2 minute read
From Your Golden Violet Coordinator
by Tri Sigma
Dear Golden Violets,
It seems hard to believe another year has come and gone! I hope it allowed each of you some time to spend with a special Sigma or perhaps a gathering of other steadfast sisters. Those of us who were fortunate enough to attend the 46th Convention in Norfolk in June left with many lasting memories.
I hope 2023 can also be a time for us all to make new memories. Our sorority will be 125 years old in April with a special celebration in Farmville, Virginia, where it all began in 1898. Here at home, my New Orleans Alumnae Chapter will celebrate the presentation of the Golden Violet to our 19th member at our Founders Day lucheon in April. Our yearly calendar of activities has come back strong after two years of cancelled events due to Covid. We are happy to be sharing activities that we enjoyed before.
Many of us are blessed with grandchildren who are growing older, some who are getting married. We laugh as we reminisce about how we had Christmas parties for them when they were small. They all remember their moms’ Sigma friends and are aware of our Golden Violet honors. My granddaughter Emily is a sophomore at LSU and a member of Phi Mu. She and her best friend and roommate were just elected to the executive board of their chapter and are both excited to share with me about how they love their involvement with their sisterhood. They smile when I call them my Panhellenic sisters.
As they are just beginning their sorority journey, we continue with ours of 50+ years. I appreciate this quote from the Golden Violet Ceremony: “Just as the lovely purple violet flourishes and thrives, so do Tri Sigmas as they serve their sorority, families, country, and God. We are very proud of them.”
Thank you for your longtime commitment to our sisterhood!

In our bonds,
Mandy Meehan Chocheles, Gamma Eta New Orleans Alumnae Chapter