Being Healthy- A Good Way To Live Life! There are many problems which individuals have to face due to prevalent social economic conditions. One of the biggest problems being faced by most of the people is with regards to health concerns. The various health related issues involve stress, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. It definitely mars the human potential of working better and getting success. Many a time high blood pressure results in heart attack or clotting. Hence, it is important that it gets diagnosed, so that proper treatment can be started. The symptoms involve headache which is at times unbearable. Then there are many people who sweat profusely or have breathlessness problems. Then many individuals have to deal with irritability in their nature. However, there are many such people who don't have any such symptoms, but still are suffering from high b. p. and the worst case scenario is that there are many complications related with this disorder. The following are the complications: Heart failure - in this condition, the heart does not able to get enough blood to meet the body's needs. Hence, it gets weaker and larger. Aneurysms - in this case an abnormal bulge is formed in one of the arteries. These arteries may be that leading to heart or spleen or brain or legs or intestines.
Kidney failure - high blood pressures at times lead to kidney failure.
Heart attack - it is one of the most fatal of all complications reached due to high blood pressure.
Impairing of vision - many times this condition also leads to impairing of vision.
However, there is unlimited potential in the remedies which can be used for keeping a check on it. The following are the high blood pressure remedies, which should be followed for good health
Exercise - put this into your habit, it will help eliminate all the extra fat and make you look good and healthy.
Meditation and yoga - these strategies help to gain relief from stress and tensions. It helps to eliminate all the negativity which one has to deal with.
Diet - a good diet, with lots of vitamins, minerals and fibers will help you to maintain good health. It is also recommended to drink lots of water to cater to good health.
Quitting smoking and alcohol - smoking is definitely injurious to health, and it deteriorates your body completely. Similarly, you should try to keep a check on alcohol consumption to avoid rising of blood pressure.
The Trivedi Effect® also helps to gain relief from health ailments for the individuals; it also distresses the body and harnesses their energy. It is a natural phenomenon pioneered by Mahendra Trivedi, which is based on Energy Transmission from the Masters to the individuals.