose is to see men transformed to the image of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Men are engaged through friendship, accountability, prayer and the studying of God’s Word. We believe that so goes a man-so goes a family-so goes the world.


James: Mercy Triumphs (Beth Moore Study) (Women’s Group) Tammy Norris & Amanda Ellison Off Campus 10am – Noon tmnorris@att.net

James, Jesus’ own brother, started out as a skeptic. See how one glimpse of the resurrected Savior turned an unbeliever into a disciple. Sonshine Girls Off Campus - 10:30am- Every 3rd Wednesday 806.792.3363 x3370 A group of senior ladies that meet for brunch at the Golden Corral restaurant. This is always a wonderful time of fellowship and encouragement. A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place (Women’s Group) Cindy Buxkemper &Tina Macha Off Campus – Noon to 1pm 806.778.6823 God on the move… through my heart! In this Beth Moore study you will be challenged to prepare your heart to become a home for His love and glory. Come join us as we accept the invitation to approach the altar and be changed. Prayer Group – Charles & Dorothy Fulkerson/Ivan & Ann Imel Outreach Center (3027 34th) - Noon 806.794.5761 fulkiec@nts-online.net Join us as we pray for the three C’s: Church, Community & Country.

Freedom Ministries (Topical) – John & Nita Kuehn University Campus - Room 102 - 7pm freedom@trinitytoday.com These classes are tied to elements taught in Trinity’s Foundation classes and help address specific areas of bondage or need. Ministry time is available at the end of each class. For the full list of topics covered please go to trinitytoday.com/ freedom

Praying Mothers - Monica Sawyer (Women’s Group) University Campus- Room 104 – 7pm 806.392.7598 mbrown@trinitytoday.com 1 Samuel 1:26-27; “I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the LORD. I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.” Join us as we gather to pray. The Source University Campus – Room 105 - 7pm tlg@trinitytoday.com A weekly Bible study taught by staff Pastors and church leaders. Bring your Bible and your favorite snack. Believing God (Beth Moore Study) (Women’s Group) Lauriena Cruz University Campus - Room 106 – 7pm 806. 544.0774 Do you take God at His Word, believing what He has told us, or do you just believe in His existence and the salvation He offers? Join us and experience a fresh explosion of faith. Covenant – Amie Henry University Campus (6701 University) - Room 107 – 7pm ahenry@westmarkrealtors.com

Come and study the fundamentals of covenant. You will be amazed at the evidences of covenant we discover throughout scripture. Marriage Toolbox – University Campus - Room 108 - 7pm tlg@trinitytoday.com Sometimes saying “I’m sorry” just isn’t enough. The need for apologies impacts all human relationships. Join us as we study “The Five Languages of Apology” by Gary Chapman. Financial Peace University – Beth Bender University Campus - Room 109 - 7pm This 13-week study, by Dave Ramsey, will help you learn how to beat debt and build wealth. This is a comprehensive class that addresses all areas of personal finance. For more info go to trinitytoday.com/fpu Single…But Not Alone – Michelle Smith (Women’s Group) University Campus - Room 110 – 7pm smithmichellecrystal@yahoo.com

Join this group of single moms for some “her time.” Come be refreshed and encouraged as we study “Fight Like a Girl” by Lisa Bevere.

Boomers - Les and Carla Burrus/David Savage University Campus - Room 115 - 7pm savage@trinitytoday.com This group provides unique opportunities to build relationships with other “Boomers” and to be involved in Life-Changing Outreach projects. Legacy (Single Fathers Ministry) - Kenn Ruckey & Chris Cork University Campus – Room 116 – 7pm kennruckey@yahoo.com This is a great time for single dads to come and be encouraged, build faith and learn practical ways to connect with your kids no matter what age they are. Prayer Group – Marsheila Copeland University Campus – Room 117 – 6:30pm A special time of prayer to lift up needs within our church family. Every Man’s Battle – Michael Dickson (Men’s Group) University Campus - Room 118 -7pm Winning the war on sexual temptation one victory at a time. Men of Faith – Albert Solozano (Men’s Group) University Campus - Room 119 -7pm 806.441.6566 A group of men discussing real life issues. Winning the Battle – Calvin Vitela Room 120– 7pm calvinvitela@sbcglobal.net If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, or worse come feel the healing power of God’s strength and comfort, defeat negative thoughts once and for all and live the life God intended you to live. Peace Within – Yolanda Henry University Campus – Room 121- 7pm Learn what God’s Word says about overcoming fear and anxiety and experiencing peace. The Gospel According to John - Ron & Em Stephenson University Campus - Room122 806.747.3194 In-depth study of the Gospel of John. Armor in Action - Juan & Janie Espinoza University Campus Room 123 – 7pm 806.765.0414 A Christian Faith Based AA/NA - 12-Step Support Group. Come learn how to Walk in Faith | Speak in Truth | Live in Freedom Divorce Care – Team Led University Campus - Library - 7pm Separated? Divorced? Hurting? Find help and healing from the pain of separation and divorce with a caring group of people at Divorce Care. The class is on-going and consists of 13 weeks of video support and group discussion.

Higher Grounds - Team Led Off Campus - Starbucks at 8001 University - 8:30pm tlg@trinitytoday.com

A group of singles who meet for coffee and fellowship.

Thursday Prayer Group – Anna Foley Off Campus – 10am abfoley2@yahoo.com Join us for a special time of prayer as we lift up needs within our church family. Men’s Basketball University Campus - Practice Gym (6701 University) 1st and 3rd Thursday - 8pm (Please note that the gym is not available until 8pm) men@trinitytoday.com Men 16 and up Generations – Rob & Linda Winkler Off Campus - 1st and 3rd Thursday - 7pm rwinkler@tcslubbock.org Join us as we experience biblical community and dive into God’s Word. Intercessory Prayer – Jay & Maria Akridge Off Campus 2nd Thursday - 7pm 806.336.2293 Intercessory Prayer is an 8-week DVD series by Dutch Sheets. Come learn the nuts and bolts of Intercessory Prayer. You will learn how God can use your prayers to move heaven and earth. Young Families – Michael & Jennifer Dickson Off Campus – Thursday at 7pm jenjdck@aol.com Join us on the journey of becoming the family God wants us to become. Children are welcome.


Men’s Fraternity - Jeremy Brown (Men’s Group) The Edge (6701 University) - 6:15am men@trinitytoday.com Men’s Fraternity’s purpose is to see men transformed to the image of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Men are engaged through friendship, accountability, prayer and the studying of God’s Word. We believe that so goes a man-so goes a family-so goes the world. Breakfast available for $3. Prayer Group - Paul and LaJuan Campbell Off Campus – 1st & 3rd Friday 806.793.9596 Join us as we pray for the three C’s: Church, Community & Country. The Word – Lorenzo Martinez (Bilingual group) Off Campus - 1st and 3rd Friday - 7:30 pm lorenzo.martinez@ttuhsc.edu

Join us for fun, fellowship & the Word of God.


The Breakfast Club – Anna and Buell Foley Off Campus – 9am afoley@trinitytoday.com A mixed group of seniors that meet for breakfast, fellowship and prayer.

Additional Opportunities Young Marrieds’ - Matthew & Jennifer Fraley-Nowacek Off Campus 806-778-3592 Young Marrieds’ purpose is to see the Newlywed, YoungMarried, and Engaged couples enjoy fellowship and Bible study. The Covenant of marriage is sacred and beautiful, but also challenging and even demanding. Join us twice a month as we pray for one another, lean on one another, and face battles together in this new and transitional time in our lives! One-on-One relationship based mentoring…where connection is the goal (for women) Meredith 806.792.3363 x3312 Mentoring – a place where you can ask questions, be real and have someone take interest in your life. Imagine what can be learned from one another. Marriage Mentors tlg@trinitytoday.com An intensive mentoring opportunity for married couples looking to enrich or restore their marriage. Crown Ministries Biblical Financial Study for Life Groups Terisa 806.792.3363 If you are interested in being a part of one of these studies or if you feel God is calling you to help lead a study, please call. For more info go to trinitytoday.com/crown Note: Anyone who wants to join one of these incredible opportunities is encouraged to contact the group leader to confirm group time and location.

Spring Semester Dates Jan 15 – May 20*

* No life groups will meet on Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012.

For more information about starting a Life Group please email tlg@trinitytoday.com

7002 Canton Avenue Lubbock, Texas 79413 806-792-3363 trinitytoday.com

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