Celebrating 60 Years of Timeless Education
THE TVS MISSION Trinity Valley School has four main objectives for its students: fine scholarship with its fulfillment at college; the development of wide constructive interests; intelligent citizenship; and spiritual and moral development which promotes lasting values.
VIRTUAL REALITY Lower School teacher Mrs. Weth had the 3rd graders in the STEAM Lab with virtual reality goggles studying the Grand Canyon! Our Lower Schoolers loved getting to combine what they've learned about rocks in science with Dr. Buffington with exploring the Canyon through virtual reality! Check out their notes on the tables, too! (Also pictured on magazine cover)
Spring 2020 Volume XX Number 2 Trinity Valley School | 7500 Dutch Branch Road Fort Worth, TX 76132 | 817.321.0100 | tvs.org Trinity Valley School’s Trojan Voice is published twice a year. Please contact Ashley Robinson, Associate Director of Advancement & Communications, with any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this publication at robinsona@trinityvalleyschool.org. Trinity Valley School is an independent, coed, college-preparatory, day school for students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12. The school admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, financial aid programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. © Copyright 2020 by Trinity Valley School, Fort Worth, TX 76132-4110
IAN L. CRAIG Head of School
Each year, member schools of the Independent Schools Associations of the Southwest (ISAS) are required to provide an update on their school’s initiatives and priorities. Every 10 years, these schools undertake a rigorous self-planning process in anticipation of re-accreditation by a visiting committee the following year. As an ISAS member school, TVS has begun to engage in an authentic self-evaluation. This work will continue over the next many months in preparation for a January 2021 re-accreditation visit. One important area of the self-study relates to our mission, and how the School adheres to its tenets. Consequently, we had an engaged committee of parents, alums, past parents, employees, and trustees participate in a thoughtful conversation about the mission and where it stands today. The Trinity Valley School statement is as follows:
Trinity Valley School has four main objectives for its students: fine scholarship with its fulfillment at college; the development of wide constructive interests; intelligent citizenship; and spiritual and moral development which promotes lasting values.
The statement is rooted in the School’s philosophy, which was written in the late 1960s by six Trinity Valley notables, including Founding Headmaster Stephen Seleny. The mission has stood the test
Trinity Valley School has four main objectives for its students: fine scholarship with its fulfillment at college; the development of wide constructive interests; intelligent citizenship; and spiritual and moral development which promotes lasting values. of time and informs the work of faculty and administration on a regular basis. The mission statement can be found displayed prominently around all areas of the School, on the website, in our materials, and in our handbooks. It is frequently referenced. There is little question that the School’s main focus is on academic excellence and an expectation that our graduates
will continue their educational journey at a four-year university. Further, it is quite common to hear community members at TVS reference our school as a place where students find that, “it’s cool to be smart.” The faculty are seen as experts in their fields who also believe deeply in our graduating people of character. Our focus on a balanced program in arts, academics, and athletics, coupled with robust TOE and Global Education programs, overtly supports the notion of wide constructive interests. Further, there are many afterschool programs, clubs, Middle School Selectives, and related activities in which students engage. TVS also prides itself on being a school that seeks to support a student who has an idea that he or she would like to develop. The recent creation of the four Signature Program offerings also supports this aspect of the mission. Similarly, the School is intentional about character education and ensuring that students leave us with the notion of intelligent citizenship as a part of their value system. In the Lower School, this is woven throughout everything we teach, but specifically in programs directed by Karen Peninger, Lower School counselor. In the Middle School, teaching intelligent citizenship is also part of the fabric of the division and a focus in the revamped assembly program, as well as in the well-developed advisory program. The Upper School has been perhaps most purposeful about using the mission statement
for advisory lessons, assembly messages, and the like. In recent years we have been particularly intentional about relevant speakers as well. Through the TOE and Global Education programs, our students, faculty, and families are exposed to people from all over the world via student exchanges, trips, and hosting opportunities, and benefit greatly from that global perspective, thus informing intelligent citizenship. The culture of the School, along with all of these initiatives and more, leads to the inherent culmination in graduating students with strong morals and lasting values. Trinity Valley celebrates religious diversity of all kinds through our assemblies, invited guests, deliberate scheduling around events, and other opportunities such as the International Fair. Additionally, TVS teaches and endorses the ethical development in all of our students. Without a doubt, creating an appropriate mission statement can be challenging — it needs to stand the test of time and emerging trends; it needs to be succinct enough to remain top of mind for our educators; and it needs to be referenced, modeled, and taught from pre-k through twelfth grade if it is going to be successful. The Trinity Valley School mission is as relevant today as when it was penned in the previous century, and will remain so for generations to come.
FIRST ROW (L-R) Alyssa Poston Sam Wong Megan Hayward Eesha Muddasani Catherine McCurdy Jolien Hidalgo-Murra Meredith Lambert Sarah Smitherman 6
Maddie Crisp Bridget Houston Emily Ng Lulu Wu Taylor Henry
SECOND ROW Lauren Dorough Taylor Shipman Cara Pritchard
Morgan Nealy Clara Lewis Gema Rojas Taylor Matthews Ashle Perez Maddie St. John Emma Bedward Sydney Lynch Caroline Ellis Nadia Selod
Meghan Lynch Emily Reynolds Brinkley Pauling Jule Lopez
THIRD ROW Tai Hoang Grant Brooks Cooper Craig Caroline Cutrona
Alex Lange Isabella Hoskins Asaad Saran Yazzy Bazir Adrienne Ekins Avery Buchanan Piper Duncan Riley Hamilton Sydney Walker Emma Steadman
Class of 2020
FOURTH ROW Luke Brickman Amanda Mackenzie Ben Knight Gavin Williams Jack Williams Catherine Anderson Philipp Prostok Saleem Razack Blake Poole
Taylor Benson Bridgett Sauerhage Harper Dunne Anton Lee Graham Lee Nick Parker Alex Walraven
FIFTH ROW Austin Byrd Joshua Wu
Jack Masterson Matt Driggers Kyle Zadeh Hayden Ullmann Anna Stupfel Caroline Phelps Caroline Farmer Emma Evans Adelaide Lovett John Pitre Will Porter
Aiden Aragon Diego Williams Zander Engelke
Peyton Barron Thor Truelson Jeffrey Sterling Michael McAuley Ryan Fisk Kian Amos Preston Robertson Jack Allen Nate Archuleta Sterling Johnson
Kenny Kimbrough David Fauber George Jefferies Duncan Reynolds Campbell Jung Julian Barretto TRINITY VALLEY SCHOOL
It is not the ship so much as the sailing that assures the prosperous voyage. G.W. CURTIS I am writing this article in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, and our campus is closed. It is my sincere hope that when you read this, COVID-19 is a memory, no longer a reality. Nevertheless, I provide you insight into the thoughtful work of many people whose collective goals shaped a common purpose: to keep your children safe and our school moving forward. This was a tremendous effort on the part of our school leadership, faculty and staff, students, and families, and will forever identify a challenging time in the history of TVS where all members of the Trojan family not only adapted but persevered.
We are so
We began tracking COVID-19 while it was still contained beyond our borders. In our school administrative meetings, we discussed the state of the virus. We also had the opportunity to meet individuals who were affiliated with schools in impacted countries and learn the measures that they were implementing. We felt that if the outbreak arrived in Texas, we needed to be ready. In the military, we had a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP), and it seemed quite prudent to begin crafting something similar for our students, faculty/staff, and families should COVID-19 impact our daily schedules. Mr. Craig, the administrative team, and the technology department worked hand-in-hand to coordinate a plan that would work for all. Prior to Spring Break, the technology team facilitated various training sessions to support contingency planning should circumstances call for the closure of the School. The goal was always to minimize the disruption to our calendar and preserve as many instructional fortunate to be at a school days as possible.
where innovation and responsible
During Spring Break, the administrative team, the faculty/ use of resources allows the faculty/ staff, and the technology team staff to boldly walk an untraveled, worked tirelessly on planning. Late during the break, it became unexplored path with confidence. clear that we would need to close, but we were all cautiously optimistic that the groundwork we had previously completed put us in a position to successfully serve our students. We postponed the return of school and called a faculty meeting for Monday, March 16. Due to
guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the recommendations from local health officials, we shifted our inperson faculty meeting to a virtual one. Each division gathered using the technology resources that were promoted by our technology team. This enabled us to experience what the students would encounter, and to begin experimenting with content-delivery options. Throughout the remainder of the day, several faculty members from each division led digital training sessions for any faculty member who was looking to expand his or her knowledge and delivery of content through digital means. We are so fortunate to be at a school where innovation and responsible use of resources allows the faculty/staff to boldly walk an untraveled, unexplored path with confidence. We began our distance learning plan on March 18, 2020. It was not without challenges, but we were able to successfully implement the plan that so many had worked so hard to craft. The business office worked closely with each division to ensure that we had the tools necessary to be effective. COMMUNITY. We have pulled together as a PK-12 school in ways previously unimaginable. We broke down the barriers that had been the product of the sheer size of our campus and reinforced the fact that we are a unified learning institution. So often we are known in the community for the beauty of our campus, the success of our college admissions, and the scores we receive on AP and National Merit testing. Over the past several weeks, the quotation above has resonated in ways that it previously had not. COVID-19 allowed us to confirm to the community that it is our passion to serve our students to the fullest, which makes us the best at what we do. In preparing and delivering content amidst this outbreak, every member of the TVS team lived and embodied all four pillars of our mission. COVID-19 may have slowed the economy, but it did not slow our will to succeed for those that count on us. If anything, we stood up to this pandemic and created a path forward amidst the turmoil. While this is my last year at TVS, I leave with immense pride and gratitude for the years that I spent with this amazing school, the students, the families, and the faculty/staff. I will forever remember TVS as the place that gave me my first opportunity in education when no one else could see beyond the four corners of my resume. I am so thankful for all of the memories I have had at TVS. We live amidst changing times, but one thing is certain: Trinity Valley School will endure, no matter the challenging seas ahead. We are #TrojansUnified.
1 9 ,
2 0 2 0
Na'im Ahdieh
Andrea Espinal
Gita Paladugu
Jenna Alland
Sophie Fine
Molly Perez
Luke Anderson
Joshua Hadden
Teddy Perryman
Grayce Andrews
Bryson Hooker
Chris Pezanosky
Sophie Appel
Carter Howell
John Pitre
Claire Baker
Kishan Kalaria*
Aidan Rajan
Paige Bekish
Annabelle Karpman
Brooke Rosen
Ali Bhaloo
Arden Kenney
Brendan Shaw
Gage Brazell
Rowen Kliethermes
Caroline Sloter
Bradford Bush
Madeline Masterson
Caroline Snow
Patrick Caero
Luke McDonald
Taylor White
Mary Chen
Steven Midgley
Lauren Yonke
Grace Dalley
Grayson Miller
Molly Zimmerman
Ellie Davis
Karthika Nambiar
*Not Pictured
AMONG OTHER QUALITIES INCLUDED in the pillars about which my colleagues will be speaking, the inductees on this stage are here tonight because they value and pursue scholarship. Scholarship has been a driving force in my life, scholarship has shaped my pursuits and experiences, and scholarship is the definitive reason why I am standing here on this stage.
I have always loved reading. It is the first pastime I can remember loving and of which I could never tire. I distinctly remember the day when one of the librarians at my elementary school told me at seven years old that I was too young to check out a Nancy Drew book because it was too difficult, too long, and too scary for someone my age. She said that first graders didn’t check out Nancy Drew books and that I should go to another section — you know, the one by the tiny beanbag chairs and caterpillar rug — to find a book that would be more suitable for me. This librarian had no idea that the one I wanted, number 27, was not a random pick off the shelf for the nice-looking girl with red hair on its cover. It was going to be the 27th Nancy Drew book I had read. Did I listen to her? I know you all expect me to say I did not, because I am speaking about scholarship and with scholarship comes unwavering intellectual curiosity. But, I did listen. I am not very confrontational by nature, so I checked out a random book from the kid shelves and I walked out of the library with my class. I came back after school, though, and practically threw that book on the return counter. I grabbed my Nancy Drew book, number
27, and took it into the office of the other librarian with whom I had come to a better mutual understanding and appreciation and she checked it out to me, no questions asked. I left feeling as victorious as a special agent who has completed a mission and as smug as any seven year old has the capacity to feel.
"There are times when we must chart paths around roadblocks thrown in our way, find allies in people who have succeeded before us or are in pursuit of similar goals, or even create our own opportunities out of thin air, passion, and grit." I bring this up because scholarship always requires curiosity and motivation, but sometimes requires bravery and self-advocacy. There are times when we must chart paths around roadblocks thrown in our way, find allies in people who have succeeded before us or are in pursuit of similar goals, or even create our own opportunities out of thin air, passion, and grit. I read every book in the illustrious Nancy Drew mystery series that my elementary school library possessed from cover to cover. I refused to be told “no,” and, with patience and a little subterfuge, found a way to get what I needed from someone who believed in me.
When I found myself embedded firmly in my comfort zone and hardly ever challenged throughout the entirety of middle school, I asked for a change. I came to Trinity Valley for the academics I wanted and the platform for scholarship I needed. The opportunities to which I have been exposed here and the way I have been encouraged to learn without limit or trepidation have empowered me to choose the field of biomedical engineering in the male-dominated STEM domain for my undergraduate study, pre-med. This summer, I had the opportunity to spend time and learn with 79 other rising senior girls at a university women in engineering program meant to empower young women to choose the road less traveled, as, nationally, the engineering field for undergraduate study is only around 20 percent women. We were counseled by current engineering students and given the chance to speak with female engineering professionals. I left that program with more confidence in my goals than I had ever possessed, and it was only because I had taken a crucial step in the pursuit of scholarship: self-advocacy. This was a program I found for myself, to which I applied by myself with my best foot forward, and which I attended by myself in my quest to find the right college major for me. None of this is to say that you must apply for a summer program in order to be successful, or that the only way
to pursue scholarship is to seek outside help. If someone locked me in a room for the rest of my life and handed me book after book after book, I would be satisfied. Books hold more worlds than the imagination of one person can comprehend. I only mean to say that if there is something you want, or something you find that you want to explore, you cannot wait for it to come to you. You cannot wait for the librarian to give you that book in a couple of years when she believes you are old enough or smart enough, and you certainly cannot internalize the notion that you cannot pursue a course of study because of your gender or any other ridiculous factor of the sort. Scholarship is learning for no reason
"Scholarship is learning for no reason other than because you want to learn. Scholarship is motivation and curiosity. Scholarship is bravery, and scholarship is self-advocacy." other than because you want to learn. Scholarship is motivation and curiosity. Scholarship is bravery, and scholarship is self-advocacy. Scholarship is a quality that all of these inductees treasure, and I commend them on their willingness to fight and reach for the knowledge and opportunities that will fulfill them.
I AM HONORED TO SPEAK ABOUT the second pillar of the National Honor Society: service. During my time at Trinity Valley, I have learned that one of the most important things about service is the heart behind it.
The summer before my sophomore year, I went on a mission trip to Belize. While I thought I was there to help other people, it was one woman who taught me what it truly means to be selfless. One of my group’s projects was to deliver care packages to struggling families throughout the village. At one house, the woman who received the care package was so grateful she wanted to do something for us. She took our entire group of around 12 people outside and began knocking coconuts from her trees. This woman barely had enough food to get by, yet she gave a coconut to each of us who had plenty. This was all she had to offer, and the coconuts were probably an important source of food or income, but she gave them to us joyfully. This woman’s kindness showed me the heart behind service. Service is about selflessly putting other people before yourself, not just when it is convenient for you, but often when it is not.
Each of the students on this stage has demonstrated a heart of service, not just checking off the 60 hours of community service required for graduation, but going
"Service is about selflessly putting other people before yourself, not just when it is convenient for you, but often when it is not." on to truly make a difference in their communities. Often this is through small acts of kindness in our own TVS community, such as holding open a door for someone or helping a fellow classmate understand a difficult math problem. Other times it is through volunteering or leading projects in the larger community. In their own way, each of these students has made a difference and positively impacted others’ lives through their service. I know this heart will continue throughout their time at Trinity Valley and beyond, as they become examples of what it means to selflessly serve others.
IN ALL HONESTY, I HAD NO IDEA what I was doing as I was trying to write this speech, so naturally I decided to do exactly what they told me not to and started with some online dictionaries. I was not exactly surprised when I realized they were not very helpful. Merriam Webster has 20 different definitions for leader. Dictionary.com has 13 more, and the Cambridge English dictionary has an additional eight. The ever-trustworthy urban dictionary surprisingly had four other respectable definitions, and I’m sure if I asked all of you to come up with your own definition of leader, there would be plenty more.
"There is no single definition for what a leader is or does. There are no rules on how many people you have to lead, who you have to lead, or where you lead them. What you must realize is that you are always living the life of a leader..." I hope by now you are starting to see what I am getting towards. There is no single definition for what a leader is or does. There are no rules on how many people you have to lead, who you have to lead, or where you lead them. What you must realize is that you are always living the life of a leader; you all exemplify leadership in your own unique way. Whether you like it or not, the choices that you make in your daily life set an example that others might follow.
I’ll tell you about how I figured this out. Each day when we walked into the gym for volleyball practice, our Middle School teams were still finishing up their practices. Often, I would go up to some of the kids and compliment them on something they did or give them advice on something they could work on. During our practice, I would do the same for the underclassmen on the JV team. That’s it. I didn’t do anything crazy. I did not think I was doing anything special. Then, at the end of the season, when our coach gave everyone an “award” for what they brought to the team, Coach said I was the most inspirational, and that I had made those kids want to become like me, both as a player and a person. And I was like, “Hold on. I didn’t even do anything special here.” But that’s the point; people notice. People notice even the small things you do, and they might choose to follow in your footsteps. Of course, they might not, if what you are doing wouldn’t fit in with what they want to do in their life. But it is always possible that your actions could influence someone else, so you must always set a good example for others. So, to put all of this into a few words: leadership is not just a position – it’s a lifestyle. Now that’s not to say that being put in a role of leadership does not make anything different. A “leadership position” makes what you are already doing more visible to others. But again, there is no one way to lead. You get to (or have to, depending on how you look at it) decide what you are leading people towards, and how you want to lead them.
THE STUDENTS INDUCTED IN THE NHS this year have all gone above and beyond and already achieved so much in their high school years. They’ve become everything from amazing scholars, to exceptional athletes, to incredible artists. When the pressure was on and everyone was watching, these inductees rose to the challenge.
However, the people on this stage all have a quality just as, if not more, important than getting on the headmaster’s list, or making it to an SPC championship. In addition to that, they all understand the importance of good character. Now, this may not sound like a huge accomplishment in and of itself. From a young age, we’re told to always be good people and to know the difference between right and wrong. As a child, we were probably all taught that you should share your toys, and that you should always say “please” and “thank you” when it was appropriate. This isn’t exactly what character is though. Character is more than doing what you are told to do because you’ve been told so. Character is the convictions that you hold in your heart that guide you every day. We’re always told to do the “right thing,” but character is far deeper than that. It’s easy to do the right thing when everyone is watching you. The choices you make when you are with no one but yourself is what defines you. I would like to share a personal example of character with you. When I was a sophomore, we were having flan cakes one day in the cafeteria. As the lunch lady put the dessert on my plate, I got really excited to eat it. And then, right as I checked out of the line, I tripped a little and I could just see the cake falling in slow motion to the ground. As I picked
it up, just thinking to myself, “Why am I like this?” I saw this senior walking towards me. I had no idea who this person was, but he handed me his flan cake without asking a thing, and just said “Here, you can have this.” While it was such a simple and small gesture, it meant a lot to me that he was willing to do something like that for someone he didn’t even know. That’s what character is. The conviction to always do the right thing, even if there is no one watching. Character is how you treat people that can’t do anything for you. If everyone was willing to make these small sacrifices, and be empathetic toward their fellow man, and be understanding of one another, I can’t even imagine what our world would be like. Character isn’t something that you can turn on and off. It’s a part of who you are. Some may think that character isn’t emphasized or important in today’s society because of what we see every day in the mass media and social media. We see all these people rising to the top with questionable methods, and nothing ever seems to happen to them. Why should we even care about character? I say that it is important to strive for your own standards and not let yourself be influenced by others. Those without character might be on top for a bit, and might find some success, but taking the shortest path isn’t necessarily the best way. Once again, I want to congratulate these inductees on making it to this stage. You have all done amazing things, and I’m sure that you’re going to go forth and change the world. I encourage you all, and everyone here tonight, to hold themselves accountable to doing the right thing every day, and strive to be the best person you can be.
BE CURIOUS THIS SUMMER! 3-D City • Biology 101 • Chess Wizards • Circus! Circus! • Dissecting & Drawing the Natural World • Dungeons & Dragons • Experience Español • Food: Fun & Facts • Forensic Science • Game On! • Global Conflicts & Security Threats • Light! Shadows! Rainbows! Reflections! • Mixed Media Studio • Model UN • Virtual Reality and Globetrekking
WITH TAYLOR THE TROJAN KIM BARTELL, SCHOOL NURSE, AMY COATS, SCHOOL NURSE, KELLIE MCLARTY, UPPER SCHOOL COUNSELOR, CARRIE MORRISON, ATHLETIC TRAINER, ERIN NESBITT, EXECUTIVE CHEF, KAREN PENINGER, PK-8 COUNSELOR, AND ALAN REID, ATHLETIC TRAINER Health and wellness is a priority at Trinity Valley School. You can feel it on campus and even smell it in the air. Our nurses, athletic trainers, counselors, and even our head chef are invested in helping each student be successful at Trinity Valley. Each staff member utilizes his or her role and unique services to help craft the TVS experience for each student so that it can be positive, nurturing, and comfortable every day. With every student, especially new ones, the health and wellness team works behind the scenes to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone on a daily basis. Follow along as new
student Taylor the Trojan interacts with each of our health and wellness programs throughout the day!
TVS DINING HALL While faculty are feeding Trojan brains, Chef Erin and her staff are feeding Trojan tummies. She is devoted to creating menus that are not only delicious, unique, and healthy but respective of individual dietary needs and restrictions. The variety of offerings satisfies the appetites from the smallest to the tallest of Trojans, and Chef Erin and Chef Scott work hard at getting kids to expand their palates. Chef Erin encourages students, faculty, and parents to utilize her open-door policy to speak with her about menu suggestions, dietary restrictions and needs, or just to tell her something really cool that they had for dinner. Chef Erin and her staff insist on a scratch kitchen and tirelessly work to make sure that they meet the highest standards. Chef Erin and Chef Scott are diligent about continuing their education in keeping up to date on the latest food trends as well as learning new ways to feed those students with specific needs. Closely working with members of the TVS community ensures that Chef Erin and her staff will be able to create the kind of dining hall experience that exceeds expectations. Come by and introduce yourself! Taylor the Trojan discusses his specific dietary restrictions with Chef Erin to make sure his meal is both nutritious and safe!
TVS SCHOOL NURSES The TVS Clinic serves all students from pre-k to 12th grade, as well as faculty and staff, to keep everyone safe and healthy and to help reduce absenteeism. Amy Coats and Kim Bartell work together to assess, triage, and treat immediate health needs, with hopes that the student or faculty member quickly feels better and can return to class or work. They manage everything from minor cuts, scrapes, and burns to more serious injuries that require referral to an urgent care or emergency services. Additionally, the nurses help with anything from the common cold to chronic illnesses such as asthma and are able to administer nebulizer treatments at school. Amy and Kim work closely with our TVS Medical Director, Dr. Hannah Smitherman (Cook Children’s ER physician), to help expedite any emergency visits to Cook Children’s Medical Center. Our nurses partner with Cook Children’s to offer Telemedicine visits from the TVS Clinic for possible strep throat, ear infections, pink eye, flu, and asthma. When she’s away from the clinic, Amy teaches first aid and CPR to all freshmen as part of their health curriculum. In the spring, she coordinates part of the College 101 program for seniors and has Athena Strategies come to campus to do a self-defense seminar before they are off to college. Throughout the school year, the nurses visit school assemblies in all divisions to teach important topics such as handwashing and other preventative health measures. Amy and Kim are both CPR Instructors through the American Heart Association and teach CPR and AED use to faculty and staff members. They work collaboratively with the school counselors and athletic trainers to take care of the physical and emotional needs of all students.
Taylor the Trojan is feeling under the weather today. He stops by the nurses’ office for an evaluation and Telemedicine visit with Cook Children’s.
Taylor and Mrs. Peninger play a game of chess and talk about their day.
TVS SCHOOL COUNSELORS The TVS school counselors create a safe space for students and parents. Students may drop in or email to meet with the counselors to talk through any concerns or challenges that they are facing, whether they be personal, social, or academic. Taylor the Trojan stopped by to meet with Mrs. Peninger and Mrs. McLarty and learned that Mrs. Peninger uses books and art activities to work with Lower School students on topics such as grief, divorce, friendship, and self-esteem. Middle School students are offered hot tea, mints, and an opportunity to be heard. Students find talking through their issues with Mrs. Peninger helps them leave feeling capable and empowered to meet what lies ahead. Mrs. Peninger works with students in pre-k to 8th grade.
by psychologist and author, David Welsh, PhD. Parents were also invited to attend the Let’s TACO ‘Bout QPR Luncheon presented by the Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation. QPR is a suicide-prevention training to bring our community together and give every person the confidence and competence to help someone at risk for suicide. Due to the Coronavirus, this important event will have to be rescheduled. In past years, we have had the North Texas Association for Suicide Prevention come speak on depression and happy goat yoga. Trojan Talks is an opportunity for the Middle School community to come together and bring the conversation of mental health to the forefront. US Counseling: Mrs. McLarty supports Upper School students in walking through emotional and social challenges and shares emotional management, stress and conflict management, and social skills perspectives that allow students to grow in resilience and self-knowledge. Often a couple of students in conflict come to sort through differences and understand each other better. A group of students comes to her office to voice concern about school culture or overall Upper School stress and will together brainstorm solutions for change. Individuals can come in for a break to have some quiet time and a snack from a frequently replenished box of snacks and
Throughout the year, Mrs. Peninger leads lessons and presentations on topics ranging from selfregulation and emotions to conflict resolution and personal safety. Mrs. Peninger meets with parents regularly to brainstorm how to help support their child while they are here at TVS as well as outside of school. This spring, we had planned for students and parents to attend Trojan Talks, an annual symposium on Mental Health. This year, our focus was on “How to Be Happy” presented Mrs. McLarty spends some time with Taylor on the bean bags.
Taylor the Trojan is recovering from a previous injury and has come by the Athletic Training Clinic to be evaluated by our Athletic Trainers, Alan Reid and Carrie Morrison.
waters. Parents can call or drop in anytime to voice concerns, ask questions, give feedback on student experiences, talk through perspectives on counseling/wellness, and receive a wealth of resources for adolescent counseling services, recommended parenting books, and many other adolescent wellness topics. Mrs. McLarty sponsors Trojan Link Crew Leaders, a group of junior and senior mentors who applied and were selected to serve as leaders for 9th graders. TLC Leaders train throughout the school year on leadership skills and present a variety of programming and team building to their assigned group of 9th-grade “Linkees.” TLC Leaders, along with the support and leadership of Mrs. McLarty, can lead a charge for student wellness and set the tone for the Upper School community as kind, inclusive, safety-conscious, and caring for each other as a whole.
TVS ATHLETIC TRAINING CLINIC The athletic trainers at Trinity Valley School provide immediate care for athletic injuries and illnesses, ranging from a scraped knee to a catastrophic head or neck injury. Whether a student suffers a sprained ankle or a concussion, the TVS team has the tools to manage the situation. Frequently, an injury can be handled and resolved “in-house.” However, when more serious issues arise, the ATs evaluate and manage an injury while concurrently referring to a physician for further care. Because TVS has close working relationships with many medical professionals, the ATs serve as the link from school injury to timely medical care. Oftentimes, the ATs make a phone call to expedite an ER trip or to arrange an immediate visit to a physician’s office.
Mrs. McLarty, Taylor the Trojan, Nurse Coats, and Mrs. Peninger
In our Lower School, we focus on building character that will last a lifetime. We remind our children that when they are out in the community and beyond, the character they portray is a reflection of Trinity Valley School – make the reflection shine. When asked which program we use to teach character at TVS, we respond with, "We have no one set program, rather a continual process of teaching and living out, through example, the core essentials that help refine all of us to be great people of character."
“May we stand out in our community and in life as people who will make a difference because of the way we treat others.” Our emphasis on character is woven throughout our days in many ways. We begin the day with kind and friendly greetings to one another at carpool, followed by our teachers meeting the children at their classroom door with a word of encouragement. It is crucial
that our students feel every day that they are noticed and valued. We also want them to see respect and joy consistently emulated by their teachers. Then, our daily morning announcements feature both our monthly character trait and our weekly social skill. Throughout the day, our teachers deftly weave the values and social skills into everything they do, both in and out of the classroom. On Monday mornings, the entire Lower School gathers in the Great Hall for our Lower School Assemblies. Gathering together is the perfect time to talk about, model, and practice our current character skills. It is also a time of togetherness that brings community amongst our Lower Schoolers. Teachers and students do "shout outs" to those who are making a difference in lives at TVS through their acts of kindness. Entering the Great Hall, one Monday a month, pat, pat, clap, pat, pat, clap followed by We Will Rock You reverberates throughout the room. This sound lets all know that we are
Clockwise from top: KNOWLEDGE | The Knowledge Trail Rider - Larry Kahn TRUST | Famous Amos - Blake Amos
preparing to celebrate children of fantastic character. Mrs. Peninger, our Lower School counselor, puts out the invitation to our faculty and staff, inviting them to take part in recognizing our children each month. The response is overwhelming, resulting in a long list of faculty rock stars who want to get in on the action of celebrating our students. During this gathering, we recognize our students who have exhibited the character value of that particular month. This year, we focused on the teaching of trust, courage, honor, joy, knowledge, creativity, forgiveness, humility, and determination.
CREATIVITY | The Seussations visited during Seuss Week - Pauline Medlin and Laura St. John HONOR | Soul Sisters - Alice Pritchett and Allison Shapard COURAGE | Kid Courageous - Coach Aaron Mattox JOY | Holiday Joy - Nurse Amy Coats and Nurse Kim Bartell
Recognition of individual children through celebration, examples of deeds, and the receiving of certificates is how we acknowledge our children of character. Students are called to the front, amidst cheers and recognition from their peers. During this time, we also focus on how to accept the honor with a handshake and eye contact. Our "celebrity (faculty) rock stars" complete the recognition with highfives and congratulations all around. The charge is for faculty, staff, parents, and children alike: “May we stand out in our community and in life as people who will make a difference because of the way we treat others.� The challenge is big, but so obtainable because of our determination at TVS to be people of great character.
SWEET TOOTH Selective Serving our Students JEFF SNYDER, HEAD OF MIDDLE SCHOOL A transformation began this past fall along the entry road to the TVS Middle School. Though a previous initiative had built and maintained a garden space for a time, the past 10 years had seen this space unused and overgrown with grass. After visiting a few fellow ISAS schools in other cities and seeing some elaborate and innovative garden spaces, we began to wonder if revitalizing our own unused space might create new and engaging student experiences that aligned with Trinity Valley’s mission to foster wide constructive interests in our students. When I posed the possibility of this initiative to our Middle School faculty this past summer, Daniel Audi, our brand-new eighth-grade Spanish teacher and Middle School baseball coach, stepped up to the plate. Together, he and I looked for ways to incorporate a garden experience into our seventh- and eighth-grade Selectives program. Our goal was to develop a space that could be more easily maintained over time, and in collaboration with Cage Bass, our director of facilities, we constructed six raised beds and designed a watering system that could rely on an automated timer. When it came to finding the best way to connect with Selectives, seventh-grade science teacher Erin MacNabb stepped in. She invited us to add a component to her already popular Selective, “Sweet Tooth,” which focuses on learning about nutrition, digestion, and food choices that best support our physical energy needs. We began by dividing the 20 students from Sweet Tooth into six groups, and each group quickly took ownership of its own garden bed, filling it with dirt, shoveling rocks in the aisles, and naming its individual bed. Group names
included creative ideas like “Veggie Tales” and “Farmersonly.com.” Then, after learning about plant varieties that grow well through the colder months, students were given the opportunity to choose a number of unique seeds and established plant varieties. Some favorites included Purple Dragon carrots, Crosby Egyptian beets, Romanesco cauliflower, Purple Top White Globe turnips, and Cosmos romaine lettuce. Students also planted Brussels sprouts, broccoli, arugula, cabbage, and spinach. Before planting, we discussed growing patterns, plant spacing, and necessary maintenance such as mulching, thinning, and pruning. As the students monitored the early growth of their planted varieties, their anticipation grew as they waited patiently to reap the benefits of their hard work. In our first harvest, the students picked dozens of turnips which we turned over to the capable hands of Trinity Valley Executive Chef Erin Nesbitt, who prepared them as a vegetarian alternative to the main course one day in the dining hall. The remaining harvest took place as a part of our Selectives Showcase. This gave the students an opportunity to show off their produce to parents, teachers, and peers while tasting the broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower, and carrots (with a side of ranch, of course). The obvious success with this first group of students also showed us the sense of community that was fostered among group members as they developed and tended their own garden bed. With this space's new use now firmly rooted, we are seeking additional ways to get students involved. Look for upcoming opportunities for fifth- and sixth-grade students as part of their Activities Period as we continue to make the new TVS Middle School garden space grow.
KYLE KAHUDA: NEW HEAD OF UPPER SCHOOL Trinity Valley School is proud to announce that Kyle Kahuda will be the next head of the Upper School as of July 1, 2020. Kyle began his career in education at Chatham Hall in Virginia where he taught science and eventually assumed the role of department chair. He served as director of the student life program; worked in “It is my purpose to create, nurture, and sustain college counseling; and taught AP Biology, earth science, and a culture (or an environment, if you will) environmental science. He then where faculty and students alike are encouraged accepted the position of head of the Upper School at Chase and empowered to be their best.” Collegiate School, where he continued to teach science and directed all aspects of the Upper School program. Most recently, Kyle served as head of school at FlexSchool in New Haven, CT. An independent school graduate, Kyle attended the Pomfret School and then went on to receive his BA in Biology from the University of Richmond and his MEd in Administration and Supervision from the University of Virginia. Kyle says, “It is my purpose to create, nurture, and sustain a culture (or an environment, if you will) where faculty and students alike are encouraged and empowered to be their best.” We look forward to the leadership and vision he will provide the Upper School. Kyle and his wife, Pam, have two children, Kaden (age 10) and Maura (age 13). They will make Fort Worth their home in early summer. We welcome the Kahuda family to the Fort Worth community and to the TVS family.
Kyle Kahuda with wife Pam, daughter Maura, and son Kaden
IOWA Field Hockey
This school year, we introduced enrichment experiences for families— opportunities for moms and dads, grandparents and kids to engage in creative activities together. Last December, Philip Taylor, TVS Upper School computer science department chair (and dad to Trojan 1st grader John Mark), hosted two sell-out maker workshops. Parent-child groups gathered in the physics lab to learn about the laser cutting machine, and then they went to work designing holiday ornaments on the computer. After sending their creations to the laser cutter, the final touch was decorating and crafting their holiday keepsake. In January and February, we welcomed Lindsay Whittenberg of Lindsay’s Art Cart to lead a collaborative family painting session. On four consecutive Saturday mornings, families gathered to make their marks on the 36” x 36” painting that they would eventually take home after the final class. With Lindsay’s guidance each week (and a few optional homework assignments in their family journals), participating families layered color, words, texture, and paint to make something completely unique and meaningful. One parent shared: “The conversations that we had at home because of this class were so wonderful. It really made us think about our core values.” Plans for now are for family classes to wrap up in May when we invite dynamic family duos to engage in team-building activities and tackle the TVS Challenge Course!
As the first year of our Signature Programs at TVS is winding up, I want to share more about our specific area of focus within this broader initiative. As Manish Bhatt, head of Upper School, described in his fall Trojan Voice article, the Signature Programs Initiative allows Upper School students to take a deep dive into a specific area of interest, complete with internships, select readings, and capstone projects. These are currently offered in four different content areas, and we are thrilled that TOE is one of them! The Outdoor Leadership Signature Program (OLSP) has been in full swing since August with our first cohort that includes three seniors and one junior. The goal of the OLSP is to provide a foundation for students who have interest in pursuing future collegiate or professional paths in an outdoor industry. We meet every other week to discuss readings, debrief recent trips, and plan future projects. We have been viewing the outdoor leadership role through the different lenses of risk management, group facilitation, logistics, and decision making. Our coursebook for this year has been the Appalachian Mountain Club’s Guide to Outdoor Leadership by Alex Kosseff. The cohort has also been keeping collaborative journals throughout the year for notes, tips, and project planning.
A major requirement is learning to lead by actually leading. Participants must serve on both our Instructor Team (normal student-leader role) and the Leader Team (a much more involved peer-leadership OLSP capstone projects specifically role) on numerous events throughout their two years. revolve around each student designing, This allows them to try out building, marketing, and fully facilitating leadership in different ways and learn in real time how effective a TOE Select trip for their peers. they are. The post-trip debrief and peer reviews about their effectiveness have been incredible teaching tools, and the results reside in each student’s experience journal. We also ask all students in the OLSP to complete professional certifications. Some of those are hosted by us, and everyone in the group must complete them; others will be in a student’s individual
respective field of interest. A few of the specific areas our students have pursued so far include fly-fishing guide, lifeguard, and paddling instructor. The most recent general certification we offered was a Wilderness First Aid – 16-hour course that everyone successfully completed. The students learned triage and care for patients in a wilderness setting complete with life-like scenarios and simulations. We built splints, wrote SOAP notes, diagnosed patients, and learned basic life-support techniques over two days in February. All Signature Programs are a two-year process culminating with a capstone project during the senior year. These projects should encapsulate all of the lessons that have been covered in a way that allows each student to deeply utilize his or her own skills. OLSP projects specifically revolve around each student designing, building, marketing, and fully facilitating a TOE Select trip for their peers. The goal is for the student to truly understand all that goes into pulling off a successful two- to three-day trip. Under our supervision, each of our three seniors has had the very daunting task of coming up with an idea, planning budgets and staffing, sorting through marketing and registration, finding transportation, studying risk and safety, and finally, managing the actual trip. It has been quite fun to see them wrestle with the scope of running their own full event!
Catherine Anderson and her group at Camp Summit in Paradise, Texas.
As of February 2020, we have had one capstone completed with two more about to take place. Senior Catherine Anderson took a group of 12 to Camp Summit in Paradise, TX, which is an all-ages outdoor camp for individuals with severe disabilities. During this trip, the students cared for every need in their assigned cabin, from helping participants eat, dress, and play to enjoying special outdoor adaptive activities. The students who attended this event reported it was “life changing.” In Catherine’s words, “I was so nervous about my capstone project, because it was the first time I was fully in charge of a TOE event. It was scary knowing that I was the one who had to make the decisions and cover all the details. While this experience was definitely challenging, it was such an amazing and rewarding learning experience. I came back with a new appreciation for the time and energy that goes into every TOE trip, and I definitely felt more confident in my ability to be a leader.” Next is Senior Jack Allen running a trip to Purtis Creek State Park in Eustace, TX. His group plans on fishing, kayaking, and generally enjoying some time to connect and bond around the campfire. This event will be
Catherine Anderson, Alex Lange, Jack Allen, and Grayce Andrews
closely followed by another group heading to Colorado Bend State Park under the guidance of Senior Alex Lange, to hike, fish, and kayak. After each project, we spend time deconstructing the event and listening to lessons learned. Students get to share with the group any changes they wish they had made, obstacles they overcame, and challenges they had to solve. The cohort serves as a peer sounding board to offer suggestions, critique, and acknowledgments. And herein lies the real power of the OLSP for our students. Tackling a real project with very real consequences makes for a phenomenal learning environment! The lessons learned in any of the Signature Program tracts will be lifelong and memorable. Jack Allen said, “Being able to refine and hone my skills as an outdoor leader though this program has helped me not only become a better leader but a better follower as well. No matter what, I will be able to communicate and work well with any team I am placed in.”
Do you think your student might be interested in entering one of our Signature Programs? Applications are available in the Spring of their sophomore year... we have a chair waiting for you!
Stephanie and Brian Allen (parents of Parker ‘17 and Jack Allen ‘20) have spent the last eight years serving countless meals to your students all over our great state on dozens of TOE Core trips. This has been purely voluntary and always involves late nights, VERY early mornings, and having to feed our masses in all conditions. From a snowy Big Bend at 12 degrees to the blazing heat of Mineral Wells to the clouds of mayflies at Galveston Island, the Allens have been amazingly generous. As their youngest heads off to college this May, we are sad to see them move on as well. Stephanie and Brian, TOE is definitely in a better place than you found us through your incredible service and dedication. From the bottom of our plates...thank you for managing this part of the program from behind the scenes for so long. You will be missed more than you will ever know. THANK YOU. Stephanie, Parker ’17, Brian, and Jack ’20 Allen
BE CREATIVE THIS SUMMER! Acoustic Guitar • Calligraphy • Camp DJ • Cardboard Challenge • Creative Storytelling Drawing Studio • Escape the Norm with Breakout EDU • Graphic Novels • Knitting Studio • Musical Theater Workshop • Origami • Printmaking & Collage Studio • Snack Attack! • STEM Challengers
Philip Conrad with Dr. Roemer
In the fall of 2012, Trinity Valley School tried something new: we agreed to allow three Danish women who were studying to become teachers to spend six weeks working with our Lower School and PE teachers. Because of the success of that first exchange of International Assistant Teachers (IATs) and the growth of our connections and friendships with universities around the globe, to date TVS has worked with, and learned from, 34 future teachers from Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland with placements in kindergarten through 10th grade. Over the years, it has become clear that the benefits of IATs are multifaceted. Our students have observed ways of life and learning
directly from people from those countries, in addition to learning math, science, English, social studies, new games in PE, and so much more. TVS teachers have enjoyed the chance to talk about teaching and learning from different perspectives (and even learn from the students they mentor). And, TVS host families have made lifelong family friends, while sharing our culture and discovering — as a family — what it’s like to live abroad. Naturally, our guests also grow from the work they get to do with our incredible students and amazing teachers. Rather than hear it from me, though, I’ve asked some of our recent IATs to share their experiences with us. The main take-home message? THANK YOU, TVS COMMUNITY!
FROM FELINE ROOVERS The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands | Assigned to first grade and kindergarten, Fall 2018 Getting the chance to work as an assistant-teacher at TVS for eight weeks was such a meaningful and important experience for me as a Dutch student. Not only did I learn how different and inspiring the educational system is at TVS, but I also met so many loving and kind people. Specifically, my host family did such a good job at making me feel welcome and showing me around DFW. They included me in so many activities and treated me like family. During the day at TVS, I was so lucky again with my colleagues in first grade. They never got tired of all the questions I had and were the best role models to be around all day. As part of my placement, I gave several classes to younger and older kids at TVS and at a public school about the Netherlands. I feel honored that I got to tell so much about my country and even teach the kids some Dutch words and sentences. I highly recommend that students visit a different country if they get the chance. Being away from home teaches you things to be grateful for and things you would like to change or learn from. Keep up the good work TVS! I would love to come back one day.
FROM THOMAS NAEVE University College South, Denmark | Assigned to 6th-grade Global Studies and 5th/6th PE, Spring 2018 Before my adventure at TVS became a reality, I was in contact with my international counselor. I was interested in doing my student-teaching in the UK, where my dad lives, but as I sat down with my counselor I asked, “How far can I go?” I was then told that our University in Denmark was working together with TVS, and with that I said, “Sign me up!” Within five minutes, we had already sent the application to Dr. Roemer.
Top: Feline Roovers in first grade with her host sister, Stella Williams Bottom: Saying goodbye to the first grade
A few days before my departure from Denmark, I was put in contact with my host families, and I am still in contact with them today.
At TVS I taught in P.E. and Global Studies. I loved being on campus and being able to use all their wonderful facilities, and if I had any questions, all the teachers were more than happy to help. One teacher I’m still in contact with today is Mr. Churchward [Global Studies]. After I came home from the US after spending six weeks at TVS, I fell in love with the Texan culture. During my junior year, the counselor who sent me to TVS talked to my classmates and me about the opportunity to study abroad for a semester in our senior year. First, I wasn’t paying that much attention, but the second “Texas” was mentioned, I lit up like a Christmas tree. I found out that my college is in partnership with an exchange program at Texas Christian University. I spent August to
A school that puts the individual first and provides them with an education that is as unique as its students was thrilling to experience first-hand. December at TCU, and this experience was the best in my life. I got to experience my first college football game, Billy Bob’s, and so much more. I was so blessed and got to live on campus. This gave me a ton of new friends that I’m still in contact with. At TCU we have this saying, ‘’Memories sweet. Comrades true.’’ And I can’t agree more.
FROM PHILIP CONRAD Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland | Assigned to 9th-grade history, Spring 2020 My experience at TVS can be summarized as one of the best experiences I've had with regards to schooling. I indulged myself within the school culture with much delight. A school that puts the individual first and provides them with an education that is as unique as its students was thrilling to experience first-hand. Not only was I able to experience a genuine Texan way of life, but I also gained insight into an education system that is very different than
Top: Thomas Naeve with 2nd graders Bottom: In 6th-grade Global Studies
the one I know from Switzerland. I must say that I have grown a lot more confident since my time in Texas and feel much more prepared to teach English as a foreign language back home in Switzerland. I am very grateful to Trinity Valley School for providing me with this unique opportunity to teach about various topics, like the Haitian Revolution, or provide different classes with a little bit of what school might have looked like had they been born in Switzerland.
Being allowed to teach multiple grades ranging from 7th all the way to 10th allowed me to broaden my spectrum of teaching styles as well as methodology. One thing that really struck me as something quite special, was the freedom that is given to the teachers. Being able to teach about untraditional topics such as "Ways of Knowing" or "Women’s Studies," which touch on so many different disciplines like philosophy, sociology, psychology, religion, and science, is extraordinarily invaluable to better understand our mode of being in the world. I have much respect for my colleague teachers at TVS with whom I had the pleasure to work throughout my stay in Texas. I am also very impressed by the students and the enthusiasm and advocacy they bring to school. The dedication and passion that some of the students bring forth is quite remarkable. Events like the Chinese New Year's celebration, the spelling bee competition, the school plays, and the events surrounding Black History Month were met with outstanding performances by both students and teachers. Having a safe environment where competencies such as speaking in front of a crowd can be acquired and learned is tremendously valuable. Seeing young adults and teenagers grow up to be the best possible versions of themselves is what made me want to become a teacher in the first place. My time at TVS has further encouraged me to pursue my schooling in education forthrightly and with intent and purpose in mind.
FROM SIGNE BETZER AND CHRISTINA SĂ˜RENSEN VIA University, Denmark | Assigned to 8th-grade humanities, Spring 2019 On the 28th of January 2019 we arrived for the first time at TVS, walking along with Ms. [Carry] Hansen towards our second practical placement. We were privileged to be student teachers at TVS for six weeks working with Dr. Wood and Mr. Ellis in 8th-grade humanities. We are both well experienced with the English
Top: Signe and Christina Bottom: Signe and Christina in 7th grade Mind Makers
language but had never stepped foot in an American school. During the first two days we managed to remember all 83 names of the students in the 8th grade, but the credit should go to the students for making it so easy with their open arms. We were challenged by the fact that we had to teach in a very different way from what we are used to in Denmark, including having the students call us by our last names, teaching in our second language to native
speakers, and adapting to another school culture and discipline. It was amazing to teach students who were so engaged in the lessons and topics. During our stay we learned so much from observing and joining the lessons at TVS, but we also applied different approaches from our teaching experiences in Denmark, which were all received with much gratitude and interest from students and teachers at TVS. The feeling of contributing to the educational elements at TVS was nothing less than wonderful.
GREAT COLLEAGUES We call this section ‘great colleagues’ as that is the best way to express how we felt towards the staff at TVS. We were met with nothing but kindness when starting at TVS and all through our stay, no matter where we went: the halls, the dining hall, the sports facilities, and even just in the parking lot. In the classroom we joined Dr. [Ed] Wood and Mr. [Ryan] Ellis (8th-grade humanities) as part of their teaching team. This involved teaching alongside them and attending lessonplanning meetings. It did not take many days before we started to feel like their colleagues,
We were challenged by the fact that we had to teach in a very different way from what we are used to in Denmark, including having the students call us by our last names, teaching in our second language to native speakers, and adapting to another school culture and discipline. as they met us as equals. We exchanged experiences and developed lesson plans in collaboration. Most importantly, we are grateful for the opportunities granted by Dr. Wood and Mr. Ellis, as well as their friendship,
and we want to express our greatest gratitude towards the entire Middle School staff for creating the best working environment for student teachers to experience. You are and will always be exemplary to us, taking us in as equal colleagues and investing in our development by including us in decisions, meetings, and social events.
HOST FAMILIES During our time at TVS we were fortunate to stay with three different host families. Staying with host families is a great part of being an exchange student teacher. Common among all the families we stayed with were great kindness and a great effort of involving us in their everyday life. This showed us all aspects of everyday duties, food, and cultural experiences, and this truly made our stay dynamic and comfortable. Before arriving, we considered finding our own place, but looking back we could not be more happy that we chose to stay with host families.
NEW COLLABORATIONS Our stay at TVS has led to not only great experiences but also personal and professional relationships. It has enabled us to continue working with a broad international cooperation, which we can apply in the future when we’ve finished our education. This is definitely something we will use for us and for our future students. Additionally, we were delighted to welcome Dr. Wood and Mr. Ellis to Denmark in March as part of a teacher exchange. We are so happy that our experience at TVS contributed to this opportunity for them and their students.
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Lastly, we would like to emphasize the impact that our stay at TVS made on us both personally and professionally. It has definitely helped bring us a step closer to becoming great and competent teachers.
BE ACTIVE THIS SUMMER! Baseball • Basketball • Cheerleading • Climbing • Cricket • CrossFit Kids • Field Hockey Football • Futsal • Hip Hop Yoga • Lacrosse • Ninja Warrior: Tae Kwon Do • Olympic Fencing • Soccer • Tennis • Trojan Power and Trojan Prep • Volleyball • wHOOP It Up! Xplore Olympiads
ANNUAL FUND FOR TVS We want to take this opportunity to thank all our wonderful families that have contributed thus far to the Annual Fund 2019-2020. Along with our parents, we have had an incredible outpouring of support from our grandparents, alumni parents, faculty, alumni, and friends of the school. Together, we have made headway in helping to create a better Trinity Valley for our children and showing our community what is possible when we all come together to support a common cause. Our families are the backbone of our school, investing in TVS through time, treasure, and talent. The Annual Fund is one measure of those investments, and we want to give you a breakdown of how the Annual Fund has progressed to this point. In the pages ahead you can see how much money we have raised, how much is left to reach our goals, and how donors choose to designate their gifts. We want to be transparent with you to show how, and where, your dollars are making an impact. From parents to parents, we appreciate your support and generosity. We know that you have options when choosing an educational path for your children, and we are thrilled that you have chosen Trinity Valley as the place to send them to school. Every family can make a difference in helping to advance our school, and we hope that by the end of the school year we will all be proud of our combined contribution to TVS.
Thank you,
LaToyer Houston and Mindy Hegi
Chris, Will, LaToyer, and Andrew Houston with Mindy, Jake, and Will Hegi
2019-2020 ANNUAL FUND
BY THE NUMBERS Dollars Raised
Dollar GOAL
Gifts by Designation G r e at e s t N e e d
At h l e t i C S d
Fa c u lt y S taffNeed
G l o b a l E d u c at i o n
Alumni parents
Current Parent Alumni
New Families
Financial Aid Families
Senior Students
60 YEARS OF GIVING The Trinity Valley School we all know and love today did not happen overnight. Our strength comes from countless supporters giving their time, talent, and treasure over a 60-year period to build our wonderful school. From one room in St. Ignatius Academy to the expanded Laneri High School building, we continued to grow on McCart Avenue. We moved to 7500 Dutch Branch Road in 1998, and our founders likely never imagined today’s 75-acre campus and rich programming. We have been abundantly blessed, and we gratefully and humbly acknowledge and thank all the wonderful and generous supporters who came before us and helped shape our school. TVS continues to advance. Over the last eight years, we have added 40,000 square feet of new academic space across all three divisions, new Lower School and Middle School playgrounds, an outdoor pavilion for TOE, a technical scene shop for theater, and enhancements at our north and south fields with a new stadium press box in the works. These recent additions alone are worth over $25 million in improvements to our campus – all contributed by TVS friends and family members who believed in Trinity Valley and wanted to give back to develop the school further. Thank you to all our TVS angels who have made meaningful gifts of all sizes to support Trinity Valley School. Today’s students are prospering from your vision and benevolence.
DENNIS FLEMING PRESS BOX As mentioned, a new press box for the stadium is underway and is scheduled to be ready in August. The press box is being named in memory of longtime administrator, teacher, and coach Dennis Fleming. This $700,000 project has been supported by over 170 gifts, with 75% of these gifts coming from alumni! Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this effort and to Jay Miller ’04 and Scott Miller ’08 for helping rally support. Jay shared, “We are so excited to build a brandnew facility to honor Mr. Fleming in a place where he was such an important fixture for 20 years on Friday nights in the fall.” Athletic Director Shon Hardy extended his enthusiasm for the new structure. “We in TVS Athletics are ecstatic to have the new press box going up at the stadium field and are grateful to all those who have contributed to the vision and construction. The press box will not only serve its useful purpose for the stadium field, but the view from Bryant Irvin Road will also serve as a visual pillar of pride for TVS and TVS Athletics,” he said.
“The new press box, with its elevated height and expanded size, can better serve our teams that compete on the stadium field. During the fall season we will no longer need scaffolding, which was a point of concern at times due to high winds. The added space and new configuration will now allow for multiple uses at once. For the sports of football, soccer, and lacrosse, there will be the possibility to announce, film, and hold meetings simultaneously with little to no disruption of the other group due to the four separate spaces within the structure. Track and field, which has hosted Middle School meets, will begin hosting varsity meets next year, and the press box will serve as an ideal location for coaches’ meetings, general meet operations, as well as a potential hospitality area for larger meets. Additionally, field hockey will have access for filming practices.” TVS Senior Tai Hoang, who has been filming the last few years, added that the new student media room for broadcasting is a fantastic addition because it allows for students to feel included in the game without necessarily having to play the game. It will also help alumni and other fans keep up with TVS athletics if they are unable to attend a match. We only have $20,000 still to raise, which will be generously matched by a TVS family to get us to the finish line!! Please contact Clare Pritchett ’89 for more information about supporting this project: 817-321-0100, pritchettc@trinityvalleyschool.org.
ALUMNI REUNION GIFTS Several alumni classes made joint gifts in celebration of the School’s 60th anniversary and their milestone reunions. A special thank you to the following classes for their leadership and generosity! CLASS OF 1989 contributed to the Dennis Fleming Press Box for their 30th reunion CLASS OF 1990 contributed to the endowment in memory of classmates David Newton and Ivan Nue for their 30th reunion CLASS OF 1995 contributed to the Dennis Fleming Press Box for their 25th reunion ALUMNI FROM CLASSES OF 1996-2001 contributed to the Dennis Fleming Press Box in memory of Madhu Satyanarayana CLASS OF 2000 contributed to the endowment, financial aid, and the Dennis Fleming Press Box for their 20th reunion CLASS OF 2009 contributed to the Dennis Fleming Press Box for their 10th reunion CLASS OF 2020 contributed to their class legacy fund in celebration of their upcoming graduation
SANDY MCNUTT FINANCIAL AID AWARD The Sandy McNutt Financial Aid Award was established in 2019 by a generous TVS family to honor Sandy for her outstanding contributions to education. Sandy began her career in education in 1978, and Trinity Valley was blessed to gain her wise leadership in 2008. Sandy models the TVS mission daily through her selfless service, determination, and passion for character development - always encouraging everyone to be their very best selves. Sandy’s positive and caring nature makes TVS a better place. This award supports a deserving Lower School student with exemplary character. The McNutt Award is part of the Trinity Valley School Endowment. Anyone may contribute additional funds to this award to support financial aid and the endowment and to honor our wonderful Sandy McNutt! Gifts can be made to TRINITY VALLEY SCHOOL with MCNUTT FINANCIAL AID AWARD in memo line.
One of the most remarkable teachers I have ever known is retiring at the end of this school year. Mrs. Rea will be enjoying some much-deserved time with her husband, Don, as well as with her children and precious
Tim d'Auteuil also will be retiring at the end of this school year, after 21 years of teaching children at TVS and four years in other schools. In addition to Mr. d'Auteuil's
grandchildren! Nancy’s patience, dedication, and belief in every one of her students over the years of teaching and guiding young children will be a significant part of her legacy at TVS. So many families have benefited from having her as their very first teacher in kindergarten. (I feel triply blessed, as all three of my nephews had the benefit of beginning their journey with this phenomenal lady.) Well done, amazing Nancy Rea - in your 17 years at TVS and nine years of teaching in other schools, you have made a difference in countless lives.
dedication to teaching 4th graders, we were also honored to have his sons, Alexander ’07 and Arthur ’09, as part of our school. Mr. d'Auteuil plans to spend many months and cover hundreds of miles hiking with his wife, Marilyn. They already have some fantastic hikes planned that will encompass miles and miles of terrain. With his love of theater, it would not surprise us to “see his name in lights,” in productions! We are thankful for his years of dedication and wish him well in this next chapter of his life. Thank you for your impact on hundreds of lives, Mr. d'Auteuil.
Several of our Art III and Senior Portfolio art students received recognition by the 2020 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, Region-at-Large, for their artwork. These awards, presented by the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, are commendable artistic achievements.
Our two Gold Key recipients will have their works adjudicated nationally by a panel of creative–industry experts.
Since 1923, Scholastic Awards have recognized some of America’s most celebrated artists in both writing and visual art. A few of their alumni are Andy Warhol, Stephen King, Joyce Carol Oates, Truman Capote, and Kay Walkingstick. Our students were awarded Honorable Mentions, Silver Keys, and Gold Keys. Those who received Gold Key recognition will have their work juried in the National Scholastic Competition. This is quite an honor. In 2019, 340,000 students from across the nation entered this competition.
GOLD KEY | The very best works submitted to Region-at-Large programs. Gold Key works are automatically considered for national-level recognition.
Students were adjudicated on three criteria: originality, technical skill, and the emergence of a personal voice or vision.
Grayce Andrews, Gitanjali Paladugu, Paige Bekish, Saleem Razack, Maaike Sommers, Avery Buchanan, and Sophie Fine
We hope you can join us in celebrating these creative students.
SILVER KEY | Stand-out works submitted to Region-atLarge programs that demonstrate exceptional ability. HONORABLE MENTION | Accomplished works submitted to Region-at-Large programs showing great skill and potential. AMERICAN VISIONS NOMINEES | Five works, from across all categories and grades, are selected from those earning Gold Keys as the “Best-of-Show” for each local program as nominees for the American Visions & Voices Medals.
AVERY BUCHANAN | SENIOR Honorable Mention, Drawing Ambiguous 1
Honorable Mention, Drawing Bamboo Lady
PAIGE BEKISH JUNIOR Honorable Mention, Drawing Zion
GRAYCE ANDREWS JUNIOR Silver Key, Drawing The Beauty of The Swamp
GITANJALI PALADUGU | JUNIOR Gold Key, Printmaking Another Wednesday in the Garden
SALEEM RAZACK SENIOR Silver Key, Drawing Red and Blue
SOPHIE FINE | JUNIOR Gold Key, Drawing A Hand Print in Blue
MAAIKE SOMMERS JUNIOR Silver Key, Drawing Fabric Stripes
The 32nd Black and White Images Exhibit was held in February at Fort Worth Country Day, where Byrd Williams selected 84 photographs from more than 600 submissions from 14 schools. We are excited to announce that sophomore Coco Davis was awarded 2nd place in the Architecture category. Black & White Images is an annual juried exhibition for high school photography students attending public and private schools in Dallas, Denton, and Tarrant counties. The exhibit at FWCD began 32 years ago as a forum to exchange ideas and exhibit current work with peers. Categories include Architecture, Portrait, Experimental, Landscape + Cityscape, Still Life, Nature + Animals, Photojournalism, and Photo Essay. JUDGE BIO: Byrd Williams is a fourthgeneration photographer who has been photographing and teaching all his life. The Museum of Fine Arts Houston has a body of his work produced in the 1950s before he was 10 years old. His work is in several museum collections including the Houston Museum of Fine Art, Amon Carter Museum, Stadtmuseum Simeonstift Trier, and SchlossBalmoral. He has been a professor at Texas A&M, Southern Methodist University, Collin College, Tarrant County College, and Bauhaus, Weimar, Germany. The University of North Texas acquired all of his work and family archives, consisting of over 300,000 negatives and prints, hundreds of letters dating back to the American Civil War, and all diaries, books, and cameras used by Byrd himself and by the three generations of photographers preceding him.
Wooden Ropes Course
to our incredible 60th anniversary co-chairs! David Kostohryz, Jr. ’97 Jenny Kostohryz Rosell ’95
- English with Mr. Henning as we diagrammed sentences with his classic quotes: “Tide and time wait for no man� and “If ifs and buts were candies and nuts, what a Christmas we would have� and "The bell tolls for thee!" — Ben Zivney ’80
One of my fondest memories is from the very early days at TVS when the school was at the 1400 Hemphill location. The Texas Boys Choir used to practice on the first floor on most afternoons after school. The building had a broad central staircase with tall ceilings - all hard surfaces of plastered concrete and linoleum squared floors. Up on the third floor I remember the late afternoon sun and the day’s dust hanging in the air. But what made this most special were the harmonies rising from the practice room below. Their voices were strikingly beautiful.
The Pig List, and the Pigs’ locker contents scattered down the Upper School hallway after the bell rang.
Trips on the Blue Goose!
I loved the old campus, when the Middle & Upper School students always had to walk through the Lower School building. What a wonderful blending of the three groups of students... great feeling of unity.
I was honored to be voted as the Student Body president during my senior year of 1979. As an AfricanAmerican student, this reflected the inclusive maturity of my Trojan classmates to support me in representing each of them. I was very thankful for the opportunity to serve. — Andre McEwing ’79
Judo with Mr. Saulnier in the front office by Glenda's desk with my girlfriend watching.
Hearing Dr. Bobby Brown speak for one of the last graduation ceremonies at the McCart campus. The intimate setting, Dr. Brown’s wisdom and insights, and the common joy and goodwill felt by and for everyone at the gathering was simply inspiring.
After the new Lower School was built on the McCart campus, the wonderful couple that cleaned the buildings could not add additional areas to clean, so all the teachers were given vacuum cleaners. Every day at 3:15 the students would take turns cleaning the classrooms. It was quite a sight to hear and see! — Kay Newton Lying down on mats in the music room when we were in Lower School, listening to Peter and the Wolf, while Mrs. Canafax walked around the room describing the music.
Ian Craig creating the House System! Watching 7th- and 1st-grade buddies run towards each other with arms stretched wide at the start of the school year.
Pink Ribbons – we started the tradition on the McCart campus. We had just put up the iron fence around the campus. The seventh graders that year tied each middle rung with a pink ribbon. As the wind blew, the pink ribbons danced in the air. We continue each October at the Dutch Branch campus.
I was new to Fort Worth and excited to attend TVS. The first day of school, already feeling nervous, I was mortified to realize I had arrived 20 minutes after school had begun. Mr. Seleny saw me and must have read my mind. He came out of the office and greeted me by name and with open arms. He then respectfully kissed my cheek as if he had known me my whole life and asked if I minded if he walked me to my first class. With a smile and kindness, Mr. Seleny not only changed my morning but also impacted how I later greeted my own students and teachers, as an elementary teacher and administrator. I’m forever grateful for the grace he showed me and will always remember that special encounter with Mr. Seleny.
Stephen Seleny told the assembly, "Most of you will not be world leaders, but you can tend the garden around you." It sticks with me to this day and reminds me to be my best.
My favorite memory is and will always be the glow of joy coming from Mr. Seleny when he is around children. His unconditional love of children is unforgettable. — Gary Krahn
Mr. Seleny pinching my cheeks and my nose!
My favorite TVS memory was the Pauloses. They were legendary teachers who had a lasting impact on every one of their students. They will always be missed!
I interviewed with Mr. Seleny and Ralph Dintino in 1984. I arrived on campus (McCart) to observe a typical school day. As Mr. Seleny and I were walking from Middle School to Lower School, I saw a student walking toward his second-grade classroom. Mr. Seleny stopped, called him by name, bent down, put his hands on the little boy's cheeks, told him he was beautiful and smart and hoped he had a good day. I made my decision at that moment that this is who I wanted to work for and where I needed to be. I had 22 years of great service at TVS, and never regretted my decision. — Tony Barriteau
Seeing the pride in our families as they share their cultures at the International Fairs!
On the Europe trip the summer of 1979, Mr. Seleny was trying to park our van and found a parallel-parking spot at the Vatican City. It was too small for the van and there were very small cars on either side of the spot. He had the boys get out and move one of the small cars so he could get into the space. (“Eh, just get out and move them!”)
My favorite TVS memories were from summer TOE trips, either backpacking or in New Mexico.
The 7th Grade TOE Trip
I loved the TVS-led summer trips to Europe and overall the strong connections we had with all the teachers and staff!
During my wanderings around Ft. Worth, running into students I have taught, their parents, grandparents and "grandstudents." — Jackie Taylor
I directed the outdoor program for several years. I so enjoyed camping with the students, both Middle School and Upper School. The student leaders were a joy to work with because they loved the program and shared it so well with every age with whom we worked. A very special time in my life. — Caroline Prince Smith
I very much enjoyed teaching science at TVS to Middle School students! The students were all special to me. Mr. Seleny and all of my colleagues made my years at TVS very special.
Mr. Kramer would lean forward over the podium in World History class, tipping it forward ever so slightly and clasping his glasses vertically in his teeth so that he could close one eye, and squinting with the other, would look at us through one lens. Then he'd call us by name: "Ms. Boyles, can you please tell us your thoughts on the Holy Roman Empire?" It was all I could do to stop giggling and compose myself to give him an appropriate answer. I also remembered Mr. Kramer's paddle from Lower School that he'd use in the more serious cases of discipline (this was in the 70s, so not shocking given the times), and I didn't warm to him until this lovely time spent laughing at his wry humor in World History. I'm grateful for that history class!
Kite Day in the late 70s/early 80s was a highlight for me. Being outside for a carefree afternoon was so happy and fun. Students from all grades participated with big kids helping little kids. Lots of handmade kites. Loved it!
As a 13-year student, my favorite memory was in Kindergarten. I remember our Thanksgiving play and being thrilled to wear a costume and perform for the first time. My line was about popcorn and I can still remember our songs! Mrs. Newton was one of the best.
Gump Day!
I have lots of favorite TVS memories, but not much beats working behind the scenes on the Middle School musical with Mrs. Carlson in high school. The friends, memories, and laughs we all shared together really are unbeatable.
Always Grandparents’ Day where I was allowed to spend time with my grandchildren. What an honor and privilege!
Field Day!
My favorite TVS memory is winning the 2009 SPC Football Championship the week after the passing of Dennis Fleming. It was such a magical moment for the school coming together to support Mr. Fleming's beloved Trojans.
My fondest memory of my 13 years at TVS was watching and hearing Mr. Fleming troll the hallways barking at students to spit out their gum, take off their hats or quit horsing around and get to class. One of the most underrated and best history teachers I ever had. Along with Doc and Mr. Scott, he was one of the reasons I majored in European History at W&L. Love and miss the man dearly! There will never be another Mr. Fleming. He embodied everything I loved about TVS.
Dennis Fleming will always be one of my favorite memories. His laugh and smile always made my worst days so much better! I can still repeat all of his stories to this day and always laugh and giggle every time I think about it, even 10 years later. Later, much later DF.
Sean Kenny’s government class was one of my all-time favorites!
I was a cheerleader from 1971 until my graduation in 1974. My senior year we FINALLY beat Country Day in football for the very first time! It was an epic win. Go Trojans!
I have many great memories from TVS, but my favorite has to be the baseball trips to Houston, Oklahoma, and Austin. Being on the team for 4 years earned me great relationships with people from 3 years older than our grade all the way to 3 years below. Despite the age gap, we all seemed to have fun, especially when we got off campus and went on these trips.
SPC Tennis weekends were the best. A free-for-all in the unlucky hotel that hosted us. Fast food for every meal. Joking in the van all they there and back. And then quick first-round losses by everyone such that we were home in time to party Saturday night. — Eric Woodworth ’90
Winning the 2002 SPC baseball D-1 championship!
Friday night lights, especially the Battle of Bryant Irvin games.
My favorite memory was in 2017 when the football team won SPC! It made me so happy to see those deserving boys get rewarded for their amazing sportsmanship. It was such a great time for TVS!
6 0T H A N N I V E R S A RY GALA C E L E B R AT I N G 6 0 Y E A R S O F T I M E L E S S E D U C AT I O N
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 VIP Party 6:30 p.m. | Gala 7:15 p.m. Fort Worth Zoo Ticket information online: http://tvs.cbo.io Dinner ∙ Dancing ∙ Celebration ∙ Live Auction Entertainment provided by The British Are Coming Black Tie Optional Complimentary Valet Parking ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE PRIOR TO EVENT Class art & silent auction | Instructions to be emailed | Online auction will be at http://tvs.cbo.io 60TH ANNIVERSARY CHAIRS Jenny Kostohryz Rosell ’95 David Kostohryz, Jr. ’97 60TH GALA CHAIRS Rachael Churchill Shelby Crawford Sarah Jackson Ashley Peeders TVS STAFF LIAISON Ashley Robinson
CALLING ALL ALUMNI ALUMNI PARENTS! YOUR HELP IS NEEDED Make History Come Alive at Trinity Valley My name is Grace McCurdy. I am a current sophomore at Trinity Valley School, and I started school here in kindergarten. I faintly recall celebrating the 50th Founders Day in 2009 but vividly remember this past September’s celebration of the 60th Founders Day. I have been very fortunate in my 16 years to have traveled to 21 countries and been immersed in history. It dawned on me this past Founders Day that despite 60 years of history, there are no artifacts on display at school that honor the rich history of TVS or its founder, Mr. Stephen Seleny. The foyer of the Stephen Seleny Theater has beautiful wall murals that chronicle how our school came to be, but there are no objects on display, no tangible items depicting our school’s history. I asked permission from Upper School Head Mr. Bhatt and Assistant Head Dr. O’Reilly if I could remedy this deficiency by creating a museum-quality display of artifacts from Trinity Valley’s past 60 years to bring the history of our school to life for current students and generations of students to come. Trinity Valley is unlike other private schools in Fort Worth. It was born of a love of history and worldliness from our founder, Stephen Seleny, who left Soviet-occupied Hungary for the United States during a time of war and uncertainty for Europe. His musical abilities led him here to North Texas and the Texas Boys Choir. In 1959, the first six students enrolled at the Texas Boys Choir School, now known as Trinity Valley School. In 2008, I enrolled as a young kindergartner like many of you did. I want to share how special our school is, and I need your help to do so.
I am asking that all alumni and their parents go through their closets and drawers and please consider donating any memorabilia to the school for a permanent historical display. Photographs,
documents, uniforms, trophies… anything that chronicles the past 60 years of Trinity Valley. Please send any items with a brief description of their significance and age to: Grace McCurdy 6813 Lahontan Drive Fort Worth TX 76132 -OR Grace McCurdy Historical Project c/o Trinity Valley School 7500 Dutch Branch Road Fort Worth TX 76132
TVS Founding Headmaster Stephen Seleny
or drop off in Central Administration All items will be photographed, documented and archived for display or for students to study and appreciate. I hope to enlighten current and prospective students and their families of the special circumstances that created the school we all love. I cannot do this without your help. Alumni and Alumni Parents, I Need You! Questions? Email me at mccurdyg@student. trinityvalleyschool.org. Thank you in advance for your help.
How did you get started/interested in playing the piano? My mother plays, and she is my teacher. I started when I was 4 years old.
How did you get started/interested in modeling? At the age of 4 — my sister was doing it, which interested me. Now I do modeling and acting for television commercials, magazine ads, and other things.
How much do you practice? Every day of the week for one hour. What is it you love about playing the piano? I like hearing the piano. I like performing and making people happy. What is your favorite part of playing the piano? Playing at Carnegie Hall. [Raphael’s mother submitted a recording of Raphael playing. He won second place and was invited to play at a Carnegie Hall program, along with the first-place pianist and students who played violin and flute.] I may want to play professionally some day. Is there anything you would like people to know about playing the piano? My parakeets, Cutie and Tweety, sing when I play the piano! I like all instruments, and I also play the violin and practice that every day.
How much do you practice or participate in modeling? I don’t really practice, other than practicing smiles and poses at home. After getting a role, I practice for that, since every role is unique and different. The process is to audition, then get callbacks, then the job. I will soon be auditioning for the role of a young boy who became President! What is it you love about modeling? I like to do roles along with my sister, Daisy. Modeling helped my confidence. The Coca-Cola television commercial was fun! I have also been in commercials and ads for Boy Scouts of America, Six Flags Over Georgia, Navy Federal Credit Union, Belk, and more. What is your favorite part of modeling? I like to make my own money and it’s fun to see my savings account grow.
Is there anything you would like people to know about modeling? As a family, we celebrate all my opportunities - auditions, callbacks, and job bookings! I also love to play football and soccer outside of school, and I enjoy spending time with my family. In the future, I want to continue modeling/ acting and to become a builder like my dad.
How did you get started/interested in tennis? My mother is a tennis player, and I started when I was 5 years old. I started lessons from a pro at the Alpine Club, and I loved it.
How much do you practice? Every day of the week — for one to two hours — at Birch Tennis Academy. What is it you love about tennis? Hitting the ball is what the practice is referred to — it relaxes you and it is fun! What is your favorite part of tennis? Tournaments — I play singles. Is there anything you would like people to know about tennis? If you play often, it is better to play smarter for a short amount of time than to play for longer periods of time. Tennis is great for eye-hand coordination. Tennis is a good way to meet new people. It is fun to hit with others. I want to keep playing tennis throughout Middle and Upper School and possibly play in college. I also play soccer. I have played and visited many places, but my favorite is Scotland.
How did you get started in gymnastics? When I was 2 years old, I was watching gymnastics on TV and became interested. I started taking rec classes and Mommy and Me classes at The Little Gym. I advanced in my rec classes then moved to Lone Star and got into Team. After that I moved to Impact and have really improved there. How much do you practice? I practice five days a week, four hours each day. What is it you love about gymnastics? Gymnastics is fun for me because I’ve gotten good at it. I also have a lot of friends at my gym, so I enjoy spending time with them. I also like competing. Being a part of a competition gives me a really good feeling. And being on the podium is even better!
What is your favorite part of gymnastics? I really like bars because it’s my best event. At my last competition, I scored a 9.875, so I am proud of how well I have progressed. Is there anything you would like people to know about gymnastics? I have to work very hard on my homework during study hall to stay on top of my work in order to dedicate my after-school hours to gymnastics.
How did you get started/interested in gymnastics? When I was little, I always tried to flip around the house and was a very energetic child. My mom started me in classes in a gym in Aledo when I TRINITY VALLEY SCHOOL
was 4 years old. One of the coaches invited me to Team, and I have continued to compete with The Rock since. How much do you practice? I practice Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday for three hours and usually on Saturday for four hours. What is it you love about gymnastics? I really like flipping and being in the air. It's fun to feel like I’m flying. I also have a lot of friends at my gym that I enjoy. I like competing and showing off my skills, and placing is the best part! What is your favorite part of gymnastics? My favorite event is floor. I also like vault because on both those events I have good space to flip and I get good time in the air. I usually score best on floor. Is there anything you would like people to know about gymnastics? Gymnastics requires both strength and flexibility, so conditioning is very important. I have to condition every day at practice.
How did you get started/interested in cooking? My mom was a single mom as I was growing up, so it was hard for her to have time to make dinner as she worked two jobs. We usually had quick, easy meals. As I got older, I became more interested in cooking and baking, like baking rolls for Christmas. When I was 7, I started cooking dinner for my family to help ease the stress of having dinner ready, especially because my parents were busy with my younger siblings. How much do you practice? I make dinner two or three times a week. Friday night is our night to eat out! Every Sunday for the past five or six weeks, I have attempted a harder dessert. One of my recent favorites was chocolate caramel brown butter cookies. Yesterday, I made macarons. I tried to make macarons once in the past, but they were much
better this time. Now I’ve decided to have an annual macaron challenge. Everyone says they are hard, but they aren’t really hard once you get into the practice of making them. This time I made plain vanilla but I’m planning to try citrus next time. I’ll have to get the citrus level just right! What is it you love about cooking? I love that cooking gives me the opportunity to express who I am and what I do by representing myself on a plate. I can experiment and make people happy. What is your favorite part of cooking? I like experimenting with recipes. I only use recipes as a guideline. I like to break the rules and improvise. Is there anything you would like people to know about cooking? Mostly people think only adults should cook so you don't burn or cut yourself, but if you take the time to learn and are careful, you will learn to express yourself. If you spend time cooking, you will get better and better. I suggest finding a couple styles of food that are simple and good that you and your family enjoy, then stick to that to get better and begin to improvise. You can adjust the ingredients. For example, if the recipe calls for peas and your kids don't like peas, change the ingredient to make it your own.
How did you get started/interested in twirling? When I was 3 or 4 years old, my mother showed me videos of twirling on YouTube because she had been a twirler. I started taking lessons from the same teacher my mom took from. It’s been fun to take from her because she has some specific expectations of me based on my mom. My mom and are I very different people though, so it’s also interesting for Ms. Vicki. How often do you practice? I practice about 10 hours per week. I practice in our TVS gym every morning
from 6:45 - 8:00, then change quickly to get ready for class. I practice about two hours per day on the weekends with my teacher, Ms. Vicki. What is it you love about twirling? I really like the modeling and pageant part of twirling and the costumes. You can customize costumes to be your own, both with the colors and the rhinestones. I just retired one of my costumes, which made me sad because it was one of my favorites. What is your favorite part of twirling? My favorite part is the solo portion of twirling because it’s what
I’m best at. I love having new tricks and challenges in my routines. Is there anything you would like people to know about twirling? Twirling isn’t just something you can do on the weekends. You have to be completely committed throughout your whole life, but anyone can get there no matter at what age or skill level you begin. We are headed to nationals soon, and one of the competitors is 40 years old. She started twirling at age 8 and never stopped! She is the only adult competitor because once you get your judge’s license, you can’t compete anymore.
How did you get started/interested in horseback riding? I got interested in horseback riding because my older sister started taking lessons. Through the years I have found reined cow horse, which is what I do now and what I hope to do for many more years. How much do you practice? I ride six days a week and show at least once a month. What is it you love about horseback riding? I love that I have made so many new friends and get to do what I love with amazing people around me. I have learned that a horse is not just an animal, but a teammate that you have to treat with respect. I love the feeling of doing something right and looking back on all the tough times, knowing they were worth it. What is your favorite part of horseback riding? My favorite part about riding is that it has taught me very valuable lessons. Even when it is difficult and frustrating, I know that it is a part of the process. I know that the hard times are preparing me for the good times.
Is there anything you would like people to know about horseback riding? I want people to know that although it may not look like it, I do much more than just sit on our horses and ride around. It is much more difficult than it looks.
How did you get started/interested in Three Day Eventing? Both of my sisters rode so I spent a lot of time at the barn from a very young age. I would sit on my sister's horse starting around age 3 or 4 and just kind of naturally picked it up from there. It has become a true passion and almost a way of life for me; I plan to continue pursuing the sport in college. How much do you practice? I usually ride six days a week. My barn is out in Flower Mound so I drive approximately an hour each way and spend about three hours there so a total of five hours, six days a week. However, from late December to early April my horse lives Ocala, FL. During this time, I fly back and forth between riding and school most every weekend, and occasionally I'll stay the week to train.
What is it you love about Three Day Eventing? You get to know your horse really well and develop a certain bond. The relationship differs from that of a pet in several ways because the horses are athletes themselves and they are your only teammate. My coach and I are the only ones who ride William, my horse, so he knows me, my riding style, and my car when I pull into the barn. A sense of trust has to form in order for a horse/rider combination to become harmonious, so finding the right horse for you is essential. In many ways the horse has to pick the rider too.
How much do you practice? I have workout and practice six days a week with one to two hours on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday including fighting and forms, and one hour on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday with weight and body workouts.
What is your favorite part of Three Day Eventing? My favorite phase of Three Day Eventing, which consists of three phases, is cross country. Cross Country is unique as you have to event in order to participate in it. The other two phases, Dressage and Show Jumping, can be done separately. Cross Country is in an open field, and there is a certain course of various obstacles you have to complete. Cross County is timed so one attempts to make it within the time constraints while being balanced and controlled at the fences.
What is your favorite part of martial arts and fighting? The actual fighting is my favorite part.
Is there anything you would like people to know about Three Day Eventing? When people hear I am from Texas and that I ride, they automatically think Western rather than English. The "hubs" for my sport are on the East Coast (and in Ocala, FL or Aiken, SC during the winter). Additionally, people often don't realize in eventing you are often out of the tack while jumping, meaning you are not sitting on the horse’s back. This sport takes a lot of endurance from both the horse and the rider. Horses walk on treadmills to stay fit, or a horse and rider pair will do trot sets up a hill to maintain fitness.
How did you get started/interested in martial arts and fighting? I got into martial arts and fighting when I was 6 years old and saw Bruce Lee on TV. I immediately adored it and began begging my parents, and when I was 10 years old, I finally enrolled.
What is it you love about martial arts and fighting? I love the actual fighting. I find life so monotonous and predictable with such a boring routine. I love the adrenaline and unpredictability of the fights. It's the one place I can truly be free.
Is there anything you would like people to know about martial arts and fighting? Although I compete in competitions and do pretty well, I do not enjoy competition that isn't MMA (mixed martial arts)- or kickboxing-related due to its numerous rules. While I understand it is for safety, I'm used to fighting with the adults and know how ugly things can get, so competition fighting isn't really my bread and butter.
How did you get started/interested in horses and livestock? I got interested in horses and livestock because our family had a ranch, and my dad was very interested in it as well. How often do you participate in this? When I am at the ranch, I do ranch work Saturday and Sunday from sunup until sundown. What is it you love about horses and livestock? I just love the feeling of working with animals as well as the freedom and tranquility of being in the country. What is your favorite part of horses and livestock? My favorite part is riding horses and roping. Is there anything you would like people to know about horses and livestock? Well, one misconception is that boy cows don’t always have to have horns and girl cows can have horns.
How did you get started/interested in archery? I started doing archery because I tore my ACL playing soccer last May. I was looking for an activity to do that did not require my knee, and my camp ran an archery activity for a week. I really enjoyed it, and the best part was it did not require my knee to be totally healed! A couple months after I got back from camp, I found a range that ran lessons every Saturday. So, I bought a cheap bow from Amazon to get me started, and I started going every week. How much do you practice? I only practice about one to two hours per week. I am really new to the activity, so homework and school have taken more priority on weeknights. What is it you love about archery? I love that archery is easy to get into, and everyone is really encouraging. I went to my first tournament recently, and all of the people there were really helpful and willing to explain things to me. I feel like I’m welcomed in the sport even though I have not been shooting as long as other people. What is your favorite part of archery? I like archery because it is so easy to build your skills when you’re first starting out. Archery is an individual sport, and how the arrows hit the target instantly tells you what you’re doing right or wrong. This is really nice because I can get direct feedback on my performance and know how to adjust for a better result the next round of arrows I shoot. This makes the sport fun to engage in because I feel like I’m constantly improving, and I can see the tangible results that I’m improving. Is there anything you would like people to know about archery? Archery seems really daunting, but it’s really easy to get into! The range I go for practice allows you to rent your own bow, so you don’t have
to pay for one since good bows can be thousands of dollars. The archery community is really nice and always willing to help you and give feedback. You also don’t have to hunt to enjoy the sport! Even though archery can certainly be used for hunting and a lot of people practice to improve for hunting, nobody will judge you if you only do the sport for fun.
How did you get started/interested in saber fencing? I first got started in saber fencing when I was 8 years old. My mother had signed me up as a way to empower myself, but I just wanted to do something different than my sister at the time. After my first lesson, I fell in love with the sport. How much do you practice? I practice an average of 40-50 hours per month, including competition. I go to practice on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and occasionally Saturday for about three hours after school. Almost every weekend I have a tournament that takes up Saturday and Sunday. What is it you love about saber fencing? I love the rush of adrenaline you get when you are up on strip against someone and people are cheering for you. Saber is the fastest paced out of the three weapons (saber, foil, and epee). I also love the community aspect. It feels like I have a second family in my team because they are supportive and push me to be a better version of myself, like at TVS. What is your favorite part of saber fencing? I like how unique this sport is and the sense of individuality that comes with it. I like the aspect that you are a part of a team but that you are doing all the hard work to better yourself. My favorite part will always be feeling that sense of accomplishment when you win a bout or get a good touch.
Is there anything you would like people to know about saber fencing? There is a huge mental and physical aspect of fencing. It takes a lot of hard work and training to become physically ready, but sometimes that is not enough to win. You have to be strategizing all the time and thinking of how to make yourself better, while also maintaining confidence in yourself. You have to remember to reset after something bad happens because if you dwell on it then you have already mentally lost. You are capable of beating anyone you set your mind to, regardless of age, height, or experience. What is your most memorable opponent or tournament? The most memorable tournament I have been to is probably the Junior Olympics and the Junior Olympic Qualifiers. I had to qualify for the Junior Olympics by getting the top three in the Junior Olympic qualifiers, and I wound up getting first place. My most memorable opponent was a girl I was up against during the Junior Olympics. She was on track for the Olympics and her coach was an Olympic referee.
How did you get started/interested in reining? I started taking lessons seven years ago and got connected with a coach who introduced me to versatility ranch horse/reined cowhorse which I now compete in. I’ve always loved horses but never thought I’d be competing like I am now! I’ve been lucky to get connected with some great trainers that have gotten me further into the sport. How much do you practice? I go out and ride on average four days a week for around two hours.
However, if it’s a show week I spend many more hours out there. Shows are multiple days and require a lot of prep the week before. Show days usually start around 5 a.m. and end around 5 p.m. There’s a lot of riding and hours we put in to get them ready when we get to the show and the morning of. What is it you love about reining? I love my sport because we work with another animal to get the job done. It teaches you a lot about patience and what hard work really is. Horses really keep you humble and help you learn that not everything will always go your way and that’s ok. It also makes you appreciate so much more when things do go your way. I’ve learned more life lessons working with horses than I really would have ever expected. You are working with an animal that has a mind of its own and you trust it with your life every time you ride. You will never be completely in control and that’s the cool part about it: you have to trust the animal or it doesn’t work. What is your favorite part of reining? My favorite part of what I do is probably cow work. Although at times it can be nerve-wracking and adds another animal with a mind of its own, it is always an exciting event. It gives you an adrenaline rush while competing and you have to hustle and always be paying attention to the cow to not let it get the best of you. Cow is always the most exciting to watch and be a part of. There is nothing like that feeling when you know you’ve had a good cow run and the people watching know it too. Is there anything you would like people to know about reining? Competitive horseback riding is much more than just sitting there and kicking and steering the horse. The little details matter a lot at shows. Also, the horses we ride can feel and are sensitive to every little movement we make with our bodies so we have to be aware of that at all times so we don’t tell our horse the wrong thing. It is much more than just sitting there. It takes lots of hard work and practice to get good scores in competition, as you have to be precise.
How did you get started/interested in hockey? I started ice skating at age 5 and playing hockey on a team at age 7. My dad is Canadian, and not playing was not an option! I played in Arlington in a recreational league for seven years, and I have played varsity high school hockey for the Arlington/Midlothian Attack since 8th grade. This year, I also played on the Texas Junior Brahmas, a select team in North Richland Hills. How much do you practice? This year, I have had four practices per week, one off-ice and three on-ice practices. The season began in late September and ended in early March. In addition, I had high school games each Thursday night and Brahma games on Saturdays and Sundays. In total, I’ve practiced or played about 12 hours per week. My home rinks are in North Richland Hills and Euless, so I have spent many hours on the road for practices and games. What is it you love about hockey? I enjoy the competition and the grit the game has taught me. I have learned the value of hard work on the ice. I also really like the speed of the game - it is almost non-stop. What is your favorite part of hockey? It’s fun to be around the team. We spend lots of time together, including several weekend tournaments each season,
so we know each other well and learn to get along, both on and off the ice. Is there anything you would like people to know about hockey? Hockey is very much alive and thriving in the South. Many people can’t believe that I play on an “ice hockey” team in Texas. Also, there’s a lot more to hockey than fighting. There is an honor code on the ice, and fights usually follow someone breaking that code (or sometimes just because).
How did you get started/interested in showing cattle? My dad is a dairyman and my whole family has shown cattle for three generations, so it has always been a part of my life. How much do you participate? From November to January, I train my cattle weekly. What is it you love about showing cattle? Putting time and effort towards training an animal to lead. What is your favorite part of showing cattle? Being a part of the agricultural community. Is there anything you would like people to know about your showing cattle? Showing cattle teaches many people responsibility and how to care for an animal. Showing cattle also gives an opportunity for people to learn where beef and milk come from.
As we accelerate towards the end of the 2019-2020 school year, celebrating 60 years as an educational community, I wanted to take a moment to thank those who made all the Parents’ Clubsponsored events possible, and share with the TVS community the many ways Parents’ Club provides volunteer and financial support for the School. This year, the countless hours our volunteers spent planning events for the School amounted to a major gift of time from parents and guardians alike. In addition, the financial resources donated by Parents’ Club to the School were made possible through the generous donations and support from our parents, faculty, and staff at our 2019 fundraising event, Gallery Night. This event is held on alternating years with our Auction. Gallery Night or Auction is our primary fundraising event held every spring. The benefits provided to the school by these fundraising activities often go unseen. As such, this article provides a small sampling of facts regarding Parents’ Club activities which might have even the most seasoned member of the TVS community saying, “I didn’t know that.” DID YOU KNOW… the funds from our spring Gallery Night or Auction support Parents’ Club functions and specifically, the Grants for Greatness fund? Chaired this year by NOEL NOLET, the Grants for Greatness fund provided over $28,000 of Parents’ Club funds to fulfill teacher grant requests for the classroom. For the Lower School and pre-k program this year, Parents’ Club Grants for Greatness financed teacher requests for outdoor picnic tables, outdoor play equipment, a shade sail for play on the lizard play space, and a storage shed to store new pre-k equipment. Grants for Greatness funded Evo Ozbots (small robots) and a portable interactive screen for the Middle School. For Upper School, Parents’ Club Grants for Greatness funds granted Sunnae Hiler’s request to purchase giant games, used indoors and out by Upper School students throughout the day. These games offer a muchneeded break from schoolwork. In years past, Parents’ Club Grants for Greatness has committed funds to help finance larger projects, such as the Lower and Middle School playgrounds and the Upper School sports field.
The Alland Family
Upper School students playing a giant game purchased with Grants for Greatness
DID YOU KNOW… Parents’ Club supports faculty and staff throughout the year by hosting numerous events to celebrate their work and dedication to the TVS community? A week before Thanksgiving, and again prior to Winter Break, Parents’ Club provides gift cards to all full-time and part-time faculty and staff on behalf of the School. This year, in accordance with the School’s gift guidance, Gift Card Chair MARY ELLEN BECKER collaborated with room parents to fund the gift cards which were provided in lieu of parents’ buying individual gifts during the holiday season. In addition, Parents’ Club sponsored two Faculty/ Staff Appreciation Days and a Faculty/Staff Appreciation Week at the end of the school year. On Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day, which coincides with conference days, lunch is provided to faculty and staff as a break from their conference schedule. “Three Cheers for 60 Years” was the theme this spring as Co-chairs DANA QUISENBERRY & HILARY SHIPMAN provided a fantastic spread from McKinley’s, and parents volunteered to generously provide spectacular desserts. DID YOU KNOW… Parents’ Club funds, coupled with the volunteer hours of countless staff and parents, provided services such as the TVS school directory, school supplies pre-packaged for Lower School students, the Uniform Resale Shop, and the Back-to-School Fair? The Fair, this year chaired by CHRISTINA HARDMAN & EMILY STRONG, was a one-stop fair that allowed our new and returning families to get ready for the school year by having staff available to answer questions and collect needed forms, join auxiliary groups such as TOE, Arts Booster, and Athletic Booster Clubs,
and shop for uniforms at the Uniform Resale Shop. The Uniform Resale Shop, organized and run by Parents’ Club Co-chairs JENN BAKER & AUTUMN MCCARTHY this year, had its highest volume year! Moreover, the resale shop provided a service to TVS families in search of a uniform for the child who had a growth spurt over the summer and those looking to supplement their uniforms throughout the year. DID YOU KNOW… Parents’ Club sponsors and co-sponsors events such as Fall Family Festival, Grandparents’ & Special Friends’ Day, and the Middle School Social, as well as Field Day and TVS TEACH? Fall Festival, co-chaired this year by JODI SANGALLI & LEIGH GOOD, provided the TVS Lower School community the opportunity to get together for a night of games and family fun and was also attended by families who were considering enrollment at TVS. The Middle School Social, hosted this year by Parents’ Club Chairs EMILY CANTEY & CAROLINE BAILEY, alternates with Middle School Bingo every other year. These events provide our Middle School students the opportunity to get together with faculty and staff for a night of games and socializing. TVS TEACH, chaired by HEATHER BREITER, brought outstanding educational opportunities to the TVS community. Many years, the Parents’ Club also collaborates with Fort Worth Country Day and Fort Worth Academy to offer The Spring Forum. This program brings an outstanding speaker to Fort Worth for a luncheon and to one of the three campuses to address faculty and staff from all three schools. A favorite and eagerly anticipated activity among our youngest Trojans is Field Day, a late-spring day of team building and friendly competition
among our Lower School students. This year’s chairs were LEA THOMAS & NICHOLE SHIPMAN. DID YOU KNOW… by utilizing SignUpGenius, an online website for volunteers, one can review all Parents’ Club volunteer opportunities? Managed by Parents’ Club Chairs KATE SNOW & SHELLI ESKUE, SignUpGenius is a great way to see all of the volunteer opportunities throughout the School, connect with others, and get involved. It is also where our TVS Cares meals list sign-up is posted. TVS Cares Co-chairs JULIE TAYLOR & MEGAN CARRELL learn of needs in the TVS community such as celebrating a new baby or assisting someone having surgery, and organize meal delivery for the family. TVS Cares is, simply put, a committee to support parents and faculty/staff alike in a time of need. You can find the current contact information for TVS Cares, as well as a list of all Parents’ Club board members, in the front of your TVS directory.
Clockwise from Top: Faculty Staff Appreciation lunch Pie in the Face at Middle School Social Middle School Social photo booth
I have focused on a few facts regarding how Parents’ Club provides support to the TVS Community; however, not withstanding all these programs, providing a supportive educational environment truly takes a village. I challenge every parent, a member of Parents’ Club by the fact that you have a student attending Trinity Valley School, to volunteer for one shift or serve on one committee for the 2020-2021 school year. Committing to work one shift a month in the cafeteria or at one or more of the multiple concession stands is a tremendous help to the TVS community. Your family’s continued support by volunteering saves the School money that may otherwise be allocated to hire outside vendors to work and is a great way to connect with others in the TVS
2 02 0 -2 02 1 PARENTS’ CLUB BOARD Community. Make a commitment to invest your time and resources next year, and get involved in your TVS community by volunteering. Our family has had the privilege of sending three daughters to TVS. Our youngest, currently a junior, will graduate next year. Our family’s relationship with the School began in 2003 when my oldest daughter walked into Mrs. Moore’s Kindergarten class. The growth and positive change we have experienced at TVS over the last 17 years is simply astounding. I am eager to watch the amazing education TVS continues to provide, and the growth TVS continues to experience, in the coming years. After our youngest daughter graduates in 2021, our commitment to support TVS will not end. DID YOU KNOW… that once your student has graduated from TVS, your continued support does not have to stop? We will continue to support the TVS Annual Fund and participate in planned giving as a family. We will continue to tell other families what a great experience TVS has been for our family. We will continue our support of the School as opportunities present themselves over the years. When your family’s time ends at TVS, we hope your family commits to do the same. Thank you for allowing me to serve as Parents’ Club president for the 2019-2020 school year. I appreciate all the volunteers and families that have come before me and worked to constantly improve our community. For all the Trinity Valley parents, faculty, and staff who donated resources and worked many selfless hours to support Parents’ Club, I am grateful. Finally, to the Faculty/Staff Liaison, MARGARET KRAMER, and to the Executive Committee, JENNIFER BRISCOE, presidentelect, TAMARA WILLMANN, secretary and JILL UNELL, treasurer, thank you. Your behindthe-scenes support is greatly appreciated. I do know, I could not have served as president without everyone’s support, and I am excited for the opportunities and possibilities for the upcoming school year. With gratitude, CARLA VOGEL Parents’ Club President, 2019-2020
PRESIDENT................................... Jennifer Briscoe PRESIDENT-ELECT....................... Heather Breiter SECRETARY............................... Paige Charbonnet TREASURER................................................ Jill Unell Annual Fund ....................................................Sona Dave Back-to-School Fair..................... Christina Hardman & Emily Strong Cafeteria.................................... Stephanie Christopher & Tara Bibb Directory........................................................ Paige Bacon Faculty/Staff Appreciation.............. Charissa Kumar & Mandy Kirwan Fall Festival .................................................................. TBD Field Day......................... Mary Ho & Rebecca Rucker Gift Cards.......................................... Jennifer McAlister Grandparents' Day...................................... Alicia Lesok & Telesa Jones Grants for Greatness......................... Stacie Goldman & Kellie Lea Link Coordinator LS .................................... Noel Nolet Link Coordinator MS ......................... Melissa Hoskins Link Coordinator US............................. Suzy Holloway Middle School Bingo.......................... Jamie Mainord, Stacey Hamilton, & Lea Lewis Room Parent Coordinator LS....... Sarah Florsheim Room Parent Coordinator MS.................... Stephanie Bumgardner Room Parent Coordinator US....... LaToyer Houston School Supplies................................. Brandi Wubbena TVS Cares........................................... Tamara Willmann & Kristin Tucker TVS TEACH .......................................... Jamie St. Peters Uniform Resale..................................... Rachel Johnson Volunteer Website...................................... Shelli Eskue & Sarah Klein TVS Faculty/Staff Member........... Margaret Kramer Past President............................................... Carla Vogel AUXILIARY GROUPS Athletics Booster Club President ............. Ben Hoskins Arts Booster Club President .................. Carrie Kochan TOE Booster ................................................. Erin Andrews
Rick Goggans.......................................................rickcg@aol.com
1996 Brandi Barrett Wubbena................ bbwubbena@gmail.com
Barney Holland........................... bholland@holland1928.com
1997 Nancy Park Minkler........................ nancyminkler@gmail.com
Class Rep Needed
1998 Mary Hazelwood Barkley....mbarkley@canteyhanger.com
Chris Stadler...................................... diannstadler@gmail.com
David Miley................................................ David@TheMileys.net
Class Rep Needed
Deborah Horan..............................................dlhoran@mac.com
John Neyland..................................john.neyland@yahoo.com
Francie Richardson Allen.............. frallen@aledotravel.com
2002 Allison Motheral Blakewell.. allison.blakewell@gmail.com Jennifer Vigness Hurd................jennifer.v.hurd@gmail.com Jennifer Teichelman Yack......... jennifer.t.yack@gmail.com
Martha Harper................................. mharper.info@gmail.com
2003 Class Rep Needed
Class Rep Needed
Carol Stucker Carr.............Carol.Carr@northhighland.com
2004 Erin McDonald.........................erin.mcdonald86@gmail.com Maggie Pine Bellinger....................mpbellinger@gmail.com
Lori Hughes Eagleton................ rlmeagleton@earthlink.net
Christine Stucker Klote.......................christine@s-steel.com
Walter Stucker ............................ walterstucker@yahoo.com
Class Rep Needed
Sandra Standefer.........................................skshome@aol.com
Class Rep Needed
Janet Kelly................................................ chafterall@gmail.com
Michael Appleman........................mgappleman@utexas.edu
Mark Jones.......................................markjonesmd@gmail.com
Molly Guynn Jones.................mollymoonjones@gmail.com
Kathryn Davis.............................kathryndavis@sbcglobal.net
George Mills....................................georgemills72@gmail.com
Derek Lou..........................................................dekelou@aol.com
Melissa Minker Miller......................................TXMink@aol.com
Angie Elkins Ezell.................................. allezell@hotmail.com Melissa Williams Hoskins............ melissahoskins@me.com
Kristie Taliaferro Gibson....... Kristiegibson@sbcglobal.net
Patrick Pate.................................................cppatejr@gmail.com
Beth Harwood..........................bethsharwood@hotmail.com Amar Tanna..............................................ATanna@barbnet.com
2000 Sarah Murphey Davis............................ sarahtdavis@me.com 2001
Chris Handy........................................... chris@thinkhandy.com
2005 Maddie Dickerson...........maddie.m.dickerson@gmail.com 2006 Margaret Baird ..........................margaretkbaird@gmail.com 2007 Kelley Clark Morris...................... kelley.c.morris@gmail.com 2008 Morgan Wade................morganmadisonwade@gmail.com 2009 Ellen Clarke................................. ellenmclarke@sbcglobal.net 2010
Rohail Premjee...................... Rohail.Premjee@outlook.com
Claire Allen.........................................allen.clairem@gmail.com Chris Morris...................................... cjmorris2015@yahoo.com
Adrienne Gamez.....................adriennegamez4@gmail.com
Austin Henyon............................ austinhenyon12@gmail.com
Madelon Allen................................. madelonallen@gmail.com
Bainbridge Allen...................................bain.allen@icloud.com
Ceileigh Holsteen.................................ceileigh@holsteen.info Cannon Brumley........................ csbrumley@crimson.ua.edu Kailey Dow.............................................kaileydow@yahoo.com
John Shipp......................................... johntexas99@yahoo.com
Allison Byrd.......................... AllisonByrd_Byrd1@baylor.edu Emma Stack.......................................emmaastack@gmail.com Luke Vasquez.................................... vasquezluke@gmail.com
ALUMNI NOTES If your email and home addresses are not current with TVS, please update them ASAP by emailing Kathryn Davis at davisks@trinityvalleyschool.org or calling 817-321-0107. Thank you for staying current with the School!
CLASS OF 1967 The Class of 1967 experienced a great loss on November 24, when classmate Don Prater died unexpectedly during a family event in New Orleans. Fellow 1967 graduate Ric Spiegel shares the following: “Don and his wife of only eight months, Amelie, resided in Mexico, where he had long enjoyed a musical career that started in Fort Worth decades before. Although his and Amelie's time together was short, their later-in-life marriage was the source of much joy and surprise, especially since they had briefly dated 43 years earlier. Don’s warmth, humor, positive nature and love of life were among his hallmarks. Says Amelie, ‘There wasn’t a day that we didn’t laugh, love, and enjoy life together.’” Sadly, Don’s death brings to four the number of TVS’s first graduating class (13 graduates total) who have passed away. We are sharing Amelie and Don’s wedding photo, with photo credit attributed to Bob Lukeman. Rick Goggans continues as Medical Director of McLean Borden Cottage in Camden, ME and celebrated the fifth anniversary of clinical operations there on March 17. Rick has also been named to the Medical Advisory Board of the Addiction Policy Institute in Bethesda, MD and will help with the development of their national programs to enhance family treatment for patients with mental health and addiction concerns. Charles Sevadjian is pleased to announce that he and his wife are grandparents to baby Toby, born October 14, 2019 and thriving! Charles adds, “In other news, I am still driving my 1974 Corvette that I purchased in 1978. It underwent a frame-up restoration at my brother’s Duntov Motors Company and recently returned to San Diego like brand new, ready for another 43 years of joy rides.” Charles provided pics of both Toby and the ’Vette! He says, “To all my classmates
and the TVS family, stay well, pursue the truth, and love life.”
CLASS OF 1972 Art Kline lives in Dallas and is very proud of granddaughter Emmaline, 2. Charley McCluer reports, “I’m still practicing dentistry but have reduced my workdays to just M-W and only a half day on Thursdays. This allows me to help out my grandchildren if needed. Speaking of which: there is a third-generation McCluer at TVS! James (son of Cami ’01) is in kindergarten and already loves being a Trojan. I don’t play soccer anymore but still am very active on the tennis and pickleball courts.”
CLASS OF 1973 Deborah Horan writes, “Amid all this madness, I am one of the lucky ones. I’m able to see patients via my virtual office — and trust me, this pandemic is spiking everyone’s anxiety, especially if you already happen to have a mental health issue! Husband Billy is able to work remotely, but he’s really bummed they’ve closed the golf courses. Daughter Meredith is teaching remotely while she awaits hearing about her application for a Fulbright Scholarship. She teaches IB Chemistry and IB Psychology. Her proposal would allow her to spend one semester in Finland where they have integrated STEM subjects into all the curricula. She would then return and establish a pilot program at her school (Washington International School) and present at regional and national conferences. I think this is pretty damn cool! Daughter Maggie is soon to be detailed from US Agency for International Development’s Food for Peace program to the USAID's Bureau for Resilience
and Food Security where she’ll serve as Deputy Director of Communications. So proud of them! Also, they cofounded a non-profit organization, the B.A. Women’s Alliance, in honor of their late godmother, B.A. Rudolph. The Alliance does lots of good work, including financially supporting women who otherwise would not be able to take unpaid internships (and that’s how you get your foot in the door in DC!). For anyone who knows an organization who needs inspiring women for internships, or who knows of young woman who would benefit, I encourage you to check out the website: https://bawomensalliance.org/"
CLASS OF 1975 Walter Gracia writes, “Since finishing Plastic Surgery residency in 1990, I have been practicing in Fort Worth. Monica and I have three children; two are currently attending TVS. David is a junior and Camille a freshman. Sophia is in 5th grade at St Andrew Catholic School. They are doing online school right now.”
CLASS OF 1976 Our class lost two very special parents in February. Condolences to Vance Renshaw on the loss of his mother, Sally Renshaw, and to Judith Sullivan Kinser following the death of her father, Dr. George Sullivan.
CLASS OF 1978 The Class of 1978 lost its first member on October 11, 2019, with the death of Tommy Smerke. We loved Tommy for his enthusiasm for life. He was always upbeat, smiling and funny. He was absolutely one of a kind. He will be sorely missed. His obituary follows: Andre Thomas Smerke, 59, of Dallas, Texas, passed away peacefully at home on Friday, October 11, 2019 of a heart attack. Tommy was born in Warsaw, Poland, on December 23, 1959. Tom immigrated in 1969 with his mother to the United States where she married Dr. John W. Smerke in Fort Worth, Texas. The family joined Saint Andrews Catholic Church where Tommy attended school. He then attended Trinity Valley High School and after graduation enrolled in classes at Southern Methodist University. Tommy later transferred to Texas Christian University
where he graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance. Tom worked for many years in the mortgage business. He worked in Acquisitions Consulting, in Operations Strategy and Performance, as a Mortgage Banker, and most recently as a Retail Sales Manager at Colonial National Mortgage. Tommy loved spending time with family and friends, playing soccer, and traveling. His favorite place to visit was Costa Rica where he learned to speak Spanish and enjoyed the beautiful outdoors. Tommy's Polish roots were an important part of his life—he spoke Polish fluently and returned to Poland many times to visit loved ones. All of us will miss Tommy's deep love of family and friends, his sense of humor, and his great smile and laugh. Our hearts are broken, but we find peace and joy knowing that God's love is everlasting. Our sympathies to Morgan Sullivan on the loss of his father, Dr. George Sullivan, on February 29.
CLASS OF 1980 We are saddened to learn of the death of Jean Eisen Seigfreid (formerly Jean Minton). Mrs. Seigfreid, the mother of Liz Minton Christian, passed away on February 28 in Kansas City, KS. Mrs. Seigfreid taught sixth-grade English and history at TVS for many years. Kathleen Murray Dodd writes, “We have been in Nashville 25 years now and I am still practicing ER medicine. We have two girls: Joy is 23 and lives in Florida, and Grace is 21. She just got accepted to Next Steps at Vanderbilt, a college program for those with disabilities. She has Down syndrome. I am very involved in Special Olympics, Younglife Capernaum, and Best Buddies. She keeps me very busy. John and I enjoy going to the lake and Florida. My mom passed away 10 years ago, and my Dad 18 months ago. Grace and I came to visit him every month, and this was a very special gift to me. He and Mom remained very committed to their support of TVS during their lifetime. I will always be grateful to them for my educational opportunities.” Ian Gregory says, “After 28 years in Hurst, Ramona and I have purchased our ‘retirement’ home in Acton, Texas. Now for the fun part, moving - amazed at how much stuff accumulates after 28 years in one house!” Minna Grip shares, “Greetings from Helsinki. I’m looking forward to seeing y’all at the
1967 Amelie Marchesseau and Don Prater | Toby, grandson of Charles Sevadjian | Charles Sevadjian's Corvette
1972 Emmaline Frances Bulla, granddaughter of Art Kline 1978 Tommy Smerke 1981 Joseph and Alex Estrada
1983 Class of 1983 1987 Wetsell family
1989 Preston Bishop | Lucy and Mia Coslik | Willing DeMott
1989 Alaina May | Preston, Kory, and Chance Robertson | Truman Robertson
1989 Caroline and Clara Smith | Riley Stephanow | Lily Stephanow 70
40th reunion. I’m planning a trip to Fort Worth. My life is fine, living with my rescue dog Nino and working at my own company Housecom. I’ve also recently started working with a consultant firm called Kulmia. Company strategies and brand development mostly. One major issue we Finns are facing is climate change. Here in the Nordics we see the effects clearly and feel very strongly that all possible steps should be taken to fight it. In mid-February, I took a photo of some spring flowers and was nearly in tears. Usually, they shouldn’t even think of blooming before April… I wish you all a wonderful spring and summer and hope to see you in October!!” Sally Graves Jackson reports, “We've been in California for five years now. I stay busy helping in a high school ceramics studio, as well as making pottery at home. I also spend time at a research preserve helping with bird projects. Our third son is in college now and the older two are working. My mom lives near us. All is well.” Our sympathy to Lisa Renshaw Patenaude on the loss of her mother, Sally Renshaw, in February. Chris Wilson says, “I have one daughter, Karly, graduating from St. Louis University in May and on the Dean's List. Headed to graduate school too. One daughter, Lydia, is heading to college in August, although she is already a full-time concurrent college student now as a high school senior and is on the Dean’s List at Rogers State University and Oklahoma Wesleyan University. She is headed to University of Dallas and in February was invited to compete for the Chancellor Scholarship, a full-ride merit scholarship. Fingers crossed! My last daughter, Mattie, is a high school freshman and doing well too. All our daughters have been homeschooled and these merit scholarships are a testament to the value of homeschooling. Pamela has taken up most of the teaching. We've predominantly lived in smaller cities and simply didn’t have access to a TVS environment, but wanted to give them the same classical education we enjoyed. It’s paying off. I still work for the Bartlesville Redevelopment Trust Authority. It's been 10 years, but still liking it. Lots of changes to this town in that time. I have also taken up an event lighting business which is also an exterior architectural lighting business. I have a partner that used to do the sound and lighting all the major concerts of our time (Pink Floyd, Eagles, Queen, Genesis, ELO, etc). We have been lighting large buildings, some as tall as 20 stories,
for the fun of it with production-style lights (those used in concert settings) and have really changed the way people view their structures at night. Now they want what we have produced. I still do events and weddings as well, but as I approach 60 (remember I am older than all of you), this may not be the business I want to stay in. Everything takes place at night. However, my daughter Mattie has taken a liking to it….as long as she gets paid. I’m still on the Board for the National Main Street Center, a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. It takes me to Washington DC three times a year and I’ll be in Dallas in May 17-20 for a conference if anyone is around. Pamela and I have also been spending time in Long Beach, CA recently, selling a house and getting ready to move my father-in-law back to Missouri.” Ben Zivney reports, “All remains well at Casa Zivney here in College Station. Daniel graduated from the Air Force Academy last May and is now a 2nd LT stationed at Sheppard AFB. He has started his initial pilot training and is currently in Pueblo, CO. Sue is always busy with her accounting business and taking care of our respective elderly parents. She continues to be ‘The One Who Can Do It All.’ I remain busy. After leaving private practice two years ago, I am now wearing two hats as both an OB Hospitalist and a Reservist with the Army. I finished the Direct Commission Course at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma last August, likely the hottest place on earth at the time, even with all my hair cut off. I look forward to catching up with each of you!”
CLASS OF 1981 Mary Batts updates us: “I'm happy to report that my sons, Alex (23) and Joseph (21) are home from their respective universities and are waiting out [Coronavirus] with me here in Austin. Joseph is finishing up his senior year at Dartmouth, and Alex is completing his first year of his master’s degree in Middle Eastern studies from the University of Chicago. Many plans, many experiences, and many memories that were so recently anticipated have been scaled back to simply living day by day and being grateful for each other's company. As a longtime knitter I have been training for this and I look forward to donating a lot of preemie caps to the maternity ward for the expected baby boom next December.” Emily Dafcik Watt has exciting news: “I celebrated my 33rd anniversary with
American Airlines on March 28, but my big news is that I have a granddaughter, Georgia Caroline Watt, born in November 2019 to my son, Billy Bob Watt ’10 and his wife Mary Margaret.” Congrats to the Watt family!
CLASS OF 1982 Steve Minton lost his mother, Jean Eisen Seigfreid (formerly Jean Minton), on February 28 in Kansas City, KS. Mrs. Seigfreid was a sixth-grade English and history teacher at TVS for many years in the late 1970s/early 1980s. We also send our condolences to Scott Renshaw, following the passing of his mother, Sally Renshaw, in February.
CLASS OF 1983 Several of us from 1983 had a small, impromptu reunion to visit Joy Thomas. The photo features Ann Burdette Wiley, Stephanie Hassler Jeffers, Sydney English, Zohra Choudhry, Mary Kathryn Bronson Kelly, and Sandra Standefer. Please drop Joy a note. She doesn’t have a phone or email but loves getting postcards and notes. Joy Thomas Pennsylvania Rehab 901 Pennsylvania Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76104
CLASS OF 1984 Our condolences to Julie Renshaw Weber on the loss of her mother, Sally Renshaw, in February.
CLASS OF 1985 We offer our condolences to Kari Minton on the passing of her mother, Jean Eisen Seigfreid (formerly Jean Minton), on February 28 in Kansas City, KS. Many of you will remember that Mrs. Seigfreid taught sixth-grade English and history at TVS in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Sympathies also to Sally Davidson Zukoski, whose mother, Patricia Lucille Kernan Davidson, passed away on March 26.
CLASS OF 1987 Sympathies to Jim Schroeder, whose father, Dr. James Schroeder, died on February 13. Kathy Holstein Wetsell writes, “I am still living in
Fayetteville, AR and have been married to Barry for 28 years, which does not seem possible! My daughter, Caroline, turned 21 in January, and is a junior at the University of Arkansas. She is studying Advertising/Public Relations and Marketing and is involved in Schola Cantorum and Alpha Chi Omega sorority. She has an internship at Studio 1-C/One Country which is an e-commerce business with a satellite office in Nashville. She will graduate in May of 2021. My youngest, Anna, is 17 years old and is finishing her junior year in high school. She is involved in Service Clubs at school and plans to work at New Life Ranch summer camp most of the summer, if they still have it after this pandemic. My husband is a radiologist here in Fayetteville and he is trying to keep up with the schedule changes which occur daily now that we are in the middle of the Covid-19. Arkansas has not had many cases, relatively speaking, as of late March, and I pray for this thing to flatten out sooner than expected. I spend my time trying to keep some sanity in the house where we are all currently living together now that my college daughter has moved back in. I am actually enjoying having everyone in the nest, but I think they will be ready to return to life as they once knew it. When I am not taking care of my home and family, I work part-time as the Decor Team leader for a regional boutique shopping event which occurs each November. In addition, I spend time volunteering in the community with many organizations including the Salvation Army, and I lead a bible study for young moms at my church. I began writing as a hobby a few years ago, and have enjoyed being published on “Grown and Flown” and “Her View From Home”. I also have a personal blog at www.kathywetsell.com. My greatest goal is to encourage other women. I hope everyone is staying healthy and looking for the joy in the midst of this chaotic time we are living through. I have been trying to use this time to introduce my daughters to some of my favorite movies, and some of the gems from 1980’s are always on the list. I may start showing them some early MTV music videos just for kicks. I am so grateful for the technology we have now which allows us to stay connected. Had this happened in 1987, we would have been stuck with telephone calls on land lines, and driving by friends’ homes and social distancing at Tanglewood Park. Come
1994 Bryton Burkhalter | Pepper Heard | TastingCounter
1994 Ungar family 1995 Travis Sims, Mac Luz, Sarah Sims, Sam Luz
1998 McGlinchey children 2001 Eli Ringel ’05, Brittany Ringel Walton ’01, Chris & Janet Ringel, Chelsea Cox, Jordon Ringel ’03
2001 Walton Family: Catherine, Brittany, William, Henry, Nate 2003 Elizabeth Koons 2004 Penny, Sela, Eloise Brigati
2004 Louise and Mary Margaret Clarke 2006 Higgins family | Cason Jones
2006 Emery Jones | Sam Jones | Alex and Maegan Perryman 74
to think of it, that all sounds pretty good right about now. Wishing you well and I hope to make it to the next big reunion.”
CLASS OF 1988 Michelle Block Goldsmith still lives in Dallas and is a Lower School Technology Integration Specialist at The Hockaday School. She has been very busy with her school’s Distance Learning program the past few weeks. Her daughter, Paige, is finishing her junior year at UVA, and her son, Reid, is a senior at St. Mark’s. Lisa McGarry reports, “In October 2019, I finally reached my goal of running a marathon in every state. It took me 20 years, but I completed my goal of 50 by 50! (I have run a total of 69 marathons.) But as often happens in life, every high point is followed by a low point. On December 22, my mother, Ann Eiband McGarry, passed away after a long journey with Alzheimer’s. She was a proud fourth-generation Galvestonian and Texan, from whom my siblings and I inherited a love of art, music, reading and adventure.” Condolences to Ben Schroeder, whose father, Dr. James Schroeder, passed away in February.
CLASS OF 1989 Jason Andrews reports, “My daughter Emma is 17 and a junior now in high school. She competes in DECA business case challenges and is team captain for her lacrosse team. My son Haden, age 13, is in 7th grade and plays year-round basketball both in league play and for school. He is an avid video gamer and is into music and artists of all kinds. My wife Macy and I are still in Santa Clara, CA. I recently took a slightly new career direction and started in a long-term contract role as a Strategic Business Partner for the Engineering and Product Development Segments based at Facebook HQ in Menlo Park, CA. I am the oldest one on a team of millenials and Gen Z team members, but we bonded pretty quickly and have a crazy fun time at work. I hope all is well with everyone.” Julie Lewis Bishop teaches 7th-grade world geography and is now in her fourth year as a public school teacher at Gettys Middle School. Her husband Kevin is in his 23rd year working for Senator Lindsey Graham. He is the Communications Director. Their oldest son Preston, 18, has been accepted to Clemson University for fall 2020, continuing the Clemson tradition in the Bishop family. He will be a thirdgeneration Clemson Tiger! Julie’s husband is class
of 1993 and her father-in-law is class of 1965. Twins Ella and Will, 16, are 10th graders and thinking about options for life after high school. Will visited the Air Force Academy in March. Ella is interested in the College of Charleston. Youngest Margaret, 13, is a busy middle schooler with cheerleading and school activities. Julie took her daughters to a Post Malone concert in February! She can’t believe that we are all turning 50 very soon. Erik Coslik writes, “Very grateful to celebrate on March 29 our 12th wedding anniversary with my forever girl, Amy Hunt Coslik.” Their daughters Lucy, 10, and Mia, 7, are growing up quickly! Marian Mayo DeMott has another senior this year! Willing will graduate in May and plans to attend Texas Tech and major in business. Ella, 19, is wrapping up her freshman year at UT (and doing so from home, along with all college students these days). Turner is 15 and finishing 9th grade; Briggs, 13, is finishing 7th. Kelli Montgomery May writes before the pandemic, we enjoyed a wonderful family trip to Boulder CO. Alaina, 11, has rarely seen snow and absolutely loved it. Kory Ogle Robertson says, “I will be celebrating my 20-year milestone as a social studies teacher at TVS in May. Dennis Fleming allowed me to create Psychology as an elective almost 15 years ago, and I have enjoyed the opportunity it has given me to teach our seniors at the college level. 2020 also marks the graduation of both of our boys: Truman will graduate from NYU Abu Dhabi with an Economics degree and Preston from TVS. Preston will attend TCU on an Orchestra scholarship. He will focus on music performance and accounting. We are excited about all the possibilities that 2020 holds, including many of us turning 50.” Caroline Dulle Smith is excited to share that daughter Clara, 18, will attend Davidson College (North Carolina) in the fall. Luke is finishing 8th grade and Henry wrapping up 5th. The Smiths are still in Amarillo. Janie Cope Stephanow is about to have one fly the nest: daughter Riley, 18, was accepted into Mays Business School at Texas A&M for the fall. Lily, 15, is winding up freshman year. Janie has been an R.N. for 23 years, and husband Christian is with Ben E. Keith.
CLASS OF 1990 We are very excited about the 60th Anniversary Gala (now in November) and our 30th Reunion! The Class of 1990 plans to meet at the Jason Disney
home Friday night before the Gala for a Reunion get together. Thank you, Jason for agreeing to host. Time and address forthcoming. Mary Kramer Johnston’s family is full of overachievers. Her son, Alex (after graduating from A&M in May), is busy in Florida in flight school working to become a commercial pilot. He continues to be at the top of his class!! Anna is a junior at Arkansas, causing a ruckus - as always, worried about grades that seem to be higher than anyone else! She is studying elementary education and hoping to get a second degree in Communication Disorders and then her master's. Mary supervises 14 elementary principals and over 10,000 students in elementary and K-12 special programs in Rockwall ISD. It is never a dull moment! She continues to teach at the college level those students who are aspiring principals in master’s programs. Kenneth Stanley competed in the World’s Strongest Man competition but failed to place because his athletic energies have been focused on qualifying for the US Olympic Decathalon team. Eric Woodworth has a 6th and 8th grader doing well in school and sports. He says that such different personalities make them a pleasure together. His wife is volunteering left and right at school and in the travel sports programs. She and Eric are going to do a mixed doubles league…He says, “We shall see if the marriage survives that experience. Ha!” His family just got back from a great vacation to Costa Rica. An incredible rain forest experience. Working on US and International stock portfolios is good for Eric, and he says he can’t wait to catch up at the reunion. I (George Mills) have been promoted to Chief of Anesthesiology at Baylor All Saints here in Fort Worth, but my wife and I are proudest of our two children. Andrew (23) is finishing his first year of law school at William and Mary, and our daughter Allison is a freshman at our own TVS. Both are growing into kind, smart adults.
CLASS OF 1992 Luisa Pohl Bonilla has opened an Etsy shop selling her artwork from her home in Puerto Rico.
CLASS OF 1993 Izzy Hoskins, daughter of Melissa and Ben, will graduate TVS this spring and will attend High Point University in North Carolina. Crystal Freed Morris’ son was appointed to the US Military
Academy (West Point). Congratulations to Elizabeth Souder-Philyaw, who was inducted into the Texas Lyceum. From their website: “The Texas Lyceum is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, statewide leadership organization focused on identifying the state’s next generation of leaders and providing a forum for civil discourse on the important policy discussions facing our state. It is the only organization where polarizing party politics are left at the door so Texans can truly come together for the betterment of Texas. The Texas Lyceum comprises 96 men and women and more than 700 alumni who have demonstrated leadership abilities in their own communities and across the state. They are active, involved, and eager to contribute their time and talents to making Texas a better place for all. The Lyceum acts as a catalyst to bring together experts and thought leaders on national and state issues and seeks to emphasize constructive private sector, public sector, and individual responses and solutions to these issues.”
CLASS OF 1994 Brooke Howsley and family (husband Kyle Heard and daughter Pepper, age 6) moved from Austin to Maui in May 2019. She says, “We love living in the jungle neighborhood of Haiku on the North Shore here. I still own Pollen Floral Art in Austin, but have started a new business called Sacred Owl Healing where I facilitate shamanic energy healing sessions. I felt strongly called to this work after losing several family members and awakening to communication with spirit guides. My husband and I hope to facilitate transformational retreats and plant medicine ceremonies on the land here. I've also enjoyed meditation practice this year, attending Quepasana in February - a 12day silent meditation course in the vipassana style. (Instagram: brookehowsley and sacred. owl.healing)" Peter Ungar shares, “I wouldn't mind bragging to the TVS community that my restaurant, Tasting Counter, is rated the #1 best restaurant in Boston. Although the famed Michelin stars don't exist in New England, we're very proud to be ranked amongst some of the best restaurants in the country. My family makes me proud, too: wife Ginhee, Sebestien (13), Matteus (11), and June (6).” Adriana Elizondo Burkhalter, husband Eric, and family moved to Oak Tree in Edmond, OK from Trophy Club, TX in August.
2006 Sawyer Perryman | Kirby Perryman | Mackenzie and Tyler Wagner
2006 Tyler Wagner's The Wags Effect 2007 Fort Barlett | Caroline Foster
2007 Carter Froman at Carter's Coffee | Frances Morris | Hudson Wilhoit
2007 Kellye Watson Snodgrass, Esra Gumuser, Emily Allender Wilhoit with baby Hudson, Natalie Gamez Meyer, Alyssa Eliasen Foster 2008 Brannon family | Griffin Brannon
2008 Emma and Amelia Cumpiano | Catherine Fescenmeyer | Miller family
2008 Hillary and Taylor Morgan | Noah Mothersole 2009 Bobbi Bosworth 78
Daughter Bryton, 11, recently won a PGA Jr. finals competition. Byron, 9, is in soccer, and Zack, 7, just started PGA Jr. at the course.
CLASS OF 1995 The children of Natalie Newton Sims and Brett Luz recently got together for a fun visit in Houston. Natalie’s twins are Sarah and Travis. Brett’s boys are Mac and Sam.
CLASS OF 1996 Jennifer Andrews Moore shares, “We are still in Houston with our three girls. Tatum is a sophomore at Episcopal High School while Parker, in 8th grade and Kimbell, in 6th, are at St. Francis Episcopal School. It has been fun having Tatum play field hockey in SPC the past two years and watching her play against TVS. It is also a great opportunity for us to see my nieces, Grayce, Eilea, and Olive Andrews, who are all students at Trinity Valley.”
CLASS OF 1999 The offspring of our class are starting to show up on campus these days with more arriving next fall! Todd and Ashli Rosenthal Blumenfeld have a daughter, Elanor, finishing 3rd grade and a son, Will, finishing kindergarten. Clint and Lauren Kwedar Cockerell’s daughter, Belle, will enter kindergarten in the fall! Neela Tanna, the eldest daughter of Sonya and Amar Tanna, will be part of this fall’s pre-k class. Joining Neela in pre-k will be Annie, daughter of Evelyn and Bryan Walsh. Their daughter Winnie is finishing kindergarten this spring.
CLASS OF 2000 Rachel Buchanan Thompson’s son Victor will be a member of the TVS Class of 2033! He starts Kindergarten this fall. Rachel and husband Theo also have a daughter, Leonora, who is 3.
Nick Goggans and wife Brooke can’t wait for son Watson to start pre-k in the fall! Watson’s sister Eliza, finishing first grade, was the first thirdgeneration Trojan to attend TVS, and Watson continues the tradition!
The children of the Class of 2001 are taking TVS by storm this fall! Hank Rosenthal, son of Madolin and Ben Rosenthal, will be in pre-k, and will be joined by Sam Sturman, son of Brad and Lori Katz Sturman. Andrew and Jennifer Bley Sweeny’s daughter Haley will be in kindergarten.
Amanda and Will Atkinson’s daughter Emmy Lou will attend pre-k at TVS this fall, joining brother Hank, who will be in second grade. Felicia Bertch just bought her first house in Southwest Fort Worth. She has a busy year ahead doing shows at WaterTower Theatre in Dallas and Stage West Theatre and Amphibian Stage Productions in Fort Worth...come see her in a show! She continues to stay busy with acting, directing, teaching, and running the BFA Acting program at UT Arlington. Congratulations to Patrick McGlinchey and wife Moira, who welcomed daughter Ella in December. She joins big sister Anna and brothers Alex and Patrick. The McGlincheys are looking forward to being at TVS more, with Anna starting kindergarten this fall. We send our sympathies to Rachel Wright Shortt, whose father, Jack, passed away in November. Rachel’s mom, Patty, retired last year after 32 years at TVS.
Adam Hollander and family are moving back to Fort Worth, and daughter Ella will start TVS pre-k in the fall. Dan Olson gives an update: “I am married to Elizabeth Robertson, from the All Saints’ Class of 1997. We have two children, ages 7 and 5. My daughter Blakely is finishing 1st grade at TVS and my son, Noah, will be going to TVS in the fall for kindergarten. I am currently in my third year of law school, attending class in the evenings after work. I will graduate May of 2021. I currently work for JPMorgan with J.B. Cosby in their Trust department managing the oil & gas and other mineral rights in trust accounts.” Danny West shares, “I’ve been living in NYC for the last 10 years with my wife, Gabriella, and making a living as a data & tech attorney. More importantly, I’m a new father to an adorable 4-month old girl.”
CLASS OF 2003 Sarah Topham and husband Jeff welcomed their daughter, Elizabeth Elaine Koons, on July 22, 2019. Her big brother Matthew, 3, is so proud. They are going to school together each day at Mi Casita and love learning the Spanish language.
CLASS OF 2004 Drew Schmidt Brigati and husband David will have two tiny Trojans this fall, when Penny starts pre-k and Eloise steps up to first grade. Baby sister Sela was born November 18. David is an orthopedic surgeon with Texas Health Care Bone & Joint Clinic Fort Worth. Mary Katherine Vigness Clarke is happy to announce that she and her family will be returning to Fort Worth this summer! Robbie is an attorney and now practicing in Fort Worth. Daughters Louise and Mary Margaret will turn 4 and 2 this summer. Mary Katherine continues to serve as Trustee of the Osteosarcoma Institute, which funds clinical trials and pre-clinical biology studies in the area of osteosarcoma research. Combined with her work with the QuadW Foundation, they are working with major research institutions across the country to get better treatment options for sarcoma patients. Michelle and Corey Kyle are excited that daughter Madison will be in pre-k. Little sister Charlotte is 17 months old. Jeremy Ross and his wife Melissa will be moving to Fort Worth in June, and their son Parker will be attending TVS pre-k as well. Welcome home, Rosses!
CLASS OF 2006 Molly Hinshaw Higgins and husband Brandon welcomed Piper Jane Higgins on November 5, 2019. Meredith Bratton Jones reports, “Cason and Emery (age 4) are loving preschool. We adopted Beau last July after Sam passed away from cancer. David and I celebrated our 10-year wedding anniversary March 13.” Alex Perryman is beyond excited that son Sawyer will be in pre-k at TVS this fall! Alex and wife Maegan also have a daughter, Kirby, who turns a year old on May 1. Alex is completing his second year of teaching second grade at TVS, and he’s a hit with parents and students alike. He coaches boys’ volleyball and baseball as well. James Russell says, “I'mstill
in Fort Worth and freelancing. I picked up a few new gigs. I'm the web editor for the Gay and Lesbian Review, a pretty rad publication in Boston. I'm also the North Texas correspondent for Arts and Culture Texas, Next City and Jewish News Syndicate. My byline also appears in Star Trek magazine too.” After graduating from TVS, Chris Shank pursued a degree in political science from TCU and attended medical school at UT Houston. This June he completes his residency in neurological surgery and will return to practice in Fort Worth. He looks forward to reuniting with the Fort Worth community after 11 years away. Victoria Romberg Sides and husband Ryan are expecting their first child May 8, 2020. Both are so thrilled to welcome their baby girl into the family! Alex Vietti will be joining the Domini Impact Investment team in New York City as a Research Associate in early April 2020, working in ESG and sustainability finance. Tyler Wagner shares, “I got married last June in Chicago to Mackenzie Keys, an Oklahoma State graduate from Plainview, TX. Mackenzie is the Senior Manager of Regional Development at T-Mobile’s Chicago office. I left the corporate world in 2017 after a temporary hiatus turned into an unexpected career as an artist. I’ve been happily showing and selling my art across the country for the last three years now. We have made our home in Downers Grove, IL.”
CLASS OF 2007 Minator Azemi is now in-house counsel at Builders FirstSource in Dallas. Dr. Brittnie Bartlett is in the fourth year of her Pediatric Neurology residency at Baylor College of Medicine and was selected to be Chief Resident next year! William "Fort" Wilson Bartlett IV was born on July 9, 2019 to Sarah Schmidt Bartlett and husband Will. Sara Bailey Cardwell and husband Andrew moved from San Antonio back to Fort Worth last summer. Dr. Ashlea Feezel is in the second year of her residency in Pediatric Neurology at UT Houston. Alyssa Eliasen Foster and husband Preston have a baby girl named Caroline Elizabeth, born on January 19, 2020. Carter Froman married Chandler Cochran on February 7, 2020 in Fort Worth. Make sure to visit one of Carter's food trailers, Carter's Coffee and Bandolero BBQ Tacos, in Fort Worth! Esra Gumuser graduates from Texas A&M Medical
2009 Garrett Cannell and fiancĂŠe Cara Hankins | Lynch Family | Liam Lynch
2009 Abbie Phillips marries Ben Pilgrim | Amy Riemitis marries John Corby 2010 Meridith and Eli Bogle
2012 Austen and Emily Fillmore Schoen 2014 Michael Morrell and Dara Bessinger | Chad Fillmore with Lauren Heigle
2015 Ace Coontz | Samsara Counts
2016 Amy Riemitis Corby ’09 with Ashley Riemitis 2017 Olivia Schoening and Hartson Fillmore
School in May and matched at Harvard Medical School (Massachusetts General Hospital) for her residency in Internal Medicine. Esra is marrying fellow Rice grad Geoffrey Alex in Fort Worth in October 2020 (rescheduled from May 2020). Kelley Clark Morris and husband Matt welcomed daughter Frances Marie on March 31, 2019. Bryce Mueller married Kate Karper on August 3, 2019 in Vail, Colorado. Dr. Drexel Proctor finished his residency in Pediatrics in Pensacola and is now a Fellow at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, VA. It’s a boy for Andrew Scott and wife Courtney! John Ellis was born on November 6,
2019. Kellye Watson Snodgrass and Nathan ’08 finally moved back to Texas and are now calling Dallas home! Nathan will graduate with his MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business this summer (but is finishing remotely due to Corona). David Spiegel and wife Sammie moved from Dallas to New York City in the fall. Jeffrey Watson moved to Chicago in September 2019 to join MVT Public Relations as an Account Director. Emily Allender Wilhoit and husband Cameron announce the arrival of Hudson Beale on June 23, 2019.
CLASS OF 2008 Buck Bennett is marrying Dani Roselius in September (as long as the gathering bans have been lifted). He will be doing a yearlong cornea fellowship in Philadelphia starting in July 2020. Mark Bond was promoted to assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at the Dell Medical School at the University of Texas. He married Dr. Stavana Strutz on December 31, 2018. She studies how tropical diseases are impacted by climate change. Lauren Grady Brannon and Richard Brannon welcomed Griffin Elizabeth on December 7, 2019 at 6:05 PM. She weighed 8 lbs and was 18.5 in. Laura Tucker Brown moved to Colorado to be the primary therapist at All Points North Lodge, a trauma and addiction center located in Edwards, CO. Kelly Kyle Cumpiano and husband Gerry welcomed identical twin girls on November 18, 2019! Amelia Katherine was born at 9:01 AM and weighed 4 lbs 8 oz. at 16.5 inches. Emma Elizabeth was born at 9:09 AM and weighed 4 lbs 14 oz. at 17.8 inches. Ali Kimberling Fescenmeyer and Brent Fescenmeyer welcomed Catherine Elise to the world on August 18, 2019. She weighed 7 lbs 2 oz. and was 19 in. long. Matt Johns continues to live in Dallas and work in public relations/public affairs for an advertising agency. He will finish his master’s program in public administration in May. Jenner Kizer is getting married this summer. Trey Kornegay is in his third year of Doctor of Medicine in the Philippines. Lizzy McNamara joined GCG Marketing in December 2019 as a senior account executive and was recently promoted to senior brand manager where she oversees three largescale accounts. Lauren Menking continues to love her role as station relations manager for North Texas' PBS/NPR station. She and her fiancé, Grant, live in Dallas. Kevin Mitchell is currently practicing health care and corporate law in Dallas and was selected as a 2020 Texas Rising Star by Super Lawyers. Kelsey Horter Mothersole and her husband, Brian, welcomed Noah Scott on January 8, 2020. He weighed 7 lb 13 oz and was 21 in. long. Kelsey and Brian live in Dallas, where she is finishing her fourth year (out of five) of Otolaryngology (ENT) residency at UT Southwestern. Kimberly Pearson Neighbors is a Criminal Assistant District Attorney for Tarrant County with their CPS unit, as of January 20, 2020! Kelsey Pfleger moved
from New York to Los Angeles in July 2019 to join Sheppard Mullin’s Entertainment and Digital Media practice group! Bethany Suba Rainey and husband Tyler welcomed their son Crosby Banks on August 23, 2019 (7lbs and 17in). Crosby is a cruising machine who loves all fruits, has gravitydefying hair, and will probably be walking before they know it! Paul Rajan is completing his Internal Medicine residency in Virginia. Corbin Santana is working as a Mixed Reality Simulation Specialist at TCU & HSC School of Medicine. Hillary Scott married Taylor Morgan at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas on June 22, 2019! Congrats to the Morgans! Antonia Jacob Sigl and her husband finished their medical training in Miami last year, then moved to northern Colorado to be near family. He is working for an anesthesiology group in the area, and she joined a private practice as a general pediatrician. They recently welcomed their second child, William Sigl, III, who joins his 2-year-old sister Emily. Robert Snider continues to work as a commercial real estate broker at The Woodmont Company in Fort Worth and will be starting the full-time MBA program at TCU in the fall. In September 2019, Allie Underwood became the Director of Communications and Marketing at The Drawing Center, a museum in New York City.
CLASS OF 2009 Margalit Slovin Bleakley recently began working for My Art Cache, a company owned by fellow TVS ’09 alumna, Jilian Fenton. Megan Montgomery Bosworth and husband Casey welcomed a baby girl named Bobbi on February 1. They currently reside in Las Vegas. Garrett Cannell is engaged! He will marry Cara Hankins in August. Garrett is in Galveston, where in July he will begin year three of internal medicine residency at UTMB. Caroline Coffee Denman and husband John are expecting a baby in April. They are excited to find out the gender when he or she arrives! Meghan Drake is about to complete her second year of residency as an OBGYN at Dallas Methodist Hospital. Hooray for Hollywood! Sean Gallagher was featured on a February episode of 25 Words or Less, a Fox network game show. He was a total natural! Sean is currently completing his first year of law school at Chapman University in Orange, CA. He plans to
study international criminal law in Nuremberg and The Hague over the summer. Ciera Fowler Lynch and husband Jace welcomed a baby boy, Liam, in November. Ciera will be graduating from her Nurse Practitioner program in May. Abbie Phillips married Ben Pilgrim in September 2019 in Austin, TX. They met in fall 2015 after traveling to Athens, GA to watch their alumni teams, Georgia and Alabama, play football. They live in Austin and both work in real estate. Abbie’s boutique residential real estate firm, David Brodsky Properties, was awarded in the Austin Business Journal’s Fast 50 Companies in 2019. Abbie was also nominated in the Austin Business Journal Real Estate Awards as a top producing agent. Amy Riemitis married John Corby of Johnson City, TX on January 25, 2020 at Whiskey Ranch in Fort Worth. Her sister Ashley ’16 was Maid of Honor. Tesch Leopold Ussery began working as an Assistant Criminal District Attorney for Tarrant County last November. Meagan Stamm Vinson began working for the District Attorney in Sweetwater as the Victim Assistance Coordinator last July. Casey Fowler Worthington and husband Briley are expecting a baby boy in late June or early July.
CLASS OF 2010 Eli Bogle married Meridith Calkins in February in Fort Worth. The Bogles live in Houston, where Meridith works as an RN at The Woman's Hospital of Texas, and Eli works as a technical advisor at Halliburton. Courtney Fillmore graduated from TCU in 2014 with a degree in strategic communication and political science. Since graduation, she’s worked in Washington DC, Dallas, and Los Angeles, and recently settled in Fort Worth. She’s currently a development associate with Cook Children’s Health Foundation, where she enjoys bothering Martha Mattox on a daily basis.
CLASS OF 2012 Emily Fillmore Schoen graduated from TCU in 2016 after studying studio art and design. After graduation, she worked in Dallas as a graphic designer, and in January 2017 married Dallas native, Austen Schoen. They made their way back to Fort Worth and settled in Arlington Heights. Since then, Emily has discovered a love for
advertising while working at local agency, GCG Marketing, as an Art Director. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering with the Junior League of Fort Worth.
CLASS OF 2013 Anne Jensen will graduate from UT Law in May 2020 and start working in Dallas in the fall. Kati Story married Canyon Van Cleave on April 7, 2019. The Van Cleaves are looking forward to the arrival of their baby boy on April 18 of this year!
CLASS OF 2014 Dara Bessinger and Michael Morrell are engaged. He proposed in Barcelona when they were on vacation with his family. Their wedding is set for September. Jason Cline is moving to New York City in July/August to transition jobs within the bank to be in the Mergers & Acquisitions group. He was previously in Oil & Gas. Ivy Distler is now working in Columbus, Ohio. Chad Fillmore graduated from the University of Mississippi in 2019 with a master’s in accounting & data analytics. After graduation he completed the CPA program, and is actively pursuing the CFA designation. Chad is currently working as an Audit Associate at BDO USA, LLP. While at Ole Miss, he met Lauren Heigle, and they are now engaged! They were supposed to get married on May 23, but the wedding has been pushed to September 18. They plan to live in Fort Worth with their German Shepherd, Walter, who has quite an Instagram following @_ waltersworld_. Jordan Smith and Seth Mitchell ’12 married in March. Crawford Williamson has moved to Huntsville and will finish school next year. He is on the rodeo team and is still breaking horses. I, Madelon Allen, just accepted a job with Mississippi State University as their Assistant Coordinator in their Athletics Communications department, covering soccer and track and field. I’ll start toward the end of May!
CLASS OF 2015 Steffi Bell: I graduated with my bachelor’s in business administration from UT Austin in 2019 and will receive my Master in Professional Accounting degree from UT this May. Afterwards, I will work in the federal tax department at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Dallas. Ace Coontz:
I have graduated from Belmont University with a music business-production degree and now mix audio around town in Nashville; as well as helping with different events for major artists. As you can tell from my photo, life is just super ruff in Nashville with the skyline in the background and my beautiful dog, Cinnamon, being a goofball. Samsara Counts: I graduated in May 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Math and a minor in Creative Writing from George Washington University. I am currently doing research in Saarbrücken, Germany on formulating fairer machine learning algorithms. My stay in Germany is funded by the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals fellowship, a cultural immersion and professional program funded by the U.S. Congress and the German Bundestag. Last March, I traveled to Okinawa, Japan as a Tomodachi Kakehashi Inouye Scholar, a cultural exchange program organized by the Japanese government. In August 2020 I will be moving to Seattle, WA to work as a Software Engineer at Amazon. Katherine Cummings: I am graduating from Auburn University, applying to law school and interning at Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, which was the best experience. Lauren Gillespie: I graduated with a double-major in Computer Science and Chemistry at Southwestern University and am now a first-year PhD Computer Science student at Stanford University. Two of my notable achievements include winning the 2019 Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award from the Computing Research Association: https:// c r a . o rg /2 01 9 - o u t s t a n d i n g - u n d e rg r a d u ate researcher-award-winners/ and being awarded a Graduate Research Program Fellowship from the National Science Foundation to pursue graduate study in Computer Science. Here is an article on some of my research and journey at Southwestern: https://www.southwestern.edu/live/news/13087patience-grit-and-an-open-mind Julianna Keller: I'll be starting as a Solutions Engineer in Business Technology Consulting at Deloitte out of the San Francisco office in July! Katie Matson: After TVS graduation, I transferred from Chapman University to TCU, my sophomore year. There, I continued my passion for volunteerism in my sorority, Pi Beta Phi, by serving as the Vice President of Philanthropy for two terms. I also had the opportunity to join
the student advertising agency, Roxo, and served as the Vice President of Business Development my second year. Senior year, I was accepted onto the National Student Advertising Competition team, and was fortunate to compete with 20 of my peers in Louisiana for the Tenth District of AAF, where we won 3rd Place. Those opportunities helped hone my passion for advertising and public relations. I am fortunate enough to continue that at Casa Mañana, Inc., where I serve as the Digital Media Specialist. I'm looking forward to what the future holds! Zara Parkinson: I have been accepted to University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine – Class of 2024. Cassie Schmidt: I am graduating this December with a BFA in Graphic Design! I am the marketing Director for a new store downtown called Neighbor's House Grocery. I am also as horse crazy as ever and am starting to train my new horse named Invictus. Sam Streck: Since graduation, I have earned my Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition graduating summa cum laude from Oklahoma State University. Currently I am working as an EMT at an urgent care center in Fort Worth while I wait to start medical school. I am committed to attending Medical School at the Oklahoma State university Center for Health Sciences in the upcoming fall. Go Pokes!
CLASS OF 2016 Jason Kenny graduated with a B.A. in government with highest honors from The University of Texas at Austin in December and will be inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa honor society this spring. Jason plans on pursuing a J.D. at the University of Michigan Law School starting in the fall of 2020. Ashley Riemitis was the maid of honor in her sister Amy ’09’s wedding in January.
CLASS OF 2017 Hartson Fillmore is currently in his third year at the University of Georgia, where he’s pursuing a double major in history and political science. As vice-president of the UGA Undergraduate Moot Court Team, he is planning to pursue a law degree upon his graduation this coming fall. Hartson is engaged to classmate Olivia Schoening, after playing the long game since kindergarten. They plan on marrying in June of 2021. Olivia pledged Pi Phi, is studying engineering at The Colorado
School of Mines, and is one of Blaster’s handlers. Blaster is the school mascot, a donkey. Heather Rodenberg will graduate in May 2020 from William & Mary, where she is an international relations major with an economics minor. She will then begin a job as an Intelligence Analyst for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in Molesworth, U.K.
CLASS OF 2018 Emmala Alfaro is on exchange in Singapore for a semester and is having a lot of fun exploring new places. Allison Byrd is studying in Washington DC for a second semester, continuing to learn how the federal government can support local efforts to combat human trafficking. She loves the city and is hoping to stay long term! Joe Cascino just finished his term as president of the University Democrats at UT Austin. He is the political director of the Texas College Democrats, the collegiate arm of the Texas Democratic Party, and is currently running to be its President. He’s also working on several Austin-area political campaigns and is looking to get a full-time job in the Texas legislature. Lauren Chiang is the director of academics for Alpha Phi at UT Austin. Emma Dalley married Ian Bartram on March 15, 2020. Kamryn Dow is studying Political Science with minors in Irish studies, history, and theology. This summer, she will be interning with a federal judge. She is also an Ambassador at Villanova’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Since starting at SCAD, Harrison Ellis has learned so much about the art and design world and is constantly inspired by the environment SCAD has created in Savannah. Harrison recently switched his major from advertising and branding to social strategies and management while continuing to pursue a minor in business. Harrison has also modeled for various SCAD students and attended a casting call where he walked for Miss Jay Alexander, world-famous runway walking coach and mentor on America’s Next Top Model. He hopes to be studying abroad at the Lacoste, France campus this fall. Emily Faris is now an accounting major and is minoring in Spanish. Emily also an officer for her sorority Tri Delta at Texas A&M. Overall, Emily has had a great sophomore year. Amanda Fisk is working on three shows right now: Winter Dance in deMille, The Odyssey, and Spring Dance which all open this semester! Kate Hanley volunteers weekly for
“Read for Succeed” where she reads books to children in classes. Kate was also recently elected as the vice-president of her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta. Emma Hernandez is now the director of alumnae relations for Delta Gamma at LMU. Emma is still doing production for roar studios and is going to be a part of New Works Festival, which is a student-written, directed, and produced series of plays performed at the end of the 2020 semester. Jackson Key attends UVA, where he is an architecture major and works as a carpenter in the drama department’s scene shop during the school year and builds sets for all four summer shows at UVA’s Heritage Theater Festival. Samer Majeed was invited to join Alpha Epsilon Delta, the National Health Preprofessional Honors Society. Samer’s initiation will take place on April 22, 2020. Jolene Pumphrey went Kappa Alpha Theta at the University of Southern California. Maggie Shipman was hired by Lockheed Martin for a summer 2020 internship. Maggie was accepted into the ambassador program for the College of Engineering at Auburn University. Mollie Sloter is the campus activities chair for Phi Mu and helps organize activities on campus such as intramural sport teams. Mollie is on the Street Team for Crawfest and is helping with advertisement for a huge student-run music festival. Mollie is currently teaching a preschool Sunday School class. She also is tutoring students for their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and working for the Tulane Athletic Department on the Game Operations team. Emma Stack received her official Métis Citizenship and First Nations Status in Canada. Emma also received her EU Status and is now officially a European citizen. In February, Emma received the “Forbes 30 under 30” award from the Communication Student Association at the University of Ottawa. Emma is a Bud Light Campus Activation Manager and recently achieved Top Campus Activation Manager of the Month for highest engagement rates and creative content. Cassandra Sulzer went Delta Phi Epsilon at the University of Miami. Luke Vasquez is a public relations officer for Alpha Tau Omega. Luke continues to be a Division of Student Affairs Social Media Influencer (try and spot him on billboards in the DFW area). Luke is now working as a leasing agent for Park Place and was officially accepted into the Nursing School for UTA in February.
2019-2020 AUGUST 30, 2019 David Marion Hoban | grandfather of Jeffrey Hoban ’11
SEPTEMBER 20, 2019 James "Jim" Patrick McCarthy | grandfather of Shea (grade 5) and Jack McCarthy (grade 10) SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 Claude T. Scott | grandfather of Emily Scott Boydston ’04 and Hillary Scott Morgan ’08 OCTOBER 4, 2019 Margareth "Marty" Meihaus Craddock | mother of John Craddock ’95 and former student Frank Craddock OCTOBER 18, 2019 Achilles (Achi) Kozakis | grandfather of Michael ’03, Rachel ’05, and Thomas Carlson ’07 and former student Allison Carlson; father of MS teacher Anna Carlson; father-in-law of US teacher Don Carlson NOVEMBER 1, 2019 Virginia Dorris | grandmother of Caroline ’10, Will ’12, and former student Kate Dorris
NOVEMBER 8, 2019 James Michael Liles | father of Jason Liles ’01 NOVEMBER 15, 2019 Dr. John Richardson | grandfather of Elizabeth Palmer Peterson ’02, Philip Palmer ’08, and former student Andrew Palmer DECEMBER 6, 2019 Mary Louise Reno Breiter | grandmother of Harper (grade 12) and Tiernan Dunne (grade 8); mother-in-law of Trustee Pat Dunne DECEMBER 13, 2019 Myrtle Irene Adams | grandmother of Daphne Adams ’00, Paul Adams ’04 and former student Deche Adams JANUARY 10, 2020 Victor Medina | grandfather of Shawn ’15 and Stacy Dodson ’17; father of US teacher Frances Dodson JANUARY 17, 2020 Mark Joseph Brannon, Jr. | grandfather of Brittany Brannon Hasselbach ’06 and Richard Brannon ’08; grandfather-in-law of Kiley Schmidt Brannon ’00 and Lauren Grady Brannon ’08;
great-grandfather of M.J. Brannon (grade 5); father of past Trustee Dick Brannon JANUARY 24, 2020 Dr. John William O'Rear | father of John O'Rear ’76; grandfather of Travis O'Rear ’07 JANUARY 31, 2020 Mary Bard Sharp | grandmother of Matt Sharp ’96 FEBRUARY 7, 2020 Roy L. Hudson Sr. | grandfather of Brandon ’12 and Brianna Hudson ’18 FEBRUARY 14, 2020 Anne Mackenzie Gassaway | grandmother of Kerry ’18 and Amanda Mackenzie (grade 12) FEBRUARY 21, 2020 Jon Bedford Kirk | grandfather of Meredith ’12 and Mallory Kirk ’14 FEBRUARY 28, 2020 Virginia Robertson Richardson | mother of Chris Richardson ’69 and Francie Richardson Allen ’75 MARCH 6, 2020 Mary Stanford Ogletree | grandmother of Meredith Freeman '15
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