Called to Serve?

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Trinity Episcopal Church

Called to Serve? Information about 2019 Vestry Leadership Role As we strive to practice radical hospitality, stand with those in need, and invite all to experience and celebrate God’s living presence, may we live and give generously as a progressive, inclusive, and creative community in downtown Toledo.

Trinity Episcopal Church Toledo, Ohio Current Vestry Members Vestry members serve for 3-year terms (with the opportunity to serve a second 3-year term in succession). Senior and Junior Wardens are nominated and elected by the membership at the first organizational meeting following the Annual Meeting. Class 2016-2019- finishing terms at Annual Meeting January 20,2019 Karen Johnson-Webb Tim Reeder Dennis Degnan (completing an unexpired term) Class 2017-2020 Peggy Heider Becky Roth (Clerk) Alice Todd Class 2018-2021 Darrell Cousino Jill Hunt 4______________ (currently vacant- 2 year remaining term) Class 2019-2022 1______________ 2______________ 3______________ VESTRY ORGANIZATION A Corporation Trinity Episcopal Church is a not-for-profit corporation in the State of Ohio. It operates according to both the laws of the state and the canons of the Episcopal Church, the Diocese of Ohio and policies of the parish. The Vestry as Board The vestry is the legal corporation. The rector is elected by the vestry with the approval of the Bishop of the Diocese of Ohio for life tenure. (According to the canons of the Episcopal Church, the rector must be resigned at seventy-two years of age.) The rector, two wardens and up to twelve members comprise the vestry (membership for each parish is stipulated in the parish By Laws). Currently, Trinity has a 9-member vestry. The rector is the presiding member. A chancellor, clerk and treasurer may be appointed by the rector and are additional members (outside of the 9-members). A youth representative, between the ages of 16-18, may be appointed for a one-year terms if willing and able. Elections of all laity are at the Annual Parish Meeting, (according to a process determined by the parish). Each parish is required to have an Annual Meeting during the month of January with the third Sunday of the month being the preferred date set by the Bishop of the Diocese of Ohio. Structure of the vestry Each parish will determine how the lay ministry of parish is structured and supported. Trinity has a number of committees supporting a wide-range of parish activities and responsibilities including, but not limited to: Finance, Personnel, Outreach, Adult Formation and Property Committees. These committees will be reviewed from time to time for purposes of alignment with mission and the goals of the ministry. Members of the vestry are asked to serve on one of these committees to increase connection and support.

Trinity Episcopal Church Toledo, Ohio Meetings of the Vestry The vestry meets at least 8 times each year with an annual day-long vestry retreat in February. The vestry establishes policy, strategic themes, the budget and action plans. Meetings are required of all the membership understanding that life intervenes and sometimes requires exceptions. Policies of the Vestry The vestry will be provided with a vestry binder each year which may include the following items: a church/staff directory, established policies, budgets, financial information, previous vestry minutes, annual reports, annual giving information, church bylaws, guidelines, other church-related information, schedules and educational material. Information The vestry has a policy of open meetings. Any parishioner may attend a meeting of the vestry or a committee or guild meeting (other than the Trinity’s personnel committee meeting, which convenes from time to time to discuss matters related to current or future personnel). The vestry may declare itself in “executive session” and thereby limit access to the meeting when it deems doing so is in the best interests of the parish. 1. Vestry members are key lay leaders of the parish. Information is share, with whom it is shared, and how it is shared is critical to the life and vitality of the community. If information is indiscriminately shared, it can be injurious to the parish and to specific individuals. Our ministry as vestry is to "build up the Body of Christ” with integrity and healthy boundaries. 2. The rector, wardens and vestry seek to have open, honest, candid and responsible communication throughout the entire parish. To that end as vestry members, sometimes we need to provide information. Sometimes we need to correct erroneous information. Indeed, sometimes we need to challenge information. Rarely do we need to remain passive. 3. Whenever information is shared, it is for purposes of strengthening our community. 4. Each member of the vestry is encouraged to be an ambassador to the parish, carrying important information to parishioners and bringing back to the vestry feedback and data we need to hear. Staff The staff is a group of professionals hired and supervised by the rector to serve the parish. The staff is present to assist in accomplishing the vision, determining strategy, setting action plans, establishing budget, evaluating goals and carrying out the work. Each staff member links the vestry with the staff and vice versa. The staff members report to the rector and work as liaison with the remainder of the ministry. Spirituality This community is a Christ-centered community. We are the Body of Christ, seeking to live out the Gospel in all we say and do. The vestry and rector share the leadership of the parish. Attending to our spiritual growth is of primary importance. We worship and pray regularly, give generously, study and strive to learn and grow from both our mistakes and collective “wins” and love fully. As we have been accustomed to saying as we prepare our hearts for the offertory: As we strive to practice radical hospitality, stand with those in Need, and invite all to experience and celebrate God’s living Presence, may we live and give generously as a progressive, Inclusive and creative community.

Trinity Episcopal Church Toledo, Ohio 2019 Vestry Meeting Schedule Vestry meetings are normally scheduled for the 4th Tuesday of the month from 6:00-8:00pm and held at Trinity unless otherwise noted. 2019 Dates

Meeting Description/Focus


Sunday, Jan. 20, 2019

Annual Meeting 11:15-12:30pm


Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019

Vestry Meeting (Organization & Orientation)


Fri-Sat., Feb. 8 & 9 (Fri. 6:00-9:00pm) (Sat. 8:00-4:00pm)

Vestry Retreat

Tuesday, March. 26

Vestry Meeting


(Team Building & Visioning) Trinity th

Tuesday, April 30

Vestry Meeting (note: 5 Tuesday)


Tuesday, May 21

Vestry Meeting (note: 3rd Tuesday-due to holiday)


Tuesday, June 25

Vestry Cook Out (spouses/families invited)

Tuesday, July 23

Vestry Meeting


Tuesday, August 27

Vestry Meeting


Tuesday, Sept. 24

Vestry Meeting


Tuesday, Oct. 22

Vestry Meeting


Tuesday, Dec 10

Vestry Meeting (= Nov mtg; budget approval)



No additional meeting

Sunday, Jan. 19, 2020

Annual Meeting 11:15-12:30pm



Nominating Process for Vestry All members of the parish who meet the canonical criteria of being a “communicant in good standing” are encouraged to consider serving on Vestry. Canon I.17.3 (Episcopal church law) reads: “All communicants of this Church who for the previous year have been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and have been faithful in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God, are to be considered communicants in good standing.” We interpret that canonical requirement to mean that you are a committed member of this faith community, offering your gifts (through a financial pledge), and have a recognizable and articulated desire to take on the mantle of additional responsibility and opportunity through this important leadership role for a season. Members who would like to be considered need to schedule time to talk with Lisa (before November 8) to express their interest and talk about the roles and responsibilities. Once individuals have had a conversation with Lisa, the vestry nominating committee will determine the final slate to be presented for acceptance at the annual meeting January 20, 2019. We are committed to a process of discerning a slate of nominees to match the number of upcoming openings believing that this role is not about “competing” for open positions but rather seriously discerning one’s gifts and ability to serve in this important role. Please consider if this is your “time to serve” and contact Lisa for a conversation. Lisa can be reached at

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