Trojan Voice Magazine, Fall 2020 Alumni News

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Rick Goggans.........................................................


Nancy Park Minkler.........................


Barney Holland.............................


Mary Hazelwood


Class Rep Needed


Chris Stadler.........................................


Beth Amar




Class Rep Needed




Deborah Horan................................................


John Neyland.....................................

2002 Allison Motheral Blakewell.... Jennifer Vigness Jennifer Teichelman


Francie Richardson

2003 Class Rep Needed




Class Rep Needed

2004 Erin Maggie Pine Bellinger.......................


Carol Stucker


Class Rep Needed


Christine Stucker Klote.........................


Walter Stucker


Class Rep Needed


Sandra Standefer............................................



2000 Class Rep Needed

Class Rep Needed








Molly Guynn




2005 Maddie 2006 Margaret Baird 2007 Kelley Clark Morris........................ 2008 Morgan Wade.................. 2009 Ellen Clarke.................................... 2010

Rohail Premjee.........................


Claire Allen............................................ Chris Morris.........................................




Austin Henyon...............................


Madelon Allen....................................


Bainbridge Allen.....................................



Cannon Brumley.......................... Kailey Dow................................................


Class Rep Needed


John Shipp............................................


Melissa Minker Miller........................................


Angie Elkins Ezell...................................... Melissa Williams Hoskins...............


Allison Byrd............................. Emma Luke


Kristie Taliaferro

2019 Class Rep Needed


Patrick Pate....................................................

2020 Izzy


Brandi Barrett Wubbena.................



ALUMNI NOTES If your email and home addresses are not current with TVS, please update them ASAP by emailing Kathryn Davis at or calling 817-321-0107. Thank you for staying current with the School!

CLASS OF 1967 Fellow TVS alumni, What a strange year it has been! I hope this issue finds you and your families well, adapting to this everchanging world. My name is Woei Ming and I’m honored to serve as the Woei Ming with wife Elizabeth and current Alumni George, M.E., and Molly Board President. I graduated in 2001 and like so many of you, TVS has always been a special place to me. As you read the following Class Notes section, I hope you all will reflect on your time at TVS. I’m confident many will remember times of world-class education, experiential learning, perspectives gained, and lifelong relationships. I’m happy to report the state of TVS is as strong as ever, even amidst these unusual times. Our new Head of School Blair Lowry is leading a team of dedicated, passionate educators and staff committed to carrying on the TVS legacy. If there is a way I can be of assistance to any of you, please reach out to me. I hope to hear from or see you around soon. All the best,

Woei Ming ‘01

Sonny Dorlan writes, “So far we have adjusted well to the necessary life changes caused by the pandemic. But my wife and I are both lucky enough to be retired and not stressed by the loss of jobs, lingering illness, or other recent stresses that must affect so many. Even better, since recently moving back to the North Texas area, we are now able to spend time with our children and grandchildren, so life is pretty good despite the abysmal conditions overall. As a member of the original and first graduating class at TVS, my current life status or experiences may have little relevance to prospective students or their parents. But there is never a day that goes by when I regret the fact that Trinity Valley School was the basis for the rest of my life – and provided me with the tools to make that life a great one. I was probably the original student who was supported by a scholarship to be able to attend the school. So I realize the importance of generous student-parent organizations. And th e i n f l u e n ce of th e f o u n d i n g headmaster, Mr. Seleny. Heartfelt love to those needing our support in these days of pandemic.”

CLASS OF 1968 Barney Holland fills us in: “Still happily working on developing our commercial real estate and gathering grandchildren; we now have five with two added this year. Anne and I have been very happily married for 15 years and live downtown in a condominium at the Omni. Highly recommended




as, from our perch, we can see every sunrise and glorious sunsets! I had a reunion with my sons this year. As Clayton ’02 has been stationed in Hawaii and Georgia (US), deployed to Afghanistan and the Philippine Islands, and travelled to Australia, Africa etc., an earlier gathering was a challenge. In late August we all met in Montrose, Colorado, drove to the trailhead, hiked a mile into the halfmile deep Black Canyon, floated the Gunnison River for three days, camped, and had a great time fly fishing. I will spare you any fantastically embellished fish tales . . .”

CLASS OF 1974 John Wilson shares, “My wife Annasue and I have had our wanderlust curtailed by the quarantines. Until mid-March we’d been taking advantage of the empty nest by traveling quite a bit, most frequently to Los Angeles, where two of our three children live, and New York, home of the other one and the center of the American art world. But we also tend to spend plenty of time in London, where the European art world gathers, and Venice. In addition to my art collection consulting (and serving on a nonprofit board on each coast) and Annasue’s work as a fiction reviewer for Publishers Weekly, we are on a council for the art conservation group Save Venice, an organization that was created in 1971 to salvage and restore works of art and architecture after the disastrous acqua alta (high water, or flooding) of 1966. We were in Venice with the group in mid-February and left on the 17th, only a few days before the city and all of northern Italy was shut down. Save Venice has a core group of supporters in Fort Worth and Houston, as well as geographic concentrations in southern California, Boston and New York. It has been coordinating with the Italian Embassy and Consulates here in the USA to raise over $700,000 for an Emergency Relief Fund to help with last November’s disastrous acqua alta. As you probably saw, that caused horrible physical, and repairable, damage but the quarantine (a word that derives from Venetian dialect) has caused unimaginable financial and social damage to perhaps the most beautiful and artfilled city in the world. Those of us who have traveled to Venice, perhaps even with Mr. Seleny or Bobby & LeAnn Adams years ago, know just



how wonderful it is. Save Venice is a group where one has unrivaled access to art in Venice, much of it behind the scenes or at sites closed to the public, tethered to extraordinary meals and receptions in the grandest of settings. If anyone wants more information, let me know or go to”

CLASS OF 1976 Our sympathies to Duer Wagner on the death of his father, Duer Wagner, this summer.

CLASS OF 1977 Belated condolences to Susan Rutledge Mitchell, whose husband Ralph passed away in May 2019. Susan is still happily living and working hard in Australia.

CLASS OF 1978 Our sympathies to Carol Stucker Carr, following the loss of her father, Harry, this spring.

CLASS OF 1980 Christine Stucker Klote reports "On Saturday, September 12, the Class of 1980 “celebrated” their 40-year class reunion virtually. Paige Thomas Dehart coordinated the Zoom call. In attendance were Bunny Neil Remitis, Fred Closuit, Paige Thomas Dehart, Sally Graves Jackson, Chris Wilson, Gina Andre, Richard Winston (tardy!), Minna Grip, Christine Stucker Klote, Ian Gregory, Craig Pierce, and Ben Zivney! We had special guest drop-ins – Brent Pierce ’82 and Sue Zivney. We went around the Zoom room and talked about what was going on in our lives. We all want to get together in person in the spring, post-COVID, so everyone keep reading the class emails for more info. Also, special shout out to Jennifer Blair who coauthored a book that hit #1 on Amazon’s best seller list. Everyone go buy Women Who Boss Up!" Condolences to Christine on the death of her father, Harry Stucker, in April.

CLASS OF 1981 Sarah Gibson Antenora brings a family update: “My family and I are all well and good, living a socially distanced life in Austin. But we have had a crazy couple of years. My youngest daughter, Elena, was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in March 2019. She endured four, month-long rounds of chemo and came


1981 Antenora family 1982 Ken Blakeley in Ireland

1984 Elizabeth, Max, Tracy, Ben, and Nick Matheson 1986 Field Lange 1988 Leslie Family

1988 Martin Family | Westermann family in Carmel TRINITY VALLEY SCHOOL


1989 Carl Crum | Carter Crum Veil Nebula in Constellation Cygnus

1989 Carter Crum Dumbbell Nebula | Carter Crum Orion Nebula | Willing DeMott

1989 Duncan children: Dan, Sarah Hadley, Elizabeth, Davis | Arden and Samantha Hutchinson | Juliet and Lucy Koechel 52



out on top. She started high school only about three weeks after her classmates. Fast forward to April 2020. Her AML relapsed, and she did another round of chemo in Austin. In June, she and I temporarily moved to Fort Worth to Cook Children’s where she had a bone marrow transplant. Gratefully, her treatment has been successful, and we moved back home in September. She is a high school sophomore now doing online school and aching to live as normal a life as possible. My Olivia, high school senior, was Elena’s bone marrow match. She is busy finishing up high school (in person) and patiently awaiting her college decisions. Her dream is to study psychology in Colorado at UC Boulder or U of Denver. She wants to enjoy the seasons and be surrounded by scenic beauty! Sophia is a college sophomore and a recent transfer student (from Texas Woman’s University) to UT Austin. She is studying Radio Television Film, loves music and film and was really excited about the sports scene at UT until COVID happened! Michael closed his architectural practice after 20+ years. He joined a Fort Worth-based firm – VLK Architects – in January 2020. He is their director of commercial design. It has been an exciting and welcomed change for him. Despite living in a hospital with Elena for several months this year and last, I have continued to volunteer at school, church and for various philanthropies in Austin. It is work that fulfills me and keeps me grounded and connected to my family and my community. When COVID hit this year, it was not a huge transition for us having already lived with cancer in our household. I continue to feel blessed that our family is generally healthy and thriving amidst the crazy.” Our sympathy to Laura Matheson Stroh on the death of her father, Dr. Don Matheson, in August, and to Walter Stucker on the death of his father, Harry Stucker, in April.



Mimi Meadows Brooks shares, “All is well here in Houston. My husband works as an executive director of a local retirement community, and I have just recently surpassed the 25-year mark of working at MD Anderson Cancer Center. I have two boys - one a junior in high school playing varsity tennis and the other a 7th grader working on his orchestra skills. It has been a minute since I have been back to Fort Worth, but we would love

Ken Blakely continues to enjoy the retired life: travelling the world and exploring sunken wrecks from Ireland to Truk to the Great Lakes. He moved from the Washington DC area in 2019 and now lives right next to the colonial area in Williamsburg, VA: open invite to any classmates!

Condolences to David Matheson on the death of his father, Dr. Don Matheson, in August, and to Angela Ravin-Anderson on the death of her mother, Odessa Ravin, in January.

CLASS OF 1984 Tracy Redfearn Matheson reports, “The Matheson family has had a pretty low-key existence thanks to COVID. Max has returned to campus for his sophomore year at TAMU. Ben remains at home taking online classes at TCC. Nick and his wife, Elizabeth, have added a puppy, Henry, to their pack. David's father, fondly known as Matty, passed away in August...on the exact same day his mother died four years prior... after a hard-fought battle with angiosarcoma. I have found that running a non-profit can be a full-time job, and I would not have it any other way. Project Beloved: The Molly Jane Mission is making a difference in the world of sexual assault survivors, and for that I am grateful.”

CLASS OF 1985 Condolences to Scott Ellis on the death of his mother, Sandra Lee Meager Ellis, in April, and to Sally Davidson Zukoski following the death of her mother, Patricia Lucille Kernan Davidson, in March.

CLASS OF 1986 Field Lange reports, “Still living the dream with Alyssa in the Fort. If you stop in, please be sure to say ‘hello’ and, if you give me a little notice, I'm happy to get together for lunch. Stay safe out there!”

CLASS OF 1987 Our sympathies to Greg Ellis on the death of his mother, Sandra Lee Meager Ellis, in April, and to Mark Jones following the loss of his father-inlaw, Jay Murphy, in September.





to make that trip soon to catch up!” Sarah Barkman Leslie shared pics of Sugar and Spice, the 11-yearold Westies her family recently adopted. Brant Martin reports, “Still practicing law in Fort Worth, and loving having my three boys at TVS! TVS is doing a great job under difficult circumstances, and we could not be more impressed. Campbell (9th grade), Davis (7th grade), and William (4th grade) are all happy to be back at school, and we hope that it stays that way!” Jenny Lesok Westermann writes, “Everyone is safe and healthy, but back at home! Joe is attending the New School in New York and will continue his schooling in the fall of 2021. Austin just graduated from UT Austin and is working in the mortgage/ commercial real estate world here in Fort Worth. I am still working in the travel world as co-owner of Sanders Travel Centre, and Steve is a lawyer here in Fort Worth. All is well, we are just waiting for 2020 to be over!!”

CLASS OF 1989 Sarah Layne Cronin says, “After a very strange 2020 so far, I am just happy to be back in the office and happy for Zac, 20, to be back in school in Miami. Having him home was great, but that was the longest spring break in history!” Carter Crum has an out-of-this-world update: “During the long COVID shutdown in California, we’ve spent a lot of time in our backyard. To help keep my 8th grader, Carl, busy, we decided to teach ourselves a new hobby — astrophotography! It was quite an odyssey, but after many months our blurry blobs have started to look more like stars. See the full gallery on Instagram at @starsurfercarl. Per aspera ad astra, for sure!” Marian Mayo DeMott shares, “My son Willing graduated from Arlington Heights High School in June and started at Texas A&M (an 11th-hour switch) in August. He is a sport management major and an SAE pledge. Ella is a biochemistry sophomore at UT. Turner is 15 and a sophomore at Heights. Briggs is 13 and in 8th grade at Monnig.” Our condolences to Marian and her family on the loss of her father, Ted Mayo, in June after a battle with cancer. He was one of Trinity Valley’s strongest advocates and biggest fans! Meggan Laird Duncan’s update: “Things haven't changed too much in the Duncan household. Phil and I made the move back into Fort Worth,



and we are now empty nesters. Sarah Hadley (23) and her husband, Dan, bought a house in Northlake with their 2 GSP puppies, so we're happy to have them a little closer. Elizabeth (21) is in her junior year as an elementary education major at TCU, and Davis (18) just started his freshman year as a strategic communications major at TCU. Life is good.” Art Hutchinson was among the early decade changers in our class. He says, “Turned the big 50 and felt the same. Helped celebrate classmate Creighton Pickett’s 50 as well. Hard to believe we’ve known each other for 45 years. Hope everyone is doing as well as they can.” John Koechel reports in from Boulder, CO: “All the Koechels are well so far in 2020 but going a little stir crazy with distanced learning for Juliet (9th grade) and Lucy (7th), and distanced sports, and distanced choir and music, and distanced everything. Emily and I are working from a shared space in our basement mostly. Despite COVID-19 restrictions easing a bit, we aren’t going out as much as we would like. The main reason is smoke from wildfires north and west of us which has been around for about six weeks.” Amy Plattsmier reports that more than 30 years after graduation, especially during these unusual times, she recalls her time in Mr. Seleny’s Humanities class when he told the story of why his family left Hungary during the rise of Hitler. She says, “Mr. Seleny’s words live in me when I ask questions and argue and demand context before I sign onto a belief or action, as well as when I show gratitude for my freedom to do these things without fear.” Amy, I hope you’ll be pleased to know that we still share Mr. Seleny’s incredible story! Janie Cope Stephanow shares, “My daughter Riley graduated from Arlington Heights in June, and is now at the Mays Business School at Texas A&M. She is a Kappa pledge and is studying hard and having a great time. Lily is almost 16 and a sophomore at Heights.” Thomas Travis and wife Cecilia still live on their 70-acre hobby farm outside of Louisville, KY. Thomas says that he uses the term “hobby farm” loosely, but they do sell some blueberries, honey (from their bees), and other items from their garden in summer. He is still the history department chair and girls’ varsity soccer coach at Louisville Collegiate School and will be starting year 22 in 2020-21. The 2019-20 school year was eventful in


1989 Riley Stephanow 1991 Callender Family

1991 Feaster Family 1993 Zoe, Max, Kimberly Loar

1994 Collins family 1996 Lark Wubbena | Wren Wubbena TRINITY VALLEY SCHOOL


1997 Julian and Eliot Minkler | Mitch Salzberg and Jenny Wilkinson

2000 Ryan and Walter Schmid 2003 Hunter Baird and family

2003 Barriteau Family | Thompson family 56



many ways, and brought two honors to Thomas. The first was being named by The Louisville Collegiate School Alumni Association as the School's 2020 Athletic Hall of Fame inductee. He was honored for his "outstanding contributions to Louisville Collegiate School and the global community." Thomas started coaching in college and has done so ever since. At Collegiate, according to the write-up about his award, “he has coached JV and varsity boys and the Middle School gold soccer team. However, his work with the girls' varsity soccer team has garnered the most notoriety. He is not only one of the founders of the Soccer Zons program, but also its current head coach, chief archivist, and beat reporter. Since the founding of the Amazon Soccer program, 187 girls have played soccer at Collegiate, and 178 have played for Coach Travis. The Soccer Zons have played 313 matches, winning 167 of them, and have scored 968 goals. The program has grown to where a record number of players signed up for the fall of 2020 season as the program celebrates its 20th year.” And he’s a star inside the classroom as well: in 2020, Thomas was appointed as The Helen Kent Longley Chair for Distinguished Teaching. According to Collegiate, this was “established by Collegiate’s Board of Trustees in 1989 in honor of former Collegiate teacher, Helen Kent Longley. This appointment is for a two-year term to a teacher of any grade or discipline who has taught at Collegiate for two or more years and who has exhibited the qualities of enthusiasm for scholarship and learning, commitment and loyalty to the school and love for and enjoyment of students.” Congrats, Thomas! You are a gift to Collegiate and to us.

CLASS OF 1990 Our sympathies to JJ Widner, whose father, John Amos Widner, died in April.

CLASS OF 1991 Cassandra Bolz, husband Michael Diegnan, and daughters Fiona and Adrianna are still living in Hoboken. She adds, “Adrianna and Fiona are in the 4th grade and playing travel soccer. Over the summer we spent a couple of weeks in the Poconos and, although Michael and I were still

working, it was a nice break from city living. We even crossed paths with a black bear out there which is not something that most city kids encounter, so the girls thought it was super cool (I was quite nervous though).” Jeff Callender sent a photo of his family: wife Shelli and children Anna, 17 and John, 15. Jen and Brian Feaster also shared a photo of their family. Casey is 13 and Jamie is 11.

CLASS OF 1993 Condolences to Jimmy Bohnsack, whose mother, Judy, passed away in May. Kimberly Schussler Loar reports from Austin, “After 14 years of private OB/Gyn practice, I have retired from OB in order to start the Dysplasia Division of Gyn/ Onc at Texas Oncology. I will be able to focus on my interests in diagnostic pelvic ultrasound, dysplasia, and risk-reducing robotic surgeries. And I get to work with my husband again—we share an office! Our 15-year-old daughter Zoe is a sophomore at St. Stephen’s, and our 11-year-old son Max is in 5th.”

CLASS OF 1994 Angela Ivory Collins writes, “After the last round of birthdays, our kids are all in double digits. Twins Lauren and Morgan are 16-year-old juniors, now driving and playing varsity tennis. Will is a 14-year-old freshman, loving football, tolerating orchestra, and approaching his Eagle rank in Boy Scouts. Andrew is 12, playing football for the first time as a seventh grader, and helps at his grandparents’ ranch every chance he gets. Caroline, age 10, is as tough as they come on the soccer field, and keeps her siblings in line at home. She’s going to wrap up our elementary career when she finishes fifth grade in the spring. Craig and I celebrated our 23rd anniversary in May. He’s in the oil and gas industry, and I stay plenty busy supervising all of the above, serving at church, and volunteering with the kids’ schools and sports teams.” Brooke Howsley sends this update: “Our family moved permanently to Maui in 2019 and are currently preparing to buy property so that we can have an organic food forest and garden. I am continuing to develop my shamanic energy healing practice ( and work with clients around the globe as well




as through a wellness center here on island. Our 6-year-old daughter Pepper is loving the ocean and tropical jungles (especially catching lizards), and she snorkels and swims with Kyle at least once a can see videos on Instagram @brookehowsley and @sacred.owl.healing.” We send love and sympathy to Courtney Wolfe Mooring following the loss of her mom, Jeannie, in September. Bilal Qureshi says, “Enjoying life in Northern California! Hope all are well.”

CLASS OF 1995 Our sympathies to Eden Richardson Beebe and Reid Richardson Renwick following the loss of their mother, Sharolyn, this summer.

CLASS OF 1996 Our sympathies to Jon Bohnsack on the loss of his mother in May, and to the family and friends of Mollie Maxwell-Myers, who died in July. Brandi Barrett Wubbena writes, “I am in Fort Worth and I’m still a speech-language pathologist. My oldest daughter, Lark (9), is in 4th grade at TVS and my youngest, Wren (4), is in preschool and hopes to be a Trojan next year.”

CLASS OF 1997 Brad Aimone sends this update: “Finally moved back to Texas - living now in Keller with two sons (10 and 7). Nearly 20-year exile in San Diego and Albuquerque; glad to be home!” We send our condolences to Jody Bohnsack Clark following the death of her mother, Judy, in May. Nancy Park Minkler shares, “My family and I live in Murphys, California, a small town in the Sierra Foothills. I still have a small law practice, but have also started working with our county's health care district to bring tele-health services to our local schools. My husband Michael has been managing our county's water district during the pandemic. Our oldest, Eliot, has had an anticlimactic start to school, homeschooling with Mrs. Minkler as his teacher. Our youngest, Julian, is two and a half.” Justin Mund reports the following: “Ever, 10, is a 5th grader at TVS adapting well to coronalife. Alexis is a senior at TVS looking forward to her last season of softball with Coach Rodriguez.” Courtney Pestarino Orrock’s update: “We have had a busy summer! Our little girl turned one, and we moved out of Las Vegas back up to the San Juan Islands in Washington. We’re currently



designing our new house up here, and when it’s done Collins will be about eight blocks from her grandparents…we’re not sure who is more excited, Collins or my mom and dad!! My brother Bart ’95 has been able to work remotely since March, so he is in Anacortes as well and it’s very nice to have my whole family in one place! Chad is still with US Bank leading their gaming division and I’ve been doing some consulting work when I can fit it in to Collins’ schedule!” Condolences to Paige Paul on the loss of her dad, Ronnie, this summer. Neel Tanna is a TVS uncle! “Work and life are good. Still living in Dallas. Niece started pre-K at TVS and she loves it!” Jenny Wilkinson says, “Life is good for our family in spite of the craziness in the world. We are living in Dallas, raising kids and feeling thankful. We don’t have anything monumental to report other than ‘no news is good news’ in our house.” Sympathies extended to Collin Wolfe, whose mother, Jeannie, passed away in September.

CLASS OF 1998 Priya Chouhan McMorrow shares, “Our family is about to finish our fourth year of living in Europe. We are now in Berlin, Germany.”

CLASS OF 1999 Amar Tanna is now a TVS parent! “Sonya and I are so excited that our daughter, Neela Savita Tanna, recently started pre-k at Trinity Valley with Mrs. Kee and Mrs. Hebert. Her younger sister, Remy Raj, started at KinderPlatz and is not too many years behind joining her sister at TVS!”

CLASS OF 2000 Lauren and Matt Schmid welcomed Ryan Matthews Schmid to the world on December 16, 2019. His big brother, Walter Schmid, was also excited about his arrival!

CLASS OF 2001 Our condolences to the family and friends of Lauren Christoffel, who passed away in September.

CLASS OF 2003 Hunter Baird shares, “Lindsey and I welcomed Adele Louise Baird to this crazy world on May 9. In the picture I sent, she is pictured with her Godmother, Margaret Baird, and two grandparents Laura and Bruce. They can’t wait to attend Grandparents’ Day in the coming years.”

2006 Amber Finley marries Don Reynolds, May 2019 | Klein family | Phoebe Lee Lester

2006 Richard Malone | Madison Grace Sides | Dr. Eric Sikma

2009 Ben and Katherine Brownlie Broyles | Charley Corby | Caroline Coffee Denman with John and Elizabeth TRINITY VALLEY SCHOOL


2009 Edie Denman | Dave Emerson marries Alycia Mueller

2009 Emerson puppy | Ciera Fowler Lynch with Jace and Liam

2009 Casey Fowler Worthington with Briley and Hayes 2011 Sarah Jensen marries Michael Kelly




Kenny Barriteau reports, “We recently moved back into our house in Burleson, TX. We rented our house for a year and traveled the country in an RV. We went coast to coast and hit 24 states in six months before COVID. Our three kids are all back in school now. Jaden is 12, Channing 6, and Emerie 4.” Our sympathies to Lindsey Thomas Griffith following the death of her mother, Ilene, in June. Maggie Sullivan Thompson writes, “Joel and I welcomed our second child, Maya Kathryn Thompson, in late July. Big brother, Colin, is smitten with his sister, and we are enjoying our life as a family of four in our new home in Dallas, Texas.”

CLASS OF 2005 Condolences to Andy Thomas on the loss of his mother, Ilene, in June.

CLASS OF 2006 Emily Creighton Davis writes, “I completed a residency in Advanced Education in General Dentistry at Aurther A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in Summer 2019. I got married in November 2019 at my family ranch. Now, I am a practicing dentist in Fort Worth.” Laura Jo Clarke Klein reports, “Bryce and I welcomed a daughter, Margot Mae Klein, in June 2020. She joins big brother Charlie, who is two. I continue to work as an associate dentist in a private Fort Worth practice.” Mandy Toups Lester has great news! “We welcomed our second daughter, Phoebe Lee Lester, to the world on September 15. Big sister, Ella, and parents are doing great!” Richard Boussarath Malone shares, “I am studying to become a cosmetic tattooer! COVID-19 forced me to realize I should expand my scope of practice as a Master Esthetician to adapt to the changing economy. My plan is to start a second career as a dedicated cosmetic tattooer at Figure 8 Ink Studios in Fredericksburg, VA, where I will specialize in powder brows, nano brows, and tattoo removals beginning in early 2021. I enjoy that my career path allows me to help people feel better about themselves in their own skin, and I feel these new services will help me expand into exciting new directions.” Condolences to Katy Spurlock Rodriguez on the loss of her father, Joe, this summer. Victoria Romberg Sides says, “Madison Grace Sides was born May 13, 2020 and is growing like a weed! I will get to spend lots of quality time with her as I have been furloughed from my job as a flight attendant

at American Airlines.” Eric Sikma has impressive news: “I graduated from UT Austin with a Ph.D. in chemistry in May 2020 and am currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at UC-San Diego. My dog Snoopy and I are loving life!”

CLASS OF 2008 Matt Johns reports, “I finished my master's degree in public administration in August of 2020.” Our sympathies to Suzy Spurlock following the death of her father, Joe, in June.

CLASS OF 2009 Jake Alford became engaged to Kristen Hardy in late September. Mike Ayala and wife, Sarah, welcomed sweet baby boy, Seth, on September 22. Alex Brown has moved back to Texas in order to launch a tech startup called Buildforce. It is a marketplace for skilled construction workers looking for jobs in the commercial construction space. Katie Brown continues to run At the Lane, which serves to host intentional gatherings and to help others do the same. She is launching an At the Lane shop on Etsy in November, and in January she will be teaching Skillshare courses about hosting and gathering. In addition, she has started a design company, Katie Brown Design Co., which will focus on products for the home and gifts, as well as logo, branding, and web design for business & personal use. Katherine Brownlie Broyles and husband, Ben, are expecting a baby girl mid-January. Charlotte Corby, daughter of John and Amy Riemitis Corby, arrived early on October 16, 2020. Mom and Baby Charley are doing well. Caroline Coffee Denman and husband, John, welcomed the adorable Elizabeth Rowe "Edie" into the world on May 1. Dave Emerson married Alycia Mueller on June 20, 2020, and the couple recently got a cute goldendoodle puppy. Jordan McCune Flathers and husband, Collin, are expecting a baby girl in November. Michael Kutzler is still living in Houston with wife, Alex, and is spending the year doing orthopedic trauma research. Ciera Fowler Lynch completed her Nurse Practitioner program in May and is now officially an NP. Michelle Craig Tatro and husband, Jeremy, are expecting a baby in March. Tesch Leopold Ussery and husband, Ian, welcomed precious baby boy, Leo, on May 28. Casey Fowler Worthington and husband, Briley, welcomed sweet baby boy, Hayes Carter, on June 22.






Katie Hadobas Arms and husband Doug still live in Greensboro, NC and are expecting their first child in February! Katie works at UNC Greensboro.

John Factor shares, “After graduating from college and taking a gap year, I decided to get to acting school. I recently graduated and have been taking roles. COVID hit pretty hard, but people still need to fill out positions like fake wedding guest or fake funeral mourner. So I’ve been very busy acting like I’m a member of these people’s family, but I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else. I’ll be cast in an episode of ABC’s STUMPTOWN as an extra this upcoming spring.” Leah Bell says, “I live in Berlin, Germany and am working as a Performance Marketing Manager for Urban Technologies.” Paul Jackson’s grandfather shared that Paul “reported to his new Naval assignment in April: the USS Columbus, SSN 762, a Los Angeles Class Fast Attack submarine at the shipyard in Norfolk where It is undergoing refurbishing. He finished top of his class in the nuclear power school and then the extended prototype training that followed.” Anne Jacobs reports, “After receiving my master's degree in International Affairs from Columbia University in 2019, I began working at MUFG, a large Japanese bank, on their Global Sanctions Advisory team. While still technically based in New York City, I have temporarily relocated to Fort Worth due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It turns out a cramped, fifth-floor walk-up in Manhattan is not very conducive to sheltering-in-place.” Dani Shewmake Mathisen is a published author! C is for Coronavirus is a book for children. Dani says, “I wrote the book because I have little siblings and nieces/nephews who are confused about what’s going on with COVID19 and quarantining and social distancing and masks. The ABCs was just to lighten it up and make it more fun and interactive, but I think the book is helpful even for children above the age of learning the alphabet. Also, having it separated like this creates smaller, digestible nuggets of information that are hopefully easier for littles to understand. I wrote it while working on a COVID19 project at school that triaged positive patients deciding whether they should go to the hospital or be managed at home. With that knowledge and a library of children’s books I felt well informed to put something in writing. With the help of my physician mom (Karen Grant-Roberts ’84) and input from other physicians at school, I’m

CLASS OF 2011 Sarah Jensen married Michael Kelly of Houston at St. Patrick Cathedral in Fort Worth on September 12. In the wedding party were fellow TVS Trojans Mary Jensen Brezik '06, Elizabeth Jensen Becker '08, Anne Jensen '13, and Andrea Queralt Templin '12. The couple met while attending Texas A&M. They now reside in Dallas, where Sarah is completing the second year of her periodontics residency. Vincent Vasquez reports, “On June 10, 2020 we welcomed our son Maximo Joseph Vasquez to the world. He is the first grandson for Tim and Gloria Vasquez! I have now been with the Arlington Police Department for 5 years and Selena has taken a 4th/5th grade teaching position at St. Maria Goretti Catholic School.”

CLASS OF 2012 Robbie Hadobas married Hannah Wright in February 2020 in Cabo, Mexico. In the wedding were many TVS alumni: Robbie’s sisters Katie Hadobas Arms ’10 and Callie Hadobas Klosterman, along with fellow 2012 grads Price Anderson, Ryan Jacobs, and Conrad Tindall. Robbie and Hannah are living in Orange County, California. Callie Hadobas Klosterman and her husband Nate live in St. Louis where Callie is teaching 5th grade. Spencer Stanley sends this update: “Last fall, I was appointed to represent my local community and business community while serving as a lobbyist to The 116th United States Congress on behalf of the Expanded Polystyrene Industry Alliance. I was also nominated and confirmed to the Tarrant County American Heart Association's Board during the summer of 2020. My wife, Maggie, and I have two amazingly fun young boys who can't wait to call TVS their home.”




2011 Maximo Vasquez 2012 Robbie Hadobas marries Hannah Wright

2012 Stanley Family 2014 Dani Shewmake Mathisen 2016 Kailey Dow with Kamryn '18

2016 Hannah Mecke | Courtney Morris marries Caleb Allison 2018 Emma Dalley Bartram TRINITY VALLEY SCHOOL



2018 Kamryn Dow | Maggie Shipman (far right in front trio) 2019 Will Porter

Ace Coontz graduated from Belmont University with a music business production degree and says, "I now mix audio around town in Nashville, and help with different events for major artists." Shaun Dodson says, “I graduated from Texas A&M with a mechanical engineering degree and played on the club volleyball team while I was there. We won the conference title all four years that I was on the team. I started law school at the University of Texas School of Law in August.” Lauren Jerry graduated from Spelman College in the spring. Cassie Schmidt graduated from TCU with a BFA in graphic design. She adds, "I'm as horse crazy as ever, and am starting to train my new horse, named Invictus."

summa cum laude with my B.S. in accounting. This past spring, I interned with PwC in Washington DC and my sister Kamryn ’18 came to visit me from school!” Brylyn Lee sends this update: “I am currently enrolled in my senior year at UTA on track to graduate with a Finance Degree. I am currently working at Topgolf in Fort Worth and have been for the past 3 years.” Hannah Mecke has big news: “After graduating in May 2020 from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor's degree in Economics, I now work for Oracle as a Business Development Consultant in Austin, TX selling Cloud solutions to mid-market companies.” Morgan Miller reports, “I graduated from the University of Oklahoma in May 2020. I moved to Dallas, TX and I am now working for Goosehead Insurance as a Franchise Sales Coordinator.” Aniqa Premjee shares, “I graduated from Emory University, and will be working as a Financial Analyst for Dolby in San Francisco!”



confident that the book accurately represents the steps that should be taken to prevent the spread of the virus.” The book is sold at


Courtney Morris Allison had a good spring: “In May I graduated from Texas A&M, then shortly after, I got married to Caleb Allison. We then moved to Houston and are loving life together!” Dylan Bade is moving to San Francisco! Nina Ciancirelli writes,“I graduated from OU in May and am now working as a Quality Engineer at Lockheed Martin.” David Dintino is currently in graduate school and has been seen subbing at TVS! Kailey Dow says, “I just started my MBA at The University of Alabama and I graduated



This spring, Holt Dorris received a scholarship award from the Texas Business Hall of Fame for his company and work in the Rawls Business School. His company is Town North Clothing. Congratulations, Holt! (Holt’s mom Meredith ’81 was the Class Notes informant!) Melika Monfared writes, “I am doing well, just making it through school and looking forward to graduating senior year!”

CLASS OF 2018 Emma Dalley Bartram has big news: “I was


married to Ian Bartram the week before quarantine.” Allison Byrd sends this news: “I am finishing my senior year at Georgetown University and applying to law schools for the fall of 2021. I hope to practice criminal law, prosecute trafficking cases, and eventually work in public policy.” Kamryn Dow writes, “I am currently a junior at Villanova University, pursuing a BA in political science. This past summer, I interned with the Honorable Judge Mark T. Pittman at the United States District Court, Northern District of Texas.” Lucy Gamades reports, “I started a new job in August as a production coordinator for A&E On-Air.” Kate Hanley writes, “I was elected to be CEO of my sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta at Purdue University!” Maggie Shipman shares, “I recently accepted an internship in Atlanta for this upcoming summer as a software engineer for Lockheed Martin. This is my second internship with Lockheed and look forward to being in person. I also just accepted the position as media director for the Auburn University Hackathon. Due to social distancing, I converted my sorority’s rush to a virtual platform and got to work with AOII’s marketing team for recruitment as well.” Mollie Sloter is busy in the Big Easy: “I am working towards my degrees in Psychology and Sociology. I am also working as a religious school teacher at a local synagogue in New Orleans and as a supervisor for the Tulane Athletic Department. This semester, I was also on the board of Outreach Tulane, the school's largest day of service, and got the opportunity to plan and run the event!” Emma Stack says, “I recently started my last year at the University of Ottawa (graduating early). I work for Labatt Breweries of Canada as a Bud Light Brand Activation Manager. I am also a Student Ambassador for the University of Ottawa and recently received the ‘Ambassador Growth Award’ which recognizes my development, achievements, and determination in the role. Finally, I recently started a new position as a Communications Officer in the Advertising Services Directorate at Public Services and Procurement Canada.”

CLASS OF 2019 Morgan Hurtado says, “I pledged Theta at TCU this fall, served as a Frog Camp facilitator, and made the Dean's Honor List my whole freshman

year.” Will Porter shares, “I am currently a sophomore at Texas Christian University majoring in finance with real estate and a minor in history. Together with fellow Class of 2019 alumni Kinh Pham, Jay Trivedi, and others, we co-founded a mask company called Frog Mask in response to the ongoing pandemic. We strive to provide the public with affordable high-quality masks, and we also donate masks to nonprofit organizations that need them. Our most recent accomplishment was donating 10,000 masks to the Tarrant Area Food Bank right here in Fort Worth. Our ultimate goal is to donate 1,000,000 masks to the community. I’m still an active tournament-level tennis player and also take freelance jobs directing tennis tournaments from time to time. I am a part of two leagues at Ridglea Country Club and TCU. I am also looking for ways to stay involved with the TVS community.” [see story about Frog Mask on page 44] Speaking of Jay Trivedi, he writes, “I am currently still at Pennsylvania State University in their seven-year pre-med program. I recently joined a volunteer organization called ServeState that helps out in the State College community. I’ve really enjoyed getting to meet new people with an interest in community service.”

CLASS OF 2020 Nate Archuleta says, “I am at the University of Texas at Austin, studying business.” Harper Dunne checks in: “So far I have been loving my classes in the University of Iowa Honors Program, and Iowa City is an amazing college town! The Big 10 is continuing to change their plans about returning to conference play as more information comes in regarding COVID-19, but in the meantime, the Field Hockey program and the Hawkeye Athletics Department have both been wonderful to work with during practices and conditioning.” David Fauber reports, “I am running DIII cross country.” Ben Knight writes, “I am attending Texas A&M university studying ag business.” Preston Robertson shares, “I’m having a great time at TCU. Our orchestra performances will be on the TCU Music YouTube page if anyone would like to view them.” Alex Walraven says, “I am studying at Syracuse and majoring in history and education.”



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