5 minute read
For the love of cars
Memory Lane
Response to our request for memories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s has been wonderful with so many stories being sent in.
Col Mike Bennett OBE, who left in 1958, shared these hilarious pranks with us:
“Len Monk had a gigantic collection of stuffed birds and one day, while he was writing on the board, someone started taking the stuffed birds out of the cupboard and putting one on each desk, so that when he eventually turned round, we were all underneath our desks and he was actually talking to a whole class of stuffed birds.”
“The Headmaster’s car, which was a very smart Rover, was advertised in the local paper, the Croydon Advertiser, at a ridiculously low price, with his home number. He was pestered constantly through the weekend by potential buyers.”
“On another occasion the groundsman’s roller was sold to a scrap merchant and the school had to buy it back.”
We are looking forward to collating everyone’s reminiscences into a publication covering this this era. It is not too late to send in your memories of your time at school - please contact Melodie – her details can be found opposite.

I P Waters

Time capsule buried 1996
Does anyone know anything about the time capsule that was buried close to the library steps in 1996 to mark the 400th anniversary of the John Whitgift Foundation? We have just unearthed the capsule and would love to know the background story behind it. We love this photograph of Mathematics teacher Ian Waters, sent in by 1960 leaver, Terry Johnson. Several alumni have pointed out the humorous side of his name.
Did you know we have an extensive online archive where you can browse photographs, school publications, school lists, films and much more? To access the site, go to trinityschool-archive.daisy.websds.net User name: guest Password: trinity
Founder’s Day Parade
Dave Jordan, who left in 1965, sent in this photograph of naval cadets in the foreground marching from the school, to the 1963 Founder’s Day service at the Parish Church (now Croydon Minster). Those of you old enough will remember the menswear store to the left of the school’s entrance in North End.

Dave Jordan is in the centre of the front row, with Art teacher Lieutenant Duncan leading. The Alumni and Development Team is delighted to be back at school, working together in person again and being able to interact with the wider school community.
The Team from L-R Laurie, Jason, Donna, Melodie, Nathan and David
Au Revoir Class of 2021
It was lovely to be able to speak to our Upper Sixth leavers at their last assembly. 2021 leavers have been able to celebrate properly this year with their sports afternoon attired in fancy dress, a fun-filled afternoon following their last assembly and their forthcoming Graduation Evening and Graduation Ball. We wish them all the best and look forward to keeping in touch with them.

Upper Sixth leavers at their sports afternoon where each form group is invited to choose a theme for their form’s fancy dress.
How to get in touch with us:
David Young Director of Development, email: dty@trinity.croydon.sch.uk direct line: 020 8662 5162
Jason Court Development Manager email: jtc@trinity.croydon.sch.uk direct line: 020 8662 5147 Donna Lewis Alumni Relations Officer email: alumni@trinity.croydon.sch.uk direct line: 020 8662 5155
Laurie King Archivist and Alumni Relations email: lck@trinity.croydon.sch.uk telephone-Tues: 020 8656 9541 ext 747
Melodie Johnson Head of Alumni Relations email: maj@trinity.croydon.sch.uk direct line Tues-Thurs: 020 8662 5159 Nathan Lee Choon Data Analyst email: nlc@trinity.croydon.sch.uk tel: 020 8656 9541 ext 266
Join our online community, My Trinity
We have our very own alumni engagement platform My Trinity, where you can network with fellow alumni, seek and give careers advice, find or offer to be a mentor, see our forthcoming events, view photographs, post job vacancies at your company - from full time positions to internships and volunteering roles and read the latest news from the team.
You can also read interviews with alumni, the latest editions of school and alumni magazines, extended articles and much more under our Resources section and advertise your company in our free Business Directory.,
How to register
Just sign up to My Trinity using your LinkedIn or Facebook log in, or register with your email address. You can tailor your profile by offering as much or as little support to others as you want.
Register now at www.mytrinity.org.uk
Find us on social media
facebook.com/TrinitySchoolCroydonAlumni linkedin.com/in/trinityalumni twitter.com/TrinitySchAlumn instagram.com/trinityschoolalumni
Trinity School Shirley Park Croydon CR9 7AT 020 8656 9541
Dates for your diary
We are really looking forward to seeing our alumni face to face again! We have some fabulous events lined up over the next academic year so do come and join us.
Monday 6th September 2021 Reception for Donors We thank our supporters Trinity School
Saturday 11th September 2021 Festival of Rugby We celebrate the return of rugby with a series of matches featuring current students, alumni, staff and Trinity RFC Trinity School
Tuesday 2nd November 2021 All Souls’ Day Service Virtual event From the Chapel at the Almshouses
Wednesday 8th December 2021 Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols Join us for festive carols Croydon Minster
Thursday 16th December 2021 Under 25s Christmas Drinks Back from University Party Trinity School
All events are subject to restrictions in place at the time and dates may be subject to change. To find out more about our events and more, please register with our alumni networking platform My Trinity at www.mytrinity.org.uk or contact a member of our team. Thursday 10th March 2022 Trinity London Drinks Networking Event The Savile Club
March 2022 – date tbc Spring Concert We invite alumni to sing
Trinity School
Friday 25th March 2022 Founder’s Day Supper Organised by The Trinity Club Trinity School
Saturday 2nd April 2022 Alumnae Reunion Celebrating 10 years of girls Trinity Concert Hall
Saturday 23rd April 2022 Evensong with Trinity Choristers We invite alumni to sing Bath Abbey Tuesday 24th May 2022 Trinity Golf Day Shirley Park Golf Club
Wednesday 1st June 2022 Mitre Society Lunch We thank supporters leaving a gift in their Will
Saturday 2nd July 2022 Trinity Day Celebrating our wonderful school plus reunions for the Classes of 1960-2, 1970-2, 1980-2, 1990-2, 2000-2 Trinity School
COMING SOON ! Classes of 2015, 2016 & 2017 Reunion Sponsored by The Trinity Club
Trinity School
Make sure you don't miss out on your invitation. Update your contact details with us today.
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