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Shelby Wallis
Shelby is situated in far northwest Austin County at the intersection of Hwy 389 and FM Road 1457. A settlement developed here when German Otto von Röder (From Cat Spring) financed construction of a water powered mill (ca. 1836-1840) on Skull Creek a tributary of Mill Creek. The settlement was originally referred to as “Roedersmuehle.” Many Germans in the area used the mill.
The name Shelby came from David Shelby who acquired land here in March 1831. Shelby had various property holdings in Texas and did not yet live on this land. Speculation is that after the Texas Revolution, Shelby’s other property was ravaged so he relocated here. Shelby’s exact arrival date is unknown, but a store operation was begun soon after he came. It was a common practice to establish a post office in the community store and that is what happened. David Shelby was made postmaster in 1846 when Texas became a state, and gradually the place began being called Shelby as the name “Roedersmuehle” faded out of existence.
HARMONIE HALL - Germans at Shelby brought their cultural practices with them including a “Gesangverein” (German Singing Society) organized in 1852, then reorganized in 1853. In 1875 the “Harmonie Verein” was established, and this group existed performing German singing traditions until the language faded after 1945. This group’s meeting hall was built in 1883 and still exists as a center of community activity with celebrations and events throughout the year. HISTORIC SHELBY CHURCH - The historic Shelby Lutheran Church building dates to 1903 and was recently converted into a community museum. In 1876 a Lutheran Church formed and was served by the same pastor for 20 years. When he retired, a new preacher came and developed “Die Friedens Gemeinde” (Peace congregation). Soon the church split, forming Peace congregations, eventually Peace dissolved, and St. Paul remained. St. Paul built this building in 1903. Outgrowing this building was completed in 1965, and the historic church was moved across the road.
WITTE-SCHMID HAUS is located mid-way between Industry and Shelby (one mile east of FM 1457). In 1997 it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The house was built (ca. 1857) by the German Ernst Witte Family and is somewhat rare for Austin County as an example of German Fachwerk architecture. In the 1980’s the property was given to the Texas German Society by Witte Family descendants and is operated as a house museum.

Wallis is located at the extreme southeastern end of Austin County and just across the Fort Bend County line on Hwy 36. Like many cities in Texas, it had its origins as a railroad town. This AngloAmerican settlement on the narrow strip of land west of the Brazos and east of the San Bernard River began in the late 1830s. In 1880 William Guyler donated 100 acres of land to the Gulf, Colorado, and Santa Fe Railroad as an enticement to have their tracks pass through the community. First known as Bovine Bend, the name of the Post Office was changed to Wallis Station in 1886 and into Wallis in 1911. In 1973 Wallis was officially incorporated as a city. For additional information about Wallis, Texas visit: www. wallistexas.org. GUARDIAN ANGEL CATHOLIC CHURCH, (ca. 1913-1915) (5610 Demel Street) In 1995 the Church received a Texas State Historical Marker and is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The ornately decorated interior was done by professional artisans and offers one of the more elaborate representations of the famous Texas Painted Church tradition. Today, over 460 families worship in the historic church and hold their annual church bazaar on the fourth Sunday of October. Tours are available by appointment by calling (979) 478-6532. Also, for more information visit: www.guardianangelwallis.com.
WALLIS METHODIST CHURCH, (ca.1893) (Birch & Guyler Street) In 1996 the Wallis Methodist Church received a Texas Historical Marker. In 1890 MLH Harry deeded land to church trustees for the formation of a Methodist Church in Wallis. In 1893 a loan was taken out for the construction of a church sanctuary on the deeded land. The Church considers 1893 its official founding date. The Wallis Methodist Church is the oldest church in Wallis. The congregation continues to worship in the original building and serves as an integral part of the community and prides itself in engaging in numerous local, state, and national outreach programs.