Jazz Notes February 2013

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Volume XXXIV

Number 1 | Feb. 2013

In This Issue Jazz in AZ Monthly Parties Quote from Visitor to The Nash B.O.Y.B. at The Nash Feb. at Kerr, 'Happy Birthday Stan Getz' Good Wishes to Dennis RIFFS by Patricia Myers Paradise Valley Jazz Party 'All That Jazz Month' at MIM by Patricia Myers Feb. 2013 Jazz Update Feb. 2013 Jazz Venue Feb. 2013 Jazz Venues AZ

Message from the Executive Director Jazz in AZ monthly party Our January Jazz in AZ party w as held at The Nash, featuring amazing pianist Nicole Pesce, w ith Jerry Donato-sax, Mike King-bass and Dan Tomlinson-drums. We are grateful to Kazimierz for hosting our party for the past several years. How ever, declining attendance and the resulting inadequate revenue to cover costs has necessitated a change. In the interest of sustaining our monthly parties, members at all levels (including lifetime) w ill receive a discounted admission fee of $10 ($5 less than the general public). If you have not yet been to The Nash, I am sure that you w ill find it to be an extraordinary venue for live jazz. It is draw ing universal comparison by musicians and audiences alike to the vibe of America's top jazz clubs, such as The Vanguard and Dizzy's Coca-Cola in New York City. It is comfortable, intimate, acoustically superior...and it has a grand piano! There are none of the usual restaurant/lounge distractions; it's all about the music! Jazz Notes newsletter goes electronic A number of factors have made the bi-monthly printing and mailing of Jazz Notes an outdated model. These include increases in the cost of printing and mailing;financial priorities of the organization to provide more performances and educational events; and the the grow ing number of live jazz events necessitating more up-to-date information than available through a print edition. Therefore, Jazz Notes w ill be published more frequently ONLINE.

Jazz in AZ Monthly Parties at The Nash

M eeting The Future

Sun., Feb. 17, 3-5 pm

The Nash has enabled Jazz in AZ to reach more people than ever before and w e appreciate your understanding of changes necessary in meeting our mission of presenting live jazz and education programs to promote the future of jazz. Prior to the opening of The Nash, Jazz in AZ annually presented 8 concerts at Kerr, a dozen parties, a dance,

Jazz Con Alma

w ith Beth Lederman

and other occasional events. In our first year at The Nash, w e w ill present w ell over 150 live jazz events both for your enjoyment and to attract a new audience that w ill ensure the future of jazz and our organization. These include jam sessions every Sunday, New Jazz every Friday night, Mainstream Jazz most Saturdays, and many special performances throughout the w eek. Our Jazz in Concert series at Kerr w ill be continued, and w e expect to continue at least one annual dance at The Scottsdale Plaza Resort. And...w e w ill be launching a number of exciting educational programs as soon as The Nash Education Annex is completed this spring. Our goal is to ensure sustainability, relevance, and improved services. If you have any questions or concerns, please leave a message at 602-795-0464 and I or a Jazz in AZ board member w ill return your call as soon as possible.

THIS BAND IS TOTALLY HOT!!! Jazz Con Alma melds the w orlds of Latin music and jazz, both traditional and contemporary. The music ranges from mainstream jazz and sw ing music, including w orks by George Gershw in and Cole Porter, to Latin music represented by Cuban and Brazilian rhythms - - salsa and cha-cha, mixed w ith samba, bossa nova and calypso grooves by Jobim, Paquito D'Rivera and others. Jazz Con Alma features Beth Leder m an-leader / piano/k eyboar ds , Felix Sainzbas s , Joe Gar cia-per cus s ion and others tba. This band is truly "con alma" - - w ith soul. Admission: $15 general, $10 Jazz in AZ members (all levels including lifetime), $5 students w ith ID Call 602-795-0464 to buy advance tickets. _____________

Sun., March 17, 3-5 pm Judy Roberts Chickfest

Sincerely, Joel Goldenthal JiA Executive Director

by Patricia Myers The Oscar Aw ards w ill be telecast on Sunday, Feb. 24, and among the categories w ill be "Best Film Song," an acknow ledgement that music in movies plays a crucial role in setting moods for essential scenes. And particularly because of one lyricist, it's appropriate that the w inners are announced during Black History Month. While researching background for one of my jazz-concert productions, I learned a lot about Paul Francis Webster. While many may now the names of lyricists Johnny Mercer, Sammy Cahn, Jule Styne, Jimmy Van Heusen and Henry Mancini, most might not know of Webster. Webster w as a black lyricist w ho w as nominated 16 film songs, the most of anyone, and he w on three Oscars betw een 1953 and 1965. He w as the lyricist for many now -classic movie themes. His first Oscar w as in 1953 for Secret Love, w ritten w ith composer Sammy Fain for the film "Calamity Jane." They collaborated to w in again in 1955 for Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing, and they also co-w rote April Love for the 1957 film of that title. Webster also w on a song Oscar in 1965 for Johnny Mandel's The Shadow of Your Smile from "The Sandpiper." He also w rote w ords for Hoagy Carmichael's Baltimore Oriole and Memphis in June, and also for Black Coffee, Friendly Persuasion and The Loveliest Night of the Year. Webster's poetic gift also created the lyrics for Maurice Jarre's 1965 film, "Dr. Zhivago," Somewhere My Love (Lara's Theme), and he penned the w ords to Mandel's A Time for Love. Webster w as born in 1907 in New York City, dropping out of college to sail to Asia as a merchant seaman. Returning to the U.S., he briefly became a dance school instructor. He then migrated to Hollyw ood w here he w orked w ith Duke Ellington on "Jump for Joy," an all-black musical play that opened in Los Angeles' Mayan Theater in 1941 w ith a cast including Ivie Anderson and Dorothy Dandridge. That same year, Webster also w rote the w ords to the huge Ellington hit, I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good). Webster w as elected into the Songw riters Hall of Fame in 1972, and died at age 76 in Beverly Hills on March 18, 1984. This year, no matter w hich song w ins for the 85th edition, it can't possibly be more surprising than in 2007 w hen it w as It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp. Jazz fans are fortunate that there has been an abundance of jazz-style type songs nominated and w inning Oscars during the past five decades. Among the aw ard-w inners w ere Over the

Rainbow, When You Wish Upon a Star, White Christmas, The Way You Look Tonight, It Might as Well Be Spring, Baby It's Cold Outside, Secret Love, All the Way, Que Sera Sera, Days of Wine and Roses, Call Me Irresponsible, The Shadow of Your Smile and For All We Know. M usi ci ans' News: The jazz community has sent loving thoughts and prayers for Dennis Row land as he recovers from a stroke that occurred during a rehearsal on Dec. 19. He has been in ICU at Barrow 's Neurological Institute in Phoenix for treatment and therapy. Cards may be sent to him c/o Biltmore Mail Boxes #202, 3104 E Camelback Road, Phoenix AZ 85016, but visitors are not permitted yet.

"Chickfest" has come to be an annual event w here celebrity pianist/vocalist Judy Rober ts invites a bevvy of divas w ith w hom she has w orked over the years to join her for a 2-hour "all girls" vocal romp! The lineup w ill include the likes of Delphine Cor tez, Mar go Reed, Sher r y Rober s on, Blais e Lantana, Vick i McDer m itt, Renee Patr ick and m or e. This w ill definitely be a party!!! Call 602-795-0464 to buy advance tickets.

The Arizona jazz community responded w ith generosity at the Nov. 26 benefit for singer Mar go Reed. Her sister, Fr ancine, came from Atlanta for the event conceived by Kazimierz ow ner Peter Kasperski, w hich raised $6,500 to assist w ith medical expenses from her hospitalization on Nov. 5 due to a heart attack. Performers included vocalists Michael Reed, Dennis Row land, Stan Dever eaux, Phil Hendr ick s and Cor dell Conw ay, also Joel Robin, Jer r y Donato, Felix Sainz, Dow ell Davis , Gr eg War ner , Chr is Gough and many others. Bassist War r en Jones and his w ife, Claudia, moved to Grand Rapids, Mich., last summer. He is performing in the area w ith former Phoenix resident John Shea, Dave Prouix, Tim Froncek and others.

The Buzz: Longtime Phoenix legend Nadine Jans en is a new part of the jazz exhibit at the Musical Instrument Museum. Her flugelhorn and a performance video are part of the Women in Jazz segment. The retrospective "The Very Best of Nadine Jansen" (16 songs from 1949-89) is on sale in the museum gift shop, also available by emailing psmyers1@cox.net or w riting to PO Box 4201 Scottsdale AZ 85261 ($18 via mail). The Early Jazz portion features a drum set on loan from Lew is Nas h (w ith a video of him performing w ith a big band) and a trumpet played by Miles Davis on loan from Joey DeFr ances co. The museum continues to present jazz concerts at 4725 E. Mayo Blvd., Phoenix, AZ 85050, info at 480-478-6000, w w w .mim.org. Jazz fans w ho lamented the reduction in KJZZ r adio's night-time jazz programming (now just five w eeknights from 8 p.m.-midnight, and none on Saturday), have another option for 24/7 jazz, listening online via a computer or cellphone. Go to jazz.kjzz.org and click on the "Listen Live" tab. The title and artist of each recording is posted as it's being played (although sometimes out of sync w ith the audio). The playlist is mainstream sw ing-style but diverse in artists and songs. The DJs provides some information about each track being played. Previous playlists are posted on the site. This is a free service, the same as KJZZ 91.5 fm on the radio.

Quote from recent visitor to The Nash "We really enjoyed the jam session on Sunday night. I w as struck by how much The Nash reminded me of Dizzy's in New York. The energy and the intimacy combined w ith the clean and classy decor and lighting

Over hear d: A local vocalist hired a combo that included a musician w ho hadn't performed regularly w ith her. So she handed him her charts in the order they w ould be played. After the first song, she turned to ask him, "What song is next?" He looked puzzled - - because he had alphabetized the charts.

Quotabl e: "I don't believe that a lot of the things I hear on the air today are going to be played for as long a time as Coleman Haw kins records or Brahms concertos." - - Os car Peter s on.

really created a similar vibe--to the point that if I squinted a little I could almost see the view of Columbus Circle and Central Park outside the w indow s. Adding to that The Nash's mission of nurturing young and emerging and experienced jazz artists, it's clear you've got a w inner!" -- Kate

B.Y.O.B. at The Nash The Nash is a B.Y.O.B. venue, w hich means that you can bring your favorite bottle of w ine (one bottle for 2 people) or 2 beers per person. A modest $5 corkage fee is charged per bottle of w ine; $1 per 12-ounce beer. We'll furnish plastic cups or you can bring your ow n glasses. Exception: First Fridays

'Happy Birthday Stan Getz' Wed., Feb. 6, 7:30 p.m . at ASU Ker r Cultur al Center , Gr eg Fis hm an w ith Judy Rober ts and Fr iends

Fi nal Bar : Ralphie Chavar r ia, pianist-composer, 58, Nov. 22 in Phoenix; Don Fr ye, former Jazz in AZ board member, longtime business member (ow ner, Prestige Cleaners), 96, Nov. 25, in Scottsdale; Mik e How ar d, guitarist, Dec. 1 in Phoenix; Dec. 5, Dave Br ubeck , pianist-composer, 91, in Norw alk, Conn.

Paradise Valley Jazz Party 36th annual Par adis e Valley Jazz Par ty on Mar ch 23-24 w ill br ing acclaim ed m us icians fr om acr os s the nation By Patricia Myers The 36th annual Paradise Valley Jazz Party, one of the longest running jazz events in the w orld, w ill feature top-level musicians from across the nation on Saturday and Sunday, March 23-24, to perform at the Scottsdale Hilton Resort. The w eekend party w as started in 1978 by Don Z. Miller and his late w ife, Sue. During the past 35 years, the events have featured hundreds of the most legendary jazz artists in the w orld. "The 30and 45-minutes sets by an "A-team" of national and regional jazz musicians in changing combinations results in exciting jam sessions," Miller said. Seating is at reserved cocktail tables in the Sonoran Ballroom of the Scottsdale Hilton Resort, 6333 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale AZ 85250. Tickets are $100 for both days, or $55 per daily session. For more information and hotel reservations, go to paradisevalleyjazz.com or call 480-948-7993. Performing Saturday from 7 to 11 p.m. w ill be the trio of pianist Shelly Berg, bassist John Clayton and drummer Akira Tana, also saxophonist Houston Person, trumpeter Warren VachĂŠ, guitarist Bruce Forman and pianist Michael Kocour. The Saturday sets also w ill feature trombonist Harry Watters, flutist Joe Corral, guitarist Stan Sorenson and pianist Beth Lederman. The Sunday sets from 1 to 6 p.m. w ill open w ith the Arizona State University Jazz Band and then again w ill feature Berg, Clayton, Tana, Person, VachĂŠ, Forman and Kocour. There also w ill be performances by Wycliffe Gordon on trombone, Eric Schneider on sax and clarinet, bassists Dw ight Kilian and Chris Finet, pianist Nick Manson, drummer John Lew is and 18-year-old multiinstrumentalist Max Goldschmid, w ho w on three aw ards in Dow nbeat magazine's 2012 student jazz musicians competition. The party's annual tradition of celebrating a guest of honor continues, and this year it is Michael Kocour, director of the jazz studies program at Arizona State University since 2004. He w ill join the honor roster that has included Joe Williams, Milt Hinton. Pee Wee Erw in, Clark Terry, Al Grey, Ray Brow n, Herb Ellis and many more.

By popular demand, this concert w ill once again celebrate the genius of Getz w ith exceptional musical performances by Fishman (sax), Judy Roberts (piano),

Scott Black (bass) and Pete Sw an (drums), plus Fishman's personal insights and anecdotes about Getz, his mentor.

Good Wishes to Dennis Row land

Cards and Letters Sydney reports that Dennis is home, follow ing his stroke. "He is doing much better w ith communicating. He gets tremendous Joy w ith each card delivered w ith mail. Everyone's thoughtfulness is deeply helpful & appreciated. We are taking it a day at a time, and often w e take it an hour at a time."

Kocour is a solo pianist and accompanist w ho formerly headed the jazz studies program at Northw estern University in Illinois. He has performed w ith Dizzy Gillespie, Eddie Harris, James Moody, Eddie Daniels, Randy Brecker, Benny Golson, Ira Sullivan, Carl Fontana, Dew ey Redman, Lew Tabackin, and the Chicago Symphony. His recorded w ork as a studio musician includes soundtracks to tw o major motion pictures, and numerous television commercials. He has eight w orks published by Warner Brothers, w hich include collections of original compositions and arrangements for piano. He has performed at venues around the w orld and has been a guest on Marian McPartland's internationally syndicated NPR program "Piano Jazz." An ASU associate professor, Kocour w as aw arded the Herberger College of Fine Arts Distinguished Teacher Aw ard for the academic year 2004-2005. Previous parties have featured performances by stars such as vocalist-pianist Diana Krall and singer Joe Williams; congero Poncho Sanchez; trumpeters Roy Eldridge, Clark Terry and Red Rodney; saxophonists Benny Carter, Zoot Sims and Bud Shank; pianists-vocalists Jay "Hootie" McShann and Dave Frishberg; drummers Bobby Rosengarden and Grady Tate; bassists Milt Hinton and Major Holley; guitarist Bucky Pizzarelli; pianist Dick Hyman; and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band from New Orleans.

Our much-appreciated notes of support may be sent to: Dennis Row land c/o Biltmore Mail Boxes #202 3104 E. Camelback Rd Phoenix AZ 85016


Click here to w atch a tribute to Dennis by young vocalists he has mentored, Olivia Freeman and Ira Hill, performing w ith Joe Bourne at ASU Kerr Cultural Center on January 9, 2013.

Jazz in Arizona, Inc. A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization P.O. Box 2913, Scottsdale, AZ 85252-2913 Phone: (602)765-0464. Email: info@jazzinaz.org. Website: w w w .jazzinaz.org Jazz in AZ is dedicated to supporting the art of LIVE JAZZ and cultivating interest in jazz through youth education, scholarship opportunities and community outreach. Jazz In AZ Board Members: Steve Douglas, president; Doug Mayes, vice president; Susan Dw yer, treasurer; Lorene Ely, secretary; Daw n Agent, Barbie Baugh, Beth Dore, Debbi Foshee, Larry Goldstein, Peter Keane, Dennis Row land, Stu Siefer and Fred Wilson. Executive Director: Joel Robin Goldenthal (602)750-7045; joel@jazzinaz.org Assistant Director:

Joan Leard, (480)947-6119; joan@jazzinaz.org Jazz Notes New sletter Editor: Joel R. Goldenthal Contributing w riters: Patricia Myers, Joel Goldenthal Jazz Notes is published by Jazz in Arizona, Inc. Advertising Information: call 602-750-7045; or email joel@jazzinaz.org

Special Thanks to JiA Business Members

" All That Jazz Month" at MIM By Patricia Myers

"All That Jazz Month" at the Musical Instrument Museum featured a star-studded concert series in connection w ith an expanded jazz-history display, now one of the museum's larger genre exhibits. The November concert series brought in the Branford Marsalis Quartet, Manhattan Transfer, DIVA Jazz Trio w ith Grace Kelly, and a Django Reinhardt Tribute. The jazz exhibit's three sections feature 66 instruments, 31 video clips and 23 images to represent jazz from its early days through sw ing, bebop, cool, hard bop and contemporary forms. The segments are Early Jazz, Women in Jazz and Latin Jazz. In addition, a touring exhibit, "Portraits from the Golden Age of Jazz: Photographs by William Gottlieb" from the 1930s and 1940s, w ill be on view through April 6, w ith instruments and video footage of many of the featured musicians alongside 71 photographs of jazz legends. Local legend Nadine Jansen is part of the Women in Jazz segment. Her flugelhorn is on view , along w ith a video of her recording w ith Marian McPartland for the "Piano Jazz" radio program, show ing and hearing this amazing musician playing trumpet w ith right hand and piano w ith left at the same time (she also sang). Both Wynton Marsalis and his father, Ellis, sat in w ith Nadine at J. Chew & Co. after their ow n concerts elsew here. The CD of 16 songs chronologically assembled from reel-to-reel tapes, cassettes and previous albums (1949-89) is available in the MIM gift shop.

ASU Kerr Cultural Center 480-596-2660 w w w .asukerr.com Call-Hold Marketing! Bruce Collier - 214-515-7101 w w w .call-hold.com Custom Courts, Inc. 602-741-8599 w w w .customcourtsandtile.com

Docent-led mini-tours of the jazz exhibits are scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 5, at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., and for youth and children there w ill be a "Jazz Fly" storybook presentation about improvisation at 11:30 a.m., and a performance by the ASU Dixie Devils at 12:30 p.m. (admission $18, $14 teens, $10 children).

Extreme Decibel Big Band Clark Krueger clark@extremedecibel.com "From The Top" Artist Management Services Carol Finney Matt Johnson Sonoran Jazz Project.com McKay Conant Hoover Inc McKay Conant - mchinc.com 90th Floor Records - Jan Collier 480-985-2894 w w w .90thfloorrecords.com Paradise Valley Jazz Party Don Z. Miller w w w .paradisevalleyjazz.com

Nadine Jansen, circa 1970

A previous jazz focus w as presented last August in connection w ith Jazz in AZ that featured Arizona musicians performing w ith the Marty Ashby Trio from the Manchester Craftsmen's Guild in Pittsburgh, Pa.

MIM, a Smithsonian Institution affiliate, has expanded its permanent jazz collection by borrow ing several instruments from the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History for display including clarinets played by Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw , and a trombone played by J.J. Johnson. Other pieces include a trumpet mouthpiece and mute used by Miles Davis and a guitar played by Charlie Christian. A cornet associated w ith Louis Armstrong is part of the in the Early Jazz segment, a beaded gow n and lyric sheets ow ned by Ella Fitzgerald is in the Women in Jazz exhibit, and a saxophone played by Mario BauzĂĄ and timbales are on loan to MIM from Eddie Palmieri in the Latin Jazz exhibit. Concerts are staged in the music theater of the 200,000-square-foot building, w hich has tw o floors of galleries displaying a collection of nearly 15,000 instruments and associated objects. MIM offers both docent-led and self-tours using w ireless audio guides that interface w ith the sound track for videos at more than 300 sites in 80,000 square feet. Hidden identifiers are installed at exhibits that cue the audio guides automatically to exactly the right sound-track as the view er approaches each video screen. Built at a cost of $250 million, MIM also features a recording studio, classroom, cafĂŠ, coffee shop, courtyard and gift shop. The museum's Artist Gallery includes George Benson's Gibson Johnny Smith model guitar and one of his many Grammy Aw ards; Carlos Santana's custom Yamaha guitar w ith inlaid Buddhist motifs; an early Paul Reed Smith (PRS)

Prestige Cleaners w w w .prestigecleaners.com Quick's Music Store w w w .quicksmusic.com San Tan New s - Geoff Hancock w w w .santansun.com Scottsdale Center for the Arts Eileen Wilson

guitar played by Santana, a precursor to the "Supernatural" guitar, named after his multiple Grammy-w inning album; the Steinw ay piano on w hich John Lennon composed "Imagine"; and the first Steinw ay piano, built in 1836 the kitchen of Henrich Engelhard Steinw eg's home in Seesen, Germany. The Experience Gallery features instruments that can be touched and played. MIM w as founded and funded by Robert J. Ulrich, former CEO and chairman emeritus of Target Corp., of Minneapolis, Minn., a collector of African art and w orld museum enthusiast. After seeing the Musical Instruments Museum in Brussels, Belgium, Ulrich visualized one in the United States w ith more interactive elements. The global collections w ere assembled by five curators w ho consulted w ith ethnomusicologists and organologists (musical instrument experts) under the supervision of MIM president Billie (Bill) R. DeWalt. The museum is located at 4725 E. Mayo Blvd., Phoenix, AZ 85050, 480-478-6000, w w w .mim.org.

Dr. Joseph Scherzer Joseph Martin Productions Zonal Music Group - Rick Wall rick@zonalmusicgroup.com.

Feb. 201 3 Jazz Update

Feb. 201 3 JAZZ VENUES

Compiled for Jazz in AZ by Patricia Myers, psmyers1@cox.net

Compiled for Jazz in AZ by Patricia Myers, psmyers1@cox.net (Bookings are subject to change; call to confirm)

Jan. 30, ASU Big Band + Willis Junior High School Jazz Band, 7 p.m. Wed., free, Chandler Center for the Arts, 250 N. Arizona Ave., Chandler


85225, 480-782-2680.

Feb. 1, Fir s t Fr iday: The Scor pion Decides , 7:30-10 pm Fri., free, The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org , 602-795-0464.

Nathan Hubbar d-per cus s ionis t, Br ans on Nejam e-k eyboar ds , Jer om e Salazar -bas s . Percussionist/Composer/Instrument Builder Nathan Hubbar d w orks in many different fields, but in general his w ork show s a decided interest in exploring the possibilities of sound and embracing the passing of time. Feb. 2, "A Mus ical Tr ibute to John Coltr ane (r e"Giant Steps "& "A Love Supr em e" album s ): PVCC Faculty Jazz Ens em ble (Keith KellyScott Zim m er -s axes , Br ett Reed-vibes , Ted Sis tr unk -bas s , John Lew is -dr um s , 7:30 p.m. Sat., $12 adults-reserved; $10 seniors-reserved, $8 military/student; $6 children; Paradise Valley Community College, 18401 N. 32nd Street, Phoenix 85032, | 602-787-6686, paradisevalley.edu CANCELLED Feb. 2, Joe Lovano and Us Five w / Jam es Weidm an, Es per anza Spalding, Fr ancis co Mela, Otis Br ow n III, 7 p.m. Sat., $42.50, $47.50; 9 p.m. Sat., $32.50, $37.50; Musical Instrument Museum, 4725 E. Mayo Blvd., Phoenix 85050, 480-478-6000, mim.org Feb. 2, Bad Cactus Br as s Band, 7-9 p.m. Sat., $10, Sun City Grand, 19753 N. Remington Drive, Surprise, 623-266-3606. ** Feb. 3, Jazz Jam Ses s ion, Hous e Band: Ted Sis tr unk -bas s |Chr is Pe単a piano | Buddy Bank s bas s , 6-9 pm Sun., $5, $2 participating musicians, The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602-795-0464. Feb. 3, Chele'-vocals : "Mus ic in the Gar den Winter Ser ies ," 1-3 p.m. Sun., Desert Botanical Garden, 1201 N. Galvin Pkw y, Phoenix 85008, 480481-8188, dbg.org, $15 members, $21 non-members.

Am er ican Legion Pos t #44, 7145 E. Second St., Scottsdale, 480-9419053, Sw ingtime Jazz Quartet, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Wed., food, dancing. As cens ion Luther an Chur ch, 7100 N. Mockingbird Lane, Paradise Valley, 480-948-6050, Jazz Vespers (Bob Ravenscroft-piano, Dw ight Kilian-bass, Rob Moore-drums, Richard Parrish-spoken w ord, Caleb Kilian-visuals), free, 7 p.m. Fri. Feb. 15. Bobby's Res taur ant & Jazz Lounge, 7122 E. Greenw ay Pkw y, Scottsdale, 480-556-0770: various. Chances on Sixth, 7570 E. Sixth Ave (corner of Miller Road), Scottsdale, 480-994-4338, Joe Hopkins Quintet (Hopkins-clarinet, Cheryl Thurston-keys, Danny Shannon-bass, Caesar Rob-drums), New Orleans-style jazz + jammers, 5-9 p.m. Sun., food, dancing. Eddie V's , 15323 N. Scottsdale Road (Scottsdale Quarter), Scottsdale, 480538-8468, 7-11 p.m. Sat. Diana Lee, Feb. 16. Fifth and Wine, 7051 E. Fifth Ave., Scottsdale 85251, 480-699-8001, food: Stan Sorenson-guitar, Steve Douglas-bass, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Sat. Jan. 26. Hous ton's , 6113 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, 480-922-7775: Jerry Donato Band, 5:30-9 p.m. Thurs.-Sat. Jazz in the Hills , Alchem y at Copper Wynd Res or t, 13225 N. Eagle Ridge Drive (north off Shea at Palisades, turn left on Eagle Ridge), Fountain Hills, 85268, 480-333-1880 or 480-788-5290, jazzinthehills.info or 480-6889035 (Susan Harding): $10, $9 members, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Fri. (seating at 6 p.m.): Jan. 24-Jerry Donato w / Armand Boatman Trio, Feb. 1- Fred Forney w / Armand Boatman Trio, Feb. 8-Vicki McDermitt w / Armand Boatman & Dw ight Kilian. Kazim ier z Wor ld Wine Bar , 7137 E. Stetson Drive, Scottsdale, 480-9463004, $5 cover after 8 p.m.: Margo Reed Band, 9 p.m.-midnight Mon. (Reedvocals, Jerry Donato-sax, Joel Robin-keyboard); GregWarner leads azz Experience + Friends, 9 p.m.-midnight Thurs. Lon's at the Her m os a (patio), 5532 E. Palo Cristi Road, Paradise Valley, 602-955-7878, 10.30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Sun. brunch, Larry Reed-vocals-piano, Dennis Sexton-bass. Malee's ,7131 E. Main St. Scottsdale, 85251, 480-947-6042, maleesthaibistro.com, Renee Patrick-vocals, Judy Roberts-keys-vocals, 6-9 p.m. Mon. Mayo Clinic, 12400 E. Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, 480-301-8000, noon-1 p.m. Wed. various including Jan. 30, Laurie Fagen-vocals + Charles Lew is-keys.

** Feb. 6, Stan Getz Bir thday Celebr ation": Gr eg Fis hm an-tenor s ax, Judy Rober ts -piano, Scott Black -bas s ,

Montelucia Res or t-Mbar , 4949 E. Lincoln Drive @ Tatum, Paradise Valley, 480-627-3200, montelucia.com: Michael Reed Band, 8-11 p.m. Sat. Jan. 25.

Pete Sw an-dr um s , 7:30 p.m. Wed., $24, $29-reserved, ASU Kerr Cultural Center, 6110 N. Scottsdale Road (w est off Rose Lane), Scottsdale, 480-596-2660, jazzinaz.org or asukerr.com By popular demand, this concert w ill once again celebrate the genius of Getz w ith exceptional musical performances plus Fishman's personal insights and anecdotes about Getz, his mentor. [Made possible w ith support from the Jazzbird Foundation] Feb. 7, Young Sounds of Ar izona (2 big bands ), 7:30 p.m. Thurs., $12, $9 students-seniors, ASU Kerr Cultural Center, 6110 N. Scottsdale Road (w est off Rose Lane), Scottsdale, 480-596-2660, jazzinaz.orgor asukerr.com. Feb. 8, Tr em e Br as s Band (fr om New Or leans ), 7:30 p.m. Fri., Arizona Musicfest @ Highlands Church,9050 E. Pinnacle Peak Road, Scottsdale 85255, $40, $55 premium seating, $5 students (K-12), $10 college students w / ID, 480-488-0806 or 866-488-0806. ** Feb. 8, 'New Jazz': Max Knous e Quintet, 7:30-10 pm Fri., $10, $5, The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602795-0464. Feb. 9, Bad Cactus Br as s Band, 3-10 p.m. Sat., free, Dow ntow n Phoenix Mardi Gras, Cityscape, 1 E. Washington St., Phoenix 85004, phxmardigras.com. Feb. 9, Eddie Daniels -clar inet, Roger Kellaw ay-piano, 7:30 p.m. Sat. Lakeside Room, Tempe Center for the Arts, 700 W. Rio Salado Pkw y, Tempe, 480-350-2822, lakeshoremusic.org Feb. 9, "Songs fr om My Red Suitcas e, A One-Wom an Play (s ongs , s tor ies , poetr y)": Ingr id "Vis m aya" Hagelber g, 7:30-9 p.m. Sat, $15, Studio Live, 215 Coffee Pot Drive, West Sedona 86336, reservations @t Studio Live, 928-282-0549 or studiolivesedona.com ** Feb. 10, Jazz in AZ jam s es s ion led by Stan Sor ens on-guitar , 6-9 pm Sun.,$5, $2 participating musicians , BYOB, The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602-795-0464. Feb. 10, Sw ingtips : "Mus ic in the Gar den Winter Ser ies ," 1-3 p.m. Sun., Desert Botanical Garden, 1201 N. Galvin Pkw y, Phoenix 85008, 480-481-8188, dbg.org, $15 members, $21 non-members Feb. 10, Kur t Elling, 7 p.m. Sun., $29.50-$37.50,Musical Instrument Museum, 4725 E. Mayo Blvd., Phoenix 85050, 480-478-6000, mim.org Feb. 10, "All That Jazz: Judy Rober ts Tr io" (Renee Patr ick -vocals , Rober ts -vocals -piano + gues t), 7 p.m. Sun., presented by the Anglican

OC Seven Res taur ant @ Scottsdale Resort and Athletic Club, 8325 E. Indian Bend Road (betw een 101 and Hayden Road), Scottsdale, 85250, 480991-1571, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Sat., Delphine Cortez-vocals, Joel Robin-keys; (except Jan. 26, Blaise Lantana-vocals, Beth Lederman-keys); $10 minimum pp; food, dance floor. Phoenician Res or t-J&G Steak hous e, 6000 E. Camelback Rd. Scottsdale 85251, 480-941-8200, thephoenician.com: 4:30-7:30 p.m. Thurs. Paul Sherman-solo piano or Felix Sainz-vocals-guitar; alternate w eeks. Rem ington's , 7200 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale 85253, 480-951-5101: 7-10:30 p.m. Tues., Danny Long-piano-vocals, Judy Roberts-keys-vocals, Tony Vacca-sax; 7-10:30 p.m. Wed., Judy Roberts-solo piano-vocals; 710:30 p.m. Thurs. Judy Roberts-keys-vocals, Margo Reed-vocals; 7-10:30 p.m. Fri.-Sat., Long-Roberts (+ Trish Dw yer, Sat.); 4-8 p.m. Mon. Rags Allen; 4-6 p.m. Thurs., Jerry Harris. Sacr ed Gr ounds Jazz Coffeehous e, Scottsdale Congregational United Church of Christ auditorium, 4425 N. Granite Reef Rd. (east of Hayden, south of Camelback), Scottsdale, 480-946-2900, scucc.com, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Thurs., $5 donation, coffee-desserts on sale: Jan. 24 - PrizeFighting Kangaroos (Tribute to Charlie Parker); Jan. 31 - Sean Kelso Septet; Feb. 7 Delphine Cortez & Jazz Alive; Feb. 14 - Jesse McGuire (Valentine concert); Feb. 21 - Jack Radavich & Friends; Feb. 28 - Charles Lew is. Scotts dale Ranch Clubhous e, 100th St. south of Shea Blvd., Scottsdale: Mon. Jan. 7, Feb. 4, jazz combo led by Dave Friedman-tpt + Paul Wolin-tenor sax, Mark Young-alto sax, Joe Savard-trombone, Ned Kuvinen-keys, Gary Brow ning-vibes, Don Friedman-guitar, Todd Know les-bass, Ken Faulanddrums, Ginni Alvey-vocals; (BYOB). Studio, Scotts dale Congr egational Chur ch, 4425 N. Granite Reef Road, Scottsdale, 480-946-2900, 11 a.m. Sun. live-jazz service, music by Shea Marshall. Talk ing Stick Res or t & Cas ino, 101 & Indian Bend, Scottsdale 85250, 480-850-8606: Orange Sky Lounge, 15th floor, various trios. VFW Pos t 3513, 7220 E. Wilshire Drive, Scottsdale, 480-941-9849, Havin' Fun Big Band, 7-9 p.m. Wed., dance floor. Winfield's Cafe @ Fir s t Baptis t Chur ch of Scotts dale, 7025 E. Osborn Road, Scottsdale, 480-907-5157 or 480-945-6346, w infieldscafe.com, 7:309:30 p.m. Fri., donation, coffee-beverages-desserts on sale: Jan. 25, Bones Southw est Trombone Choir; Feb. 1, Jazz Poets; Feb. 8, Monica Shriver & Friends; Feb. 15, Prize-Fighting Kangaroos Saxophone Quartet (Mary Petrich, Scott Zimmer, Bryon Ruth, Paul Brew er); Feb. 20, Red Mountain Big Band; Feb. 22, jam session w /Eric Rasmussen & SCC jazz faculty; March 1, no music; March 8, Fred Forney and Friends; March 15, Mary Petrich and Open Hand (Petrich-sax, Mark Witt-trb, Sean Brogan-bass, Ryan Anthonydrums); March 22, Bass & Face (Dw ight Kilian-bass,Vicki McDermitt-vocals); March 29, Good Friday, no music.

Diocese of Arizona & Sedona Jazz at the Church Concerts @ Corte Bella Country Club, 22135 N. Mission Drive, Sun City West, $20 (includes hor d'oeurves & cash bar)m info 928-254-3592, tickets episcopalnet.org/DBS/Sedona/jazz/CorteBellaJazz.html Feb. 10, Bad Cactus Br as s Band, 2-4 p.m. Sun., free, Surprise Community Park, 15953 N. Bullard Ave., Surprise 85374. ** Feb. 11, Ar izona Jazz Mas ter w or k s Or ches tr a + Highland High School Jazz Ens em ble, 7:30 p.m. Mon., $15, $5 students, The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org or 480-947-6119 ** Feb. 12, John Stow ell Tr io, 7:30-10 pm Tues., $15, $10 students,The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602795-0464. Feb. 12, Taylor Eigs ti Tr io (Eigs ti-piano, Har is h Raghavan-bas s , Er ic Har land-dr um s ), 7:30 p.m. Tues., $45, $55, AZ Musicfest @ Fairw ay House at Grayhaw k, 8620 E. Thompson Peak Parkw ay, Scottsdale 85255, 480-4880806. Feb. 12, CGCC Jazz Band, 7:30 p.m. Tues., free, Chandler-Gilbert Community College Arnette Scott Ward Performing Arts Center, 2626 E. Pecos Road, Chandler, 85225, 480-732-7343, cgc.edu/arts. Feb. 13, Tier ney Sutton-vocals , Shelly Ber g-piano, 7:30 p.m. Wed., $45, $55, AZ Musicfest @ Fairw ay House at Grayhaw k, 8620 E. Thompson Peak Parkw ay, Scottsdale 85255, 480-488-0806. Feb. 14, John Pizzar elli Quar tet, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., $29, $39, $49, Scottsdale Center for Performing Arts, 7380 E. Second St., Scottsdale 85251, 480-499-8587. Feb. 14-17, New por t Beach Jazz Par ty (New por t Beach Mar r iott Hotel, Calif.) : Ter r y Gibbs Dr eam Band, Sam m y Nes ticoBig Band Four Fr es hm an, Rober ta Gam bar ini, Fr ank D'Rone, Ter r y Gibbs -Ken Peplow s k i Quar tet, Br uce For m an's Guitar Sum m it, Salute to Count Bas ie w / Butch Miles , Hous ton Per s on, Er ic Reed Tr io, Holly Hofm ann, Jam es Mor r is on, Ter ell Staffor d, Pete Bar butti, Bill Mays "At the Movies ," m or e; $370-$400 w eekend or per event,, 949-759-5003, new portbeachjazzparty.com Feb. 15, Sun Lak es Big Band: "Sw ing & Chocolate," free including sw eet treats-coffee, 6-9 p.m. Fri., Hope Covenant Church, 1770 S. Dobson Road, Chandler 85286, info@hopechurchchandler.com or 480-899-7255. ** Feb. 15, New Jazz-TBA,7:30 p.m. Fri., $10, $5 students, BYOB, The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602-7950464. ** Feb. 16, Mains tr eam Jazz-Moio Br other s Tr io: Bill Moio-guitar , Todd Johns on-bas s , Dom Moio-dr um s , 7:30 p.m. Sat.,$10, $5 students, BYOB,

PHOENIX & WEST VALLEY Ar izona Biltm or e Res or t-Wr ight's Lobby Bar , 2400 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix 85016; 602-955-6600, arizonabiltmore.com: Khani Cole Trio, 8-11 p..m. Thurs-Sat. starting Jan. 17 As bur y United Methodis t Chur ch (s anctuar y), 1601 W. Indian School Road (SW corner 16th Ave.), Phoenix 85015, 602-279-2369, Pam's Jam (Pam Morita-vocals-piano, Dominic Therrien-bass, Luis Morales-drums), first Wed., $5 donation, all ages-levels. Car ly's Bis tr o, 128 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, Jazz Jones Jam Session, 2-5 p.m. Sun., free, led by Alan Jones (info 602-487-8743). Jazz for the Soul, Spir it of Hope United Methodis t Chur ch, 14403 N. 75th Ave., Peoria, 623-979-0080, free, 6-8 p.m. Sun.: Feb. 10, John Stoleguitar, Dw ight Kilian-bass, Dom Moio-drums; March 10, Sherry Roberson & Friends; April 14, Tambores (Dom Moio-Joe Garcia); May 12, TBD; June 9, Be Bop Revolution (Armand Boatman-keys, Jerry Donato-sax, Fred Forneytpt, Dw ight Kilian-bass, Dom Moio-drums). JiveMind Mus ic Co-op, 5754 W. Glenn Drive, Glendale 85301, free parking, info 408-475-5583, 623-931-0235: jazz jam led by pro musicians, 7:30-10 p.m. Thurs., $5 cover, led in Jan by Frank Smith Trio (Smith-keyssax-flute, Vic Kottner-bass, Tim Dow ns-drums). Los Com padr es , 2350 W. Northern Ave., Phoenix, 602-864-0258, food: 6:30-9:30 p.m. Sat. Feb. 16, Devon Bridgew ater-trumpet, David Valdiviakeys, Vic Kottner-bass + TBA. Los t Leaf, 914 N. Fifth St. @ Roosevelt, Phoenix, 602-258-0014, thelostleaf.org, 9:30 p.m. first Mon., Jiggle (Bryon Ruth-Scott Zimmer-saxes, Ted Sistrunk-bass, Nathan Hubbard-drums); 9:30 p.m. second Mon., Running from Bears (Eric Rasmussen-alto, Adam Roberts-tenor, Jeff Libman-guitar, Andrew Schiller-bass, Ryan Anthony-drums); 9:30 pm third Wed., The Scorpion Decides (Nathan Hubbard-drums-compositions, Jerome Salazar-electric bass, Branson Nejame-keyboards, Keith Kellyw oodw inds). Mayo Hos pital, 5777 E. Mayo Blvd., Phoenix, 480-515-6296: noon-1 p.m. Tues., various including Jan. 29, Laurie Fagen-vocals + Charles Lew is-keys. Nos talgi'a Cancione e Vino Italian Cuis ine, 4935 W. Glendale Ave., Glendale 85301, 623-463-8104, eatatpolos.com, Bridget Maynes & Auggie Mendoza, 6-9 pm Wed.; Jay Maynes ("Juan Oskar"), 6-9 pm Thurs.; Robin Maynes + guests, 5:30-8:30 pm Fri.-Sat. Rhythm & Wine, SE corner of Miller and Pinnacle Peak. 7605 E. Pinnacle Peak Road, Scottsdale 85255, 480-478-6999, Krystal Clarke-vocals, David Bernstein-guitar, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Sun.

The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602-795-0464.

Ritz-Car lton-Bis tr o 24, 2401 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix, 602-468-0700, Nicole Pesce-piano, Jeffrey Hattrick-vocals, 6-8 p.m. Sat., lobby bar.

Feb. 16, Bad Cactus Br as s Band, 7-10 p.m. Sat., $10, Lost Dutchman RV Resort, 10936 E. Apache Trail, Apache Junction 885120, 480-986-3192.

Royal Palm s Res or t (T. Cook 's Lounge),5200 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix 85018, Joe Costello Project featuring Mark DeCozio, 8-11 p.m. Wed.; Joe Costello Project, 8-11 p.m. Thurs.

Feb. 17, Mar go Reed Tr io w / Ar m and Boatm an-piano, Dw ight Kilianbas s , 3 p.m. Sun., "Sedona Jazz at the Church" @ St. Luke's Episcopal Church,2700 Hw y 179 (near Chapel Rd), Sedona,928-282-7366: $10, $15 reserved, $5 live stream; 928-282-7366, episcopalnet.org/DBS/Sedona/Jazz.html ** Feb. 17, Jazz in AZ jam s es s ion, 6-9 p.m. Sun.,$5, $2 participating musicians, BYOB, The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602-795-0464. Feb. 18, SoulScapes (Bob Ravens cr oft-k eyboar ds , Dw ight Kilian-bas s , Rob Moor e-dr um s , Richar d Par r is h-s pok en, Mar io Bar nabe-vis uals ), 4 p.m., Mon., free, Community Church of the Verdes, 25603 N. Danny Lane, Rio Verde, 480-471-7239. Feb. 19, ASU Jazz Com bos , 7:30 p.m. Tues., free, 5th Floor Recital Hall, ASU School of Music, Tempe. Feb. 20, Br uce Gates ' Cons or tium Big Band: "Look ing Back , Look ing Ahead" (tr um pets : Br uce Gates , Dave Coolidge, Denny Monce, Coby Boyce; tr om bones : Bill Tole, Ryan Haines , Steve McAllis ter , Matt Lennex, s axes : Mik e Cr otty, Er ic Ras m us s en, Dave Schm idt, Adam Rober ts , Paul Br ew er , piano-Nick Mans on, bas s -Tom William s , dr um s -John Lew is ); 7:30 p.m. Wed., $25 reserved ($23 students, seniors, military), $20 general admission ($18 students, seniors, military), ASU Kerr Cultural Center, 6110 N. Scottsdale Road (w est off Rose Lane), Scottsdale, 480-596-2660, asukerr.com Feb. 21, Big Band Night: ASU Concer t Jazz Band, ASU Jazz Reper tor y Band (Michael Kocour , Jeff Libm an, dir ector s ) 7:30 p.m. Thurs., free, Katzin Concert Hall, ASU School of Music, Tempe. Feb. 21-23, NAU Jazz Fes tival (51s t), 50 middle & high school and community college bands performing daily + clinics, Brice Winston-sax w / NAU Jazz Ensemble @ 8 p.m. Fri.; all free, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff; info 928-523-3779 or to Jazz.Studies@nau.edu ** Feb. 22, New Jazz-TBA, 7:30-10 p.m. Fri., $10, $5 students, BYOB, The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602795-0464. Feb. 22, Keb' Mo' + Ar izona Mus icfes t Or ches tr a: "A Night of Blues ," 7:30 p.m. Fri., $45, $60, Student (K-12) FREE, College w ith ID $10, Pinnacle Presbyterian Church, 25150 N. Pima Road, Scottsdale, 480-488-0806 / toll-free 866-488-0806, w w w .azmusicfest.org

St. Fr ancis , 111 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix, 602-200-8111, Diana Lee-vocals, Paul Sherman-keys, Felix Sainz-bass, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun. brunch; stfrancisaz.com. ** The Nas h (Jazz in AZ center ),110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602-795-0464, 602-750-7045; 6-9 p.m. Sun., w eekly Jazz in AZ Sunday Jam Session (w / grand piano, guitar-bass amps, drum set), $5, $2 participating musicians; see Calendar for other events, including First Friday music-art events, concerts, clinics, monthly Sunday parties. EAST VALLEY (Tem pe-Chandler -Gilber t-Mes a-Apache Junction) As ia, 1236 E Baseline Road #102, Mesa 85204, 480-892-0688 asiaaz.com, food: String Theory (Doug Arnold-guitar-vocals, Shaw n Manske-bassvocals), 7-10 p.m. third Fri. Cafe Gr eco/Buon Gus to, 440 W. Warner (NE corner Kyrene), Tempe 85284, 480-705-9222, Dave Henning-piano, Pete Gitlin-guitar & Friends, 4:30-7:30 p.m. Sat. D'vine Bis tr o Chandler , 3990 S. Alma School Road, Chandler (NW corner Alma School & Ocotillo), Chandler, 480-782-5550, dvinebistro.com, AebiCoulson Jazz Duo featuring Jimmy Nistico, 7-10 p.m. Sat.; Aebi-Coulson Duo + Tim Hern-vocals, 6:30-9:30 p.m. alternate Mon. Fir ed Up Gr ill, 7131 E. Ray Road (formerly 56 East) @ Casa Paloma Shopping Center, via I-10 & Ray Road), Chandler, 480-940-4040: jazz jam led by Aebi-Coulson Jazz Duo + Jimmy Nistico-sax, Perry Senn-drums, 7-10 p.m. Sun. Flor idino's , 50 E. Guadalupe Rd. (NW corner Baseline), Gilbert, 480-5391079, Ted New man-guitar-vocals, Danny Shannon-bass, 6-8:30 p.m. Tues. Gold Bar Es pr es s o, 3141 S. McClintock Drive, #6, Tempe, 480-839-3082, Jazz Alliance, 7:30-11 p.m. Fri & Sun., goldbarespresso.org La Stalla Cucina Rus tica, 68 W. Buffalo St., Chandler, 480-855-9990, lastallacr.com. Laurie Fagen-vocals, Frank Smith-keys, 6-9 p.m. Sun. Feb. 10, March 10, April 14; Vandal-Hancock Duo (Matt Vandal-Devon Hancockjazz guitars), 6-9 p.m. Sun. Jan. 27, Feb. 24, March 24, April 21. Lone Butte Cas ino (Ver ona Chophous e), 1077 S. Kyrene Road, Gila River Reservation, (Kyrene exit from I-10 to Santan 202 east, or 101 south to Santan 202 w est), 21 and older, 1-800-WIN-GILA (946-4452), 10 a.m.-3

Feb. 22-24, San Diego Jazz Par ty: Hous ton Per s on, Har r y Allen, Jonny Var r o, Ros s ano Spor tiello, Eddie Er ick s on, Butch Miles , John Cocuzzi, Ed Polcer , m or e; Hilton San Diego/Del Mar Hotel, $220 all eevents, session tickets available, 858-453-0846 or dcooper4@hotmail.com Feb. 22-24, Seas ide (Or e.) Jazz Fes tival: Titan Hot Seven, Ivor y & Gold, Blue Str eet, High Sier r a, Wally's War ehous e Waifs , Bob Dr aga, m or e; jazzseaside.com ** Feb. 23, Mains tr eam Jazz-TBA, 7:30-10 p.m. Sat., $10, $5 students, The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602795-0464. Feb. 23, Billy Childs Ens em ble, 7:30 p.m. Sat., Main Stage, Tempe Center for the Arts, 700 W. Rio Salado Pkw y, Tempe, 480-350-2822, lakeshoremusic.org Feb. 24, Dixie Cats (Tucs on), 1-4 p.m. Sun., Crow ne Plaza San Marcos Golf Resort, 1 San Marcos Place, Chandler, Arizona Classic Jazz Society event, $10 members, $15 non-members, under 18 free, 480-620-3941, azclassicjazz.org

p.m.Sun. jazz brunch: Bridget Maynes & Auggie Mendoza, first & second Sun.; Joel Robin-Delphine Cortez, third & fourth Sun. Mad Hatter Br ew pub (for m er ly Dave's Electr ic) 502 S. College, Tempe, 480-967-5353 7-9 p.m. Tues.: Jan.22, Joel Robin-Delphine Cortez; Jan. 29, TBA; Feb. 5, Michael Pow ers Group; Feb. 12, TBA; Feb.19, Joel Robin combo; Feb. 26, Nicole Pesce; March 5, Beth Lederman combo; March 12, Renee Patrick combo; March 19, Joel Robin combo; March 26, Nicole Pesce; April 2, Stan Sorenson; April 9, TBA; April 23 Nicole Pesce; April 30, Stu Siefer Trio; May 7, Beth Lederman combo; May 14, TBA; May 21, Joel Robin; May 28, Nicole Pesce; June 4, Stan Sorenson combo; June 11, Joel Robin combo; June 18, Nicole Pesce; jamnjazzproductions.com, 480-966-0812. Pes to's Gour m et Pizza and Wine Bar , 1960 W. Ray Road, Suite 4 (NE corner Dobson Road), Chandler, 480-821-2949, John Know lton Trio (Know lton-guitar, Eric Bart or Dick Curtis-guitar, Vic Kottner-bass) 7-11 p.m. Sat. Pier D' Or leans , 61 E. University Dr., Mesa, 480-844-7437, Cheryl's Mardi Gras Jazz Band (Cheryl Thurston-piano, Gary Church-tpt, Joe Hopkinsclarinet, Roy Calhoun-drums), 6-8 p.m. Sat., food.

** Feb. 24, Jazz in AZ Jam s es s ion,6-9 p.m. Sun.,$5, $2 participating musicians, BYOB, The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602-795-0464.

Pita Jungle Res taur ant, 1949 W. Ray Road, Chandler, 480-855-3232, jazz jam led by Pita Jungle Trio (Dave Ihlenfeld-piano, Pete Gitlin-guitar-bass, Andy Ziker-drums) 7-10 p.m. Thurs.

Feb. 27, MIM Mus ical Inter lude: Michael Kocour -piano, Ben Hequis tbas s , Dom Moio-dr um s , 10:30 a.m. Wed., $7, Musical Instrument Museum, 4725 E. Mayo Blvd., Phoenix 85050, 480-478-6000, mim.org

Pita Jungle-Mes a, 1850 W. Southern Ave. (across from Mesa Community College) 480-615-PITA (7482), pitajungle.com/locations/mesa, Judy Robertskeys-vocals, Renee Patrick-vocals, 5-7 p.m. Sun.

** Mar ch 1, Fir s t Fr iday New Jazz-Chr is Pena-piano, Max Knous eguitar , Jor dan Tom pk ins -dr um s , 7:30-10 p.m. Fri., free, The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602-795-0464.

Pizza Mar t, 1329 E. Main St., Mesa, 480-962-4233, Cheryl's Cats and Jammers Band (Cheryl Thurston-piano, Gary Church-tpt, Joe Hopkinsclarinet, Dick Obermiller-bass, Roy Calhoun-drums), 5-7:30 p.m. Wed.

** Mar ch 2, Mains tr eam Jazz : Dm itr i Matheny-flugelhor n, Andr ew Gr os s -s ax, Nick Mans on-piano, Ted Sis tr unk -bas s , Dom Moio-dr um s + gues ts , 7:30-10 p.m. Sat., $15, $10 students, The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602-795-0464. ** Mar ch 3, Jazz in AZ jam s es s ion, 6-9 p.m. Sun.,$5, $2 participating musicians, BYOB, The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602-795-0464. ** Mar ch 4, ASU Latin Jazz Ens em ble (Dom Moio, dir ector ), 7:30 p.m. Mon., 7:30-10 p.m. Fri., $10, $5 students, BYOB, The Nash, 110 E. Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85004, thenash.org, jazzinaz.org, 602-795-0464.

San Mar cos Cr ow ne Plaza Res or t, 1 San Marcos Place, Chandler, 480812-0900, SanMarcosResort.com: AJ's Restaurant: , 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Sun. brunch; Joe Hopkins Trio; 6-9 p.m. Sat., Laurie Fagen-vocals, Charles Lew is-keys, Jan. 19; Vandal-Hancock Duo (Matt Vandal-Devon Hancockguitars), Jan. 26, Feb. 23. Studio Vino, 1825 E. Guadalupe, Tempe 85283 Suite 105, 480-897-1800, Krystal Clarke-vocals, David Bernstein-guitar, 7-9:30 p.m. Wed. CLOSED War r en's Jazz Bis tr o, 1451 E. Williams Field Road, Gilbert 85295, 480-899-5299. Xtr em e Bean Coffee Shop, SW corner Southern & McClintock, Tempe, 480-820-0333, 7-10 p.m. Mon., Jack Wells & Friends (ragtime, boogie, standards, jam-singers/seniors w elcome).

Mar ch 5, Moio Br other s (Bill-guitar , Dom -dr um s ), 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tues., Musicians Union Hall, 1202 E. Oak St., Phoenix 85006, 602-254-8838; free to union members, $5 nonmembers, $3 students, free for children under 12, part of monthly series celebrating 100th anniversary of Phoenix Federation of Musicians Local 586 AFM; soft drinks-snacks on sale or BYOB; food/w ine/beer/spirits available at Tuck Shop, 2245 N. 12th St., Phoenix 85006, 602-354-2980. Mar ch 6, Young Sounds of Ar izona (big bands ): Coffee at Kerr, 9:30 a.m. Wed., free, RSVP requested, ASU Kerr Cultural Center, 6110 N. Scottsdale Road (w est off Rose Lane), Scottsdale, 480-596-2660, jazzinaz.org or asukerr.com. ** Mar ch 6, Char les Lew is Quar tet + Alice Tatum -vocals , 7:30 p.m. Wed., $24, $29reserved, ASU Kerr Cultural Center, 6110 N. Scottsdale Road (w est off Rose Lane), Scottsdale, 480-596-2660, jazzinaz.org or asukerr.com.

Mar ch 8, Wynton Mar s alis & Jazz at Lincoln Center Or ches tr a, 8 p.m. Fri., $50, $60, $76, Mesa Arts Center, 1 N. Center St., Mesa, 480-644-6500. Mar ch 8, "A Night in the '40s ": WWII m us ical, big band dance, 4-10 p.m. Sat, (dance 7-10 p.m.), Commemorative Air Force Aircraft Museum @ Falcon Field, Mesa, $30 until Dec. 31, $40 at door, all ages, 480-924-1940, bigbanddance.com Mar ch 9, Kar r in Allys on Quar tet w ith Scotts dale Com m unity College Jazz Or ches tr a, 7:30 p.m. Sat., Main Stage, Tempe Center for the Arts, 700 W. Rio Salado Pkw y, Tempe, 480-350-2822, lakeshoremusic.org Mar ch 15-17, Patti Aus tin Sings Ella & Duk e+ Phoenix Sym phony Or ches tr a, 8 p.m. Fri-Sat., 2 p.m. Sun., Phoenix Symphony Hall, 75 N. Second Street, Phoenix 85004, 602-262-6225. Mar ch 23, Dom inick Far inacci Quar tet, 7:30 p.m. Sat., Studio, Tempe Center for the Arts, 700 W. Rio Salado Pkw y, Tempe, 480-350-2822, lakeshoremusic.org ** Apr il 3, Fr ed For ney's Ar izona Jazz Mas ter w or k s Or ches tr a + Hope Mor gan-vocals , 7:30 p.m. Wed., $24, $29-reserved, ASU Kerr Cultural Center, 6110 N. Scottsdale Road (w est off Rose Lane), Scottsdale, 480-5962660, jazzinaz.org or asukerr.com. Apr il 5-6, Highland/ASU Jazz Fes tival, w / Byr on Str ipling, ASU Concer t Jazz Band, ASU Jazz Faculty (Michael Kocour , dir ector ), all day Fri.-Sat., Highland High School, 4301 E. Guadalupe Road, Gilbert 85234, 480-8130051,.highlandjazz.com


Compiled for Jazz in AZ by Patricia Myers, psmyers1@cox.net (Bookings are subject to change; call to confirm) FLAGSTAFF Wine Loft, 17 N. San Francisco St. #2A, Flagstaff 86001, 928-773-9463: ZAZU (Lake Aurich-Larry Czarnecki-guitars, Steve Douglas-bass), 8-11 p.m. third Tues. ​SEDONA Dahl & DiLuca Res taur ant, 2321 W. Hw y 89A, Sedona, 928-282-5219: Les Czimber-piano, 7-10 p.m. Fri.-Sat (+ Jerome Salazar-bass-Fri., Chad Cole-bass-Sat.); Steve Sandner-piano-vocals, 7-10 p.m. Tues.-Wed.-Thurs. (restarting Feb. 12). Des er t Flour Bak er y Bis tr o, 6646 State Route 179, Sedona, 928-2844633, Rosemary Chavez-vocals, Frankie Chavez-drums, David Vincent Mills-piano, Haizen Page-sax,6-8:30 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 7, 21. Mar k etplace Café, 6645 SR179, Outlet Mall, Sedona, 928-2845478,pcsedona.com: , Sat. Feb. 2, Thurs. Feb. 14. Reds @ Sedona Rouge Hotel & Spa, 2250 W. SR 89A, West Sedona, 928-203-4111, Rosemary Chavez-vocals-keys, 6-9 p.m. Sat. Jan. 26. Sedona Hilton (lounge), 90 Ridge Trail, Sedona 86351, Steve Sandnerpiano-vocals, 5:30-8:30 p.m. (restarting Feb. 23) TUCSON Bluefin, 7053 N. Oracle Rd. Tucson, 85704, George How ard Duo, 7-10 p.m. Fri. Cus hing Str eet Bar and Res taur ant, 198 W. Cushing St., Tucson 85701, 520-622-7984. Cushing Jazz Quartet (Jeff Lew is-sax, Ed Delucia-guitar, Rob Boone-piano, Jack Wood-bass), 7:30-10:30 p.m. Sat. Café Pas s é, 415 N. Fourth Ave., Tucson 85705, 520-624-4411, Glen Gross Quartet (Gross-trumpet-flugelhorn, Malik Alkabir-tenor sax, John Einw eckkeyboards, Lali Smith-vocals, Roscoe Freund-drums), 7-10 p.m. Wed.; Jeff Grubic-sax, Naïm Amor-guitar, 8-10 p.m. Thurs. Fir e + Spice @ Sher aton Tucs on, 5151 East Grant Rd., Tucson, 520-3236262, Arizona Roadrunners, 6-9 p.m. Tues. Kingfis her , 2564 E. Grant Road; Tucson, 520-323-7739: various, 9 p.m.midnight Sat. La Cocina @ Old Tow n Ar tis ans , 201 N. Court Avenue, Tucson 85701,

Shaw n Kebler-guitar, Collin Shook-bass, Gil Rodriquez-drums, 6:30-9 p.m. Wed. OTHER SOURCES: Jazz in AZ, JazzinAZ.org, 602-795-0464 Tucs on Jazz Society, tucsonjazzsociety.org, 520-903-1265 KJZZ, 91.5 fm radio, KJZZ.org Ar izona Clas s ic Jazz Society, 480-620-3941, azclassicjazz.org Pr es cott Jazz Sum m it, prescottjazz.com Pr es cott Jazz Society, pjsjazz.org Lindy Hop Society, savethearts.org/sw ing/ Phoenix Blues Society, phoenixblues.org AZWeek ly Magazine, azw eeklymagazine.com, free

Old Pueblo Gr ill, 60 N. Alvernon Way, Tucson, Pete Sw an-drums, Grant Cherry-piano, Scott Black-bass, trio hosts jam session, 7-10 p.m. Sat.-Sun. Sullivan's Steak hous e, 1785 E. River Rd., Tucson 85718, John Einw eck Band, 6-10 p.m. Fri.; Larry Loud-piano, 6-10 p.m. Sun. YUMA Julieanna's Patio Cafe,1951 W 25th St., Yuma: Yuma Jazz Company Quintet (Steven Hennig-tpt, Brian Carlson-saxes, Carl Posch-gtr, Jon Knudtson-bass, Brandon Coz-drums) 7 to 9 pm Fri. Feb. 1, 8, 22; 928-3171961, yumajazz.com/events.html


Village Jazz Ser ies at Yum a Palm s Regional Center , 1305 S Yuma Palms Pkw y, Yuma: Yuma Jazz Company Quintet - Feb. 21, April 25, Pete Pancrazi - Jan. 31, March 14, High School bands night - Feb. 7, April 18, Jason & Elle - Feb.14 & April 11, AWC Jazz Band & Yuma Jazz Company Trio - Feb. 28, Holly Hofmann & Mike Wofford - March 7, High Society Jazz Band (San Diego) - March 21, Border Tow n Big Band - March 28, Garrett Ortego - April 4; yumajazz.com/village/index.html

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