- MONZ0 GO Tristan Brown
CORE DESIGN VALUES The core design values of Monzo are: - Sticking to either Coral or Navy - Following a natural un-cluttered look, their card and app are very simple with soft egdes and minimal design
Probelms with budgetting face many people. Especially when they are trying to save. The Monzo Go paired with its base and app allow the user to set daily spending limits. However, unlike most budgetting devices it has built in NFC payment to ensure goals are kept to. .
If you live a hectic lifestyle, constantly going from one outdoor activity to the next. It’s not surpsing you might forget things. The lightweight Monzo Go can stay on you all day and never get in the way.
On nights out its easier for a person to loose there wallet or if they keep it overspend on what they originally planned. A wrist mounted card would, ensure things aren’t easily lost, payments are quick and budgest are kept too.
Future proofind devices is a necessary step, when so many products are being developed. Intially the Monzo Go could pair with car manufactures like Tesla to allow its NFC to open you car. Making you never have to worry about keys again. Partnerships with other products could expand funtion, like gaining acess to the library.
There are many people, understandably concerned about contactless payment. Displaying your card on you wrist doesn’t help either. To combat this the Monzo Go allows you to pre-set spending limits each day. In addition, the device’s NFC will activate on the first swipe past a card machine but not pay. Then on the second swipe within ‘6 seconds’ will transfer money.
Ever been at checking out a shop with both your hands full. Then having to put down eveything you wanna buy to find you wallet. The Monzo Go mounted on the wrist can be used without having to drop anything.
The main target market for the ‘Monzo Go’ is the student or young professional. The device best beneifts someone with an active lifestyle, who often socilaises late into the night. However, hasn’t yet adjusted to grown up things like budgetting. Meet Robbie, A 22 year old student currently on placement at SolidWorks. - Robbie likes to climb, indoors most night and outdoor over the weekend. Meaning he’s constantly on the move and doesn’t like to get weighed down with things, - Robbie’s spending like most students is on Tesco meal deals and drinks. Typically low value items. - Though getting payed a small salary at the moment, Robbie will have to get back onto a budget come final year.
Monzo GO is a physical stand and wristband that interact. The wrist band contains inside a NFC chip, which opens up the exsistance for a walletless life. Once home the device then pairs with stand and a speaker inside it can tell you about your spending and set budgets for you.
- THE ERGONOMICS “Hey Monzo” “What was my spending like today” “Hi Tristan, You went £3.45 over budget, shopping at Tesco, Mac Donalds and Primark” “Would you like me to take this off tomorrow’s budget” “Yes Monzo” “How close am I to my goal” “You have so far saved £347.69, you are just under £100 pounds from that ‘New Jacket”
The base had a clean design with minimal distractions. All information can come out of the top facing speakers or the small screen, able to display just the essentials. The base is insipired by the monzo car itself with a rectangular shape, curved edges and the signature coral colour.
Imagine you woke up, you had a busy day ahead of you but you didn’t wanna spend much. So without pressing button’s you tell the Monzo go stand to set your budget for £20. You get up and get changed, putting you lightwieght monzo-band on your wrist. That’s it, your set for that day. When you go outside your new keyless car opens to the band. At lunch you pay for you food using the band and when at the office you scan in via the band. Any NFC or scanner can usualy be tuned to accept a new device. At the end of that the only thing left to do is sit back and enjoy the day.
1. Extrude base with correct dimensions 2. Revolve upper section around axis point on a new plane 3. After extrude cutting some details away, draw a line on a off-set axis 4. The off-set line, can then be layed ober the top surface of the base. 5. Creating a circle in-line with the guiding path, Sweep it along the path. 6. With the ridge completed repeat this as a pattern, revolving around the axis used earlier. 7. Extrude cut any protruding ridges. 8. Revolve cut the top section of the ridges to creat a gradual start to them 9. Assemble other parts for, rendering.
For Manufacture: 1. Save each part as a STL file. 2. Send that to 3D-printer 3. Once finished remove and sand for first coat of primer 4. Ideally two coats of primer and two finsihing coats will go on. 5. Between, the coats of primer any imperfections should be sanded out.