2 minute read

Editor's Note

Dear Golden Violets,

Working each year on “Golden Glimpses” gives me a chance to revisit all the information submitted on the Golden Violets nomination forms. I find it so interesting! Each of these steadfast Sigma sisters, who have been part of our now 126 year-old sorority for at least 50 years, have such a variety of life experiences. Some have served on a national level, others with collegiate or alumnae chapters. Some are fortunate to have frequent contact with other Sigma sisters, while many remain close via email, text, Facebook or the occasional Zoom call.

I get a “glimpse” of how much it means to so many Sigmas to have experienced our wonderful sorority. It makes it even more difficult to decide whose profile to feature! For this issue, I decided to include some quotes from several sisters.

This issue also contains content from the first issue of The Scoop, a brand new newsletter annual dues payers and Ever Forward Members (those who have paid Lifetime Dues, previously known as Lifetime Members). I hope you will enjoy this new format and the information it brings you.

I'd also like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to all the Golden Violet nominees and the sisters who took the time and effort to submit a “glimpse” into how our sisterhood has impacted their lives. Always remember: we never say we were a Tri Sigma—We ARE Tri Sigmas!

In our bonds,

Mandy Meehan Chocheles, Gamma Eta & New Orleans Alumnae Chapter

P.S. Keep those Golden Violet nominations coming! If you know a steadfast member who has demonstrated 50 or more years of loyalty to the sorority through active participation in alumnae life and/or volunteer service, and has paid lifetime dues or annual dues for 20+ years, I encourage you to nominate her! To verify eligibility or learn more about the process, contact Meagan Earls, Director of Lifetime Engagement, at mearls@trisigma.org.

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