Trojan Voice Magazine, Fall 2018 - Alumni News

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Rick Goggans.........................................................


Mary Hazelwood


Barney Holland.............................


Class Rep Needed


Beth Amar


Class Rep Needed




Class Rep Needed


Deborah Horan................................................

2002 Allison Motheral Blakewell.... Jennifer Vigness Jennifer Teichelman


John Neyland.....................................

2003 Class Rep Needed


Francie Richardson Allen......................



2004 Erin Maggie Pine Bellinger.......................


Class Rep Needed


Carol Stucker


Lori Hughes


Christine Stucker Klote.........................


Walter Stucker


Class Rep Needed


Sandra Standefer............................................

1984 1985

2000 Sarah Murphey 2001


2005 Maddie 2006 Amber Margaret Baird 2007 Kelley Clark.............................................. 2008 Morgan Wade.................. 2009 Ellen Clarke.................................... 2010

Rohail Premjee.........................

Class Rep Needed


Claire Allen............................................ Chris Morris.........................................







Austin Henyon...............................




Madelon Allen....................................


Beth Borders Weese....................








Ceileigh Holsteen.................................... Cannon Brumley........................... Kailey Dow................................................


John Shipp............................................


Allison Byrd............................. Emma Luke


Derek Lou.............................................................


Melissa Minker Miller........................................


Angie Elkins Ezell...................................... Melissa Williams Hoskins...............


Kristie Taliaferro


Patrick Pate....................................................


Brandi Barrett Wubbena.................


Nancy Park Minkler.........................



If your email and home addresses are not current with TVS, please update them ASAP by emailing Kathryn Davis at or calling 817-321-0107. Thank you for staying current with the School!

CLASS OF 1969 Condolences to Chris Ward '68 and the rest of the family of Jeff Ward, who passed away in September in Fort Worth.

CLASS OF 1970 Some members of the Class of 1970 met on August 18 for burgers and reminiscing. Zac Martin, Tee Mastin, Ken Mindell, Chris Stadler, and Lee Wilkirson missed the classmates who couldn’t join them for this gathering, and they hope the whole class will attend the 50th in 2020. Thanks to Diann Stadler for all her work to make the August event happen!

Bible study in Arlington, hoping to start a Catholic community which would be a first step towards a new parish or adding to an existing one. I keep a small blog at That’s about it for us. We live in Weatherford now, and are getting used to an empty nest.”

CLASS OF 1983 The Class of 1983 celebrated its 35th reunion on September 29. Can you believe it – 35 years?! We had a great time. Thank you to Shannon Thomas Worrell and husband Trace for hosting us! I hope to see you all in April at the All-school Reunion!

CLASS OF 1984 CLASS OF 1981 Jim Ravech is living in Hermitage, TN, and his daughter Michelle is expecting his fourth grandchild on December 31. Laura Matheson Stroh writes, “Our daughter Kameron attends UT Austin. She will graduate in the spring (a year early-YAY) with a major in Speech Pathology and a minor in American Sign Language. Our other daughter is Mallary, and she is in 11th grade. Kyle and I will be celebrating our 23rd anniversary in December.” Scott Wooten shares, “I am formally in the process to become a Catholic priest, a process that takes two years. In the meantime, I have gotten my license as a real estate inspector and am starting a new business with that as its anchor. I also do design work and estimations. My oldest son Russell is an architect with a firm in Toronto. My middle son Reece just finished his master’s from UT in data analysis and is a data scientist with Chevron in Houston. He will get married in November. My youngest, Jacob, is still in school and is the youth director for St. Stephen Anglican. Stephanie works for me and Dad, trying to keep our books straight. Other than that, I teach RCIA at the parish in Weatherford and lead a small

Stephen Hewitt writes, “Professional life remains good, staying busy at the National Cancer Institute, and struggling to stay on top of the busy lives of Merrill (10th grade) and Spencer (2nd grade) in different private schools in different states in the political zoo known as DMV (District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia). It is a swamp this year - 47 inches of rain as of mid-September, which is seven inches ahead of total annual rainfall. This has kept me from sculling on the Potomac as much as I had hoped. I have included photos of Spencer and me hiking this August at Trampas, NM, and Merrill and me fly-fishing the Chama River, NM in January.” Karen White-Dacy shared a photo of her beautiful family. Ian '17 is a sophomore at TCU, and Claire is a sophomore at TVS.

CLASS OF 1986 Aviva Ajmera was awarded the 2018 Women Who Mean Business Award in Kansas City. An article about this achievement is at news/2018/08/24/2018-women-who-meanbusiness-meet-the-honorees.html, and a link to Aviva’s feature is at



kansascity/news/2018/08/24/2018-women-whomean-business-aviva-ajmera.html. Congratulations! Lisa Burnam Pulliam has compiled a new book, Souls in the Sand: Stories of Setbacks, Surviving, Stepping and Soaring which was released in October 2018. Thirteen amazing women of faith contributed their stories of overcoming to this book, and it will be hugely impactful for women who have walked through a "wilderness" season of life. See Charlie Tenney reports that he is still living in Wisconsin, and is still married to Julie (nee Duvall, Paschal ’85/A&M ‘89). His four children are all grown up and “wholly adopted life Up North.” In fact, he says, one daughter was a varsity hockey player (meaning indoor soccer but on ice and with sticks – odd custom here). Charlie retired from active duty five years ago as a Commander, but he is still working for the Coast Guard in a civilian capacity and still plays soccer (hockey on turf). Julie was an elementary school teacher for many years but is now a hospice RN. He says he doesn’t get back to Texas much, but we’re all invited up for some icefishing fun.

CLASS OF 1987 Kathy Holstein Wetsell writes, “This is our 13th year in Fayetteville, AR, and we celebrated 27 years of marriage last summer. My daughter, Caroline, is a sophomore at the University of Arkansas and Anna is a sophomore in high school and will be driving in February! I spend a lot of time volunteering at the local Salvation Army and helping with Outreach at the local high school in my spare time. I spent the last several months recovering from a herniated cervical disc and am grateful that I did not have to have surgery. But I have decided exercise has to be low impact from now on. After focusing my full-time hours on child rearing for the last 19 years, I am rediscovering my interests, and have realized a love for writing and connecting with other moms. I began writing this past year, and had a short piece published at www.grownandflown. com. I am currently working on a blogsite, which I am still perfecting, but hope to have active before long. It will be I am realizing that there are many stages of life, and my goal is to find the joy in each one. I miss seeing my Fort Worth



friends, but am happy to keep up with some on social media. Wishing everyone the blessings of health and joy!"

CLASS OF 1988 Brant Martin is still practicing law in Fort Worth as a partner in the law firm of Wick, Phillips, Gould & Martin, LLP. He and Natalie are the proud TVS parents of Campbell (13, 7th grade), Davis (11, 5th grade), and William (8, 2nd grade). See the photo of them on their first day of school this year, wearing TVS uniforms that are far more comfortable than what we wore and with the TVS flag in the front yard. They often see Mrs. Preston, who teaches fifth-grade science; Tina Remualdo Clayton, who teaches fifth-grade English; Paul Price; Kory Ogle Robertson '89; Kyle Kennedy '89, who is coaching Campbell in volleyball; Johnny Miller; and many others. Special thanks to Brant and his lovely wife Natalie for hosting our 30-year reunion in their beautiful home on September 29! Fowad Choudhry reported that Omar Selod was not only named a Fort Worth Top Doc, but he was the TOP vote getter for his specialty (Rehabilitation/Physical Medicine) again this year. Congratulations, Omar! Kathleen Gary Visser has had a very busy two years! On the heels of her property and home being devastated in the Memorial Day flood in 2016, she married Michael on June 8, 2016. They were just beginning to see the light at the end of the first flood recovery process when Hurricane Harvey arrived. Their home was a complete loss, but they are finally in their new home – 10 feet high so they don’t flood again! Meanwhile, her daughter, Destiny, worked extra hard in school! She graduated a year early in May with 16 hours of college courses already completed! She is now working towards a degree in business management. It has been a very busy year for the Weeses as well. Our oldest, Amber, is teaching Kindergarten in the Burleson ISD. Our older son, Adam, graduated from Texas A&M in August. Our youngest, Jake, graduated from high school in May and is now a freshman at Auburn University. War Eagle! Dennis and I are officially empty nesters, but, if anything, the pace has only picked up for us. Our first six weeks found us in Gulf Shores, Atlanta, New York, DFW, and Auburn.

1970 Lee Wilkirson, Zac Martin, Tee Mastin, Chris Stadler, and Ken Mindell 1983 Rafael McDonnell, Stephanie Hassler Jeffers, Keith Hajovsky, and Sandra Standefer at Homecoming | Class of 1983 Reunion

1983 Class of 1983 Reunion

1984 Trey, Ian, Claire, and Karen Dacy | Stephen Hewitt with daughter Merrill



1984 Spencer and Stephen Hewitt 1986 Julie and Charlie Tenney 1988 William, Davis, and Campbell Martin

1988 Dennis, Adam, and Beth Weese | Dennis, Jake, and Beth Weese | Lisa McGarry and Beth Weese

1988 Class of 1988 Reunion 1989 Carl, Daphne, and Wilson Crum | Connor, Angela, Brian, and Christian Hurdle




CLASS OF 1989 FIRST THINGS FIRST: Save the date for our 30-year reunion on Saturday, April 27, 2019. Laura Manning High has graciously offered to host us. We also will see you the night before that at the All-school Reunion! Cara Flowers Brown’s big news this fall was having her necklaces ( featured on page 204 of Harpers Bazaar’s fall fashion issue. Big stuff, Cara! Congratulations! There’s exciting family news courtesy of daughter Adelaide, who was accepted into Wake Forest early decision for the fall of 2019! Sarah Layne Cronin reports, “I have a senior in the house! Zac turned 18 in September, and we are spending all of our energy on college applications! In other news, I took a memorable trip in May. We (three TCU staff/faculty and 16 child development majors) spent two weeks in China, with the majority of our time living at Maria's Big House of Hope in Luoyang. Maria's is a medical orphan care center, where we had the pleasure of spending our days with these very special orphans with medical or special needs. In addition, we were able to do some fun touring. Most amazing experience ever! We are going back in May 2019!” Carter Crum writes, “We were like, totally California dreaming this summer. Not too many exotic trips, but we saw plenty of sand, surfing and more than ever, water polo! After three months of preliminary matches in every pool from San Diego to San Francisco, both Daphne (17) and Carl (12) qualified to play in the Water Polo Junior Olympics, and had a ball. Carl’s team made it to the semifinal round before being demolished by the dudes from Huntington Beach (down in SoCal), and Daphne was awarded USA Water Polo Academic All American honors before the sun went down in August.” Autumn Gray has taken a hiatus from her communications company to accept a position as marketing director at Animal Humane New Mexico, a private nonprofit that helps save the lives of homeless cats and dogs. Angela Marshall Hurdle shares, “After a million years with Accenture, I jumped ship in September and went to Oracle where I am a cloud consulting director. Connor and Christian started middle school (sixth grade), which has been an exciting new adventure. They are adjusting well and loving it. Brian is doing great

also – he’s a senior IT manager at the Pharmacy Board here in Austin and he has recently taken up cheese-making.” Art Hutchinson writes, “I am a soccer dad of two girls – Arden, 12, and Samantha, 13. I am still in commercial roofing sales for Jeff Eubank Roofing and live in Keller. I volunteer at HOPE Farm, an organization for at-risk boys in the Morningside area of Fort Worth. Blessed.” Chris Sonneborn, wife Kris, and their two beautiful daughters still call Houston home, and moved into a new house recently. Shay, 8, started playing soccer this fall. Stephanie, 7, has taken up Highland dancing and hopes to participate in a competition soon.

CLASS OF 1990 Under threat of slander and becoming subjects of a work of fiction, members of the Class of ’90 have given me (George Mills) news to report: Laura Magnussen Cook has had a busy year in Birmingham, Michigan. While simultaneously taking care of sons Robert (7) and Grant (8) and working on her Doctorate of Nursing Practice, she had time to vacation with the family in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico and in Maine! Cameron Crum has sold his software company and now works for the computer networking company, Ubiquiti. He is also setting up an automotive hobby shop to be ready later this year. Charles Jack is now retired from military service, but not so retired. He is very busy managing his family’s rental properties and organizing what was the secondbiggest collection of 1990 grads in the past 25 years! Charles, Cameron and I met Doc Shelton for lunch in September (see photo). Eric “Woody” Woodworth lives in New York. He has been busy remodeling his house and playing old man tennis this year, but he still had time to spend a week in Cooperstown for Little League with his son earlier this year. I look forward to continuing to hear from my classmates about all they are doing.

CLASS OF 1991 Jeff Callender writes, “We are still living in Austin and I am still working for Dell. Anna (15) is a freshman in high school and learning to drive. John (13) is in 7th grade and playing soccer, football, and basketball. My wife Shelli recently retired from her engineering job to keep us all organized.” Saher Selod, associate professor




of sociology at Simmons University, recently published a book titled Forever Suspect: Racialized Surveillance of Muslim Americans in the War on Terror with Rutgers University Press. She and her family live in Boston, Massachusetts. Doug Wiley shared a photo from his family’s “first (and perhaps last) RV trip” to Mount Rushmore over the summer. Lots of fun memories with Carley (16), Cameron (15), Ansley (13), and Brooks (11).

CLASS OF 1992 Megan Flowers Skeels is the art teacher at her children’s school, Covenant Classical School. She is teaching second through sixth grades and loving it. Megan said that she can't help but think of her art days at TVS under Mr. Moore's instruction!

CLASS OF 1995 Ryan Armstrong is still in Houston, chasing his three boys – ages 11, 8, and 6 – to all of their practices and activities. He recently met up with Brett Luz, Billy Lorimer, and Andy Pritchett in San Antonio for a Robert Earl Keen concert. Nate Doelling is living in Indiana with his wife and two kids, and reports "nothing interesting for miles," which sounds pretty nice, actually. Jennifer Snyder Hicks now practices family law for Coker Legal in Denton after leaving 10 years at the Denton DA’s office. Her husband, Brice, is an investigator (just promoted) with the Denton County Sheriff's Office. Their son, Remi, is a second grader and is playing tackle football this year. They spend their free time with multiple Jeep clubs. Lynn (Rosen) and Jared Jordan are still living in Austin with their three kids, who are now 11, 9, and 7. Lynn is working part-time for Seton Healthcare Network. Jared changed jobs about five years ago and started the Austin office for a Dallas/Houston-based consulting firm. They love Austin, but also like traveling to Florida and Crested Butte, CO. Quiana Adams Kadinger recently celebrated her 14th wedding anniversary. She and her husband have a 9-year-old boy named Xavier, and had their second child on Feb. 28 – a little girl named Quincy. She still lives in Indianapolis, and has been a NICU nurse there for 12 years. Bryce Tutjer lives in Dallas where he works in the accounting consulting field. He and wife, Sarah, welcomed their second girl, Maya, on Aug. 27. Three-year-old Ellie is happy to be a big



sister! J.W. Wilson, polymath that he is, has now ventured into the literary world. Check out his new book, Portraits of a Soldier: The Extraordinary Life of John Lippens, by TCU Press (available on

CLASS OF 1996 Justin Jeter’s son, Gabe, is now 19 months and will become a big brother in early 2019 when his new sister arrives! Jennifer Andrews Moore and her family are still in Houston. Her oldest daughter, Tatum, is a freshman this year and started at Episcopal High School. Tatum made the Varsity field hockey team, so the Moores are having fun traveling to Dallas and Fort Worth to watch her play. Jennifer’s other daughters, Parker and Kimbell, are in seventh and fifth grades at St. Francis Episcopal School. They are lucky to get back to Fort Worth fairly often, and she loves hearing from her nieces who are in Upper School and Middle School at TVS and have a few of the teachers we grew up with. I (Brandi Barrett Wubbena) go to dinner every month with Erin Kennedy Benson, Dayna Newell Kline, and Barrett Van Zandt, and we catch up on life and take fun selfies. We mainly just laugh. Here’s a little update on these ladies. Erin Kennedy Benson’s son, Payton, graduated from TVS this past May and is now a freshman at Ole Miss. Erin misses him very much but she is staying busy managing her teenage girls, Taylor and Ava. Taylor is a junior at TVS. She is a varsity cheerleader and loves to drive all over Fort Worth. We have fun seeing where she is on Erin’s GPS tracking app! Ava is in eighth grade at TVS. Ava is a Middle School cheerleader and is playing volleyball. Dayna Newell Kline is still living in Dallas. She is also busy with her three children, Reed, Parker, and Charlie. Reed is 10 and is in fourth grade, Parker is 8 and in third grade, and Charlie is 4 and is in preschool. These kids all have a multitude of activities that keep Dayna on the run. I swear Parker has a soccer game every single day. Parker and my daughter, Lark, are great friends and like to have fun just like their moms did back in the day and still do now. Barrett Van Zandt is also still in Dallas and works at ESD. She spends lots of time with her niece, Briley, and nephew, Hudson. Barrett plans our monthly get-togethers and does a great job

1989 Art Hutchinson with Arden and Samantha | Kris, Shay, Chris, and Stephanie Sonneborn 1989 & 1990 Crum family (left to right) Daphne, Carter, Carl, Cade, Wilson, Angela, Cameron, Ava, and Kirsten

1991 John, Jeff, Shelli, and Anna Callender | Children of Barney Wiley 1995 Ryan Armstrong, Brett Luz, Robert Earl Keen, Andy Pritchett, and Billy Lorimer

1995 Brian Corder and family at Grand Canyon: Blake (5th), Graham (2nd), and Drew (7th) | Children of Erin Hendricks: Lily, Zain, and Mila Haffar | Jenny Snyder Hicks and husband Brice TRINITY VALLEY SCHOOL


1995 Jenny Snyder Hicks' two passions: her son Remi and her Jeep | Anna Jane "Annie" Stephens | Bryce Tutjer with wife Sarah and daughters Ellie and Maya

1996 Gabe Jeter | Lark and Wren Wubbena 1997 Eliot Minkler | Julian Minkler

1997 Justin Mund | Stacey, Ever, and Lexi Mund | Heidi and Hudson Salzberg




making sure that the rest of us don’t flake out. As for me, Brandi, I’m staying busy with my girls, Lark and Wren. Lark is 7 and is in second grade at TVS and Wren is 2. I’m still working at Texas School of the Arts as the Director of Special Education. Lark is in the same class as Mary Ellen Murphey Becker’s son, William. We have many ’96 offspring in TVS Lower School right now. Nikki, daughter of Markus Kypreos, is also in second grade. In first grade there are two offspring: Jac, son of Winfield Crumley, and Adelaide, daughter of John Elliott. It is fun to see these classmates at various TVS events! Speaking of Markus, he’s working hard on opening his distillery, Blackland. He gives me sneak peeks at the design and décor, and it’s going to be gorgeous! He even gave me a cool t-shirt to wear around town. I’ve already reserved Blackland for our 2021 reunion! I recently caught up with Judd Pritchard and his family. He is doing great, and his 2-year-old daughter, Lucy, plays soccer right before my daughter Wren on Sundays. His son Jack is in second grade at All Saints’.

CLASS OF 1997 As we all face 40, here is where we stand: Haley Florsheim Byrne and her family are still in Dallas. They just sold their house, but are planning to stay in the area. Their girls will both celebrate birthdays this November, with Conley turning 4 and Carson turning 2. Haley is still enjoying her job as a nurse at Children’s Medical Center. Jody Bohnsack Clark is in her 18th year in education and her seventh year as a middle-school counselor in Frisco. Her husband Brandon is still working as a captain for the Lewisville Fire Department. Their girls are busy with soccer and volleyball. Emily started high school this year, Taylor is in seventh grade, and Colbie is in third. Michael Darcy moved from Houston to Austin. He transferred with his work, Favorite Brands, doing wine sales. TVS parents include Hollin Shaw McWilliams whose daughter Hunter is in fourth grade at TVS. Hollin and family have settled back into Fort Worth after moving back last year. Hollin is working in oil and gas and is volunteering at the Abandoned Ones Animal Rescue in her spare time. She and husband Matt will celebrate their 12th wedding anniversary this year. Another TVS parent is Justin Mund,

whose girls go to TVS. As a sophomore, Lexi has the pleasure of studying The Odyssey with Dr. Carlson and playing softball on Coach Rodriguez’s team. Ever is in third grade and stays busy with competitive cheer. Justin and wife Stacey have been busy with their dental practice. Their office celebrated its first anniversary this year. They are interviewing associates to help them keep up with their growth. Justin attributes their success to Stacey who has managed operations and growth, all while keeping up her tennis game. Neel Tanna is still in Fort Worth, but has been spending a lot of time in London for work. He became an uncle for the second time when his brother, Amar Tanna ’99, welcomed his second daughter, Remy, in May. Michael Victory and his family have been back in Cleburne for seven years. Michael continues to work as a wealth advisor with Victory Investment Strategies. His wife Bevin teaches natural-birth preparation classes and offers doula services. They have two girls. Claire, 6, is enrolled in a duallanguage program (Spanish and English) for first grade. Gigi, 3, is in a Montessori school. Jenny Wilkinson and family are still in Dallas. Hudson, 7, just started at St. Mark’s, and Heidi, 4, started at Hockaday. Jenny is looking forward to seeing TVS parents at sporting events in the near future. I, Nancy Park Minkler, have a new addition. Julian Young Minkler was born in April. His brother Eliot, 3, loves him. We are still living in Arnold, California, our tiny town in the Sierra Mountains. My husband Michael is the general manger of a water agency up here, and I’m still running my law practice. I hope all of you are doing well and that you do something special to celebrate your 40th.

CLASS OF 1998 The Class of 1998 recently celebrated our 20th reunion, and it was wonderful to catch up with everyone. Kathleen Baird Jennings and husband James and Amanda Wheat and Kevin Salmon came in from Houston. Rachel Wright Shortt and David visited from Oklahoma. Polly and Christian Zuber traveled all the way from Los Angeles! Also, Dr. Jacob Zide and Patrick McGlinchey drove in from our Dallas suburb. I was so glad to see Fort Worth friends Robyn Bairrington, Geoff Ditto, Dr. Shelby Fierke, Ben Frederick, Elizabeth Bass




Frenzel, Julie Kennedy Gonzales, Jon Harrison, Lane Johnson, Dr. Cindy Elizondo Keator, Audrey Kuester, Eric Labovitz, Preston Pate, J.B. Strong, and Michael Voxland. Also, Felicia Bertch recently moved back to Fort Worth, and we loved hearing about her ventures as a local actress and professor at UT Arlington. Many of our children got to visit at the football game – see the photo of Hix Barkley (3), Shep Shortt (5), and Andrew Salmon (6), and other photos from our class events. For those not receiving class emails, please be sure to check Facebook for our class page or contact me directly (, as we do not want to miss you for the next big reunion.

CLASS OF 1999 Bryan Dahlberg and his wife, Ashley, are living in San Antonio with their two kiddos – Henry, 3, and Hugh, 1. Drew Darsey and his wife, Taylor, live in Houston and now have two kids (Molly and Mack) in elementary school and one (Libby) in Pre-K. Drew opened his second orthodontic practice in Houston, in the Heights. Beth Harwood joined Shearman & Sterling’s new Austin office in March 2018. Munzie Kureshy is the co-director at The Montessori School on Camp Bowie in Fort Worth, which has been fun as many TVS alums have brought their kiddos there. She has a home in the Fairmont district of Fort Worth, which she also loves. Mark Mitchell has worked for over a decade at Western Hills High School teaching math – and is therefore only 15 minutes away from TVS! He is currently working on a master’s degree and has been married for over 13 years (and has three children)! Jennifer Moller recently gave birth to her daughter, Carys Adelle Press. Daddy Oliver Press and Jennifer are both thrilled! After living in Boston for many years, Jessica Oei moved back to Texas with her husband two summers ago in search of (more) affordable housing and to be closer to family. They currently live in the north suburbs of Austin. Jessica is a freelance web developer and her husband, Joe, is a video editor. Magee Payne finally completed his senior yearbook “most likely to” and moved to Montana. Amar Tanna and his wife, Sonya, welcomed their second baby girl in May – Remy Raj Tanna. Matt Victory recently appeared in commercials for Nebraska Furniture



Mart! Amanda Hollander Wagner visited Fort Worth in October and stopped by TVS, where she enjoyed a visit with Anna Carlson. Jill Faires Williams and her husband, Michael, have been married for 13 years and are still happily living in Austin. Jill’s parents moved in 2015 to be closer to them and their two children. Joey is in first grade and Kate is 2. Jill is still practicing interior design and has owned Jill Williams Design for 10 years. In August, Lexi Kypreos Yost and her family moved to London for the year. Her girls, Cypress, 8, and Mary Carson, 6, are loving their new school but miss Trinity Valley tremendously! Thank you to everyone that replied to our survey. Our 20-year reunion will be on Saturday, April 27, 2019 in Fort Worth. Details are coming soon – but try to plan and be in town on Friday and Saturday night of that weekend if possible!

CLASS OF 2003 Maggie Sullivan Thompson and husband Joel welcomed their first baby, Colin Reid Thompson, on September 2. Colin weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces and was 20.5 inches long when he arrived and continues to grow quickly. Maggie, Joel, and their dog, Oliver, have settled into being a family of four at their home in Dallas and look forward to the adventures of watching Colin grow up!

CLASS OF 2004 Emily Scott Boydston and husband Michael welcomed daughter Cameron Greer on August 18. Cameron weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces and was 21 inches long. Welcome Cameron!

CLASS OF 2005 Maddie McCluer Dickerson and husband Joe were excited to welcome their daughter, Carter Faye, on July 3, 2018. Congrats to the Dickerson family! Neely Davis Douglas became certified as an Educational Diagnostician in June of 2018 and has started a small private practice, while continuing to teach at Starpoint School.

CLASS OF 2007 Sara Bailey married Andrew Cardwell in Fort Worth on August 25, 2018. Following the wedding, Sara moved from Dallas to San Antonio. Logan Dickinson moved to Houston to start a new job in

1997 Gigi, Michael, Bevin, and Claire Victory 1998 Kathleen Baird Jennings and Mary Hazelwood Barkley | Hix Barkley, Shep Shortt, Andrew Salmon

1998 Class of 1998 | Class of 1998 reunion

1999 Amanda Hollander Wagner with Anna Carlson 2003 Colin, Maggie, and Joel Thompson 2004 Cameron Greer Boydston 2005 Carter Faye Dickerson



2007 Sara Bailey marries Andrew Cardwell | Sara Bailey Cardwell with Laura Leigh Reeves Atkins, Ashlea Feezel, Kellye Watson Snodgrass, Sarah Schmidt Bartlett, and Alyssa Eliasen Foster | Mallory and Ian Idleman

2007 TVS guests at Idleman wedding | Laura Leigh Reeves marries Toby Atkins | At Laura Leigh's wedding: Kellye Watson Snodgrass, Kelley Clark, Natalie Gamez Meyer, Ashlea Feezel, Alyssa Eliasen Foster, and Sara Bailey Cardwell

2008 Nora Becker | Celebration for Lauren Grady and Richard Brannon | Lauren Grady marries Richard Brannon




investment banking with RBC Richardson Barr. Ian Idleman married Mallory Shary in Austin on June 23, 2018. Laura Leigh Reeves married Toby Atkins in Fort Worth on April 14, 2018. Kellye Watson Snodgrass and Nathan '08 moved to Chicago in August, as Nathan started business school at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

CLASS OF 2008 Elizabeth Jensen Becker is completing her last year of pediatrics residency at UT Houston. She will graduate in 2019, and will practice outpatient pediatrics. She and her husband have a daughter, Nora, who will be one year old in December. Ace Factor and Meredith-Leigh Pleasants will be getting married in 2019 in New Orleans. Lauren Grady married Richard Brannon on a beautiful Saturday, May 26, 2018. The ceremony was held at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and the reception was at River Crest Country Club. The best band in DFW, Emerald City, had the crowd dancing all night. Bridesmaids included TVS alumnae Brittany Brannon '06, Lizzy McNamara, Christal Strong Miller, Abbie Phillips '09, Hillary Scott, Laura Tucker, Allie Underwood, and Morgan Wade. Groomsmen included TVS alumni Jenner Kizer, Scott Miller, and Bob Streck. Clay Hooper is marrying Kat Greenshield in December 2018. Christal (Strong) and Scott Miller are expecting their first child in November. They are waiting to find out the gender until birth. Future TVS field hockey player or football player!?! Sarah Rubin is currently getting her MBA/MPH from the Ross School of Business and University of Michigan School of Public Health. She will graduate in May 2019 and return to Washington, D.C. as a Director of Strategic Initiatives in UnitedHealthcare's Policy & Strategy group within their Medicaid business. She is an associate on the business school's Social Venture Fund and is excited to merge her impact investing experience with policy analysis and strategic business planning in her future role. Kellye (Watson '07) and Nathan Snodgrass moved to Chicago so that Nathan could start graduate school at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Laura Tucker married Derek Brown in Vail, Colorado on July 7, 2018. The bridal party was made up of TVS

alumnae Lauren Grady Brannon, Christal Strong Miller, Abbie Phillips ’09, Hillary Scott, Allie Underwood, and Laura’s sister-in-law, Kristian Tucker. Brian Tucker '05, brother of the bride, was a groomsman. A unique picturesque ceremony took place overlooking the Sonneleap Golf Club while a DJ entertained the guests until the wee hours of the morning! Amy Watson got engaged this summer to Trey Sullivan. They will be getting married in Fort Worth in March 2019! Andrew Willard just moved to Dallas and is now working for Cobb Martinez Woodward PLLC in downtown Dallas. He has also started mentoring some UNT law students.

CLASS OF 2009 Mike Ayala got married in September, bought a house, and is getting ready for deployment. Margalit Slovin Bleakly is proud to announce the birth of her daughter Tehila Miriam, born June 8. Congratulations, Margalit! Taylor Bowling Board has lots to celebrate – she and her husband recently bought a house, and the civil rights law firm she co-founded is celebrating its first anniversary. Callie Clarke is an event coordinator for Southwest Bank Travel Club. Meghan Drake married Samantha Travers on April 21 in Fort Worth. Megan is an OBGYN intern at Methodist Dallas and recently bought a house. Amy Riemitis bought a house in February and got engaged to John Corby on August 11. Katie Orth Seiken’s twins Harper and Scarlett turned 2 in June, and baby Miles is 6 months. Stephanie Tran married Josh Laird in May. Casey Fowler Worthington and husband Briley recently bought a house.

CLASS OF 2011 Rebecca Leigh Brown married Matt Ferguson on June 9 in Fort Worth. They now live in Chicago, IL. Jake Hobart recently became engaged to Jane Morgan Scott '13.

CLASS OF 2012 Adrienne Gamez, LeRae Mueller ’11, and I (Kasey Kilpatrick) spent the summer working in Pamplona, Spain at the Festival of San Fermin. We worked for a company called Bucket List Events, which is owned and operated by Toby Atkins, husband of Laura Leigh Reeves Atkins '07. This was my third




time working the event, Adrienne’s second, and LaRae’s first (though she previously worked the Winter Olympics with the company). We had a blast and got to meet so many interesting clients from around the world! Callie Hadobas married Nathan Klosterman on July 21, 2018 in St Louis. Alumni in the wedding party included Callie’s sister Katie Hadobas Arms ’10, her twin brother Robbie Hadobas ’12, Sarah Caty Cochrum, Anna Jones, Katarina Minich, and Mary Amelia Williamson. Callie and Nate are enjoying married life in St. Louis! Katie Sheets recently took a job as Video Editor/Producer in social media for TCU Athletics. Our condolences to Katie and her brother Patrick '05 on the loss of their father in May. Alex Shewmake graduated from Georgetown’s Security Studies Program in May of this year. She worked all summer as a data analyst for Giant Oak LLC and a staff writer for the Raddington Report. Alex started her career with the Department of Defense in October. The position is in DC, at the AnacostiaBollings Base off of the Potomac River. She will be working on a new team that analyzes how the DOD gathers intel and assesses what modern technology is available to help improve how the DOD collects data.

CLASS OF 2014 Madelon Allen is living in Hattiesburg, Miss., working as a communications graduate assistant for Southern Miss Athletics while also working toward her master’s in Sport Management. She is the sports information director for Women’s Basketball, Cross Country, and the Track & Field program. Leah Bell is currently living in Amsterdam studying for her master’s in marketing at Vrije Universiteit. Trevor Berkowitz is still living in Dallas, doing the one-year master’s program at SMU in accounting. He will start at accounting firm BDO next year as an audit associate. Jason Cline has moved to Houston after training for a month in New York City and is now working for Bank of America Merrill Lynch as an investment banking analyst. Kyle Davisson became engaged to Alexa Antrim '15 on January 1, 2018. They will be married in January of 2019. Elizabeth Ellithorpe has started her Physics PhD at Oklahoma, teaching an introductory physics class and beginning her research project on using observational astronomy



methods to study star formation. Ricky Hiler married Alyssa Jacobs on May 26, 2018 in Corinth, Texas with Crawford Williamson as his best man. In September, he and Alyssa moved to Fort Sill, OK so he could begin training at Field Artillery School. Patrick Kunkel lives in San Francisco, working for architectural firm Bohlin Cywinski Jackson. Megan Lin is back in Fort Worth working at Lockheed Martin as a software engineer. Mindy McCoy works in Austin for Dell as an account manager. Read about Mandy Miller in Ian Craig’s article at the beginning of this magazine. Gabby Rajan lives in Austin and works for Oracle as a solutions engineer. Dani Shewmake lives in Dallas with her boyfriend, Matt, dog Buddy, and cat Kirby, while she’s studying at UT Southwestern Medical School.

CLASS OF 2016 Ruth Fauber is on the Texas A&M horse judging team, and she is the volunteer coordinator for Vets without Borders club. Ashley Riemitis and the golf team at Hardin Simmons University have won back to back at the Rockwind Invitational and at the UMHB LadyCru Invitational. They are the first girls’ team to win in 10 years and the first girls’ team to ever win back to back. In the Rockwind tournament, Ashley placed 7th individual and 5th in the UMHB tournament.

CLASS OF 2018 Emmala Alfaro writes, “I am loving Clemson as I have been able to get involved in Alpha Phi and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I am thankful for TVS, because right now academics are easier here than they were at TVS.” Sydney Archuleta loves TCU and her classes! Her passion for speech pathology is growing with every class she takes. She rushed Zeta Tau Alpha, made great friends, and is so excited for this year! Rachel Baker is enjoying Norman and pledged Chi Omega. Payton Benson is studying real estate and finance at Ole Miss. Benji Berkowitz is pledging Sigma Alpha Epsilon at The University of Texas and is enjoying classes. Sawyer Blackman is enjoying his time at Texas Tech, where he is a football manager. He works with the team daily in preparation for games. Luke Bogle joined Sigma Alpha Epsilon at OSU and is studying finance and entrepreneurship. Tom Bosworth is thrilled to be a staff reader for the Adroit Journal!

2009 Amy Riemitis engagement 2011 Rebecca Leigh Brown marries Matt Ferguson | Jake Hobart and Jane Morgan Scott '13

2012 Adrienne Gamez and Kasey Kilpatrick in Pamplona | Callie Hadobas marries Nathan Klosterman | LeRae Mueller '11 and Adrienne Gamez

2012 Katie Sheets and crew 2014 Kyle Davisson and Alexa Antrim '15 | Ricky Hiler marries Alyssa Jacobs TRINITY VALLEY SCHOOL


Connor Browne is majoring in economics at the University of Notre Dame where he has joined both the club lacrosse team and an intermural football team. His favorite class is “Christianity, Commerce, and Consumerism,” which discusses the relationship between the church's views and economic changes over the last 1000 years. Allison Byrd is thrilled to be in Waco where she studies political science and Arabic. She enjoys spending time with her friends and is looking forward to studying "abroad" in Washington D.C. Stephen Caero has been enjoying the Saturday football and is pledging Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Texas Christian University. Joey Cascino is enjoying being a Texas Longhorn! He is involved in University Democrats, is on the staff of a campus political newsletter, and is working on the Beto campaign. Lauren Chiang is studying biology at the University of Texas where she has joined YoungLife and is a member of the Texas Darlins spirit group! Anne Cleveland has had a great semester at Sewanee so far! She's been starting in all her games and scored her first collegiate goal in September! Dacy Distler is enjoying her music business classes at Belmont. She reports that she finally enjoys reading textbooks and taking notes! Sarah Dodge is enjoying studying at NYU Shanghai, especially her “Contemporary Chinese Political Thought” class! Kamryn Dow has enjoyed getting involved in many clubs at Villanova such as mock trial, outdoors club, and the pre-law society! She says, “I’m looking forward to spring rush and basketball season! Go Cats!” Emily Faris is loving Texas A&M University! She is studying economics and pledged Delta Delta Delta. Brenna Flynn is studying textiles and apparel at the University of Texas at Austin! She pledged Kappa Alpha Theta and recently joined the fencing club! Cole Fortson is enjoying running his successful business, Edugate. He and Dacy released a single called "My Mind" in October – it is available on all platforms! Ronak Gandhi is immensely enjoying his time at Yale! He spent his first week in Connecticut living on a farm to learn about sustainable agriculture. Now, he is excited to be selected onto the business team of Y Pop Up, Yale's student-run restaurant. Abby Gerstle is majoring in vocal performance at the University of Houston. A majority of her classes are music based – she is really enjoying this! She has joined a choir and an acapella club. Audrey Jacobs is at CU Boulder,



where she has joined Free Ride, a club that provides trips and lodging for skiers and snowboarders as well as the Women in Business club. Erin Johnson joined Kappa Kappa Gamma, is a member of Miracle (a UGA philanthropy for children’s healthcare of Atlanta), and is a diehard Georgia football fan. GO DAWGS! Jackson Key is studying architecture at the University of Virginia and is on staff with several theatre companies. Nico Levy is enjoying Penn State, where he has joined the Lion Fund, which is an organization focusing on investments, and the Sports Business club. Flavia Lima started school much later than the average United States college but has been enjoying her time in Scotland! Kerry Mackenzie pledged Zeta Tau Alpha at the University of Texas. She adds, “I’m a Longhorn Legislative Aide, so I intern with executive board of student government, a UT alum in politics, and a former LLA in student government. I’m also an ambassador for the Forty Acres Scholars Program.” Kaylynne Midgley is majoring in business, is a proud member of Delta Gamma at Texas Christian University, and is continuing her love for dance and teaching others by teaching Kindergarten dance classes at Trinity Valley. Niral Patel has been enjoying the best seats in the stadium for Saturday football in Waco, and is waiting to see how this semester goes with 18 hours before joining any organizations. Alex Pitre survived Hurricane Florence in North Carolina! He enjoys campus and has been to the beach a lot. Pay Prostok is loving Austin, double majoring in youth and community studies and government which has allowed her to be involved in encouraging students to vote on campus. She also has been volunteering at a local community center and joined the sisterhood of Pi Beta Phi. Jolene Pumphrey is taking full advantage of her study abroad in Paris, France and taking trips to various other locations including Germany for Oktoberfest! She still throws up the peace sign Saturdays to cheer on her USC Trojans! Brock Rodriguez won his 3-on-3 intramural basketball tournament, and is on the male practice squad that practices against the Texas Tech Women's Basketball team. Jordana Roet is currently a production assistant for a devised version of Jane Eyre and is enjoying her classes at Boston University. Hijun (Thomas) Ryu is enjoying classes at Rice and tried out for the club volleyball team. Naveen Sadiq joined an intramural volleyball


team called the Asian Aces at UT Austin. Jackson Schlossnagle pledged Pi Kappa Phi at Texas Christian University. Maggie Shipman is at Auburn University, where she joined Alpha Omicron Pi, attended a Google mock interview and coding challenge, joined intramural sand volleyball, and joined the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Margaret Shumate is at Carnegie Mellon, where she is involved in an event production group on campus which had its first production, The Way Out West, October 5-13. She is also involved in an on-campus LGBT organization. Mollie Sloter is serving as a religious school teacher on Sundays, and works a guest services job and a tutoring job. She also joined clubs at Tulane that focus on choir, some community service stuff, and Special Olympics. Emma Stack made the University of Ottawa All Girls Level 6 Cheerleading Team. In August she was recruited by Bumble and is now working as a campus ambassador for their company. Also, she pledged Delta Delta Delta! Cassandra Sulzer is enjoying her gap semester traveling abroad in Mexico right

now and then going to Switzerland to visit family before heading to Miami. Luke Vasquez shares, “I got elected president of Freshman Leaders On Campus at UTA, so I meet with the president of the University monthly representing the freshman class. I am pledging Alpha Tau Omega, and I joined a University spirit group called the Wranglers!” Andrew Viola is pledging Lambda Chi Alpha at Texas Christian University. Michael White joined Zeta Beta Tau at the University of Texas and is currently serving as one of the fraternity’s social chairs. Reese Whitlock joined Beta Upsilon Chi, a Christian fraternity that stands for Brothers Under Christ, at TCU and was elected pledge class president. He also joined Public Speaking Club and Club Tennis. Madison Williams says, "Basketball is consuming 100% of my life." Madi is enjoying basketball at OU very much. Kailey Wilson joined Kappa Delta sorority at Oklahoma State and is on the dancer relations committee for Cowboython which generates awareness and financial support for Oklahoma's Children Hospital Foundation.





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