Office of Public Service
Trinity School’s Office of Public Service finds its focus in the diversity of the Upper West Side, the community immediately surrounding our campus, as we provide weekly opportunities for our students, Grades K-12, to begin to know themselves in the world by connecting meaningfully with our community inside and outside of school.
Our programs with seventeen Community Circle Partners, all of which are within five blocks of our campus, allow our students to connect hands-on experiential work to larger, systemic global issues such as hunger and homelessness, educational access and equity, the challenges faced by older adults, persons with disabilities, and the environment.

Community Circle Partners
The Community Garden at 120 West 94th Street
Advent Lutheran Church
Ballet & Beyond NYC
Bingo and Thanksgiving
Bounty: Trinity School’s Food Donation Program
DeHostos Community Center (LACASA @ the Commons)
Goddard Riverside Early Childhood (formerly Head Start)
Goddard Riverside Senior Center
Green Team
Lafayette Academy
Manhattan Children’s Center
Manhattan School for Children (PS 333)
Language and Music
Ambassador Programs
P.S. 84
Sondra Thomas Apartments
West Side Campaign Against Hunger
West Side Community Garden

Catherine Price ’97
This podcast features alumna author Catherine Price, class of 1997. Catherine is a science journalist, founder of ScreenLifeBalance.com, and the author of several books including: How to Break Up With Your Phone and Vitamania: How Vitamins Revolutionized the Way We Think About Food
Her work has appeared in the Best American Science Writing, the New York Times, Popular Science, O, The Oprah Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Washington Post Magazine, Parade, Salon, Slate, Men’s Journal, Self, Medium, Health Magazine, and Outside, among others.
She is the author of The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again

Peter Frelinghuysen III ’18
Alumni Focus profile of alumnus Peter Frelinghuysen III ’18 and Earth Cups, the net-zero, plant-based products with sustainability superpowers company, that he cofounded with Misha Medvedev.
Upper School Community Time speakers
Every week speakers come to Upper School Community Time to talk with students about their work and lives. Inspiring, thoughtful, informative, and compelling, the Upper School Community Time speakers program provides Trinity students with the opportunity to hear from important and influential voices in a variety of disciplines, fields, and industries. Recent speakers include:
Melissa Murray, Frederick I. and Grace Stokes Professor of Law and faculty director of the Birnbaum Women’s Leadership Center at New York University. Professor Murray is a leading expert in family law, constitutional law, and reproductive rights and justice and is coauthor of the New York Times bestselling book The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary and an author of Cases on Reproductive Rights and Justice, the first casebook to cover the subject.
Rikki Schlott, journalist and political commentator. She is cohost of the Lost Debate podcast, a columnist at the New York Post, and a regular contributor to various publications and television programs in which she covers free speech, campus culture, civil liberties, and youth issues from a Generation Z perspective. She is coauthor of the book The Canceling of the American Mind: Cancel Culture Undermines Trust and Threatens Us All—But There Is a Solution
Dr. Roger Berkowitz, founder and academic director of the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities and professor of politics, philosophy, and human rights at Bard College. He is the author of The Gift of Science: Leibniz and the Modern Legal Tradition and the editor of On Civil Disobedience: Henry David Thoreau and Hannah Arendt, including many other publications. He received the 2024 Compassion Award from Con-Solatio and the 2019 Hannah Arendt Prize for Political Thought from the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Bremen, Germany.
Darren Rosenblum, Faculty of Law at McGill University. Their scholarship is centered on corporate governance, specifically on diversity initiatives and remedies for sex inequality. They have served as associate dean of graduate studies and as a Wainwright Senior Fellow at McGill Law. Professor Rosenblum wrote the first article of queer legal theory “Queer Intersectionality” and the first article on transgender prisoners “Trapped in Sing Sing.”
From the Archives
1980 - First kindergarten in Trinity’s history. Trinity admitted boys and girls from its founding in 1709 until 1838 when, in its transition from a school for the poor to a college preparatory school, it became a school for boys only. When colleges for women were established in the nineteenth century, Trinity formed a “sister” school, St. Agatha School for Girls, in 1898. In 1971 girls returned to Trinity’s Upper School and then joined the Lower School in 1980 in the first kindergarten in the School’s history. In 1988 Trinity once again became a school for boys and girls throughout all grades.