ONE BAD BREAK How a small patch of road slush on a -16 Celsius winter day led to a week of disruption and a $25,000 repair bill.
The Town of Rocky Mountain House maintains 105 kilometres of water and sewer lines. These pipes bring water to your taps and take it away again after you flush. Despite regular maintenance and rehabilitation programs, sometimes a pipe fails. That's what happened in late February at the intersection of 60 St. and Hwy 11A. Doug Fraser, Water/Sewer Supervisor, explains: “It started innocently enough. Someone who knows us phoned in that water was leaking out of the ground. Not much to look at, is it? But it would go on to be one of the more technical, high risk water main repairs we’ve completed. “The problem was the location. A modern town is much like the human body, a maze of vessels, tubes, wires, pipes, and conduits that bring us all the utilities we depend on so much. Extending that analogy, in a very real way, we were doing surgery on the neck of the town."