Major Changes in CSIR NET Exam

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Major Changes Made in

CSIR NET 2019 Exam

What's New in CSIR NET 2019 CSIR NET Exam is conducted for those candidates who aspire to make their career in the field of research and lectureship. Some changes were done in the overall structure of CSIR NET Dec 2019 exam such as exam convener body, exam mode, centres, pattern, eligibility etc. Here in this presentation, I come up with detailed knowledge about these changes. Have a look!

What's New in CSIR NET 2019 # Exam Convener Body Changed CSIR has given the responsibility of conducting CSIR NET exam to the NTA. So, CSIR UGC NET exam will be organized by National Testing Agency from Dec 2019. NTA has also started the CSIR NET Apply Online process from 9th September 2019. Aspirants can apply till 9th October 2019.

What's New in CSIR NET 2019 # NTA Introduces Application Form Correction Process NTA is going to provide the facility of correction in application form for those candidates who made mistakes at the time of form filling. CSIR NET Application Form correction process is only available for particular fields not for all.

What's New in CSIR NET 2019 # CSIR NET Exam Mode has Changed From this session, CSIR UGC NET will be organized in computer-based mode as NTA will conduct the exam. Previously it was conducted in pen-paper based mode by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research.

What's New in CSIR NET 2019 # National Testing Agency Changed CSIR NET Exam Centres NTA will provide the exam centres in 224 cities of 37 States/UT for aspirants according to their preferences. Candidate who are going to fill application form can check out the complete list of centres with their codes from – CSIR NET Exam Centres 2019.

What's New in CSIR NET 2019 # Exam Conducted in Sessions NTA will conduct the in two shifts –  First Shift: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM  Second Shift: 02:30 PM to 05:30 PM

What's New in CSIR NET 2019 # Other Changes that may be done by NTA in CSIR NET Exam Format  CSIR NET marking scheme can be changed from current format.  Result declaration process may be changed by NTA. NTA can use the “Normalization procedure based on Percentile Score” as it used for other exams.

What's New in CSIR NET 2019  NTA may be provide the online mock test papers for CSIR NET exam as it provided for JEE Main, NEET, UGC NET etc. Candidates who aspire for CSIR NET exam must know about what’s new in CSIR NET 2019 Exam, so they will be updated with all the changes in exam structure and keep them in mind. Here I have tried to sum up all the changes done by NTA. Hope this presentation will help you.

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