LifeGroup Catalog Spring Edition

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SPRING SEMESTER 2013 April 14 - June 8 Sunday Prayer Group - Eddy Holloway & Johnny Gregg

GriefShare - Anna Foley

Precept (Daniel) - Dee & Linda Sweeney

Life’s Puzzles - Team Led

Freedom Ministries (Foundations) - John & Nita Kuehn

Prime Timers - David Savage

Sanctuary - 6:30 a.m. Join us as we pray and intercede for God to transform lives in our worship services. Ed 1 - Room 211 - 8:30 a.m. - Discussion Get to know the Most High God and understand the times we live in through the prophetic book of Daniel. University Campus - Room 102 - 10:00 a.m. Whether you are facing personal obstacles or simply want to accelerate your discipleship and growth in Christ, we’ll assist you in identifying and removing those things that are currently hindering your growth and help you experience the life you were created for.

University Campus - Room 110 - 10:00 a.m. GriefShare is a weekly support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. University Campus - Room 114 - 10:00 a.m. A group of seasoned believers who study God’s word and invest in life long friendships. University Campus - Stage II - 10:00 a.m. We are a dynamic group for those who are age 60-plus. Join us for coffee, fellowship, Gaither-style worship, and Bible study.

Marriage Prep - Jimmy & Stephonie Stone

(Women’s Group) University Campus - Room 104 - 10:00 a.m. 806-786-4496 James, Jesus’ own brother, started out as a skeptic. See how one glimpse of the resurrected Savior turned an unbeliever into a disciple.

University Campus - Room 105 - 11:30 a.m. This 8-week study covers crucial areas that prepare couples for marriage and remarriage. Couples who complete the course will receive a certificate to waive the fee of their marriage license. RSVP required.

The Joy of Living in Heaven - David Haladay

Precept (Daniel) - Dee & Linda Sweeney

James: Mercy Triumphs (Beth Moore Study) - Sarah Gutierrez

University Campus - Room 105 - 10:00 a.m. Discover biblical answers to the questions you have about Heaven.

Young Couples - Tom & Mary Fallgren

University Campus - Room 107 - 10:00 a.m. Designed for young couples who are engaged or have been married less than five years and have a strong desire to strengthen their relationship and faith.

Marriage Toolbox - Tee & Karen Thomas

University Campus - Room 106 - 11:30 a.m. - Video Get to know the Most High God and understand the times we live in through the prophetic book of Daniel.

The Adventurers - Gary Light & Jimmy Hill

University Campus - Room 107 - 11:30 a.m. In What’s So Amazing About Grace? Philip Yancey explores grace at a street level. “If grace is God’s love for the undeserving, then what does it look like in action?”

University Campus - Room 108 - 10:00 a.m. Couples who understand each other’s love language hold a priceless advantage in the quest for love that lasts a lifetime. Join us as we study Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages.

Living by the Spirit - Camie Fulkerson

Financial Peace University - David & Beth Bender

Family Matters - Clay Enger & Jeff Norris

University Campus - Room 109 - 10:00 a.m. This 9-week study by Dave Ramsey will help you learn how to beat debt and build wealth. For more information visit:

University Campus - 110 Room – 11:30 a.m. Gain insight into what it means to live life through the power of the Holy Spirit and by God’s Word. University Campus - Room 114 - 11:30 a.m. Learn how to practically apply God’s principles in life, marriage, and parenting. This group is geared toward couples with children.

Sunday Afternoon Opportunities Single Living Gathering

Off Campus - 1:00 p.m. Singles in their 30’s and 40’s who meet the 4th Sunday after church for lunch at a local restaurant. Connect with other singles and enjoy a meal together.

Men’s Flag Football (Men’s Group)

Kastman Park Email us for dates and times. This group is for men ages 16 and older.

The Gathering - Danny & Gloria Bernal

The Edge - 2nd & 4th Sunday - 4:00 p.m. Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Him.

Focused Path - Lupe Carrasco (Women’s Group)

Off Campus - 2nd & 4th Sunday - 4:00 p.m. We will search scripture to discover what Jesus said about the journey we are on.

Usher Life Group - Louis Garcia

Ed 1 - Room 201 - Every 4th Sunday - 5:00 p.m. Experience fellowship and pray alongside those you serve with. If you are interested in ushering, please join us.

Young Families - Billy & Courtney Neufeld

Off Campus - Every Other Sunday - 5:30 p.m. Connecting young married couples going through life’s journey with young children, while still keeping their true love a priority.

The Word - Lorenzo Martinez (Bilingual group)

Off Campus - 2nd & 4th Sunday - 6:00 p.m. Experience fellowship and the Word of God in English and Spanish.

Parenting Home Group - Thomas & Molly Mandry

Off Campus - Every Other Sunday - 6:00 p.m. Be encouraged by other parents of young children as we discover what it means to be a godly parent.

Monday Learning Community (Men’s Group)

Off Campus - 12:00 p.m. Mature leaders and young leaders uniting to discuss leadership principles, ideas, and experiences.

Night of Prayer at Heartline

Off Campus - 806-788-0500 Support the ministry of Heartline Women’s Clinic by gathering to pray for the women of the South Plains facing an unexpected pregnancy, women considering abortion, or an increase in challenging life decisions. Call for location and time.

Surrendering the Secret - Robin Exum (Women’s Group)

Off Campus - 806-788-0500 A supportive and confidential group that encourages healing and restoration from a past abortion. This 8-week Bible study brings a sense of hope and purpose for the future.

Tuesday Friend to Friend - Renee Hargrove (Women’s Group)

Off Campus - 9:30 a.m. Do you take God at His Word, believing what He has told us, or do you just believe in His existence and the salvation he offers? Join us and experience a fresh explosion of faith as we study Believing God by Beth Moore.

Page-by-Page - Sarah Gutierrez (Women’s Group)

Off Campus - 2nd & 4th Tuesday - 6:30 p.m. 806-786-4496 Enjoy sharing time and building relationships with other women as you read through great Christian books.

Young Married – Matthew & Jennifer Fraley Nowacek

Off Campus – Every other Tuesday – 7:30 p.m. 806-778-3592 Engaged couples, newlyweds and young married couples enjoying fellowship and Bible study.


University Campus - Stage II - 7:30 p.m. A service geared to the needs of college-age individuals with a time of prayer, worship, teaching and food.

Wednesday Sonshine Girls (Prime Timer Group)

Off Campus - Every 3rd Wednesday - 10:30 a.m. Senior ladies who meet for brunch at Golden Corral Restaurant.

A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place

Cindy Buxkemper & Tina Macha (Women’s Group) Off Campus - 12:00 p.m. 806-778-6823 In this Beth Moore study, you will be challenged to prepare your heart to become a home for His love and glory.

Prayer Group - Charles & Dorothy Fulkerson

Outreach Center (3027 34th) - 12:00 p.m. 806-794-5761 Prayer for the three C’s - Church, Community, and Country.

Prayer Group - Marsheila Copeland

University Campus - Room 118 - 6:30 p.m. A time to refocus and pray before Wednesday night life groups begin.

Single Dads - Ken Ruckey (Men’s Group)

University Campus - Room 102 - 7:00 p.m. Be encouraged, build your faith, and learn practical ways to connect with your children, regardless of age.

Praying Mothers - Monica Sawyer (Women’s Group)

Men of Faith - Eric Trinidad (Men’s Group)

The Source - Jerry Hatfield

Freedom Ministries (Foundations) - John & Nita Kuehn

University Campus - Room 104 - 7:00 p.m. Mothers lifting up their children in prayer.

University Campus - Room 105 - 7:00 p.m. This study using Margaret Feinberg’s new book, Wonderstruck, will captivate and stir your imagination to the glorious wonders that awaken us to the nearness of God.

Scouting the Divine (Margaret Feinberg Study)

Lauriena Cruz (Women’s Group) University Campus - Room 106 - 7:00 p.m. Participants will find the Bible coming alive as they learn about Scripture through the eyes of a shepherd, farmer, beekeeper, and vintner.

Marriage Toolbox - Louis & Marcille Garcia

University Campus - Room 108 - 7:00 p.m. Couples who understand each other’s love language hold a priceless advantage in the quest for love that lasts a lifetime. Join us as we study Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages.

Battlefield of the Mind (Joyce Meyer Study)

Karen Thomas (Women’s Group) University Campus – Room 109 – 7:00 p.m. The mind is the battlefield on which we wage war. It is there that we either win or lose in our fight against the enemy.

University Campus - Room 119 - 7:00 p.m. A group of men discussing real life issues.

University Campus - Stage II - 7:00 p.m. Whether you are facing personal obstacles, or simply want to accelerate your discipleship and growth in Christ, we’ll assist you in identifying and removing those things that are currently hindering your growth and help you experience the life you were created for.

Thursday Romans - Joanne Jones (Women’s Group)

Off Campus - 9:30 a.m. Paul’s letter to the church at Rome is one of the most important letters ever written. No matter what type of measurement is used, it stands strong - declaring truth from start to finish.

Undaunted (Christine Caine Study) & Battlefield of the Mind (Joyce Meyer Study) Tammy Norris & Amanda Ellison (Women’s Group) Off Campus - 10:00 a.m. You will be challenged to wake up to the needs of those around you and inspired to go into a dark and troubled world to bring hope, create change, and live completely for Christ.

The Holy Spirit: God’s Kingdom Builder - Lewis Moncrief

Unglued (Lisa Terkeurst Study) - Gloria Toti (Women’s Group)

Off Campus - 7:00pm Search the Scriptures and discover who the Holy Spirit is and how he can bring God’s power for healing and deliverance into your life.

DivorceCare - Sheila Vitela

Godly Families in Ungodly Times - Chris & Robin Lawrence Off Campus - 7:00 p.m. Open discussion on how the culture of our time affects the family God meant for us to be. Learn how to utilize Scriptures that impact our family and draw us closer to God.

University Campus - Room 113 - 7:00 p.m. God gave us emotions to experience life, not destroy it! Each reaction we have is an opportunity to either fall back into patterns that make us wallow in guilt, or choose more wisely and make progress. University Campus - Room 114 - 7:00 p.m. DivorceCare is a caring group of people who will walk beside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. This 13-week study consists of video support, group discussion, and fellowship.

Armor in Action - Juan & Janie Espinoza

University Campus - Room 115 - 7:00 p.m. 806-549-5492 A Christian faith based AA/NA - 12-step support group. Learn how to walk in faith, speak in truth, and live in freedom.

Freedom Ministries (Topical Class) - John & Nita Kuehn

University Campus - Room 117 - 7:00 p.m. We discover areas that can be strongholds in our lives such as fear, regret, anger, mother/father wounds, etc., and how to apply godly principles to effectively remove them from our lives. Ministry time is available during class.

Generations - Rob & Linda Winkler

Off Campus - 1st & 3rd - 7:00 p.m. Dive into God’s Word and experience biblical community.

Men’s Basketball (Men’s Group)

University Campus - Practice Gym - 1st & 3rd Thursday - 8:30 p.m. This group is for men ages 16 and older.

Friday Men’s Fraternity - Jeremy Brown (Men’s Group)

The Edge (6701 University) - 6:15 a.m. Men are engaged through friendship, accountability, prayer, and the study of God’s Word. Breakfast is provided.

Prayer Group- Paul & LaJuan Campbell

Off Campus - 1st & 3rd Friday - 6:00 p.m. 806-793-9596 Prayer for the three C’s - Church, Community, and Country

Single Focus - Mireille Cardona

Jubilee Choir (Prime Timer Group) Join with us as we spread God’s message through song.

Service Groups:

University Campus - Commons Area - 7:00 p.m. Diverse group of singles studying God’s Word and discussing real life issues.



Student Ministries

Single Living Gathering

Off Campus A time for singles in their 30’s and 40’s to connect with other singles while enjoying a variety of events and activities.

Brotherhood - Javier Lomeli (Men’s Group)

Off Campus If you are looking to surround yourself with a group of men who desire godly fellowship and are in the pursuit of Christ, look no further. Email for time and location.

The Mix - Eric Trinidad

University Campus - Practice gym - 7:00 p.m. 806-283-7809 Gathering together for God’s Word, prayer, and some volleyball.

Additional Opportunities Single Dads Gathering

Off Campus Single dads gathering together to enjoy a variety of events and activities.

Single Focus Gathering - Mireille Cardona

Off Campus Diverse group of singles gathering together to enjoying a variety of events and activities. If your passion is to impact the next generation, then Kidsplace and Early Childhood is where you need to be. If your desire is to make a difference in the youth of today, then Trinity Student Ministries is where you need to be.

Trinity Choir The Choir’s primary purpose is to help lead worship for the Sunday morning services. We rehearse every other Wednesday.

Trinity Chorale The Chorale is a vocal ensemble that sings primarily during the 8:30 a.m. classic service. This ensemble rehearses every other Wednesday.

Trinity Outreach Group Join with us as we serve people in need at the Trinity Outreach Center.

Food Bank Group

Trinity Outreach Center Assist with the unloading of the Food Bank’s truck and stocking of the food pantry.

Leadership Opportunities If you are interested in leading or hosting a life group, please email us at

Marriage Mentors An intensive mentoring opportunity for married couples looking to enrich or restore their marriage.

Crown Ministries Biblical Financial Study for Life Groups

Off Campus - Terisa Clark 806.792.3363 If you are interested in being a part of one of these studies, or if you feel God is calling you to help lead a study, please contact us. For more information visit

College Living Rooms Living Rooms provide college-aged students a more intimate setting for fellowship and exploring issues that matter to those 19 - 25. Living Rooms meet throughout the week for more information and location call 806-792-3363 ext 3300.

Summer Semester June 23 – August 18

7002 Canton Avenue Lubbock, Texas 79413 806-792-3363

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