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Disrupting the pattern
Our bursary programme helps bridge the enormous gulf in educational opportunity that has grown between those who have and those who do not.
It provides a channel for social mobility among lower income families in Croydon, and helps keep the school a diverse, inclusive community. The whole Trinity community benefits from having a student body which more faithfully reflects the society around us.
The Trinity Bursary Fund enables young people from economically disadvantaged backgrounds to benefit from an outstanding education, unlock their full potential and go on to make their mark in the world.
This year, the UK's economic problems are intensifying demand on our bursary programme. While the downturn affects everybody, it impacts disproportionately on our existing bursary families and on our ability to support more children.
If you are interested in becoming a donor, please go to www.trinitygives.co.uk
12.5x 50%
Only 7.3% of Croydon students go on to a Russell Group University. Bursary funding and a place at Trinity increases this to 91.3%, multiplying the opportunity by 12.5 times.
“Receiving an outstanding education because of Trinity’s bursary scheme is the reason I'm where I am today. Trinity effortlessly provides an environment that allows students from all backgrounds to feel they are equally-valued members of a fantastic community of learning.”
Less than 50% of 16 to 18-yearolds in the borough take A Levels. This does not mean they are less talented or academically able but demonstrates a lack of opportunity.
Top 25 nationally
Named in the top 25 independent schools in the UK
Top 15 in London
Named in the top 15 independent schools in London

Best in Croydon
Named as the best independent school in Croydon
“The success we are aiming for is evidenced in the kind of people our students become, as well as the excellence they achieve.”
Headmaster, Alasdair Kennedy