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Alumni Events
Class of 2021 Reunion
On October 5, 2021, our youngest alums and their parents were invited back on campus to connect with their former classmates and friends. Members of the Class of 2021 met in the Allison Williams Activity Center (AWAC), shared stories about their new schools, enjoyed pizza, and visited with some former Trinity Teachers.
The Class of 2021 pose for a group photo.

Members of the Class of 2021 enjoy catching up over pizza.
Fifth Grade Lead Teacher Kathy Bruyn takes a photo with former students Mary Sellers Conley ’21, Natasha Johnson ’21, and Sophie Hart ’21.

Class of 2020 Reunion
On October 19, 2021, the Class of 2020 and their parents were welcomed back on campus for their first official reunion since they graduated. We were excited to host this reunion for these young alums, who had to postpone their reunion due to the pandemic. These resilient Trinity graduates shared memories, talked about their current schools, enjoyed a pizza dinner, and took a trip down memory lane while playing in the Gaga pit and walking through Discovery Woods.

Members of the Class of 2020 gather for a group photo.

Tristan Sindoni ’20, Robert Suh ’20, Brent Karasick ’20, and Mac Hartley ’20 enjoy catching up on the Upper Elementary playground. Colby Frieden ’20 smiles for the camera as she and her former classmates catch up in the Gaga pit.

Alumni Night at Trinity School
The Trinity Alumni Association hosted its annual Alumni Night at Trinity School on November 17, 2021. Alumni 21 and older were invited onto campus to hear an update from Head of School Joe Marshall, connect with other alumni, and enjoy dinner and drinks catered by Nuevo Laredo. After dinner, everyone was encouraged to separate into teams so they could play a memorable game of Trinity trivia. Alumni searched deep in their memories to recall many crucial details to help them win the game. It was a wonderful evening making new memories with old Trinity friends.

Head of School Joe Marshall addresses alums at the beginning of Alumni Night. Catherine Humann Callaway ’97 laughs with fellow alums Susanne Inman Frayser ’96 and Louis Battey ’99. Clay Prickett ’96 peruses an old yearbook with Joe Marshall.