2 minute read
Mahdeia's Story
Trinity Bursary Fund Recipient 2020-2022
I am incredibly grateful for my time at Trinity – I thoroughly enjoyed every second here. Until then, I had never experienced such dedicated teachers or the positive work ethic that was apparent in every lesson at Trinity.
I had wanted to go here ever since I visited Trinity when I was in year 5 with my primary school. However, there were two main hurdles – first, I was a girl and would have to wait until the sixth form, and second, the cost of attending an independent school.
I waited anxiously for the email that confirmed I had been awarded a bursary. Without that award, I would not have been able to attend Trinity and, in turn, get into Cambridge.
Attending Trinity has taught me so much. Alongside my academic subjects, I could try as many extra-curricular activities as I wanted in a welcoming and safe environment. I loved learning to sing and joining the professional-level choirs, planning star-gazing evenings for the lower school, and being able to try out squash.
My main worry before joining Trinity was the other students. I was concerned about their different financial backgrounds and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to relate to them. I hadn’t realised that many students in the sixth form come from state schools and we were all just young adults with similar interests.

Everyone was supportive of each other and I felt very close to my classmates, who are now some of my best friends. I never felt disadvantaged by being a bursary student or because I had been at a state school. It simply didn’t matter. My teachers were more than willing to help and, with the extra lessons they provided, I quickly adjusted and came to love Trinity.
On our first day at Trinity, Ms Geldeard said she hoped that sixth form would be an enjoyable experience despite its challenges. I can proudly say that, for me, it was the most enjoyable and rewarding part of my education.