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Honoring fine scholarship and promoting lasting values are core elements of the Trinity Valley School mission statement. Since 1965 with the founding of the Albert M. Goggans Chapter of the National Honor Society at TVS, the School has partnered with nationally renowned organizations that share those mission tenets. Today, we are deepening that commitment as we establish a chapter of the Cum Laude Society. Members of the Classes of 2023 and 2024 will be inducted to the Cum Laude Society for the first time at TVS this spring.
The National Honor Society was founded in 1921, and students are eligible for induction beginning in the junior year based on their performance around the four pillars of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. The Alfred M. Goggans Chapter is led by Mrs. Robin Burroughs, and 71 members of the Class of 2024 and one member of the Class of 2023 were inducted this year in a ceremony on Monday, March 20.
The Cum Laude Society was founded in 1906 to honor superior academic achievement in secondary school. There are more than 380 chapters worldwide, most being in independent schools in the United States. Member schools are selected by invitation and may induct no more than 20% of their graduating class, with no more than 10% allowed to be inducted as 11th graders. As stellar academic students, inductees must exhibit the characteristics of (from the Greek) Areté (Excellence), Diké (Justice) and Timé (Honor). The first inductees of the Trinity Valley School chapter will be selected and inducted this spring, and the chapter will be led by newly appointed president, Dr. Don Carlson.
To learn more about the Cum Laude Society, visit cumlaudesociety.org. We are proud to share this news with our Trojan community.