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Dear friends,
As I prepare for my fifteenth year at Trinity, the time is right for me to step down as Head of School at the conclusion of the 2023-2024 academic year. I am tremendously grateful for the time I have spent at Trinity and for the privilege of being part of the lives and learning of the thousands of students who have passed through our doors during that time. Having the opportunity to lead this revered institution is one of the great honors of my life.
I will always remember arriving at Trinity from Texas with my family in 2009. Everyone was warm, welcoming, and embraced us with open arms. Today, some of our dearest friends are those we have met through the Trinity community. During my tenure, Trinity has continued to evolve in many ways through our ongoing pursuit of excellence. We have made significant changes to our curriculum and offerings, expanded our campus, built out critical departments such as college counseling, and welcomed many new extraordinary faculty members. Together, as a school, we have revolutionized how we support students at Trinity.
As I reflect on my time at Trinity, I can’t help but smile as I remember all of the special moments embedded in our traditions that have brought me such joy. I will always remember fondly the smiles of the first graders carrying candles (early on, real candles!) down the aisle in the holiday chapel and the excitement I would have anticipating the Halloween costumes that would parade through the Great Hall for Halloween. I have felt a sense of gratitude seeing so many students volunteering with our community partners, playing bingo with seniors, and helping to prepare meals at Advent Lutheran Church. And I have cherished every single Senior chapel talk I’ve been blessed to hear. These and so many other memories will stay with me forever.
The heart of the Trinity experience remains the lively, engaged conversation between inspiring, caring teachers and talented, motivated, and curious students. I have seen more than 1,000 graduates leave us eager to “learn confidently for the rest of their lives, and to give generously and joyfully to others,” and I couldn’t be more proud. Our school community is strong, ready for the next generation of leadership.
I am excited for Alexis Mulvihill as she succeeds me as Trinity’s next Head of School. Over the years, I and the rest of the Trinity community have increasingly relied on Alexis for her deep intellectual commitment, her powerful eloquence, her insight about teaching and learning, and her strong sense of empathy and respect for all. I am eager to see where Alexis takes this remarkable institution.
I look forward to my final year as the Head of School with excitement and great reverence.
Fifteen years ago, the school’s compelling mission statement impelled me to bring my family to New York City, and fifteen years later, I find Trinity’s mission no less compelling and important. Thank you all for the opportunity you have given me to play a role in serving that mission.
John Allman Head of School