An Incomplete Manifesto of Growth
Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce Mau Bruce
ou. y e g n a h c someo t m s o t r f n t e n v e r e e w iff o d h is 1.All to grow.Growt pre-
illing it.The w e e v b li o u t o e Y v . a it h e u c o u Y You prod . u o y the d o t n s a s n t e n p e p v a e h e t c a n experie thing th o t s s e n n e p o e h t wth: requisitesforgro them. y b d e g n a h c e b willingness to
4. Love your experiments (as you would an ugly child).
An Incomplete Manifesto of
Joy is the engine of growth. Exploit the liberty in casting yourworkasbeautifulexperiments,iterations,attempts,trials, and errors. Take the long view and allow yourself the fun of failure every day.
GrowthANINCOMPLETEMANd. o owth 5.Go deep. r o g G . t n u o o e e b r a g t a e ll a g 2.For whatwe is d o dgo u G j . s y e k s it c s t a e n L c . a e s u r e t q i li n c n n w e themorelikelyyouwilldiscoversomeThe deeper jac you go d a rationofu e lo r . p t o x Goodisakno l f e p i n x r a E . D is y . l h s t 8 s w iclketo ygood.Gro ndyeoruasitm thing of value. ftsolownagas l.A e s r h c u r o isnotnecessaril a y e s w e o r l r l u . A o m o t s i ld c notyie criti e n o p t s o . P h thatmayormay t . grtow m ael n e r e v a h r e v e n 6. Capture accidents. good you’ll form n o m . e m r o c e . a e h s i The wrong begin is the right answer in search of a differaonuytcwom oanswer t n n e a r i e h g t h e t w n B g . a n t 9 i r o w o r goo t entquestion. tvk en re imp no o e t . a m ly h n t is o erewrong s l s h u il s s e l w w Collect l c answersaspartoftheprocess. e y e o t w r n e s a .P s g e 3 a c n C o i r n g p h e e o b h J t : s t e e o c iv n r i y d a v dem ome ew iosma H c . t Ask different questions. s u i o s s y e l iv r a When the outc d r s a s e p c o f r o p . If e . r n e e h t e eadyb ant to be w e w w o n k l wherewe’vealr il , but we w g der. in ollow o a f g o e t e l ’r n e r a a w e e r s L . e i e h g w e r n 7.s,a Study. know ittoeme w o l l e 10. Ever yo o d t i enever h . W . d s n Astudio ea e is a place l of study. p Usethenecessityofproduction p e a n h h o t y w n o r a G t e L . e s es sen k as an excuse to study. Everyone will benefit. a m t i n e wh ent m n o ir v n . e s s u a i de ,genero d i u l f , c i m a n 11.Har ves t y calrigad i t d i r e c e n m s o a r e f t d i I . f s n nd,bene a h r e h t o Editapplicatio e ns. h t o i n t o , a s c n i o l i t p a p c i a ppl as to e d i f o tosustainlife.A o i t ig h ra h a e c u d or. Pro
OF GROWTH an incomplete manifestoof growth An incomplete Next IFESTO
An Incomplete Manifesto of GrowthANINCOMPLETEMAN12. Keep moving.
Themarketanditso 20. Be perationshavc re ndfeunlcytto inforcesuccess.Res Timeisge eaate oret- ak istit.Allowfailun e t i e risk c moig dra be part of your pra entoftomreand.T tiiosn a to y s. thechil ctice. o r r o d w o f yo ur . future Theworkyoup yesterdayand roduce . thepar13. Slow down. t o d aywillc . ith 21 e t w a r d e o ll b fi a is ll r e o reate h t .C e 6 g 1 toDesynchronize from .Repe g in k r o w le p o e aetfry enp astcre- Isftaynodard tim v d n a oeusrasne , t am h g li Thespacebetwe e p d ri d slufr, s n in io g t u o a r p a p l il o i r h tu x k e n , . it e e ie if r s t m i s , ay presetn,d oietm t th ag sealv conflict,friction e.sI. f in youdo l. ia t 2 n’tlike ative poten 14. Don’t be cool. 2. Mak it,doita e y o gain. H u ybridiz r C o o . o l is — c o w n — s e r — v n ative fear dresse y —— o to o ls. — ubrla — e — d t in o — s r o — c o i f k . m . F 7 e l re c 1 s s e a e p y p i lf o s n u fr l om limits oftth etoolst order-rto nk. Allow la b is t h f s o le o r t. f h y o ll buildun s a a a n e tareyo enueso id e h t r Intentio o f d n a , t iquethi u e f rownca explora ad y h ’t n e v a h n u o y the ideas 15.Ask stupid quteies,soeven tion.Rememb nyieldentire gs.Even e stions. l asmal ers. ltoolc r,toolsamplify ynewavGrowthisfueledby anmak o desireandinnocen ce.Assessthe eabigd urcapacianswer,nottheques23. Stan ifferen tieoen.Imaginedleao e. t la b r, p a f u o y o rn a t t n in e Y S g ce. n . th o 8 o ro g 1 ugehout youu so m ’vrelife at the rate ucantra o y n e h w n e p one’s f an infav oom hap et.lfarth fro edth t n a r a p e s e sho ul ’r Strangethings u e o s y r ewhoc carried and , d r a h o o ders. t d e k a r onthea mebefo ter. uptoolong,wo ccompl reyou.A . ld r o ishmen w e n h t dthevi tsof the rest of ewisso muchb et. r o h p a t e h 19. Work the m apacitytostandforsomethingot hec t s a h t nds for. c a t je s b it o t y r a e h w Ev n o nt. Work e r a p p a is t a h er than w
OF GROWTH an incomplete manifesto of growth An incomplete Manifesto of Growth An Incomplete Manifesto of Growth An IN complete Manifesto of Growth An Incomplete Manifesto of Growth An In completeManifestoof Growth An Incom Manifesto of Growth plete An incomplete Maniesto ofGrowth An incomManifes plete Next to of Growth AN incomplete IFESTO
An Incomplete Manifesto of GrowthANINCOMPLETEMANy. ll u f e r a c n e t is 32. .L
OF GROWTH an incomplete manifesto of growth An incomplete Manifesto of Growth An Incomplete Manifesto of Growth An IN complete Manifesto of Growth An Incomplete Manifesto of Growth An In completeManifestoof Growth An Incom Manifesto of Growth plete An incomplete Maniesto ofGrowth An incomManifes plete Next to of Growth AN incomplete hhim it w s g in r b it b r ersouro t n t e i o . s h e a w r r h o a t we e a y w r n n t o o a f b y n a o a r ll s h o e t c v x y d r e le i e t p v o a E and com e is th 24.Av e r g a n w a r t t f s e o r s o h m t i details rld w e o h t w m a o t r e l e g b h in r o n o r e t p s The ine. By li g a im o t e p ns,we o h io r it e b v e m a ld r u o , o s c e ir k. eds,des s e n e ir d e o h t t r f e o u e y s t o erbe t ’ v le y n t e l a b il c u n s u w a e y o t h e y r t t l a d a c p n h r t a e n.Neith orning w m o 25.Don’t e r h u t o n o i t g n n o i h ld r t theirwo dsome n ld fi fo t h g i m u o Y me. a s e h t . t h g ni ns. o i t i t e p m o ds c r a ips. w r t a ld r e t of your e fi a t e h n t k . n e a a T u . h ’t o t 3 r y n 3 e t o r a e D o r . 2o9o.Tdhinfk w 26 orld is g w g e h t t f o o n h t ,inter’s i id t e t h w I iv s d r . y n e ’t a o n b m u e o r im h d y T m ll t a t ind. Jus Forgettechn evenato r o , t e n r e t time, In logloegsy..Creat e a e h r t , r d o , e t t e n s ie V r T o t ivityisnotdfo pa d,objec d e r n e a d r n h e r e t y n ll i v f a f i e c o ic l t e m n nly amou nment. ive-,ddeypneandent. e t o h c ir t a v g n n e i s d a e t e r la c 27. Read o 3 u e Organizatio hic– sim this.B0y. d p d a i ” r . g e d l r n e d a t h u o u p o L m n n c co =dLiobuerr“ty. e l l MarshallM Realrinwnh a c e h t a o vationinde m fo o o r e sign,oranyo v a e l e w c , o n n o i t t e a therfield,ha x t m .That conte ster. a f s e k p a t p x is t e i m n s longs to e u e s b k i s n it ually some f 34.Ma k tivelymana in h t I . it oyro rrowed gedenterpr o m f . b s I o d a f — r c w a o o e w o e w id p n y a e w m i e e.d FrankGehryThis isn’t raemasn d s n orietaio 28. Make n n.Theonnelywacbolentd lizeBilbaobexpression.T,fhoerinsGtaronvce.,is o c i x itonbudgestnewformsofecausehisstuAndy Expandthele diocandeliv and .Themythofas s. m e d g n i k n i er h n t “suits”is whw cond itio plitbetween thinking.The a “creatives”a tes ne t Leonard Cohen a r e n nd e g o n f o c t i h a s s l e l s e p r a ‘c p a x s h t e arming artif .’ act
31.Don’t bo
w money. Once again , Frank Geh ry’s advice. nancial con By maintain trol, we mai ing fin tain creativ exactlyrock e control. It etscience,b ’s not u tit’ssurprisin maintain th gh is discipline , and how m owharditisto any have fa iled.
An Incomplete Manifesto of GrowthANINCOMPLETEMAN41. Laug h.
wmuchwe o h n o t n e m m o c diooften u t s e h t g in it eterof is m v o r le a b a s Peop a it e s u I , is wareofth a e m o c e b e ’v I es. e v c l in e S s r u o laugh. g n i s s e are expr e w y l b a t r o f m how co
OF GROWTH an incomplete manifesto of growth An incomplete Manifesto of Growth An Incomplete Manifesto of Growth An IN complete Manifesto of Growth An Incomplete Manifesto of Growth An In completeManifestoof Growth An Incom Manifesto of Growth plete An incomplete Maniesto of Growth An incomBack plete Manifes to of Growth AN incomplete IFESTO
42. Remember.
tmemory, u o h it W . y r to is h f o t saproduc a le Don’t be sh ib s s o p ly n o tion.But is c e th ir w d o a r th y aboutG w o r g s e iv it. Try to ge merelynovelty.Historyg You’llnever comr as close as o d e d vationtis a o r n getallthein g e d a is y r way,andthe everperfyeocut.E cavne.rymemo reen rooms. g be truly rem s, e d ri s b e ca k s, a n ak s m is t re y e b a r e p h o e w ff a m s o e t’ C r . a extationmig omen 39torevent.Th arkable.aWm intend e w e have oa re m s h he w u t of e io Hamilton a id v ts e r ou p s t a a en f p h p t o n s e ha ly to look to tet.nItmean of th ow siteim g alogr nd his verp o n Re e s e r p a t R n d i n c a s h t i s o a n of M Seusscalls“the apra r. d s D a at h glasstoseeh y w it l — , a es e u ac a c q r sp s r u al c it ti ti f so e rs s o te it e l in r D e th uchamp’s la ,in sawa owrich,diu itto ferentfrom if d t c u tr s n s o c r c l anizedascig a g r ti e or e r ce d a p on tion is as a i a st , t ri w b e e O h d n ic is lr , y U a s r n an o . H f ” . m d l ceth itse law underusedi po gr ryme techniquee airting w o f l m a . ve i uctureof t i tr t n as a fr e in t e o th p of l al a h it , w h ce c n re u fe s enceandartcon and, as tarrivor rp ai s, he nc lu s, at 36.Scat. ch s, tie ar p nference—the co a . ple parently it was p o A . e ce p n re e fe When you fo n h co t al tu o r ac t e o v n r h o it l e bltuht w alsf— vecontro rget the wo43. Pow a h y e e e le gcollabop in o go e on p y rds, do who n an e m h d something w ne n aw e sp p d . p an e a ul e h sfe’re not f r esw cc su ly ge Ely hu lla did: make else ... but nPlaycanatn if s t n e g a e e ot wordsi.ves. We can’tubpe f r rations. their l
37.Breakit,s tretchit,ben dit,crushit,c rackit,foldit . 38. Explore th Greatliberty e other edge. exis
tswhenwea technologi voidtryingt cal pack.We orunwithth can’t find th e causeit’stra e leading ed mpledunde ge berfoot.Tryusi mentmade n gold-techeq obsoleteby uipa n economicc with poten y tial. clebutstillri ch
s. 40. Avoid fields. Jump fence
areates m gi re y or at ul g re d an s ie ar Disciplinarybound life. They are ve ti ea cr f o g in ild w e th l o tr n tempts to co manifold, e ar t ha w r de or to ts or eff le ab oftenunderstand mpthe ju to is b jo ur O . es ss ce ro p ry na complex,evolutio fences and cross the fields.
Bruce Mau Bruceete
l p m o c n I n Mau A Bruce Mau f o o t s e f i n Bruce Mau Bruce a M h t w o r Mau Bruce G Mau
1. . Allow events to 9.Begin anywhere. change you. 18. Stay up late. John Cage tells us that not knowing You have to be willing to grow.Growth Strange things happen when where to begin is a common form of paralysis. you’ve gone too far, been up too is different from something that happens to His advice: begin anywhere. you. You produce it. You live it. The prerequisites long, worked too hard, and you’re sepafor growth: the openness to experience events and the rated from the rest of the world. 10. Everyone is a leader. willingness to be changed by them. Growth happens. Whenever it does, allow it to emerge. Learn to follow when it makes sense. Let anyone lead. 2.Forget about good. 19. Work the metaphor. Good is a known quantity. Good is what we all agree on. Growth Every object has the capacity to stand for something is not necessarily good. Growth is an exploration of unlit recesses 11.Harvest ideas. other than what is apparent. Work on what it stands that may or may not yield to our research. As long as Edit youapplications. stick to good Ideas need a dynamic, fluid, generous environment to for. sustain life. Applications, on the other hand, benefit from critical rigor. you’ll never have real growth. Produce a high ratio of ideas to applications. 20. Be careful to take risks. 3.Process is more important than outcome. Time is genetic. Today is the child of yesterday and the par12. Keep moving. ent of tomorrow. The work you produce today will create your When the outcome drives the process we will only ever go to where we’ve market its going, operations have a tendency to reinforce success. Resist it. already been. If process drives outcome we may not The know whereand we’re future. Allow failure and migration to be part of your practice. but we will know we want to be there. 21.Repeat yourself. 13. Slow down. 4. Love your experiments (as you would an ugly child). If you like it, do it again. If you don’t like it, do it again. Desynchronize standard time frames and surprising opportunities may presJoy is the engine of growth. Exploit the liberty in casting your workfrom as beautient themselves. ful experiments, iterations, attempts, trials, and errors. Take the long view and 22. Make your own tools. allow yourself the fun of failure every day. Hybridize your tools in order to build unique things. Even sim14. Don’t be cool. ple tools that are your own can yield entirely new avenues of Cool is conservative fear dressed in black. Free yourself from limits of this tools sort. amplify our capacities, so even a 5.Go deep. exploration. Remember, The deeper you go the more likely you will discover something of value. small tool can make a big difference. 15.Ask stupid questions. Growth is fueled by desire and innocence. Assess the answer, not the ques6. Capture accidents. 23. Stand on someone’s shoulders. The wrong answer is the right answer in search of a different tion. Imagine question. learning throughout your life at You the rate can of travel an infant. farther carried on the accomplishments of Collect wrong answers as part of the process. Ask different questions. those who came before you. And the view is so much 16.Collaborate. better. The space between people working together is filled with conflict, 7. Study. A studio is a place of study. Use the necessity of production friction,as strife, exhilaration, delight, and vast creative potential. 24.Avoid software. an excuse to study. Everyone will benefit. The problem with software is that everyone has 17. ——————————. it. Intentionally left blank. Allow space for 8.Drift. Allow yourself to wander aimlessly. Explore adja- the ideas you haven’t had yet, and for the ideas of 25.Don’t clean your desk. cencies. Lack judgment. Postpone criticism others. You might find something in the morning that you can’t see tonight.
Bruce Mau Bruce An 32. Listen carefully. Every collaborator who enters our orbit brings with him or her a world more strange and complex than any we could ever hope to imagine. By listening to the details and the subtlety of their needs, desires, or ambitions, we fold their world onto our own. Neither party will ever be the same.
39. Coffee breaks, cab rides, green rooms. Real growth often happens outside of where we intend it to, in the interstitial spaces — what Dr. Seuss calls “the waiting place.” Hans Ulrich 27. Read only left-hand pages. Obrist once organized a science and art conferMarshall McLuhan did this. By deence with all of the infrastructure of a conference creasing the amount of information, we — the parties, chats, lunches, airport arrivals — but leave room for what he called our “noodle. 33.” Take field trips. The bandwidth of the world is greater than that of your with no actual conference. Apparently it was hugely 28. Make new words. TV set, or the Internet, or even a totally immersive, interac-successful and spawned many ongoing collaborations. Expand the lexicon. The new conditionstive, de- dynamically rendered, object-oriented, real-time, computer 40. Avoid fields. Jump fences. mand a new way of thinking. The thinking de- simulated environment. graphic– Disciplinary boundaries and regulatory regimes are attempts mands new forms of expression. The expression to control the wilding of creative life. They are often undergenerates new conditions. 34.Make mistakes faster. standable This isn’t my idea — I borrowed it. I think it belongs to Andy Grove. efforts to order what are manifold, complex, evolutionary processes. Our job is to jump the fences and cross the 29.Think with your mind. fields. Forget technology. Creativity is not device-depen35.Imitate. dent. Don’t be shy about it. Try to get as close as you can. You’ll never get 41. Laugh. all the way, and the separation might be truly remarkable. We have People visiting the studio often comment on how much we laugh. 30. Organization = Liberty. only to look to Richard Hamilton and his version of Marcel Duchamp’s Since I’ve become aware of this, I use it as a barometer of how Real innovation in design, or any other field, large hapglass to see how rich, discredited, and underused imitation is as comfortably we are expressing ourselves. pens in context. That context is usually some form a technique. of cooperatively managed enterprise. Frank Gehry, 42. Remember. for instance, is only able to realize Bilbao because 36.Scat. Growth is only possible as a product of history. Without his studio can deliver it on budget. The myth Whenof you forget the words, do what Ella did: make up something memory, innovation is merely novelty. History gives growth a split between “creatives” and “suits” is what else ... but not words. a direction. But a memory is never perfect. Every memory Leonard Cohen calls a ‘charming artifact of the is a degraded or composite image of a previous moment past.’ 37.Break it, stretch it, bend it, crush it, crack it, fold it. or event. That’s what makes us aware of its quality as a past and not a present. It means that every memory 31.Don’t borrow money. is new, a partial construct different from its source, Once again, Frank Gehry’s advice. By 38. Explore the other edge. and, as such, a potential for growth itself. maintaining financial control, we main- Great liberty exists when we avoid trying to run with the technological pack. We can’t find the leading tain creative control. It’s not exactly edge because it’s trampled underfoot. Try using 43. Power to the people. rocket science, but it’s surprising old-tech equipment made obsolete by an ecoPlay can only happen when people feel how hard it is to maintain this nomic cycle but still rich with potential. they have control over their lives. We discipline, and how many can’t be free agents if we’re not have failed. free. 26.Don’t enter awards competitions. Just don’t. It’s not good for you.
Inco m Mau Bruce Mau p Man lete i f e Bruce Mau Bruce sto o f G r o wthMau Mau Bruce Back
ss to penne
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ou. You ns to y
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e You liv
: th growth ites for
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it. Th
tion of xplora is an e
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unlit re
som t from th u. ifferen d. Grow . nge yo .Growth is d a e we h c ly goo to them. utcom cessari e real growth events illing to grow e ed by g n w n t o a ll o h rives o A n c d av 1. is ew s h be b s r th to e e to c v w e ss v ro ne If pro lingne You ha e on. G good you’ll the wil been. ll agre ts and lready a at we a s you stick to e even h e c n . w ’v e d e is ri o expe ng a ere w ut go Good
s, eration ents, it im r e p x utiful e y day. as bea ). rives d will kn k ess is d r il c e e o o h r w c m w t e ever .P r o r u 3 ly c u u b t g il , u o u a g y o f n in f e a o th ing ’re go would When in cast the fun ere we urself (as you the liberty o ow wh s t y n n k w t e o o it all may n xperim wth. Explo w and lue. your e ro ng vie lo e g of va 4. Love engine of g h t in ng e h k t a e T e . h m ct wro e r so l errors e l Joy is t v o d o n C c a . , n ls l dis ts, tria uestio ou wil attemp erent q likely y
h As lo et abo n quantity. o to w . earch. 2.Forg tcome l only ever g our res know u a o to is here. n ld a d yie Goo to be t t tant th ocess we wil r n ay not a o m p w r o may ow we the pr more im
24.Avoid software. The problem with so ftware is that everyo ne ha
s it. 25.Don’t clean your desk. You might find somet hing in the morning that you can’t see to 26.Don’t ente ni
r awards competitio ns. Just don’t. It’s not go od for you.
27. Read only left-han d pages. Marshall McLuhan d id this. By decreasing the amount of information, we leave roo m for what he called our “noodle.” 28. Make new words.
An Incomplete
diff eep. more ch of a . 5.Go d r go the a u e s o y n r s ri epe estion answe ents. The de rent qu e accid e right
Expand the lexicon. The new conditions demand a new way of thinking. The thin king demands new fo rms of expression. The expression gener ates new conditions. 29.Think w
Manifesto of se to
xcu tur as an e16.C k diffe r is th s e n A o w . i 6. Cap s s t s n c o odu proce ong a The s llaborate y of pr t The wr s part of the i s . p s e c hilar ace betw . rs a the ne t ation e s e answe U . m , y 1 d dgde enen pe
ith your mind. Forget technology. C reativity is
7. k ju y. stu 30. Organization = L —— light, and ople work . ILnatec— 7. Stud is a place of nefit. s e i —— ing t vast c n iberty. n e e o c o t i c b — i a g r d l onal A stu ly lef ——— eative po etherR re adj ne wil the i o o ise l y p r fi a x e l — t l t in e d l v E n e b ovation in design, or ntial E e d wit ly. . h con 18. S as you ha lank. Allo . study. imless n flict w tay v o e s . nder a mn
Bruce Mau
ilure an d 13. Slo d migra ency to reinfo w dow tion to rce n. be par Desync t of you hroniz r e ing op portun from standar d it ie t im 14. Do s may p n’t resent e frames and themse surpris Cool is be cool. lves. con
servativ e fear from li mits of dressed in b 15.Ask lack. Fr this so stupid rt. ee ques Gro
wth is fueled tions. Assess by des th learnin e answer, no ire and innoc tt en g infant. throughout y he question. ce. Imagin our life e at the r ate of a n
any other field, happens in context. Tha t context is usually so me form of cooperatively mana ged enterprise. Fran k Gehry, for instance, is only able to realize Bilbao beca use his studio can deliver it on budget. The myth of a split between “creatives” an d “s u it s” is what Leonard C it sta ca ome nt of etic. risks ohen n ll t s a h d . T ‘c t h a o o i s rm n morr day i for. g oth ing artifact of th your e s ow. T past.’ er th fu an 3 he w the child 1 .D o n 21.R ture. ’t b o rr o w o m o oney. rk yo ep stn u pro f yeO e If yo eat you r d ce a a duce y gain, u rs toda and the Frank Gehry ’s advice. By main 22. M like it, do elf. partaining financiy awlillco it a o cren l, w e m a in Hybr ke your again. If attr ta in cr e eative control. It’s no y o id t Even ize your wn tools ou don’t l exactly rocket science, but it’s su i . rp k simp t rising how hard t, dto ite iis tirely le to ools in o m a in o ta in th i is t d is r o cipline, and how ma a amp new aven ls that ar der to bu failed. gain. ny have lify ey ild ue
, frict pace ’t ha Stran s a ucpolm ion, s d yet for ige th ate. trife, n i , a g n e exd b i w n f o g o o t s r r e k t r h e h e appe d too e ide h w g a 1 n n i s of o 9 h thers t know anywhere. Ev . Work the ard, and y when you’ o n nse. Lein a ever it d . t a o v t 11.Harv e h o a n e es, allo s t g nyone i e u m r g ’ g y r B w e le u e . e sep etap st id ad. one obje ls it to emerge. Ledarnvice: b Edit9 applica eas. ge tel t h w a o c rated o o hat i t tionC aeas n sustain s. Id is a to follow when it s app has the r. from far, been olifeh. An eed aldysis. H pp ProduJ y a 2 n c r a t ce a hig licatiop a m n up to 0 a a h s, on th ic, fluid rent. pacit . Be c e res h rao eo ,g 12. Kee rm ti f o t W y a o pomov o of ideas to a ther hand, benenerous enviro f o t f r o eful rk on the w long, Time ing pplicati n efit fro The ma s t a m criti ment to ons. n t rket an . o o tak wha d for is ge cal rigo rld. d its op succes t e e s s n
yourse lf
not device-depende
8.Drift urself to wa . w yo A10l. lEo iticism veryon ne cr o e is Groo shtapp a leader. wth ere. mP akes se pens. Whennywh
era .R practic esist it. Allow tions have a e. ten fa
our s of our uni diffe capaciti explora own can que thin tio gs re es, so 23. S y tand nce. even n. Reme ield en- . mbe You a sm can t on some a l l tool r, tools one’s rave men can m lf ts of shou ake tho arther lde vie a big
w is
c r so m se who c arried on s. a uch bette me befo the acco re yo m r. u. An plishd the
or her a m i h h t i ope to ings w r h r b e t i v b e r o ld y. carefull ho enters our an any we cou f their needs, n e t s i L rw th ty o 32. r aborato and complex nd the subtle l l o c . Neithe y n r w e a o g s l Eve r i n u a ore stra the det r world onto o i world m y listening to fold the e e. B n w i , g s a n o m i iti , or amb the same. s our T V e r y i s f e o d e t b a r ill eve than th nteractive, r e t . a s party w e p r i i r g
Don’t be shy a bout it. Try to get as close a the way, and s you can. You the separation ’ll never get a might be truly to look to Rich ll remarkable. W ard Hamilton e have only and his versio glass to see h n of Marcel D ow rich, discre uchamp’s larg d it e d , a n d e underused im nique. itation is as a tech36.Sca
t. When you forg et the words, do what Ella d thing else ... b id: make up so ut not words. me37.B
An Incomplete
field t ersive, orld is e m w k puter a e m T i h m . t y o 3 l f l c 3 o , a t e h o dwidt en a t eal-tim The ban Internet, or ev ect-oriented, r bj he set, or t lly rendered, o nment. ica nviro e s to g d e n dynam t o a l l e u b m it – si s afakss,tecar.b ridwed it. I think graphic39. Coiffsetaekbere ro es, em —enI hbaoprpen green rooms. 34.MaRkeal groywidtheaoft s outside of w tm the interstitia sn, ’in ito here we inten This in l spaces — wh d it . e v a g t o p D r la r. c S e G e . ” u H s y a s n c s Ulrich Obris alls “the waitAndart c t once organiz onference wit ed a science a h all of the infr nd — the parties a s tr ucture of a co , chats, lunche nference s, airport arriv actual confere a ls — but with n nce. Apparen o tly it was hug spawned man ely successful y ongoing coll and aborations. 40. Avo
reak it, stretch
, bend it, crus 38. Explore th h it, crack it, fo e other edge. ld it. Great liberty e xists when we avoid trying t the technolog o run with ical pack. We c a n ’t find the lead because it’s tr ampled unde ing edge rfoot. Try usin equipment m g old-tech ade obsolete by an econom still rich with ic cycle but potential.
Manifesto of
hisf . o r t e c b u m d e o s a pr a 42. Rem e l b i s s o erely p m y l s i n o n s o i i t h a nnov i Growt , y r o m e ion. t m c t e u r i o d h t a i h W rowt tory. g s e v i emg y m r y o r t e s i v H E . . t y erfec p novelt r e v e n s i e of y g r a o m m i e e t i m s po m But a o c r o t a d e h d w a r ’s t g a e h d vent. T ory is a e r o t n e and m t s o a m p s a u s o a i v uality a pre q s t i f ory o e m r e a m w a y r s e u at ev h t makes s n a e m m its It o . r t f n t e n s e e r r e p ct diff not a u r t s n th o w c l o r a i g t r r a o f p l a tentia o is new, p a , h c u , as s d n a , e c r u so itself. e people. el
id fields. Jump fences. Disciplinary b oundaries and regulatory reg attempts to c imes are ontrol the wil ding of creativ are often und e life. They erstandable e fforts to order manifold, com what are plex, evolutio n a ry processes. to jump the fe Our job is nces and cros s t h e fi elds. 41. Laugh.
Bruce Mau
People visitin g the studio o ften commen how much we t on laugh. Since I’ ve become aw this, I use it as are of a barometer o f h o we are expres w comfortably sing ourselve s.
le fe to th p r o e e w p o P n . e 3 4 n wh e p p a h e y l W n . s o e n v i a l c r i y e a Pl r th e v o l o r t n e. o e c r f e t v a o h n y e r e ’ th f we i s t n e g a ee can’t be fr