Aquamedical contract research facility
is a contract research facility specializing in trials with infectious diseases in fish. Our main clients are the pharmaceutical-, feed- and breeding industries, research institutions and government bodies. VESO Vikan offers standardized challenge models for Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, seabass and Atlantic cod. We can also contribute to develop models for other species. Pathogens include viruses, bacteria and parasites. VESO Vikan offers long-term vaccine studies (duration of protection) and field trials conducted under commercial farming conditions. We also focus on safety aspects of veterinary medical products. V I K A N
As a contract research facility, VESO Vikan represents an independent partner, always ensuring full confidentiality and customer dedication. VESO Vikan focuses on trial quality systems and strives to maintain the highest ethical profile in all our activities. Our aim has been to make the VESO trademark synonymous with uncompromising quality and reliability in fish health research.
Technical description VESO Vikan is a state-of-the-art non-recirculation trial unit lab with advanced registration and surveillance systems. e research facility consists of a wet lab with separate isolates and holding tanks from 5 to 13 000 liters. e tank design can be customized to accommodate research needs, including individual light and feeding regimes, salinity and temperature.
e research facility has two fresh water sources and sea water is drawn from depths down to 60 meters outside the facility. e salinity of the ord water is ~33 ‰. Incoming water is filtered and UV-treated prior to admittance to the test area. Effluent water is filtered and disinfected with sodium hypochlorite and ozone before release to the recipient.
Challenge models Challenge experiments are designed to evaluate the efficacy of vaccines, effects of feeding or genetic resistance profiles against infectious agents affecting the aquaculture industry. VESO Vikan’s R&D focus is to develop and maintain reliable and clinically relevant challenge models for pathogens affecting global aquaculture, especially Salmonids. VESO Vikan’s highly qualified and experienced staff works in close
collaboration with research institutions and the aquaculture industry. We subcontract expertise and services on behalf of our customers when necessary to ensure full width documentation of test products and to ensure full compliance with formal test requirements. We are happy to develop new models and standards in collaboration with our clients.
Atlantic salmon
Aeromonas salmonicida Vibrio anguillarum O1/O2a Vibrio ordalii Moritella viscosa Piscirickettsia salmonis Piscine reovirus (PRV) Piscine myocarditis virus (PMCV) Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) Infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAV) Salmon pancreas disease virus (SPDV) Lepeophtheirus salmonis Paramoeba perurans
Furunculosis Vibriosis Vibriosis Winter ulcers Salmon rickettsial syndrome (SRS) Heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) Cardiomyopathy syndrome (CMS) Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) Infectious salmon anemia (ISA) Pancreas disease (PD) Sea lice infection Amoebic gill disease (AGD)
Rainbow Aeromonas salmonicida trout Vibrio anguillarum O1/O2a Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV)
Furunculosis Vibriosis Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN)
Atlantic cod
Vibrio anguillarum O1/O2a/O2b
Sea bass
Francisella sp. Vibrio anguillarum Photobacterium damselae
Francisellosis Vibriosis Pasteurellosis
Hatchery Salmon for trials are produced at VESO Vikan’s hatchery. Production of our own salmon ensures quality in every step from egg to seaworthy smolts. e hatchery produces atlantic salmon all year round, including salmon genetically bred for high or low resistance against disease. Our fish are screened and certified pathogen free before being used in trials.
Field trials VESO Vikan holds two salmon farming licenses for research purposes. e licenses enable trial conduct under commercial farming conditions throughout the salmon life cycle from hatching to harvest. e key application for this composite trial system is to enable evaluation of efficacy and side effects of vaccines in a real-life environment and to facilitate clinical validation of our laboratory challenge models. trials are routinely conducted according to gCP (good Clinical Practice).
Quality assurance VESO Vikan is certified according to gLP (good Laboratory Practice) and holds a manufacturing license for medicinal products according to gMP (good Manufacturing Practice) requirements. trials in the laboratory and field can be performed according to gCP (good Clinical Practice). VESO Vikan also offers monitoring services for trials run according to gCP at independent trial locations.
Staff e scientific staff at VESO Vikan comprises fish health biologists, veterinarians and university graduates (Msc or PhD). e technical staff is educated in aquaculture. all employees are trained to conduct trials according to the principles of gLP (good Laboratory Practice).
AFGC – Akvaforsk Genetics Center akvaforsk genetics Center aS (aFgC) is a member of the VESO group. aFgC is a leading provider of genetic improvement services to aquaculture industries worldwide, covering all aspects of applied selection work such as program design, statistical analyses, identification and verification of genetic markers, genetic evaluations, and database services for pedigree and performance testing data. aFgC routinely conducts external reviews of third party brood stock management and breeding programs. e company has extensive experience from selective breeding in 14 fish and crustacean species in Europe, asia and the americas. among aFgC’s partners are industry leaders including Marine harvest aSa (atlantic salmon, norway and UK), SalmoBreed aS (salmonids, norway), nireus S.a. (sea bass and sea bream, greece), Stolt Sea Farm S.a. (turbot, Spain), and in tilapias
hainan Progift aqua-tech Co. Ltd. (China), Manit Farm Co. Ltd (ailand) and Spring genetics (US). aFgC is a formal partner of the abel super computer cluster at the University of Oslo, which hosts the aFgC’s computational platform and databases operated on behalf of clients and partners. In recognition of its extensive competence base, the company is approved by the norwegian Research Council as a R&D organization in norway, and is routinely involved in high level R&D in relevant technical areas in collaboration with leading national and international research groups. aFgC collaborates closely with VESO Vikan for optimization of challenge test models and customer services related to experimental designs and statistical data analyses.
AVS Chile (VESO and SINTEF in Chile) aVS Chile is an applied research company made up of Chilean and norwegian scientists who have been working jointly with companies, universities and research centers since 2007 to meet the challenges posed by R&D in Chilean aquaculture. e main objective of aVS Chile is to develop and make accessible scientific and technological knowledge for the complete aquaculture value chain in Chile. aVS Chile covers a wide range of scientific competences in health management and vaccination, feed and nutrition, genetics and reproduction, animal welfare,
farming technology and engineering and final product processing and quality. Projects can be initiated by contacting aVS Chile, or the mother companies in norway; VESO and SIntEF. aVS Chile aims to create knowledge for profitable, healthy and sustainable aquaculture industry, as well as to promote the interchange of knowledge in aquaculture between Chile and norway.
VESO Pharmacy VESO Pharmacy was established in 2008 and co-situated at Adamstua in Oslo with VESO’s head office. The pharmacy distributes all approved vaccines for animals in Norway, in addition to pharmaceuticals and disinfectants. VESO Pharmacy represents a neutral link between vaccine producers and veterinary practitioners, aiming to provide the best possible service to both parties. VESO Pharmacy & Head Office Ullevålsveien 68 PO Box 300 Sentrum, N-0103 Oslo, Norway Telephone: +47 22 96 11 00 VESO Vikan Vikan, N-7800 Namsos, Norway Telephone: +47 74 21 77 70 Akvaforsk Genetics Center N-6600 Sunndalsøra, Norway Telephone: +47 71 69 53 00 AVS Chile Avda. Imperial 655, Of. 4A Puerto Varas, Chile Telephone: +56 65 2234 650
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The VESO Organisation VESO (Centre of Veterinary Contract Research and Commercial Services Ltd) was established in 1988 and has over 20 years of experience with veterinary vaccines. VESO consists of VESO Pharmacy, VESO Vikan Research Facility, Akvaforsk Genetics Center (AFGC) and AVS Chile (VESO and SINTEF in Chile).