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Members from coast to coast gathered in Farmville in April to celebrate Sigma's 125th anniversary and walk the path of the women who started it all.

More than 200 alumnae gathered in Farmville, Virginia, for a celebration 125 years in the making. Though the event was originally scheduled to begin at 1:25 p.m. at the Farmville Four clock, the kickoff was held in the library, where Longwood's Archives & Special Collections Librarian Jamie Krogh had curated an exhibit of historical Alpha Chapter memorabilia.
Mayor Brian Vincent declared April 22, 2023, Sigma Sigma Sigma Day. In addition to remarks from National President Joyce Newcom O'Daniel and 125th Anniversary Committee Chair Courtney Stone-Plamp, other speakers throughout the day included University President Taylor Reveley and Paulo Matheny, Grand Master of Ceremonies of Randolph-Macon College's Kappa Sigma chapter, who spoke of his chapter brother James Miller Leake's connection to our founding. Alpha Sigma Alpha National President Amber Shaverdi Huston represented the Farmville Four.
The afternoon also included virtual campus tours (due to rain), an educational opportunity on multi-generational communications from Dr. Katherine Jeffrey, and a service opportunity benefiting the children of the Prince Edward County Public Schools.
After an evening cocktail hour and banquet emceed by Toastmaster Jo Ann Litton, Beta
Gamma, we were entertained by a fashion show with styles through the decades, and individual and alumnae chapter honors were awarded. It was also announced that Executive Council renamed the Collegiate Panhellenic Excellence Award to honor Past National President Laura Ward Sweet, Alpha Sigma, for her years of leadership and service to both Tri Sigma and the NPC. The first recipient of the Laura Ward Sweet Panhellenic Excellence Award will be honored in January 2024. Other Past National Presidents in attendance included Natalie Moore Averette, Gamma Beta, and Kaye Schutte Schendel, Gamma Phi. Mary Keenum Barbee, Iota, and Ann Buchler Williams, Gamma Eta, joined in spirit via prerecorded video greetings. The evening concluded with a resounding rendition of "Stately & Royal."
“Helping to set the stage for our historic celebration in Farmville was beyond special as it gave us all an awe inspiring space to reflect upon Tri Sigma’s past and be reinvigorated for our future," said Stone-Plamp, Alpha Psi. "It is rare when we have the opportunity to gather that magnitude of multiple generations and simply rejoice solely in our Sisterhood. The image of wide smiles and echoes of uproarious laughters will remain on my heart forever.”
In addition to the sorority-wide celebration, members of the Alpha Chapter gathered for their own festivities, including brunch and an outdoor party with lawn games.
“I really enjoyed was seeing Alpha members return to campus,” said Longwood's Assistant Dean & Director of the University Center and Student Activities and Alpha initiate Susan Sullivan. “I loved seeing collegiate members interact with them and hear their stories.”