Traditions Magazine

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Summer 2012


“This is such a special group of guys. They believed they could do it when a lot of folks doubted them. They knew they could do it.” COACH KEN WHITTLE





At Trinity, we believe our students are ready. The seventy-three members of the Class of 2012 are ready to attend seventeen colleges and universities across the nation. Sixty-two percent of the class have earned merit based scholarships totaling over 3.4 million dollars. We are proud of these graduates, and we are ready to see them lead the way.

webelieve. The Class of 2012 is ready. Contact Monica Lott 334.213.2137 Nondiscriminatory statement as to students: Trinity admits students of any race, color national and ethnic origins to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Trinity does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origins in any of the educational policies, scholarship programs and athletics, and other school-administered programs.

Robert D. Neu Head of School David Yohn Upper School Principal Dann Cleveland Upper School Dean of Students Kerry Palmer Middle School Principal Randy Ragsdale Middle School Dean of Students Tami Shelley Lower School Principal Monica Lott Director of Admissions John Anderson Director of Development Rebecca Shepherd Guidance Director Elizabeth Mosley College Advisor Jim Tuley Athletic Director Kathryn Stabler Activities Director Mary Elizabeth Collett Alumni Coordinator Debbie Dorough Business Manager Jill C. Bryan Traditions Designer & Editor Director of Marketing

Traditions magazine is published for alumni, parents, and friends of Trinity School. Alumni and student updates may be emailed along with photographs to or by mail. Trinity School 1700 East Trinity Blvd. Montgomery, AL 36106

insideTraditions Traditions magazine / Summer 2012

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A Publication for Alumni and Friends

Trinity School Welcomes New Athletic Director

Faculty, alumni, and students welcome new Athletic Director Harold Hilliard at reception.

Head of School Comments

Bob Neu comments on improvements at the school and the upcoming school-year at Trinity.

From the Principals

Lower, Middle, and Upper School Principals reflect on the past school year.

Links and Lobs

The annual Links and Lobs fundraiser for the Trinity Annual Fund was a grand success.


Third grade entrepreneurs market their products and a perfect score earned at Wordmasters, while fourth graders bring Alabama history to life.

ARTS Winning local art awards, and performing the annual fifth grade play are just a few of the happenings in the Arts Department. ATHLETICS Wildcats win at state track,

softball, golf, and baseball. Sarah Kathryn Portis receives Jimmy Hitchcock Award.

CLASSNOTES Alumni updates feature a movie with Kate Hudson, new births, and marriage announcements.

Welcome Coach Hilliard BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2011-2012 Dr. Frank Young III President Mr. Jim Edwards Vice President Mr. Todd Parsons Treasurer Dr. David Stanley Secretary Mr. Price Bishop Member at Large Todd Parsons and Susan Clark with Athletic Director Harold Hilliard and his wife, Christi, at a reception in the Upper School Library on Monday evening, June 4.


Mr. Bob Neu Head of School

rinity Presbyterian School is

“Throughout my career, I have been



committed to developing student-ath-

appointment of Harold Hilliard

letes to their maximum potential. One of

Rev. Claude McRoberts III Ex-Officio

as our new Athletic Director. Harold

my early priorities will be to collaborate

Mrs. Ann Amster

Hilliard has had a distinguished career in

with the entire Trinity community to

education and athletics, assuming

ensure a cohesive team environment that



is conducive to student-athlete growth

throughout his career. Harold began his

and success both in and out of athletic

career as the Physical Education

competition. I look forward to joining

Department Chair and Strength and

Trinity as we continue to grow the strong

Dr. Allen Clark

Conditioning Coordinator at The Lovett

tradition of Wildcat Athletics.”

Mr. Bob Farris





Mr. Andy Birchfield Mr. John Bricken Mrs. Farrow Burks

School in Atlanta. He then transitioned

Mr. Neu stated, “I am very excited

to Whitefield Academy where he served

about Harold and what he will do to

Mrs. Kim Hall

as Assistant Athletic Director, Physical

build upon our outstanding athletic pro-

Mrs. Stacie Haynes

Education Department Chair, and

gram. With Trinity’s foundation already

Strength and Conditioning Coordinator.

in place, the future is extremely bright. I

With his proven leadership and ath-

know Harold will do a great job, and I

letic administration background, Harold will build upon the continued success of our




look forward to him joining our team.”

Mr. David McClinton Mr. Phillip Pouncey Mr. Jimmy Rutland

We welcome the newest Wildcat staff member! Go Wildcats! n

Mr. Troy Teel Mr. Pat Williams

2 / SUMMER 2012


Dear Trinity Community, By the time you read this magazine, we will be well into summer. Ah, good ol’ summer time. A time for rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. A time to sleep, replenish and have fun. When I was much younger, I can remember running around the neighborhood for hours on end, simply playing for hours and hours without a worry in the world. It is an understatement to say things are different these days. After an outstanding school year, it just seems like summer should bring some level of normalcy. For most of us, though, that just does not appear to be the case. A quick word about this past school year. It seems like every time I turned around, another one of our students was being recognized for his or her accomplishment. This year was filled with one achievement after another. So many of the fantastic things that happened this semester are mentioned within these pages. Let me just name a few: State Champion baseball team, National Merit Finalist, the female Jimmy Hitchcock winner, and a district VAAP winner. This school year was marked with undeniable successes. God continues to bless us as a school, so I pray we stay focused on Him and do what He wants us to do as a school. Even around the school, summer is not what it used to be. When we resume in August, there will be a few new things around our facilities. A number of new access points for our wireless system are now in place and ready to go for our 1:1 laptop program. We are power-washing, painting, cleaning carpets, and even putting down some new carpet. However, the two massive projects for the summer are: re-roofing in a number of needy areas and the biggest undertaking of all, asphalting a majority of our roadway. While carpool is of course carpool, we believe your experience in carpool will be better since you will not have to drive down one side of a pot hole and up the other! But these are just things, and while they are important, our biggest asset remains...our teachers. We have an outstanding lineup of teachers across our school. They are committed to getting better and better and better. They will spend countless hours this summer in professional development. Hardly a day has gone by when a group of teachers has not been up at the school training in some capacity. They are teaching each other one on one, working together in small study groups, and of course, learning together in large group seminars. I pledge to you this: we will do everything in our power to make the next school year better than the one that we just finished. Please do not misunderstand me. I am not insinuating there was anything wrong with the last school year, just that we want to improve qualitatively each year. Our commitment is to continue delivering “the highest quality college preparatory education” to your students throughout your time at Trinity. I pray in the midst of the craziness of your summer, you actually do find time to rest and rejuvenate. Enjoy your final weeks, and see you soon! Onward and Upward for Christ and His Kingdom,

Robert D. Neu

SUMMER 2012 / 3




Lower School Principal Tami Shelley


he 2011-2012 school year was filled with cutting edge advances in lower school. God has bestowed many blessings on our School. Curriculum, technology, assessment, and leadership are just a few of these areas. Curriculum, the courses or teachings offered at a learning institution, is extremely important. We are constantly assessing graduates need for the future in our ever-changing world. Lower school faculty examined Math and Writing curriculum this year. The following important elements are present in our curriculum: 21st century higher order thinking skills, a smooth progression of skills across the grade levels, implementation in the classroom, and a comparison to state and Common Core standards. Trinity teachers and administrators understand the importance of investing time in the research and design of a rigorous and cohesive curriculum.





Lower School Principal Tami Shelley meets with fifth graders during “Listen and Lead”

Technology is woven into every part of curriculum at Trinity. Due to our many technological advances, we were able to adopt a more efficient design with technology integration in our classrooms on a daily basis this year. We began the use of a position entitled “tech coach” in all three divisions. The lower school tech coach rotates in and out of classrooms assisting and encouraging the integration of technology in all areas of our curriculum. This partnership with the class-

room teacher ensures they are up to date on all possibilities for total technology integration in the classroom. Student assessment has been improved by technology as well. In the lower elementary grades, Pre-K through Second, research indicates formative assessment (assessment administered multiple times through out the year) to be the most beneficial way to inform daily classroom instruction. Children’s Progress Academic Assessment was selected as a formative assessment to be used for those grade levels. CPAA is a diagnostic screening and progress-monitoring program for literacy and numeracy designed by early childhood experts. This formative assessment is computerized and provides immediate feedback for the classroom teacher. It is the presence of a strong technology infrastructure that allows the seamless use of such cutting edge assessments for our lower school teachers. Last but not least, the growth and encouragement of Christian leadership among our students is essential at Trinity. Fifth graders were provided with two new experiences aimed at leadership. Our lower school library encouraged a special bond this year between our fifth grade students and our kindergarten students. The fifth graders, “Kingdom Keepers”, were assigned a kindergarten student to support and encourage this year through classroom visits, notes, and collaborative projects. Another opportunity, “Listen and Lead”, occurred each nine weeks as fifth graders met with a speaker focused on student leadership at Trinity. These new opportunities proved to be a catalyst for many rich discussions and ideas concerning leadership for our students. It was a productive and exciting year in lower school thanks to teamwork from our faculty, staff, parents and students. Plans are well underway for the kick off of the 2012-2013 school year! n



e have just wrapped up another exciting and productive year in our middle school division, preparing students for upper school and beyond through academics, athletics, the arts, and leadership development, all beautifully woven together through a biblical world and life view. For the third straight year, our middle school student council members had the opportunity to develop their

Gordon Stone pictured with the Middle School Student Council

leadership skills by participating in our monthly Lunch with Leaders program. Several dynamic leaders have spoken with our students in the past, and this year was no different. Our program hosted Steve Savarese, executive director of the Alabama High School Athletic Association; Larry Craven, chief legal counsel to the state school superintendent and former interim superintendent of schools; Gordon Stone, mayor of Pike Road; Dr. Cheryl Carter, executive director of Leadership

Middle School Teacher of the Year Kathy Pirtle and Kerry Palmer

Montgomery; and Dr. Jim Vickrey, former president of the University of Montevallo. Students were respectful and inquisitive during these sessions, and represented Trinity very well. This year, we instituted a Teacher of the Year award to honor outstanding classroom instruction in our division. Our first recipient was Kathy Pirtle. Mrs. Pirtle is a 36-year veteran of the classroom, and has been teaching 8th grade English at Trinity since 2006. Our middle school students nominated several teachers for this honor, and our student council made the final decision. Once again, our eighth grade students embarked on a week-long tour of Washington, D. C. Highlights included meeting U. S. Representative and Trinity alumna Martha Roby, as well as Senator Jeff Sessions. As usual, our students represented TPS well, and garnered many favorable comments from people throughout the DC area.

Middle School Principal Kerry Palmer



Kerry Palmer pictured with Middle School Students during the annual D.C. trip

As we look to the 2012-13 school year, we are excited about expanding our leadership program to include a leadership lecture series. We will be asking some of our most distinguished Lunch with Leaders alumni to speak to the future leaders that fill our halls each day. We are also looking to launch an advisory program to further assist our students with the tough choices they must make during the teen years. Thank you for your continued prayers and support of our middle school program. It is a great time to be a Wildcat! n



SPRING 2012 / 5



Upper School Principal David Yohn




6 / SUMMER 2012

here has been a great


these seventy-three graduates have

deal of excitement in

earned over three million dollars in

the upper school during

scholarships at a wide range of colleges

the final days of the

and universities. They will attend eight-

2011-2012 school year.

een different institutions of higher

Many of our students have excelled in

learning, including seven in our state

their academic, athletic and artistic

and eleven outside of Alabama. Thank

endeavors, and we are proud of their

you, Seniors, for a job well-done. We

many accomplishments.

look forward to hearing how you will

We are especially proud of our out-

continue to learn and to grow into the

standing Senior class, the 39th graduat-

young men and women that God creat-

ing class at Trinity. Forty-one of our

ed you to be.

Seniors are alpha and omegas, meaning

We also look forward to welcoming

they have been Trinity students since

our upper school students back in

kindergarten. We have seen them grow

August. Our dedicated faculty will con-

into scholars, athletes and performers.

tinue to work to improve their teaching

Included in this class is a National

by participating in both on and off-cam-

Merit Finalist, a Jimmy Hitchcock

pus professional development opportunities, many of which will focus on the integration of technology into the classroom. While our 2011-2012 seventh and ninth grade students were the first to utilize laptop computers in the classroom, all of our middle and upper school students will enjoy the benefits

Graduation of 2012 Class at Frazer United Memorial Church

of a fully-implemented 1:1 environment

Award winner, four athletic scholarship

outstanding opportunity for our stu-

signees, individual and team state cham-

dents at Trinity to learn and to explore

pions, community service volunteers,

the world around them in ways that

mission trip participants, talented

they have not been able to do in the

artists, dancers and poets, a youth legis-


during the upcoming year. What an

lature Governor, and many who have

While we are eager to begin a new

led in their church youth groups.

year in August, we do encourage our

Several Seniors volunteered to lead our

students to enjoy some well-deserved

chapel services throughout the year by

vacation time. Read some good books,

singing, praying and speaking, thus giv-

even some that are not on your summer

ing our underclassmen a clear picture

reading lists. Spend some quality time

of how they might lead in the future.

with family and friends. Lastly, may we

As a result of their excellent academic and athletic accomplishments,

all passionately pursue our walk with Jesus Christ! n

Trinity Presbyterian School Class of 2012 SEVENTY-THREE GRADUATES EARNED OVER 3 MILLION DOLLARS IN SCHOLARSHIPS “These graduates will attend eighteen different institutions of higher learning, including seven in our state and eleven outside of Alabama.” SUMMER 2012 / 7


The Annual Links and Lobs Golf and Tennis Tournament was held on May 7 at the Montgomery Country Club.





Dr. and Mrs. Brian Elrod Mr. and Mrs. Jason Adams Mr. and Mrs. Ben Espy Mr. and Mrs. Mike Addison Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Gary Faulkner Mr. and Mrs. Jim Amster Mr. and Mrs. John Fendley Mr. and Mrs. Troy Amster Mr. and Mrs. Mack Ferguson Mr. John Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William Franklin Dr. and Mrs. Mark Anderson Freeman Performance, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Andress Mr. and Mrs. David Gentry Mrs. Loree Aronov Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gidiere Mr. and Mrs. Chris Avant Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Glover Mr. and Mrs. Dave Avant Mrs. Ruth Godwin Ms. Martheen Baas Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Goocher Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baker Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Grant Bank of America Mr. Mike Gwin Dr. and Mrs. Matt Bennett Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Berney Mr. and Mrs. Josh Hall Mr. and Mrs. Andy Birchfield Ms. Christine Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Birmingham Mr. Hal Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Price Bishop Rev. and Mrs. Bryant Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Pat Black Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hanusek Mr. and Mrs. Jon Blissitte Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hargrove Mr. and Mrs. Bubba Bowden Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Andy Britton Mr. and Mrs. Mike Heartsill Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hendryx Mr. and Mrs. Bo Burks Mr. Britton Henig Mr. and Mrs. Rick Burley Mrs. Elizabeth Higgins Mr. and Mrs. David Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hill Bowen & Maria P. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Chappell Hill Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hinton Mrs. Sara Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hixon Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Alex Holtsford Dr. and Mrs. James Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Kent Hornsby Mrs. Pamela Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Everett Jeffcoat Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Watkins Johnston, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George Clements Mr. and Mrs. Watkins Johnston III Mr. and Mrs. Dann Cleveland Mrs. Alice Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jay Collett Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones Dr. and Mrs. Mark Conversino Mr. and Mrs. Rhon Jones Rev. and Mrs. Jay Cooper 9 / SUMMER 2012 Mr. and Mrs. YoungSuk Kang Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cope Dr. and Mrs. Donovan Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. Billy Cox Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Kyser, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Craven Mr. and Mrs. Rick Letner Crum Family Charitable Foundation Lewis P. Chapman, D.M.D., P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Ladon Dansby Mrs. Betty Little Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeBardelaben Mr. and Mrs. Tom Littlepage Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Long Mr. and Mrs. Traweek Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lott Mr. and Mrs. John Dorough Dr. and Mrs. Keith Martin Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dozier Mr. Jim Massey III Mr. and Mrs. John Durr Ms. Karen Materna Mr. and Mrs. Jim Edwards Mr. and Mrs. David McClinton Mrs. Terry Elam Mr. and Mrs. Chris McGough

Rev. and Mrs. Claude McRoberts III Mr. and Mrs. William Miaoulis Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milton Mr. and Mrs. Terry Mitchell Mrs. Judy Moody Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Morris Ms. Robin Moseley Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Mosley Mr. and Mrs. Bob Neu Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oliver Mr. Peter Olson Dr. and Mrs. Rob Owen Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Pace Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pappanastos Dr. and Mrs. Edward Parma Mrs. Vickie Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Todd Parsons Dr. Kanu Patel Ms. Haden Payne Dr. and Mrs. John Payne III Dr. and Mrs. William Pendleton Mr. and Mrs. Clay Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Mabry Phillips Physiotherapy Corporation Mrs. Kathy Pirtle Mr. and Mrs. Greg Pittman Mrs. Laura Pittman Mr. Les Pittman Mr. and Mrs. Dale Polley Mr. and Mrs. John Price Dr. and Mrs. Jason Randall Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ray Mr. and Mrs. Epes Robertson Dr. and Mrs. Todd Roth Mr. and Mrs. James Rowell Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Rutland Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sadler Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saliba Mr. Trey Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sasser Mr. and Mrs. David Scott Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scott Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Seebrat Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Shelley Mrs. and Mrs. John Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Tony Singleton Mr. Bubba Skipworth Mr. and Mrs. Guice Slawson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sluis Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sluis Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smelley

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smitherman Mr. and Mrs. Scott Speagle Mr. and Mrs. John Stallings Dr. and Mrs. David Stanley Steel Systems of Pensacola, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Karl Stegall Mr. Warren Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Jody Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stratton Mr. Andy Stumpf and Dr. Wynne Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Paul Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Larry Teel Mr. and Mrs. Troy Teel Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thetford Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas Mrs. Lucy Thrasher Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tonnell Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Trott Dr. and Mrs. Den Trumbull Mrs. Marilyn Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tuley Mrs. Sarah Tyus Mr. and Mrs. Max Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Craig Vinson Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Wade Mr. and Dr. Paul Walker Dr. and Mrs. Garret Walker Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wallace Mr. Will Ward Mr. and Mrs. Steve Watson Mr. Ken Webb Mr. and Mrs. Billy Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Brian Welch Mr. and Mrs. Streeter Wiatt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Williams Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Williams Mr. and Mrs. John Williams Mr. and Mrs. Guy Willis Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Hanan Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Windham Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wood Mr. Clark Worrell Mr. and Mrs. David Yohn Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Yohn Dr. and Mrs. Frank Young, Jr. Dr. and Dr. Frank Young III Mr. and Mrs. Richard Younger

SUMMER 2012 / 9


Anna Tucker Earns a Perfect Score on WordMasters Challenge Fifth Grader Anna Tucker earned a perfect score on the last--and most difficult--WordMasters Challenge. Her name will be published to all schools who participate in the WordMasters program. The WordMasters Challenge is a vocabulary competition based on completing analogies. The WordMasters Challenge is a national competition for students in grades 3-8 that encourages growth in vocabulary and verbal reasoning. Each year, nearly 250,000 students from some of the best public and private schools throughout the United

States participate in the WordMasters Challenge. The program addresses higher-level word-comprehension and logical abilities, and helps students learn to think both analytically and metaphorically. It challenges students to solve analogies based on relationships among words they have learned from special vocabulary lists. The students have several weeks to study each list before each competition. There are three competitions throughout the year; December, February, and April. n

22 Trinity Students Place in the Top 25 in the State on the National French Exam Twenty-two Trinity students have placed in the top twenty-five scores in the state this year on the National French Exam. In French IV in the top 25 scores in the state: Jordie Deal, Sarah Young, Skip Portis, and Jordan Paramore. In French III in the top 25 scores: Tanner Cox, Blakely Brown, Mary Augusta Slawson; in the top 20 scores: Nina Smith, Abby Betts. In French II in the top 25 scores: Adrianna Diaz, Miranda Register; in the top 20 scores: Becca Murdoch. In French I in the top 25 scores: Joseph Hixon, Emma Paramore, Autumn Thaggard, Pat Williams, Elisabeth Bowman, Annelise Patterson; in the top 20 scores: Anna Lee Curles, Haley Gentry, Michael Sellers, Anna Gentry. n 10 / SUMMER 2012

Back row: Becca Murdoch, Elisabeth Bowman, Nina Smith, Emma Paramore, Michael Sellers, Tanner Cox, Pat Williams, Abby Betts, Anna Lee Curles, Miranda Register Middle row: Jordan Paramore, Jordie Deal, Sarah Young, Blakely Brown Front row: Haley Gentry, Annelise Patterson, Autumn Thaggard, Anna Gentry, Adrianna Diaz Not pictured: Joseph Hixon, Skip Portis, Mary Augusta Slawson


Third Grade Entrepreneurs Sell Their Products During Market Day Trinity School third graders completed

Creators of “B & MD’s Awesome Art,” entrepreneurs Mary Davis Bricken and Bentley Moore display their paintings to sell during “Market Day.”

their social studies unit of study on economics with a “Market Day.”


learning about producers, consumers, products, profit/loss, and supply & demand, the students created products

AP Biology and AP Chemistry Students Visit Dauphin Island

to sell at the market. Each student had the option to work individually or with a partner. They researched their product to determine the supply and demand needs as well as how much to charge. Students created business cards and flyers advertising their products using MacBooks during computer class. After designing and making their products, the students brought them to school to sell at “Market Day.” There were bracelets, marshmallow shooters, painted rocks, edible dirt with worms, cookies, bookmarks, cupcakes, cardboard paintings, and even cootie catchers! The students used class money called “Star Bucks” that they earned for good behavior to purchase the goods. The Upper School Forensics class helped the third graders produce commercials to advertise their merchandise. These videos were played on the classroom Smart

On Wednesday, April 11th, the AP Biology and AP Chemistry students traveled to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab where they went out into the Gulf of Mexico on a research vessel to study the chemistry of the salt water as well as the variety of life forms living in the Gulf. They also visited a salt marsh and an estuary where they were able to use seine

nets to study the life forms that use the Mobile Bay estuary as a breeding/nursery ground. The students learned how to use a Hydrolab to measure the salinity, temperature, depth, and dissolved oxygen of the water. The students learned the importance of wetlands of how they benefit our environment. n

Boards during “Market Day.” n SUMMER 2012 / 11


Molly Catherine Brown and Hannah Haynes Recognized at Volunteer of the Year Celebration

Molly Catherine Brown and Hannah Haynes

Molly Catherine Brown and Hannah Haynes were recognized Tuesday, April 17 as nominees for the 2012 River Region Volunteer of the Year in the Youth Division. Both girls were presented a certificate for the many hours of volunteer service. Molly Catherine is a junior and Hannah is a

sophomore and they both serve as ambassadors for Trinity Presbyterian School as Wildcat Girls. Molly Catherine is active in Volunteers in Action and has assisted Chappy’s Deli on Thanksgiving Day in boxing Thanksgiving meals to hundreds of less fortunate in the

Mu Alpha Theta Inducts New Members

Chris Colee, Tanner Cox, Marley Sport, Brittany Hendrick, Hayden Payne, Kennon Pouncey, Jacqueline Morris, Kristian Duraski, Nina Smith, Thomas Stallings, Romil Patel 12 / SUMMER 2012

Montgomery area. She also assisted with Sport Day at a local YMCA for less fortunate children. She participated in a Live Healthy program for Harrison Elementary School students and helped with a beautification project at the Easter Seals building. Molly Catherine helped set up a Teen Forum helping teens with difficult issues in their lives. At Trinity Molly Catherine organized a fundraiser, “Annie’s Smile” for dental hygiene products to be taken to an orphanage in Bulgaria. Hannah was the recipient of the “Discus Award” in the areas of faith, government, and community service. Hannah has a servant’s heart, which is evident by her volunteer service with Common Ground Ministries in Montgomery, where she tutors students weekly. She has also volunteered at Kate’s Closet, Boys and Girls Club, and assisted in making care packages to be sent to Haiti. This past summer she participated in a mission trip to Peru with her church, First United Methodist. n

Mu Alpha Theta inducted new members at a ceremony on Tuesday, April 17. New members received their Mu Alpha Theta membership certificates and Senior members received their cords. Inductees (Seniors): Brittany Hendrick, Katelyn Long, Emma Wilcher. Inductees (Juniors): Chris Colee, Tanner Cox, Kristian Duraski, Payne Jennings, Jacqueline Morris, Romil Patel, Hayden Payne, Kennon Pouncey, Nina Smith, Marley Sport, Thomas Stallings. n


Fourth Grade Wax Museum Brings Life to Alabama History The Trinity School Alabama Wax Museum was the culmination of the fourth graders’ year-long study of Alabama history. This event literally brought Alabama history to life! The students studied the lives of many Alabamians and this event highlighted their lives. Each 4th grader portrayed a

Kate Hall portraying Tallulah Bankhead

Will Aaron portraying Hank Aaron

Georgia Mracek portraying Zelda Fitzgerald

Coleman Morris portraying Hugo L. Black

Rylee Tucker portraying Heather Whitestone

Watkins Johnston portraying Sam Dale

famous person from Alabama, like Zelda Fitzgerald, Lurleen Wallace, Hank Williams, Hank Aaron, Tallulah Bankhead,



Martin Luther King Jr., and Emma Samson, just to name a few. The students acted out their character standing on individual podiums. When an onlooker rang their bell this prompted the fourth grader to recite a brief biography about their character. The wax museum was set up outside in front of the school, which allowed parents, students, and others to enjoy this spectacular learning event. n

Trinity Tribune Newspaper Wins First Place in the American Scholastic Press Association’s Contest SUMMER 2012 / 13


Aline Sluis Is District VAAP Winner Eighth Grader, Aline Sluis is 2012 District II Visual Arts Achievement Program (VAAP) Winner. The Visual Arts Achievement Program provides local and state recognition for student achievement in the visual arts. The program is designed to offer encouragement to young artists, showcase their work and offer opportunities for advanced training beyond high school.


Trinity Students Capture Awards at Annual Miniworks State Art Competition

Back row: Kenslee Harrison-HM, Jackson Adcocok-HM, Parker Whatley-3rd, Nolan Sasser-1st, Rebecca Love-HM Front row: Ben Bricken-HM, Caroline Parkman-2nd, James Davis-HM, Luke Sisson-3rd

Emma Wilcher-2nd and Mary Margaret Beck-HM

Rachel Love-2nd, 3rd, HM and Madison Elrod-HM

Front Row: Lauren Milo-HM, Mary Martin Mooneyham-HM, Echols Jones-1st, Lauren Hemmings-HM, Katie Scott-HM, McKenzie LeGrand-1st, Ensley Craven-1st, Ann Price Bishop-HM, Mary Todd Romanowski-HM, Sidney Richards-Best of Category, Katie Jackson-Best of Category, Mary V. StablerBest of Category, Madison Gillis-Best of Category Second Row: Courtney Stephenson-3rd, Zoe Portis-1st, Chase Lee-2nd, Sam Farris-Best of Category, Christopher Howard-2nd, Reed Henderson-HM, Wells Rutland-HM, Jessica Wilson-1st, Nicole Brown-HM, Sydney Bassett-2nd, Joy Atkinson, Elizabeth Beck-3rd Third Row: Trace Patterson-1st, Turner Sims-2nd, Jack Materna-3rd, Brian Roth-Best of Category, Aubrey Grant-1st, Cooper Humphrey-HM, Mary Stuart Tipton-Best of Category, Mary Carmen Haynes-3rd, James Wilder-HM, Allie Ramsey-1st, Anne Macon Adams-2nd, Mary Stuart Goocher-2nd Back Row: John Luke Phillips-3rd, Ethan Gentry-3rd, John David Jeter-3rd, Cooper Waller-2nd, Bentley Cowart-HM, Jack Biser-Best of Category

14 / SUMMER 2012


Fifth Graders Lassoed A Giddy-Up Performance at the Annual Fifth Grade Play

SUMMER 2012 / 15


Van Hooser and Curles Win at State Track Meet

Walker Van Hooser Wins at State

Senior Walker “Fudge� Van Hooser defended his title in the 100 meters at the AHSAA 3A state track and field meet on Saturday, May 5 while also bringing home a win in the 200 meters. The double-state champion ran the 100 in 10.94 at the meet at Memorial Stadium and crossed the line in the 200 in 22.25. Sophomore Wesley Curles won the 3,200 meters race on Saturday in 10:01. Wesley also had a second place finish in the 1600 meters run and placed third in a close 800 meters race with a 2:02.54 time. n

Wesley Curles Wins at State

16 / SUMMER 2012


TEAM: noun \’tem\ A number of persons associated together in work or activity.

TSTATE he Trinity Presbyterian School baseball

finals against Montevallo, Hall of Fame Coach

team (29-13) won the Class 3A state base-

Whittle never doubted his team and their ability to

ball championship on Thursday, May 17

win. “This is such a special group of guys,” Whittle

as the Wildcats took down Piedmont 12-0 at

said. “They believed they could do it when a lot of

Riverwalk Stadium. Mark White was named MVP of

folks doubted them. They knew they could do it.”

the championship series. The Wildcats totaled 14 hits,

Whittle (602-209) began his coaching career at Trinity

13 of them singles, and scored their most runs of the

in 1981 and has won 4 state championships since that

playoffs. William Stabler, Mark White and Chas

time, including 1985, 1996, 2000 and 2012.

CHAMPIONS Mitchell each had two RBIs and a run scored. Trace

The Wildcats were the area runner-up and

Johnston and Hunter Chambliss scored twice each.

advanced through the playoffs each week with victo-

Pitcher Allen Wood (10-0) allowed two hits with two

ries over Slocomb, Lamp, Bayside, and Montevallo.

strikeouts in six innings.

The championship series culminated with sweeping

Winning his career 600th win during the semi-

Piedmont in two games for the state title. n

SUMMER 2012 / 17


Softball Team Wins Regional Title and Plays for State Title


arah Kathryn “Skip” Portis was named the 2012



Hitchcock Award Recipient on April 26 at the Fifty-Third Jimmy Hitchcock annual program held at Frazer United Methodist Church. Front: Coach Gennie Honel, Emily Stone, Caroline Wilder, Sophie Burks, Mary Grace Burks, Mary Todd Romanowksi, Leeanne Phillips, Dawson Williams, Coach Ann Louise Harrell Back: Marlee Wilson, Kayla Hale, Harrison Robertson, Claire Wilder, Emily Windham, Emily Eagerton, Hadley Hayes, Mary Stuart Goocher, Phelps Romanowksi, Reagan Goocher

The Trinity softball team beat Geneva, the defending 3A state runnerup by a score of 4-1 to claim the regional title in Gulf Shores. The title earned the Lady Wildcats a trip to the state tournament at Lagoon Park—the Wildcats first return since winning the title in 2002.

Trinity Senior Caroline Wilder earned the tournament MVP honor. In the state tournament, Trinity finished in the top 6 out of 8 teams. They lost to Saks (the eventual 3A State Champs) 1-0 in the first game. The Wildcats defeated Leeds 6-2 then lost 3-2 in 8 innings to Handley. n

Golf Team Wins 3-A Substate

Portis attends Morningview Baptist Church and is a member of Trinity’s basketball, soccer and cross country teams. She has a 4.25 grade-point average and earned a scholarship to Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. Portis





Montgomery County students nominated for the award that goes to senior athletes who exhibit outstanding Christian leadership.


Coach Jim Tuley, Davis Logan, Wagner Ashmore, Lee Madison, Clay Waters, Cole Farris, and Coach Tim Bethea

Trinity’s Varsity Golf Team finished first in the eight-team field to win the 3A South Substate on Tuesday, May 8. Trinity shot a 308, followed by Lauderdale 18 / SUMMER 2012

County (311) and Montgomery Academy (315). The team qualified for the 3A state tournament at Opelika’s Robert Trent Jones Grand National Lake Course. n

Sarah Kathryn”Skip” Portis is pictured with Mr. Jim Edwards, President of the 2012 Jimmy Hitchcock Committee and Vice President of the Board of Trustees at Trinity Presbyterian School


Sarah Kathryn Portis Named 2012 Jimmy Hitchcock Award Recipient SUMMER 2012 / 19



Carrie Edwards Bledsoe ‘01, Allison Ferrell ‘97, Elizabeth Ferrell Vaughn ‘99, Carrie Stanley Phillips ‘95, Rodney Bledsoe


rinity Presbyterian School is excited to announce the formation of its first alumni association. This association will consist of an executive committee which includes four officers. In addition to the executive committee, each graduating class will be represented by two at-large members. The obligation of an at-large member will consist of fulfilling a two year term, attending three association meetings per year, and serving as a liaison between the association, classmates, and the school. At-large members will assist in planning their class reunions as well. The association will hold three meetings per year. These meetings will be open to all alumni. The meeting dates will be posted on the Trinity website starting this fall and alumni will receive a reminder email. Alumni that attend the association meetings will be informed about school programs and initiatives. There will be a time at each meeting for them to ask questions and make suggestions. The alumni association is in the early stages of development. The first meeting was held Thursday, March 8th. At this meeting over thirty alumni, from the classes of 1975-2011, gathered for dinner to discuss the aspirations of the association. Following the meeting, two committees were formed to further discuss the mission statement of Trinity's Alumni Association and to look at alumni associations of other schools similar to Trinity for ideas and suggestions. The Trinity Presbyterian School Alumni Association's mission statement is as follows: Trinity Presbyterian School has been blessed by the abilities, talents, and accomplishments of its students since 1970. Understanding that alumni are 20 / SUMMER 2012

among our most valued assets, the Trinity Presbyterian School Alumni Association (TPSAA) exists to promote the Trinity Presbyterian School community, to connect former students with one another and their school, to encourage alumni involvement in school activities, to foster additional educational opportunities for current students, to provide a venue in which to celebrate alumni accomplishments, and to strengthen the bonds between alumni and current students, faculty, and staff. As we look to build upon the Trinity legacy, the Association hopes to inspire lifelong interest, loyalty, and the continued pursuit of excellence in teaching and learning. The first annual Trinity Alumni Spring Social was held Thursday, May 17th from 6:00 until 8:00 at Cantina Tortilla Grill in the Alley. It was a great night of fun and fellowship for alumni ranging from the class of 1975 to the class of 2003. The association was pleased to start this new tradition for the alumni of Trinity in the hopes that it will continue for the years to come. This is an exciting time of reconnecting in the life of Trinity. If you are an alumnus and would like to be more involved or reconnect with the school, please contact Mary Elizabeth Collett via email or phone 334.213.2157. n

If you have something you would like to submit to Classnotes, please update your information at



David Benck is the Vice President and General Counsel for Hibbett Sporting Goods, Inc. and an Adjunct Professor of Law at Cumberland School of Law. He has also joined the Board of Directors of the American Arbitration Association in New York for an initial term of May 2012 through May 2016.




2008, ‘10, ‘11

Alex Henig Jones and Colin Jones welcomed new baby girl Maddox Elizabeth Jones born on May 7, 2012. Maddox is pictured with her big sister Adeline.


Bubba Skipworth and his wife Mary Katherine recently welcomed their second child, Oliver Dean Skipworth. Oliver joins two-year old big sister Sarah Aniston.


Megan Mallory recently appeared in the movie A Little Bit of Heaven with wellknown actress Kate Hudson. Megan played an anesthesiologist in the romantic comedy. The picture below was taken on set at the Boston Medical Center.

Max Coblentz and Caroline Link were married on May 5, 2012 in Asheville, North Carolina. They live in Auburn.

Alley Harris and Leighton Griggers were married on August 6, 2011 at First United Methodist Church in Montgomery. After graduating from Auburn University, Alley attended UAB nursing school. She is now an RN at Providence Hospital in Mobile. Leighton is employed with Jackson Cabinet Manufacturing. They are pictured below with their flower girl, Adeline Vaughn, daughter of Trinity graduate Elizabeth Ferrell Vaughn (‘99) and Max Vaughn. Adeline is an upcoming first grader at Trinity.

Estes McLemore (‘08), Jack Poundstone (‘10), and Weston Epperson (‘11) played in the Sigma Chi intramural football “Charity Bowl” at Samford University. The event raised close to $10,000 for Restoration Academy in Birmingham.

Weston Epperson, Jack Poundstone, and Estes McLemore

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Trinity Presbyterian School 1700 East Trinity Boulevard Montgomery, AL 36106

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Update your contact information at For more information, contact Mary Elizabeth Collett, Director of Alumni Programs (334) 213-2157 or

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