Freelance Writers Guides – Get Paid For Freelance Writing Jobs Online Freelance writing used to be working for newspapers or magazines, but it has now expanded to the internet. A career in online freelance writing is flexible but exciting. Every day you can sit in front of your computer in comfy clothes. You can work early in the morning, late at night when your family is asleep, or all throughout the day. You work when its convenient for you. Most other jobs aren't like that. Writing jobs online is more and more becoming a viable career choice that millions of people throughout the world are pursuing. But at the same time it is true that maintaining a well living standard only by the means of freelance writing is quite difficult and for that one must be the best. Now how can you be the best when there is such a huge competition? In this context you are in the need of a just and effective freelance writing training. Again, at the same time when you are serious about becoming a freelance writer, the first thing you need to do is to fathom the direction you want to go. Well, there are indeed several profitable freelance writing gigs where you can contribute as a professional ghost writer (especially for celebs) or as a feature writer for popular magazines. However, for this there is the need of a very extensive portfolio and some very good connections to consistently land that level of gigs. Now, apart from this there also the need of apposite freelance writing course that will make you fit for this exceedingly competitive industry. What has been perceived at several times is that in the fields of feature or simple content writing for the limited amount of work always a fierce competition exists. The presence of the professionals at this juncture means you have no future. The first thing you need in order to be a freelance writer is a good English skill set. This involves knowing the rules of good punctuation, grammar and spelling. You can't be a good writer without these skills. Using spell/grammar check isn't enough - you need to have the ability to know when your spellchecker is right and when it's not. Short of obtaining a college education as an English major, there are several resources available to gain these skills at low cost. At minimum, you should read and keep handy these essential books: •
The English Grammar Handbook (2nd ed.), G. Loberger and K. Shoup (Wiley: 2009)
Essential English Grammar, P. Gucker (Dover: 1966)
Punctuation - Simplified and Applied, G. Woods (Wiley: 2006)
You can also choose to find writing work online. There are several sites where independent freelance writers can bid on jobs posted by prospective clients, who need anything from email newsletters to
professional sales copy. When you sign up at a bid site, you'll be competing with writers from various parts of the world. Most clients are looking for competent content, written in good English. You'll need to produce their content at a competitive rate. You'll also need to get used to meeting deadlines, so managing your time is a must when you have more than one assignment to work on. One thing to keep in mind is that you'll need to set yourself up as a professional in order to get paid for freelance writing work. Don't get into this thinking it's a hobby. If you want to make top money, you're going to have to be somewhat aggressive about obtaining writing gigs and regularly promote your services. If you need some help getting started, there are some excellent online resources and guides that will point you in the right direction. The Freelance Writer’s Guide to Custom Publishers: 60+ Markets to Pitch, Query, and Write Foris geared toward professional and freelance writers looking for new, lucrative markets.
About The Publisher: The Freelance Writer's Guides site offers tips and markets for freelance writers seeking writing jobs online. Find high paying markets with write for trade publications and custom publishers. This is an excellent resource for online writing jobs For more information: Website: Contact Email: