2006 Learning Community Conference Brochure

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Conference Notes:

Welcome to the 2006 Learning Community Conference The Learning Community Conference serves as a wonderful opportunity for educators to share their professional development, research, and continuous improvement effort for students, schools, and districts. The EDL Department Faculty and Graduate Students welcome you to the conference!

Conference Information

• Continuing Education Unit Certificates are available for any educators attending the conference. Please pick up certificates at the registration table. • Masters student portfolios will be on display from 3:15-4:15 in the ballroom located on the lower level of the conference center. • Portfolios should be picked up between 4:15-5:00pm. • Extra handouts from the conference sessions will be available in the ballroom. If you would like to receive handouts from a particular session and were unable to do so, please email the presenter. • IL 214 will be available as a presenter storage and preparation room. • The Barnes and Noble Bookstore is open from 10:00am-4:00pm today.

Conference Schedule 7:30-8:00 am Check-in/registration at the SMSU Conference Center. Continental breakfast served. 8:00-8:15 am Conference opening and announcements at the SMSU Conference Center. 8:30-11:15 am Conference presentations in Charter Hall (CH), Bellows Academic (BA), and Individualized Learning (IL). 11:20-1:00 pm Lunch in the SMSU Conference Center and the Deadre Stanton presentation, “Don’t Shoot Skinny Rabbits.” 1:15-3:00 pm Conference presentations in Charter Hall (CH), Bellows Academic (BA), and Individualized Learning (IL). 3:15-4:15 pm Portfolios on display in the conference center ballroom.

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Morning Presentation Schedule Session 1

Session 2

Session 3




BA 234

6 + 1 Trait Writing (#7)

Time Management and Organization (#32)

Student Portfolios (#38)

IL 208

Understanding Access and Opportunity to Higher Education (#49)

Improving Teacher/Parent Communication Through the Use of a Team Notebook (#19)

No Presentation

BA 240

Implementing Academic Athletic Learning Community (#51)

How Using Outdoor Science Education in the Elementary School Motivates Students to Learn Science (#54)

Making Math Manipulative (#4)

BA 238

Applying Cooperative Learning to Your Classroom (#70)

Brain Based Learning Techniques (#35)

Student Self-grading in Physical Education (#59)

BA 236

Brain Stimulating Movement (#21)

Rewards in the Upper Elementary Classroom (#22)

Can Ambidextrous Activities Improve Classroom Performance? (#36)

BA 235

Action and Variety for Middle School Math (#6)

On the Write Track (#8)

Differentiation to Improve Reading Comprehension (#9)

IL 212

The Power of Portfolios (#64)

Changing Young Lives through Character Education (#25)

Are You Kidding? Journal Writing in a Math Classroom (#71)

BA 233

“Preach What You Practice” (#58)

Elementary Math Problem Solving Strategies: How Do They Affect Your Students Understanding of Math? (#5)

T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) The School to Home Communication Link (#26)

BA 232

No Presentation

The Math Curriculum Battle: Mathematics vs. Core-Plus (#68)

Caution: Writers in Progress – Getting Students Interested in Writing (#65)

CH 219

Nature vs. Nurture ~ Can You Really Teach Character? (#28)

Launching Literature Circles (#63)

Get Moving! Incorporating Active Learning in the Classroom (#14)

CH 222

Who’s The Boss? Supervising Paraprofessionals (#60)

Character? What Does Character Have To Do With Junior High Students? (#39)

How Do You Form Student Groups? Group Composition Does Make A Difference! (#46)

CH 224

Students Teaching Students: How Peer Tutoring Affects Minnesota Graduation Standards Math Test Scores. (#1)

Math. To Be (Stressed Out) or Not To Be (Stressed Out) (#27)

Constructivism in Science: Does it Really Matter? (#45)

Inquiry-based Teaching in a Middle School Science Classroom (#55)

Promoting Integration through Intergenerational Dialogues (#10)

Instructional Assessment: Connecting Assessment to the Middle School Mathematics Curriculum (#3)

CH 208

No Presentation

Differentiated Instruction (#30)

Hispanic Families and Schools: Building Bridges; Building Relationships (#12)

CH 206

Homework Help Websites and Their Affect on an AP Calculus Class (#69)

Developing Oral Proficiency in the Foreign Language Classroom (#11)

Retention Rates Among Today’s College Student Athletes (#61)

CH 204

Good Kids Without Goodies: Is it Possible? (#15)

Improving Communication by Creating a Middle School Team (#40)

Classroom Community Building (#16)

Room Number

CH 225/226

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Intended Audience: MS/HS Math Teachers Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: Becky Rahm Grade level/content: HS Math School district: Luverne Email: b.rahm@isd2184.net #70 BA 238 8:30am Applying Cooperative Learning to Your Classroom

#71 IL 212 10:30am Are you kidding? Journal Writing in a Math Classroom Description: Do you find your math students doing the work but not really thinking about the meaning of what they are doing? See the results one high school math teacher found when using journal writing. Leave with practical applications and ideas of how to use journal writing in your classroom. Intended Audience: 7-12 Math Teachers (Could include K-6) Learning Community: Cambridge Presenter: Jim Poppen Grade level/content: 9-12 Math School District: Cambridge-Isanti Schools Email: poppen@cambridge.k12.mn.us

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Session 4

Session 5



BA 234

Engaging Students in Flexible Groups During Language Arts (#18)

Assessing College Readiness and Predictors of Success (#50) ch 102 computer lab

IL 208

Cooperative Project Based Learning in Junior High Social Studies (#56)

Graphic Organizers in the Elementary Classroom (#34)

BA 240

Parents as Partners (#20)

Using Favorite Children’s Literature to Enhance Social Skills Development in Children (#17)

BA 238

Impact of Character Education on Student Behavior Development (#33)

How Will the Use of Self-assessment Strategies Affect Participation in a Sophomore Physical Education Course? (#48)

BA 236

It’s Portfolio Time! (#23)

Activities to Enhance Brain Stimulation in the Classroom (#24)

BA 235

Are You Teaching to the Middle? Differentiate Your Instruction! (#53)

Tapping Into the Minds of Our Students (#37)

IL 212

The Power of Choice (#52)

No Presentation

BA 233

No Presentation

No Presentation

BA 232

“Do You Want Fries With That?” How Student Choice In School Lunch Impacts Education (#44)

No Presentation

CH 219

Motivating Math Students through Choice Time Activities (#2)

Math—Who Needs it Anyway? (#67)

CH 222

Extracurricular Involvement and Grades: A Match Made in Heaven School (#42)

Am I the Only Teacher in the Room? (Peer Teaching) (#66)

CH 224

Reluctant Readers: Motivating the “Unmotivatable” (#62)

Take Control!!! Modify Student Behavior Using Self-assessments and Weekly Journals (#43)

Stretch Your Thinking (#47)

From Drab to Fab. Altering Your Classroom Environment To Benefit Students (#31)

CH 208

Emotional Intelligence Training and Asset Development for Middle School Students (#41)

No Presentation

CH 206

What Are You Going to Fill Your Bucket With? (#29)

Working With Learning Profiles and Differentiation in the Spanish Classroom (#13)

CH 204

No Presentation

No Presentation

Room Number

CH 225/226

3:15 -4:15

Portfolios on display in the Ballroom

Description: This session will focus on creating a cooperative learning environment and applying strategies to your classroom. Participants will gain activities that can be utilized and tailored to create a cooperative learning environment for your needs. Intended Audience: All Educators Learning Community: Virginia Presenters: Luke Adam and Josh Lamppa Grade level/content: High school math and science School district: Nashwauk-Keewatin Email: luke_adam@mail.nashwauk.k12.mn.us josh_lamppa@mail.nashwauk.k12.mn.us

Afternoon Presentation Schedule

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Table of Contents Elementary & Middle School Math Elementary Language Arts/Reading Foreign Language/Cultural Interest General Interest-Elementary & Pre-K General Interest-K-12 General Interest-Middle School General Interest-Secondary Middle School Science/Social Music Education Physical Education & Special Education Post Secondary & College Prep Secondary Language Arts Secondary Math & Science

6-7 7 7-8 8-10 11-13 13-14 14-16 16 16 17 17-18 18-19 19-20

Elementary & Middle School Math #1 CH 224 8:30am Students Teaching Students: How Peer Tutoring Affects Minnesota Graduation Standards Math Test Scores. Description: The presentation will cover the benefits and challenges of peer tutoring when preparing for the Minnesota Graduation Standards Math test in a multi-age, multi-ability, alternative setting. Intended Audience: Middle level math teachers. Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Doug Rossum Grade level/content: Middle level mathematics School district: Willmar Public Schools Email: rossumd@willmar.k12.mn.us #2 CH 219 1:15pm Motivating Math Students Through Choice Time Activities Description: Will the implementation of differentiated instructional strategies affect student attitude and performance in a 4th grade math class? Participants will leave with a model of how to develop and use a bingo board and other choice time activities in their classroom. Intended Audience: K-8 Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Jessica Leibfried Grade level/content: K-4 Math School district: Reede Gray Elementary, RWF Email: jleibfried@redwood.mntm.org Page 6

#3 CH 225 10:30am Instructional Assessment: Connecting Assessment to the Middle School Mathematics Curriculum Description: What do they know? What can they do? Where to begin? When are they through? Is it time for re-teaching or on to something new? This study attempts to measure the effectiveness of using formative quizzes to drive instruction. There may be a handout! Intended Audience: Middle school math teachers Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: Vicki Wood Grade level/content: 7th Grade Math School district: Tri-Valley School in Colton, SD Email: Vicki.wood@k12.sd.ud #4 Making Math Manipulative

BA 240 10:30am

Description: This presentation will give helpful hints for integrating manipulatives into an early elementary math curriculum. Specific tools and supporting research will be provided for participants to implement into their classroom to enhance math lessons and improve on-task behavior. Intended Audience: K-4th grade math teachers Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Jacque Horvat Grade level/content: 3rd Grade School district: St. Louis County Email: jhorvat@isd2142.k12.mn.us #5 BA 233 9:30am Elementary Math Problem Solving Strategies: How Do They Affect Your Students’ Understanding of Math? Description: Do you want to know how using different problem solving strategies in the classroom can help your students better understand math? This presentation will show you how and have you experience problem solving strategies that you can implement in your classroom. Intended Audience: K-8 math teachers Learning Community: Cambridge Presenters: Mike Lundeen and Corey Greninger Grade level/content: 4th grade math School district: Milaca Public Schools Email: Mike.Lundeen@milaca.k12.mn.us; Corey.Greninger@milaca.k12.mn.us

Grade level/content: 10th grade English/ Language Arts School District: Cambridge-Isanti Email: nserie@cambridge.k12.mn.us

Presenter: Brady DeBaere Grade level/ content: 7-12 grade math School district: Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg Email: b_debaere@hotmail.com

#65 BA 232 10:30am Caution: Writers in Progress – Getting Students Interested in Writing

#67 Ch 219 2:15pm Math-Who Needs it Anyway?

Description: Explore the power of a writing workshop and getting middle school students interested in writing. This project was introduced using Nancie Atwell’s model from her book In the Middle. The presenter will share ideas and helpful insight for fostering a love of writing. Intended Audience: Language Arts instructors Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Stephanie Lundberg Grade level/content: 7th & 8th Language Arts School district: Lakeview Email: stephanielundberg@lakeview2167.com

Secondary Math & Science #45 CH 224 10:30am Constructivism in Science: Does it Really Matter? Description: Constructivism was put to the test against a traditional as well as a hybrid approach in a junior high school science classroom. This session will present the surprising results of a four week investigation on space travel. Intended Audience: 7-12 educators Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: John Kuznik Grade level/content: 7-12 Science Education School District: Willmar Public Schools Email: kuznikj@willmar.k12.mn.us #66 Ch 222 2:15pm Am I the Only Teacher in the Room? (Peer Teaching) Description: This presentation will show that peer teaching can be used, within a mathematics classroom, to enhance student learning and to increase their excitement for math. Intended Audience: 7-12 grade teachers Learning Community: Willmar

Description: How will the implementation of a community based mathematics program affect student attitude and performance in a math skills class? Participants will leave with a model of how to start the process for possible implementation in their district. Intended Audience: Secondary Math Teachers, Administrators, & Curriculum Directors Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Brian Leibfried Grade level/content: High School Math School district: Redwood Valley High School Email: bleibfried@redwood.mntm.org #68 BA 232 9:30am The Math Curriculum Battle: Mathematics vs. Core-Plus Description: This presentation is based on the continuing debate over the integrated mathematics curriculum. I will shed some light on the curriculum and how well it prepares students for college level mathematics using both previous research and local data to answer these questions. Intended Audience: Math teachers and administrators Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Daniel Hoffman Grade level/content: Grades 9-12 Mathematics School District: Lakeview I.S.D 2167 Email: danielhoffman@lakeview2167.com #69 CH 206 8:30am Homework Help Websites and Their Affect on an AP Calculus Class Description: This session will focus on how the implementation of homework help websites, particularly Hotmath.com, affected students’ homework completion and understanding in an Advanced Placement Calculus course. A list of my favorite Internet resources will be shared. Also come with some of your favorites to share. Page 19

Intended Audience: K-12 & College Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Steve Crittenden Grade level/content: College Student Services School district: Vermilion Community College, Northeast Higher Education District Email: s.crittenden@vcc.edu #51 BA 240 8:30am Implementing Academic Athletic Learning Community Description: This presentation will help you organize and implement the different stages of an athletic learning community with high school and college athletes. We will look at study habits, character, community volunteering, time management, and behavior on and off campus. Intended Audience: Grade 10 /college Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Keith Turner Grade level/content: 10-college School district: Vermilion Community College Email: k.turner@vcc.edu #61 CH 206 10:30am Retention Rates Among Today’s College Student Athletes Description: A research study to determine why collegiate student athletes don’t access academic services at the same rate as general college students, and potential strategies to help increase student athlete retention and graduation rates. Intended Audience: Community College faculty and staff Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: Julie Stevenson Grade level/content: Community College – Political Science School District: Minnesota West Community & Technical College Email: julie.stevenson@mnwest.edu

Secondary Language Arts #62 CH 224 1:15pm Reluctant Readers: Motivating the “Unmotivatable” Description: This presentation will examine who reluctant readers are and why they are not reading. Classroom libraries and literacy activities will be discussed as well as how they affected reluctant readers. Folders will be distributed with useful reading activities that you can implement immediately into your classroom Intended Audience: 7-12 English teachers Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Carrie Larson Grade level/content: 9th grade/classroom libraries and literacy activities School district: Litchfield High School Email: carrie_larson@litchfield.k12.mn.us #63 CH 219 9:30am Launching Literature Circles Description: Find out how literature circles can really get your students reading and discussing literature-even those students who don’t seem to enjoy reading! Learn about activities to get you started even if you are nervous or “underfunded.” Intended Audience: 7-12 Language Arts Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Laura Viaene Grade level/content: 8th Grade Language Arts School district: Willmar Email: viaenel@willmar.k12.mn.us #64 The Power of Portfolios

IL 212 8:30am

Description: This presentation is for the beginning portfolio user as it focuses on the writing portfolio as a tool for improving student writing and reflection, allowing for more student choice, and setting goals. Intended Audience: High School Language Arts Learning Community: Cambridge Presenter: Nikki Serie Page 18

#6 BA 235 8:30am Action and Variety for Middle School Math Description: Do you use lecture and tests to teach and assess math students? Alternative assessments provide a much needed change for both students and educators. Examples and teaching ideas will be shared, through the presentation and handouts, to incorporate alternative assessment ideas into a mathematics classroom. Intended Audience: Middle school math Learning Community: Cambridge Presenter: Kristin Unverzagt Grade level/content: 7th grade mathematics School district: North Branch Email: kunverza@northbranch.k12.mn.us; kdunver@ecenet.com

Elementary Language Arts/Reading #7 6 + 1 Trait Writing

Description: Look at your students’ reading comprehension. Is there more you should do to improve their scores? Differentiating how you teach the lesson, teach assignments, or do projects can help your students’ reading comprehension improve. Receive ideas and handouts on how to implement Reading Differentiation. Intended Audience: 4-6 classroom teachers Learning Community: Cambridge Presenter: Holly McWilliams Grade level/content: 5th Grade School district: North Branch Email: hmcwilli@northbranch.k12.mn.us

Foreign Language & Cultural Interest

BA 234 8:30am

Description: An introduction to the 6+1 Traits of Writing, the scoring rubrics and ideas for implementation in your classroom. Ideas on how to use children’s literature to get kids excited about writing. Intended Audience: Upper elementary Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Natalie Belt Grade level/content: 4, 5, 6 writing School district: ISD 2154 Email: nbelt@isd2154.k12.mn.us #8 On the Write Track

#9 BA 235 10:30am Differentiation to Improve Reading Comprehension

BA 235 9:30am

Description: Do your students struggle with writing? Get them on track by incorporating the Six Traits of Writing into your curriculum. Take home practical ideas to help motivate your students and bring their writing to the next level. Intended Audience: 3-5 grade writing teachers Learning Community: Cambridge Presenter: Chris Jahnz Grade level/content: 1-6 Language Arts School district: Pine City Elementary Email: cjahnz@pinecity.k12.mn.us

#10 CH 225 9:30am Promoting Integration through Intergenerational Dialogues Description: Many communities are experiencing rapidly changing demographics. Come and hear how an Intergenerational Dialogue may be implemented to address integration issues. You will learn about the Intergenerational Dialogue process and why it is a very powerful and effective strategy in addressing challenging community-wide issues including integration. Intended Audience: Anyone interested in cultural integration or other broad-based community issues. Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: Sharon Johnson School District: Nobles County Integration Collaborative (6 school districts) Email: Sharon.Johnson@isd518.net

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#11 CH 206 9:30am Developing Oral Proficiency in the Foreign Language Classroom. Description: Have you ever wondered why your students experience success in reading, writing, and listening abilities, but struggle verbally? This presentation will examine how speaking activities have impacted students while improving self confidence. If you want to get them talking, this is the presentation for you! Intended Audience: Foreign Language Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: Lori Gladis Grade level/content: Spanish School district: Luverne Public Schools Email: l.gladis@isd2184.net #12 CH 208 10:30am Hispanic Families and Schools: Building Bridges; Building Relationships. Description: This presentation will describe different strategies used to help Hispanic parents develop better relationships with the schools and how their childrens’ education was impacted. It will show how Spanish is the key in making connections between Hispanic families and schools. Intended Audience: K-12 Educators Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: Leonor May Ehuan Grade level/content: K-12 School district: Fairmont K-12 Email: mayehuan@yahoo.com #13 CH 206 2:15pm Working With Learning Profiles and Differentiation in the Spanish Classroom. Description: How does assessing and utilizing the learning profiles and multiple intelligences of your students impact their learning? Specific areas addressed are building vocabulary, listening and reading skills through differentiated instruction. Also included are ideas for on-going and alternative assessments. Intended Audience: High School Foreign Language Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: Jennifer Hamernick Grade level/content: Spanish 1-3, High School School district: Murray County Central Email: jennifer_hamernick@mcc.mntm.org Page 8

General Interest - Elementary & Pre-K #2 CH 219 1:15pm Motivating Math Students Through Choice Time Activities Description: Will the implementation of differentiated instructional strategies affect student attitude and performance in a 4th grade math class? Participants will leave with a model of how to develop and use a bingo board and other choice time activities in their classroom. Intended Audience: K-8 Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Jessica Leibfried Grade level/content: K-4 Math School district: Reede Gray Elementary, Redwood Email: jleibfried@redwood.mntm.org #14 CH 219 10:30am Get Moving! Incorporating Active Learning in the Classroom Description: How does active learning improve student performance and attitude? If you have ever asked yourself this question, then this is the session for you. Participants will leave this session with strategies to incorporate active learning into any classroom setting. Intended Audience: K-8 Educators Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Camille Graven Grade level/content: Second Grade Math School district: Austin Public Schools Email: cgraven@austin.k12.mn.us #15 CH 204 8:30am Good Kids Without Goodies: Is it Possible? Description: How does the use of extrinsic rewards affect motivation and attitudes among students? Are treats and prizes best for students? Come see how you can use this knowledge in your classroom! Intended Audience: K-6 teachers Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: Laurie Varley Grade level/content: Title 1 Math School district: Adrian Email: lvarley@adrianschool.com

Physical Education & Special Education #48 BA 238 2:15pm How Will the Use of Self-Assessment Strategies Affect Participation in a Sophomore Physical Education Course? Description: The presentation will share how you can implement self-assessment strategies. Varied assessments will be presented and discussed. Walk away with readied assessments at your finger tips. Intended Audience: Secondary Educators Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Tim Malone Grade level/content: 10th Grade PE School district: Braham Area High School Email: tmmalone@ecenet.com #59 BA 238 10:30am Student Self-grading in Physical Education Description: This presentation will discuss the impact of student self-grading on motivation, skill development and attitude as it applies to a physical education classroom. Assessment strategies and student examples will be presented. Intended Audience: Secondary PE Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Kyle Thoreson Grade level/content: 9th grade physical education School district: ISD 2154 Email: kthoreson@isd2154.k12.mn.us #60 CH 222 8:30am Who’s The Boss? Supervising Paraprofessionals. Description: Meet the challenge and responsibility of being the boss. Learn about ways to organize your classroom to best utilize paraprofessionals. Intended Audience: Special education teachers, classroom teachers that work with paraprofessionals. Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Lisa Manska Grade level/content: 5th and 6th grade special education School District: Benson Elementary School Email: lmenden@benson.k12.mn.us

Post Secondary & College Prep #38 Student Portfolios

BA 234 10:30am

Description: Need a project idea to get students interested in your class? Student Portfolios are a great way to spark interest for any student. Learn about different types, styles and ways for students to do exciting portfolios. Intended Audience: Grades 4 through college Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Mike Summers Grade level/content: College - Computer Networking School district: Mesabi Range College Email: m.summers@mr.mnscu.edu #49 IL 208 8:30am Understanding Access and Opportunity to Higher Education Description: TRIO Student Support Services is a federally-funded program to assist students in their transition to college and persistence toward academic achievement. This presentation will provide insight into the barriers students face toward meeting these goals and the types of support available to them at the post-secondary level. Intended Audience: Those working with students considering higher education. Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Annette Horvat Grade level/content: 10 - collegiate School district: Northeast Higher Education District, Vermilion Community College Email: a.horvat@vcc.edu #50 BA 234 2:15pm Assessing College Readiness and Predictors of Success Description: A comprehensive look at the academic skills needed to be college ready and the predictors of success of new incoming college freshman. English, Reading, and Math proficiencies will be examined along with the probability of predicting success through high school courses completed, ACT, and assessment scores.

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#53 BA 235 1:15pm Are You Teaching to the Middle? Differentiate Your Instruction! Description: This presentation will teach you how to implement differentiated instruction strategies into your classroom to enhance student learning and achievement. You will leave with ideas for activities and handouts that will get you started incorporating differentiated instruction in your classroom today. Intended Audience: 7-12 Teachers interested in Differentiated Instruction Learning Community: Cambridge Presenter: Wendy Frank Grade level/content: 7th Grade Science School district: North Branch Email: wfrank@northbranch.k12.mn.us

Middle School Science & Social #54 BA 240 9:30am How Using Outdoor Science Education in the Elementary School Motivates Students to Learn Science Compared to the Traditional Classroom Description: Outdoor education can motivate students to learn much more compared to the traditional science classroom. During the presentation you will be actively involved in real hands-on outdoor science lessons that you can use when planning outdoor activities with your own class. This session will also cover helpful hints on what to do and not to do with students outdoors. Intended Audience: K-8 science Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Chris Lysaker Grade level/content: 5th-6th grade science School district: Nashwauk-Keewatin Email: cjlysaker@hotmail.com #55 CH 225 8:30am Inquiry-based Teaching in a Middle School Science Classroom Description: Have you been ruminating over using more inquiry-based strategies in your science classroom? Come hear the tale of an inquiry neophyte’s evolutionary journey through Page 16

the matrix of inquiry education. Remember it is inquiry, not all the answers will be provided. Intended Audience: Those interested in inquirybased teaching in science. Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: Tim Doeden Grade level/content: 7th grade Life Science School district: Worthington Email: tim.doeden@isd518.net #56 IL 208 1:15pm Cooperative Project Based Learning in Junior High Social Studies Description: This presentation explores the effects of cooperative project based learning on motivation and achievement. Strategies for implementation and examples of student work will be discussed. Participants will leave with ideas on how they can use group projects to meet class objectives. Intended Audience: Middle school social studies Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Will Kleppe Grade level/content: Junior high, Minnesota and American history School district: ISD 2142 Email: wkleppe@isd2142.k12.mn.us

Music Education #58 BA 223 8:30am “Preach What You Practice” Description: All instrumental music teachers want their students to practice for their lessons, yet many neglect to teach their students how to practice, or more importantly how to practice effectively. The use of practice plans as a means of teaching effective practice strategies is the subject of this presentation. Intended Audience: Music Educators Learning Community: Cambridge Presenter: Kathleen Johnson Grade level/content: All Instrumental music School district: Cathedral/John XXIII, St. Cloud Email: kjohnson@chsj23.org

#16 CH 204 10:30am Classroom Community Building Description: Is there room for improvement of the social structure of your classroom or school? Easily implemented, Morning Meeting creates a time for lifelong social skills instruction and classroom community building. Come and see what it can do for you! Intended Audience: K-8 Homeroom Teachers Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: Laurie Dahlquist Grade level/content: Kindergarten School district: Adrian Public Schools Email: ldahlquist@adrianschool.com #17 BA 240 2:15pm Using Favorite Children’s Literature to Enhance Social Skills Development in Children Description: Exploring popular children’s books, you will leave with practical and effective activities and ideas to promote social skills development in your classroom. Intended Audience: Pre-K-Third Grade Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Molly Wiedenhoft Grade level/content: Early Fives and Kindergarten School district: Mesabi East Email: mwiedenh@mesabieast.k12.mn.us #18 BA 234 1:15pm Engaging Students in Flexible Groups During Language Arts Description: This presentation will demonstrate fun and meaningful ways to group and manage flexible students in an elementary language arts classroom. Hands on activities and assessments will demonstrate how using groups in your class can lead to higher academic reading and spelling skills, and instill the love and enthusiasm for reading. Intended Audience: K-2 Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Kristine Hamling Grade level/content: 1st Grade Reading and Spelling School district: Keewatin Elementary School Email: buckette4@yahoo.com

#19 IL 208 9:30am Improving Teacher/Parent Communication Through the Use of a Team Notebook Description: Have you ever wondered if the papers you send home ever leave the bottom of your students’ backpack? This presentation will focus on the benefits of using a team notebook to encourage communication between school and home. Intended Audience: K- 6th grade teachers Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Jane Scherf Grade level/content: 5th/6th grade teacher School district: St. Louis County Email: jascherf@isd2142.k12.mn.us #20 Parents as Partners

BA 240 1:15pm

Description: Increase student success through parent involvement. Learn how to communicate effectively with parents on a regular basis and where to find resources that help involve parents in academic lessons with their children that are FUN! Walk away with a bag of activities. Intended Audience: K-6 teachers, Parent Organization members Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Melissa Briski Grade level/content: Grade 1 School district: Mt. Iron-Buhl Schools Email: briskihoneybee@yahoo.com #21 BA 236 8:30am Brain Stimulating Movement Description: How does sensory stimulation improve literacy development in young children? Come and learn how brain-based activities, fine and gross motor movement, and sensory integration are all related to learning. Leave with ideas and materials to use in your early childhood classroom. Intended Audience: Pre-K, all levels Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Cathy Anderson Grade level/content: Preschool School district: Chisholm Head Start Email: cathyama@yahoo.com

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#22 BA 236 9:30am Rewards in the Upper Elementary Classroom Description: Do you have trouble motivating your students? This interactive presentation focuses on bolstering student motivation through the use of extrinsic rewards. Do students only work for the rewards, or do they learn in the process? Intended Audience: Upper Elementary Teachers Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Jeff Teasck Grade level/content: 5th Grade School district: Eveleth-Gilbert Email: jteasck@isd2154.k12.mn.us #23 It’s Portfolio Time!

BA 236 1:15pm

Description: This presentation will display the process of creating, implementing, and applying student portfolios in a Kindergarten classroom. Student portfolios display student achievement over time, ensure up to date documentation of each child’s ability level, and are a useful assessment tool at parent/teacher conferences. Intended Audience: Kindergarten/Primary Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Alicia Samson Grade level/content: Kindergarten School district: Nashwauk/Keewatin School Email: alicia_samson@mail.keewatin.k12.mn.us #24 BA 236 2:15pm Activities to Enhance Brain Stimulation in the Classroom Description: This presentation will focus on movements and activities that can be used daily to stimulate whole brain learning. Activities are based on Brain Gym and SMART/Boost-up research. The activities can be done in just a few minutes and can be used by anyone. A Make-It and Take-It session will be included in the presentation. Intended Audience: Pre-K-2nd grade Learning Community: Virginia Presenters: Cammy Newman and Casey Hallin Grade level/content: First Grade and Kindergarten School districts: Eveleth Gilbert, Mesabi East Email: cnewman@isd2154.k12.mn.us; challin@mesabieast.k12.mn.us

Page 10

#25 IL 212 9:30am Changing Young Lives Through Character Education Description: This session will highlight ideas and activities for teachers to implement in an elementary classroom to bring about discussion and focus on character education. Participants will have the opportunity to partake in some hands-on character education learning activities. Intended Audience: Elementary Teachers Learning Community: Cambridge Presenters: Heidi Jensen, Chris Lewandoski, Jerry Jensen Grade level/content: 1st-4th grade School district: Cambridge-Isanti Email: heidi_jensen@cambridge.k12.mn.us; chris_lewandoski@cambridge.k12.mn.us; jjensen@cambridge.k12.mn.us; #26 BA 233 10:30am T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) The School to Home Communication Link Description: Effective communication between school and home can reap benefits for students, parents, and teachers. This presentation will offer practical strategies for teachers to bridge a communication link with parents and families of all students. Intended Audience: K-6th Grade Classrooms Learning Community: Cambridge Presenter: Cory Anderson Grade level/content: 5th Grade School district: Milaca Public Schools Email: cory.anderson@milaca.k12.mn.us

#47 CH 225 1:15pm Stretch Your Thinking-Go Deep Description: Want to really challenge your H. S. students? Learn what critical thinking is and how to teach students to think critically. Students learn to question weak thinking. Are YOU ready for that? Scary but exciting! Intended Audience: High School Educators Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: Paul Langseth Grade level/content: 9th-adult Email: langsep@southwestmsu.edu #48 BA 238 2:15pm How Will the Use of Self-Assessment Strategies Affect Participation in a Sophomore Physical Education Course? Description: The presentation will share how you can implement self-assessment strategies. Varied assessments will be presented and discussed. Walk away with readied assessments at your fingertips. Intended Audience: Secondary Educators Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Tim Malone Grade level/content: 10th Grade PE School district: Braham Area High School Email: tmmalone@ecenet.com #49 IL 208 8:30am Understanding Access and Opportunity to Higher Education Description: TRIO Student Support Services is a federally funded program to assist students in their transition to college and persistence toward academic achievement. This presentation will provide insight into the barriers students face toward meeting these goals and the types of support available to them at the post-secondary level. Intended Audience: Those working with students considering higher education. Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Annette Horvat Grade level/content: 10 - collegiate School district: Northeast Higher Education District–Vermilion Community College Email: a.horvat@vcc.edu

#50 CH 102 Computer Lab 2:15pm Assessing College Readiness and Predictors of Success Description: A comprehensive look at the academic skills needed to be college ready and the predictors of success of new incoming college freshman. English, Reading, and Math proficiencies will be examined along with the probability of predicting success through high school courses completed, ACT, and assessment scores. Intended Audience: Elementary, Secondary, and College Educators Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Steve Crittenden Grade level/content: College Student Services School district: Vermilion Community College Email: s.crittenden@vcc.edu #51 BA 240 8:30am Implementing Academic Athletic Learning Community Description: This presentation will help you organize and implement the different stages of an athletic learning community with high school and college athletes. We will look at study habits, character, community volunteering, time management, and behavior on and off campus. Intended Audience: Grade 10-college Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Keith Turner Grade level/content: 10-college School district: Vermilion Community College Email: k.turner@vcc.edu #52 The Power of Choice

IL 212 1:15pm

Description: This seminar is two-fold: 1) It shows the benefits of giving students more choice in the classroom, and 2) It gives a list of practical ways teachers can incorporate more choice WITHOUT an overhaul of the entire curriculum. Handouts with multiple applications for the classroom are provided. Intended Audience: 7th-12th grade teachers Learning Community: Cambridge Presenter: Rachel Norby Grade level/content: 7th-12th grade English School district: Mora Email: rachel_norby@mora.k12.mn.us Page 15

Intended Audience: Middle School Teachers Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: David Blanchard Grade level/content: 6-8th grade Art. School district: Worthington Middle School Email: david.blanchard@isd518.net

General Interest - Secondary #42 CH 222 1:15pm Extracurricular Involvement and Grades: A Match Made in Heaven School Description: Is there a connection between extracurricular involvement and improved academic achievement? The results of this study may surprise you. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the relationship between participation in extracurricular activity and school. Intended Audience: Everyone interested in the importance of student involvement Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Daniel P. Leritz Grade level/content: Junior and Senior high school extracurricular involvement and academic progress School district: Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg Email: dleritz@kms.k12.mn.us #43 CH 224 2:15pm Take Control!!! Modify Student Behavior Using Self-Assessments and Weekly Journals. Description: This session presents methods for improving student focus and behavior through the use of self-assessment and journals. The research addresses how self-assessments and journals were used to address the constant challenges of a self-paced classroom. Intended Audience: Teachers grade 7-12 and Administrators Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Don Brehmer Grade level/content: 8-12 grade Industrial Technology School district: Benson High School Email: dbrehmer@benson.k12.mn.us Page 14

#44 BA 232 1:15pm “Do You Want Fries With That?” How Student Choice in School Lunch Impacts Education. Description: Students know what they should eat, and administrations know what they should provide students to eat. But what happens when each is given a choice. This session provides a glimpse of how these decisions ultimately affect childrens’ ability to learn. Intended Audience: 7-12 teachers, administrators, school boards and parents Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Jay Meiners Grade level and content: Jr. and Senior High Nutritional impact on education School district: Lakeview Email: jaymeiners@lakeview2167.com #45 CH 224 10:30am Constructivism in Science: Does it Really Matter? Description: Constructivism was put to the test against a traditional as well as a hybrid approach in a junior high school science classroom. This session will present the surprising results of a four-week investigation on space travel. Intended Audience: 7-12 teachers, administrators, school boards, and parents. Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: John Kuznik Grade level/content: 7-12 Science School District: Willmar Public Schools Email: kuznikj@willmar.k12.mn.us

General Interest - K-12 #12 CH 208 10:30am Hispanic Families and Schools: Building Bridges; Building Relationships Description: This presentation will describe different strategies used to help Hispanic parents develop better relationships with the schools and how their childrens’ education was impacted. It will show how Spanish is the key in making connections between Hispanic families and schools. Intended Audience: K-12 Educators Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: Leonor May Ehuan Grade level/content: K-12 School district: Fairmont K-12 Email: mayehuan@yahoo.com #27 Ch 224 9:30am Math. To Be (Stressed Out) or Not To Be (Stressed Out) Description: Can the classroom environment affect a student’s level of anxiety? Math is a subject that when mentioned can cause a persons level of anxiety to go up. Learn ways to change your environment to help reduce your student’s anxiety level. Intended Audience: Classroom Teachers Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Julie Pieper Grade level/content: 7th and 8th Grade Math School district: Willmar Public Schools

#46 CH 222 10:30am How Do You Form Student Groups? Group Composition Does Make a Difference!

#28 CH 219 8:30am Nature vs. Nurture ~ Can You Really Teach Character?

Description: Is there was a correlation between group configuration and student success? There’s much more to forming effective groups than simply numbering off, drawing names or picking out of a hat. Intended Audience: 7-12 teachers who use cooperative student groups Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Shannon Korman Grade level/content: 11-12 Social Studies School district: Westbrook-Walnut Grove Email: S_L_Korman@yahoo.com

Description: This session will present information pertaining to character education. Various activities will be shared and insight given on why schools should be implementing character education into their curricula. Intended Audience: K-12 educators, administrators, and education students Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Nadine Weedman Grade level/content: 5th grade -character education School district: Marshall Public Schools Email: nadine.weedman@marshall.k12.mn.us

#29 CH 206 1:15pm What Are You Going to Fill Your Bucket With? Description: What are attitudes like in your school? Do they need improvement? Come find out how to replace the buckets of negativity with buckets full of enthusiasm, and optimism. Intended Audience: Administrators and all teachers Learning Community: Worthington Presenters: Julie Runksmeier and April Johnson Grade level/content: K-6 PE/Reading, HS Business School districts: North Kossuth, Murray County Central Email: runks@bevcom.net; april_johnson@mcc.mntm.org #30 Differentiated Instruction

CH 208 9:30am

Description: Today’s classrooms contain many learners with diverse needs. This session explores the impact of differentiated instruction on student learning at both the elementary and secondary levels in terms of student choice, flexible grouping, and learning centers. Copies of the Powerpoint will be available. Intended Audience: K-12 Learning Community: Worthington Presenters: Rodd Mooney, Terry Butler, Jen Savery Grade level/content: HS English, 5th Grade Social Studies, HS Spanish School districts: Humboldt, Spirit Lake Email: rmooney@humboldt.k12.ia.us; tbutler@spirit-lake.k12.ia.us; jsavery@humboldt.k12.ia.us #31 CH 225 2:15pm From Drab To Fab: Altering Your Classroom Environment to Benefit Students Description: Are your students lethargic and unmotivated? It may not be your teaching technique, but your teaching environment. This presentation will show you how to change your classroom environment into a stimulating place of learning. Intended Audience: K-12 Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: Darcy Dahna Grade level/content: 7-12 Agriculture School district: Windom Email: darcy.dahna@windom.k12.mn.us Page 11

#32 BA 234 9:30am Time Management and Organization

#35 BA 238 9:30am Brain Based Learning Techniques

#38 Student Portfolios

Description: We can all use new ideas for effectively managing our time and slowing our life down. This presentation explores both timehonored and new techniques, many based on the work of Stephen Covey and Carl Honore. Insights into managing the work required to successfully complete your Masters program will also be shared. Intended Audience: All levels Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Dave Marshall Grade level/content: K-College School district: Vermilion Community College Email: d.marshall@vcc.edu

Description: Jazz up your teaching by using classroom techniques such as music, humor, movement, and seating variations! I will explain how these techniques were used to enhance instruction and how the overwhelming opinion of students was “this class is fun!” Intended Audience: All levels Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Deborah Miller Grade level/content: Technical college School district: Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Email: dlmiller@witc.edu

Description: Need a project idea to get students interested in your class? Student Portfolios are a great way to spark interest for any student. Learn about different types, styles and ways for students to do exciting portfolios. Intended Audience: Grades 4 through college Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Mike Summers Grade level/content: College-Computer Networking School district: Mesabi Range College Email: m.summers@mr.mnscu.edu

#33 BA 238 1:15pm Impact of Character Education on Student Behavior Development Description: What would Mr. Rogers and Captain Kangaroo say about the recent decline in student moral behavior? This presentation will provide the audience with many resources and inspiring activities they can implement in their school and classroom. Intended Audience: Teachers K-12 Learning Community: Virginia Presenters: David Lang and Marc Glowack Grade level/content: Grade 3 School districts: Mesabi East, Nashwauk-Keewatin Email: dlang@mesabieast.k12.mn.us; marc_glowack@mail.keewatin.mn.us #34 IL 208 2:15pm Graphic Organizers in the Elementary Classroom Description: This presentation will explore the types and purposes of graphic organizers and research on the effects and proper implementation into the curriculum. Participants will be instructed on how to create and modify graphic organizers for their individual classroom use. Intended Audience: Teachers K-12 Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Stace Landwer Grade level/content: Grade 3 School district: Eveleth-Gilbert Email: slandwer@isd2154.k12.mn.us Page 12

#36 BA 236 10:30am Can Ambidextrous Activities Improve Classroom Performance? Description: The activities include juggling, cup stacking, and mirror writing. Hands-on experience along with handouts will provide participants with a glimpse of many possibilities that can be adapted or modified for any classroom. Intended Audience: All Learning Community: Virginia Presenter: Dave Fazio Grade level/content: Middle School and High School, all areas School district: Cook School Email: dfazio@isd2142.k12.mn.us #37 BA 235 2:15pm Tapping Into the Minds of Our Students Description: What motivates the students of today? In this presentation you will look into the lives of middle school students in a Family and Consumer Sciences classroom and see how a teacher “tapped” into the student motivation. Intended Audience: All levels and disciplines Learning Community: Cambridge Presenter: Sara Roubinek Grade level/content: 7th and 8th grade FACS School district: North Branch Email: sroubine@northbranch.k12.mn.us

BA 234 10:30am

#70 BA 238 8:30am Applying Cooperative Learning to Your Classroom Description: This session will focus on creating a cooperative learning environment and applying strategies to your classroom. Participants will gain activities that can be utilized and tailored to create a cooperative learning environment for your needs. Intended Audience: All Educators Learning Community: Virginia Presenters: Luke Adam and Josh Lamppa Grade level/content: HS math and science School district: Nashwauk-Keewatin Email: luke_adam@mail.nashwauk.k12.mn.us; josh_lamppa@mail.nashwauk.k12.mn.us

General Interest - Middle School #39 CH 222 9:30am Character? What Does Character Have to Do With Junior High Students? Description: Teaching character education in a junior high setting may sound a little scary. Why is this important? What do our students need to learn? How do we add character lessons to an already full day? Take away the fear of character education by learning the whys, whats, and hows of teaching a character-building curriculum in a junior high school. Intended Audience: Junior high/middle school staff Learning Community: Willmar Presenter: Annette Carlson Tiffany Grade level/content: 7th & 8th character development. School district: Willmar Public Schools Email: carlsona@willmar.k12.mn.us #40 CH 204 9:30am Improving Communication by Creating a Middle School Team Description: Inspired by the need to improve communication in the middle school, this session will detail the process for creating a team and focus on the benefits and effectiveness of weekly meetings. Intended Audience: Middle School Teachers Learning Community: Worthington Presenter: Katie Mostad Grade level/content: 7th & 8th grade Social Studies School district: Adrian Public Schools Email: kmostad@adrianschool.com #41 CH 208 1:15pm Emotional Intelligence Training and Asset Development for Middle School Students Description: We will discuss ways to improve the Emotional Intelligence of middle school students by offering your students a caring adult role model, creating a constructive place and offering challenging possibilities. This presentation shares insights gained by implementing Emotional Intelligence and Asset Development theories in a middle school advisory. Page 13

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